Test - 61 - Indian Culture - Test-4
Test - 61 - Indian Culture - Test-4
Test - 61 - Indian Culture - Test-4
2. Panchayatan style refers to the five 2. The temple of Akorvat contains the
sculptures of deities being enshrined narration of Ramayan and Mahabharat
inside a single temple. on its walls.
3. Garbha Griha is the name given to the Codes:
upraised platform of the Hindu temples.
(a) Only 1
Select the correct answer using the codes (b) Only 2
given below:
(c) Both
(a) Only 1
(d) None
(b) 2 and 3
10. Which of the following statements is/are true
(c) All
about the difference between Gandhara
(d) None School of Art and Mathura School of Art?
7. Which of the following statements is/are true 1. Though Gandhara art can be attributed to
about Bhakti Movement? the all three religions of Hinduism,
1. It was led by Nayanars and Alvars who Jainism and Buddhism, Mathura art
came from all castes including those depicts only Buddhism.
considered untouchables. 2. In Gandhara art the Buddha images
2. They were sharply critical of Buddhists exhibit the spiritual feeling in his face
and Jains. which was largely absent in the Mathura
3. Bhakti Movement rejected rituals but
supported mysticsm. Codes:
Codes: (a) Only 1
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (b) Only 2
(c) Only 3 (d) All (c) Both
(d) None
8. Which of the following statements is/are true
about Sangam literature? 11. Consider the following statements about
1. It was developed at the assembly of Nataraja images:
Tamil poets under the royal patronage. 1. Chola Empire is famous for Nataraja
2. It depicts the Socio-economic history of images made of gold in which lost wax
the southern India in a detailed manner. method that was used for making these
3. The Vedic practice of Yagna, sraddha and
pinda were practised by the Sangam 2. It is also depicted as stone reliefs at the
people. Ellora Caves and the Badami Caves.
Select the correct answer using the codes Which of the above statements is/are correct?
given below: (a) Only 1
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Only 2
(b) Only 2 (c) Both
(c) All (d) None
(d) 1 and 3 12. Which of the following temples and its place
9. Which of the following statements is/are true is incorrectly matched?
about the India's contacts with Asian (a) Kailash temple - Ajanta
countries? (b) Hazara Rama temple - Hampi
1. Suvarnabhumi and Suvarnadvipa were (c) Lingaraj temple - Bhubhaneshwar
the names given to the Indo-China region
(d) Vaikunta Perumal Temple –
and Sri Lanka respectively.
13. With regards to the Chola temple architecture 1. The Akademi was the first entity to be
of Dravida style, consider the following established by a resolution of the
statements: Ministry of Education.
1. A pillared hall called vimana was a place 2. The Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards is
for performance of dances. given for visual art annually by the
2. The gopurams were the places of Akademi.
worship. 3. It gives grants-to-aid for research and
documentation in performing arts.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 Which of the above statements are correct?
(b) Only 2 (a) 2 and 3
(c) Both (b) 1 and 3
(d) None (c) 1 and 2
(d) All
14. Which of the following foreign visitor to India
and his era is correctly matched? 17. Consider the following statements related to
(a) Megasthenes - He was the ambassador of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations:
Seleucus in the court of Chandragupta 1. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Maurya. (ICCR) work as associate office under the
(b) Alberuni – He was Moroccon traveller aegis of the Ministry of Culture.
who visited India during the time of 2. ICCR focuses on the formulation and
Mohammed Bin Tughlaq. implementation of the programmes and
(c) William Hawkins - He led the first voyage policies that are deeply rooted in the
of the English East India Company to internal cultural relations of India.
India during the reign of Auranzeb. 3. It promotes India's rich cultural heritage
(d) Huien Tsang – He visited India during the overseas by sponsoring exhibitions of
reign of Vikramaditya. India's contemporary, and traditional
15. Which of the following is/are the reasons
behind the origin of Jainism and Buddhism Which of the above statements is/are correct?
during ancient period? (a) Only 1
1. Kshatriyas, who functioned as rulers, (b) Only 2
reacted strongly against the ritualistic (c) 2 and 3
domination of the Brahamanas.
(d) All
2. Use of punch marked coins which
facilitated trade and commerce and 18. Consider the following statements about
improved economic conditions of the Archaeological Survey of India:
Vaisyas. 1. The agency work as an attached office
3. Caste system became rigid and it created under the Ministry of Culture and is
inequality in the society. responsible for archaeological research.
2. It was founded in 1861 by Lord Canning.
3. It does conservation and preservation of
(a) 1 and 2
ancient mounds alongwith some
(b) Only 1 international monuments.
(c) 2 and 3
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(d) All
(a) 1 and 3
16. With respect to Sangeet Natak Akademi (b) Only 2
consider the following statements:
(c) 2 and 3
(d) All
19. Recently Hindu New Year was celebrated. 2. Central and State governments will meet
Which of the following pair(s) related to it the expenditure under the scheme on
is/are correct? sharing basis.
1. Odia : Maha Sankranti 3. One Heritage site will be developed in
2. Assamese : Rangali Bihu every State under the scheme.
3. Kannadigas : Baisakhi Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
(a) Only 1
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 2
(b) Only 2
(c) 2 and 3
(c) Only 3
(d) All
(d) All
23. Consider the following statements regarding
20. With respect to the Hindustani music,
the national calendar:
consider the following statements:
1. National calendar is based on Saka era.
1. Dhrupad is related with effort from vocal
chords and lungs. 2. It was adopted from March 22, 1957.
2. Dhamar is the play of Krishna during 3. National Calendar is started with January
holy. as its first month.
3. Thumri is the religious devotional songs. Which of the above statements are correct?
Which of the above statements is/are (a) 1 and 3
incorrect? (b) 1 and 2
(a) Only 1 (c) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 2 (d) None
(c) Only 3 24. Which of the following is/are the special
(d) None feature(s) of the Tughlaq Architecture?
21. Which of the following mentioned sites are 1. Sloping walls i.e barter.
recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites? 2. Combining arch with lintel & beam.
1. Valley of Flowers National Park. 3. Cutting the garden into four squares.
2. Churches and Convents of Goa. Codes:
3. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary. (a) 1 and 2
4. Rani-ki-Vav in Gujarat. (b) Only 2
Codes: (c) Only 3
(a) 1 and 4 (d) All
(b) 1, 2 and 3 25. Which of the following statement is correct
(c) 1, 2 and 4 related to the Pietra Dura?
(d) All (a) These are the running water channels in
the Mughal gardens.
22. Which of the following statements is/are
correct regarding 'Heritage City Development (b) These are the half dome style of Mughal
and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)'? architecture.
1. It aims to preserve and rejuvenate the (c) These are the floral designs made of
rich cultural heritage of the country. semi-precious stones on walls.
(d) These are the four pillars at four corners
style used in Mughal architectures.
the nagara temple, the dravida temple is around the 6th-century. Around the 10th
enclosed within a compound wall. The front century, it emerged in Tamil Nadu in its
wall has an entrance gateway in its centre, mature and best-known expression in Chola
which is known as a gopuram. bronzes.
Ans. 7. (d) Ans. 12. (a)
Exp: The seventh to ninth centuries saw the Exp: The Kailash is one of the largest rock-cut
emergence of new religious movements, led ancient Hindu temples located in Ellora,
by the Nayanars (saints devoted to Shiva ) Maharashtra, India.
and Alvars ( saints devoted to Vishnu ) who
Ans. 13. (d)
came from all castes including those
considered untouchable like Pulaiyar and the Exp: The garbhagriha of the temple that were
Panars. seven to eight stories height were constructed
in vimana style. The dances were performed
They were sharply critical of the Buddhists
in mandap. Golpurams are the lofty gates in
and Jainas and preached ardent love of Shiva
the compound wall for entry to the temple
or Vishnu as the path to salvation.
They drew upon the ideals of love and
Ans. 14. (a)
heroism as found in the Sangam literature
and blended them with the values of bhakti. Exp: Alberuni - A persian scholar, he accompanied
Mohammed of Ghazni and wrote a book
Ans. 8. (c)
titled 'Tahqiq-i-hind'. He was the first mulsim
Exp: It did not describe the political history much scholar to study India. He is regarded as the
rather focused on the socio-economic father of Indology.
conditions of the society.
Huien Tsang - He was a Chinese traveller
Ans. 9. (b) who visited India during the time of Harsha
Vardhana. His book is called Si-yu-ki or 'The
Exp: Suvarnabhumi and Suvarnadvipa were the
Records of the Western World'.
names given to the areas of Burma and Java
in Indonesia. Fahien - He was a Chinese Buddhist monk
who visited India during the reign of
Ans. 10. (d)
Vikramaditya (Chandragupta II). He is
Exp: Though Mathura art can be attributed to the known for his visit to Lumbini, the birthplace
all three religions of Hinduism, Jainism and of the Buddha.
Buddhism , Gandhara art depicts only
William Hawkins - Captain William
Buddhism. The Buddha images exhibit the
Hawkins led the first voyage of the English
spiritual feeling in his face which was largely
East India Company to India in 1609 when
absent in the Gandhara school. The Mathura
Jahangir was in power.
school also carved out the images of Siva and
Vishnu along with their consorts Parvathi and Ans. 15. (d)
Exp: Kshatriyas, who functioned as rulers, reacted
Ans. 11. (b) strongly against the ritualistic domination of
the Brahamanas and seem to have led a kind
Exp: The bronzes of the Chola period are world-
of protest movement against the importance
famous. The bronze statues of Nataraja or
attached to birth in the Varna system.
dancing Siva are master pieces. Chola empire
is famous for Nataraja images made of The use of iron tools made possible clearance,
bronze. Lost wax method that was used for agriculture and large settlements. The
making these images. The classical form of agricultural economy based on the iron
the depiction appears in stone reliefs, as at the plough-share required the use of bullocks and
Ellora Caves and the Badami Caves, by it could not flourish without animal
husbandry. But the Vedic practice of killing Exp: The Indian Council for Cultural Relations
cattle indiscriminately in sacrifice stood in the (ICCR) is under the aegis of the Ministry of
way of progress of the new agriculture. Culture. The Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR), is an autonomous
The punch marked coins circulated for the
organisation of the Government of India,
first time in eastern Utter Pradesh and Bihar.
involved in India’s external cultural relations,
The use of coins naturally facilitated trade
through cultural exchange with other
and commerce, which added to the
countries and their peoples. It was founded
importance of the vaishyas.
on 9 April 1950 by Maulana Abul Kalam
Caste system became rigid and it created Azad, the first Education Minister of
inequality in the society. independent India.
Akademi are held all over India. The great Exp: The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was
masters of the performing arts have been established in 1861. It functions as an attached
elected as Fellows of the Akademi. The office of the Department of Culture. The
Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards conferred organization is headed by the Director
annually on eminent artists and scholars are General.
considered the most coveted honours in the The Archaeological Survey of India is an
field of performing arts. Thousands of Indian government agency attached to the
institutions across the country, including Ministry of Culture that is responsible for
many in the remote areas, engaged in archaeological research and the conservation
teaching or promotion of music, dance and and preservation of cultural monuments in
theatre have received financial assistance for the country. It was founded in 1861 by
their work from the Akademi, as do Alexander Cunningham who also became its
researchers, authors and publishers in first Director-General.
relevant disciplines.
The major activities of the Archaeological
Being the apex body, the Akademi also Survey of India are:
advises and assists the Government of India
in formulating and implementing policies and • Survey of archaeological remains and
projects in the field. It fosters cultural contacts excavations;
nationally and internationally. The Akademi
• Maintenance and conservation of Centrally
has held exhibitions and major festivals in
protected monuments, sites and remains;
foreign countries.
• Chemical preservation of monuments and
Ans. 17. (c)
antiquarian remains;
Exp: Hindustani Sangeet is usually considered to 21. Red Fort Complex (2007)
be a mixture of traditional Hindu musical 22. Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (2003)
concepts and Persian performance practice.
23. Sun Temple, Konârak (1984)
Types of Hindustani Music and its meaning
24. Taj Mahal (1983)
Dhrupad - Effort from vocal chords and
lungs. 25. The Jantar Mantar, Jaipur (2010)
1. Why human or animal figure decorations 1. Alvars & Nayanars initiated movement
were not present in Sultanate Architecture? against caste system & dominance of
(a) The artisans of that time were not skilled
enough. 2. Bhakti Movement led to the
improvement in the social relation
(b) These figures were considered as
between the Hindus & Muslims.
Unislamic in nature.
3. All forms of Bhakti Movement
(c) The special types of rocks meant for these
condemned idol worship.
figures were not available at that time.
(d) None of these. Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 1
2. Delhi Sultanates at first converted the existing
temples into mosques. Which of the following (b) 2 and 3
is/are one(s) of those? (c) 1 and 2
1. Arhai Din ka Jhopra at Ajmer. (d) All
2. Quwwat -ul-Islam near Qutab Minar. 5. Aim of Grandhara art was to show Buddha as
3. Jama Masjid in Old Delhi. great human being who achieved "nibbana".
Which of the following statement correctly
defines the term "Nibbana"?
(a) Only 1
(a) It denotes the stage of cessation of anger
(b) 1 and 2 and hate.
(c) Only 3 (b) They are those who have a maximum of
(d) All seven lifetimes ahead of them before they
can attain Nibhana, also called Nirvana.
3. Which of the following historical monuments
and its builder has been correctly matched? (c) They are those who have purified the
mind to a high degree and realized the
1. Shore Temple – Narasimha II
necessary supramundane wisdom.
2. Dasavathara Temple – Guptas
(d) None of the above.
3. Sun Temple at Modhere – Narasimha I
4. Bharhut Stupa – Tirumala Nayak 6. Which of the following school of philosophy
has put forward materialist view of life?
Codes: (a) Samkhya
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Lokayata
(b) 2 and 3 (c) Vaisheshika
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) Nyaya
(d) Only 2
7. Which of the following is/are the
4. Consider the following statements related to contributions of Amir Khusrau to Indian art
the Bhakti Movement: and culture?
1. He has invented musical instruments
such as Sitar and Tabla.
RigVeda is the oldest one among all the four It is also characterised by sensuous
Vedas. description of Hellenistic art.
Ans. 13. (a) Ans. 17. (c)
Exp: ChandraGupta Maurya was a follower of Exp: It was built during the reign of Gupta king
Jainism. He ended his life for the Jainism. Chandragupta II.
Jainism believes in natural law of entire It is known for its high resistance to corrosion.
It is located in Qutb Minar complex in Delhi.
There were no divisions among the followers
Ans. 18. (d)
f Jainism.
Exp: It mixes up the concept of Narayana and
Jainism and Buddhism are contemporary of
Vishnu. Thus it led to rise in importance of
each other.
Lord Vishnu. It embraced all the merchants
Ans. 14. (b) and artisans as its followers.
Exp: It talks about worship of Lord Krishna. Ans. 19. (a)
It was propounded by Vallabhacharya. Exp: Tandava is masculine and Lasyais a feminine
It has different meaning as that of Dvaitha
vada by Madhavacharya. It relates with pure Ans. 20. (a)
Exp: Violin, Vocalist, Cymbal player, etc are part of
Ans. 15. (a) Bharatnatyam dance.
Exp: The famous play Abhijnanashakuntalam was Ans. 21. (a)
written by Kalidas.
Exp: Dhrupad and Khayal are related to
The famous play Mudrarakshasa was written Hindustani music. But Kriti and Pallavi are
by Vishakhadatta. related to Carnatic music.
Exp: It had influence over the Mathura art. Exp: Kathak was given life by Brij Maharaj.