DRS2 Manual

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StormGeo Data Reporting System

(DRS 2.5)

140 Kifer Court
Sunnyvale CA 94086

February 2017
StormGeo Data Reporting System Version 2.5 User Manual.
© 2017 StormGeo. All rights reserved. StormGeo, Data Reporting System, the Data Reporting System
Logo, and the StormGeo logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of StormGeo. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
February 2017

Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT/XP/VISTA/7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft


Printed in the United States of America.


PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE .....................................................................................................................................VII

IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE ....................................................................................................................................VII
SEND US YOUR COMMENTS.................................................................................................................................VII
DEFINITION OF DATA REPORTING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 2
MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 2
PROGRAM INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................... 3
OPENING DRS ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
CLOSING DRS ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
EXPLANATION OF REPORT TYPES ........................................................................................................................... 4
MENU ITEMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
INITIAL SETUP OF DRS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
VESSEL DETAILS ..............................................................................................................................................................6
Default Configuration ............................................................................................................................................6
DESCRIPTION OF FIELDS AND FEATURES ................................................................................................................ 7
Tool Tips .................................................................................................................................................................7
Optional Fields .......................................................................................................................................................7
Required Fields .......................................................................................................................................................7
Fields with Drop-Down Menus ...............................................................................................................................8
Date/Calendar Fields .............................................................................................................................................8
Intended Route Entry Description ..........................................................................................................................9
Use of the Right Side Scroll Bar ............................................................................................................................10
REPORTING PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................... 12
POSITION AND TIME INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................12
MAIN INFORMATION SECTION.........................................................................................................................................13
REQUEST ROUTE ASSISTANCE..........................................................................................................................................13
Route Information................................................................................................................................................13
Next Port ..............................................................................................................................................................13
Remarks ...............................................................................................................................................................13
OUTBOUND REPORT ..................................................................................................................................................14
COSP REPORT .............................................................................................................................................................15
NOON REPORT ...........................................................................................................................................................16
STOPPAGE AT SEA REPORT .........................................................................................................................................17
FUEL CHANGE REPORT ...............................................................................................................................................18
EOSP REPORT .............................................................................................................................................................19
ANCHOR/ DRIFT AFTER EOSP REPORT ........................................................................................................................20
INBOUND REPORT ......................................................................................................................................................21
IN PORT REPORT.........................................................................................................................................................22
Contents iii
ROUTE REQUEST REPORT ...........................................................................................................................................23
RECIPIENTS: EMAIL DISTRIBUTION....................................................................................................................................24
SAVING PARTIALLY-ENTERED REPORT DETAILS ...................................................................................................................24
EMAILING/SUBMITTING A REPORT ...................................................................................................................................24
Option One: Automatic E-Mail Send ....................................................................................................................24
Option Two: Manually Send E-Mail Report..........................................................................................................25
REPORT HISTORY ..........................................................................................................................................................28
A. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ........................................................................................................ 30
FR E QU E NT L Y AS K E D QU E S T I ONS .....................................................................................................................30
PROGRAM AND E MAIL TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................30
DRS WILL NOT OPEN FROM THE BVS DATA MENU. .....................................................................................................30
Why does the wrong email program open or why do I get an error when I try to send an email message using
Data Reporting System’s email send process?.....................................................................................................31
What if Data Reporting System is not installed on the same computer with my Email program &/or what if I
am not using Outlook/Outlook Express ? ............................................................................................................31
How do I set the Email Profile? ............................................................................................................................32
I use several email accounts. How do I ensure that DRS messages are sent using the proper account? ............33
What if I have sent a route request, but have not received any response? .........................................................34
What address should I use for email communications? ......................................................................................34
DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ........................................................................................................ 35
WARRANTY STATEMENT: .........................................................................................................................................35

iv Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

(Left Blank)

Contents v

Purpose of this Guide

The Data Reporting System User Manual is intended to give instructions on using this program.
Some of the specific areas of instruction are:
Data reporting procedures
Email distribution
Data archiving

If You Need Assistance

If you cannot resolve a problem by using the Data Reporting System manuals or the tutorial,
contact StormGeo Customer Service 24/7/365 at the following:
Office: 408-731-8600
Fax: 408-731-8601
Please include a detailed summary of problem you are experiencing so we may assist you as
efficiently as possible.
If you would like to contact the sales department:
StormGeo Headquarters
140 Kifer Court
Sunnyvale CA 94086, U.S.A.
T: 408 731 8600
F: 408 731 8601
E: info@stormgeo.com

Send Us Your Comments

We value your feedback about our documentation and software. If you would like to make
comments or suggestions about this or other StormGeo documentation or software, please send
email to:
So that we can make the best use of your comments, please include the following:
Name of the software.
The exact title of the document. For example, Data Reporting System User Manual.
The exact version number, shown on the cover of the document. For example, “Version 2.5.4”.
The exact chapter or section title you want to make a comment about. You may include page
numbers, but please also include section titles.

Thank you!

Prefa c e vii
1 Introduction

This chapter includes an introduction to Data Reporting System and the

following details:
Definition of Data Reporting System
Explanation of Report Types
Menu Items
Initial Setup of DRS

Introd uc tion 1
Definition of Data Reporting System

Data Reporting System (DRS) is an efficient, user intuitive computer interface

developed by StormGeo, assisting you in submitting various daily reports with
regards to vessel status and performance, etc.
The program guides you through various reports, helping to ensure reporting
accuracy. DRS is included with the BonVoyage installation set and is also
available as a stand-alone installation.
DRS runs on personal computers equipped with Microsoft Windows®. The DRS
reports are sent using INMARSAT satellite communications equipment and your
installed email program.

Minimum System Requirements

Windows NT (plus service pack 6), 2000, XP, VISTA, Windows 7

CPU 1.2 GHz or higher
1GB of RAM
10MB Hard Disk Space for Installation and archival of report data
1024 x 768 minimum resolution screen or higher (32 bit color recommended)
Color Inkjet or Laser printer (Optional)
Adobe© Acrobat Reader®

2 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Program Installation

DRS can be easily installed as part of the BonVoyage 7.0 installation package, or DRS can be
installed as a stand alone program.

Program location
The default location of DRS is the following location:

During program installation, you have the option to create a desktop icon, a quick launch icon in
the taskbar, and a Start Menu icon. The Start Menu icon is placed in the program group called
StormGeo. The name of the shortcut is “DRS2”.

Opening DRS

Double -click the DRS2 icon to start the program.

Closing DRS

If at any time you wish to close DRS, first be sure to save any partially-entered report details by
clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen:

Click File in the Menu bar and then Exit:

Introd uc tion 3
Explanation of Report Types

Data Reporting System has been designed to give you access to the various reports and options
through a series of tabs at the top of the DRS screen. The DRS report options consist of the
OUTBOUND REPORT- To report shifting of vessel from berth or anchor to pilot/COSP
position. May also be labeled ‘Departure Berth”, or “DEPARTURE”.
COSP REPORT- To report of commencement of sea passage
NOON REPORT- To be sent daily while underway
STOPPAGE REPORT- To report vessel stoppage at sea
FUEL CHANGE- Form for submitting fuel change details while enroute.
EOSP REPORT- To report end of sea passage/arrival
ANCHOR/DRIFT REPORT- Used AFTER end of sea passage to report maneuvering events
INBOUND REPORT- To report shift from pilot/anchor to berth. May also be labeled ‘Arrival
Berth”, or “ARRIVAL”
INPORT REPORT- For submission of in-port activities & any fuel consumption during this
period of time
ROUTE REQUEST- Form for submitting request for Route Assistance from StormGeo Route
Operations team
Other Report Tabs may also be made available in accordance with Owner/Operator
requirements and a description, along with additional support would be provided by StormGeo
Customer Service.

Note: At times, the display area for report pages may be longer than the actual
DRS display window and may require that you SCROLL down to view
additional fields within that specific page.

4 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Menu Items
Menu options at the top of the DRS screen include the following:


Exit – Closes the DRS2 program


Ship Info – Vessel details are displayed and can be edited here – ship name, call sign and IMO.
After making changes, click “OK”.
Email Recipients - Add additional e-mail recipients to the CC address list, or remove them as
required. After making changes, click “OK”.


View History - Displays the last reports sent. This data can be copied, if necessary, and pasted
into a word processor or e-mail message body.
Manage History – Allows you to delete specified reports from the history.
See section on Report History for more details on historical data management.


Quick Reference Guide – Opens the DRS2 QRG, found in the C:\DRS2\ folder
Manual – Provides access to the PDF manual found in the DRS2 folder
About - Gives DRS software version and proprietary information, as well as the StormGeo Client

Introd uc tion 5
Initial Setup of DRS
Vessel Details
When opening the program for the first time, some initial vessel details will need to be input. The
following dialog appears:

Fill in the three upper fields, select Propeller type and pitch if required, and click OK:

Note: If no IMO number exists for your vessel, please enter either 0000000 (seven zeros) or

If the above information needs to be modified (after changing flag or vessel name for example)
this dialog can be found by clicking the menu option Edit | Ship Info.

Default Configuration
Your fleet management may require preconfigured settings for your DRS program. If you find
that a field is needed that is not currently displayed, please contact your vessel management and
customerservice@awtworldwide.com to provide you with an updated file which will include the
required reporting field(s).

6 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Description of Fields and Features

Tool Tips
When the cursor is hovered over a report field, a tooltip will be displayed showing:

A brief Description of the field type (where available)

The Input type (numeric, decimal, text, etc.).
Minimum and maximum values (if available)

Below is an example of the tooltip for Calm Sea Speed:

Optional Fields
Optional fields are displayed with a black border, similar to the ETA field below:

When an optional field is selected, that field background will be highlighted in light yellow as in
the example below:

Required Fields
Required fields have red border and have a light red background if selected:

Introd uc tion 7
Fields with Drop-Down Menus
Some fields provide a drop-down list of selections. For example, the “Port Activity” field
displays as follows:

Date/Calendar Fields
When selecting a Date/Time field, such as ETA, a calendar appears, from which you may select
the desired date. That date will thereafter appear in the field:

8 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Intended Route Entry Description
There are two options when entering your intended route:

Click the Import Button:

From the list of available files, select the file type you would like to import, then browse to the file
location, and select the track file and click OPEN it to import into the DRS2 Intended Route field.


To begin entry of your intended route manually in the table provided, Right-click the table, then
select “Append New Row”

Enter the required details, as shown in this example:

Right-Click below the entry to “Append New Row”, or click on the row with existing data for
additional options:

At a minimum, please enter Departure and Arrival points as well as key waypoints along your
voyage track (straits, passages, etc.)

Introd uc tion 9
Use of the Right Side Scroll Bar
Many of the DRS report tabs have a large set of fields, which extends beyond the standard display
field. This requires the use of a scroll bar to provide access lower elements of the report page.

As you can see from this OUTBOUND report tab, use of the scroll tab on the right is required to
access BROBs, Fuel consumption and other required details.

10 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

2 DRS Reporting Instructions

This chapter provides details on the major menus, toolbars, and mouse functions for reference

Reporting Procedures
Outbound Report Tab
COSP Report Tab
Noon Report Tab
Stoppage Report Tab
Fuel Change Report Tab
EOSP Report Tab
Event/Anchor-Drift After EOSP
Inbound Report Tab
In Port Report Tab
Route Request Tab
Options for Saving and Sending Report Details
Emailing Report
Copy/Paste Report Contents & Location of Report Text
Report History

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 11

Reporting Procedures
Position and Time Information

To select a specific port from the list of available ports, type in the first few letters of your desired
port and then, in the drop down menu that appears, click on the name of the port. Alternatively,
you may enter the UN/LOCODE and the Port name will populate automatically.

Data Reporting System displays times for weather data and ship’s position in Coordinated
Universal Time (also known as UTC, GMT, or Z time). The format of date and time is:
‘DD/MM/YY-HH:mm’, for day, month, year, hour, minute.
You may modify the Time Offset as required. If the Time Offset is manually entered outside of the
estimated range (±2 hours), you will see an alert displayed when trying to submit the report:

All report types and fields can have associated input warnings, similar to the above, when the data
entered are outside of the expected range. To send the report without making changes,
click OK. If you wish to make a change, click “CANCEL”.

Note that you may initially only see the “CANCEL” button. Click “CANCEL”, then (after checking
for data errors/discrepancies) click again the “SEND NOW” or “COPY TO CLIPBOARD” button.
You should now see the additional option to click the “OK” button.

12 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Main Information Section

This section displays the Ship Info you entered during setup, as well as additional client and
template information (for use by StormGeo Route Operations).

Request Route Assistance

DRS can be used to initialize StormGeo’s Full Weather Routing service. Selecting the Route
Request tab and sending the detailed information gives you the ability to submit a request for
route assistance from the StormGeo team of Route Analysts.

Route Information

As explained earlier, fields with a red border are required to be filled in. Fields with a black
border are optional.
In the example above, Fore/Mid/Aft Drafts are required fields, whereas Draft Type, Calm Sea
Speed and ME Power SLR, etc. are optional.
Next Port
Some of the report tabs, such as the ROUTE REQUEST tab, have an option to submit multiple
destination ports in the “Additional Ports” section. They should be entered in sequential order. If
Next Port 2 is entered, Next Port 3 field will appear, and so on, up to a maximum of twenty (20)


The Remarks field is for adding additional comments and instructions.

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 13

May also be called the DEPARTURE BERTH Report- The outbound tab is used to report the shift
from Berth or Anchorage to Pilot, in anticipation of COSP. Below is an example of the Departure
Report tab:

14 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

COSP Report
The commencement of sea passage should be reported within 2-3 hrs. of departure. Below is an
example of the Departure Report tab:

In this example, a special field is available for reporting your Intended Route. In the Fuel section,
there are multiple fields for reporting various types of bunkers remaining on-board (BROB) as
well as fuel consumption.

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 15

NOON Report
Noon positions should be submitted using the Noon Report tab:

16 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Stoppages, deviations, speed changes, etc. should be reported using the Stoppage Report tab:

If entering Stop Position, the Stop Date is required. If entering Resume Position, the Resume
Date is required. Stop Reason is always required.

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 17

Fuel change details (when entering/exiting ECA Zones, etc.) should be reported using the Fuel
Change Report tab:

Enter required Fuel Change details (fields with red border) along with other desired report details
and submit to awtdrs@awtworldwide.com.

18 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

EOSP Report
End of Sea Passage information is sent using the EOSP Report tab:

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 19

Might also be labeled the EVENT Report- Used to submit information regarding Drifting or
Anchoring after sea passage has completed:

In the drop-down menu item “Event Type”, ‘maneuvering’ should be selected as your daily
status reporting during periods at anchor or while adrift.

20 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Might also be called the ARRIVAL BERTH Report- Information regarding the shift from Pilot (or
anchor/drifting) to Berth is sent using the Inbound Report tab:

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 21

IN PORT Report
In Port activities are entered in this report tab:

22 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

The Route Request tab should be used when operators have authorized full weather routing or
monitoring by StormGeo. Submission of this report (and our confirmation of services with
operators) will initiate an initial route recommendation and additional corresponding
communications. You would thereafter need to provide your initial COSP & subsequent daily
NOON reports:

Enter required details and additional information, if desired, and submit the request to

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 23

Recipients: Email Distribution
The Email Recipients page can be used to add additional email recipients.

When using the Automatic Email Send Method (see Emailing/Submitting a Report section
below), each data report is automatically sent to awtdrs@awtworldwide.com.
From the Edit menu, click Email Recipients to add or remove email recipients. Add any
additional addresses to the CC field by typing in one address per line, (use the enter key to go to
the next line), and clicking OK when done. The email recipient will thereafter appear in the CC
address list of your outgoing email message.

You do not need to copy ops@awtworldwide.com when sending DRS-generated messages to


Saving Partially-Entered Report Details

If you wish to enter a portion of the voyage report details and then finish the report at a later time,
you may click Save Changes. Now the program may be closed, if desired, and all previously
entered details will be preserved.

Emailing/Submitting a Report
You have two options for submitting your DRS reports.
Option One: Automatic E-Mail Send
The default configuration for DRS is to automatically create an e-mail message for your MAPI
compliant email program (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.).
When you click Send Now, an email message is automatically generated and the following
message appears on your desktop:

24 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

The email message that has been created displays the list of recipients that have been
preconfigured. It also contains the data report that you have recently created. The message body
contains a text – formatted (easy-to-read) report.

Before sending, you may modify the recipient list, Subject Line, etc.

If you open your email client (example: Outlook), you may see the following:

…indicating that a new message has been stored in your email outbox.
Option Two: Manually Send E-Mail Report
After all of the required details have been entered on the report, click Copy to Clipboard on the
bottom left of the screen:

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 25

The following help screen will now appear:

As you manually create an e-mail message, and if your email program is found on the same
computer where DRS is being used, you may use the above interface to copy and paste the
required information into your e-mail message.

Email Recipient: awtdrs@awtworldwide.com (be sure to manually add any additional recipients)

26 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

(Where DEMO SHIP should be replaced with your actual vessel name)
Message Body Contents: This can be done by clicking Edit, Paste or by right-clicking in the body
of the email message and selecting Paste.

When you transmit your outgoing messages, your DRS email report will be immediately
processed by StormGeo Route Communications System upon arrival.
Messages sent using the DRS program will be processed immediately into the StormGeo Route
Operations System, and will be reviewed by Route Operations Staff.

Note: The Copy to Clipboard button will not save the report to the DRS history. If you wish to
archive the report, you must click the Send Later button and save the DRSReport.txt file to your

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 27

Report History
View History
Reports that have been sent using Send Now or Send Later buttons are archived in DRS and
accessible from the Edit menu, and clicking View History. The reports are sorted by data report
type and date sent.
For example, to view a history of Departure reports, select COSP from the list of report types and
click view:

When choosing one of the desired report times and clicking View, a window with the formatted
report will appear. This window is useful for re-sending a report. To re-send the content of the
report –

1) Select the full text as shown below:

2) Right click and select Copy from the menu that appears.
3) Paste the contents of the report into the body of your message and send.

28 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Manage Report History
To delete past reports, go to the View menu, and click Manage History. Select the Report Type
that you would like to delete.

For example, to delete Noon Reports –

1) Select Noon as Report Type:

2) Click a reported date/time to highlight it.

3) Click Delete to mark it for deletion.
a. Repeat to delete multiple reports. If you wish to delete all past Noon reports, click “Select
All” and then “Delete”.
4) To commit your deletion(s), click OK.
a. If you unintentionally delete report(s), click Cancel and the report(s) will be preserved.

Da ta Rep orting Instruc tions 29

3 Appendix

A. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Possible Cause
Windows DEP (Data Execution Prevention) configuration.
An Incoming message states that: The StormGeo Data Reporting System does not open. I see a
security alert when trying to open DRS.
After installation, with the Windows 7 operating system (and sometimes with Windows Vista), DRS
may not start. In most cases, the troubles are due to Restricted Windows User Settings that are in
place, called “Data Execution Prevention” (DEP). DEP is designed to prevent malicious programs
from starting on their own, but the default settings can also prevent valid programs, such as DRS from
properly starting.
Please follow the instructions below to allow DRS program access.

Trouble Shooting
1) Open Control Panel and select System.
2) Click Advanced System Settings. If you are prompted for an administrator password or
confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
3) Under Performance, click Settings.
4) Click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then click Turn on DEP for all programs and services
except those I select.
5) To turn off DEP for an individual program, select the check box next to the program that you want
to turn off DEP for, and then click OK.
6) If the program is not in the list, click Add. Browse to the Program Files folder, find the executable
file for the program (it will have an .exe file name extension), and then click Open.
7) Click OK, click OK in the System Properties dialog box if it appears, and then click OK again. You
might need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Note: To turn on DEP for a program, clear the check box next to the program for which you want
DEP activated and then click OK

30 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Why does the wrong email program open or why do I get an
error when I try to send an email message using Data
Reporting System’s email send process?
Possible Cause
There may be a problem with your current WINDOWS Email program configuration.

Start Internet Explorer, click Tools| Internet Options and select the Program Tab. Select the
correct Program/Mail Client under the email option. It is important to ensure that the correct e-mail
client is set as the default Windows email program.

Note: You need to have a MAPI email program installed (for example Outlook Express, Outlook,
Thunderbird, etc.).
What if Data Reporting System is not installed on the same
computer with my Email program &/or what if I am not using
Outlook/Outlook Express ?
Possible Cause
When Data Reporting System is installed together with your email program on the same computer,
the two programs will work seamlessly to send your voyage data reports. Outlook, Outlook Express,
etc. are valid MAPI email programs and will automatically generate an email, placing it in the Outbox
for transmission during your next email exchange session. If you are using a third party email
program—for example, one that is designed by your email provider— you may need to copy and paste
the report output text into a manually-created email message. To do this
Click the button, Copy to Clipboard and click Copy in the window that appears.
Create an e-mail and show the recipient as: awtdrs@awtworldwide.com.
In the e-mail message body, either click “Edit, Paste”, or right-click and choose “Paste” to place the
contents of the Windows clipboard in the email message.
Send a message to awtdrs@awtworldwide.com, and include any additional recipients as required.

When Data Reporting System is not installed on your Email Computer, you will need to use the
following instructions to send the message and attachment out:
1) Click Send Later on the bottom of the report screen.
2) Save the file DRSReport.txt in a public location on your network, or if the machine is not
connected to the network, you may transfer the file to a thumb drive.
3) From the e-mail enabled machine, locate and send the DRSReport.txt file to
If you are not able to send the above file as an attachment, open it with windows notepad and
copy/paste the contents into your email message body, sending the contents to
awtdrs@awtworldwide.com and any additional recipients who require the report details. Please do
not compress the file, (with extensions .zip, .rar, etc.), as these will not be properly read and processed
by StormGeo’s servers.
Your e-mail message will be immediately processed by our Route Operations Server
(awtdrs@awtworldwide.com) and our Route Operations Team will have immediate access to that
data. Those report details will also be immediately available in our fleet display systems (Portal,
FleetDSS, etc.).

Ap p end ix 31
In the example below, a user trying to submit a DRS report has Microsoft Windows 7 installed, but
does not have Microsoft Outlook or any other MAPI email program configured. The following error
message is displayed:

In most cases, the email program may be installed, but has not yet been set as the “Default Email
Program” and an additional error message may appear:

Please ensure that your Windows Default Programs configuration in the CONTROL PANEL points to
your appropriate email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.).

How do I set the Email Profile?

To view or modify your email profiles (Vista):
1) Click Start
2) Click Control Panel
3) Click MAIL
4) In the Profiles section, click the Show Profiles button.
5) If more than one profile exists and you need to send messages from both accounts, it is
recommended that you select the radial button “Prompt for a profile to be used”. If only one profile
exists or only one profile is currently being used:
a. Select the profile radial button: “Always use this profile”, and
b. Select the appropriate profile name from the pull down menu.

A profile named “Outlook” is


32 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

I use several email accounts. How do I ensure that DRS
messages are sent using the proper account?
Several email accounts may have been created in one or more email profiles. If you have an email
profile with more than one email account, you may be required to ‘raise the priority” of the email
account that is used to send DRS messages. This will ensure that the message is created and sent with
the correct “Email Sender” information.

The below instructions are given as an example for Microsoft Outlook 2007:
1) Click Tools
2) Click Account Settings
3) Click on the Email Account you would like to make the Default and then click
the Up Arrow:

4) The email account found at the top of this list becomes the default Sender for all email messages.

Ap p end ix 33
5) With Outlook 2007, you also have the option to select Sender directly from the email message
being composed by clicking the Account button, then selecting the desired email account:

What if I have sent a route request, but have not received any
Normally, a StormGeo initial route recommendation will be sent out about 12-24 hours prior to your
scheduled departure. If you require an earlier recommendation, please state the desired time in the
REMARKS section of the Route Request tab.

What address should I use for email communications?

StormGeo provides various services. To help expedite your messages, please ensure to send your
email to the appropriate address. Below is a list of addresses:

DRS Software Support:

For program troubleshooting and DRS-software related issues

StormGeo Route Operations Staff:

For any messages other than DRS Reports: All email correspondence should be directed to this

34 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Disclaimer and
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall StormGeo be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or
damages for loss of profits, revenue, data or use incurred by the customer or any third party, whether
in an action in contract or tort, even if StormGeo or any other person has been advised of the
possibility of such damages. The DRS Software and Services are provided "AS IS" and the customer,
and its user, assumes the entire risk when using them.

Further, StormGeo reserves the right to change the DRS Software and Services formats without any
obligation by StormGeo to notify any party of such revision or changes.

Disc la imer 35
ANCHOR/DRIFT AFTER EOSP Report............................................................................................................................20
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................................................30
ARRIVAL BERTH Report ................................................................................................................................................21
Closing DRS ....................................................................................................................................................................3
Configuration, Default ........................................................................................................................................... 6, 7, 8
Configuration, Initial ......................................................................................................................................................6
Contact Information .................................................................................................................................................... vii
COSP Report ................................................................................................................................................................15
Daily Report .................................................................................................................................................................16
Departure Berth Report ...............................................................................................................................................14
Description of Fields and Features ................................................................................................................................7
Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................................................35
DRS Report Types ..........................................................................................................................................................4
DRS Reporting Instructions ..........................................................................................................................................11
DRS, Definition of ..........................................................................................................................................................2
Email Account Setup ....................................................................................................................................................33
Email Addresses, StormGeo.........................................................................................................................................34
Email Attachments ......................................................................................................................................................31
Email Delivery Troubles ...............................................................................................................................................31
Email Distribution Setup ..............................................................................................................................................24
Email Profile (FAQ) .......................................................................................................................................................32
Email Program is not Outlook ......................................................................................................................................31
Emailing a DRS Report .................................................................................................................................................24
Emailing a Report.........................................................................................................................................................24
End of Sea Passage Report ..........................................................................................................................................19
EOSP Report .................................................................................................................................................................19
EVENT Report ..............................................................................................................................................................20
FAQs ...........................................................................................................................................................................30
Fields and Features Description ....................................................................................................................................7
Fuel Change Report .....................................................................................................................................................18
Historical Data, Viewing ...............................................................................................................................................28
IN PORT Report ............................................................................................................................................................22
INBOUND Report .........................................................................................................................................................21
Initial Setup ....................................................................................................................................................................6
Menu .............................................................................................................................................................................5
NOON Report ...............................................................................................................................................................16
Opening DRS ..................................................................................................................................................................3
Outbound Report.........................................................................................................................................................14
Popup Menus...............................................................................................................................................................24
Program Installation Location........................................................................................................................................3
Program Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................30
Report History .............................................................................................................................................................28
Reporting Procedures ..................................................................................................................................................12
Reports, Saving ............................................................................................................................................................24
Reports, Sending ..........................................................................................................................................................24
Request Route Assistance............................................................................................................................................13
Route Request Report .................................................................................................................................................23

36 Da ta Rep orting System 2.5 User Ma nua l

Route Request, Email Delivery Troubles ......................................................................................................................34
Sending Reports ...........................................................................................................................................................24
STOP At Sea Report .....................................................................................................................................................17
Stoppage Report ..........................................................................................................................................................17
Support Details ............................................................................................................................................................ vii
System Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................2
UTC Time Use ..............................................................................................................................................................12
View Historical Report Data.........................................................................................................................................28
WARRANTY ..................................................................................................................................................................35

Ind ex 37

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