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The key takeaways are that monatomic elements like gold when processed appropriately can put the body into a state of superconductivity allowing one to remain present and process information rapidly. Gold in particular is said to be connected to the light force and can imbue the genetic structure with longevity.

Monatomic elements like gold are said to put the body into a state of superconductivity when ingested, allowing one to remain present and process information quickly. Different elements may affect things like the magnetic signature, communication fields, or specific organs in the body depending on their metallic properties.

According to Bashar, when one understands the energy contained in gold, it will be seen as strongly connected to the light force and can be utilized to imbue the genetic structure with great longevity. Gold is said to help make the body more superconductive.

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A compilation of various talks, in which Bashar

speaks volumes of highly useful information
regarding monatomic elements and their use:

An integrative process:

“Amping up your frequency based on various high spin

elements (ionized water, monatomic element’s etc.) and
nutrition, should ideally be considered as an integrative
process, so No excesses in any way are beneficial in this
direction.” - Bashar
Page 2

Monatomic Explanations

Questioner: Can you comment on the heightened state

that is engendered by the ingestion of physiological
monatomic substances?

Bashar: Again, it is that which allows you to be present.

That’s what it is doing, that’s what the state of
superconductivity is: your body becomes super-
conductive in a field of hyper-conductivity and allows you
to remain in the present to process all information rapidly,
readily in the way that best suits and befits whatever you
define yourself to be at the present, and allows you more
clarity as to which definitions you can chose.

Page 3

Circa 1995:

“when you understand the concept of the element called

gold and the energy that it really contains, you will see
how strongly it is connected to the light force of your
system, and how it can actually be utilized in like force to
imbue your genetic structure with a great longevity. You

Page 4

Monatomic Elucidations

Q: Some of the monatomics contain a high degree of

magnetism, such as cobalt and nickel; whereas other
elements are highly conductive, such as gold, silver and
copper, but do not retain any magnetism; and some of
them are used for hardening, such as palladium…

B: Yes.
Q: …and some other elements. Is there a correspondence
to the way they are in their metallic state and the effects
they will have, when adjusted, in their monatomic state on
the body?
B: There is not much correlation, except that because of
the essence of their difference in the metallic state, it will
give you some indication in the monatomic state of what
that particular monatomic element might affect within the
Page 5

body, physically and symbolically more than another

thing than it might affect. For example: those that in
metallic state exhibit a high degree of magnetism or
magnetic affect, in monatomic state might be that which
enhances, specifically, the magnetic signature of the
cellular structure of the body more than another
monatomic element might do. Whereas another
monatomic element might more adequately, perhaps, let
us say, enhance other kinds of fields, or the
communication fields of the cellular structure, or
specifically affect a particular organ signature or
something to that effect. You follow? So the metallic
affect gives you a clue symbolically to what it’s
monatomic affect will be in the body.

Q: And the things that are more conductive like silver and
gold work better in relation to the nervous system?
Page 6

B: To some degree. Yes.

Q: To make it more conductive?

B: Yes. And again, once again, in EVERY case

combined with chromium it will allow it to become much
more effective in anything that it can do and extend its
abilities beyond what it would normally have.

Q: What type of chromium do you suggest to ingest with

the different monatomics?

B: Monatomic chromium, of course.

Page 7

Q: And rhodium seems to come out in the urine, when the

urine analysis is done…

B: Yes.

Q: …whereas, iridium seems to be absorbed by the body,

is there a…

B: It comes out in your perspiration. The body always

has the ability to regulate and balance itself, for from time
to time it may find that it has a adequate supply of what it
needs and it will divest itself of any surplus, because it
knows you will always get more, that is, of course, if you
are living a natural life. (AUD: laughs) But the iridium
will come out in your perspiration, just as the rhodium
Page 8

comes out in you urination, and other elements will come

out in other ways.

Q: And can you comment on urine therapy?

B: It is sufficient for certain, very specific purposes, in

very specific moments with specific individual conditions.
It is not necessarily as generally, as you say, across the
board effective as might be something like the ozone
therapy; for most individuals it is not as generalized as
that, but it will have some benefit for some individuals in
certain circumstances.

Q: And what type of specific uses would ruthenium have

for the body? What system will it work best with?
Page 9

B: You will find that ruthenium has great advantages for

thyroidal action, you will find that ruthenium has great
advantages for adenoidal action, you will find that
ruthenium has great advantages for thymus action as well.
There will be a small secondary effect in the idea of the
allowance of bone degeneration macro…

Q: Bone marrow?

B: Yes.

Q: So for things like leukemia and stuff like that?

B: To some degree. Yes.

Page 10

Q: What about cobalt?

B: In monatomic form you will find that when ingested in

small, small, small, small, small, small, small, small
amounts… ten to thirty milligrams only, ten to thirty
milligrams only; this is your WARNING, WARNING,
WARNING -- ten to thirty milligrams of monatomic
cobalt only. In the human form in its present state will
build up within you a type of thermal regulation system
that will allow your energy field to be greatly enhanced,
greatly accelerated. More than that will actually engender
spontaneous combustion. Do you understand?

Q: Does that have a relation to the blue color?

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B: Yes. It is highly electromagnetheric and more than

that, your physical bodies at this state of your evolution
CANNOT sustain. You will find that some of the
instances of, what you call, your spontaneous human
combustion are because there are certain build-ups of
monatomic elements of this nature in your body; and
when the earth’s magnetic field fluctuates up and down in
certain ways it, shall we say, piggybacks with the
frequencies of those monatomic elements in the body and
when the earth’s magnetic field rises in frequency, it pulls
that frequency up and “poof” goes your body. (AUD:

Q: Flux collapse?

B: Flux collapse, yes, because it cannot sustain, it cannot

keep up with that elevation in frequency to that degree, so
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you get out of phase; and when you get out of phase there
is the flux collapse and, again, colloquially speaking,
“poof.” (AUD: more laughter) From the inside out as you
have observed in cases of spontaneous combustion. The
heat does not come from outside, it comes from inside.
Every single cell disrupts and collapses and increases their
electromagnetic amperage, sometimes by a factor of ten
million. Then, of course, as it disintegrates there is
nothing to carry the heat and so it dissipates quite rapidly
and rarely affects the surrounding environment to any
great degree. Which is why the body will burn but not the
chair that it is sitting in. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: Because there is immediate disintegration and

therefore nothing to carry the heat.
Page 13

Q: And does nickel and the green have a warning?

B: Nickel, nickel? One moment… you will find that in a

variety of ways nickel will be a difficult thing to sustain in
monatomic form unless combined, again, with the
catalytic chromium. Even though they do not interact in
the same way that many atomic interactions occur, the
presence alone of the chromic field will allow nickel to be
maintained more adequately in monatomic form. And
when it has done so, it is a very, very, very, good
enhancer for the idea of the learning capabilities of the
neural net of the brain.

Q: How come nickel and iron don’t seem to be able to

retain their state very long?
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B: They are, as you would call it, too stably connected to

other forms of representation, if they were not so, if they
were not, as you would say, grounded in this way and
have to go back to their state of natural physical
grounding matrix, you would find that they would fly
apart. Thus they maintain the stabilization necessary for
the other monatomics to function. In much the same way,
again, as you need a grounding effect to allow other
effects to function, you need a foundation for the house to
stand, and so only rarely do things such as nickel and iron
and a few other substances automatically shift into
monatomic state.

In fact, they almost never automatically do so, unless they

are in the presence of the chromic catalyst or some other
catalytic energy that can allow them to do so in certain
circumstances where it will not cause too much
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disruption. But they automatically and instantly re-

stabilize, otherwise you would have an instant chain
reaction and a large section of the planet would all of a
sudden convert into the monatomic state, and thus, back
also immediately almost into energy. Similar to the
concept of what you would call matter and anti-matter,
but not exactly the same, but it would become highly
unstable, highly unstable.

Q: The only other two that you haven’t commented on

are palladium and silver.

Q: We have, to some degree, commented earlier on the

idea of silver. Palladium, one moment, one moment…
vision, palladium is good for vision… one moment … and
reparation, reparation. Regeneration of certain cellular
structures that are, as you would say, duty specific -- such
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as things like the rods and cones of the eyes, the taste buds
of the tongue and other things that have to do with sensory

Silver has some benefit in that area as well, but also… one
moment, one moment… it aids, to some degree, in the
reparation of bone, especially the dental enamel, but not in
the way that you use it in your dentistry, but in monatomic
state. You see, in many ways, many of you instantly
understand that the silver is supposed to be applied to the
teeth, but you don’t know how to apply it. So not, in what
you call, the filling in metallic form, but in monatomic
state, it will aid in the reparation and the strengthening of
such things as your dental enamel and other things in the
Page 17

Q: And does that also apply to help overcome mercury


B: It can.

Q: And when one starts on the monatomic journey, will

that state that’s engendered, let’s say, overcome the
negative effects of mercury amalgams?

B: Beyond a certain point, yes. But it may take a while,

in that it has to fight the toxic effect that may be present
within the physical form. Eventually it may, in that sense,
as you say, over power it.
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Q: Because it’s almost the same amount of money to get

most of the amalgams removed as it to purchase the

B: You most also understand that there is a great degree

of monatomic salts, so to speak, in seawater. And rinsing
your mouth in seawater, of course, that is unpolluted will
go a long way for the aiding of dental health.

Q: Is Hawaiian water the best?

B: It is at least one of the best that remain upon your

planet at this time. And also, of course, the dissolved
monatomic gold in seawater also will infuse itself into
your cellular structure as well.
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Q: Is this how the cetaceans access it?

B: Yes. But they also do something else. Because they

have the ability to focus their acoustic beacon in certain
harmonic ways, what they do is to create a harmonic
acoustic equivalent in water of a superconductor, and
allow the monatomic elements to simply be drawn like a
magnet into that acoustic beacon, and thus, concentrated,
and thus, then absorbed, taken internally. They can
actually use their acoustic beacons in this way as a siphon
for monatomic elements, because they know how to tune
them to those frequencies and create water

Q: Is that a similar effect that we can have with music?

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B: You can create that effect with music, yes. Take your
cue from the dolphins, they will be willing to teach you as
long as they know you will use it in positive ways,
because I will tell you this, it can be an extremely
destructive power as well. Does that help you?

Q: Yes, and when Moses was producing, or when they

were producing the monatomics back then, what process
did they use to get the gold? And it was said he was on a
higher form of the monatomics than…

B: You must understand that they had available to them

technology not of your world.

Q: And could they precipitate it like Sai Baba?

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B: Moses could, yes.

Q: And was it the gold?

B: It was many things, at different times for different

reasons, all right?

Q: Yes, and can the monatomics be projected


B: Again, the field around any monatomic element can be

tapped into, in that sense. To some degree, the concept of
radionics may apply, but not exactly in the way that
you’re using the idea on your planet at this time. More
the idea that simply the exposure to the field is more
apropos to the idea of allowing your body to pick up upon
Page 22

the particular frequency that it needs to key to. If you

want to talk about the transference of frequency energy, in
that way, that would be a more direct route to the idea you
call, radionically, which involves an intermediary step,
which is really unnecessary.

Q: Thank you.


Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium, M-Gold

Page 23

Q.: We wouldn't get that longevity in any other

monoatomic substance?

B.: Overall there will be some increased longevity with

the iridium, with the rhodium and others, especially as
connected to what you would call the natural diet and the
removal and release of flushing toxins from the system.
This alone will enhance your ability for increased
longevity. The human body easily has the capacity within
the next 15 years of beginning to lay the foundations for a
life span of about 300 years.

Q.: For those of us who are making the choice of taking

more of the natural foods that contain rhodium and
iridium , I am just wondering what we can expect from
them, I know we can expect better health and better being.

B.: Feeling lighter, more energetic, needing less sleep, so

on and so forth. Better ability to heal, knit tissue so on and
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so forth in case of injury. Better enhancement of all

sensory apparatus in the body so on and so forth. More,
overtime, psychic sensitivity and sensitivity to other
higher frequency energies and so forth is what you can as
you say, expect.

Q.: The rhodium and the iridium are the powder that
David Hudson has been providing to people. Would it be
better if the iridium and the rhodium would be separate?

B.: No, they know what to do when they are in your body.
Sometimes they actually work better when they are in
concert with monoatomic chromium. By adding the
monoatomic chromium to the iridium and rhodium it
would be even more efficacious.

Q.: I have heard that the iridium stimulates the

metabolism and could be detrimental if you have like
cancers and tumors etc.
Page 25

B.: Only if the body contains certain kinds of toxins, as it

does in most cases, will too much of a monoatomic
element, including iridium, cause a discordant out of
phase vibration. Minor amounts at first until the body
adjusts. Then more can be taken later if necessary. Too
much at first can cause too much of an out of phase
discordant clash within the frequencies which already
exist within the body, which is representative of the toxics
within the cells.

Q.: I am aware that in order to provide to us rhodium and

iridium we can go to carrots and grapes. Are there plants
which can provide gold, the monoatomic gold?

B.: That which exhibits the highest color in your visible

spectrum. (Violet?) Yes, therefore, eggplant so on and so
forth. Flowering kale etc. However if each of you had
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what is called a broad spectrum diet that was basically

vegetarian in nature you would thus encounter everything
that you would need in that broad spectrum diet and you
wouldn't necessarily have to focus on one particular

Q.: You've mentioned before that the iridium of the white

substances will open up our psychic abilities but white
powder gold will give us the longevity.

B.: Specifically it is strong in that direction. Even the

energy field itself, around the monoatomic gold will
impart the idea of increased longevity.

Q.: We could then use the mind, tuning into that

frequency to then have longevity and reverse age?

B.: Yes, but it will take adequate practice for the single
mind of your species to do this. It may not come very
easily for most of you to do it that way. Therein the
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ingestion of the material is like a booster symbol for many

of you to help your body remember what frequency it
needs to be on.

Q.: So do we really have to take the gold to have

longevity? And does that correct the DNA giving us the
20-year-old body again?

B.: It may not do that exact thing for every individual but
it will have the tendency to generalize the traits of your
human form so that there would be a range somewhere
between your 20 and 40 year, averaging out to about your
33rd year. This is what happens generally when you
become spirit, when you die, most spirits snap back to the
etheric form of about their 33rd year of life.
Q.: Would the gold be more powerful in developing our
spiritual nature, our electromagnetheric qualities? (yes)
You also mentioned the violet colored foods have more
gold. Would beets for example have more gold?
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B.: It would have a combination of things in that it also

exemplifies a little more of the red coloration than exactly
the violet.


10-25-95 - Establishing Diplomatic Relations

Questioner: Bashar!

Bashar: Yes.
Page 29

Q: To continue on the line of questioning about the

nuclear detonations both in our atmosphere and below
ground, I think China detonated one last fall, above
ground, and France below ground, do they last about 90
days; i.e., reverberate in the atmosphere?

B: 180 days.

Q: And are they partially responsible for some of the

whales beaching themselves?

B: That is something else, but it is a long legacy of

connections to the idea of alterations to that ecosystem on
the part of experimentations that your species has done.
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Q: And have the current below ground detonations been

partially responsible for some of the recent quakes that we
have had in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Mexico?

B: No, none of them.

Q: Okay. And are all passing comets from the explosion

of Maldek?

B: No, many of them are, as many of your scientists

understand, from the original formation of your system.
In its coalescence, in its solidification or crystallization as
a planetary system, many such remnants form naturally in
rings and halos around the star.

Q: So they have been with us for billions of years then?

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B: Yes. There are a few, in that sense, relatively

speaking, though even this may be thousands, that were
generated from the Maldek incident, but this is by far
nowhere near the amount of debris, in that sense, that
exists in total.

Q: To change the subject...I recently was in contact with

some information from George Andrews...

B: Yes.

Q: ...and he gave the first description that I had heard of

the beings that he calls the Browns, who are from Tau
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B: All right.

Q: ...and he said that they would be not recognizable in a

crowd of people. However, if you were to look at them
closely they would not have eye lashes; they have
Mediterranean bronze skin, mostly brown hair but
occasionally black and brown eyes.

B: Yes.

Q: And he also recommended that our government should

work towards making treaties and agreements with them
rather than with the Greys, as we have in the past.

B: Yes, it would be to your planetary benefit to form an

alliance and a coalition with the civilization in Tau Ceti.
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Q: And he also talked about the Blonds, who, he said, in

ancient time were known as the Olympians.

B: From time to time, some of them have been regarded

as such, yes.

Q: And that they were divided into several different

groups and that they were, in this reference, very wise and

B: Again, there are many varieties of entities that you

might refer to as the Blonds, some of them are
representative of that group, some of them are not.
Page 34

Q: And a personal question, as we interact more with the

Pleiadian beings, what electromagnetheric bandwidth will
we find them on?

B: Obviously, above 144,000 cycle per second. { Note:

This is the beginning of the 4th density threshold level}

Q: And they claim to be able to time travel, as well as the

Sassanians and Greys. Do you all use different types of
techniques to travel in time?

B: There are slightly different methodologies but it is all

based on the same fundamental principle. But yes, we
have different technologies, just as you have different
technologies to travel in the way that you do.
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Q: And do you all require ships to do that?

B: Not all beings require ships to do that, no.

Q: And the last things I would like to talk to you about,

before I get to one of my homework assignments, is what
are some of the conditions that exist in the formation of
the natural monatomics...that we find naturally? Does it
have to do with the combination of elements or pressures,
et cetera?

B: It will have to do with heat, sometimes with the

combination of elements as they interact as catalysts for
each other, only very rarely does pressure really play a
part, per se, although it can if it generates a sufficient
amount of heat in a local. Mostly it is the heat and the
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combination and, of course, that there be a sufficient

amount of transitional elements in the mix.

Q: And does it have anything to with the...any kind of

etheric blueprint that might be laid down?

B: Everything has to do with the etheric blueprint that

winds up in physical reality, yes, of course, it is part of the
etheric blueprint.

Q: In the sense that it was specifically laid down for use

in the physical plane?

B: Yes.
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Q: And the last thing is, when I asked you about Neptune
having the ability to emit three times more energy than it
takes in from the sun, one of the anomalies that I found in
searching this out was its moon, Triton, which has,
according to the source I was reading, the only retrograde
satellite in our Solar System and...

B: And

Q: ...and the fact that it is the ninth planet which is the 3

times 3. And I was wondering about Triton, was it a
capture satellite or is it from Neptune itself?

B: It is part of a rebalance of a disturbance, an ancient

disturbance in your solar system from the passage of large
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Q: Was it struck and set in its motion?

B: Not struck so much but gravitationally perturbed.

Q: And were Pluto and its moon...

B: It is interesting how you continual to come up with

more last questions. {Audience laughs}

Q: It was in reference to Neptune and its generation of

more energy coming out, I was wondering, was Pluto and
its moon originally a moon, a satellite of Neptune?
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B: No, but of something else of which you know not.

Thank you.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: At this timing we once again extend to each and every

one of you our appreciation for the allowance of the
establishment of the link at this time. One moment.... each and every one of you take
a deep breath, and a second, and a moment. A new link is being established
for the purpose of accelerating the connection and
association and interaction of your system with that of the
system of Tau Ceti, so that diplomatic relations may begin
in short order. We thank you for allowing a new web, a
new strand to be crystallized; this will become
Page 40

intermeshed in some future interactions and brought

fourth. We thank you, and good day.
Audience: Good day.


Communicating With Higher Consciousness

8-22-97 Malibu, CA

B: All right, number one, good day.

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Q: Good day, Bashar.

B: And good day.

Q: I wanted to find out if you can scan me and tell me if I

have an Egyptian past life history and....

B: Most of you do.

Q: Specifically, on mine, is there anything you can tell me

about it, anything interesting?

B: Why? Why? Why is this of interest to you at this

time, why are you focused on this idea, at this time?
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Q: A psychic had told me about it in Sedona and it just

seemed interesting to me because we had just done a
remote viewing session on the Sphinx that I wanted to ask
you some things about it.

B: Then let us proceed with the idea of the Sphinx and we

will then, perhaps, put to use any connections you are
making to any, so called, past life in Egyptian times. For
any such connection is being made from the present, since
all lives are simultaneous and it is for the purpose of
putting to use or application that, then these connections
are being made. So let us get right to the point of the
application of the reason you are making the connection to
that time period, rather than dwelling in the past.

Q: Okay. Is the Sphinx fifth density?

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B: There is a fifth density component to it but obviously

it is a third density structure as well.

Q: Okay, but was it actually created, has it actually been

created by our time or is it actually not yet created in our
time? These were some of the interesting things that we
got because it was created out of the laws of linear time.
Is that incorrect?

B: In some sense there is a component of its construction

wherein this is true. However, like we have already said
in our opening monologue, everything that is above, in a
sense, has a counterpart below. Specifically, in this way,
you will find that the creation of the so called Sphinx and
certain of the ancient pyramids, while they do have energy
counterparts on higher dimensional realms, obviously,
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also, were intended to have physiological counterparts on

your Earth, so that a link and bridge could be formed, so
they could act as conduits from your world to higher
dimensional resonances and frequencies. Were it not so,
that the physicality were not there, were it not so, that the
physical representation were not also created, then you
would not necessarily find it as easy to make the link to
the higher dimensions through the structure that exists on
your planet. So while, yes, many higher energies were
invoked in its creation, obviously the idea of third density
reality was also involved or you wouldn't be seeing a

Q: But was it actually built at a certain time in our past.

B: Yes! Yes! Approximately what you would call

10400BC, as you say.
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Q: And is there a gateway? We got that there is a

gateway in there....

B: Yes.

Q: That uses non-linear vibration and a very specific

vibration to a transformational door or gateway through

B: Yes.

Q: I was wondering if you could illuminate any other

information on how to use it? This was specifically on the
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B: How to use it is tantamount to learning to be yourself.

For when you are your full self then your frequency is at
the highest resonant level it can possible be and the
Sphinx and many other such structures that were created
in your ancient times are keyed to those high, high
frequencies' resonant levels. So that when they recognize
a similar level of frequency being reflected back to them,
they open automatically. They are keyed to high levels of

Q: Can you say in what way they would open, in terms of


B: There are a variety of ways in which they will open.

There are actually physical doorways that will open when
they recognize the correct frequency that leads to
Page 47

underground chambers, that many of you have now begun

to realize exist, but which you have not yet gone into
physically. But there are also dimensional gateways and,
the idea again is simply, they are keyed to certain
frequencies and when they are in proximity to those
frequencies or, perhaps, more precisely, when someone of
that frequency is in proximity to that gate, it will open up.

Now, the non-physical ones will allow such people who

are triggering such gates to suddenly be capable of seeing,
in a sense, into other dimensions. They may see things
that other people, even a few yards away, will not see
because the doorway will be orientated to their vision and
their frequency, and they may literally see many things
that exist in other dimensional realms. That's one way that
those inner dimensional gates can open. The physical
gates can also open in a similar fashion. Though it would
be more likely that if the physical gate opens, people
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around the general vicinity will most likely be capable of

seeing that. You follow?

Q: Yes. Now that brings to question..... would you

actually need to be in, us being third dimensional beings,
in the physical presence of the Sphinx in Egypt....

B: For now, most of you, yes, would have to be.

Q: What about access to the compartment where the orb

and the gateways actually are, which the public is not
allowed access to?

B: In terms of what you would call astral access, all of

you have the ability to do that. But the idea, again, that it
is up to you to determine whether you have the ability in
Page 49

general to allow yourself to be conscious of that

experience, of that access, when you do it astrally. Many
of you may do it astrally and may not allow yourselves to
remember that you have done so. But all of you have the
potential now, when you, so call, leave your body, as you
say, out of body. You all have the ability.

Many of you actually have had the experience of visiting

those gates and going into them, going into the chambers,
seeing what is there. But perhaps, because of a variety of
reasons, one of which may be that many of you still buy
into the consensus reality for one reason or another,
neither good or bad about this, many of you will choose to
forget that you have been there, but will retain the urge,
the drive to find out what is there. So, sometimes that
urge and that drive, that curiosity to find out what is there,
actually comes from having been there, but not
remembering. This way you give yourself the opportunity
Page 50

to bring it down to Earth, so to speak, by knowing that

there is something there important to find, but then
creating a series of circumstances physically that would
actually bring about the discovery in physical terms and
so, in that sense, reveal it to the physical world, which
would then complete the circuit from higher to lower.
You follow this?

Q: Yes. Now, is there actually a mechanical orb?

B: Yes.

Q: Inside?

B: Yes.
Page 51

Q: And is that triangular in shape.

B: No.

Q: No.

B: No.

Q: Okay, and can you give us any more on what the

purpose of the orb is? And what we have gotten from the
session was that there was actually a consciousness to it.
Page 52

B: There is a consciousness to everything; everything is


Q: And that it was fully awake, but lacking motivation.

That there was some kind of....

B: In some senses, that could be a euphemistic way of

saying that it recognizes it is about to be activated, but
also recognizes that the critical mass on your planet has
not been reached, for it, in a sense, to be bothered with
full activation, yet. Yes.

Q: Okay, he also got that visuals were dependent upon

specific intersecting frequencies vibrating at an unusual
speed or level, sight unseen....
Page 53

B: Yes, but this is simply a technical way of saying that

when the right frequencies are present, they will
automatically know what to do and will automatically
cause things to happen. You don't have to think about it
in technical terms, "Let's see, do I have the right
frequency here, and the right frequency there?"

It can be done that way, but from our point of view, in a

sense, that is the more difficult and backwards way. That
is attempting to, in a sense, render ever single component,
every single detail in the appropriate place first; instead of
simply letting the event orchestrate itself automatically by
simply being the correct general frequency. And knowing
that all the pieces will automatically fall into place when
they recognize that the general theme has been played, so
to speak. Sufficient! Thank you! Number two!
Page 54

Q: Thank you Bashar.

B: And to you good day.

Q: Good day, I'd like to ask a couple of questions, one of


B: Yes.

Q: ...relative to the safety of ingestion of quantities of 20

micrograms or less of monatomic rhodium...

B: Yes.
Page 55

Q: ...when added to herbal substances.

B: Yes.

Q: Is it safe for use in that quantity?

B: Yes.

Q: And does it substantially enhance the effectiveness of

such substances?

B: To mix them with the herbs you mean?

Q: Yes.
Page 56

B: It depends on the herbs. Many of them will have no

effect at all. Some of the herbs will cancel out some of
the effects of monatomic rhodium, some will enhance it.
It will depend. Does this help you?

Q: That does, that does help.

B: And so?

Q: Does the Schumann field...

B: Yes.
Page 57

Q: ...relate to the safety of the use of monatomic


B: No.


Extracted from

Tau Cetian Revelations

“Robert 5” - 10-25-95

B: Yes.
Page 58

Q: To continue on the line of questioning about the

nuclear detonations in our atmosphere and below ground,
are they, the current ones, I think China detonated one last
fall, above ground and France below ground, are those
partially responsible, the above ground
they last about 90 days...reverberate in the atmosphere?

B: 180 days.

Q: And are they partially responsible for some of the

whales beaching themselves?

B: That is something else but it is a long legacy of

connections to the idea of alterations to that ecosystem on
the part of experimentations that your species has done.
Page 59

Q: And have the current below ground detonations been

partially responsible for some of the recent quakes that we
have had in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Mexico?

B: No, none of them.

Q: Okay. And are all passing comets from the explosion

of Maldek?

B: No, many of them are, as many of your scientists

understand, from the original formation of your system. It
coalesces in its solidification or crystallization as a
planetary system, many such remnants formed naturally in
rings and halos around the star.

Q: So they have been with us for billions of years then?

Page 60

B: Yes. There are a few, in that sense, relatively

speaking, though even this may be thousands that were
generated from the Maldek incident, but this is by far
nowhere near the amount of debris, in that sense, that
exists in total.

Q: To change the subject…I recently was in contact with

some information from George Andrews…

B: Yes.

Q: …and he gave the first description that I had heard of

the beings that he calls the Browns, who are from Tau
Page 61

B: All Right.

Q: …and he said that they would be not recognizable in a

crowd of people, however, if you were to look at them
closely they would not have eye lashes, they have
Mediterranean bronze skin, mostly brown hair but
occasionally black, and brown eyes.

B: Yes.

Q: And he also recommended that our government should

work towards making treaties and agreements with them
rather than with the Greys, as we have in the past….

B: Yes, it would be to your planetary benefit to form an

alliance and a coalition with the civilization in Tau Ceti.
Page 62

Q: And he also talked about the Blonds, who he said, “in

ancient time were known as the Olympians.”

B: From time to time, some of them have been regarded

as such, yes.

Q: And that they were divided into several different

groups and that they were, in his reference, very wise and

B: Again, there are many varieties of entities that you

might refer to as the Blonds, some of them are
representative of that group, some of them are not.
Page 63

Q: And a personal question, as we interact more with the

Pleiadian beings, what electromagnetheric bandwidth will
we find them on?

B: Obviously above 144,000 cycle per second. { Note:

This is the beginning of the 4th density threshold level}

Q: And they claim to be able to time travel, as well as the

Sassanians and Greys, do you all use different types of
techniques to travel in time?

B: There are slightly different methodologies but it is all

based on the same fundamental principle. But yes, we
have different technologies, just as you have different
technologies to travel in the way that you do.
Page 64

Q: And do you all require ships to do that?

B: Not all beings require ships to do that, no.

Q: And the last things I would like to talk to you about

before I get to one of my homework assignments is, what
are some of the conditions that exist in the formation of
the natural monatomics… that we find naturally? Does it
have to do with the combination of elements or pressures,
et cetera?

B: It will have to do with heat, sometimes with the

combination of elements as they interact as catalysts for
each other, only very rarely does pressure really play a
part, per se, although it can if it generates a sufficient
amount of heat in a local. Mostly it is the heat
Page 65

and the combination and, of course, that there be a

sufficient amount of transitional elements in the mix.

Q: And does it have anything to with the... any kind of

etheric blueprint that might be laid down?

B: Everything has to do with the etheric blueprint that

winds up in physical reality. Yes, of course, it is part of
the etheric blueprint.

Q: In the sense that it was specifically laid down for use

in the physical plane?

B: Yes.
Page 66

Q: And the last thing is, when I asked you about Neptune
having the ability to emit three times more energy than it
takes in from the sun, one of the anomalies that I found in
searching this out was its moon, Triton, which has,
according to the source I was reading, the only retrograde
satellite in our Solar System and...

B: And

Q: ...and the fact that it is ninth planet which is the 3 x 3,

and I was wondering about Triton, was it a capture
satellite or is it from Neptune itself?

B: It is part of a rebalance of a disturbance, an ancient

disturbance in your Solar System from the passage of
large bodies.
Page 67

Q: Was it struck and set in its motion?

B: Not struck so much but gravitationally perturbed.

Q: And were Pluto and its moon...

B: It is interesting how you continual to come up with

more last questions. {Audience laughs}

Q: It was in reference to Neptune and its generation of

more energy coming out, I was wondering, was Pluto and
its moon originally a moon, a satellite of Neptune?
Page 68

B: No, but of something else of which you know not.

Thank you.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: At this timing we once again extend to each and every

one of you our appreciation for the allowance of the
establishment of the link at this moment. Each and every one of you take a
deep breath...and a second...and a third. One moment...a new link is being established
for the purpose of accelerating the connection and
association and interaction of your system with that of the
system of Tau Ceti, so that
diplomatic relations may begin in short order. We thank
you for allowing a new web, a new strand to be
Page 69

crystallized; this will become intermeshed in some future

interactions and brought forth. We thank you and good


Galactic Interactions

Q: Good evening.

B: And to you, good day.

Q: Thank you for your presence, once again.

B: And yours as well.

Page 70

Q: When you said that you were over Essassani now…

B: Yes.

Q: … and you commented that you were 500 light years

in the direction of Orion…

B: In my vibrational universe, yes.

Q: …when you travel to earth…

B: Yes.
Page 71

Q: … is there any time lag at all?

B: No.

Q: It is instantaneous?

B: Once the jump occurs, it is instantaneous. There may

be what you would perceive as some time lag in setting up
the jump, and some time lag in moving about in your
reality to approach your planet, but the jump itself is

Q: How do you experience that?

Page 72

B: You don’t, not really in the way that you mean it. You
simply, all of a sudden, become one, and then you are
focused again.

Q: And you are there?

B: Yes, because the idea is that you do in fact connect

with everything in that timeless now, that timeless
moment. It is something that isn’t really what you would
call an experience, per se, although you could be left with
the feeling that you have experienced something. It
doesn’t translate so much as an experience, as simply a
beingness. We know that that may not translate into your
language well, but that is the best that can be done at
Page 73

Q: And our planet Venus…

B: Yes.

Q: …are there any monuments left for us?

B: No. There are no monuments on your planet of

Venus, there have not ever been.

Q: Is there any volcanic activity?

B: There is, yes.

Page 74

Q: And in the system of Orion you have talked about


B: Yes.

Q: What about the star Betelgeuse?

B: What about it?

Q: Does it have life, and a civilization visiting earth?

B: Civilization as you would understand it, no. There is

consciousness connected to every star system, but in what
you would recognize as a physicalized civilizational
format, no.
Page 75

Q: And in ancient and modern times there are references

to the Great Central Sun, what does that translate into in
your civilization?

B: The idea is simply a recognition, again, that

everything revolves around something that represents the
combined and integrated holistic aspect of itself, over and
over and over again, to infinity. There is always a center
that is the representation of everything revolving around
it, and then there is the center of all of that, and a center to
all of that, and a center to all of that, and it all leads to the
same center, all one.

That’s the only way we would translate that concept,

although we recognize that in the physiological universe
there is an analogy of mass, in the sense that you have a
Page 76

large black hole in the center of your galaxy, and there is a

large black hole that is representative of clusters of
galaxies at the center of all the galaxies in your immediate
area. And there are large black holes and central suns at
the center of the clusters of the large black holes and
central suns ...that are the combinations of large number
of galaxies, that are the combinations of large number of
stars, and so on and so forth… ad infinitum.

Q: How many galaxies is your Association aware of at

present in our physiological universe? (Circa 1995)

B: Now remember, again, we have a physiological

universe and you have a different dimensional
physiological universe. YOU yourselves are aware that
there are countless billions of galaxies, so when you ask
Page 77

the question: how many galaxies are we aware of… do

you mean interactively?

Q: How many have you, in your association of beings,

actually traveled to and experienced?

B: Seven.

Q: Seven.

B: Yes. Now we have not experienced the totality of

each of those galaxies, but we have interacted with seven.

Q: Any names?
Page 78

B: There are no names for them, as you understand that.

Q: It doesn’t translate?

B: Not really. You have your, what you call, Milky Way
galaxy. Now, many different beings have different
appellations for what to you would be the same galaxy. It
has as many names as there are beings, in that sense, or
civilizations, per se, that choose to give things names. We
are connected to your galaxy. We are connected to what
you call the Andromeda galaxy in your dimensional
reality, and our own galaxy, of course, in our universal
reality, which would be like a parallel of your galaxy.
And four more in our universal reality, thus being a total,
in that sense, of seven -- five in our universal reality and
two in yours.
Page 79

Q: And the being Quetzalcoatl…

B: Yes.

Q: … which the Toltecs and Aztecs represented as a

plumed serpent…

B: Yes.

Q: … it was told to me that it was also seen as a blond

haired, blue eyed, tall woman?
Page 80

B: It was perceived in many different ways, and those are

all simply aspects of the total being of Quetzalcoatl as it
translates into your definition of reality. We have already
told you that the sighting of what you call your Mexican
UFO was the return of the being in the civilization you
called Quetzalcoatl, and more than that we cannot discuss
at present.

Q: And the last thing, on salt. There is a substance called

Celtic Salt, which has 84 plus minerals to help buffer it,
and it is also said that it contains some of the inert gases –
argon, neon and helium. Is that possible for salts?

B: Not in your dimension; Celtic salt is a recognition that

there are etheric dimensional aspects to the elements that
are associated with what exists in your physical reality as
the chemical components, and that has to do with the fact
Page 81

that Celtic salt also does contain some of the monatomic

elements, and thus, they act as bridge and a link to some
of the etheric template aspects of the elements in non-
physicality. There is a bridging or a linking between
physical materiality and the etheric manifestation of the
elements, as you understand it; end of discussion.

Q: Thank you.
B: Thank you.

Page 82

ET Impetus For Taking Back Individual


Q: In 1947 there was reported several alien craft in the

New Mexico area that hit the ground.

B: Yes.

Q: And one of the reasons for that occurrence was of our

government’s testing of radar.

B: Yes.
Page 83

Q: And we supposedly gave them 30 to 40 seconds to

correct, or they would impact the ground. And this is
what purportedly happened in the Roswell incident.

B: Along with other things, yes; there was also a high

degree of electrical activity in your skies that night, which
also aided and amplified the interference.

Q: The question is, is this one of the incidents that caused

our government’s involvement with some of the
extraterrestrial civilizations?

B: Yes, it is one.

Q: In the sense that their crew was captured and…

Page 84

B: So to speak, yes.

Q: … and it demanded that some negotiations take place.

B: Eventually, some negotiations took place as a result of

that incident... but no negotiations took place at that time.

Q: And the other incident was in July 19th and 20th of

1952, over Washington D. C.

B: Yes.

Q: In which several ships were…

Page 85

B: Buzzing around your Capital, yes.

Q: Can you comment on that situation and who that

might have been?

B: I will not tell you whom that might have been, what I
will tell you is this: one moment… you were being shown,
in no uncertain terms, by the fact that a fleet of craft
passed over your government’s Capital at that time, you
were being shown, in no uncertain terms, exactly who
knew what was going on. It was, in that sense, a signal
for your society to begin to do your real homework in
allowing yourself to destructurize the government you
have created, that was designed to keep information from
you, and is doing its job very well.
Page 86

It was the beginning signal to create the impetus for many

of the things and rearrangements of the society of your
planet that are going on now, in the destructurization, of
the taking back of personal responsibility, and so on and
so forth, that you are experiencing in your society now.
That was the beginning signal, which was the indication
of the beginning of the shift, when you would no longer
rely so strongly on the idea of your government to take
responsibility for what you know and don’t know. All

Q: And there have recently been some Texans that have

had some small BB like objects removed. One from, I
believe, the toe and the other from the hand.

B: Yes.
Page 87

Q: And they give off a twelve-inch magnetic resonance…

B: We understand this.

Q: What type of material can do this?

B: Superconductors… of a different nature than you

understand, that are polarized and regulated with “polaric”
energy in a very specific way. They are constantly
collapsing the field, what you call the superconductive
field, or the hyperconductive field, to generate what you
perceive in your reality to be a magnetic field, which is
different than the field around the superconductor.
Page 88

Q: Is it radiating in the magnetic frequency?

B: When the field collapses, yes, of course. But it

collapses many millions of times a second, that’s why you
only perceive it as a magnetic field instead of a
superconductive field. Nevertheless it is a
superconductive field as well.

Q: Is this for assisting an individual and amplifying their

energy, or tracking and finding the individual?

B: It is for the idea of tracking, of recording and storing

information, and also for inducing the state that
individuals call the alteration or paralysis state that helps
shift them from one dimension to another. It shifts their
frequency so that contact can be made.
Page 89

Q: And can you give us the name of those who did the

B: In this case, as it is being identified now, specifically,

generally again, the species you understand as the Greys,

Q2: Was it meant to create a psychological state?

B: It was meant to cause a diversion of the field to some

degree, yes. But not to any great significant amount, just
enough so that the individual who was involved could also
add their energy in such a way as to know they have
commandment of the situation, which is what they did. It
Page 90

was enough to trip the circuit, but not enough to do it for

them completely.

Q: Two last things. Did Nicola Tesla work on the

Philadelphia Experiment, or were his coils only used?

B: His information was to some degree utilized, he did

not have direct involvement.

Q: Thank you for that clarification. And the last thing:

can a monatomic substance be both in the low and the
high spin state? I mean not simultaneously, but does the
monatomic always, by definition, reside in the high spin
Page 91

B: High spin. It can have low spin side effects and

manifestations, but in its natural monatomic state, always
in the high spin.


"Hyperconductive and Superconductive

States of Being"

Question: Can you delineate the difference between being

superconductive and the idea that you have introduced us
to, the idea of being hyperconductive?
Page 92

Bashar: Yes, superconductive is the ‘effect’ in what you

might perceive as one frequency, one direction of an
energy, so to speak. Hyperconductivity is actually a
natural state of the simultaneous existence of many
different fields overlapping. What you actually call the
superconductive field is actually a hyperconductive field;
it is not really superconductivity until you collapse the
field and get the unidirectional effect of the voltage or
amperage out of it.

So superconductivity is the effect in one direction of the

application of the energy in your physical domain;
hyperconductivity is the field that has no particular
direction to it, because it is composed of all directions of
Page 93

Q: So when we ingest the monatomics we become


B: You actually become hyperconductive but can utilize

that energy by collapsing the field within the body with
your internal focus and create superconductive effects.
Yes, you can direct the energy inward to
superconductivity or outward superconductivity but
generally in the natural state, in the relaxed state, it is a
hyperconductive state because you are connecting to a
multidimensional holographic structure simultaneously, in
all directions at once. Does that make sense?

Q: Yes, thank you.

B: Thank you.
Page 94

Q: Can you comment on children taking the monatomics

and the relationship to their developing DNA structures?

B: You will find that many of the children being born on

your planet now have a greater capacity to actually
convert what they ingest into monatomics than you do.
And, thus, you will find that they do not necessarily need
quite as much, for they are already coming through in a
DNA structure that acts as an automatic amplifier and
fusion reactor, or a breakdown reactor, if you wish, to
rearrange the elements that they do not ingest in their
monatomic form. Their DNA structure is already very
different, and, as we have said, the children that have been
born, are not just a different generation, they are not just a
different culture, they are a different species.
Page 95

B: We want you all to recognize that your so-called

twelve strand DNA is not physiological. You do not have
twelve strands of DNA in your body; nor will you ever
have. It is not a physiological thing. The idea is that you
have two with an implicit third for the purpose of tapping
into all of the other levels of DNA template energy, but
those are not in your physical dimension of experience.
The recapturing of your twelve strands means a
realignment with all different levels of dimensionality of
yourself, and tapping into the templates that will allow the
strands that exist physically within you to become more
perfectly aligned. You understand that first of all?

Q: Yes.
Page 96

B: Therefore, similar to what we have been discussing

already and just to use your terminology, for sake of
simplicity, what prevents you from tapping into the
information, the knowledge, the alignment, the energy
that would be representative of accessing all those levels
of dimensionality of your DNA patterns, your templates,
is, again, the choices you make, the belief systems that
you have, the restrictions and resistances that you have to
your natural self, and the limitations that you have
continued to impose upon yourself with regard to the
creation of toxic environments, and so on and so forth.

The idea is that alignment, relaxation, clarification,

removal of toxins from the system, flushing of the system,
is necessary, and a variety of things can be utilized to
achieve this. But primarily, primarily it is fear, which is
based on beliefs, patterns, and definitions. That’s all
really, that’s all. You have total accessibility to these
ideas, but when you have already bought into certain
Page 97

beliefs structures, those beliefs, by definition, do not give

you the capability of seeing the routes, the methodologies
that would allow you most easy access to those other
levels of self. Because, by definition, each belief system is
self-reinforcing, self-contained and doesn’t necessarily
contain a definition that says you have an ability to go
beyond that belief system. Unless you allow yourself the
foundational belief system that says that all belief systems
can be transmuted. All belief systems can have a back
door that will allow you to access another belief system,
and to change the belief system you now have, easily and
quickly, and effortlessly, and lovingly, and creatively, and
joyfully. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: Nothing else really prevents you from accessing all of

that; there are many different ways you can do it.
Page 98

Now, in your present day and age, however, there are

more and more and more things now coming to light that
will give your people more ability, faster ability, to access
all of that energy. We have begun to now discuss one such
idea that is coming to light in your society very rapidly,
and will be introduced in the very near future in large
scale to your society. The rediscovery of the appropriate
way to process and ingest certain elemental substances
such as gold, that will act to create your body, your
cellular structure to become more superconductive, and in
so doing, give you the ability to process more easily, more
lovingly and more effortlessly, those impediments, those
resistances which may still remain within your belief
systems; and to give you more allowance and more
willingness to love yourselves unconditionally, to go
through those transformative processes more quickly. To
change them, to release, to grow and to access all that you
are capable of accessing from a physiological dimension.
Page 99

These, again, will be known to you very rapidly; they are

already beginning to be known to some. All right?

Q: Yes, thank you.

B: Thank you.

Page 100

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