An integrative process:
Monatomic Explanations
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Circa 1995:
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Monatomic Elucidations
B: Yes.
Q: …and some other elements. Is there a correspondence
to the way they are in their metallic state and the effects
they will have, when adjusted, in their monatomic state on
the body?
B: There is not much correlation, except that because of
the essence of their difference in the metallic state, it will
give you some indication in the monatomic state of what
that particular monatomic element might affect within the
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Q: And the things that are more conductive like silver and
gold work better in relation to the nervous system?
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B: Yes.
Q: Bone marrow?
B: Yes.
Q: Flux collapse?
you get out of phase; and when you get out of phase there
is the flux collapse and, again, colloquially speaking,
“poof.” (AUD: more laughter) From the inside out as you
have observed in cases of spontaneous combustion. The
heat does not come from outside, it comes from inside.
Every single cell disrupts and collapses and increases their
electromagnetic amperage, sometimes by a factor of ten
million. Then, of course, as it disintegrates there is
nothing to carry the heat and so it dissipates quite rapidly
and rarely affects the surrounding environment to any
great degree. Which is why the body will burn but not the
chair that it is sitting in. You understand?
Q: Yes.
as things like the rods and cones of the eyes, the taste buds
of the tongue and other things that have to do with sensory
Silver has some benefit in that area as well, but also… one
moment, one moment… it aids, to some degree, in the
reparation of bone, especially the dental enamel, but not in
the way that you use it in your dentistry, but in monatomic
state. You see, in many ways, many of you instantly
understand that the silver is supposed to be applied to the
teeth, but you don’t know how to apply it. So not, in what
you call, the filling in metallic form, but in monatomic
state, it will aid in the reparation and the strengthening of
such things as your dental enamel and other things in the
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B: It can.
B: You can create that effect with music, yes. Take your
cue from the dolphins, they will be willing to teach you as
long as they know you will use it in positive ways,
because I will tell you this, it can be an extremely
destructive power as well. Does that help you?
Q: Thank you.
Q.: The rhodium and the iridium are the powder that
David Hudson has been providing to people. Would it be
better if the iridium and the rhodium would be separate?
B.: No, they know what to do when they are in your body.
Sometimes they actually work better when they are in
concert with monoatomic chromium. By adding the
monoatomic chromium to the iridium and rhodium it
would be even more efficacious.
B.: Yes, but it will take adequate practice for the single
mind of your species to do this. It may not come very
easily for most of you to do it that way. Therein the
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B.: It may not do that exact thing for every individual but
it will have the tendency to generalize the traits of your
human form so that there would be a range somewhere
between your 20 and 40 year, averaging out to about your
33rd year. This is what happens generally when you
become spirit, when you die, most spirits snap back to the
etheric form of about their 33rd year of life.
Q.: Would the gold be more powerful in developing our
spiritual nature, our electromagnetheric qualities? (yes)
You also mentioned the violet colored foods have more
gold. Would beets for example have more gold?
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Questioner: Bashar!
Bashar: Yes.
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B: 180 days.
B: Yes.
B: All right.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
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Q: And the last thing is, when I asked you about Neptune
having the ability to emit three times more energy than it
takes in from the sun, one of the anomalies that I found in
searching this out was its moon, Triton, which has,
according to the source I was reading, the only retrograde
satellite in our Solar System and...
B: And
8-22-97 Malibu, CA
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
Q: Inside?
B: Yes.
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B: No.
Q: No.
B: No.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
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B: Yes.
B: Yes.
Q: Yes.
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B: And so?
B: Yes.
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B: No.
Extracted from
B: Yes.
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B: 180 days.
B: Yes.
B: All Right.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
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Q: And the last thing is, when I asked you about Neptune
having the ability to emit three times more energy than it
takes in from the sun, one of the anomalies that I found in
searching this out was its moon, Triton, which has,
according to the source I was reading, the only retrograde
satellite in our Solar System and...
B: And
Galactic Interactions
Q: Good evening.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
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B: No.
Q: It is instantaneous?
B: You don’t, not really in the way that you mean it. You
simply, all of a sudden, become one, and then you are
focused again.
B: Yes.
B: Yes.
B: Seven.
Q: Seven.
Q: Any names?
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Q: It doesn’t translate?
B: Not really. You have your, what you call, Milky Way
galaxy. Now, many different beings have different
appellations for what to you would be the same galaxy. It
has as many names as there are beings, in that sense, or
civilizations, per se, that choose to give things names. We
are connected to your galaxy. We are connected to what
you call the Andromeda galaxy in your dimensional
reality, and our own galaxy, of course, in our universal
reality, which would be like a parallel of your galaxy.
And four more in our universal reality, thus being a total,
in that sense, of seven -- five in our universal reality and
two in yours.
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B: Yes.
B: Yes.
Q: Thank you.
B: Thank you.
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B: Yes.
B: Yes.
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B: Yes, it is one.
B: So to speak, yes.
B: Yes.
B: I will not tell you whom that might have been, what I
will tell you is this: one moment… you were being shown,
in no uncertain terms, by the fact that a fleet of craft
passed over your government’s Capital at that time, you
were being shown, in no uncertain terms, exactly who
knew what was going on. It was, in that sense, a signal
for your society to begin to do your real homework in
allowing yourself to destructurize the government you
have created, that was designed to keep information from
you, and is doing its job very well.
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B: Yes.
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B: We understand this.
Q: And can you give us the name of those who did the
B: Thank you.
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Q: Yes.
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Q: Yes.
B: Thank you.
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