Aromatic Compounds (13th)

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Q.1 How many  electron are there in the following species :

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

Q.2 Number of  electrons present in naphthalene is:

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 10 (D) 14

Q.3 Which of the following is not the property of benzene:

(A) Characteristic smell (B) Inflammable
(C) Unsaturation (D) Colourless

Q.4 Benzene undergoes substitution reaction more easily than addition because:
(A) It has a cyclic structure (B) It has three double bonds
(C) It has six hydrogen atoms (D) Of resonance

Q.5 The order of reactivity of following compounds:

(I) – CH3 (II) –CH2–CH3 (III) –CH(CH3)2 (IV) –C(CH3)3
towards electrophilic substitution will be-[where =C6H5]
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) II > I > III > IV (D) III > II > I > IV

Q.6 Which one of the following is the most basic compound :

(A) C6H5–NH2 (B) C6H5–NHCH3 (C) C6H5–N(CH3)2 (D) C6H5N(C2H5)2

Q.7 Find odd compound out :

(A) Lindane (B) Gammexane (C) 666 (D) HCB

Q.8 Which of the following reagents and conditions convert benzene to chloro-benzene:
(A) Cl2, sunlight, heat (B) HCl, heat (C) HCl, sunlight, heat (D) Cl2, AlCl3, cold

Q.9 Which order is correct for the decreasing reactivity to ring monobromination of the following compounds:
(I) C6H5CH3 (II) C6H5COOH (III) C6H6 (IV) C6H5NO2
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) I > III > II > IV (C) II > III > IV > I (D) III > I > II > IV

Q.10 Benzene on treatment with a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc.H2SO4 at 90°C gives:
(A) Nitrobenzene (B) m-Dinitrobenzene (C) p-Dinitrobenzene (D) o-Dinitrobenzene

Q.11 Which of the following structures correspond to the product expected, when excess of C6H6 reacts with
CH2Cl2 in presence of anhydrous AlCl3:

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
Q.12 For preparing monoalkyl benzene, acylation process is preferred than direct alkylation because
(A) In alkylation, a poisonous gas is evolved
(B) In alkylation, large amount of heat is evolved
(C) In alkylation, pollyalkylated product is formed
(D) Alkylation is very costly

Q.13 Benzene reacts with n-propyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give predominantly:
(A) n-Propylbenzene (B) Isopropylbenzene
(C) 3-Propyl-1-chlorobenzene (D) No reaction

Q.14 In the sulphonation, acetylation and formylation of benzene the group of effective electrophiles would be:
   
(A) SO 3 , CH 3  O, HC O (B) SO 3 , CH 3  C  O, HC O
(C) SO3, CH3CHO, CO + HCl (D) HSO3, CH3CO, HCO

Q.15 Number of benzene derivatives of C7H7Cl is:

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

Q.16 The number of benzene derivatives of the formula C7H8O is:

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

Q.17 Ethylbenzene + Cl2 Light

 (main) compound is:
(A) o-& p-chloroethylbenzene (B) 1-Chloroethylbenzene
(C) 2-Chloroethylbenzene (D) m-Chloroethylbenzene

Q.18 Chlorinaton of toluene in the presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives:
(A) o-Cresol (B) p-Cresol
(C) 2,4-Dihydroxytoluene (D) Benzyl alcohol

Q.19 p-Nitrotoluene on further nitration gives:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.20 In the reaction of p-chlorotoluene with KNH2 in liquid NH3, the major product is:
(A) o-Toluidine (B) m-Toluidine (C) p-Toluidine (D) p-Chloroaniline

Q.21 Major product of this reaction will be :

AlCl 3 , 

(A) o-xylene (B) p-xylene (C) both (D) m-xylene

CrO Cl
2 2 2H O
Q.22 C6H5CH3    A   B
The functional group present in B and name of the reaction would be
(A) –CHO, Gattermann aldehyde synthesis (B) –CHO, Etard reaction
(C) –COCH3, Friedel Crafts reaction (D) –CHO, Oxo reaction

Q.23 Which chloroderivative of benzene among the following would undergo-hydrolysis most readily with
aq.NaOH to furnish the corresponding hydroxy derivative.

(A) O2N (B) O2N Cl

(C) Me2N Cl (D) Cl

Q.24 The order of relative reactivity of the given halides towards SN2 reaction is:
(A) PhCH2Cl > PhCHClCH3 > PhCCl(CH3)2
(B) PhCH2Cl < PhCHCl(CH3) < PhCCl(CH3)2
(C) PhCHCl(CH3) > PhCH2Cl > PhCCl(CH3)2
(D) PhCHCl(CH3)>PhCCl(CH3)2 > PhCH2Cl

Q.25 An aromatic compound 'A' C7H6Cl2, gives AgCl on bonding with alcoholic AgNO3 solution, and yields
C7H7OCl on treatment with sodium hydroxide. 'A' on oxidation gives a mono chlorobenzoic acid which
affords only one mononitro derivative. The compound A is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.26 Which of the following reactions will not take place:

(A) ArN 
2 + CuBr  ArBr (B) ArN 
2 + PhOH  Ar OH

(C) ArN  H 2O
2 + H3HO2  ArH (D) ArN  –
2 + I  ArI

Q.27 Which of the following substituted benzene derivatives would furnish three isomers in significant amount
when one more substituent is introduced:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.28 Which of the following reaction does not take place?


2  (B) Cl + aq. KOH 
liq . NH 3

(C) Cl + alc. KOH  (D) + NaOH 
200 atm

Q.29 m-Bromotoluene is prepared by:

(A) Bromination of toluene
(B) Friedel Craft's reaction of bromobenzene with CH3Cl
(C) Bromination of nitrobenzene and subsequent replacement of –NO2 group with methyl group
(D) Bromination of aceto-p-toluidine followed by hydrolysis and deamination

Q.30 Benzyne intermediate is not observed in:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.31 2  A, major product A and reaction R are:
 

(A) , elimination addition (B) , elimination addition

(C) , cine substitution (D) , addition elimination

Q.32 Chloral + Cl Conc

 
. H 2SO 4
 product. The product is:
(A) Lindane (B) DDT (C) Tefflon (D) Ethaneperchlorate

Q.33 Which of the following group is divalent:

(A) Benzoyl (B) Benzyl (C) Benzal (D) p-Tolyl

Q.34 C6H6 + A AlCl3  C6H5CONH2

A in the above reaction is:
Q.35 When benzene is heated with acetic anhydride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride at 80°C,
the product formed is:
(A) Benzoic acid (B) Benzophenone (C) Acetophenone (D) Ethyl phenyl ketone
Zn Hg
Q.36 C6H6 3 A    B
AlCl 3 HCl

The end product in the above sequence is:

(A) Toluene (B) Ethyl benzene (C) Both the above (D) None
Q.37 The species responsible for nitration and sulphonation by nitric acid conc. H2SO4 and fuming H2SO4 are:
(A) NO2 and SO3 (B) NO 2 and SO3 (C) NO+ and SO2 (D) NO2 and SO2
Q.38 Which of the following reactions is not an example of electrophilic substitution:
(A) C6H6 + +NO2  C6H5NO2 + H+ (B) C6H5 + CH3Cl AlCl
3  C6H5– CH3 + HCl

(C) C6H6 + Cl2 UV (D) C6H5OH + CO + HCl Anhy

  C6H6Cl6

Q.39 + CH 2CH 2CH 2Cl 3  hydrocarbon (X) major product X is:
CH 3

CH 3
(A) CH 2CH  CH 3 (B) C  CH 3
| |
CH 3 CH 3

(C) CH2CH2CH2CH3 (D) None is correct

Q.40 Reaction of SO3 is easier in:

(A) Benzene (B) Toluene (C) Nitrobenzene (D) chlorobenzene
Q.41 If the mixture of the following four aromatic compounds on oxidation by strong oxidising agent gives:

, , and

(A) Mixture of C6H5CH2OH + C6H5COOH (B) Mixture of C6H5CHO + C6H5COOH

(C) Only C6H5COOH (D) None of the above
Q.42 Methyl group attached to benzene can be oxidised to carboxyl group by reacting with:
(A) Fe2O3 (B) AgNO3 (C) KMnO4 (D) CrO3

Q.43 A 2 4  B
 

Compound A and B respectively are:

(A) o-Bromostyrene, benzoic acid (B) p-Bromostyrene, benzaldehyde
(C) m-Bromostyrene, benzaldehyde (D) Styrene dibromide, benzoic acid
Q.44 Which of the following is the strongest o,p-directing group?
(A) OH (B) Cl (C) Br (D) C6H5
Q.45 The reaction of benzene with CO and HCl in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 gives:
(A) Chlorobenzene (B) Toluene (C) Benzyl chloride (D) Benzaldehyde
Q.46 The number of benzylic hydrogen atoms in ethylbenzene is:
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 2 (D) 7
Q.47 X 2 Benzotrichloride Hydrolysis
   Y
X and Y respectively are:
(A) Benzene, Benzaldehyde (B) Toluene, Benzaldehyde
(C) Toluene, Benzoic acid (D) Benzene, Benzoic acid
Q.48 Product obtained when benzoyl acetic acid is heated with soda-lime is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.49 Etard reaction in the following is:
(A) Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by chromylchloride
(B) Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by alkaline KMnO4
(C) Dry distillation of calcium benzoate
(D) Reaction of benzene with Cl2 in the presence of UV light
Q.50 The highest yield of m-product is possible by the electrophilic substitution of the following:
(A) C6H5CH3 (B) C6H5CH2COOC2H5
(C) C6H5CH(COOC2H5)2 (D) C6H5C(COOC2H5)3

Q.51 + H2 Ni
   (A). Which of the following can be isolated as the product of this reaction.
, high temp.
high pressure

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.52 Which of the following is/are produced when a mixture of benzene vapour and oxygen is passed over
V2O5 catalyst at 775 K?
(A) Oxalic acid (B) Glyoxal (C) Fumaric acid (D) Maleic anhydride
Q.53 Which of the following is the least reactive in the case of bromination:
(A) Phenol (B) Aniline (C) Nitrobenzene (D) Anisole
Q.54 No. of  electrons in is:

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

Q.55 Which of the following is not an aromatic compound:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.56 Benzene on reaction with 'A' forms which on reaction with 'B' forms

'A' and 'B' are:

(A) Zn(Hg) + conc. HCl, (B) , LiAlH4

(C) , NaBH4 (D) , Zn(Hg) + conc. HCl

Q.57 In a reaction of C6H5Y, the major product (>60%) is m-isomer, so the group Y is:
(A) –COOH (B) –Cl (C) –OH (D) –NH2
Q.58 Which of the following will undergo sulphonation at fastest rate ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.59 Aniline under acidic medium, when chlorinated, produces:

(A) o-chloro aniline (B) m-chloro aniline
(C) p-chloro aniline (D) Mixture of ortho and para-chloro aniline
Q.60 Which of the following undergoes chlorination at fastest rate?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.61 Which of the following is most reactive towards sulphonation?

(A) m-Xylene (B) o-Xylene (C) Toluene (D) p-Xylene
Q.62 Which of the following undergoes sulphonation at fastest rate ?
(A) C6H5NO2 (B) C6H5CH2NO2

(C) C6H5CH2CH2NO2 (D)

Q.63 Which of the following undergoes nitration fast?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.64 When sulphonilic acid (p-H2NC6H4SO3H) is treated with excess of bromine, the product is:
(A) tribromo product (B) dibromo product
(C) monobromo product (D) tetrebromo product
Q.65 Ring nitration of dimethyl benzene results in the formation of only one nitro dimethyl benzene. The dimethyl
benzene is:

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

Q.66 If p-methoxy toluene is nitrated, the major product is:

(A) (B) (C) (D) No reaction

Q.67 If meta-nitroaniline is chlorinated, the major product is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.68 An aromatic compound of molecular formula C6H4Br2 was nitrated when three isomers of formula
C6H3Br2NO2 were obtained. The original compound is:
(A) o-dibromobenzene (B) m-dibromobenzene
(C) p-dibromobenzene (D) None of these

Q.69 Which of the following carbocations is expected to be most stable?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.70 Which of the following carbocations is expected to be most stable?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.71 The number of disubstituted products of benzene is

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

Q.72 Which of the following species is expected to have maximum enthalpy in an electrophilic aromatic
substitution reaction?

+ E+    

(A) Species (II) (B) Species (III) (C) Species (IV) (D) Species (V)

Q.73 For the electrophilic substitution reaction involving nitration, which of the following sequence regarding
the rate of reaction is true?
(A) k C6 H6 > k C6 D6 > k C6 T6 (B) k C6 H6 < k C6 D6 < k C6 T6

(C) k C6 H6 = k C6 D6 = k C6 T6 (D) k C6 H6 > k C6 D6 < k C6 T6

Q.74 For the electrophilic substitution reaction involving sulphonation, which of the following sequenceregarding
the rate of reaction is true?
(A) k C6 H6 > k C6 D6 > k C6 T6 (B) k C6 H6 < k C6 D6 < k C6 T6

(C) k C6 H6 = k C6 D6 = k C6 T6 (D) k C6 H6 > k C6 D6 < k C6 T6

Q.75 The order of relative reactivity of the given halides towards SN1 reaction is
(A) benzylchloride > p-methoxybenzylchloride > p-nitrobenzylchloride
(B) p-methoxybenzylchloride > benzylchloride > p-nitrobenzylchloride
(C) p-methoxybenzylchloride > p-nitrobenzylchloride > benzylchloride
(D) benzylchloride > p-nitrobenzylchloride > p-methoxybenzylchloride

Q.1 Which of the following will show aromatic character:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.2 Which aromatic compound is obtained when n-octane undergoes catalytic hydroforming:
(A) ethyl benzene (B) m-Xylene (C) o-Xylene (D) p-Xylene

Q.3 Benzoic acid may be prepared by the oxidation of:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.4 In which of the following reaction t-butylbenzene is formed:

(A) Benzene + iso-butyl chloride, AlCl3 (B) Benzene + (CH3)2C = CH2 3 
(C) Benzene + t-butyl alcohol H2SO
4 
 (D) Benzene + (CH3)2 C= CH2 AlCl
3 

Q.5     Product is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.6 Which of the following reactions of benzene proves the presence of three carbon–carbon double bonds
in it:
(A) Formation of a triozonide
(B) Hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexane
(C) Formation of C6H6Cl6 by addition of chlorine
(D) Formation of nitrobenzene on heating benzene with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and sulphuric

Q.7 Electrophile NO 
2 attacks the following in which cases
NO 
2 will be at meta position:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.8 Benzene is a resonance hybrid mainly of two Kekule structures. Hence:

(A) Half of the molecules correspond to one structure, and half of the second structure
(B) At low temperatures benzene can be separated into two structures
(C) Two structures make equal contribution to resonance hybrid
(D) An individual benzene molecule changes back and forth between two structures
Q.9 The reaction of replacement of a hydrogen atom in benzene by alkyl group can be brought about with the
following reagents:
(A) Alkyl chloride and AlCl3 (B) Alkene and AlCl3
(C) Alkanol and alkali (D) Alkanol and acid

Q.10 Which of the following is /are fitting reaction:

(A) C6H5I + 2Na + ICH3  C6H5– CH3
(B) C6H5I + 2Na + IC6H5  C6H5 – C6H5
(C) CH3I + 2Na + ICH3  CH3 – CH3
(D) C6H5CH2–Cl + 2Na + ClCH2C6H5  C6H5CH2 – CH2C6H5
Q.11 Which of the following statements is correct:
(A) Bromination of toluene occurs faster than that of benzene
(B) Nitration of toluene is faster than that of ethylbenzene
(C) The bromonium ion is a good nucleophile
(D) Effective nitrating agent is nitrate ion

Q.12 Electrophilic substitution in cinnamic acid will take place at :

(A) Ortho-position (B) Para-position (C) Meta-position (D) On side chain

Q.13 Which of the following gives Friedel Crafts reaction?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.14 Which of the following can be used in Friedel Crafts reaction?

(A) (B) CH2=CH–Cl (C) CH3CH2Cl (D) CH2=CH–CH2–Cl

Q.15 The good method for converting benzene into propyl benzene is:
(A) C6H6 + CH3CH2CH2Cl + Anhyd. AlCl3
(B) C6H6 + CH3CH2COCl + Anhyd. AlCl3 and then treatment with Zn/Hg/HCl
(C) C6H6 + CH3CH2COCl + Anhyd. AlCl3 and then treatment with H2 Ni
(D)C6H6 + Anhyd. AlCl3 + cyclopropane

Q.16 Which of the following will undergo nitration slow than benzene?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.17 Which of the following is ortho-para directing group?

(A) CF3 (B) CCl3 (C) –CH=CH–COOH (D) – N  C
Q.18 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Ortho-and para-directing groups increase electron density at ortho-and para-positions
(B) Meta-directing groups increase electron density at meta-position
(C) Meta-directing groups decrease electron density at meta-position
(D) Ortho-and para-directing groups decrease electron density at meta-position

Q.19 Which of the following statements is/are not true?

(A) All ortho-para directing groups activates the ring
(B) All ortho-para directing groups except halogens activate the ring
(C) All meta-directing groups have -bond on the atom directly attached to the ring
(D) All meta directing groups are deactivating.

Q.20 Which of the following compounds can be classified as aromatic?

(A) 1, 2, 3-Triphenylcyclopropenium cation (B) Cyclooctatetraenyl dianion
(C) Azulene (D) 10-Azulene

Q.21 The structure of the compound that gives a tribromo derivative on treatment with bromine water is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.22 Amongst the following, the moderately activating group is

(A) —NHR (B) —NHCOCH3 (C) —NR2 (D) —CH3

Q.23 False statement is / are :

(A) Although benzene contains three double bonds, normally it does not undergo addition reaction.
(B) m-chlorobromobenzene is an isomer of m-bromochlorobenzene.
(C) In benzene, carbon uses all the three p orbitals for hybridization.
(D) An electron donating substitutent in benzene orients the incoming electrophilic group to the meta position.

|| ||
Q.24 Of the species PhSH, PhSR , PhSR and Ph  S  OR the meta-substituted product is obtained from
|| || ||

|| ||
(A) PhSR (B) PhSR (C) PhSR (D) Ph  S  OR
|| || ||
Q.25 Match the column:
Column A Column B

(A) + CrO3 in CH3COOH  ? (P) Tropylium ion

(B) + Ph3C? (Q) Benzaldehyde

(C) + n-Pr Br + ZnCl2  ? (R) Two types of products

(D) + Br2 ? (S) Cumene

Q.26 Match the following:

Column I Column II

(A) CO2is evolved from (P)

NaHCO3 by the reaction of

(B) Libermann nitroso test is given by (Q)

(C) Compounds gives yellow oily (R)

liquid on reaction with NaNO2 + HCl

(D) Compounds evolve a colourless gas (S)

on reaction with active metals

Q.27 Match the following:
Column I Column II

(A) Compounds which on reaction (P)

with neutral FeCl3 gives

violet / Blue colour are

(B) Compounds which on reaction (Q)


gives para red dye.

(C) Compounds which do not give (R) Ph  CH 2  C  CH 2CH 3
yellow ppt. On reaction with NaOI

(D) Compound which have maximum % (S)

of enol form

Q.28 Match the following:

Column I Column II

(A) Compounds which gives Diels (P)

Elder's reaction in greater extent

with dienophile

(B) Compounds which undergoes (Q)

ArSN reaction are

(C) Compound which has highest (R)

aromatic characters

(D) Strongest Base (S)


Q.1 Write the principal organic product in each of the following reactions:

(i) + C6H5CH2SK  A (ii) 2 2  B

( i ) HNO , H SO
3 2 (i) NaNO 2 , HBr
(iii)    4  D (iv)     E
( ii ) NaOCH 3 ,CH 3OH ( ii ) CuBr

( i ) NBS, Benzoyl peroxide ,CCl , heat

(v) 4
          F
( ii ) NaSCH 3

(vi) + CH3CH2ONa  G (vii) + C6H5CH2SNa  H

 3  I (ix) + Mg
CH 3OH heat

Q.2 Write the most stable resonance structure for the cyclohexadienyl anion formed by reaction of methoxide
ion with o-fluoronitrobenzene.

Q.3 Reaction of 1,2,3-tribrom-5-nitrobenzene with sodium ethoxide in ethanol gave a single product,
C8H7Br2NO3, in quantitative yield. Suggest a reasonable structure for this compound.

Q.4 Offer an explanation for the observation that 4-chloropyridine is more reaction toward nucleophiles than

Q.5 2-Bromo-1,3-dimethylbenzene is inert to nucleophilic aromatic substitution on treatment with sodium

amide in liquid ammonia. It is recovered unchanged even after extended contact with the reagent. Suggest
an explanation for this lack of reactivity.

Q.6 Two isomeric phenols are obtained in comparable amounts on hydrolysis of p-iodotoluene with 1 M
sodium hydroxide at 300°C. Suggest reasonable structures for these two products.

Q.7 Given the structure of the cycloaddition product formed when benzyne is generated in the presence of furan.
Q.8 In each of the following reactions, an amine or a lithium amide derivative reacts with an aryl halide. Give
the structure of the expected product and specify the mechanism by which it is formed.

(a) +  (b) +  (c) + 

Q.9 1,2,3,4,5-Pentalfluoro-6-nitrobenzene reacts readily with sodium methoxide in methanol at room

temperature to yield two major products, each having the molecular formula C7H3F4NO3. Suggest
reasonable structures for these two compounds.

Q.10 Suggest a reasonable mechanism for each of the following reactions:

( i ) Excess NaNH , NH
(a) C6H5Br + CH2(COOCH2CH3)2     
2  C6H5CH(COOCH2CH3)2
( ii ) H 2O

( i ) Excess NaNH , NH
     3 
(b) ( ii ) H 2O

2 
 
(c) ether

(d) 2 
3 

Q.1 The chlorination of toluene in presence of ferric chloride gives predominatly: [JEE 1986]
(A) Benzyl chloride (B) m-chlorotoluene (C) Benzal chloride (D) o-and p-chlorotoluene
Q.2 Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction as compared to alkyl halide due to
(A) The formation of less stable carbonium ion (B) Resonance stabilization
(C) Longer carbon-halogen bond (D) The inductive effect [JEE 1990]
Q.3 The most basic compound among the following is: [JEE 1990]
(A) Benzylamine (B) Aniline (C) Acetaniline (D) p-nitro aniline
Q.4 Chlorination of toluene in the presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH
(A) o-cresol (B) p-cresol
(C) 2,4-dihydroxytoluene (D) Benzoic acid [JEE 1990]
Q.5 When nitrobenzene is treated with Br2 in presence of FeBr3 the major product formed is
m-bromonitrobenzene. Statements which are related obtain the m-isomer are: [JEE 1992]
(A) The electron density on meta carbon is more than on ortho and para position.
(B) The intermediate carbonium ion formed after initial attack of Br+ attack the meta position is least
(C) Loss of aromaticity when Br+ attacks at the ortho and para positions and not at meta position
(D) Easier loss of H+ to region aromaticity form the meta position than from ortho and para position.
Q.6 Choose the correct statement from the ones given below for two aniline in: [JEE 1993]

(A) II is not an acceptable canonical structure because carbonium ions are less stable than ammonium
(B) II is not an acceptable canonical structure because it is non aromatic
(C) II is not an acceptable canonical structure because the nitrogen has 10 valence electrons
(D) II is an acceptable canonical structure
Q.7 Most stable carbonium ion is: [JEE 1995]
(A) p – NO2 – C6H4 – +CH2 (B) C6H5+CH2
(C) p – Cl – C6H4– +CH2 (D) p – CH3O – C6H4 – +CH2
Q.8 Arrange in order of decreasing trend towards SE reactions: [JEE 1995]
(I) Chlorobenzene (II) Benzene (III) Anilinium chloride (IV) Toluene
(A) II > I > III > IV (B) III > I > II > IV (C) IV > II > I > III (D) I > II > III > IV
Q.9 Among the following statements on the nitration of aromatic compounds, the false one is: [JEE 1997]
(A) The rate of benzene is almost the same as that of hexadeuterobenzene
(B) The rate of nitration of toluene is greater than that of benzene.
(C) The rate of nitration of benzene is greater than that of hexadeuterobenzene
(D) Nitration is an electrophilic substitution reaction
Q.10 Nitrobenzene can be prepared from benzene by using a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4. In
the nitrating mixture HNO3 acts as a: [JEE 1997]
(A) Base (B) Acid (C) Reducing agent (D) Catalyst
Q.11 Benzyl chloride (C6H5CH2Cl) can be prepared from toluene by chlorination with: [JEE 1998]
(A) SO2Cl2h (B) SOCl2 (C) Cl2 h (D) NaOCl
Q.12 The most unlikely representation of resonance structure of p-nitrophenoxide ion is: [JEE 1998]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.13 A solution of (+) -2-chloro-2-phenylethane in toluene racemises slowly n the presence of small amount
of SbCl5, due to the formation of: [JEE 1999]
(A) Carbanion (B) Carbene (C) Free-radical (D) Carbocation
Q.14 Toluene, when treated with Br2/Fe, gives p-bromotoluene as the major product, because the CH3 group:
(A) is para directing (B) is meta directing [JEE 1999]
(C) activates the ring by hyperconjugation (D) deactivates the ring
Q.15 Amongst the following the strongest base is: [JEE 2000]
(A) C6H5NH2 (B) p-O2NC6H4NH2 (C) m-O2NC6H4NH2 (D) C6H5CH2NH2
Q.16 Identify the correct order of reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions of the following compounds:

(I) (II) (III) (IV) [JEE 2002]

(A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) II > I > III > IV (D) II > III > I > IV
( CH ) NH NaNO 2 HCl 05 C
Q.17 F 3 2
NO2    A (i)
     B [JEE 2003]
DMF (ii) H 2 Catalytic Reduction

(A) O2N NH2 (B) N NH2

(C) N NO2 (D) N NO2

Q.18 2  [JEE 2004]

Major product of above reaction is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.19 Which of the following is obtained when 4-Methylbenzenesulphonic acid is hydrolysed with excess of
sodium acetate? [JEE 2005]
(A) CH3 CO O N a (B) CH3 + SO3

(C) CH3 SO 3 N a + CH3COOH (D) CH3 SO2O. COCH3 + NaOH


Q.1 + (CH3)2CH.CH2Cl AlCl

3  (A) [JEE 1992]

2( i ) Br ,Heat ,Light
Q.2 C6H5C2H5     
( ii ) NaCN
[JEE 1994]

Q.3 An organic compound (A). C8H6 on treatment with dilute sulphuric acid containing mercuric sulphate
gives a compound (B), which can also be obtained from a reaction of benzene with an acid chloride in
the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride. The compound (B), when treated with iodine in aqueous
KOH, yields (C) and a yellow compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D) with justification. Show
how (B) is formed from (A) ? [JEE 1994]
Q.4 Toluene reacts with bromine in the presence of light to give benzyl bromine while in presence of FeBr3 it
gives p-bromotoluene. Give explanation for the above observations. [JEE 1996]

Q.5 Show the steps to carry out the following transformations: [JEE 1998]
(a) Ethylbenzene  benzene
(b) Ethylbenzene  2-phenylpropionic acid

Q.6 C6H5CH2CHClC6H5 alcoholic

  KOH ,
 (A) + (B) [JEE 1998]

( i ) NaNH ( 3.0 equiv )

Q.7 C6H5CH = CH2 Br
2 (A)   2    (B)
 [JEE 1998]
( ii ) CH 3I

Q.8 Normally, benzene gives electrophilic substitution reaction rather than thus electrophilic addition reaction
although it has double bonds. [JEE 2000]

Q.9 How would you synthesis 4 methoxyphenol from bromobenzene in NOT more than five steps? State
clearly the reagents used in each step and show the structures of the intermediate compounds in your
synthetic scheme. [JEE 2001]

Q.10 Carry out following conversions in 3 or less steps.

 [JEE 2003]

Q.11 A compound C9H7O2Cl exists in keto form A and enolic form B. Enolic form B predominates at
equilibrium. On oxidation with KMnO4 t gives m-chlorobenzoic acid gives structures of A and B.
[JEE 2003]
Q.12 7-bromo-1, 3, 5-cycloheptatriene is ionic compound, whereas 5-bromo-1,3-cyclopentadiene can't ionise
even n the presence of A g, Explain why? [JEE 2004]
Q.13 Give reasons: [JEE 2005]

(a) (i) C H OH ( aq.)

   acidic solution
2 5

(ii) C H OH ( aq.)
   neutral
2 5

 (aq.)
(b) (i)  F (liberated)

 (
(ii) aq.)
 F is not liberated

(c) (i) Conc .HNO +

  3 
Conc.H 2SO 4

Conc .HNO
(ii)   3 
Conc.H 2SO 4

 /C

3 moles of H 2
(d) is formed but not

Brown fumes and  

Q.14  pungent smell
NaBr  MnO 2 Conc .HNO 3
B   A     C(intermediate) D(Explosive product)
 
Find A, B, C and D. Also write equations A to B and A to C. [JEE 2005]
Q.1 C Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 A Q.6 D Q.7 D
Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 B Q.11 D Q.12 C Q.13 B Q.14 B
Q.15 B Q.16 D Q.17 B Q.18 D Q.19 A Q.20 B Q.21 D
Q.22 B Q.23 A Q.24 A Q.25 A Q.26 B Q.27 C Q.28 A
Q.29 D Q.30 B Q.31 A Q.32 B Q.33 C Q.34 B Q.35 C
Q.36 B Q.37 B Q.38 C Q.39 D Q.40 B Q.41 C Q.42 C
Q.43 D Q.44 A Q.45 D Q.46 C Q.47 C Q.48 A Q.49 A
Q.50 D Q.51 A Q.52 D Q.53 C Q.54 D Q.55 B Q.56 D
Q.57 A Q.58 B Q.59 B Q.60 D Q.61 A Q.62 D Q.63 A
Q.64 A Q.65 C Q.66 B Q.67 B Q.68 B Q.69 B Q.70 D
Q.71 B Q.72 A Q.73 C Q.74 A Q.75 B

Q.1 A,B,D Q.2 A,C Q.3 A,B Q.4 A,B,C,D
Q.5 A,B Q.6 A,B,C Q.7 A,B,C Q.8 C
Q.9 A,B,D Q.10 B Q.11 A,B Q.12 A,B
Q.13 A Q.14 C,D Q.15 B,D Q.16 C
Q.17 C Q.18 A Q.19 A,B,C Q.20 A,B,C
Q.21 B,C,D Q.22 B Q.23 B,C,D Q.24 C,D
Q.25 (A) Q, (B) P, (C) R, S, (D) R Q.26 (A) Q, (B) P,R,S, (C) R,S, (D) P,Q,R,S
Q.27 (A) P,Q,R,S, (B) Q, (C) P,Q,R,S, (D) Q Q.28 (A) R, (B) S, R, (C) P, (D) S


Q.1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(v) (vi) (vii) (viii)


Q.2 Q.3

Q.4 Nitrogen bears a portion of the negative charge in the anionic intermediate formed in the nucleophilic
addition step in 4-chloropyridine, but not in 3-chloropyridine.

is more stable and formed faster than

Q.5 A benzene intermediate is impossible because neither on the carbons ortho to the intended leaving group
bears a proton.

Q.6 3-Methylphenol and 4-methylphenol (m-cresol and p-cresol) Q.7

Q.1 D Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 D Q.5 A,B Q.6 C Q.7 D
Q.8 C Q.9 C Q.10 A Q.11 A,C Q.12 C Q.13 D Q.14 A,C
Q.15 D Q.16 C Q.17 B Q.18 D Q.19 C


2 
Q.2  ,h NaCN

Q.3 (A) (B) (C)

Q.4 In presence of FeBr3, Br2 produces Br+(an electrophile) which attacks the benzene ring at o-,p-position
to give p-bromotoluene. In presence of light, side chain is attacked to produce benzyl bromide.
3 H O
Q.5 (a) (i) C6H5CH(OH)CCH  

OH 

(b) (i) Soda
 lime

(ii) X KCN
 HOH

KOH ( alc.)
Q.6 C6H5CH2CH2CHClC6H5    C6H5CH= CHC6H5

(Cis and trans forms)

Br NaNH 3 eq .
Q.7 2
  2
Q.8 Benzene has resonance stabilization due to delocalisation of -electrons. Also during electrophilic addition
reactions, it loses its aromaticity. In electrophilic substitution reaction aromaticity is retained.

Q.9   Me
 
conc . H SO
 24  NaOH
 high Pr essure 2 4

3 H O
 

Alternative rout

conc . H SO
 24  NaOH
 Me
 
  3
 
2 4  high Pr essure

conc . H SO HBF / KHF

Q.10  24  4
  2 
 

Q.11 l

(A) (B)
Keto Enol
Enol form is more stable due to extended conjugation

(A) KMnO
 4 

Q.12 On ionization 7-bromo-1,3,4-cycloheptatriene gives tropolium ion which is aromatic with 6 electrons.

l + Brr

5-bromo-1,3-cyclopentadiene can't ionise as it will in that case give highly unstable antiaromatic cation
with 4  electrons.

+ Brr
CH 3
Q.13 (a) (i) H 5C 6  C  OC 2 H 5  HBr(acid ) ; (ii) no reaction due to partial double bond character
CH 3

(b) (i) + F– is liberated ; (ii) Bimomecular mechanism is not possible in (ii) case

(c) (i) due to presence of lone pair of nitrogen atom NO group is electron denating and ortho, para
(ii) NO2 group is electron withdrawing and meta directing

(d) Due to reduction of central ring, three four membered antiaromatic rings become stable while on
recuction of terminal ring only one antiaromatic ring can be stabilized.

Q.14 (A) H2SO4, (B) Br2, (C) NO 

2 , (D)

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