Permission Letter: To Embassy of Schengen Country Visa Section in Jakarta - Indonesia
Permission Letter: To Embassy of Schengen Country Visa Section in Jakarta - Indonesia
Permission Letter: To Embassy of Schengen Country Visa Section in Jakarta - Indonesia
Embassy of Schengen Country
Visa Section
In Jakarta - Indonesia
Dear Sir/Madam,
Certify that,
Name : Linda,SKM.,M.Kes
Position : Wife
No.Passport : C6051528
I’m giving the permission for her to go to you country for holiday, departure on 1 June – 06 June
2023 invited by PT UNIHEALTH NETWORK.
I do guarantee that she will return to Indonesia soon after the completion of the tour. All the
expenses during this trip will be borne by me and PT UNIHEALTH NETWORK.
Please kindly grant her the necessary VISA to enter to your country.
Yours sincerely,