Deeper Hunger
Deeper Hunger
Deeper Hunger
There was a time that Jesus told Peter the first time they met, to launch out into the deep. Because in the deep there
were bigger fishes, in shallow shore there were only shells. There is a need for us to get into the deeper way of
understanding the will of God. We are not called to gather shells; we are called to be fishers of men. A bigger catch
requires for us to go deeper. Today we will be talking about deeper hunger.
-Is there anybody here that has been hungry for days? Those who have experience to fast, I don’t know why, but there
are times when the pastor will tell us to have abstinence or a fasting we suddenly feel hungry even before we start
-There is a term in bisaya “gi-gusla” this refers to being hungry still even if you are eating, it’s natural because hunger is a
basic need of people.
We will base our message today on John 4:31-38 NCV Meanwhile, his followers were begging him, “Teacher, eat
something.” 32 But Jesus answered, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” 33 So the followers asked
themselves, “Did somebody already bring him food?” 34 Jesus said, “My food is to do what the One who sent me wants
me to do and to finish his work. 35 You have a saying, ‘Four more months till harvest.’ But I tell you, open your eyes and
look at the fields ready for harvest now. 36 Already, the one who harvests is being paid and is gathering crops for eternal
life. So the one who plants and the one who harvests celebrate at the same time. 37 Here the saying is true, ‘One person
plants, and another harvests.’ 38 I sent you to harvest a crop that you did not work on. Others did the work, and you get
to finish up their work.”
John 4:23-24 NCV The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time
is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who
worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
-In a certain town of Samaria where Jesus and his disciples choose to pass on their way back to Galilee. He asked for
water (Jesus choose this to strike a conversation)
-the woman was so amazed at this certain Jewish man asking for a drink (background of Samaria-Judea conflict). The
conversation started in water and goes into a place of worship. They worship the same God but they got confuse which
place to worship is right. God is looking for true worshiper, who will worship spirit and truth.
- It really does not matter where you worship, the question is. Are you a true worshiper? It does not mean that when
you are in the church you are worshiping. (dili tungod miadto kag Jollibee manok naka) –old church
-I pray that today as you come to church, you are becoming a true worshiper. Our worship must go deeper. We need to
have a corporate and personal worship.
-In religious ways, our worship becomes too liturgical. It means it became a religious program. Of course we have a
certain program that we follow in our worship service.
Romans 12:1 NLT And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has
done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship
-In the temple, they are bringing animals to worship to be sacrificed. Jesus already made the ultimate sacrifice in the
previous chapter. What the apostle Paul is saying in this verse is that we are to be the LIVING sacrifice. Dili ihawon.
-This does not happen if you came to church casually. Let read in the MSG Translation. Romans 12:1-2 MSG So here’s
what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and
walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can
do for him.
-Are you glorifying God in doing your everyday things? Do everything you do to worship the Lord. You can always do
things according to the will of God if you always thought of glorifying Him in everything you do. That is why so many
people become worshipful only during worship service but acted as though children of evil during the weekdays.
-here in the church are you hungry to worship the Lord? If you are not hungry enough no matter how good the worship
is, you would not feel like worshiping. That is why we should deepen our worship to God. (first experience as a believer)
(2) WORD
John 4:24 NCV God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
-What is the TRUTH?
John 17:17 NLT Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.
-the Word is very important, we always preach the Word. Every point have the Word of God. Why? Because faith comes
by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
-Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by the Word that comes from the mouth of God. We not only hunger
for food but also with the Word of God. Make it a habit, the greatest need of the world is not money but the Word.
-during the last pandemic or in any problems you are facing, you will be hopeless without the Word. Many ended up
their lives, they should have at least heard a word of hope. Depression is all time high, higher than the decades before.
-(relate during the last pandemic) if during those times you lack the Word of God, you will become paranoid, delusional
and full of fear.
-why so many so called believers fall into traps of the enemies or gave into fear and temptation? No deep relationship
with the Word. Not hungry enough. (Bs, Herley story)
(3) WORK
John 4:34 NCV 34 Jesus said, “My food is to do what the One who sent me wants me to do and to finish his work. 35 You
have a saying, ‘Four more months till harvest.’ But I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields ready for harvest now.
-Jesus is calling the attention of the disciples, because just like us they also have no regard for the harvest. It does not
concern them.
-Jesus was so concern that He says, I must do the work that He has send me to do. As far as Jesus is concern, the field is
ripe already and ready for harvest. There is urgency in the heart of Christ.
-The problems is we have this mentality that, “ I am just a laity, the task is for the clergy only.” That kind of mentality
that we have that winning the lost is just for the pastors and evangelist only, as for me. I will just sit. (invitation)
-We have so many excuse, why we don’t evangelize, why we don’t do cell groups, even going to church is such a burden,
much more inviting people. (hilantan basta dili makadala)
-Ephesians 4:11-12 NCV Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,
and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the
body of Christ.
-We are to equip, the work is to be done by everyone, for more souls to be added to the Kingdom.
-Man that is hungry; he will not feel ashamed anymore. (Dili na maulaw manangyaw) (ulaw mukaon)