Hotel Industry: Navigating The Impact of COVID-19: Surviving, Adapting and Preparing For The New Normal
Hotel Industry: Navigating The Impact of COVID-19: Surviving, Adapting and Preparing For The New Normal
Hotel Industry: Navigating The Impact of COVID-19: Surviving, Adapting and Preparing For The New Normal
From liquidity to debt and restructuring, we address the diverse and complex
challenges hotel owners and operators face. In this report we consider the
implications for employers and how financial planning for the medium and long
term will be affected.
We will cover:
Critical considerations
• What sources of finance are available (including
government support) and how do I access them
at speed and at the right price?
4 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 5
Real estate advisory
Accelerated M&A
Restructuring tax
Valuations to support
financial reporting
requirements, lending Financial
decisions and other Assess reporting advisory
Operational Global
and financial compliance
restructuring partnering
turnaround, and business
plan assessment
Debt Back office
advisory Through independent diagnostic analysis outsourcing
and challenge, we provide you with a
tactical opportunities.
Business process
Exit strategy and shared
services service centres
Successful turnarounds require the development of a credible Stabilisation, turnaround, and Through independent diagnostic analysis and challenge, we
provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the options
business plan assessment
plan that has been stress tested against various scenarios, along available, including strategic and tactical opportunities.
In the early stages of a turnaround the right support is
with a transparent communication strategy that meets the needs necessary to create financial stability, assess cashflow This crucial activity provides comfort and support to
management teams and can realise the credibility of the plan
of all stakeholders. Building trust, and not breaking promises, and identify opportunities to improve short-term liquidity.
as part of the assessment process of financial stakeholders.
6 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 7
Our solutions
Operational and Valuations to support asset-
backed lending decisions, Enterprise risk management Global compliance partnering
financial restructuring
restructuring and transactions
Our multi-disciplinary operational and financial restructuring We provide valuations to support asset-backed financing, Our enterprise risk management (ERM) specialists help Our global compliance partnering solution delivers all local
specialists provide support to realise significant business including valuing shares and intangible assets, and provide organisations implement the leading approach to managing statutory financial reporting, centralised statutory audits,
process improvement, implement new business strategies, periodic valuations of assets to confirm that the terms of the and optimising risk. We are able to tailor the approach to our tax compliance (corporate, sales and payroll), payroll
divest noncore businesses and design new capital structures loan agreement continue to be met. For mergers, acquisitions, client’s individual challenge and create bespoke strategies administration and local country filings for multinational
aligned to the dynamics of the business. Our team also has restructuring and proposed financial structures, we provide an that work, enabling them to strategically identify, analyse organisations through a single point of contact. We are
significant experience in supporting renegotiations of lease/ independent view on value delivering robust advice within the and monitor potential risk to their organisation. the leading adviser to dynamic organisations delivering a
rent terms and in helping businesses access government constraints placed by the deal deadlines. solution that improves reporting efficiency and enhances
support which may be available. risk management. By providing full transparency, real-time
monitoring and highlighting upcoming deadlines, we enable
Cybersecurity local and central management teams to ensure full compliance
Accelerated M&A at all times.
Real estate advisory Our cybersecurity solutions are designed for clients seeking
We provide advice and manage transactions associated with to address a variety of complex security requirements. We can
Our real estate advisory team can help you create a flexible help organisations assess their security vulnerability, establish
the acquisition or disposal of distressed assets or businesses, Financial reporting advisory
real estate strategy and plan, allowing your business to adapt frequently to short timescales. or improve their IT security processes and remediate breaches
when it needs to. With the foundation, strategy and plan in or compliance failures.
place, we will help you optimise your business’ efficiency We provide clear and practical solutions to address complex
and productivity. Capital raised as a result and in addition to accounting and financial reporting issues. We support
strategic disposals can be re-invested elsewhere and support Asset recovery and tracing Business Process Outsourcing businesses in navigating the accounting and reporting of
your business growth, find the right space, in the right location and Shared Service Centres government stimulus packages. We’re also able to help
provides a foundation to promote success through your Asset recovery and tracing normally form part of formal navigate the accounting and reporting of complex areas
business’ operations, people, technology and access to insolvency processes such as liquidations, or are carried Increasingly, large organisations are looking to fully outsource including leases, impairment and going concern.
market, enabling you to focus on your business goals. out in support of ongoing litigation or fraud investigations. their transactional end-to-end finance and accounting
We use specialised approaches to identify and recover processes, leaving them free to focus their finance resources
on important strategic business value. We typically commit to
misappropriated assets, including those held in offshore Restructuring tax
trusts, to provide cost-effective value recovery. reduce costs and/or improve productivity and quality. We also
Debt advisory advise organisations on optimising finance and accounting
processes, and can take our recommendations through to Our restructuring tax teams specialise in providing tax advice in
We provide specialist advice on the raising and refinancing implementation, whether this involves building a full-scale all aspects of restructuring scenarios. In particular, this includes
of debt. Through our deep understanding of the funding Corporate insolvency Business Process Outsourced delivery capability or setting advising on the tax aspects of:
landscape and detailed knowledge of the credit process, up a Shared Services Centre. • independent business reviews, options reviews and
we devise tailored funding solutions as part of a sustainable Where a business cannot be saved or where a formal contingency planning
capital structure in line with the strategic ambition of insolvency process is required to affect a restructuring, we • business restructuring, eg debt restructuring
our clients. provide advice and support to distressed companies, their • mergers and acquisitions
creditors and other stakeholders in order to protect assets
Back office outsourcing • disposals of trade and assets or wind down of businesses
and maximise recoveries. In some situations, we take on the • corporate insolvencies
role of Chief Restructuring Officer. Our experience extends to We provide outsourced accounting, payroll, human resource • fraud investigations.
Exit strategy services protecting the company from creditor action whilst a financial and tax services to domestic SMEs or local branches of
restructuring is put in place. international organisations. Our services are managed
We apply a tailored methodology and fully project-manage centrally to deliver a consistent experience for each of our
and implement the sale or closure of underperforming or clients, however widespread their operations. We exploit
non-core corporate entities at maximum value. innovative digital technology to give our clients access to their
Pension schemes solvency data round the clock; the same technology gives our large
corporate clients access to new and cost-effective offshore
In many parts of the world, we offer a specialist capability platforms. Where our clients face complex tax and payroll
to advise corporates and trustees on the solvency of challenges, our tax, global mobility and wealth management
pension schemes. specialists provide expert, value-adding advice.
8 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 Hotel industry: navigating the impact of COVID-19 9
Saudi Arabia has reinforced its commitment to the
transformation of its tourism industry with the formation
Helping your business
of a ‘Tourism Development Fund’ with SR15bn ($4bn) of
initial capital, which will offer equity and debt investment
respond to COVID-19
vehicles for local tourism businesses.
We are immersed in the hotel industry and our professionals are
The fund’s launch marks the first phase of the National uniquely positioned to assist you in all aspects of the creation and
Tourism Strategy, which has aimed to target 38 tourism execution of your turnaround plan.
sites in seven locations by 2022.
Our experience of effective divestment/investment strategies will help you identify and
4 maximise opportunities for value creation or protection and to improve liquidity availability
if necessary
Regardless of the complexity of your group structures, or the international footprint, we have
5 a global network of firms and market-leading teams in all the key offshore financial centres,
to be able to advise on all leading practices
We are at the heart of the development of cross-border restructuring legislation, giving our
6 clients access to leading-edge and best practice restructuring solutions
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Anas Abdeldayem
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