5hematologic Disease
5hematologic Disease
5hematologic Disease
Teresa Snyder
Blood is the circulating tissue of the body; the fluid and its formed elements circulate through
the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins
◦ Plasma
◦ Formed elements
◦ Erythrocytes , leukocytes and Thrombocytes
Most common in relation to the use of drugs (NSAIDs) for inflammatory conditions
Anemia is not a disease but is a symptom of any number of different blood disorders.
The leukocyte count may drop below normal values (leukopenia) in clients with viral diseases
(e.g., measles), infectious hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver and also after
treatment with radiation or chemotherapy.
Leukocytosis characterizes many infectious diseases and is recognized by a count of more than
10,000 leukocytes/mm3.
It can be associated with an increase in circulating neutrophils which are recruited in large
numbers early in the course of most bacterial infections.
Leukocytosis is a common finding and is helpful in aiding the body's response to any of the
◦ Bacterial infections
◦ Inflammation or tissue necrosis (e.g., infarction, myositis, vasculitis)
◦ Metabolic intoxications (e.g., uremia, acidosis, gout)
◦ Neoplasms
Acute hemorrhage
Acute appendicitis
Intoxication by chemicals
Acute rheumatic fever
Leukopenia, or reduction of the number of leukocytes in the blood below 5000 per microliter,
can be caused by a variety of factors.
Unlike leukocytosis, leukopenia is never beneficial.
Leukopenia can occur in many forms of bone marrow failure such as that following anti-
neoplastic chemotherapy or radiation therapy, in dietary deficiencies, and in autoimmune
It is important for the physical therapist to be aware of the client's most recent white blood cell
count prior to and during the course of physical therapy.
If the client is immuno-suppressed, infection is a major problem.
Constitutional symptoms such as fever, chills, or sweats warrant immediate medical referral.
Lowest point the white blood count reaches, usually 7 to 14 days after chemotherapy or
radiation therapy.
At this time, the client is extremely susceptible to opportunistic infections and severe
The importance of good handwashing and hygiene practices cannot be overemphasized
when treating any of these clients.
Thrombocytes function primarily in homeostasis and in maintaining capillary integrity .
They function in the coagulation mechanism by forming hemostatic plugs in small ruptured
blood vessels or by adhering to any injured lining of larger blood vessels.
A number of substances derived from the platelets that function in blood coagulation have been
labeled "platelet factors."
Platelets survive approximately 8 to 10 days in circulation and are then removed by the reticulo-
endothelial cells.
Thrombocytosis refers to a condition in which the number of platelets is abnormally high.
Thrombocytopenia refers to a condition in which the number of platelets is abnormally low.
Platelets are affected most often by anticoagulant drugs, including aspirin, heparin, warfarin and
other newer antithrombotic drugs
Platelet levels can also be affected
◦ by diet (vitamin K from promoting coagulation),
◦ by exercise that boosts the production of chemical activators that destroy unwanted clots
◦ by liver disease that affects the supply of vitamin K.