24 Socio-Economic Profile and Expenditure
24 Socio-Economic Profile and Expenditure
24 Socio-Economic Profile and Expenditure
This research paper attempts to study the socio-economic profile and expenditure pattern of the active practitioners
of urban agriculture from Telangana State. Agriculture is and was the backbone of India, but rapid urbanization
and high population density have impacted agriculture sector greatly. Agriculture is now faced with the problems
of low availability of water for cultivation, land availability, nutrient depletion in soil, migration, non-agricultural
jobs; consequent to this per cent age of people engaged in agriculture sector is gradually declining. However, there
are quite a good per cent age of urban people who yet not have left their passion for agriculture. People who love
gardening have gradually evolved themselves as urban farmers, growing vegetables and fruits in and around their
homes. Hundred such active urban agriculture practitioners were selected as sample for the study from various
areas of Hyderabad city, Telangana State. A semi-structured interview schedule was prepared to collect data on
socio-economic profile and expenditure pattern of the respondents and the responses were recorded. The data was
collected through personal interview method. The results were statistically analyzed and interpreted logically. The
study results showed that majority (46.0%) of the respondents were old aged, highly educated (post graduate &
above) and married. Their monthly income ranged fromRs.12,545 to Rs. 85,759. About 50.0 per cent of their total
monthly income was spent on non-food items, while 1/4th (25.0%) was spent on food. The results showed that urban
agriculture practitioner’s expenditure was more on non-food items than the food items. Lack of or low awareness
with regard to the consumption pattern had an impact on budgeting of the urban farming practitioners. Hence
government policies should also focus on organizing awareness programs to promote urban farming among urban
and peri-urban dwellers.
Key words: Socio-economic profile; Expenditure; Income; Urban agriculture; Urban agriculture; practitioners;
Urban agriculture encompasses gardening in urbanization is one of the most important demographic
backyards, schools, public right-of-way and boulevards, trends of this century. Urbanization creates challenges,
community gardens, urban farms, rooftop, balcony but it also offers unparalleled opportunities for inclusive
gardens, hydroponic, aquaculture, vertical gardening, growth, innovation and prosperity (Siegner et al.,
keeping micro livestock such as hens, rabbits, bees, 2018). In developing countries, urbanization and
greenhouses, permaculture design in parks, edible associated demographic changes pose unprecedented
landscaping, public orchards or food forests and challenges in terms of hunger, food insecurity and
agricultural parks in urban areas (La Rosa et al., 2014). malnutrition (Hatab et al., 2019).
It was noticed that in the year 1961, nearly 34 per Urban agriculture (UA) has the potential to
cent of the world’s population lived in urban areas. contribute to a more sustainable and resilient urban
Whereas projection for 2030 show that the figure will communities, for its pivotal role in the implementation
rise to over 60 per cent, as cities and towns become of circular economy strategies at the city level, closing
home to more than 1.4 billion population. Most of this energy and mass loops, while contributing to restore
growth will take place in the developing world. Rapid natural cycles and ecosystem’s environmental services
72 Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 21 (1), January, 2021
(Ferreira et al., 2018). UA contribute to urban food the middle age group and the remaining 27.0 per cent
security in different regions, based on a low threshold male and 19.0 per cent female were in the old age group.
of urban land required to grow the daily vegetable intake Overall, majority of the respondents were old age
for the urban poor (Badami, M.G. and Ramankutty, (46.0%) followed by middle aged (34.0%) and young
N. 2015). (20.0%).
Majority of the respondents were observed in the
old age group which might be due to the fact that after
The present study focused on socio-economic retirement people would have settled down in urban
profile and expenditure pattern of the urban agriculture areas or staying with their sons or daughters as they
practitioners from Hyderabad, Telangana State. The data are in need of health care and supervision. The trend of
were collected using semi-structured interview schedule the data shows that with the increase in the age of the
during January to August, 2019. A total of 100 actively respondents, the no. of urban farming practitioners also
engaged urban farming practitioners constituted the increased. Other possible reason for increasing trend
sample for the study who were interviewed through the of the respondents engaged in UF practices with age
developed semi-structured interview schedule. Random might be that with the advancement of age, work
sampling design was adopted for the study. Data on responsibilities lessen and people have more available
basic demographic characteristics like respondent’s age, free/leisure time.
marital status, type of family and size, educational level So it will be very apt to target this group for
and occupation of the respondents and their spouse were intensification of UF practices among the urbanites. On
collected. The average monthly income and expenditure the contrary, it also implicit that the young population
pattern on non-food items such as travel, children’s has to be encouraged/motivated to take up UF practices
education, hospital, shopping, miscellaneous expenditure on a wider scale in order to ensure safe and nutritious
which includes mobile recharge, gas cylinder, electricity food for the family. In fact each category of the
bill, payment for the maid and expenditure on food was respondents can be targeted for different purposes.
collected. The data was analyzed using appropriate
Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents
statistical tools such as mean, per centage and standard
deviation (SD). The data was further simplified into Male Female Total
tabular forms and interpreted logically. The average (n=57) (n=43) (N=100)
expenditure on food in detailed form, expenditure per Age
centage to the total monthly income was also calculated Young (up to 35 years) 11 9 20
and discussed in this section. Middle age (35-50 years) 19 15 34
Old age (above 50 years) 27 19 46
Married 42 56 98
The respondent’s details such as age, marital status,
Unmarried 00 00 00
type of family, family size, education, occupation and
Widow 00 01 01
spouse’s occupation were collected and presented under Divorced 01 00 01
the following sections. Type of Family
Age, marital status, type of family and family size Nuclear 40 31 71
of the respondents were tabulated and presented as Joint 17 12 29
frequency and per cent ages under each category in Family size
Table 1. The chronological age of the respondents was Small (<4 members) 39 28 67
classified under the respective age groups of young (up Medium (4-6 members) 09 13 22
Big (>6 members) 09 02 11
to 35 years), middle age (35-50 years) and old age
(above 50 years). Age-wise classification of the Note: Per cent age and frequency are same.
respondents showed that 11.0 per cent male and 9.0 Based on the marital status of the respondents,
per cent female were in the young age group, while they were categorized as married, un-married, widow
19.0 per cent male and 15.0 per cent female were in and divorced. Majority of the respondents, 42.0 per cent
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 21(1), January, 2021 73
males and 56.0 per cent females were married, followed majority of the respondents (41.0%) were post graduate
by divorced 1 per cent each, male and female, as shown qualified followed by 39.0 per cent with graduation
in the table. degree. Very few of the respondents had low level of
The data in the below Table 1 revealed that the education.
age of married respondents was high followed by Gender-wise data also reflected similar trend. But
divorced and widowed. There was no unmarried the relative per cent age of the respondents gender-
respondent. wise reflected slightly lower level of educational
Based on the family type, respondents were qualification for females as compared to males, under
categorized into nuclear and joint family categories. different categories.
Majority of the respondents (71.0%) were living in The urban males had higher level of education than
nuclear family followed by joint family (29.0%). the females, from graduation to post-graduation whereas
The total number of family members living in a female education per cent age was higher than the
family was collected and classified into 3 categories male’s for ‘up to matriculation’ category. This could be
such as small (less than 4 members), medium (4 to 6 attributed due to the limited opportunities for girls and
members) and big (more than 6 members). It was found women for higher and better education. Moreover, they
that majority of the respondents (67.0%) had small are married at an early age, hence limiting the scope
family size, followed by 22.0 per cent with medium family for higher education and job opportunities.
size and the remaining 11.0 per cent with big family size. Analysis from 409 Indian districts showed that girls
From the results it can be observed that majority have relatively lower literacy when compared to boys,
of the respondents fell in the small category. Nearly 7/ in areas where more women are in the labor force. The
10th of them were living in nuclear families. The results reason was explained by the authors that the areas with
proved that small family trend is high in urban areas. higher women’s labor force participation suppressed or
Urban population is shifting to small and nuclear families deprived the opportunities to the women for continuing
due to high cost of living, frequent shift in professional their education, as reported by Sundaram and
life and education of the children etc. Vanneman (2008).
Table 2. Distribution of the respondents based on From various perspectives women in South Asia
education and occupation
find themselves in subordinate positions to men and are
Male Female Total socially, culturally and economically dependent on them
(n=57) (n=43) (N=100) (Narayan et al., 2000).
Education The occupational information of the respondents
Below matric 03 05 08 was collected and categorized into 4 sections as
Matric 01 03 04
highlighted in Table 2. Majority of the respondents
Intermediate 04 04 08
(35.0%) were either retired or home makers, followed
Graduate 25 14 39
by private job holders (34.0%), government job
Post graduate 24 17 41
Respondent’s Occupation employees (16.0%) and businessman (15.0%).
Home maker/Retired 13 22 35 The data on the respondent’s spouse occupation
Business 10 05 15 was also collected and presented in Table 2. Majority
Private job 24 10 34 of them (52.0%) were found to be in the category of
Government job 10 06 16 either a home maker or retired person, followed by 31.0
Spouse’s occupation per cent in private jobs, 12.0 per cent in business and a
Home maker/Retired 43 09 52 small per cent age (5.0%) were into government jobs.
Business 02 10 12 From the results it can be inferred that majority of
Private job 12 19 31 the respondents and their spouses were either home
Government job 00 05 05
makers or retired personnel, followed by private job,
Note: Per cent age and frequency are same. business and government employees. The earlier data
Educational level of the respondents is shown in on age group also revealed that majority of the
Table 2. From the results of this table, it is evident that respondents were old aged, which is associated due to
74 Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 21 (1), January, 2021
their retirement partly. Therefore, many of them are to Rs.47262, Rs.47266 to Rs.63178, Rs.63182 to
utilizing their time by involving themselves in urban Rs.126356 and above Rs.126360 respectively.
farming or garden activities. The results showed that majority of the respondents
One of the important indicators to evaluate the (23.0%) fell under the 5th category i.e. income between
health and nutritional status of a family is to assess their Rs.47266 to Rs.63178, followed by 21.0% of them in
Socio-economic status (SES). In context to the present the 6th category i.e.an income between Rs.63182 to
study, studying the SES of the respondents was important Rs.126356, 20.0per cent of them in the fourth category
to analyze the factors that may favour for the i.e. Rs.31591 to Rs.47262, 14.0per cent each in the 2nd
respondent’s engagement in urban farming practices. and 3rd category i.e. betweenRs.6327 to Rs.18949 and
Data on monthly income of the respondents from Rs.18953 to Rs.31589 respectively; whereas only 5.0
different sources were collected and presented in Table per cent were found in the 1st category with the least
3. The average income of the respondents was income range i.e. less than Rs.6323 and the least per
Rs.49,152 and the Standard deviation was Rs.36,607. cent age of the respondents (3.0%) was found in the
The respondents were categorized into low (Mean-S.D), high income range i.e. more than Rs. 126360.
medium (Mean)) and high (Mean +S.D) using mean From this data it can be seen that majority of the
and S.D. respondents were distributed in the medium income
Majority (87.0%) of the respondents’ income ranged category with an equal per cent age of the respondents
from Rs.12545 to 85759 and were put into medium distributed in the low and high income category. This
category, followed by low income group with 7.0% distribution provides a better picture about the income
whose income was less than Rs.12,545 and the least ranges within each category.
per cent age (6.0 per cent) was observed in high income Table 4. Distribution of the respondents based on the
group earning Rs.85,759 and above. monthly income (in INR)
Table 3. Monthly income of the respondents (in INR) Household monthly income Total (N=100)
Income category (Rs.) No. (N=100) 6323 05
Low (<12,545) 07 6327-18,949 14
Medium (12,545 to 85,759) 87 18,953-31,589 14
High (>85,759) 06 31,591-47,262 20
47,266-63,178 23
Mean= 49152 and S.D=36607
63,182-1,26,356 21
* Note: Per cent age and frequency are the same.
>1,26,360 03
From the results it can be inferred that majority Note: Per cent age and frequency are the same.
(87.0%) respondents belonged to medium income group,
The data of Table 5 depicts monthly expenditure
followed by low and high income groups. The data
pattern of the respondents. It was observed that majority
suggests that there was not much difference in the
of the respondents (31.0%) spent < Rs.1000 and between
income among the respondents since majority of them
Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 on travelling each, followed 27.0
was distributed in the medium income group. Majority
per cent of the respondent’s expenditure between
of them were earning income through retirement
Rs.3000 to Rs.5000 and 11.0 per cent whose
pension, private jobs and government jobs. Very less
expenditure was above Rs.5000 .
per cent age of the respondents were engaged in
business which do not give stable income, as is reflected Whereas majority of the respondents (62.0%) spent
in the vast deviation of high and low income group among less than Rs.1000 on education, followed by 29.0 per
the respondents. cent of them who spent more than Rs.5000, 5.0 per
cent who spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 and the
Table 4 provides data about distribution of the
least was 4.0 per cent age who spent between Rs. 3000
respondents based on their monthly income according
to Rs.5000.
to Saleem, 2018. The income range was classified
into 7 categories such as less than or equal to Rs.6323, In case of medical expense, majority of the
Rs.6327 to Rs.18949, Rs.18953 to Rs.31589, Rs.31591 respondents (46.0%) spent more than Rs.5000 followed
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 21(1), January, 2021 75
by 26.0 per cent who spent less than Rs.1000, 24.0 per average income of the respondents. The per cent age
cent who spent about Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 and the least expenditure on food items was 24.66 per cent of their
was 4 per cent age of who spent in the range of Rs.3000 total income, whereas on non-food items such as travel,
to Rs.5000. education, hospital, shopping and miscellaneous items it
Majority (85.0%) of the respondents spent Rs.1000 was about 46.14 per cent of their total income. The
to 3000 on shopping, whereas 8.0 per cent of them spent results indicate that the expenditure on non-food items
in the range of Rs.3000 to Rs.5000, 5.0 per cent of was higher as compared to the expenditure on food
them spent less than Rs.1000 and only 2.0 per cent of items.
them spent more than Rs.5000 on shopping, on an Table 6. Per cent age expenditure on food & non-food
average in a month. items from the total average income of the respondents
The miscellaneous expenditure includes the amount Items %
spent on mobile recharge, gas cylinder, electricity bill, Food 24.66
maid etc. The data showed that majority of the Non-food* 46.14
respondents (69.0%) spent less than Rs.1000, followed (*Travel, Education, Hospital, Shopping, Miscellaneous
by 18.0 per cent of them who spent in the range of (Mobile recharge, cylinder, electricity and maid)
Rs.1000 to Rs.3000, 11.0 per cent who spent between *Note: The per cent age cannot be 100 as there will be other
Rs.3000 to Rs.5000 and only 2.0 per cent of them spent savings and investments which were not revealed by the
more than Rs .5000. respondents.
Table 5. Expenditure pattern of the respondents (in INR) Similar trend was observed by Deshmukh and
Items Expenditure pattern Total Vyavahare, 2018. According to their study, non-food
<1000 1000-3000 3000-5000 >5000 expenditure steadily increased over time in urban as
well as rural areas. In the urban sector, the share of this
Travel 31 31 27 11 100
Education 62 5 4 29 100 category increased from 19.23 per cent to 37.42 per
Hospital 26 24 4 46 100 cent and in the rural sector the share increased from
Shopping 5 85 8 2 100 8.8 per cent to 24.36 per cent.
Miscellaneous 69 18 11 2 100 The data of Table 7 presents information on food
Food - 3 13 84 100 expenditure pattern of the respondents in a month. The
Food expenditure was assessed through average expenditure was categorized into 4 categories i.e. less
monthly expenditure spent on groceries, vegetables, than Rs.1000, Rs.1000 to Rs.3000, Rs. 3000 to Rs.5000
fruits, meat and milk etc. that was consumed by the and more than Rs.5000.
respondent’s family. Majority of the respondents Vegetables: Majority of the respondents (52.0%) spent
(84.0%) spent more than Rs.5000, followed by 13.0 per from Rs. 1000 to Rs.3000 per month, followed by 47.0
cent who spent between Rs.3000 to Rs.5000 and only per cent who spent less than Rs.1000 and only 1.0 per
3.0 per cent of them spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000. cent of them spent between Rs.3000 to Rs.5000.
From the data of above table it can be noticed that Fruits: Expenditure on fruits indicated that majority
majority of the respondents were spending their income (57.0%) of them spent less than Rs.1000, followed by
on food (84.0%), followed by health (46.0%) and 41.0 per cent who spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000
education (29.0%). Though spending high amount on and only 2.0 per cent age of them spent between Rs.
food is a good indication but at the same time almost 3000 to Rs.5000 on a monthly basis.
half of them spent high amount on health, is a major Milk & milk products: Expenditure pattern on milk &
concern. The respondents need to modify their food milk products showed that majority of the respondents
habits, rather than spending on unhealthy foods and (76.0%) spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000, followed
visiting hospitals, they should inculcate healthy food and by 18.0 per cent who spent less than Rs.1000 and only
lifestyle habits. 6.0 per cent of them spent between Rs. 3000 to Rs.5000.
The data of Table 6 highlights per cent age Meat & meat products: Of the total respondents
expenditure on food and non-food items to the total surveyed, only 41.0 per cent of them consumed meat
76 Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 21 (1), January, 2021
& meat products. Out of this, 28 per cent of them spent expenditure on mushroom was less than Rs. 1000 by all
less than Rs.1000 followed by the remaining 13 per cent the 9.0 per cent of the respondents.
who spent between Rs. 1000 to Rs.3000 per month. Cereals and their products: Expenditure pattern on
Table 7. Monthly detailed food expenditure pattern of the cereals & cereal products showed that majority (58.0%)
respondents (in INR) of the respondents spent less than Rs.1000, followed
Food Expenditure pattern Total by 36.0% who spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 and
item <1000 1000-3000 3000-5000 the remaining 2.0 per cent spent between Rs.3000 to
Vegetables 47 52 1 100 Rs.5000.
Fruits 57 41 2 100 Pulses and legumes: Majority of the respondents
Milk & milk 18 76 6 100 (91.0%) spent less than Rs.1000, followed by 7.0 per
products cent of them who spent between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000
Meat & meat 28 13 - 41* and only 2.0 per cent of them spent in the range of Rs.
products 3000 to Rs. 5000.
Egg and 35 4 - 39*
Oils and fats: Majority of them spent (95.0%) less than
Rs.1000 and the remaining 5.0 per cent between Rs.1000
Fish and 29 5 - 34*
other sea foods
to Rs.3000 per month towards oils and fats expenditure.
Mushroom 8 1 - 9* Sweets: Expenditure on sweets was noticed to be less
Cereal and 58 36 2 100 than Rs.1000, by cent per cent of the respondents.
Cereal products From the results of this table it can be observed
Pulses and 91 7 2 100 that the respondents spent less than Rs.5000 on all the
Legumes food items together in a month. There were less per
Oils and Fats 95 5 - 100 cent age of the respondents who consumed high quality
Sweets 100 - - 100
protein sources such as meat & meat products, eggs
*Note: Since some of the respondents were vegetarian so
total per cent age is not equal to 100.
and poultry, fish and other sea foods and mushrooms
but such vegetarian respondents might be compensating
Similarly the data on egg and poultry consumption it by consumption of adequate quantity of pulses &
revealed that 35.0 per cent of the respondents spent legumes and milk & milk products. Oils, fats and sweets
less than Rs.1000 and only 4.0 per cent of them spent expenditure in a month was noticed to be less than
in the range of Rs.1000 to Rs.3000. Of the total Rs.1000 for majority of them, on an average.
respondents surveyed, only 39.0per cent of them
consumed egg and poultry food products. CONCLUSION
Fish and other sea foods: Out of the total respondents Urban farming is a way for food and nutritional
surveyed, only 34.0 per cent consumed fish and other security. Most of the active urban farming practitioners
sea foods. Out of that, majority of them (29.0%) spent were able to spend half of their total monthly income on
less than Rs.1000 and the remaining 5.0 per cent spent non-food items and a quarter on food items. Involvement
between Rs.1000 to Rs.3000 per month. in urban farming can make the practitioners to save
Mushroom: It was surprising to note that in a metro expenditure on food and leads to their family’s food and
city like Hyderabad, only 9.0 per cent of the respondents nutritional security. Socio-economic background of the
consumed mushroom, which is very low, owing to the respondents plays an important role in motivating and
increased awareness and acceptance of mushroom, not facilitating urbanites to take up urban agriculture
only in urban areas but rural areas as well. The practices.
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