Saildrive 130 150 Workshop Manual 7742984
Saildrive 130 150 Workshop Manual 7742984
Saildrive 130 150 Workshop Manual 7742984
Safety information
General instructions
General instructions
If other equipment connected to the engine has Remember the following when washing with
altered its center of gravity, special lifting devis- a high pressure washer: Never aim the water
es may be needed to obtain the correct balance jet at seals, rubber hoses or electrical compo-
and safe handling. nents. Never use a high pressure washer for
Never do any work on an engine which just engine cleaning.
hangs from a liftingdevise. Never work alone
when removing heavy engine components,
Only use the fuels recommended by Volvo
even when using lifting devices such as lock-
Penta. Refer to the Instruction Book. Use of
ing tackle lifts. When using a lifting device two
fuels that are of a lower quality can damage the
people are usually required to do the work, one
engine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can
to take care of the lifting device and another to
cause the control rod to bind and the engine
ensure that components are lifted clear and not
to overrev with resulting risk of damage to the
damaged during the lifting operations.
engine and personal injury. Poor fuel can also
When you work aboard a boat, always make
lead to highermaintenance costs.
sure that there is enough space for disassem-
bly where you are working, with no risk of per-
sonal injury or material damage.
General instructions
General information
General instructions
Repair instructions
General instructions
General instructions
Special tools
884 143 884 161 884 359 884 611 884 721
884 723 884 726 884 752 884 753 884 754
884 777 884 830 884 833 884 959 885 178
884 143 1) Standard extension 884 753 1) Plate for installing the gear wheel on the
propeller shaft
884 161 1) Slide hammer for removing the propeller 884 754 1) Mandrel for installing bearings, output
shaft shaft, upper gear
884 359 1) Mandrel for installing bearing races in 884 777 1) Mandrel for installing bearing race,
the upper gear lower gear.
884 830 1) Splined socket 130S
884 611 1) Adapter for above slide hammer 884161 884 833 1) Mandrel for removing the vertical shaft
884 721 1) Puller for bearing races, lower gear 884 959 1) Mandrel for disassembing the bearings
on the input shaft
884 723 1) Counterhold for disassembling the bear-
ing race, propeller shaft 885 178 1) Circlip pliers
This tool is used with one or more of Volvo Penta’s older prod-
Special tools
885 370 885 377 885 474 885 475 885 479
885 480 885 481 885 523 885 560 885 568
885 571 885 572 885 849 885 850 885 851
885 370 1) Mandrel for disassembling the bearing 885 560 1) Splined socket 150S
on the input shaft 885 568 1) Plate for puller halves
885 377 Press tool for splitting the gear wheel
885 571 1) Fixture for magnetic stand
885 572 1) Fixture for measuring gear flank clear-
885 474 1) Fixture for upper gear housing ance, lower gear.
885 475 1) Clamp for fixing the input shaft upper 885 849 Counterhold for removing the nut on the
gear upper vertical shaft 130S
885 479 1) Counterhold for removing the nut on the 885 850 Counterhold for removing the nut on the
upper vertical shaft 130S upper vertical shaft 130S
885 480 1) Fixture for shim calculation, input shaft. 885 851 Puller for needle roller bearing, lower
885 481 1) Plate for removing bearing races in the gear
upper gear
885 523 1) Measurement fixture, cam shift mecha-
This tool is used with one or more of Volvo Penta’s older prod-
Special tools
885 852 885 853 885 854 885 870 385 0617
999 1801 999 2584 999 5028 888 20004 888 20005
888 20007 888 20009 888 20010 888 20012 888 20013
888 20014
885 852 Puller for bearing and needle roller bear- 888 20004 Puller for lower vertical shaft.
ing race, lower vertical shaft 888 20005 Splined socket
885 853 Counterhold for removing bearing on 888 20007 Fixture for removing upper nut on lower
propeller shaft, 150S vertical shaft
885 854 Mandrel for installing bearing race, lower 888 20009 Mandrel for installing seal ring in gear
gear (with plastic ring). mechanism
885 870 Alignment tool for shift mechanism 888 20010 Fixture for lower gear housing
385 0617 1) Counterhold for removing bearing on 888 20012 Measurement fixture, vertical shaft 130S
input shaft, propeller shaft (only 130S)
and for installing bearing and needle 888 20013 Measurement fixture, vertical shaft 150S
roller bearing on lower vertical shaft. 888 20014 Press tool for changing rubber bushing,
999 1801 Standard extension
1) upper gear housing
999 2584 1) Counterhold for disassembling the gear
wheel, propeller shaft
999 5028 1) Mandrel for removing output shaft, upper
This tool is used with one or more of Volvo Penta’s older prod-
Special tools
885 511 885 516 885 531 998 5472 998 9876
999 9701 999 8081 999 9696 999 2520 380 7716
888 20006
This tool is used with one or more of Volvo Penta’s older prod-
The powder is mixed with a drop of oil to form a “dry” mixture.
Design and function
Design and function
Design and function
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Clean the outside of the upper and lower gear hous-
Remove the drain plug and drain the oil.
Scrap the O-ring.
Repair instructions
Then remove all the screws, 10 pcs below the divi-
sion line of the drive.
Split the drive.
Save the shims (1) and note the thickness of the shims.
Lift away the splined socket (2). Scrap the gasket.
Remove the adapter plate and remove the rubber
Check the rubber seal for cracks and wear.
Repair instructions
Install fixture 885 474 on the gear housing, if this has
not been done previously.
Install fixture in stand 999 2520.
Remove the rear cover. Scrap the gasket. Save the
Put the gear selector in neutral and remove the gear
Remove the upper part of the gear housing. Tap the
input shaft with a plastic-faced mallet to break the ad-
hesive joint between the housing halves.
Repair instructions
Remove the plug and slide the selector fork shaft out.
Lift the input shaft out.
Scrap the seal ring.
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Remove the outer bearing races.
Install splined socket 888 20005 in the vice. Put the
input shaft in the splined socket.
Remove the screws and washer and shims. Note the
thickness of the shims.
Clean all traces of locking fluid off the threads.
Repair instructions
Put the input shaft in a press, with the splines facing
Remove the key from the shaft.
Repair instructions
Lift off the shims, spacer ring and needle roller bear-
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Press off:
– needle roller bearing race
– spacer
– needle roller bearing with needle roller bearing race
– sintered washer
– tapered roller bearing
Use mandrel 884 959 and counterhold 385 0617.
Repair instructions
Remove the front and rear gear wheels from their
flanges as follows:
Press the sintered washer down with press tool
885 377 as in the illustration.
Remove the circlip with circlip tong 885 178.
Lift away:
– sintered washer
– the two disc springs
– washer
Lift away:
– spacer ring
– shim
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Tap the gear off the flange with a plastic faced ham-
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Repair instructions
Remove the three springs (1) and the two holders (2)
and (3) from the clutch unit. Be careful to save the 2
balls, three in each holder.
NOTE! Put the hub (4) with clutch plate (5) in a cloth 4
etc. before separating them, to prevent pins and
springs from flying away.
Carefully separate the hub and clutch plate.
Save the pins and springs.
Lock the slotted nut with counterhold 885 849 (130S-
A/B) and 22296432. Do not screw the screws in all
the way, the counterhold must be able to move axially.
Undo the nut by turning the shaft clockwise with
splined socket 884 830 (130S) or 885 560 (150S).
Remove counterhold and ring nut.
Press out the shaft, using mandrel 999 5028.
Repair instructions
Remove the lower bearing, shims and spacer sleeve.
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Press out the upper bearing race with plate 885 481
and standard shaft 999 1801.
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Turn the gear housing over and press the lower bear-
ing race out. Use tool 885 481 and standard shaft
999 801.
Repair instructions
If the upper bearing needs to be changed, remove
the bearing with a knife puller.
Repair instructions
Check all bearings and gear wheels.
If the sailboat drive is fully renovated, it is recom-
mended that the front and rear friction plate pack-
ages and the four thrust washers should be changed.
Check the clearance between the gear selector fork
and shaft, as in the illustration.
Permissible clearance 0.05 mm.
Change the gear selector fork if this clearance is ex-
Repair instructions
Measure the wear on the sliding surfaces of the gear
selector fork.
Max permissible wear 0.2 mm.
Check that there is no cracking between the lugs on
the selector fork shaft.
Check the wear on the gear shift mechanism cam,
please refer to “Gear mechanism, renovation”.
Repair instructions
Undo the clamping screw and remove the selector
Clean any paint residue off the shaft and then sepa-
rate the shaft/cam from the housing.
Carefully prise out the seal ring with a screwdriver.
Check the wear on the cam, using measurement fix-
ture 885 523.
Thread the fixture onto the cam. Tighten the socket
cap screw slightly, to eliminate any clearance be-
tween the fixture and the cam.
Repair instructions
Measure as in the illustration.
Max permissible difference between the two mea-
surements 0.6 mm.
Change the cam if the difference exceeds the per-
missible value.
Put the gear change mechanism on two plates (sepa-
rated slightly so that the tension pin is free) and press
the seal in with mandrel 888 20009. Align the seal as
in the illustration.
Align the mandrel as in the illustration, and press until
the mandrel bottoms against the plates.
Grease the bore and the seal ring liberally with
grease, VP part no. 828 250.
Install the cam and the selector arm.
Angle the selector arm as in one of the two alterna-
tives in the illustration (depending on what the boat
installation looks like) and make sure that the clear-
ance between the arm and the housing is at least 0.5
IMPORTANT! Torque the clamping screw to:
22 ± 1 Nm
Repair instructions
Turn the gear housing over and press the lower bear-
ing race in with mandrel 884 359.
Repair instructions
Press the bearing onto the output shaft with mandrel
884 754. Remember to protect the gear tooth tips.
Put spacer sleeve (1) on the output shaft.
Put the original shim thickness on the shaft. If this
value is not known, use 0.90 mm as rough guide.
Put the output shaft in the gear housing and press
the lower bearing on with mandrel 884 754. Press the
gear until it bottoms against the shim.
Check the turning round torque with torque wrench
1 rpm/sec 999 8081 and splined socket 884 830 (130S) or 885
560 (150S).
Correct value:
New bearings Slack free–0.5 Nm
Run-in bearings Slack free–0.5 Nm
If there is slack, press the output shaft out and re-
duce the shim thickness. If the turning round torque
is too high, the shim thickness should naturally be
Repair instructions
When the correct value has been obtained, screw the
hook nut on.
Shim calculation
Put the following components on measurement fix-
ture 885 480 in this order:
– tapered roller bearing
– sintered washer
– needle roller bearing
– spacer sleeve
– needle roller bearing
– spacer ring
– shims (the original thickness, if this is not
known, use 0.50 mm as a rough guide)
– front flange
– hub
– shims (the original thickness, if this is not
known, use 0.50 mm as a rough guide)
– spacer ring
– needle roller bearing
– spacer sleeve
– needle roller bearing
– rear flange
– sintered washer
– tapered roller bearing
– washer
– screw
Tighten the screw lightly, about 10 Nm.
Repair instructions
Measure the clearance between the hub and both
flanges with a feeler gage.
The clearance should be equal on each side and
should be 0.50–0.55 mm.
Correct the shim thickness if necessary, to give the
correct clearance.
Slide the flanges apart and measure distance (A).
This distance indicates the distance that the front and
rear gear wheels will be placed from each other.
Example: A = 109.80 mm
The gear wheels are made to be located 107.60
(2x53.8) mm away from each other.
This distance (B) should be corrected by the devia-
tion in the gear wheels. The deviation in mm is en-
graved on the gear wheel, for example “0,15”. The
values are always positive.
Read the distance on the gear wheel and correct di-
mension B.
Example: B = 107.60 + 0.20 + 0.21 = 108.01
Repair instructions
If we now delete distance (B) (which we want to have
between the gear wheels) from distance (A) (which
is the actual distance between the flanges) and halve
this amount, we get the shim thickness that needs to
be put between each flange and gear wheel.
Example: Shim thickness = (A - B) x 0.5 =
(109.80 - 108.01) x 0.5 = 0.895
Round the value off to 10/100 mm, which
in this example gives us a shim thickness
of 0.90 mm.
When shim calculation is completed, remove all com-
ponents from the measurement fixture.
Put the original shim thickness and spacer ring on
the flange. Install the new circlip. Make sure that the
circlip seat securely.
Check that there is no slack between the circlip and
the spacer ring. Increase the shim thickness in this
Repair instructions
3 Put the washer (1), the two cup springs (2) and the
2 sintered washer (3) on the appropriate flange. Align
the components as in the illustration.
Compress the disc springs using press tool 885 377
and install the new circlip. Make sure that the circlip
seats properly in its groove before the cup springs
are unloaded.
Install the springs (1), pin (2) and (3) in the hub as in
the illustration.
Put the hub in the clutch plate. Align the components
as in the illustration.
Press the pin in at the same time as the hub is
pressed down into the clutch plate. Make sure that
the pin engages in the groove for neutral gear.
Repair instructions
IMPORTANT! Note the appearance of holder (A) as
shown in fig (A). Place holder (A) on the workbench.
- the balls
- the assembled hub
IMPORTANT! Make sure that the inner part of the
hub is aligned so that the ball seats face as shown in
figure (B).
-the balls
-holder (C)
IMPORTANT! Note the appearance of holder (C) as
shown in fig (C).
Install the springs, facing as in the illustration.
– bearing
– sintered washer (aligned as in the illustration)
– needle roller bearing
– spacer
– needle roller race
on the input shaft. Use mandrel 885 370. Make sure
that the components seat securely.
Put the input shaft in splined socket
888 20005.Thread on:
– needle roller bearing
– spacer ring
– shim (thickness as item 8)
– front gear wheel unit
on the input shaft.
Repair instructions
Install the two keys.
Install the front friction plate package. Put the steel
plate at the bottom, and then alternate with coated
friction plates. There is a total of three of each for the
130S, or four of each for the 150S.
Thread the clutch hub onto the shaft. Align the steel
clutch plate tags so that they enter the cutouts in the
Thread on:
– shim (thickness as item 8)
– spacer ring
on the input shaft.
Repair instructions
Press on:
– needle roller bearing
– spacer
– needle roller race
on the input shaft. Use mandrel 885 370.
Thread the needle roller bearing on.
Install the rear friction plate package. Put a coated
friction plate at the bottom, and alternate with steel
discs. There is a total of three of each for the 130S, or
four of each for the 150S.
Install the rear gear wheel unit. Rock the gear wheel
to centre the coated friction plates.
Thread the coated washer on, facing as in the illus-
Repair instructions
Press the bearing on. Use mandrel 885 370.
Measure distance (A) between the bearing race and
the shaft with a depth micrometer.
Fill the distance up with shims as follows:
Round off to the nearest 10/100 mm. Then deduct
0.10 mm.
Example: A = 1.76 (rounded off to 1.80)
Shim thickness = 1.80 – 0.10 = 1.70
Put in the calculated thickness of shims.
Apply thread locking fluid, VP part number 114 1053
to the screw.
Install the washer and screw. Torque 50 Nm.
Repair instructions
Install the rear cover together with the gasket and the
original shim thickness.
If the original shim thickness is not available, use
0.50 mm as a rule of thumb.
Tighten the screw, about 14 Nm at the same time as
the shaft is turned. This is to check that the turning
torque is not so high that it “locks” the shaft.
Measure the turning torque with splined socket
1 rpm/sec
888 20005 and torque wrench 999 8081.
The correct turning torque should be:
1.0-1.4 Nm (new bearings)
1.0-1.4 Nm (run-in bearings)
If the turning torque is too low, increase the shim
thickness inside the rear cover.
If, on the other hand, the value is too high, reduce the
shim thickness.
Repair instructions
Flank clearance
When the correct turning torque has been obtained,
check the gear flank clearance.
Install fixture 885 571 on the gear housing. Put mag-
netic stand 999 9696 and dial gage 8888 20006 on
the fixture.
Put the dial gage measurement tip on the output gear
wheel as in the illustration.
Slide the clutch plate backwards and read off the
gear lash on the rear gear wheel by carefully rocking
the input gear wheel.
Note the value.
Repair instructions
Slide the clutch plate forwards and read off the gear
lash on the front gear wheel by carefully rocking the
input gear wheel.
Note the value.
Compare the two values. The flank clearance should
be as equal as possible on each gear wheel.
Repair instructions
Marking pattern
When the input shaft has been centered (equal clear-
ance on each gear wheel) across the output gear
wheel, check the gear engagement pattern.
Brush a thin layer of marker dye 380 7716 to 5-6
teeth on the rear gear wheel.
Slide the clutch plate backwards.
Put splined socket 888 20005 on the input shaft and
turn it clockwise 3-4 turns at the same time as the
output shaft is braked with splined socket 884 830
(130S) or 885 560 (150S).
Brush a thin layer of marker dye 380 7716 to 5-6
teeth on the front gear wheel.
Slide the clutch plate forwards.
Repeat the procedure and check the location of the
gear engagement pattern on the convex side of the
output gear.
The marking pattern on the lower gear wheel should
be located centrally on the lower gear, in both the
lengthways direction and in height.
Repair instructions
If you need to adjust the gear flank clearance in
cases where the marking pattern is correct:
In most cases, the location of the front and rear gears
is retained and the output gear is moved up or down.
If the output gear wheel is moved 0.10 mm, the gear
flank clearance is changed about 0.05 mm.
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Check that the clearance between the plug and the
shaft is min. 0,5 mm and the selector fork can move
If the shaft design is as shown in (A) above, check
that the clearance between the plug and the shaft
is at least 0.5 mm and that the selector fork moves
IMPORTANT! Clean all contact surfaces on both
gear housing halves with denatured alcohol and
a gasket scraper 885 516.
Old sealant residue must be completely re-
moved, to promote successful re-sealing.
Repair instructions
Apply a thin layer of sealant (red), part number
840 879, to the top gear housing half as in the illus-
tration. Use roller 885 511.
Place the input shaft together with the bearing races,
calculated shim thickness on the input side and the
seal ring in the gear housing. Align the seal as in the
Install the upper gear housing half.
Repair instructions
IMPORTANT! Clean all contact surfaces on the
gear housing and gear mechanism with dena-
tured alcohol and a gasket scraper 885 516.
Old sealant residue must be completely re-
moved, to promote successful re-sealing.
Apply a thin layer of sealant (red), part number
840 879 on the gear shift mechanism as in the illus-
tration. Use roller 885 511.
Repair instructions
Check that the clutch plate is in neutral.
Install the shift mechanism as in the illustration.
Roughly adjust the position by centering in the screw
holes. Tighten the nuts to about 10 Nm (it should be
possible to fine adjust the position of the gear mecha-
nism by lightly tapping it with a plastic-faced mallet).
885 870 Install measurement fixture 885 870. The fixture can
be installed along or across the reversing gear, de-
pending on how the gear shift arm is installed.
Repair instructions
Put the shift mechanism in the neutral position.
Find the shift arm “neutral position” by turning the
mechanism carefully in each direction (without en-
gaging a gear). Mark up the end positions as in the
Find the end positions of the shift arm with the gear
engaged by engaging a gear and by carefully turn-
ing the mechanism in each direction, until contact is
made with the clutch plate. Mark up this position and
repeat the procedure with the opposite gear position.
Measure the distances between A and B as in the il-
The permissible values of the A and B dimensions
are not more than 24 mm. In addition, the difference
between the two dimension must not exceed 3 mm.
A = 23.1 mm
B = 22.3 mm
A - B = 23.1 - 22.3 = 0.8 mm
Repair instructions
If the values are outside the specified maximum di-
mensions, adjust the shift mechanism by carefully
tapping it in the direction where the smallest value
was measured.
Repeat the measurements and adjustments until
you end up between the specified dimensions. If the
specified dimensions are not achieved, the reversing
gear must be changed.
When the correct dimension has been found, remove
the fixture and install the bracket for the control cable.
Torque all nuts to 20 Nm.
Install the dipstick with a new O-ring.
Repair instructions
NOTE! Remove the oil drain plug.
Remove the zinc anode.
Remove the screws for the propeller seal housing.
Remove the propeller shaft and gear housing with a
slide hammer 884 161 and adapter 884 611.
Scrap the O-rings.
Repair instructions
Fix the upper nut for the vertical shaft with fixture
888 20007.
Undo the nut by turning the vertical shaft clockwise,
with splined socket. 884 830 (130S) or 885 560
Fix the pinion nut. Use a clean rag to protect the gear
Undo the nut by turning the vertical shaft anti-clock-
wise with the splined socket. 884 830 (130S) or 885
560 (150S).
Pull up the vertical shaft puller 888 20004 and man-
drel 884 833 as in the illustration.
Catch the pinion gear.
Repair instructions
Pull the bearing race up with puller 885 850 and
884 721.
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Remove the needle roller bearing.
Use 22563001 and 22518599.
Pull out the bearing race for the front propeller
shaft bearing with puller 884 760 (130S) or 885 850
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Repair instructions
Tap the seal rings out of the propeller bearing hous-
ing, using a screwdriver.
Press the bearing race out with expander 884 726
and standard shaft 884 143. Use ring 884 723 as a
Save the shims and note the thickness of the shims.
Press the bearings off with puller halves 885 852 and
plate 885 568.
Save the washer (1).
Repair instructions
Press the needle roller bearings off with puller halves
885 852 and plate 885 568.
Press the inner bearing off the propeller shaft.
Press the gear wheel and outer bearing off. Use 884
753 (130S) or 999 2584 (150S) as a counterhold.
Use something like mandrel 884 752 as a spacer to
avoid damaging the threads on the shaft.
Repair instructions
Press the front bearing on. Use ring 385 0617 (130S)
or 885 853 (150S) as a counterhold.
Use something like mandrel 884 752 as a spacer to
avoid damaging the threads on the shaft.
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Put the calculated thickness of shims (Gshim) into the
housing. Fix them with some grease.
Install the bearing race with tool 885 854 and a plas-
tic-faced mallet. Turn the lower part of the tool to suit
the bearing race in question.
Press the bearing onto the vertical shaft with ring 385
0617. Align the bearings as in the illustration.
Align the needle roller bearing with the text side out-
wards (towards the tool).
Knock the bearing up until it bottoms.
Use 22563001 and 22518599.
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Install the calculated shim thickness in the gear hous-
ing and install the bearing race with tool 885 854 and
a plastic-faced mallet. Turn the lower part of the tool
to suit the bearing race in question.
Press the needle roller bearing onto the vertical shaft
with ring 385 0617.
Put the vertical shaft in the gear housing.
Install the pinion gear and screw the old nut on
(aligned as in the illustration) by hand.
Repair instructions
Fix the pinion nut. Use a clean rag to protect the gear
Tighten the nut by turning the vertical shaft with
splined socket 884 830 (130S) or 885 560 (150S).
Tightening torque 110 Nm (130S) or 240 Nm (150S)
Put the original shim thickness in the propeller bear-
ing housing.
(Or adjust the shim thickness with the difference be-
tween the calculated and the original shim thickness
for the front bearing race).
Press the bearing race in with tool 885 854. Turn the
lower part of the tool to suit the bearing race in ques-
Press the rear bearing onto the propeller shaft. Use
plate 884 753 and ring 385 0617 (130S) or 885 853
(150S) as a counterhold.
Repair instructions
Oil the bearings lightly.
Put the propeller shaft in the gear housing.
Install the propeller bearing housing without O-rings.
Torque the screws to 28 Nm.
Check the turning round torque with adapter nut 884
1 rpm/sec
611 and torque wrench 999 8081.
Correct turning torque is 0.3 Nm – 1.6 Nm
If the turning torque is too low, increase the thick-
ness of shims under the bearing track in the propeller
bearing housing, and if the turning torque is too high,
reduce the thickness of shims.
When the correct turning torque has been obtained,
the gear flank clearance and the marking pattern on
the gear wheels should be checked.
Remove the propeller bearing housing and propeller
Brush a thin layer of marker dye 380 7716 on 5-6
teeth on the pinion gear.
Repair instructions
Put the propeller shaft back in the gear housing.
Assemble the propeller bearing housing with fixture
885 571 as in the illustration. Torque the screws to
28 Nm.
Drive the upper bearing race down with a plastic-
faced mallet and mandrel 884 777.
The shafts must be braked at the same time as the
propeller shaft is turned, to permit the gear marking
pattern to be checked.
Install adapter nut 884 611 on the propeller shaft.
Put splined socket 884 830 (130S) or 885 560 (150S)
on the vertical shaft and turn it 3-4 turns clockwise at
the same time as the propeller shaft is braked.
Repair instructions
Install fixture 885 572, magnetic stand 999 9696 and
dial gage 888 20006 as in the illustration.
Put the measurement tip on the inner marking of the
Fix the vertical shaft in a suitable manner.
Rock the propeller shaft forwards and backwards
(avoid pressing in the radial direction) and read off
the gear flank clearance.
Correct value: 0.10 - 0.20 mm
Note the measured value in the “Shim table, lower
Remove all measurement tools and special tools.
Remove the propeller bearing housing and lift the
propeller shaft out.
Repair instructions
Check the position of the marking pattern.
The marking pattern on the gear wheel should be
displaced slightly towards the “large end” and slightly
towards the tooth tips.
During operation, the propeller forces will press the
gear wheel forwards, which displaces the marking
pattern and makes it centrally located in both height
and lengthways direction.
If you need to adjust the gear flank clearance in
cases where the marking pattern is correct:
In most cases, the pinion position is retained (Pshim)
and the gear wheel is moved (Fshim ).
If the gear wheel is moved 0.05 mm, the gear flank
clearance is moved about 0.05 mm.
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Final assembly
Remove the old pinion nut and scrap it.
Apply thread locking fluid, VP part number 116 1053
to the new pinion nut and screw it on by hand.
Fix the pinion nut. Use a clean rag to protect the gear
case. Tighten the nut by turning the vertical shaft with
splined socket 884 830 (130S) or 885 560 (150S).
Torque 110 Nm (130S) or 240 Nm (150S).
Thread the washer on.
Apply thread locking fluid, VP part number 116 1053
to the nut and screw it on by hand.
Fix the nut with fixture 888 20007.
Tighten the nut by turning the vertical shaft anti-
clockwise with the splined socket. 884 830 (130S) or
885 560 (150S).
Torque 50 Nm.
Repair instructions
Put the propeller shaft in the gear housing.
Press the bearing race out of the propeller bearing
housing with expander 884 726 and standard shaft
884 143. Use ring 884 723 as a counterhold. Save
the shims.
Install the outer seal ring with standard shaft 999
1801 and mandrel 884 752 in the propeller bearing
Repair instructions
Install the inner seal ring with standard shaft 999
1801 and mandrel 884 752 in the propeller bearing
Place the tested shim thickness in the propeller bear-
ing housing.
Press the bearing race in with tool 885 854. Turn the
lower part of the tool to suit the bearing race in ques-
Install new O-rings on the propeller bearing housing.
Grease the seal rings and the O-rings liberally with
grease, VP part no. 828250.
Put the propeller bearing housing in place. Be care-
ful to ensure that the splines do not scratch the seal
Tighten the screws. Torque 28 Nm.
Repair instructions
Install a new O-ring on the oil drain plug. Torque the
plug to 10 Nm.
Scrape the mating surface clean and install the zinc
anode. Tighten the bolts to 9 Nm
Repair instructions
Put the four O-rings on the adapter plate. Fix them
with some grease.
Install the adapter plate on the upper gear.
Repair instructions
Check that there is no end float in the vertical shaft. If
necessary, tap the upper bearing housing down with
mandrel 884 777.
Measure the depth (C) in the lower gear housing with
depth micrometer 998 5472.
Example: C = 13.97 mm
Measure the thickness (G) of a new gasket with mi-
crometer 999 9701.
Example: G = 0.37 mm
Repair instructions
Measure the height (X) of the adapter plate flange,
depth micrometer 998 5472.
Example: X = 12.36 mm
To calculate the clearance between the bearing race
and the upper gear housing, you must add the gasket
thickness (G) to dimension (C) and then deduct di-
mension (X).
Clearance = C + G - X = 13.97 + 0.37 - 12.36 =
1.98 mm
To obtain the recommended gear pre-load 0.00-0.05
mm shims must be put between the bearing race and
the upper gear housing.
The example above leads to a shim thickness of 2.00
mm, which gives a bearing preload of 0.02 mm.
Put the calculated thickness of shims (1) in the lower
gear housing.
Put a new gasket (2) on the lower gear housing. Align
the gasket as in the illustration.
Install the splined socket (3) on the vertical shaft.
Carefully lift the upper gear housing/adapter plate
into place.
Apply grease, VP part no. 828 250 to the screws.
Repair instructions
Tighten the screws as in the tightening torque sched-
ule, to 22 ± 1 Nm.
Repair instructions
Pressure testing
Special tools: 885 531
Remove the drain plug.
Install the nipple and pump from the pressure test kit
885 531.
Pump the pressure up to 21–35 kPa.
Turn the propeller shaft, gear shift mechanism and
input shaft, and check the sealing. If any pressure
drop is noticed, use soapy water or immerse the drive
completely in water to find the leakage. Carry out the
necessary repairs and repeat the test.
Repair instructions
130S-A/B, 150S-A/B:
Remove the rubber bush with press tool 888 20014.
130S-A/B, 150S-A/B:
Brush glycerin in the cutout for the bushing in the
gear housing.
Align the new bushing as in the illustration. Press it in
with the new press tool 888 20014.
130S-C, 150S-C:
Åtdragningsmoment: 40 Nm
Repair instructions
IMPORTANT! Read and carefully follow the in-
structions and warnings on the packaging.
Remove all marine fouling.
Remove all loose paint and corrosion residue by grit
blasting or sandpaper.
If grit blasting is used, the grit should be aluminum
oxide with a particle size of between 0.2 and 0.7 mm.
Blow clean after grit blasting.
If sandpaper is used, it must be coated with alumi-
num oxide. Sand painted surfaces and the damaged/
corroded raw aluminum surfaces to be touched up.
Then clean with water or a good cleaning fluid.
When the primer coating is thin or the surface is un-
painted, it must first be coated with primer, VP part
number 1141562-7. The solvent in the primer must
be given time to evaporate and the primer must hard-
en before the top coat is applied. Allow 8 to 12 hours
drying time.
Apply the top coat. The spare parts catalogue and
the “Penta accessories” catalogue specify the part
numbers for surface treatment products.
Also apply anti-fouling.
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Repair instructions
Shim thickness
Shim table, upper gear housing
Repair instructions
Shim thickness
In case of a fault, first check if all items in the installation m
anual have been performed and that the operating
instructions are being followed.
The table below will help you with fault tracing.
1 Oil leakage
Cause: Pores in castings.
Action: Change defective components.
3 Slipping clutch
Cause: Gear shift arm wrongly adjusted/installed.
Action: Adjust the gear shift mechanism.
6 Hard shifting
Cause: Idle speed too high.
Action: Adjust idle speed to the correct level.
Technical data
General data
Type designation ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 130S-A, 130SR-A, 130S-B, 130SR-B,
150S-A, 150SR-A, 150S-B, 150SR-B
130S-A, 130SR-A, 130S-B, 130SR-B ������������������������������������� 26.5 kg
150S-A, 150SR-A, 150S-B, 150SR-B ������������������������������������� 27 kg
Flank clearance
Lower gear,
Pinion gear– Gear wheels ������������������������������������������������� 0.10–0.20 mm
Upper gear
input front gear - output gear wheel ���������������������������������� 0.12–0.27 mm
input rear gear - output gear wheel ����������������������������������� 0.12–0.27 mm
Lubrication system
Oil volume, app.
130S-A, 130SR-A, 130S-B, 130SR-B gear ratio 2.19:1 ���� 2.91 liter
130S-A, 130SR-A gear ratio 2.47:1 ����������������������������������� 3.01 liter
150S-A, 150SR-A, 150S-B, 150SR-B ������������������������������� 3.01 liter
Technical data
General tightening torque values
M6 standard screw 8.8....................................................... 10
M8 standard screw 8.8....................................................... 25
M10 standard screw 8.8..................................................... 50
M12 standard screw 8.8..................................................... 85
M14 standard screw 8.8..................................................... 140
References to Service Bulletins
Report form
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a copy of this page, write your comments down and post it to us. The address is at
the bottom of the page. We would prefer you to write in English or Swedish.
Refers to publication:................................................................................................................................................
AB Volvo Penta
Service Communication
Dept. CB22000
SE-405 08 Gothenburg
7742984 English 05-2015