WEF White Paper Appropriate Use of Customer Data
WEF White Paper Appropriate Use of Customer Data
WEF White Paper Appropriate Use of Customer Data
Background 6
Conclusion 30
References 31
Acknowledgements 32
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Executive summary
In an effort to understand better the implications of the Fourth Industrial This document builds on the
Revolution – a technology-led transformation that is fundamentally altering Balancing Financial Stability,
the way people work, live and relate to one another – the World Economic Innovation and Economic Growth
Forum prioritized a review of the financial system through its initiative, White Paper published in June 2017,
Balancing Financial Stability, Innovation and Economic Growth. A key part of which made the following findings:
this review focused on the appropriate use of customer data in financial services.
1. Major innovation-driven change
This review began a year ago and several developments since have is coming to financial services.
reinforced the urgency of this work. Whether it is data breaches at large Firms are increasingly competing
organizations crucial to the provision of credit, disclosures of controversial or partnering at different points
data-sharing practices at social media firms offering payment services, or along the financial services value
considerations by big techs to partner with banks and exchange customer chain to take advantage of unmet
and transaction data, the accelerating data-fuelled transformation of financial customer needs, less efficient cost
services demonstrates the need for stakeholders to align on principles governing structures, high capital usage and
the use of customer data. Uncertainty about what it means to use customer attractive returns.
data appropriately could cause a loss of trust that could lead to instability in the
2. These changes can bring
financial services system.
enormous benefits to the
Policy-makers recognize the need for guidance and have been financial services system.
implementing legislative responses, most notably through the European Benefits include improved
Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). California and China customer experience, better risk
have passed similar laws and numerous jurisdictions are currently formulating management and greater efficiency
or reviewing their respective data regulations. These necessary efforts introduce for incumbent industry participants
important checks and balances, yet are insufficient. An uncoordinated and new value creators.
proliferation of global data frameworks may prove counterproductive in the long
3. Managing some systemic risks
run, resulting in further regulatory fragmentation with adverse knock-on effects
introduced by this wave of
for innovation and new business formation.
innovation poses challenges.
Through a series of roundtable discussions and interviews with industry The appropriate use and
executives and experts across multiple regions, the Forum stakeholders competitive advantage of
identified the lack of global principles to guide the inherent trade-offs to be customer data was identified
made in the use of customer data as a major foundational gap. A draft set as a key area of focus by the
of global principles has been developed and the Forum stakeholders encourage Stewards of the Forum System
their adoption. The principles, focused on control, security, personalization, Initiative on Shaping the Future of
advanced analytics and portability, demonstrate the feasibility of achieving high- Financial and Monetary Systems
level consensus on customer data collection and use practices globally. and the Steering Committee of
the Balancing Financial Stability,
The consequences of inaction on the appropriate use of customer data
Innovation and Economic Growth
– such as overexposure to risk, the stifling of innovation, or competitive
inequity leading to poor industry structure – demand the expedited, yet
careful, implementation of these principles globally. To address the range 4. The financial services system
of practical implementation challenges, the principles suggest a series of next would benefit from certain tools
steps for governments, incumbents and challengers. By following the roadmap to achieve greater enablement
developed to tackle these obstacles, stakeholders can better manage the and risk management. These
trade-offs of using customer data and addressing key data-related challenges – include a more standardized
ultimately, balancing financial stability, innovation and economic growth. regulatory treatment framework
across jurisdictions.
1 Customer data are critical to innovation and growth, but data misuse risks a loss of trust
that could destabilize the financial services system
Customer Business
New products and services tailored to individual Development of new products and services
needs Better risk management capabilities
Enhanced customer experience Cost savings from more efficient internal operations
Financial inclusion for underserved individuals
Regulatory penalties or reputational damage from
Financial losses due to fraud misuse of customer data (loss of customers)
Loss of privacy if data are used without consent Operational losses from fraud or cyberattacks
Exclusion from products or services due to real Market disruption for companies that depend on
or perceived risks pooled risk or cross-subsidization
Challenge 4: Challenge 5:
Lack of common principles for Issues of practical regulation and
framing issues implementation of shared principles
3 Governments, incumbents and challengers need to take action in 10 key areas to ensure
the financial system evolves appropriately
“Companies should be clear about their use of customer data, attain customer
Control agreement to their customer data policies and, where appropriate, seek consent
for specific uses.”
Security “Companies should be held responsible and accountable for data security.”
What is meant by advanced analytics? What conditions are required to be effective in practice?
Advanced analytics refers to whether safeguards are needed to - Justification: Customers should have the right to request why a decision was made
use new models and statistical approaches. (e.g. why the model methodology is appropriate, why the output is justified).
- Challenge: Customers should have the right to correct incorrect or incomplete data
Key questions: - Are safeguards necessary to prevent data from about them held by a company.
leading to discrimination and exclusion?
- Should customers have the right to correct or
update data about them?
behaviour. Advanced computing increases the ability to
store, manage and transfer data, while advanced analytics Year
permits greater insight into customer behaviours and
preferences (Figure 2).
Certain marketing companies have about 1,500
These innovations have created opportunities for
data points on approximately 96% of US citizens
business innovation. They have also led to uncertainty,
however, about what it means to use customer data
appropriately. Governments around the world are debating 95% of the top free mobile apps
whether to adopt elements of Europe’s new General collect customer data (location, social networks, etc.)
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Business leaders are
considering what they would do if a third party misused
customer data. And finally, customers are asking how Note: Data points are units of observations or characteristics (e.g. gender,
companies are collecting, using and sharing data about location, ethnicity) related to the referenced citizens.
them, and what benefits they are getting in return. Sources: Reinsel et al. (2017), CitiBank (2017)
Internet of things Network of internet-connected objects able to Secure verification of customers’ identity
collect and exchange data using embedded sensors
Collection of customers’ locations and behaviours
Biometrics Identity authentication through use of uniquely physical Secure verification of customers’ identity
or behavioural characteristics (e.g. facial recognition,
fingerprints, voice recognition)
Advanced analytics/ Statistics and modelling used to determine future Data mining to provide better insight into behaviours
artificial intelligence performance based on current and historical data and preferences
Robotics Software solutions that automate routine, repetitive or Reduction of operational costs for consuming,
rule-based processes manipulating and acting on customer data
Advanced Network of remote servers hosted on the internet; Increase in ease of storing, managing, transferring and
computing systems based on quantum effects; devices created processing data
(quantum, edge, using mobile components; optimization from
cloud, mobile) performing data processing at the edge of the network
Open application Publicly available API that provides access to a Secure sharing of data with reduced risk of breach
programming proprietary software application or web service
interfaces (APIs)/
Distributed ledger Public transactions enabled through a database Customers regaining control of personal data,
technology consensually shared among networks spread across including access and transfer
(blockchain) multiple sites, institutions or geographies
Advanced Advanced encryption methods, such as zero Development of alternative approaches to sharing
encryption knowledge proofs and tokenization of data personally identifiable information
How can businesses use customer data to add value for customers?
Varying stakeholder incentives
What regulations may be needed to balance potentially competing
interests across customers, governments and businesses?
Important context
What should businesses need to tell customers about how they collect
and use customer data?
Issues of practical government regulation How should financial service regulators approach customer data?
and industry implementation
How can companies create appropriate internal governance practices
for customer data collection approaches and uses?
Appreciate that data about
them help to create tailored
products and services, but
concerned about privacy and Enthusiastic to leverage
other risks from data misuse customer data to generate
insights and create profit, but
unclear how to adapt to
Data use changing regulations and
landscape public sentiment
Incumbents Challengers
Prioritize stability and Prioritize innovation
Policy-makers and
safeguarding market and disrupting
governments position market
Eager to spur innovation and
growth, but mindful of risks to
customers that may weaken
trust in the financial system
Customers want financial institutions to use data about them in ways that
they can benefit from
• Most customers are uncomfortable with smartphone and tablet apps using their personal data and
are worried that sharing data makes them targets for marketing campaigns
• 84% of those surveyed feel they have less than sufficient control over the way organizations use
data about them
How do customers want financial institutions to use their data?1
50% Current usage Preference for future usage
20% 38 32 37
10% 25 21
15 2
Protect you against adverse Anticipate your needs and offer Sell your data to other None of the above
behaviours (e.g. alert me before you customized products and companies to earn a profit
I incur a fee or if the price I’m services
paying is likely to decrease in the
near future)
Customers are often willing to share data for free or discounted products
• 50% would accept free or discounted products in exchange for less privacy, including 45% who
would allow their automobile driving habits to be monitored to receive cheaper insurance premiums
• Customers are willing to share a non-required piece of data2 for various benefits, including:
80% 79% 77%
63% 61%
Rewards from Cash back Coupo n fo r future Lo catio n-based Less spam Exclusive Recommendations
company disco unts customer service
Customers are more willing to share data with brands they trust3
• 75% are more willing to share personal data with a brand they trust
• 48% would lose trust in their bank and 28% would switch to a new bank if their bank were
accused of unethical business practices that did not impact them personally
The question in the Oliver Wyman 2017 Trust Survey of about 4,800 US adults was: “How do you think that your primary bank currently uses your less
sensitive personal and account history data (e.g. contact info, purchase history, etc.)? How would you prefer that the company use your less sensitive
personal and account history data in the future? Please select all that apply.”
A non-required piece of data refers to personal information not required to receive the service. The results shown are from a 2015 survey by the Center
on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, in conjunction with Aimia, of over 8,000 consumers across four generations in five countries
(United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and India). See Quint and Rogers (2015).
Results are also from the 2015 survey. See Quint and Rogers (2015).
Sources: European Commission (2015); CitiBank (2017); Morey et al. (2015); Cooper and LaSalle (2016); KPMG (2017); Oliver Wyman (2017); Quint and
Rogers (2015).
Data minimization Data processing should be adequate, 4. Wider data scope as “personal data” and “special categories” of
relevant and limited to what is necessary personal data (sensitive personal data) defined more broadly
5. Expanded rights of data subjects, including the right to have data
Accuracy Data should be accurate and, where
erased and the right to have data transferred to another controller (data
necessary, kept up to date
Storage Data should be kept in a form that permits 6. Privacy by design/default, such that privacy might be considered
limitation identification of data subjects for no longer throughout the product development process, and that companies
than is necessary default to strict privacy settings
Integrity and Data should be processed in a manner that 7. Appointment of data protection officers who must adhere to internal
confidentiality ensures appropriate security for personal record-keeping requirements
8. Regulation of suppliers (data processors) and controllers
Accountability The controller should be responsible for,
9. Mandatory notification of data breaches
and be able to demonstrate compliance with,
the principles above 10. Higher bar for lawful processing of data
11. Increased accountability measures
1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Article 5: Principles relating to processing of personal data.
Sources: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2017); Allen & Overy (2018); DLA Piper (2017); Accenture, Seizing the Opportunities Unlocked
by the EU’s Revised Payment Services Directive PSD2 (2016); Wintermeyer (2017); Bowcott (2017); CitiBank (2017)
Notes: CFPB = Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; FTC = Federal Trade Commission; FCC = Federal Communications Commission; ISP = internet
service provider; PHI = protected health information.
Sources: Jolly (2017); King and Raja (2013); Raul (2016)
Data-driven products and practices could be a powerful force for financial inclusion and
efficiency, but they will only be used if they achieve consumers’ trust. Financial service providers
need to demonstrate that data is being collected, stored and used in a way that aligns with their
customers’ interests – regardless of where the data comes from.
Greg Medcraft, Director, Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris
3. Complexity across data type, Data type: Historically, customer data included paper-
based records (Figure 10) that served a single purpose and
collection approach and use changed slowly over months and years. Sensitive personal
The three key dimensions for customer data are data data, such as a person’s social security number or bank
type, data collection approach and data use. They have statements, were relatively easy to define and protect.
important implications for questions about the appropriate Customer data currently includes real-time electronic data
use of data in financial services, as well as the competitive with few industry barriers. Data aggregators can collect data
advantage associated with data. from numerous sources to create customer profiles, or to
Figure 10: Traditional and emerging types of customer data predict data that could be considered sensitive, such as a
person’s financial or health status, or biometric information.
Traditional forms Emerging forms
Data collection approach: Customer data can be
Fingerprints, volunteered by customers, observed from customer
Public records, tax
Identity filings
photographs, iris
behaviour, inferred by companies or obtained from third
scans, digital IDs
parties. For example, a customer with a mortgage from
Medical records, Fitness tracking, a bank would provide volunteered data in the application
Health insurance claims sleep/eating habits
form, such as their demographic data and income. The
Peer-to-peer customer’s loan payment history would be considered
Bank statements,
Financial credit scores
payments, online observed data, while data from the bank’s underwriting
models on the size of the loan they qualify for would be
Social media inferred data. The bank could also seek out observed or
Social Organization registries connections and inferred data from third parties, such as the customer’s
activities credit score (Figure 11).
Location Telephone books Geolocation tracking
Facilitate targeted
marketing !
Data use
Optimize operations
and manage risk
Improve a product
or a service
Conduct core
business ! !
Volunteered data Observed data Inferred data
The development of global principles for financial Societal and cultural Standards, regulations,
beliefs regarding data oversight and supervision for
services is an important first step in harmonizing use and ownership data use and ownership
customer data laws, regulations and practices.
Customer data principles are not a substitute for country- or
industry-specific guidance; however, principles can provide A. Principles B. Governance
a framework (Figure 13) to address the challenges described
in the previous sections.
Principles can support coordination across the following
The future of
–– Regional differences in societal and cultural customer data
beliefs. Europe’s focus on data as a human right has
emphasized privacy and limited data use. In contrast,
Asian countries have stressed the economic benefits C. Industry
D. System
of customer data, particularly for financial inclusion. A structure
set of global principles is critical to identifying areas of
common ground that balance the opportunities and risks
in customer data. Resulting system-wide Resulting industry structure
data risks and benefits and practices regarding data
–– Regulatory inconsistencies across jurisdictions. More use and value capture
than 120 countries around the world have enacted data Source: World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman
protection laws. Global principles can provide a useful
tool for businesses and governments, particularly in
Principles: Societal and cultural beliefs are an important
jurisdictions where regulatory frameworks are still being
arbiter of what are considered fair or unfair uses of customer
developed in the wake of Europe’s GDPR regulation, and
data. Media attention can also spotlight abuses or highlight
where regulatory harmonization is a key consideration.
innovations that are seen as valuable, even if they are not
–– Wide-ranging industry practices and customer officially allowed under current regulations.
experiences. Companies use different types of data
Governance: Characterized by transmission mechanisms
within and across industries in significantly different ways.
for policy-makers and regulators to establish and enforce
Global principles can support developing best practices
the rules of the game, this includes standards, regulations,
that benefit both businesses and customers.
oversight and supervision.
Industry structure: Focusing on how data are used in
practice and how the value of customer data is distributed,
industry structure addresses both customer experience
and the relative strengths and weaknesses of incumbents
and challengers.
System: The resulting system-wide opportunities and risks
from how data are used will ultimately influence societal and
cultural beliefs and restart the cycle.
Mark Carney, Chair of Financial Stability Board; Governor of the Bank of England
Control Security
Should businesses or What responsibilities do
customers control how companies have to secure
customer data are used? customer data?
Should businesses
treat people equally
or as individuals?
Who should be able to
authorize the transfer of Advanced analytics
customer data between Are safeguards necessary to
private-sector participants? prevent data from leading to
discrimination and exclusion?
Control balances the relative abilities of businesses even lead companies to exit products or markets where the
and consumers to use and capture value from data. average customer is not profitable. Greater precision allows
On the business control side of the spectrum, companies for more customized profiles for individual customers. This
would have the right to use any type of customer data for can benefit customers with attractive risk profiles but it can
any purpose. This supports innovation but also poses risks also prevent high-risk customers from gaining access to
of data misuse. With greater customer control, companies services.
need consent to use different types of customer data for
Advanced analytics balances the opportunities and
a specific purpose. This increases transparency but also
risks of new models and statistical approaches.
creates frictions that can affect the customer experience.
Focusing on risk would require companies to limit the use
Security balances the opportunities and risks of holding of models that cannot be explained. This can reduce fraud,
companies responsible for protecting customer data. data inaccuracies or discrimination based on sensitive
On the risk side of the spectrum, companies are characteristics; however, it can also restrict innovation, as
considered liable for any data breaches. This incentivizes well as lead companies to avoid entering markets that have
greater investment in cyberprotection but could make limited customer data or where data quality is questioned.
it difficult for new entrants to comply with complex On the other hand, focusing on opportunity would mean
regulations. On the opportunity side, customers are placing fewer restrictions on model use. This could increase
ultimately liable for the implications of data breaches. This innovation but it could also lead to a higher risk of data
places the fewest limits on innovation but also requires misuse or even business failure if companies are not able to
significant customer due diligence on which companies are employ successful risk management practices.
most likely to protect data about them.
Portability balances the benefits of open versus closed
Personalization balances the benefits of privacy with data ecosystems. In a closed data regime, companies
the advantages of precise customer profiles. On the have full control over whether and how to give customers
anonymity side of the spectrum, customers are each access to data.
offered the same products and services. This enables a
high degree of privacy with limited discrimination against
protected classes; however, it may weaken profitability, or
“Companies should be clear about their use of customer data, attain customer
agreement to their customer data policies and, where appropriate, seek consent
for specific uses.”
Key conditions:
– Informed consent: Companies need to provide clear and accessible information about how customer data will be used (e.g. terms and
– Transparency: Customers should be able to view or know the data that are collected about them, how they are used and whether they
are shared with a third party.
– Ability to revoke consent: Customers should be able to request that data about them no longer be used by an organization (e.g. the
right to be forgotten).
– Legitimate use: Companies may not need to seek consent when using data for legitimate interests (e.g. those required by law).
What conditions are required to be effective in practice? What factors may affect how control is implemented?
- Informed consent: Companies need to provide clear and - Data type: Identity, financial and health data are seen as
accessible information about how customer data will be requiring stronger customer control than publicly available
used (e.g. terms and conditions). data (e.g. social media data).
- Transparency: Customers should be able to view or know - Data collection: Inferred data are viewed as the intellectual
the data that are collected about them, how they are used property of companies, while customers are seen to retain
and whether they are shared with a third party. control over volunteered and observed data.
- Ability to revoke consent: Customers should be able to - Data use: Companies should be able to use data for core
request that data about them no longer be used by an products and services; however, explicit consent is
organization (e.g. the right to be forgotten). considered necessary for sharing data with third parties.
- Legitimate use: Companies may not need to seek consent
when using data for legitimate interests (e.g. those required
by law).
“Companies should be held responsible and accountable for data security.”
have to secure customer data? Companies Companies Companies Companies should not
should be should follow should make a be considered
considered best practices on reasonable effort responsible for data
responsible for data security to ensure data security beyond legal
data security security beyond requirements
and liable for legal
any breaches requirements
What conditions are required to be effective in practice? What factors may affect how security is implemented?
- Liability: A clear liability framework should be in place that - Data type: Certain types of data, particularly identity,
ensures the responsible party is held accountable for data financial and health data, are seen as more important to
security and for harms caused by breaches of its respective protect compared to anonymized data.
data security duties of care. - Data collection: This is seen as less relevant, excluding
- Traceability: Companies need to be able to identify where how it may be connected to data type.
data were improperly used or accessed in the event of a - Data use: Sharing data may require additional protections,
security breach. particularly since it involves balancing liability between
additional parties.
What conditions are required to be effective in practice? What factors may affect how personalization
is implemented?
- Intervention: Customers should be able to intervene to
gain information or limit the use of data they control, and - Data type: Certain types of data may be too sensitive to use
companies should respond appropriately. – for example, individual characteristics that cannot be
- Limited use: Where reasonable, a maximum time period changed (e.g. DNA, gender, race).
that data can be retained by companies should exist, as - Data collection: Consent is seen as necessary before using
well as limits on certain sensitive data types or uses. data obtained from third parties.
- Data use: Debate continues about whether there should be
limitations for specific data uses, or if societal checks should
be made on outcomes (e.g. requiring basic provision of
services for all customers).
analytics “Companies should be able to comprehensively test, validate and explain
their use of data analytics and models to customers.”
What is meant by advanced analytics? What is the range of perspectives about advanced
Advanced analytics refers to whether safeguards are
needed to use new models and statistical approaches. While advanced analytics is actively debated, most subject
matter experts moderately prefer risk to opportunity.
Key questions: - Are safeguards necessary to prevent
Range of perspectives Opportunity
data from leading to discrimination Risk
and exclusion? Companies Companies Companies Companies should not
- Should customers have the right to should not be should test and should face restrictions on the
allowed to use defend the use comprehensivel models they use
correct or update data about them? models that of models that y test models
cannot be cannot be that cannot be
explained explained explained
What conditions are required to be effective in practice? What factors may affect how advanced analytics
is implemented?
- Justification: Customers should have the right to request
why a decision was made (e.g. why the model methodology - Data type: Advanced approaches may unintentionally
is appropriate, why the output is justified). incorporate proxies for sensitive data, such as gender or
- Challenge: Customers should have the right to correct race, which may be prohibited in certain jurisdictions.
incorrect or incomplete data about them held by a - Data collection: Models using large amounts of highly
company. granular observed data could pose privacy concerns.
- Data use: Debate continues on whether there should be
limitations for specific data uses, or if societal checks should
be made on outcomes (e.g. requiring basic provision of
services for all customers).
What conditions are required to be effective in practice? What factors may affect how portability is implemented?
- Accessibility: Companies should allow customers to - Data type: Identity and demographic data are seen as
download data about them in machine-readable format or priorities for data portability, followed by financial data.
through standardized APIs, depending on the companies' - Data collection: Inferred data are seen as the intellectual
stage of development and jurisdiction. property of companies and should not be portable. While
- Third-party permissions: Accessibility encompasses volunteered data provided by the customer should be
customers giving third parties permission to download their portable, less consensus exists on observed data.
data. - Data use: Portability is seen as most appropriate for data
used for core products and services, or data that are already
outsourced to third parties.
Enable global coordination on principles for the appropriate use of customer data
Governments Establish legal and regulatory Ensure supervisors have the tools and expertise to provide
safeguards that balance customer data effective oversight of customer data
oversight and innovation
Strengthen trust with customers and Deepen customer relationships by focusing on long-term
regulators on the use of customer data data stewardship over short-term commercial incentives
Meet or exceed expectations from Protect customer data while maximizing growth
customers and regulators to provide and value creation
financial products and services
Finance has long been an activity built on information, with no physical goods exchanged
in most transactions. Unsurprisingly, protecting personal data from fraud or misuse is at the
core of banking because it must safeguard customers’ financial assets.
The digitization of finance has triggered an evolution towards a true data-driven activity, in
which data are not a liability but a source of value for customers. On the one hand, big data
analytics is a means to improve processes in the never-ending quest for efficiency, which in
turn results in more affordable financial services. On the other, most importantly, data open
the door to better understanding customers’ true needs and to helping them make better
financial decisions.
In Europe, data privacy is considered an individual right that is now reinforced under
the GDPR. Critics argue that the GDPR burdens innovation, because it sets such a high
standard for data storage, transmission and processing that it increases barriers to entry
significantly. Some of the short-term trade-offs in adopting such a demanding regulation
are clear. However, achieving economic growth or delivering more innovative solutions to
clients should not be at odds with respecting the fundamental right to privacy. The aim must
be to achieve both.
We live in a time in which technology enables third parties with access to our data to
“discover” our most intimate preferences or beliefs, not to mention our purchase decisions.
Privacy is the ultimate guarantee that the ongoing digitization of our lives will still leave
individuals in control.
Greater social welfare will be achieved if the right balance is found between protecting
individual rights and stimulating friction-free access to and use of data. If the exchange of
data for better services is to be a repeating win-win game, it is necessary to ensure that
short-term gains do not generate new long-term risks or a general loss of trust between
financial intermediaries and their customers.
The GDPR sets a high standard for any company operating in Europe. Though not yet a
global standard, it has forced companies and governments around the globe to reflect on
the kind of protection individuals deserve. European regulation might be cumbersome in
the short term, but it will better prepare firms for a future in which data privacy will be an
increasing concern for individuals.
Carlos Torres Vila, Chief Executive Officer, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Spain
1. Enable global coordination on principles for the appropriate use q Create a customer data bill of rights defining what companies
of customer data need to tell customers about how they collect, share and use
different types of data (e.g. volunteered, observed, inferred)
2. Establish appropriate legal and regulatory safeguards that
balance customer data oversight and innovation q Propose testing guidelines and a dispute resolution framework
for approaches using advanced analytics
3. Ensure supervisors have the tools and expertise to provide
effective oversight of customer data q Develop a data liability framework that ensures the responsible
party is held liable for any data breaches
4. Develop customer data critical infrastructure and associated
standards and protocols q Develop API standards for open banking that leverage
feedback from industry and align with global practices
Status: Some convergence has occurred on shared data Status: The GDPR has created a comprehensive
principles, particularly within Europe. In the United States, framework for consumer protection in Europe. In the
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has released United States, several federal bills have been proposed
separate principles focused on consumer-authorized following the Facebook congressional hearing, although
financial data sharing and aggregation. In Asia-Pacific, it is unclear if they will be adopted (note that California
country-specific principles have been developed in China has passed state-wide legislation). In Asia-Pacific, some
and Singapore. Further, intergovernmental organizations, companies have begun to face a customer and regulatory
such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and backlash for their data collection and sharing practices;
Development, have issued principles focused on privacy however, most customer protection efforts are in the early
as it relates to customer data. stages of development.
Next steps: As reflected in meetings with international Next steps: Governments around the world will need to
stakeholders, additional work is needed to develop a continue debating and refining approaches to customer
more specific understanding of idiosyncrasies related safeguards. This could include developing a data “bill of
to the use of customer data across regions. This is rights” to protect customers, or a data liability framework
particularly true for Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific to ensure responsible parties are held liable for harm
as these regions work to develop their own frameworks, caused by data breaches. Additionally, numerous
and as existing frameworks like the GDPR evolve over outstanding questions regarding customer protection
time. For emerging markets (e.g. parts of Asia, Africa and must be discussed further, such as how stakeholders
the Americas), understanding the costs and benefits of should approach the distinction between revoking
customer data protections will be especially important consent for collection of new data and revoking consent
considering resource limitations and the potential trade- for all data ever collected. Lastly, governments will need
offs regarding economic growth and innovation. to continue refining enforcement strategies pertaining to
customer data regulations.
1. Strengthen trust with customers and regulators on the use of q Develop a customer data strategy that articulates a clear value
customer data by proactively addressing data privacy, security proposition on how customer data can create value for customers
and appropriate use
q Define "red lines" for inappropriate uses of customer data,
2. Deepen customer relationships by focusing on long-term data including specific data types, uses and collection approaches
stewardship over short-term commercial incentives
q Establish a dialogue with regulators to identify industry best
3. Collaborate with other incumbents and challengers to practices for appropriate uses of customer data
demonstrate industry leadership on customer data
1. Meet or exceed expectations from customers and regulators q Enhance terms and conditions and privacy management
to provide financial products and services tools to provide customers with greater control over how data
about them are collected, used and shared
2. Manage risks associated with using new types of customer data
or analytics q Develop an appeals process that provides customers with a
rationale for decisions made using advanced analytics and allows
3. Protect customer data while maximizing growth and value
them to correct errors in data about them
q Adopt cybersecurity best practices to build trust and increase
opportunities to partner with incumbents
Steering Committee
The project team thanks the members of the multistakeholder Steering Committee for their leadership of the Balancing
Financial Stability, Innovation and Economic Growth initiative.
Stefano Aversa, Global Vice-Chairman and Chairman, Europe, Middle East and Africa, AlixPartners, United Kingdom
Sanjiv Bajaj, Managing Director, Bajaj Finserv, India
Thong Nguyen, President, Retail Banking; Co-Head, Consumer Banking, Bank of America, USA
Kevin Lynch, Vice-Chairman, BMO Financial Group, Canada
Barbara Novick, Vice-Chairman, BlackRock, USA
Bertrand Badré, Chief Executive Officer, BlueOrange Capital, USA
Ashish Gupta, President, United Kingdom; President, Global Banking and Financial Services, BT, United Kingdom
Elvira Nabiullina, Governor of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Malcolm Sweeting, Senior Partner, Clifford Chance, United Kingdom
Benoît Coeuré, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank, Frankfurt
Project Team
The development of this White Paper was supported by the project team:
Matthew Blake, Head of the System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems, Member of the
Executive Committee, World Economic Forum LLC
Kai Keller, Project Lead, Balancing Financial Stability, Innovation and Economic Growth Initiative, World Economic Forum LLC
Ted Moynihan, Managing Partner and Global Head, Financial Services, Oliver Wyman (MMC), United Kingdom
Douglas Elliott, Partner, Financial Services, Oliver Wyman (MMC), USA
Alina Lantsberg, Partner, Financial Services, Oliver Wyman (MMC), USA
Alison Flint, Associate, Financial Services, Oliver Wyman (MMC), USA
Ryan Singel, Associate, Financial Services, Oliver Wyman (MMC), USA