Build Public Renewables Act One Pager For Legislators
Build Public Renewables Act One Pager For Legislators
Build Public Renewables Act One Pager For Legislators
Build Public Renewables Act (S4134/A279)
The Problem: Currently, New York still gets only 5% of its electricity from wind and solar, and 29%
from all renewables including NYPA’s pre-existing hydropower. We do not have enough renewable
projects planned to meet the CLCPA’s target of 70% renewable energy by 2030, and several planned
projects have already been canceled due to inflation and changing market conditions. Fossil fuel prices
are rising far above the cost of renewables, millions of New Yorkers can’t afford their utility bills, and there
is currently no plan for a just transition to help fossil fuel workers transition to sustainable jobs.
The Solution: Enable the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to build and own new renewable
electricity generation projects. NYPA is the largest public power provider in the country, and already
provides 25% of NY’s energy, of which about 88% is affordable, renewable hydroelectric power. But
NYPA is artificially restricted from building or owning more than six renewable projects over 25MW. This
bill would remove this restriction to allow NYPA to build new large-scale renewables more quickly,
affordably, and democratically than private developers can, and to guarantee that we meet our climate
targets in time to preserve a livable planet.