Business Plan For (Your Business Name Here)
Business Plan For (Your Business Name Here)
Business Plan For (Your Business Name Here)
● Replace copy in the [ ] with information and details about your business.
● Delete template **instructions** as you complete each section.
● What does [your business] do? [Are you selling products, services, information or a
● Where does this happen? [Will you conduct business online, in-store, via mobile
means or in a specific location or environment?]
● Who does [your business] benefit? [Who is your target market and ideal customer for
your concept?]
● Why would potential customers care? [What would make your ideal customers take
notice of your business?]
● How does [your products and/or services] outshine the competition? [What your
value proposition that would make customers choose you over a competitor?]
**If you get stuck, continue brainstorming ideas for other parts of your plan, then complete this
Revenue Streams: **check how your business will earn income; edit as needed**
Direct Sales Channels: **check how your business will transact sales; edit as needed**
○ Mobile point-of-sale (POS): Mobile and remote sales that don’t happen in-store.
○ Brick-and-mortar location: In-store sales in a standalone location.
○ E-commerce platform: An online store on an e-commerce platform.
○ Social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest shoppable posts/pins.
○ Sales representatives: For wholesale or other rep-driven sales.
Other Income Channels: **check how your business can make other income; edit as needed**
Marketing and Advertising: **check how your business will reach audiences; edit as needed**
○ Radio
○ Television
○ Newspaper
○ Magazine
○ Direct mail
○ Doorhanger flyer distribution
○ Event and team sponsorships
6. Financial Forecasts
Cost Forecast **enter estimated startup and ongoing costs; edit table as needed**
Permits/certifications $ $
E-commerce website $ $
Store/facility cost $ $
Utilities costs $ $
Production/office equipment $ $
$ ($ ) $
$ ($ ) $
$ ($ ) $
$ ($ ) $
$ ($ ) $