Week 1 CM#1 1 Sison, Alyssa U.
Week 1 CM#1 1 Sison, Alyssa U.
Week 1 CM#1 1 Sison, Alyssa U.
Section: 11STEM2104
Page 8.
Put an S on the blank if the given characteristic describes speaking and W if it describes
___S__ 1. Draws on audience’s reaction to know how or whether to continue
___S__ 2. Has dialect variations representing regions
___S__ 3. Has fillers like uhmm, you know
___S__ 4. Has no chance of revision once it is delivered
__W__ 5. May not be learned by everyone
__W__ 6. Is more restricted and generally follows a standardized form
__W__ 7. Relies on spelling
___S__ 8. Is universal; everybody acquires it
__W__ 9. Uses more complex sentences with connecting words
___S__ 10. Uses pauses and intonation
Page 11.
1. On which holiday(s) do you need to be reasonably fit?
a. Activity holidays
b. Polar expeditions
c. Cultural journeys
d. Trekking tours
a. Activity holidays
b. Polar expeditions
c. Cultural journeys
d. Trekking tours
a. Wildlife holidays
b. Activity holidays
c. Polar expeditions
d. Cultural journeys
a. Wildlife holidays
b. Activity holidays
c. Polar expeditions
d. Cultural journeys
a. Wildlife holidays
b. Activity holidays
c. Polar expeditions
d. Cultural journeys
Page 13.
1. What number should you call if you find a grey cat?
> 09651 324472
2. How many children will the babysitter have to look after?
> two
3. Who should you contact if you want to work in the supermarket?
> Store Manager
4. When are the classes for people who are new to Zumba?
> Beginners classes: Monday/Wednesday 11-12 p.m.
5. Where did the cat go missing?
> the Lees Hall area
Page 16.
1. Read the second sentence again. What oft-used sentence does it remind you of?
> it reminded me of the books that I read in the past and how that one line is pretty but
does get over-used a lot.
2. What is the kind of language used in the text? Echoing our earlier activity, to which
kind of text would those sentences belong?
> They used the English language. These sentences belong to the descriptive kind of
3. In Eiseley’s words, what might the lesson be? What do you think it means?
> The lesson might be the text telling us that sometimes we meet other people or other
organisms in life that have their own worlds which most of the time didn’t really have us
in before we meet them. We try to poke in their world and try and make a change but
since we are new, we aren’t that important yet but might be needed sometime else. I
think the lesson means that we humans have our own worlds but it doesn’t necessarily
mean that it can only revolve around us therefore we must think of all the other things
that actually do make the world go round..
4. If the spider is a metaphor for humans, then what might Eiseley be saying all along?
> He might be saying that humans in a way, are kind of like the spider that he was
studying therefore made a whole text or novel about it to try and make humans think
about the things they are doing.
> He delivered his message through writing it with his astonishing words creating an
amazing text. He used his experience to tell a new lesson to teach everyone who might
come across his work.
Let’s Go Online!
Page 20.
GOAL: To further understand the lesson text as connected discourse.
TASK: Look for an article, blogs and posts from a credible source about the profession of
your interest that you can use for textual analysis activity. Fill in the grid based on your
search then ask your classmate to verify the information that you have provided by
going too the same site and investigating the information you have gathered.