Prospectus - BSC (ITIM)
Prospectus - BSC (ITIM)
Prospectus - BSC (ITIM)
Darshan Appayanna
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Study at Kuvempu Kuvempu University has a distinctive profile - rural in
University, Directorate of Distance Education. ambience but modern in its approach. Nature has blessed
the University with lush green surroundings and a totally
India can become a developed nation through higher
unpolluted environment situated very close to the Western
education as higher education is expected to contribute to
Ghats and to the Bhadra Reservoir; the campus is just the
the generation of wealth, prosperity of people and enhance
right place for all those who want to pursue higher studies
the standing of the country in the international forum.
and research without any distractions. At the same time it
Education needs to be evolved, diversified and extended in
has the infrastructure and other facilities, which a modern
its reach and coverage. On these lines Kuvempu University
University requires.
introduced Distance Education at the PG level from the
academic year 2002. Within a short time the Directorate Kuvempu University introduced the Distance Education
of Distance Education of Kuvempu University has earned Programme in Information Technology, viz, B.Sc(IT) and
a reputation across the country for systematic and timely M.Sc(IT) in collaboration with Universal Education Trust,
delivery of needful courses to the students. Bangalore from July 2005. I am also pleased to announce
the introduction of B.Sc (ITIM) (B.Sc in Information
Kuvempu University is a young, dynamic, fast-developing
Technology and Infrastructure Management) from July
University established by the Karnataka State in 1987. It
2010. NIIT has also entered into an MOU to offer these
is an affiliating-cum-teaching University having an
courses at their selected Study centres across the country. With
objective to promote and facilitate studies and research in
increasing employment opportunities in the Information
various branches of higher education. It now has in its
Technology Sector, it is bound to acquire more and more
ambit 50 Post-Graduate Departments, 4 constituent
significance in the times to come.
colleges, 133 affiliated colleges offering graduate-level courses
in various disciplines like Arts, Science, Commerce, Welcome to the Academic Fraternity of Kuvempu University
Education and Law including Engineering catering to and march towards a bright future.
the educational needs of more than 50,000 students.
Good Luck.
Every Student of IT-Courses of Kuvempu University should possess a Personal Computer as it is an essential
and necessary equipment for the Candidate to practice and develop the required skills.
Kuvempu University shall help such of those Students who need a loan from a Bank by issuing a Bonafide Student
Certificate recommending that a Computer is a necessary equipment for his/her studies.
Introduction degrees offered by the Directorate of Distance
University) was established in the year 1987 by an The Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) is
Act of Karnataka State Legislature through an now offering more than 50 Courses in various
Amendment No.28/1976 dated 29th January 1989 faculties at the UG, PG and PG-Diploma levels.
under the Karnataka State Universities Act 1976. These programmes of Kuvempu University
The University is recognised by UGC and it is also have now been recognized by Distance
short time, the Directorate of Distance Education collaboration with Universal Education Trust
(DDE) of KU has earned a reputation across the (UET), Bangalore, from the academic year
country for systematic & timely delivery of need- 2005, for the benefit of all the aspirants. NIIT
based courses to students. The University believes has also entered into a tripartite agreement with
that Distance Education is an equally good avenue KU & UET to promote and offer the IT-courses
to be made available to interested students. The through its selected & approved Study Centres.
Self-instructional Course Material
Distance education simply means imparting education
from a distance. In this system of education the teacher
and the student are physically separated. The salient
features of instruction in distance education include the
following : Students are supplied with printed material
written in a self-instructional mode (SIM). Course
Material is specially designed by a team of experts from
industries, Faculty from leading Technical Institutions
New Bio-Science Block
and in-house Faculty of the University. The designed
Curriculum is subjected to strict scrutiny by the Content
Experts and experienced Professors before adoption by
the University.
Academic Counselling
Counselling is an important activity in distance
education. It is totally different from conventional
classroom teaching. Counsellors at Study Centres answer
the students’ questions in these sessions besides clarifying
Museum Buildings
their doubts and help them overcome difficulties which
they may face while going through the text. These
Counselling Sessions also give students an opportunity
to interact with other students.
Assignments are an integral component of distance
education. Assignments serve the purpose of evaluation
of the student’s comprehension of the subjects. The
local Counsellors of the Study Centres evaluate these
assignments & also provide feedback on the student’s
performance. A copy of the evaluated assignments will
be shown to the student by the Co-ordinator as part of
the learning activity.
Depending upon the subject, an optimum amount of
Practicals in the form of Computer Laboratory training
is also imparted to students at the Study Centres under
the supervision of qualified faculty.
Project Report
The student must also prepare a Project Report as part
of the Curriculum requirements of B.Sc.(ITIM) courses
and submit the same at the end of the final Semester
for assessment and evaluation.
Support Services through Study Centres
Study Centres are being set up across the country to provide the
students with a platform to interact with Counsellors and other
students and also for Practical Laboratory instruction and for use
of the Library. Students would be getting personal attention and
guidance at these Centres in addition to hands-on training on
computers while doing practicals at their Study Centres.
Programme Delivery
A multi-form of instruction has been adopted, comprising of :
a) Study Material : Study material for all subjects are supplied
in the form of Printed Books.
b) Counselling Sessions : Will be held at Study Centres to A Pathway in the Campus
For each subject, both Marks and grades skill and dexterity will be the main focus right from the
will be awarded in the Marks Card. For beginning through interactive Laboratory exercises and
a semester, where the candidate has passed applications.
in all the subjects, an Overall Grade will be
Self-Instructional Material
awarded based on the average percentage of
marks in the semester. Also, for the award Printed books are the primary form of instructional media;
of Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees, that are prepared by UET / NIIT and supplied to the students.
an Overall Grade will be awarded based Therefore, students have to draw mainly upon the printed
on the overall percentage of marks of materials, which are sent to them through their respective Study
the eligible semesters, viz. 4th, 5th & 6th of Centres. The printed material would be sufficient to the extent
B.Sc.(ITIM). of about 75 to 80% to write any assignment responses and
prepare for the term-end examinations. However, students
Instructional System are strongly advised to refer to other sources and texts
The methodology of instruction in Distance suggested in the Study Material in order to get a more
Education is different from that of the comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter.
conventional system. The Distance
Education is more learner-oriented, so Counselling Sessions
much so, the student has to be invariably In distance education, face-to-face contact between the learners
a pro-active participant in the teaching- and their tutors is relatively less and therefore Counselling is
learning process. Most of the instructions an important activity. The purpose of such counselling sessions
are imparted through distance rather than is to answer some of your questions and clarify your doubts.
face-to-face communication. The DDE There are Academic Counsellors at the Study Centres to provide
follows a multiple approach for instruction, counselling and guidance to you in the subjects that you have
using a suitable combination of the chosen for study.
It should be noted that the Counselling Sessions would be very
a) Self-instructional Printed Material. different from classroom teaching or lectures. Counselling does
b) Audio and Video Cassettes. not mean delivering lectures as in conventional teaching.
Counsellors will try to help you to overcome academic
c) CDs.
difficulties, which you may face while studying for your degree
d) Audio-Video programmes transmitted programme. In these sessions you must try to resolve any
through Radio and Doordarshan subject-based difficulties and any other related problems. Before
e) Website information. the students attend the Counselling Sessions, they should go
through the Course Material and make notes of the points to
f ) Face-to-face counselling at Study Centres
be discussed. Unless the units are gone through, there may not
by Academic Counsellors.
be much to discuss. The Co-ordinator of the respective Study
g) Practical hands-on training. Centre will make a detailed Academic Schedule for the
h) Assignments. Counselling Sessions and inform the students.
i) Field-based Projects. Assignments
To start with, the courses will be delivered Assignments are an integral part of distance learning. The main
through printed Study Material, CDs and purpose of Assignments is to test your comprehension of the
Internet through the conventional distance learning materials that you receive through your Study Centres
education mode. In due course, it will shift and also help you to better comprehend the Subjects by
more and more towards on-line interaction providing feedback to you. The information given in the printed
between teacher and the taught. Practical Study Materials should be sufficient to a great extent for
answering the Assignments. However, you may have
to refer to other books and references given in the
Study Material to have a comprehensive knowledge
of the subject. But the Assignments are generally
designed in such a way so as to help you to concentrate
mainly on the printed course material with a fleeting
touch to other references. You may also note the
following points:
a) It is compulsory for you to submit the
Assignments. There will be two Official
Assignments for each theory subject. You will
not get the Internal Assessment Marks if you
do not submit the Assignments for each
subject, on time.
University Librar y
b) All Assignments should be submitted to the
respective Study Centre.
c) The Assignment responses should be complete
in all respects. Before submission, you should
ensure that you have answered all the questions
in all the Assignments. Incomplete Answer Sheets
will fetch poor Internal Assessment (I.A) marks.
d) The Study Centre has the right to reject
Assignments received after the due date. You are
therefore advised to submit the same before the
due date.
e) A copy of the valued Assignments will be shown The famous Jog Falls (100 kms from KU)
B.Sc.(ITIM) – I Semester
a) (10+2) in any discipline or (10th+3-year)
Polytechnic Diploma in any stream.
6th Semester
5th Semester
(10+2) +minimum of
3-semesters of GNP of NIIT/
4th Semester
GHNS of Rooman
3-year Polytechnic Diploma in or equivalent qualification
Computer Science/
Information Technology/
Hardware and Networking 3rd Semester
or (10+2)+2 semesters of GNP
of NIIT/GHNS of Rooman or
equivalent qualification
2nd Semester
1st Semester
B.Sc.(ITIM) – 1st Semester
BSIMS-11 Communication skills and report writing 3
BSIMS-12 Computer Fundamentals 3
BSIMS-13 Basic Electronics 3
BSIMS-14 Programming Fundamentals & C 3
BSIMS-10L Office Automation Lab 1
BSIMS-14L C-Programming Lab 1
Total Credits 14
B.Sc.(ITIM) – 4th Semester
BSIMS-41 Introduction to DBMS 3
BSIMS-42 Personality Development Program 3
BSIMS-43 Linux Administration 3
* Elective 3
BSIMS-43L Linux Lab 1
* Lab Associated with Elective 1
Total Credits 14
1. General Regulations g) In due course, the University proposes to conduct its
examinations on-line.
a) A student has to register for all the
subjects of a Semester to which he/she 2. Academic Assessment Procedure
is eligible at the beginning of each
a) The academic assessment in each subject is based on the
Semester according to the scheduled
Internal Assessment through Study Centres and Term-end
Examinations conducted by the University.
b) A student is permitted to register for b) The distribution of marks for evaluation in each subject
the next higher semester after will be as follows.
completion of a Semester Course,
i) For Theory Subjects
irrespective of the results in his
Internal Assessment 25 marks
previous semesters papers, provided
Term-end University Examination 100 marks
he/she has completed the academic
Total 125 marks
work for those Semesters by
submitting his/her Assignments. ii) For Practicals
Internal Assessment (For each Practical) 25 marks
c) The candidate can continue to register
Term-end University Practical Exam. 100 marks
for higher Semesters in a similar way
(One Exam for both the practicals in a Semester)
along with his registration as a Repeater
Total 150 marks
in failed subjects of earlier Semesters for
that degree. iii) For Project
Internal Assessment 50 marks
d) A student has to finish the degree Term-end University Project Exam. 150 marks
programme within twice the duration Total 200 marks
of his/her academic programme
3. Pattern of Examination
period for that degree.
a) The pattern of question paper for all university theory
e) The fee for appearing in the University
examinations will consist of two parts. Part-I will be
examination will be as per norms fixed
compulsory with objective/short-questions type for 25 marks.
by KU. Part-II will have choice (5 out of 8 questions) and will be for
f ) The University theory, practical & 75 marks. The total will be for 100 marks.
lot. The question may be from one or both the 4. Minimum % of Marks for Pass in
subjects of the Practicals conducted during the each Subject / Plus with Internal
Semester. The question paper will be set by the Assessment
University and sent to the Examination Centres.
a) Theory Subject/Practicals 40% ( 40 out of 100/
The university will appoint the External & Internal
50 out of 125
Examiners for conducting practicals.
60 out of 150)
c) Regarding Project Work for B.Sc.(ITIM) - 6th b) Project 40% ( 60 out of 150/
Semesters, there will be a University Examination 80 out of 200)
based on content, presentation and viva-voce of c) Internal Assessment No minimum is
their project work. prescribed
Note : Please do read these instructions before filling-up the Application Form.
Submit it through your chosen Study Centre along with all enclosures.
● A Candidate seeking admission to B.Sc.(ITIM) the advertisement. The Study Centres shall
programme should fill-in the Admission Form, forward these applications to the UET office
ID-Card and Examination Hall Ticket (enclosed at Bangalore, after verifying the original
with the Prospectus), legibly and in capital letters certificates and certifying the Xerox copies by
after carefully reading the Prospectus. the authorized person of the Study Centre
● Remit the Tuition, Registration, Examination, affixing the seal of the Study Centre. The Study
Miscellaneous and Penal Fees (if applicable) in two Centres shall return the original certificates as
Crossed Demand Drafts (DDs), one for also the student copy of ‘Receipt for Admission
Rs.4150/- drawn in favour of “Finance Officer, Form’ to the candidates and retain the SC copy
KU”, payable at Shankaraghatta or Shimoga and of the Receipt with them, for record.
the other for Rs.6750/- (without late fee) or ● Admission made to any programme is provisional
Rs.6,950/- (with late fee) in favour of “Universal till the University finally approves it.
Education Trust”, payable at Bangalore. ● Cheques, Money orders, IPOs, or any other mode
● Students should not make any cash payments to of payment will not be accepted. The University
the Study Centre under any circumstances, except will not be responsible for any loss through such
for the prospectus. NIIT Study Centres have been modes of payment.
permitted to charge a value-added service fee of ● Students are required to preserve carefully Xerox
10% of Tuition Fees (Rs. 900/- per Semester) for copies of DD’s as well as the Student Copy of
the extra services provided by them. Receipt for all payments made to the University, as
● Before remitting the prescribed fees, please it is the only valid recognised document.
make sure that you fulfil all the eligibility ● Identity Card bearing Permanent Roll No. will be
conditions for admission to the Programme/ issued to every student through the respective
Semester applied for and enclose all the Study Centres after the admission is finalized by
suppor ting Certificates. Submission of the KU. Till such time, the Provisional List of
cer tificates at a later date will not be processed applications will be sent to the respective
entertained. The fees once remitted will not Study Centres by UET, Bangalore.
be refunded.
● In all correspondence with the University, the
● The Candidates should submit five copies of their student shall quote his/her Application No./Roll
stamp-size photographs of which one must be No. and the Programme applied for.
pasted to the Application Form and the second to
● Fresh Applicants shall quote the Application
the ID-Card and the third to the Examination Hall
Number on the back of the DDs.
Ticket at the spaces provided. The other two copies
must be put in the separate cover which should be ● Study Centres shall send individual DDs for each
stapled to the Application Form. On the back of student and should not send clubbed single DD
each of these photographs the candidate must for a batch of students.
mention his name, class and serial number of the ● Students & Study Centres are advised to
Admission Form and the programme. The regularly visit our websites : and
candidates should also enclose the filled-in for all
Student Identity Card and Exam Hall Ticket, information and announcements.
along with the Application Form. ● Whenever you mention the Application Number,
● The student shall submit the filled-in Application please do mention the Alphabet series as well as
Form along with two crossed DD’s and Xerox the Number of your Application.
copies of certificates to the respective Study
Centres on or before the last date as notified in
Kuvempu University, in collaboration with UET and NIIT has been conducting
the following courses for more than 5 years : B.Sc. (IT), M.Sc. (IT) Programmes
The University is named after the National Poet and first Jnanapeetha Awardee from
“KUVEMPU” - Kuppalli Venkatappa Puttappa.
Kuvempu University shall strive to become an International
Centre of Excellence in teaching and research to provide high
quality value-based education to all through various modes to
meet the global challenges.
✱ Foster creativity in teaching, learning and research to build
a knowledge base and promote quality initiative.
✱ Provide access to education to all.
✱ Develop human resources to meet the societal needs.