Steam Turbines
Steam Turbines
Steam Turbines
• If the density does not changes or changes very little, the fluid
is said to be incompressible.
• Reamed nozzles are used principally in the high pressure impulse stages of
steam turbines.
• The principal advantages of the reamed nozzle are low cost, ease of
manufacture, and adaptability to standardization.
• The principal disadvantages are lower efficiency, somewhat greater length,
and an inability to utilize effectively for flow purposes the area of a given
flow annulus.
• The angle of divergence in reamed nozzles, as mentioned earlier, is usually
about 12° and rarely over 15°, in order to avoid flow separation with its
attendant loss.
• The converging part is normally sharp and a good fillet or rounded entrance
is provided.
• The nozzle is short with well-rounded entrance edges and sharp exit edges
affording a good issuing jet.
• These nozzles have high efficiency and are costlier. A foil nozzle block is
made by welding the individual foils between sections of concentric rings.
• The block is then welded in place between the outer and inner shrouds.
The foil nozzle finds wide application in large steam turbines.
Flow Area of Nozzle
• If the condition of steam at inlet to the nozzle is known, the
critical pressure p* can be estimated by multiplying the inlet
pressure p0 by 0.546 or 0.577 depending on whether the inlet
steam is superheated or dry saturated, respectively.
• The top halves of the diaphragms, which form the stator, can be
lifted by cranes thus exposing the rotor for inspection and repair, if
• Steam is expanded in a set of nozzles from 10 bar. 300 °C to 2
bar. Are the nozzles convergent or convergent–divergent?
Neglecting the initial velocity, find the minimum area of the
nozzles to flow 1 kg/s of steam. Assume isentropic expansion.
• Depending upon the types of blades used and the method of energy transfer
from the fluid to the rotor wheel, the turbines may be of two types:
Impulse Turbines
• In Figs 7.17 (b) to 7.17 (d), it is seen that the wheel rotates only due to the
impulsive effect of the jets (i.e., the difference of momenta of the jets
deflected by the blades).
• The total enthalpy drop is divided equally among the stages (Fig. 7.24).
• The kinetic energy of steam increases in the nozzles at the expense of the
pressure drop and it is absorbed (partially) by the blades in each stage, in
producing torque
• In Fig. 7.24, the total isentropic enthalpy drop of steam (h0 –
h4) is divided equally among the four stages of the turbine.
• The interstage pressures noted from the diagram are p1, p2 and
p3, i.e. the pressure after first stage is p1, the pressure after
second stage is p2, and so on.
Velocity Compounding or Curtis Staging
• In velocity compounding or Curtis staging, all the pressure drop and hence,
enthalpy drop of steam take place in a single row of nozzles and the
resultant kinetic energy of steam is absorbed by the wheel in a number of
rows of moving blades with guide blades in between two such rows.
• As shown in Fig. 7.25, steam expands in the single row of nozzles from p0
to p1 with velocity increasing from .
at nozzle exit is partially converted to shaft work in the first row of moving
blades with velocity decreasing from .
• The exiting steam jets are then deflected by the stationary guide blades to
the next row of moving blades where part of the remaining kinetic energy
is converted to shaft work.
• In a three row Curtis stage, the two-row stage is followed by a second row
of guide blades and then a third row or moving blades, so that the energy
conversion from fluid to rotor takes place in three stages.
• Steam with high KE exiting the nozzles works on the first row of moving
blades, gets deflected by the first row of guide blades, works on the
second row of moving blades, again gets deflected by the second row of
guide blades and finally does work on the third row of moving blades.
• The velocity diagrams for the first row of moving blades and the second
row of moving blades are shown respectively in (a) and (b) of Fig. 7.26.
• The blade friction factor kb may be assumed the same for both moving and
guide blades.
Reaction Turbines
• In these turbines, pressure drop occurs both in the nozzles or the fixed row
of blades, as well as in the moving row of blades (Fig. 7.30), since the
moving blade channels are also of the nozzle shape.
• Due to the expansion of steam while flowing through the blades, there is
an increase in kinetic energy, which gives rise to reaction in the opposite
direction (by Newton’s third law of motion).
• Blades rotate due to both the impulse effect of the jets (due to change in
their momentum) and the reaction force of the exiting jets impressed on the
blades in the opposite direction.
where the subscripts “mb” and “fb” represent moving blades and fixed
blades, respectively.
• If equal enthalpy drops occur in the fixed and moving blades, i.e. if hfb =
hmb = (hstage)/2, R = 1/2 or 50%.
• With a simple impulse type the value of Vr2 (= kb Vr1 ) would be given by
BE, but in the reaction turbine this velocity is increased to BC by further
expansion of the steam in the nozzle-shape blade channels.
• For manufacturing advantage, both fixed blades and moving blades are
made similar in shape so that they can be extruded from the same set of
• Since hfb = hmb, V1 =Vr2 again, for similar geometry, α = β2 = 180° – γ
• The triangle ABD and DBC are similar.
Vr1 = V2 and β1 = 180° – δ
P1. The velocity of steam entering a simple impulse turbine is
1000 m/s, and the nozzle angle is 20°. The mean peripheral
velocity of blades is 400 m/s and the blades are symmetrical. If
the steam is to enter the blades without shock, what will be the
blade angles?
(a) Neglecting the friction effects on the blades, calculate the
tangential force on the blades and the diagram power for a
mass flow of 0.75 kg/s. Estimate also the axial thrust and
diagram efficiency.
(b) If the relative velocity at exit is reduced by friction to 80%
of that at inlet, estimate the axial thrust, diagram power and
diagram efficiency.
P2. The angles at inlet and discharge of the blading of a 50%
reaction turbine are 35° and 20°, respectively. The speed of
rotation is 1500 rpm and at a particular stage, the mean ring
diameter is 0.67 m and the steam condition is at 1.5 bar, 0.96
dry. Estimate
(a) the required height of blading to pass 3.6 kg/s of steam, and
(b) the power developed by the ring.