Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
Dara Harris
Lane College
Jackson, TN
Societies’ perception of marijuana was always that it was no good for you. People
deemed marijuana as a drug that always messed with your brain, it would be the “main cause” as
to why people were always so lazy and never got anything done. Sadly, all of those ideas are
wrong, marijuana is a drug that is both an upper and a downer. That is all determined by the three
different strains; Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. Each strain will give you a different feeling, more
than likely though, on a college campus in the state of Tennessee majority of students are
Over the years we often saw how African Americans were targets as soon as marijuana became
the thing to do. People would get sentenced obselete years due to them having a little over 2
grams in their car. Then you would be charged with the intent to sell and possesion of an illegal
substance. From there you are a felon and you have to live your ife on eggshells because of that
one incident. I am interested in this topic not only because people around my age group enjoy
recreational marijuana. But also because people are being sent to jail for having as little as 3
grams in their possession which caused them to serve time when the conviction wouldn’t equal
up to the crime. Another reason why I chose this topic because we are now living in a new age
and they’re being legalized in other states so why not do it all around to prevent anymore
unlawful convictions. It’s sad when people who are in college have to deal with police and it’s
almost as if people who are in college always has a target on their back. The police often focus
on black college students, they assume that negative activity is often going on. For years the
black community has faced police brutality and so much more abuse from the law enforcement.
I am conducting research to see if college students who smoke marijuana have attitude
enhancements and to show there are really no cons when it comes to marijuana.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana or hemp, evolved 28 million years ago on the eastern
Tibetian Plateau (Lawler, 2019). Marijuana was originally planted as a herbal medicine, in the
United States during the Mexican Revolution, recreational marijuana was introduced to
American culture. This was when people saw fit to distribute, buy, and markey marijuana.The
Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was the first federal law to criminalize marijuana nationwide. This
was first of many laws to make marijuana seem as though it was no good for you. Criminalizing
marijuana not only made African Americans a target, but as college students it seems to be
worse. Often people get humor at fining students or prosecuting them for being in possession of
or smoking marijuana without knowing the full affect it can have on people. Living in an area
where you are prohibited to certain things allows you to become stagnant,
In the state of Tennessee, marijuana is classified has a low potential for dependency or
abuse. Even though its not classified as such, it remains an illegal controlled substance for all
possession of marijuana. Students use marijuana to help cope with any anxiety they may be
dealing with, sleeping habits, or eating disorders. Based on my research and data collection
The purpose of this study is to research if marijuana affects college students in any way.
Growing up and being on a college campus myself in a state where it is illegal. I often notice
people will smoke based around their environment, others smoke because there are certain
triggers that they may encounter or mental reasons that cause them to want to gain relief that
way. Marijuana has never had a negative affect on individuals like cocaine, perks, and crack. Yet,
people criminilize it simply because of what other people have wanted us to think. Marijuana is
the only drug that affectively enhances you without having thoughts of doing anything other than
Research Question
Cannabis, also known as marijuana or hemp, evolved 28 million years ago on the eastern
Tibetian Plateau (Lawler, 2019). Marijuana was originally planted as a herbal medicine, the
history on its cultivation in America dates back to the early colonists, they grew hemp for textiles
and rope (History editors Onion, Sullivan, and Mullen, 2019). Over the years we often saw how
African Americans were targets after the Mexican Revolution, they introduced America to the
recreational use of marijuana (PBS, 2014). It’s sad when people who come from states where
marijuana is legal to illegal states who are no where near home have to get sentenced in areas
they don’t know. This causes families to worry and stress to arise because they aren’t used to the
petty charges that are often given to African American college students. I am interested in this
topic not only because people around my age group enjoy recreational marijuana. But also
because people are being sent to jail for having as little as 3 grams in their possession which
caused them to serve time when the conviction wouldn’t equal up to the crime (Senate, 2021).
From then on you are a felon and you have to live your life walking on eggshells because it’s
hard to come back or recover from it. Another reason why I chose this topic because we are now
living in a new age and they’re being legalized in other states so why not do it all around to
prevent anymore unlawful convictions. It’s sad when people who are in college have to deal with
police and it’s almost as if people who are in college always has a target on their back. The
police often focus on black college students, they assume that negative activity is often going on
(Takei, 2018). For years the black community has faced police brutality and so much more abuse
from the law enforcement (Schwarz, 2003). I am conducting research to see if college students
who smoke marijuana have attitude enhancements and to show there are really no cons when it
comes to marijuana. The transition from high school to college is marked by newfound
independence, intellectual growth, and repeated encounters with substance use and abuse
(National Library of Medicine, Stewart, Moreno., 2013). Roughly 25% of marijuana consumers
initiate use after starting college (National Library of Medicine, Stewart, Moreno., 2013). The
Theory of Planned Behavior suggest that a person’s behvaior is determined by his or her
intentions to perform the behavior. This intention, in turn, is a function of his or her attitudes
toward the behavior (National Liberty of Medicine, Stewart, Moreno., 2013). As the legalization
of marijuana spread across the United States, college campuses in many different areas began to
see a drastic increase of how many students would bring it on campus. Legalizing marijuana has
always been a debate on whether prohibiting or decriminalizing it would lead to a increase usage
of marijuana by young people. Studies show that marijuana use has increased by 20 percent in
For this study, the survey was conducted using qualtrics, the phase of the study was the
administration of the survey. Data collected during this phase was used to obtain the respondents
perception of the roles marijuana has on college students. Data collected from this phase was
used to consider the respondents personal affects and feelings towards marijuana as they go
through there day to day as college students. However, this study only answers the research
question based on the findings of the literature reviewed. The research investigator would need
to conduct more empirical research to obtain a definitive answer to the research question.
A qualitative research approach for this study was chosen because qualitative methods
are especially useful in discovering the meaning that people give to events that experience
(Merriam, 1999). The phenomenological method was specifically used to understand how the
The qualitative research method used for this research was the Snowball method. The
snowball sample is a technique used in research where the researcher uses participants to help
assist in finding more people to help conduct the research. Snowball sampling was used during
this research to help find the most participants possible in West Tennessee and Nevada. The first
fifteen people to take the survey were people in connection with others who already helped find
All marijuana smokers were selected for participants in this study since they would be the
most knowledgeable about the affects of marijuana. The goal of this study was to see if
marijuana affects students on a college campus and does it hinder them from doing what they
need to do as students. It is important for the participants to not only be students but
knowledgable enough to know if the marijuana affects them in any way. The experiences college
students have gone through with marijuana made this study a bit more interesting, the affect
marijuna has on college students is drastic honestly, people often use marijuana to cope with
many situations in their life and it helps people do what they need to do.
Before conducting my survey they had to read an Informed Consent that included a
description of the research study, research procedures, risk, and benefits of participation in the
study, participant rights, and protection of confidentiality. People who signed the consent form
became participants in the study and received in depth detail about the survey process and
procedures along with a copy of the survey questions (APPENDIX A). At this point over fifty
Role of Researcher
In the qualitative research, the researcher is the primary research instrument. What the
research brings to the investigation from his/ her own background and identity should be treated
as his or her bias (Maxwell, 2005). Since qualitative research is interpretive research, researcher
biases, beliefs, and assumptions can intrude into the analysis of data (Strauss & Corbin, 1998)
While data collection and data analysis activities were intricately mixed together
throughout the phase of the study. They will be described separately. The primary source of data
For this study, all participants took a survey on qualtrics. In the beginning of the survey
all participants were reminded of the purpose of the study and also agreed to be part of this
research by signing a consent form. The first five questions were demographics to gain more
knowledge about who the participants were during this study. The following questions all
revolve around the affect marijuana has on an individual and if after they smoke they are
productive or lazy.
The second method to collect data during this research was field notes. The field notes
were taken at Delta Park & Parkridge Apartments in Jackson, Tennessee and Azure apartments in
Las Vegas. Delta park was full of students, everyone congregating and having a grand time. After
observing I noticed students, majority of students who only smoke without drinking alcohol all
are calm and mellow. Honestly they all just vibe and go with the flow, usually after they smoked
they would roll up again. Some people I noticed that they would smoke and roll up again because
of anxiety or because they really do not want to be phased by anything else outside. In the
Parkridge Apartments, I observed some people on their balconies smoking and it would be in a
sense of relaxation. Some of my neighbors would sit outside with their pets and listen to music,
others would go outside and walk around the complex while smoking and be as calming as
possible. While in the Azure apartments I noticed when residents were smoking marijuana they
were a bit more calmer than out here. It being legal in Nevada played a major part, students at
UNLV smoked marijuana and were all calm more athletes than anything engaged in smoking and
they precieved themselves to lax and they also were very productive. They would go to different
seasonal football practices and other students would continue their work if they had anything
due. All were different yet and still the same, marijuana is moreso a calmer and an upper than
Field Notes
I observed in two areas, one at Delta Park and the other around my apartment complex.
While I was at Delta Park, I noticed that it was a mixture of grop behaviors. In my apartment
complex i noticed that they dont like to cause too much attention to themselves. Nine times out
of ten this is also after people are just getting off of work or coming home from school, so it’s
not really a reason for them be rowdy or want to cause any attention to themselves. Being an
observer just made me even more aware of what people really do, I noticed a lot of people really
do have good intentions and understand how to not make smoking marijuana “a bad thing” you
would be surprised at how many scholars smoke and they don’t let that get in the way of what
● One area was calm and just listened to I thought this whole group was pretty
the music common for my peers here on campus.
● Another group was loud, they were Everybody is different and they function in
real active their own groups however they please. You
● There was a person cooking/ grilling notice people really can be cordial when they
in the midst* are open to be who they truly are.
● People were sitting on their porches Things are always calm and there are never
with their dogs really any major problems when everyone
● Others were on their devices (ipads, comes outside. It seems to make people more
phones, and laptops) productive and they can get a lot of things
● Another group of people were seated done.
in their car either watching something
or listening to music
Data Analysis
Analysis occurred in two phases. First, field notes were used to observe people in their
natural environment with smoking marijuana. The first phase was crucial to understand moreso
on how they act after the smoke. Often they were viewed as too giggly or mellow. In order to
make a final judgement you must see that with your own eyes. This would be why this was a
very important part of this research. At a point there were students who were hesitant with even
continuing engaging in smoking marijuana in the state of Tennessee because of people putting
Secondly, surveys were conducted to understand more in depth about peoples’ attitudes
towards marijuana and if it affects them in any way. Most people overall had mellow and
Hallet, S. Chen, Shu- Ping. (2022, 03 2022) Perceptions and Attitudes of University and College
O’ Grady, K. (2015) The Academic Consequences of Marijuana Use during college. University
of Maryland.