Midterm Test - Second Chance!
Midterm Test - Second Chance!
Midterm Test - Second Chance!
Câu hỏi 1
Đặt cờ
Please explain the benefits and the advantages of all factors that affect the cost of capital of MNCs.
Câu hỏi 2
Đặt cờ
CYZ Inc. in Korean plans to build new manufacturing to produce and sell products in Vietnam. The initial investment for the manufactory is financed 35% by debt and 65%
by issuing new stock. The company has to pay loan principal by straight-line method in 3 years. The Inc. plans to reinvest retained earnings to expand the production
The Vietnamese government imposes a 15% income tax, a 10% withholding tax and does not have any restrictions on remitting funds. The annual fixed asset depreciation
rate is 25% and the 85% remaining value of the fixed asset is recognized as after-tax salvage value.
The company forecasts the detailed business activities of the project for the next three years as follows.
e Salvage value
Câu hỏi 3
Đặt cờ
Please explain how the increasing or decreasing of subsidiary financing affects the global capital structure
of MNCs. If the foreign creditor wants to charge a higher loan rate, please explain why and how does the
parent company handle that to keep the global capital structure unchanged?
https://lms.uef.edu.vn/mod/quiz/attempt.php?attempt=459492&cmid=303174 3/3