Tumor Markers

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Original Article

Serum Tumor Markers: A Study on Their Rational Use in Various

Amandeep Singh, Kapil Bhatia, Pratibha Misra, Vivek N. Ambade, Bhasker Mukherjee, Rakhi Negi

Department of Biochemistry, Background: Cancer is among the leading noncommunicable diseases and

Armed Forces Medical
College, Pune, Maharashtra,
its screening, diagnosis, management, monitoring, and relapse involve the use
India of tumor markers. Tumor marker requisition adds to a major financial burden
if not used rationally. Aim and Objectives: The aim was to study the rational
use of tumor markers in various cancers with objectives to do requisition
analysis of tumor markers with the existing national guidelines by the Indian
Council of Medical Research  (ICMR) and to assess its financial impact.
Materials and Methods: A total of 355 cases were screened and 221 were
included in the study. The patient’s laboratory requisition form raised by the
ordering physician as a part of the screening, diagnosis, management, monitoring,
and relapse for different conditions including cancers were studied retrospectively
over a period of 5 months, and data were analyzed. Results: Two hundred and
twenty‑one requisitions for various tumor markers were ordered for screening,
diagnosis, management, monitoring, and relapse of various cancers and other
conditions. Only 10%–30% of requisitions were found as per the laid down
guidelines of the ICMR for different cancers. Carcinoembryonic antigen was
ordered in only 20% requisitions as per the ICMR guidelines but has affected
maximally in terms of test cost by adding up 88% to the budget of the test.
Conclusion: Rational use of tumor markers in different cancers can cut down the
cost factor directly. It prevents the physician in overdiagnosing due to multiple
requisitions in diagnosed cancers and hence avoiding undue medical procedures
Submission: 17-08-2020, thus further reducing the financial burden on the patients and their family.
Decision: 21-09-2020
Acceptance: 21-09-2020
Web Publication: 26-07-2021 Keywords: Diagnosis, financial burden, requisitions, tumor markers

Introduction involve battery of investigations; one being the use of

the tumor markers.
C ancer is emerging as one of the leading
noncommunicable diseases worldwide with an
estimated incidence of 18.1 million new cases in
Tumor markers are biochemical substances that may
be present in abnormally high concentrations in body
2018 as per the International Agency for Research on fluids or tissues from patients with cancer. They are
Cancer.[1] The National Institute of Cancer Prevention surrogate indicators that can increase or decrease the
and Research report 2018 states that in India, every clinical suspicion for a relevant clinical event and can
year, 1,157,294 new cancer patients are registered.[2] aid in the management of cancer.[4] They range from
Among all cancers, the most common cancers in which simple molecules like catecholamines to complex
tumor markers are being ordered are hepatocellular
cancer (HCC), germ cell cancers, breast cancer, Address for correspondence: Dr. Vivek N. Ambade,
Department of Biochemistry, Armed Forces Medical College,
colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, Pune ‑ 411 040, Maharashtra, India.
etc.[3] The various steps in the management of cancer E‑mail: vivekambade@rediffmail.com
right from screening to treatment and follow‑up
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
Access this article online remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is
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DOI: How to cite this article: Singh A, Bhatia K, Misra P, Ambade VN,
10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_175_20 Mukherjee B, Negi R. Serum tumor markers: A study on their rational use
in various cancers. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 0;0:0.

© 2021 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1
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Singh, et al.: Serum tumor markers: A study on their rational use in various cancers

protein molecules like hormones, enzymes, and gene Study period

products.[5] They can be measured quantitatively by The data were collected over a 5‑month period from
chemical, immunological, genomic, or proteomic February 2019 to June 2019 in our tertiary care institute.
methods. Ideal tumor maker has not been identified
Inclusion criteria
yet in clinical utility, however few markers have been
recommended, for example, tissue‑based estrogen and A total of 355 cases were screened and 221 were
progesterone receptors for breast cancer by the American included in the study. The cases which had been ordered
Society of Clinical Oncology.[6] investigations of tumor markers as listed in Table 2 were
included in the study.
Tumor markers have an additional role in the workup
and its management, but it adds a significant financial Exclusion criteria
burden if requisition and interpretation are not done in a The cases lacking the information of provisional
correct way.[7] The economic burden on the patient and diagnosis and valid signature of the physician with
family has a huge impact on their psychological states. stamp were excluded from the study. The samples which
were visibly hemolyzed, icteric, and lipemic were also
No previous studies have been done in the Indian
not included in the study.
scenario in this regard. This study was undertaken with
the aim to study the rational use of tumor markers in Ethical issues
various cancers in our tertiary care hospital as per All efforts were made to ensure the confidentiality of the
national guidelines on screening, diagnosis, management, records. Samples sent to the laboratory were rendered
monitoring, and relapse of various cancers issued by the unlinked anonymous. Approval for publication of the
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) mentioned findings was obtained from the Institutional Ethical
in Table 1, with an objective to assess its financial Committee  (AFMC letter number IEC/2020/287/dated
impact. August 6, 2020).
Materials and Methods
Blood samples received in the laboratory were processed
Study design
in the centrifuge to obtain serum. The samples were then
This was a retrospective observational study.
quantified using automated mini VIDAS multiparametric
Study population immunoassay system based on enzyme‑linked fluorescent
The study population included the patients who were assay[8] after due calibration along with control samples.
advised to undergo various tumor markers’ testing in our The results were analyzed using Statistical Package for
laboratory for different medical conditions based on the the Social Sciences 20.2. The cost of each test is shown
clinical notes by the ordering physician. in Table 2.

Table 1: List of various tumor markers and their recommended utility as per the Indian Council of Medical Research
Tumor markers Recommendations as per the ICMR guidelines
CEA Follow‑up and recurrence of colorectal carcinoma
Diagnosis and monitoring of pancreatic cancer
Not recommended in gastric cancer
Optional marker in cholangiocarcinoma
CA125 Screening of ovarian cancer
Monitor ovarian, endometrial, peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer
Check for recurrence of cancer
CA15.3 Clinical utility and monitoring not yet established in breast cancer
CA19.9 Diagnosis and monitoring pancreatic cancer
Follow‑up and recurrence of colorectal cancer
Not recommended in gastric cancer
After biliary decompression in jaundice patient in cholangiocarcinoma
hCG Diagnosis of choriocarcinoma
AFP Initial workup of hepatocellular carcinoma but not a part of diagnostic algorithm
Elevated in cholangiocarcinoma, other colon cancers, and yolk sac tumors
ICMR, CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen, CA: Cancer antigen, hCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, AFP: Alpha‑fetoproteins

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Singh, et al.: Serum tumor markers: A study on their rational use in various cancers

Table 2: Tumor markers: Estimated cost per test

Tumor markers Estimated cost per test (rupees)
CEA 450
CA125 500
CA15.3 500
CA19.9 500
hCG 275
AFP 275
CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen, CA: Cancer antigen, hCG: Human
chorionic gonadotropin hormone, AFP: Alpha‑fetoproteins

In our study, 221 tests of different tumor markers Figure 1: Percentage of various tumor marker requisitions as per the
were ordered for screening, diagnosis, management, Indian Council of Medical Research guidelines
monitoring, and relapse of various cancers and other
conditions as per the percentage distribution shown in
Figure 1. Only 10%–30% of requisitions were found
as per the laid down guidelines of ICMR for different
cancers as shown in Figure 2, which has increased the
expenses by 75% in total. The cost‑wise breakdown
of various tumor markers has been shown in Figure 3.
Carcinoembryonic antigen  CEA was requested only
in 20% cases as per the ICMR guidelines, while it has
a financial impact of 88% of the total cost of CEA.
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) was most commonly ordered
for screening and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma Figure 2: Percentage requisitions
HCC, however 33% of the requisitions were not as per
the ICMR guidelines and adding around 80% cost to the
whole expenditure of the test.
In our study, we observed that out of 45 tests for cancer
antigen 19.9 for different conditions, only 24.44% tests
were included as recommended panel by the ICMR for
pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, and colorectal
cancer contributing to 75.66% of the added cost to the
test budget. Hundred percent of the CA 15‑3 tests ordered
for carcinoma breast which were not as per the ICMR
guidelines. About 27.7% of human chorionic gonadotropin
tests were requested for choriocarcinoma and germ cell Figure 3: Financial impact
tumors as per the guidelines while the requisitions ordered
for conditions such as adnexal cysts, motor neuron disease, tumor markers. In our study, we have included tumor
and dysphagia which were not as per the ICMR guidelines markers as recommended by the ICMR. As the tumor
have inflated the budget of the test by 72.22%. Forty‑nine markers have an additional role, rational use of tumor
percent of total requisitions of CA 125 were not found as markers is the key for preventing the financial burdens
per guidelines issued by the ICMR and adding up 46.88% on the patients and their families. In this study, we also
to the cost. observed that AFP was the most common requisition
We observed that CEA has added maximally to the among all, followed by CEA and others.
cost, while the requisition in 88% cases were not as per Carcinoembryonic antigen
ICMR guidelines. CEA is an oncofetal antigen widely utilized for
follow‑up and assessing the prognosis in colorectal
Discussion cancer as per the ICMR[9] along with CA 19‑9; very
Screening, diagnosis, management, monitoring, and limited role has been found in the screening and
relapse of various cancers may require the aid of diagnosis. The utility of CEA lies in monitoring pre‑ and

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Singh, et al.: Serum tumor markers: A study on their rational use in various cancers

postoperative levels in colorectal carcinoma and been advised in 25 % cases of pancreatic and colorectal
cholangiocarcinoma,[10] while we observed that CEA was cancers along with cholangiocarcinoma which follows
requested for 70% cases of hepatic and gastric cancers ICMR recommendations.[16,17] We also noted that 75% of
contrary to its recommendations by the ICMR causing the tests were requested for gastric and hepatic cancer,
additional burden of Rupees  (Rs) 450/test/visit to the breast cancer, ovarian cysts, and diseases like motor
patient and making up an additional financial impact of neuron where no such recommendations[18] are present
around Rs 19,800.00 (44 out of 50 tests at Rs 450) to causing undue expenditure amounting to Rs. 500/test
the laboratory budget. adding Rs. 17,000/‑to the total financial budget.
Cancer antigen 125
Cancer antigen 15‑3
It is a tumor‑associated glycoprotein of about 200 kilo
Cancer antigen 15‑3 is found in particularly breast cancer
Dalton which has a sensitivity of about 80% in ovarian
cells and is made up of protein. As per the ICMR, the
cancers. We also observed that CA 125 was requested in
clinical utility in diagnosis has not been established,[19]
six males as a part of routine checkup and in cases of
acute liver failure, chronic kidney disease, and colorectal but its use in monitoring has been studied in a study by
cancer, which is a strongly discouraged requisition in Fejzić et al.[20] In our study, we found four requisitions for
men recommended by the National Academy of Clinical postoperative breast cancer, ovarian cancer, ascites, and
Biochemistry in a study by Sturgeon et  al.[11] The only amyloidosis adding to unnecessary further investigation
role of pre‑ and postoperative CA 125 levels has been and increasing the total budget to Rs. 2000/‑with an
demonstrated in a study by Basu et  al.[12] in colorectal additional cost of Rs. 500/test to the patient.
carcinoma in males, and we also found one similar On analyzing all the tumor markers, we observed the
requisition in our study. In addition, 20 tests of CA 125 total financial impact of about Rs. 87,750.00 over  5
were asked in hepatic and pancreatic cancers and other
months on the institution due to all the requisitions,
benign conditions with a very limited role in diagnosis
however Rs. 65,825.00, which is around 75% of the
and management causing an additional burden of about
total amount, have been spent on the tumor marker
Rs 500/test to the patient ultimately adding Rs 7500.00
to the laboratory budget. investigations not as per the ICMR guidelines. ICMR,
however, also states that these guidelines have been
Alpha‑fetoproteins and human chorionic framed as per the existing evidence and expert in
gonadotropin hormone
the field and emphasize the use based on clinical
AFP is synthesized from the liver of the fetus and scenarios. The use of the tumor markers may be
hCG is synthesized by the placenta. The ICMR scrutinized based on the existing guidelines which can
recommends both the markers for yolk sac tumors and
cut the extra cost burden to the patient as well as to
choriocarcinoma while AFP only for testicular cancer
the institution.
and screening of HCC.[13,14] Even though the AFP has a
41%–65% sensitivity and 80%–94% specificity in HCC,
still it is being employed as a routine test adding to the
total cost.[15] We also saw an increased trend of AFP in Tumor markers aid in the screening, diagnosis,
other conditions such as esophagus, gastric cancer, and management, monitoring, and relapse of various cancers.
deep vein thrombosis which is around 36% of the total These markers may be advised judiciously as per the
AFP requisitions causing an additional expenditure of recommended guidelines of the ICMR and clinical
around Rs. 275/test to the patient and burdening the condition of the patient. If suggested judiciously, it
laboratory with additional Rs. 19,800.00. Not only the prevents the physician in overdiagnosing due to multiple
financial burden but also the overuse of the test in a requisitions in diagnosed cancers and hence avoiding
laboratory may deprive the needy patients from being undue medical procedures, thus reducing the financial
getting benefit from the same. burden on the patients, their family, and the institution.
Cancer antigen 19‑9 It is also recommended that the ICMR should frame the
CA 19‑9 is a tumor‑associated mucin glycoprotein guidelines for the other tumor markers also which are
antigen present in the pancreas, biliary ductular cells, being used in the clinical practice.
gall bladder, colon, and other tissues, which is also Financial support and sponsorship
related to Lewis blood group protein. It is mainly utilized Nil.
for monitoring the treatment response in pancreatic
cancer with a sensitivity of 70%–90% and specificity Conflicts of interest
of 68%–91%. In our study, we found that CA 19‑9 has There are no conflicts of interest.

4 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth  ¦  Volume XX  ¦  Issue XX  ¦  Month 2021
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Singh, et al.: Serum tumor markers: A study on their rational use in various cancers

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