Employee Orientation and Probation
Employee Orientation and Probation
Employee Orientation and Probation
Employee orientation • E
nsure the new employee feels valued as part of the
An orientation program that can be utilised whenever team. The induction can also provide an opportunity
new employees are appointed is essential in every service. for the manager and new employee to discuss specific
This will ensure that new employees are welcomed elements related to the service, such as culture of the
appropriately and provided with the essential information organisation, and clarify expectations of his/her role
and assistance to settle into his/her new role and the and responsibilities.
service as quickly as possible. • A
llow time for the direct manager (if applicable)
or committee representatives to be available to the
Effective orientation contributes to setting up the new employee on the first day. This will assist the new
employment relationship for success. It is an opportunity employee to feel supported and allow clarification of
to positively introduce the employee to the service’s culture any residual matters before commencing work.
and values, and communicate expectations. It establishes
• I f possible and appropriate, provide a support/buddy
the basis of a successful workplace culture of communication
person for the employee to refer queries and seek
and ongoing dialogue between the employer and
support during the probationary period.
2. Ensure there is a person nominated to support the Terminating employment during the
employee during the probationary period, review the probationary period
employee’s performance prior to the completion of the
The decision to terminate employment during the
probationary period and make the recommendation
probationary period must be made after a careful
for the decision about confirming the person’s
assessment of factors including the employee’s ability to
employment. In larger organisations, this may be the
perform his/her role and his/her performance during the
manager who the employee reports to. In smaller
probationary period. Employers should ensure that the
organisations, it may be a member of the CoM or
employee has been supported appropriately during the
a sub-committee of the CoM which has been
probationary period and received feedback on progress
delegated this responsibility.
and, despite such support and feedback, the performance
3. Meet regularly with the employee during the of the employee has not met the requirements of the role.
probationary period to assess the employee’s (Refer to Tool 2.4: Probation Review Report.)
progress and provide feedback on his/her performance.
Ensure that the employee is provided with adequate The employer must ensure that the process outlined
support to perform his/her role. Keep a record of in the legislation, or the applicable award or industrial
these meetings, particularly if concerns regarding the agreement as applicable, is followed in terminating an
employee’s performance are identified and discussed. employee during the probationary period.
Ensure that the record is signed by both the employer
and employee. Setting Performance Indicators for
4. Organise a formal probationary review meeting at least
confirmed employees
10 working days prior to the end of the probationary If the employer and employee decide to continue with
period to discuss the employee’s performance, ascertain the employment arrangement, the conclusion of the
his/her willingness to continue in the role, and make probationary period provides the ideal opportunity for
a decision regarding confirmation of employment. the employer and employee to discuss and agree on
Document matters discussed at this meeting and Performance Indicators and any goals/responsibilities
ensure that a record of the meeting is signed by the for the service’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) for the
employee and the employer representative. (Refer period leading up to the annual performance evaluation.
to Tool 2.4: Probation Review Report.) (Refer to Tool 3.1 for a list of possible Performance
Ensure the service’s decision-making process
regarding confirmation or termination of employment Employers must ensure that the key Performance
is followed. Depending on the size and internal processes Indicators, and any goals and responsibilities for the
of the employer, the person reviewing the employee’s QIP are:
performance may or may not be the person with • c losely linked with the employee’s position description,
the authority to make the decision. If that is the standards required in the role and the organisation’s
case, sufficient time must be allowed for internal philosophy and goals
decision-making processes to be completed and the
• r ealistic and achievable given the position of the
decision to be conveyed to the employee before the
employee, his/her qualifications and skills
conclusion of the probationary period.
• l inked to any further development or training that
5. Convey the decision in writing to the employee.
the employee may require to perform his/her role.
The employer may choose to:
• confirm the employee’s ongoing employment, or This will form the basis of the formal performance
• initiate procedures to terminate the employee’s evaluation processes that the employer will undertake
employment prior to the end of the probationary with the employee, at which point the Performance
period if the employee’s performance is Indicators, any goals and QIP responsibilities will be
unsatisfactory (see below). reviewed and modified as required.
6. A copy of the written communication confirming
or terminating employment must form part of the
employee’s record/file maintained by the service.
(Note: The employer may complete this form with the new employee.)
(please initial)
Prior to appointment
Reference check
Qualification check
Experience check
Prior to commencement
First day
(continued over)
1 For employees covered by an industrial agreement e.g. VECTAA, the probationary period
must be consistent with the provisions of that agreement.
(please initial)
Discuss break entitlements, such as meal breaks, breaks from teaching duties etc.
First week
First month
On completion of this process, this documentation is to be filed in the employee’s personnel file.
The employer should decide whether to have a probationary period when employing a new employee, and must
determine/ensure/undertake the following:
Employee has been informed of their probation and the probationary period is specified
in the letter of employment
The employer and employee have met to review performance during the probationary period
The employer has made a decision to confirm employment and has checked with the employee
to confirm his/her willingness to continue employment
(Alternatively, if the employee’s performance does not meet the requirements of the role,
a decision has been made to terminate employment following procedures set in the applicable
Performance Indicators, any goals and responsibilities for the QIP, which will form the basis
of the annual performance evaluation of the employee, have been agreed and confirmed
First Final Report date: Date employment commenced: Expiry date of probation period:
Key responsibilities/performance standard/conduct Comments about responsibilities/performance/conduct Goals for next review (if a second review is to be held)
(Refer position description) (Identify training needs)
(continued over)
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