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Kinematic Analysis of Human Gait Cycle: Abstract

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Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.


Kinematic analysis of human gait cycle

Sadiq Jafer Abbass Ghaidaa Abdulrahman
Department of medical engineering , College of Engineering, Nahrain University

Abstract: recording. Results obtained from the

Kinematic system is used in gait Dartfish program are important in
analysis to record the position and understanding that the knee and hip
orientation of the body segments, the angles differ in each gait cycle, similarly
angles of the joints and the to spatial- temporal parameters, the
corresponding linear and angular spatial- temporal parameters differ in
velocities and acceleration. Gait analysis each gait cycle analyzed for subjects.
is used for two very different purposes to
aid directly in the treatment of individual Keywords: kinematic analysis,
patients and to improve our treadmill, gait cycle, Dartfish, gait
understanding of gait through research. analysis
The purpose of the study is to show an
ideal kinematics appearance of human Introduction
gait cycle for walking in order to get Gait analysis can be described as a field
measurement values that can be of biomechanical engineering dealing
depended on in the hospitals of with the subject of human locomotion.
rehabilitation, the centers of physical By means of different measuring
therapy and the clinical of medical sports techniques available (for example video
as a reference data for kinematic joint recording), human gait data are captured
parameter. In this study, 20 subjects and (i.e. the gait pattern is recorded as a
one abnormal subject (undergoes foot function of time) and further analysis
flat) were selected from the society; the and calculations are done in order to
20 subjects were not to have any obtain all the data required for
pathology that would affect gait and had evaluating the quality of the subject's
to be unfamiliar with treadmill walking, gait, including basic gait parameters
then a video recording was made for (stride length, cadence, velocity, etc.)
them by using a single digital video joint angle during each gait cycle [1].
camera recorder fitted on a stand of three Walking is one of the most common and
legs in a sagittal plane while subjects most important forms of human
walked on a motorized treadmill one by movement. Gait analysis entails
one, the treadmill is often used in measurement, analysis and assessment
rehabilitation programs because it allows of the biomechanical features that are
standard and controlled conditions and it associated with the walking task [2].
needs small space. Then by special Since the measuring and recording
motion analysis software (Dartfish) was techniques for capturing gait patterns
used to study the knee and hip joint have developed very much in the last
kinematics and the spatial –temporal gait decades, gait analysis is now frequently
parameters (step length, stride length, used in every-day practice of those
stride duration, cadence) from the video involved in the rehabilitation of human

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movement. Therefore gait analysis has from healthy people. This study provides
its applications now in almost all such normative data for joint angle
considerable fields of human parameters. Special motion analysis
locomotion, both healthy and software (Dartfish) is used to get the
pathological: rehabilitation medicine, kinematics and temporal – spatial
orthopedics, kinesiology, sports science, parameters values from the video
and other related fields [1]. recording of subjects while walking on
In general, gait analysis is considered an the treadmill device. The analysis used
acceptable tool for kinesiology analysis done to prove that joint angles, step, and
of movement disorders, including for stride length, stride, time, cadence;
evaluating gait and posture disturbances. angular velocities differ in each gait
The use of gait analysis to evaluate and cycle analyzed for one subjects.
treat musculoskeletal disorders (e.g.,
polio, muscular dystrophy, amputation,
osteoarthritis, trauma) and neurological
disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy, stroke, The study was made on 20 able-bodied
brain trauma) is arguably the area where volunteers (male) and one subject
the best examples to date of the positive abnormal (undergoes foot flat); the
uses of improved gait analysis average age was 21.7 ±2.515years; the
techniques and technology can be seen. mean weight 70.975 ±7.87kg; and the
There are now gait analysis laboratories mean height 178.45 ±7.24cm. Subjects
in a number of hospitals in most wore shorts, shirt, and training shoes.
developed countries. Most of these The subjects were in good health, with
facilities have now examined the no conditions that affected their gait
pathological gait of thousands of patients pattern or tolerance to the evaluation 45
and used this information to direct their protocol. Subjects were not to have any
surgical, orthotic and therapeutic pathology that would affect gait and had
intervention. Gait analysis has not only to be unfamiliar with treadmill walking.
altered overall treatment philosophies While the subjects were few, previous
but has prompted modifications to work used small groups for within-
surgical techniques [2]. subject analysis and found appropriate
significance. A limiting factor for the
Aim of the Study used pool of able-bodied volunteers was
The purpose of the study, is to show an
ideal kinematics appearance of human
Instruments and Equipments
gait cycle for walking in order to get
measurement values that can be Digital Video Camera
depended on in the hospitals of
rehabilitation, the centers of physical Two-dimensional motion was obtained
therapy and the clinical of medical by using a single digital video camera
sports, instead of depending on the recorder, this camera gives 25 frames
measurement values that are dependent per second, it contains video
on the development countries for the compression format [MPEG2/JPEG]
same movement. If gait analysis is used (still images), recording time
for evaluation of disabled people, a [approximately 650 minute]. Have a
comparison must be made with the data hard disk [30 giga byte], Handy cam

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station and USB cable to transport the Data Analysis

recording videos from the hard disk by After the video recording of the
connecting it to the computer. The subjects movements has been made, the
camera is fitted on a stand of three legs video files transferred from the camera
then located perpendicular to the line of to the computer through the USB
progression as subjects walked, the connection, then Dartfish programs is
camera is fitted at high (1.5) m and the used to get the diagrams of stick figures
distance of the camera from the center of that represent the angular changes at the
the trajectory line of the subject on the hip, knee joints then a graphical
treadmill is (3.90) m. representation for its knee, hip angles is
done by using Matlab program, then the
Treadmill Device Spatial - temporal variables (step, stride
Treadmill is often used in the research length and the stride time ) measured
projects to simulate over ground during all phases of gait cycle (each
locomotion, assuming that locomotion is phase contain number of frames), By
similar on a treadmill and over ground selecting the analyzer from the main
[3]. Subjects walked on a motorized toolbar to open it, and then the clip
treadmill. Subjects were instructed to found in the tray is dragged and dropped
walk on the treadmill without using in the window of the analyzer to work on
handrails and they were asked to walk as it by using the drawing toolbar.
they normally would while keeping each
foot on a separate belt. All subjects were Results and discussion
tested in one session. The speed of
treadmill is 5 km/h (1.38889 m/s) where The following steps are done by using
data was collected from all subjectsm no Darfish program:
other instructions or external pacers
were used to avoid artificially setting the Measurement of the Hip Angle
participant’s cadence or stride length. (Normal)
Data were collected when each subject The hip angles from six complete gait
had reached a steady state of being able cycles for one subject (normal) were
to replicate the walking speed, measured as shown in (Fig.1- 4) and one
consistently data were obtained from the example was shown in (Table 1). The
right side of each subject. The treadmill graphical representation of the hip
was used to be allowing for recording angles is given in the (Fig .9).
multiple gait cycles, and the statistical From the graphical representation of one
analysis of the disturbances. Walking normal subject at the hip (six complete
can be performed any time, under any gait cycles) there is a single peak of
weather, and with more general safety flexion and extension in each cycle. The
than over ground walking, especially in hip extends during the stance phase, and
urban environments. Moreover, the then starts to flex at about heel strike for
treadmill is often used in rehabilitation the other leg, continuing flexion through
programs because it allows standard and the swing phase. The range of hip
controlled conditions and it needs small flexion/extension increases with stride
space. length; the increase is mainly in flexion,
since the hip will not extend more than
about 30 degrees.
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At the hip, there are only two flexion reached a peak of 25 degree in
movements in the step cycle, and both midswing.
are active. That is, the hip flexors The knee angle is not zero at extended
(ilipsoas) produce flexion, and the legs, at heel-up phase of gait, because
extensors produce extension [4]. From the knee angle models also the
(Fig.9) at initial contact, mean hip anatomical angle between the femur and
flexion is approximately 20 degree, the tibia in frontal plane. Knee angles of
while mean hip flexion in swing the gait cycle play a major role with
(midswing) is 26 degree. In late stance, regard to the energy expended during
maximal hip extension is 4.5 degree [5]. walking and are commonly affected by
pathological disorders [1]. Maximum
Measurement of the Knee Angle of the knee flexion angle is with greater values
Right and Left Legs (Normal) in the treadmill walking. When all
The knee angles of the right and left legs subjects are compared, significant
from six complete gait cycles for one increases are seen during treadmill
subject (normal) were measured as walking in hip range of motion,
shown in (Fig.1-4) and one example is maximum hip flexion joint angle and
shown in (Table1). The graphical cadence, while a significant decrease is
representation of the knee angles of the observed in stance time [7]. To conclude
right and left legs is given in the (Fig.10- the subject is normal (standard) since his
11) respectively. results and graphics agree favorably with
From the graphical representation of the that found in the previous research [1, 3,
one normal subject at the knee (six 5, 6].
complete gait cycles) two peaks of
flexion- a small one in the stance phase, Measurement of the Hip Angle
where the knee yields to flatten the path (Abnormal)
of the C.G., and a second, larger peak The hip angles from six complete gait
which allows the foot to clear the ground cycles for one subject (abnormal)
(since the hip is tilted down about 5 (undergoes foot flat) were measured as
degrees on the swing side). The flexion shown in ( Fig.5-6) and one example is
in stance phase increases with walking shown in (Table 2). The graphical
speed. The flexion in the swing phase is representation of the hip angles is in
followed by an extension which ends (Fig12).
just before heel contact [4]. From From (Fig.12) the first heal contact hip
(Fig.10) knee flexion of the right leg in flexion is approximately 16 degree.
early stance shows a typical 2 degree During loading mean hip flexion is 30.5
flexion/extension pattern during loading, degree, while in late stance maximal hip
mean knee flexion in midstance extension is 6 degree in midswing mean
approximately 20 degree, mean knee hip flexion reaching 19 degree, the
flexion in swing reached a peak of 70 stance phase represents 45% of the gait
degree [1]. From (Fig. 11) Knee of the cycle, and swing phase represents 55%,
left leg shows large peak of flexion in in this subject the graphical
early stance at a typical 5 degree mean representation showed another peak of
knee flexion in midstance reaching a extension (very small) in the swing
peak of 72 degree, in the second small phase reaching maximal peak at 12
peak of flexion (swing) mean knee degree. From the stick figures of the

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abnormal subject, the phase of initial small) has maximal peak at 19 degrees,
contact is much smaller at some cycles it is very rapid. At the end of swing
and disappears in the other cycles and as phase the knee of subject shows very
mentioned in the condition of initial small peak of extension reaching
stance in chapter three, the foot here maximal peak at 3 degrees that means
doesn’t touch the floor at the heel, and there is a problem, stance phase
the other leg not at the end of terminal represents 50% of the gait cycle.
stance .The loading response phase is
too long, at the stick figure of the mid Measurements of the Hip and Knee
stance phase (Fig.5) the other leg is not Angles of the Right and Left Legs for
in mid swing phase but still in contact 20 Subjects
with ground at all the phase until The knees, and hip angles for each
reaching the terminal stance phase subject from three complete gait cycles
(Fig.6) where the heel of other leg were measured and one example at
doesn’t hit the ground but the foot is initial contact is shown in (Tables 3). For
found completely on the ground (foot each subject, knee angles was calculated
flat), and also at the terminal swing at four positions including initial contact,
phase. So from that it is concluded that mid stance, and peak values of extension
one leg is under the condition of the and flexion. Mid stance is defined as the
phase. But the other leg is not. point when the knee joint has attained
maximum flexion after initial contact;
Measurement of the Knee Angle of the hip angle is calculated at the same four
Right and Left Legs (Abnormal) positions. The hip and knee angles differ
The knee angles from six complete gait in each gait cycle, similarly to spatial-
cycles for one subject (abnormal) were temporal parameters and differ also in
measured as shown in (Fig.5-6) and one one subject [1].
example is shown in (Table 2). The
graphical representation of the knee Measurement of the Hip and Knee
angles of the right and left legs is given Angular Velocity
in (Fig.13 and 14) respectively. The knees, and hip angular velocity for
From (Fig.13) knee of the right leg one subject from six complete gait
shows two peaks of flexion small peak cycles were measured as shown in
(stance phase) and large peak (in swing), (Fig.7-8) and one example is shown in
at initial heal contact knee shows (Table4). The graphical representation of
atypical flexion at 5 degree, in mid the hip and knee angular velocity is in
stance the mean peak of knee flexion 30 (Fig.15 and 16) respectively. From
degree, during mid swing mean peak of (Fig.15) initial contact mean hip flexion
flexion is approximately 60 degrees, is approximately 4800 deg/sec, while
Stance phase represents 50% of the gait mean hip extension in mid stance is
cycle. From (Fig.14) knee angle of the 1500 degree/sec, in late stance hip
left leg shows at initial contact 12 flexion approximately 2600 degree/sec,
degrees flexion/extension pattern and mean hip extension in swing 1400
decreases to 8 degrees during loading degree/sec. From (Fig.16) knee flexion
response. In mid stance maximal peak of in early stance shows a typically 5100
flexion is approximately 69 degrees. In degree /sec flexion /extension pattern,
swing phase the peak of flexion (very during loading mean knee extension in

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mid stance 1800 degree/sec, maximal According to Owings TM, Grabiner

knee flexion in swing phase reaches a MD. The primary independent variables
peak 5400 degree/sec. is the variability of step length, step
width, and step time. Walking velocity
Measurement of the Spatial – does not influence step kinematic
Temporal Parameters variability. Handrail usage influence the
The step, and stride length from three variability of step length, but not of step
complete gait cycles for each subject time. The accuracy of step variability is
were measured and one example is estimated proportional to the number of
shown in (Table 5), and the bar charts of steps that are collected. The use of an
the stride length and the stride time are instrumented treadmill allows
shown in (Fig 17, and 18). (Fig.19) simultaneous collection of spatial and
shows, an example, the stance, swing temporal step kinematics for a large
and double support phases for one number of continuous steps [8].
subject steps.
The stride analysis variables most Statistical Analysis (AV, SD)
commonly used to describe a gait Table (6) shows the average and the
pattern: standard deviations of parameters (knee,
• Step length is the distance between hip angles, angular velocity, stride time,
the point of initial contact of one foot step and stride length, cadenace) for
and the point of initial contact of the each subject from three complete gait
opposite foot. In normal gait, right and cycles. These parameters agree with
left step lengths are similar. these of past research [1, 3, 5, 6].
• Stride length is the distance between
successive points of initial contact of the Conclusion
same foot. Right and left stride lengths 1-This new motion analysis software can
are normally equal. be used in the investigation of
• Cadence or walking rate is calculated professional athletes; on the basis of
in steps per minute [1, 3]. these measurements the doctors and the
The spatial - temporal variables (step, athletes can get useful information about
stride length and the stride time) differ in training design.
each gait cycle analyzed for one subject 2-There is small differences were found
and for each gait cycle for the other between the left and right sides of one
subject. Step length of the right step (CV subject, and between these values of
=37.37001 %) is greater than those of subjects.
the left (CV =37.1194%) [3]. (Fig. 5.19) 3-These results establish that the step
shows that the stance , swing, and length of the right step is greater than
double support phases differ in each gait those of the left step.
cycle analyzed for one subject, the 4-The spatial- temporal parameters differ
stance phase represents (62%-68%), the in each gait cycle analyzed for one
swing phase represents (32%-38%), and subject and also these parameters differ
the double support phase which is the between subjects.
shortest one represents (12.26%- 5-Knee and hip angles differ in each gait
17.86%) of the gait cycle. Speed of cycle, similarly to spatial- parameters.
walking does not influence step
kinematic variability since is constant. References

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1. Laszlo K., Rita M., Zsolt K., and 4. Whittle, M., "Gait Analysis: An
Mihaly J., “Bute’s Ultrasound –Based Introduction", Butterworth-Heinemann,
Measuring Technique And Model For Oxford; Boston (2002).
Gait Analysis”, Facta Universities , 5. Jennifer R. Nymark et al.
Physical Education Vol. 1, No. 6, "Electromyographic and Kinematic
(1999), pp. 1 – 13. Nondisabled Gait Differences at
2. Russell B., Rezaul B. and Marimuthu Extremely Slow Overground and
P., “Overview of Movement Analysis Treadmill Walking Speeds", JRRD, Vol.
and Gait Features Chapter I”, 42, No. 4, (2005).
Computational Intelligence for 6. Whittle, M." Gait Analysis – An
Movement Sciences: Neural Networks Introduction", Butterworth –Heinemann,
and Other Emerging Techniques, Idea Oxford (1991).
Group Publishing © 2006, Idea Group 7. Matsas A., Taylor N.,&Mc Burney H.,
Inc, Available from "Knee joint kinematics from Familrized
http://www.ideagroup.com. Treadmill Walking Can Be Generalized
3. Laszlo K., Rita M., & Zsolt K., to Over ground Walking in Young
"Biomechanical Models and Measuring Unimpaired
Techniques for Ultrasound – Based Subjects",Gait&Posture,11(2000),pp.46-
Measuring System During Gait" 53.
polytechnic ser. Mech. Eng. Vol.48, 8. Owings TM., Grabiner MD.
No.1, pp.1-14, (2004). “Variability of Step Kinematics in
Young and Older adults”. Gait Posture,
(2004) Aug; 20(1):26-9.

Fig.1 Loading response phase (gait

cycle 3) Fig.2 Midstanc phase (gait cycle 3)

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Fig.5 Midstancephase (abnormal)

(gait cycle 6)
Fig.3 Initial swing phase (gait cycle 3)

Fig.6 Terminal stance phase (abnormal) (gait

Fig.4 Terminal swing phase (gait cycle cycle 6)

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Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.208-222

back front
knee knee
Gait cycle3 angle
angle angle
(degree) (degree)
Initial contact 161.8 179 179.8
Initial contact 158.7 178.9 178.1
Initial contact 160.1 179.6 178.1
Loading response 159.9 160 166.3
Loading response 158.1 156.8 159.7
Loading response 158.1 142.1 153.6
Loading response 158 132.6 150.5
Loading response 163.3 134.4 151.1 Fig.7 Midstance phase (gait cycle 1)
Mid stance 168 123.5 157.3
Mid stance 162.1 110.9 153.1
Mid stance 166 120.7 147.3
Mid stance 154.8 101.6 166.2
Mid stance 167.7 110.8 147.9
Mid stance 170.4 109.5 156.7
Mid stance 170.6 121.2 157.6
Mid stance 176.5 126.7 170.7
Mid stance 178.3 138.1 136.7
Terminal stance 176.4 145.3 170.7
Terminal stance 169.9 162.1 179.5
Terminal stance 173.1 177.7 166.8
Terminal stance 173.1 159 159.8
Toe off 174.1 158.9 157.9
Toe off 176.7 144.5 144.5
Toe off 176.1 145.3 132
Initial swing 153.4 149.1 111.6
Initial swing 160.7 154 109.9
Initial swing 160.5 150.5 101.8
Mid swing 163 144.8 105.2
Mid swing 162.2 171.9 118.3 Fig.8 Initial swing phase (gait cycle 1)
Mid swing 158.4 178.4 129.5
Mid swing 147.9 169.6 133.3
Mid swing 154.5 177.3 166.8
Terminal swing 164.7 177.9 179.9
Terminal swing 160.1 176.9 179.8

Table (1) Normal Subject, Gait Cycle

3, Relative Angular Displacement
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Table (2) Abnormal subject, gait cycle

4, relative angular displacement

hip back knee

Initial front knee angle
angle angle
contact (degree)
(degree) (degree)
1 169.4 152.8 173.4 Table (3) 20 subjects, gait cycle ,at
2 154.7 179.3 158.1 initial contact, relative angular
161.2 179.4 164.4
3 149.7 158.5 156 back
153.6 155.2 154.4 knee front knee
159.4 110.7 151.4 Hip angle
Gait 4 angle angle
155.1 109.4 153 (degree)
(degre (degree)
146.3 124 153.6 e)
4 147.5 160 148.8 Loading response 160.4 172.7 160.4
5 150.4 177.2 154.8 Loading response 150.2 178.1 150.9
153.2 180 155.7 Loading response 154.4 169 161.5
151.1 179.7 162.6 Loading response 150.2 152.4 152.7
6 155.4 170.2 157.7 Mid stance 159.2 150.7 151.3
155.2 178.8 158 Mid stance 159 119.3 148.9
160.8 178 167.2 Mid stance 173.3 115.1 149.5
7 165.4 176.6 178.4 Mid stance 175.6 133.2 162.6
156.8 172.8 176.9 Mid stance 178.5 117 156.9
162.6 177.7 176.9 Mid stance 153.1 123.8 156.4
152.8 179.5 171.5 Mid stance 169.6 133.6 167.8
8 149.3 177.9 160.8 Terminal stance 155.5 136.5 175.4
147.7 179.8 157.5 Terminal stance 161.3 144.7 174.3
9 162.9 159.4 166.2 Terminal stance 161.3 153 175.7
163 158.2 166.8 Terminal stance 160.7 160.4 171.7
151.1 151.4 150.5 Toe off 159.2 161.6 178.7
10 153.1 180 161.6 Toe off 157.5 157.5 180
155.5 179.4 155.9 Toe off 158.2 152.8 163
146 176.3 159.8 Toe off 168.4 156.3 163.4
11 157.5 155.6 155.9 Toe off 170.6 165.4 138.4
153.6 157.7 153.4 Initial swing 169.5 160.8 108.4
12 145.7 169.4 161.7 Initial swing 168.3 166.8 110.4
149.8 164.8 166.9 Mid swing 170 163.8 114.7
13 158.2 161 162.3 Mid swing 158.4 166.2 106.1
14 153.2 153.8 159.8 Mid swing 161.8 170.8 116.9
149 145.9 163 Mid swing 162.7 158.1 129.3
15 144.6 165.4 155.4 Mid swing 154 179 129.3
141.4 160.6 152.1 Mid swing 159.7 179.6 140.4
16 158.4 172.9 174.9 Terminal swing 152.1 172.1 142.2
148.7 175.5 166.3 Terminal swing 161.5 164.5 157.2
17 147.8 148.7 178 Terminal swing 158.9 177.6 158.7
148.3 174.6 149.5
18 150.5 179 157.2 Terminal swing 152.5 169.7 155.2
158.9 173.7 173.7
19 145 166.1 166
148.3 159.7 164.4
158.5 Vol.16
174.1No.2 163.7 Abbass, Abdulrahman 812
165.4 167.9 171.5
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Table (4) Normal subject, hip & knee

angular velocity at gait cycle 6.

Hip angular
Avera knee angular Average
Step Gait 6 velocity ge velocity in the
Step length Parameters Average of
Gait length of Stride length (180- (degree/second
(degree/second) previous
of the left deviation
2 the right meter Initial α) literature
leg meter Front knee angle at 1630 1907.5
leg meter contact
initial contact 163.9471 16.1 9.03678 2-34
(degree) 3435 3665
1 0.6 0.8 1.4 Front kneecontact
angle at 161.3844 24.96659
18.6 10-60
mid stanceInitial
(degree) 4241790 229
2 0.57 0.6 1.17 Front kneecontact
angle at
168.2220 11.83580
stance 11.8 0-13
3 0.5 0.49 1 (degree)
1183.333 062
4 0.6 0.49 1.1 Front kneeLoading
angle at 127.9774 15.70276
52 25-90
mid swingresponse
(degree) 1941885 2112.5
5 0.69 0.67 1.36 Back knee angle at
Loading 169.7471 12.97970
initial contact
3810 10.3 4250
6 0.89 0.66 1.55
Back kneeMid angle at 125.9102
1920 23.83972
54.1 10-60
7 0.45 0.71 1.16 mid stancestance
(degree) 673 9
Back kneeMid angle at
8 0.5 0.58 1.1 1875
162.0882 2277.5
stance 17.9 0-13
759 224
9 0.65 0.5 1.2 Back kneestance
angle at 1325
169.1543 1555
10.8 25-90
mid swingMid (degree) 011 23
10 0.58 0.75 1.33 Hip angle at initial 1363.333
153.7479 1643.333
stance 26.3
contact (degree) 675 471
11 0.4 0.42 0.8 Hip angle Midat mid 2305
170.7 9.3 2480
12 0.5 0.55 1.1 Terminal
Hip angle at terminal 1558.333 8.8 1750
171.22 6.539
13 0.57 0.45 1 stance
stance (degree)
Hip angle Terminal
at mid 155.2806
14 0.4 0.44 0.8 swing (degree)
stance 4522505 2740
Step lengthTerminal
of the left 0.226614
1720 1913.333 0.4-0.8
15 0.61 0.62 1.23 leg (meter)
stance 172
Step length of the 0.210582
0.5635 0.4-0.8
16 0.43 0.49 0.9 right leg Toe off
(meter) 1176.25 1540
Toe off 3975 0.382197
17 0.43 0.42 0.9 Stride length (meter) 1.174 0.6-1.7
Stride time (second) 1985
1.06 3555
0.04 0.8-1.8
18 0.52 0.51 1.03 swing
Mid 66.4 5.816
19 0.44 0.56 1 (steps/minute) 1670 3470
Knee angular velocity
Mid 3123.745 1677.87
20 0.55 0.64 1.19 (degree/second) 1657.5 3552.5
Hip angularswing
Mid 2233.286 1052.41
675 1362
2905 5470
Table (5)steps length of the left Mid
&right legs,stride length at gait cycle 1475 2607.5
2 for 20 subjects Terminal
762.5 1130
1605 1917.5
3030 3935
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Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.208-222

Table(6)Average & standard 35

deviation of kinematics & data
Hip angle
temporal spatial parameters for 30

20 subjects from three gait cycle(a 25

Hip angle (degree)

represent the measurement angle)
80 data
knee angle 15
Knee angle of the right leg (degree)

40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gait cycle (%)


10 Figure (11) One subject (normal) left

0 knee angles function in time divided
0 20 40 60 80 100
Gait cycle (%) into percentage of gait cycle.

Figure (9) One subject (normal) hip

angles function in time divided into
percentage of gait cycle. data
70 knee angle
Knee agle of left leg (degree)

Hip angle 50
Hip angle (degree)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
5 Gait cycle (%)

0 Figure (12) One subject (abnormal)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Gait cycle (%) hip angles function in time divided
into percentage of gait cycle

Figure (10) One subject (normal) right

knee angles function in time divided
into percentage of gait cycle.

NUCEJ Vol.16 No.2 Abbass, Abdulrahman 812

Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.208-222

80 8000
data data
knee angle 7000 Angular velocity
Knee angle of right leg (degree)

Angular velocity (deg/sec)

60 6000

50 5000

40 4000

30 3000

20 2000

10 1000

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Gait cycle (%) Gait cycl(%)

Figure (15) One subject hip angular

Figure (13) One subject (abnormal)
right knee angles function in time velocity function in time divided into
divided into percentage of gait cycle percentage of gait cycle.

data Hip angular velocity
knee angle 5000
Angular velocity (deg/sec)
Knee angle of left leg (degree)




0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Gait cycle (%)
Gait cycle (%)

Figure (16) one subject knee angular

Figure (14) One subject (abnormal) velocity function in time divided
left knee angles function in time into percentage of gait cycle.
divided into percentage of gait cycle.

NUCEJ Vol.16 No.2 Abbass, Abdulrahman 880

Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.208-222

gait cycle 1

gait cycle 2

gait cycle 3

Figure (17) Stride length variability

Figure (18) Stride time variability

Figure (19) The stance, swing, double support phase for one subject steps.

‫التحليل الكينماتيكي البشري للحركة الدائرية‬

NUCEJ Vol.16 No.2 Abbass, Abdulrahman 881
‫‪Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.208-222‬‬

‫صادق جعفر عباس غيداء عبدالرحمن‬

‫جامعة النهرين – كلية الهندسة‪ -‬هندسة طبية‬

‫يستخدم نظام الكينماتيك في تحليل الحركة لتسجيل موقع ودوران أجزاء الجسم‪ ،‬زوايا المفاصل‪,‬‬
‫والسرعة الخطية والزاوية والتعجيل الخطي والزاوي‪ ،‬تحليل الحركة يستخدم لغرضين مختلفين جداً‬
‫لكي يساعد بصورة مباشرة في معالجة المرضى ولتعميق مفهوم الحركة لدينا من خالل البحث‪.‬‬
‫الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو اجراء وتصميم نموذج للمظاهر الكينماتيكية المثالية الخاصة بحركة‬
‫المشي من اجل الحصول على قيم قياسية يمكن االعتماد عليها في مستشفيات التأهيل ومراكز الطب‬
‫الفيزيائي و العيادات ذات التخصص الرياضي كقاعدة بيانات للرجوع اليها‪ .‬في هذه الدراسة تم‬
‫اختيارعشرين شخص من المتبرعين وشخص واحد يعاني من مرض ذا تأثير على الحركة ‪ ،‬هؤالء‬
‫األشخاص العشرون ال يملكون أي مرض ذا تأثير على الحركة‪ ,‬وليس لديهم سابق معرفة في كيفية‬
‫السير على جهاز السير المتحرك ‪,‬حيث تم أجراء تصوير لهؤالء األشخاص باستخدام كاميرة‬
‫تصوير فيدوية رقمية )‪Sony‬نوع) مثبتة على حامل من ثالث أرجل في مستوى جانبي بينما‬
‫األشخاص يسيرون على جهاز السيراأللي المتحرك بصورة متسلسلة‪ ,‬أن جهاز السير المتحرك‬
‫غالبا ما يستخدم في برامج التأهيل ألنه يسمح بحاالت ثابتة ومسيطرة في مساحة صغيرة‪ .‬وباستخدام‬
‫برنامج التحليل الحركي )‪ (Dartfish‬تم دراسة كينماتيكية مفاصل الورك والركبة وحساب‬
‫المتغيرات الزمنية – المكانية (طول الخطوة‪ ،‬طول الخطوة الكاملة‪ ,‬زمن الخطوة الكاملة ‪ ،‬التردد)‬
‫من التصوير الفديوي‪.‬أن النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من برنامج )‪ (Dartfish‬كانت مهمة في فهم‬
‫أن زوايا الورك الركبة تختلف في كل دورة مشي كاملة ‪ ،‬بصورة مشابهة للمتغيرات الزمنية –‬
‫المكانية ‪ ،‬وان المتغيرات الزمنية – المكانية تختلف في كل دورة مشي كاملة لألشخاص‪.‬‬

‫‪NUCEJ Vol.16 No.2‬‬ ‫‪Abbass, Abdulrahman‬‬ ‫‪888‬‬

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