Kebs 108
Kebs 108
Kebs 108
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Mr. Anil Singh has been running a restaurant for the last two years. The excellent
quality of food has made the restaurant popular in no time. Motivated by the success
of his business, Mr. Singh is now contemplating the idea of opening a chain of
similar restaurants at different places. However, the money available with him from
his personal sources is not sufficient to meet the expansion requirements of his
business. His father told him that he can enter into a partnership with the owner of
another restaurant, who will bring in more funds but it would also require sharing
of profits and control of business. He is also thinking of getting a bank loan. He
is worried and confused, as he has no idea as to how and from where he should
obtain additional funds. He discusses the problem with his friend Ramesh, who
tells him about some other methods like issue of shares and debentures, which
are available only to a company form of organisation. He further cautions him that
each method has its own advantages and limitations and his final choice should
be based on factors like the purpose and period for which funds are required. He
wants to learn about these methods.
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different basis viz., on the basis of often need short-term financing for
the period, source of generation and the interim period between seasons.
the ownership. A brief explanation of Wholesalers and manufacturers with
these classifications and the sources a major portion of their assets tied
is provided as follows: up in inventories or receivables also
require large amount of funds for a
8.3.1 Period Basis short period.
On the basis of period, the different
sources of funds can be categorised 8.3.2 Ownership Basis
into three parts. These are long-term On the basis of ownership, the sources
sources, medium-term sources and can be classified into ‘owner’s funds’
short-term sources. and ‘borrowed funds’. Owner’s funds
The long-term sources fulfil the means funds that are provided by the
financial requirements of an enterprise owners of an enterprise, which may
for a period exceeding 5 years and be a sole trader or partners or
include sources such as shares and shareholders of a company. Apart
debentures, long-term borrowings and from capital, it also includes profits
loans from financial institutions. Such
reinvested in the business. The
financing is generally required for the
owner’s capital remains invested in
acquisition of fixed assets such as
the business for a longer duration
equipment, plant, etc.
and is not required to be refunded
Where the funds are required for a
period of more than one year but less during the life period of the business.
than five years, medium-term sources Such capital forms the basis on which
of finance are used. These sources owners acquire their right of control of
include borrowings from commercial management. Issue of equity shares
banks, public deposits, lease financing and retained earnings are the two
and loans from financial institutions. important sources from where owner’s
Short-term funds are those which funds can be obtained.
are required for a period not exceeding ‘Borrowed funds’ on the other
one year. Trade credit, loans from hand, refer to the funds raised through
commercial banks and commercial loans or borrowings. The sources
papers are some of the examples of the for raising borrowed funds include
sources that provide funds for short loans from commercial banks, loans
duration. from financial institutions, issue of
Short-term financing is most debentures, public deposits and trade
common for financing of current credit. Such sources provide funds for
assets such as accounts receivable a specified period, on certain terms
and inventories. Seasonal businesses and conditions and have to be repaid
that must build inventories in after the expiry of that period. A fixed
anticipation of selling requirements rate of interest is paid by the borrowers
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pattern of cash inflows from credit arrangements are given in the lease
sales. It provides security for a contract. At the end of the lease period,
debt that a firm might otherwise the asset goes back to the lessor. Lease
be unable to obtain; finance provides an important means
(iv) It does not create any charge on of modernisation and diversification to
the assets of the firm; the firm. Such type of financing is more
(v) The client can concentrate on prevalent in the acquisition of such
other functional areas of business assets as computers and electronic
as the responsibility of credit equipment which become obsolete
control is shouldered by the quicker because of the fast changing
factor. technological developments. While
making the leasing decision, the cost
Limitations of leasing an asset must be compared
with the cost of owning the same.
The limitations of factoring as a source
of finance are as follows: Merits
(i) This source is expensive when
the invoices are numerous and The important merits of lease financing
smaller in amount; are as follows:
(ii) The advance finance provided (i) It enables the lessee to acquire the
by the factor firm is generally asset with a lower investment;
available at a higher interest cost (ii) Simple documentation makes it
than the usual rate of interest; easier to finance assets;
(iii) Lease rentals paid by the lessee
(iii) The factor is a third party to
are deductible for computing
the customer who may not feel
taxable profits;
comfortable while dealing with it. (iv) It provides finance without
diluting the ownership or control
8.4.4 Lease Financing of business;
A lease is a contractual agreement (v) The lease agreement does not
whereby one party i.e., the owner of an affect the debt raising capacity of
asset grants the other party the right an enterprise;
to use the asset in return for a periodic (vi) The risk of obsolescence is borne
payment. In other words it is a renting by the lesser. This allows greater
flexibility to the lessee to replace
of an asset for some specified period.
the asset.
The owner of the assets is called the
‘lessor’ while the party that uses the
assets is known as the ‘lessee’ (see
Box A). The lessee pays a fixed periodic The limitations of lease financing are
amount called lease rental to the lessor given as below:
for the use of the asset. The terms (i) A lease arrangement may impose
and conditions regulating the lease certain restrictions on the use
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Box A
The Lessors
1. Specialised leasing companies: There are about 400-odd large companies
which have an organisational focus on leasing, and hence, are known as
leasing companies.
2. Banks and bank-subsidiaries: In February 1994, the RBI allowed banks
to directly enter leasing. Till then, only bank subsidiaries were allowed to
engage in leasing operations, which was regarded by the RBI as a non-banking
3. Specialised financial institutions: A number of financial institutions, at
the Central as well as the State level in India, use the lease instrument along
with traditional financing instruments. Significantly, the ICICI is one of the
pioneers in Indian leasing.
4. Manufacturer-lessors: As competition forces the manufacturer to add value
to his sales, he finds the best way to sell the product on lease. Vendor leasing
is gaining increasing importance. Presently, vendors of automobiles, consumer
durables, etc., have alliances or joint ventures with leasing companies to offer
lease finance against their products.
The Lessees
1. Public sector undertakings: This market has witnessed a good rate of growth
in the past. There is an increasing number of both centrally as well as State-
owned entities which have resorted to lease financing.
2. Mid-market companies: The mid-market companies (i.e., companies with
reasonably good creditworthiness but with lower public profile) have resorted
to lease financing basically as an alternative to bank/institutional financing.
3. Consumers: Recent bad experience with corporate financing has focussed
attention towards retail funding of consumer durables. For instance, car
leasing is a big market in India today.
4. Government deptts. and authorities: One of the latest entrants in
leasing markets is the government itself. Recently the Department of
Telecommunications of the central government took the lead by floating
tenders for lease finance worth about ` 1000 crores.
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Box B
Types of Preference Shares
1. Cumulative and Non-Cumulative: The preference shares which enjoy the
right to accumulate unpaid dividends in the future years, in case the same
is not paid during a year are known as cumulative preference shares. On
the other hand, on non-cumulative shares, dividend is not accumulated if
it is not paid in a particular year.
2. Participating and Non-Participating: Preference shares which have a
right to participate in the further surplus of a company shares which
after dividend at a certain rate has been paid on equity shares are called
participating preference shares. The non-participating preference are such
which do not enjoy such rights of participation in the profits of the company.
3. Convertible and Non-Convertible: Preference shares that can be converted
into equity shares within a specified period of time are known as convertible
preference shares. On the other hand, non-convertible shares are such that
cannot be converted into equity shares.
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Box C
Types of Debentures
1. Secured and Unsecured: Secured debentures are such which create a charge
on the assets of the company, thereby mortgaging the assets of the company.
Unsecured debentures on the other hand do not carry any charge or security
on the assets of the company.
2. Registered and Bearer: Registered debentures are those which are duly
recorded in the register of debenture holders maintained by the company.
These can be transferred only through a regular instrument of transfer. In
contrast, the debentures which are transferable by mere delivery are called
bearer debentures.
3. Convertible and Non-Convertible: Convertible debentures are those
debentures that can be converted into equity shares after the expiry of a
specified period. On the other hand, non-convertible debentures are those
which cannot be converted into equity shares.
4. First and Second: Debentures that are repaid before other debentures are
repaid are known as first debentures. The second debentures are those which
are paid after the first debentures have been paid back.
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Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD)
Inter Corporate Deposits are unsecured short-term deposits made by a company
with another company. ICD market is used for short-term cash management of a
large corporate. As per the RBI guidelines, the minimum period of ICDs is 7 days
which can be extended to one year.
The three types of Inter Corporate Deposits are:
(i) Three months deposits;
(ii) Six months deposits;
(iii) Call deposits.
Interest rate on ICDs may remain fixed or may be floating. The rate of interest on
these deposits is higher than that of banks. These deposits are usually considered
by the borrower company to solve problems of short-term funds insufficiency.
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Box E
Companies rush to float GDR issues
It’s not the IPO (initial public offer) market alone which is humming with activity.
Companies — mostly small and medium-sized — are rushing to the overseas
market to raise funds through Global Depository Receipts (GDRs). Five firms
have already raised $464 million (around ` 2,040 crore) from the international
markets through GDR offerings this year. This is almost double of $228.6 mn
raised by nine companies in 2004 and $63.09 mn mobilised by four companies
in 2003. Nearly 20 companies are waiting in the wings to launch GDR issues
worth over $1 bn in the coming months. On the other hand, though the number
of companies going for FCCB (Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds) issues
has come down, several companies are still in the FCCB race, thanks to lax
rules and disclosure norms. For example, Aarti Drugs Ltd. has decided to raise
$12 mn by issuing FCCBs.
Significantly, small and medium companies are now taking the GDR route to raise
funds this time even for a small amount. For example, Opto Circuits has decided to
go for a GDR issue of $20 mn with a green-shoe option of $5 mn. The share price
of this company shot up by 370 per cent from ` 34 on May 17, 2004 to around `
160 on the BSE recently. Videocon Industries, Lyka Labs, Indian Overseas Bank,
Jubilant Organosys, Maharashtra Seamless, Moschip Semiconductors, and Crew
BOS are planning GDR issues. Two banks — UTI Bank ($240 million) and Centurion
Bank ($70 million) — raised funds from the GDR market recently. Companies now
prefer GDR over FCCB issues in view of the rise in interest rates abroad.
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the bonds. The FCCB’s are issued (ii) Financial strength and stability
in a foreign currency and carry a of operations: The financial
fixed interest rate which is lower strength of a business is also a
than the rate of any other similar key determinant. In the choice of
non-convertible debt instrument. source of funds business should
FCCB’s are listed and traded in be in a sound financial position
foreign stock exchanges. FCCB’s so as to be able to repay the
are very similar to the convertible principal amount and interest on
debentures issued in India. the borrowed amount. When the
earnings of the organisation are
8.6 Factors Affecting the Choice not stable, fixed charged funds like
of the Source of Funds preference shares and debentures
should be carefully selected as
Financial needs of a business are of these add to the financial burden
different types — long term, short of the organisation.
term, fixed and fluctuating. Therefore, (iii) Form of organisation and legal
business firms resort to different types status: The form of business
of sources for raising funds. Short- organisation and status influences
term borrowings offer the benefit of the choice of a source for raising
reduced cost due to reduction of idle money. A partnership firm, for
capital, but long – term borrowings example, cannot raise money by
are considered a necessity on many issue of equity shares as these
grounds. Similarly equity capital has can be issued only by a joint stock
a role to play in the scheme for raising company.
funds in the corporate sector. (iv) P u r po s e a n d t i m e pe r i o d:
As no source of funds is devoid Business should plan according
of limitations, it is advisable to use to the time period for which the
a combination of sources, instead funds are required. A short-term
of relying only on a single source. A need for example can be met
number of factors affect the choice through borrowing funds at low
of this combination, making it a very rate of interest through trade
complex decision for the business. The credit, commercial paper, etc. For
factors that affect the choice of source long term finance, sources such
of finance are briefly discussed below: as issue of shares and debentures
(i) Cost: There are two types of cost are more appropriate. Similarly,
viz., the cost of procurement of the purpose for which funds are
funds and cost of utilising the required need to be considered so
funds. Both these costs should be that the source is matched with
taken into account while deciding the use. For example, a long-
about the source of funds that will term business expansion plan
be used by an organisation. should not be financed by a bank
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Key Terms
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capital. Investors who prefer steady income without undertaking higher risks
prefer these shares. A company can issue different types of preference shares.
Issue of debentures: Debenture represents the loan capital of a company and
the holders of debentures are the creditors. These are the fixed charged funds
that carry a fixed rate of interest. The issue of debentures is suitable in the
situation when the sales and earnings of the company are relatively stable.
Commercial banks: Banks provide short and medium-term loans to firms of
all sizes. The loan is repaid either in lump sum or in instalments. The rate of
interest charged by a bank depends upon factors including the characteristics
of the borrowing firm and the level of interest rates in the economy.
Financial institutions: Both central and state governments have established
a number of financial institutions all over the country to provide industrial
finance to companies engaged in business. They are also called development
banks. This source of financing is considered suitable when large funds are
required for expansion, reorganisation and modernisation of the enterprise.
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1. Collect information about the companies that have issued debentures in
recent years. Give suggestions to make debentures more popular.
2. Institutional financing has gained importance in recent years. In a scrapbook
paste detailed information about various financial institutions that provide
financial assistance to Indian companies.
3. On the basis of the sources discussed in the chapter, suggest suitable
options to solve the financial problem of the restaurant owner.
4. Prepare a comparative chart of all the sources of finance.
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