Salesforce FAQ
Salesforce FAQ
Salesforce FAQ
sharing rules
report types-
summary-tabular-columns many
dashboards-refreshment time ,how many columns can be created?
apex run time engine
action types
which action takes place first in workflows?field update
approval process-steps,actions -task,email alert,fu,out
visual force-html,xml
agile method
soql & sql diff & soql limits
import wizard
what is sales force
action function
apex-ajax diff
what is <apex columns>?
describe methods
salesforce sites
Scenario 3:
When a object is created an id is generated ,when a field is created an id is
generated.when an id or the object is deployed from one sandbox to another sandbox?
How will you support the id or identify the id?
7.What are record types?
8.Order of execution for tigger & workflow?
6)By Accenture (Pune): on 19th July
1.Tell me about your project?
2.What are owds / sharing rule?
Scenario 1:
When u have shared a patient report to the doctor,the access given was private.The
same report should be accesses by higher official?how is it possible?
3.What are profile & permission?
4.What are future annotation?what is asynchronous?what are the methods?
5. What are Test annotation? what are the methods?
6.What are setup object and none setup objects?how do u handle?
7.have u used the property see all data=true?
8.Difference b/w trigger and classes?
Scenario 1 :
Trigger insert on drinsert object ?how do u invoke this by a class and update the
9.What are scheduable interface?
10.What are the different types of controllers?Difference b/w custom controller and
Scenario 2:
In a vf page I have a custom controllerand many extensions as ext1,ext2,ext3 with
same method?how will the class overrides?
11.What is polymorphism
12.Data loader operations?
Scenario 3:
I hav Dr and patient object how will you export the records of these objects having
the city as same.
13.What are Batch apex?
14.Roll up summary??
7)Persistent Interview question on 30th Aug 2013
Tell me abt ur project?
What is the difference b/w with sharing and without sharing?
Workflow?Types of workflow?which type u have used?
What is a action support and action function?
1)I have 4 a/cs and 10 contacts how can i retrive the account details
DataLoader :
2)Future Annotation
can i cal a future method in another future method
3)what is apex scheduler
how can i get page refreshed for every 10 seconds
4)what are action methods?
what are the attributes of action function?
5)how do u write a query in soql?
Scenario :i have a scenario how can i get the account related contact details
through soql query?and would like to retrieve about 1 lakh records?
6) Scenario :i hav a scenario i have an account object and 'n' number of a contacts
to the account?how can get the count of this contacts?
7)quote view page?can we overwrite?
8) Scenario :i have a scenario how can i get the count displayed in a page for an
account object?
9)what is custom setting??
Scenario :i have a scenario i have moved a apex picklistclass from sandbox to
production and now i would like to add one picklist value in class? where can i add
the value in sandbox or in production?
10)what is a Report?Types of Report ?what is a dashboard?
11)what is view stats?
12) Scenario :i have a scenario in an account object when ever i update the account
name ,the same name should get updated in contact?By Trigger .Tell me the steps
how do u write
13)what is Recursive Triggers?
14)How do u invoke the recursive trigger?
Written Test :
Technical Round :
Tell me abt ur self ?
Scenario :
i have created a vf page with name ,area and a create button?if i click on Create
button ,it should direct me to the other page and retrive all the records of an
obj?how can u achieve this?
1)What was the best challenging work u have done till now as a developer?
2)How many triggers u have written til nw from scratch?
3)Scenario :
I have 2 two objects obj1(parent) and obj2(child).i want to delete the child
records?how do u achieve this?
4)How many triggers can be written on an object?
5)What are trigger exceptions?
6)Field account(after update)
7)What is the difference b/w Database.insert and insert?
8)Can we write Soql query in for loop?
9)Scenario :
I have one account obj having many contacts.Now I want one contact to have many
accounts?how do u achieve this?
10)What is the relationship b/w campign and lead?Their is a junction object b/w
campign and lead?what is that?
11)What is the relationship b/w account and contact?
12)What is the difference b/w and
13)What is the relationship b/w and
14)In how many ways u can write a validation rule on an object?
15)What is the difference b/w <apex:message>,<apex:messages>
16)How many types of migrations ?If I want to migrate opportunity obj wat are the
steps involved?
17)What sandboxes are u using in your organization?what are types of sandbox?
18)How do u differentiate b/w a class and test class?
19)How do u write a test class to insert a account?
20)What is the differernce b/w set and map?Do map allow duplicate values?
21)How many maps can be used ?
22)What is BULK API?