The FRBM Act
The FRBM Act
The FRBM Act
Presented by:
Rinkal Oza
Priyank Shah
Mehul Gadhiya
Sachin Nandha
The FRBM Act
• Enacted by Parliament in 2003 to bring in
fiscal discipline.
• Received the President’s assent in August the
same year.
• UPA govt. had notified the FRBM Rules in
July 2004.
FRBM Goals
Integrating FRBM Mandate in Budget Process
Budget Format
• Plan exp:-
– The expenditure of the government can be broken up into Plan and
Non-Plan Expenditure.
– Money given from the government’s account for the Central Plan is
called Plan Expenditure.
– This is developmental in nature and is spent on schemes detailed in the
• Non-plan exp: -
– covers all expenditure of government not included in the Plan.
– It includes both development and non-development expenditure. Part
of the expenditure is obligatory in nature, eg interest payments,
pensionary charges, defence and internal security, transfers to States,
– Expenditure on maintaining the assets created in previous Plans is also
treated as Non-Plan Expenditure
Plan Expenditure
• NREGS - Rs.16000 cr
• JNNURM – Rs. 5482 cr
• Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Mission-6500cr
• Sanitation programme -1200 cr
• Desalination Plant near Chennai provided Rs.300cr
• NER provided 16447 cr
• Scholarship SC-804 cr, ST-195 cr, OBC-164 cr, Minoroties-100 cr
• National Handicapped Development Corporation -9 cr
• Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Programme for SC & ST student
pursuing M.Phil & Ph.D allocated 75 cr.
• Justice Rajindar Sanchar Committee -1000 cr
11th FIVE YEAR PLAN- the crucial second year
14% 10% Non-tax revenue
10% 8% Defence
central plan
State share of tax &
19% duties
Other non plan exp.
Direct Taxes…..
• Personal Tax:- • Corporation Tax:-
• It is the imposed on the • It is the tax imposed on
income of individual which assemble profit of
is derived from a variety of companies and
sources unincorporated associations.
• The tax is progressive, • Calculated after interest but
proportional and regressive before dividend distribution.
according of the tax rise, • Companies are also liable to
remains or falls with rise in pay tax on capital gains.
• Inheritance Tax:- • Wealth Tax: -
• It is the tax levied on • It is the tax imposed on
transfer of wealth on the specified stock of
death from the assets held by an
decreased individual to economic unit that
the other living yields or has the
• It is also sometimes potential to yield
called Death duty or income in some form
Estate Duty
Indirect Taxes…
• Excise Duty: - • Custom Duty: -
• It is the tax levied on • Impose on goods and
the production of services crossing
goods for home international borders
between two countries.
• A country imposes tax
• It is generally central on both import and
government at export.
specified rates. • It is distributed in
• Value-Added Tax: - • Central Sales Tax: -
• It is the general tax applied • Tax imposed on retail prices
at each point of exchange of of goods at the point of sale.
goods from primary
production to final • Basically represents tax on
consumption all expenditures.
• The full chain extends from
the produce of raw materials
of final consumer and
covers both producer and
• Value added at distribution,
wholesaling and retailing.
• In this form the prices
become higher and the final
consumer bears the whole
Tax Reforms…………
Personal Tax Rates
Existing Proposed
1,10,001-1,50,000 10 1,50,001-3,00,000 10
1,50,001-2,50,000 20 3,00,001-5,00,000 20
2,50,001-10,00,000 30 5,00,001-10,00,000 30