Corporate Glossary 2020: v1 (Full Version)

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Corporate Glossary

v1 (Full Version)
analytics – Discovery and communication of
ABAP – Proprietary SAP software programming meaningful patterns in data. It is applied to
language. business data to describe, predict, and improve
business performance; recommend action; and
Academic Competence Center (ACC) – guide decision making across all organizations
Physical locations that partner with SAP University and functions in a company. Analytics helps
Alliances and University Competence Centers companies gain new insight and understanding of
(UCCs) to provide language translation services their business performance based on data and
and local curriculum and technical support in statistical methods. See “SAP Analytics” and “SAP
certain regions. There are five ACCs across the Unified Analytics.”
globe in Austria, C.I.S., South Africa, Taiwan, and
Switzerland. See “SAP University Alliances.” app – Short for “application,” this term is used at
SAP exclusively for mobile or Web applications.
accessibility – Umbrella term for efforts to ensure See “mobile app(s).”
that the environment at SAP and large global
events hosted by SAP are accessible for application – Software that enables organizations
differently-abled people, such as by adding live to address specific business needs and to perform
and closed captioning on videos and keynote certain business processes or activities. An
screens. We also endeavor to ensure that SAP application may comprise one software product or
software is accessible to the differently-abled. multiple software products, components, or
Act to Grow – An internal program that helps
employees explore career development application lifecycle management – Processes,
opportunities. This program can work with but is tools, services, and organizational model used to
separate from other development initiatives at manage SAP and third-party software throughout
SAP. Act to Grow focuses on helping employees the solution lifecycle, from concept to phase-out.
take an active role in their own professional This recommended approach to application
development. lifecycle management (ALM) enables companies
to adopt innovations from SAP rapidly and gain
add-on – Software application that is technically optimal value from their business solutions. See
dependent on – and can only be installed on top “SAP Solution Manager” and “SAP Cloud ALM.
of – another application. See “application.”
Ariba – See “SAP Ariba.”
Africa Code Week – Corporate social
responsibility initiative led by SAP initiated in 2015 Ariba Network – Business commerce network
to help instill digital literacy and coding skills in the where companies of all sizes can connect to their
young generation across African countries. This trading partners anywhere, at any time from any
program works closely with private, public, and application or device to buy, sell, and manage
non-profit partners to drive sustainable learning their cash more efficiently and effectively than
impact across Africa. 2019 results were ever before. Companies around the world use
phenomenal, with 3.85 million young Africans Ariba Network to simplify interenterprise
introduced to digital skills. In 2020, the reach was commerce and enhance the results they deliver.
expanded to 54 countries through a new virtual See “business network.”
model and mobile app.
artificial intelligence (AI) – A standard definition
Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) of AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence
( – Non-profit organization processes by machines and computer systems.
comprising customer companies dedicated to These processes include learning through the
providing educational and networking acquisition of information and rules for using
opportunities in support of SAP software and information; reasoning through using the rules to
implementation. User groups are established in reach approximate or definite conclusions; and by
regions around the world to share knowledge and self-correction. AI capabilities are built into SAP’s
influence SAP development efforts. ASUG is the intelligent technology solutions. See “intelligent
largest user group with more than 100,000 technologies” and “Intelligent Enterprise.”
members from thousands of companies across
the SAP ecosystem.

Autism at Work – Outreach program connects intelligent technology is still developing and areas
people on the autism spectrum with SAP for business application are growing. SAP also
employment resources with an emphasis on offers blockchain services. See “SAP Blockchain
careers in technology. In 2018, SAP onboarded Business Services.”
people with autism in 23 different roles, in 13
countries, and 28 locations through this program. Build Customers for Life – Program that focuses
See “SAP Autism Inclusion Pledge.” on establishing unified post-sales process
standards and supporting IT infrastructure across
B all cloud offerings. It enables one harmonized
customer experience across both digital and direct
interaction points to deliver one lifecycle
Back to Best ( experience across the portfolio.
19/back-to-best/customers.html) – Campaign
focused on how SAP is helping companies get Business Beyond Bias – Concept addressed by
back to running at their best during and after the SAP SuccessFactors solutions that helps move
COVID-19 pandemic. The solutions provided aim business beyond bias in the hiring process.
to help companies mitigate risks, ensure business Solutions in SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
continuity, and manage the needs brought on by a cover the full range of talent decision-making
rapidly changing business and health processes, including decisions around whom to
environment. hire, how to manage, and whom to develop,
reward, and promote. Organizations can make
benchmarking – Process of measuring products, informed decisions, preventing, detecting, and
services, and practices against those of leading eliminating bias right where it occurs.
companies, which can also be used as a
reference point of measurement for evaluating business data platform – See “SAP HANA.”
best practices.
Business Health Culture Index (BHCI) –
best practice – A management concept that Indicator of the extent to which SAP successfully
involves devising a method of process that most offers employees a working environment that
effectively produces a desired outcome. SAP promotes health, supporting their long-term
applications use business best practices to help employability and their active engagement in
customers automate common business processes reaching SAP’s ambitious corporate goals. The
through software and technology. See “SAP Best BHCI is calculated based on the results of the
Practices.” engagement survey program “#Unfiltered.”
Best Run TopX – Initiative that presents one business intelligence (BI) – Software that
integrated program portfolio consisting of strategic enables users to analyze an organization’s raw
programs that span across all functions and Board data and make fact-based decisions. BI-related
areas of SAP with clear targets to improve processes include data mining, analytical
customer, partner, employee, and shareholder processing, querying, and reporting. Business
experience. It incorporates the Best-Run SAP and intelligence offerings from SAP include SAP
Best-Run Now initiatives as of July 2020. BusinessObjects BI solutions, SAP Crystal
Reports, as well as the SAP BusinessObjects BI
Big Data – Large volume of data created by platform.
billions of connected devices and people
generating a tremendous amount of information business network – An online service that
about their behavior, location, and activity. This connects businesses and their systems to those
availability of massive amounts of data requires of their trading partners and enables new
companies to rethink technology architecture and processes and information and insight sharing
database structures. only possible in a digital environment. See “Ariba
Blank Canvas
( business priority – Important focus for a line of
canvas-trailer/) – This names a video series business, industry, or technology area for which
produced by SAP Insights that explores how SAP addresses with end-to-end solutions. See
people use their personal values to drive their “end-to-end solution.”
decision-making processes about who they buy
from, trust, and work for.
business process – Set of logically related
blockchain – Based on distributed ledgers, activities performed within an organization to
blockchain technology securely records complete a defined business task. SAP provides
information across peer-to-peer networks. This software and technology that enable and support

business processes. Order processing and payroll avoided, or sequestered to compensate for
are typical examples. emissions occurring elsewhere.

business process intelligence – Common carbon impact – Term used for SAP’s ambitious
foundation for a business process semantic layer, short-term and long-term carbon reduction
which contains capabilities for process insights targets. SAP measures the net carbon emissions
and process improvements. It is a key element of according to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.
the Intelligent Enterprise strategy in 2021. The net carbon emissions are calculated by
Business process intelligence (BPI) solutions from deducting emission savings such as renewable
SAP allow users to turn process insights into electricity and carbon offsets from gross carbon
actions to help drive digital transformation. emissions. See “carbon emissions.”

business transformation as a service – carbon neutral – Goal or state of emitting net

Software, technology, and services in the cloud to zero greenhouse gases for certain activities. This
support customers in their digital transformation. It includes reducing emissions, but also using
helps enterprises holistically transform their renewable electricity certificates or carbon credits.
business with a fast time to value using new
business models and more intelligent processes – Climate 21 – Co-innovation initiative with
at their own speed and terms, regardless of their customers, in which technology is developed to
starting point. RISE with SAP is SAP’s business track, analyze, and report the carbon footprint of
transformation as a service package that customers’ products along the entire value chain.
simplifies the customer journey through business SAP has developed three new sustainability
process redesign, technical migration, and a solutions for this program: SAP Product Carbon
blueprint to build an intelligent enterprise. See Footprint Analytics, SAP Product Footprint
“RISE with SAP.” Management, and SAP Business Ecology
Management. See “SAP Product Carbon Footprint
business user – Employees who spend Analytics,” “SAP Product Footprint Management,”
significant time finding and sharing information, and “SAP Business Ecology Management.”
collaborating with others, coordinating projects,
devising strategy or operational tactics, and cloud computing – Generic term for flexible, IT-
coming up with new ideas based on information related services available through, or hosted on,
gathered from multiple sources. Also called the Internet for consumers and business,
“knowledge or information workers” or “business including storage, computing power, software
consumers.” development environments, and applications,
combined with service delivery. Accessed as
C needed “in the cloud,” these services eliminate the
need for in-house IT resources. See “cloud
service model.”
CallidusCloud/Callidus Software – See “SAP
Customer Experience,” “SAP Sales Cloud,” “SAP cloud credit(s) – As part of the consumption-
Service Cloud,” and “SAP CPQ.” based commercial model for SAP Business
Technology Platform (SAP BTP), cloud credits are
Call to Lead – SAP program that brings together the monetary value for prepaid service
thought leaders and executives from across consumption. These credits are acquired through
industries to share personal experiences and best the Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement (CPEA)
practices for creating and supporting diverse and through a pre-investment. With cloud credits as a
inclusive communities. Call to Lead Unplugged is payment equivalent, customers can consume the
the related event series for executives to network cloud services they need. See “Cloud Platform
and share their stories about thought leadership Enterprise Agreement” and “SAP Business
and customer experience Technology Platform.”
carbon credit – A tradable certificate that allows cloud deployment models – The different
the holder to emit one ton of CO2 or the respective infrastructure, software lifecycle management,
equivalent of any other greenhouse gas. and licensing models used for deploying software,
that is, where software runs and how much control
carbon emissions – The sum of all greenhouse and flexibility a customer has to manage it.
gas emissions measured and reported for SAP,
including the compensation with renewable Cloud ERP – Cloud ERP as a portfolio was
energy or offset. retired in January 2020 and was fully replaced by
“Intelligent ERP.” See “Intelligent ERP.”
carbon emission offset – Unit of carbon dioxide-
equivalent (CO2 equivalent) that is reduced,

Cloud Foundry – Open source platform as a It does not include the travel management
service backed by the largest technology capabilities found in Concur Travel & Expense.
companies in the world, including Cisco, Dell
EMC, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Concur Expense Management Suite – A single-
Microsoft, Pivotal, SAP, and SUSE. Its container- priced suite made up of Concur Expense, Concur
based architecture runs apps in any language on Request, ExpenseIt, SAP Solution Integration,
any choice of cloud platform. A Cloud Foundry and a single sign-on service.
environment is available for SAP BTP. See
“platform as a service (PaaS)” and “SAP Business Concur Invoice – Solution designed to help
Technology Platform.” organizations transform manual invoice tasks into
automated and digital processes. This solution is
Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement (CPEA) particularly useful for customers whose
– Agreement between SAP and customers use to employees are working from home.
purchase cloud credits as part of the
consumption-based commercial model for SAP Concur Travel & Expense – Signature offering
BTP. See “cloud credit(s).” from acquired company Concur that helps
businesses simplify the entire travel expense
cloud service model – “As-a-service” offerings management process, from spend requests to
where cloud services are offered as infrastructure reconciliation, with an integrated expense
as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), reporting solution. Easy-to-use tools help improve
or software as a service (SaaS). productivity, increase compliance, and gain
control over spend. See “SAP Concur.”
cloud solutions from SAP – Category used to
communicate all of SAP offerings and efforts connectivity – Framework that describes the
related to the cloud, including platform, managed interrelatedness of SAP’s social, environmental,
services, solutions, technology, and infrastructure. and economic performance. Based on statistical
analysis, it allowed us to quantify the impact of
Code of Business Conduct – Global compliance non-financial measures on the operating profit
document communicated to all SAP employees offering a holistic understanding of SAP’s value
globally that contains a fundamental set of rules creation.
that define how SAP conducts business and
require the highest levels of integrity and ethics. Coresystems – See “SAP Field Service
The Code sets the standard for dealings with Management” and “SAP Customer Experience.”
customers, partners, competitors, and vendors,
and each employee is bound by it. It is adapted Corona-Warn-App – An app co-designed by SAP,
locally and translated into local languages. We Deutsche Telekom, and other partners, to track
also expect SAP partners and suppliers to commit COVID-19 infections and break transmission
to meeting the high standards of integrity and chains in Germany. It was launched by the
sustainability through the SAP Partner Code of German government mid-2020. In October 2020,
Conduct and the SAP Supplier Code of Conduct. the app was connected to COVID-19 contact
tracing apps in Italy and the Republic of Ireland,
co-location data center – Contracted third-party enabled through a system called the European
data center where servers and other equipment Union (EU) interoperability gateway, an
from many different companies are ‘co-located’ in intergovernmental and cross-border initiative
one data center. The hardware is usually owned
by the companies themselves, and simply housed corporate social responsibility – See “SAP
(and sometimes maintained) by the data center Corporate Social Responsibility.”
customer engagement lifecycle – Model that
component – Modular piece of software offering provides an integrated framework of practices to
functions accessible through interfaces. help create and deliver customer value. The
phases of the customer engagement lifecycle
Concur Drive – Add-on to the Concur Expense represent the common route followed by the SAP
solution, this Web service allows businesses to and the customer teams in the process of
automatically capture distance driven as an identifying, delivering, operating, and managing
automated alternative to self-reported mileage, solutions that best fit the customer’s needs.
reducing overspending in organizations. See
“Concur Expense.” Customer First – Internal global initiative that
focuses on efforts to improve the way everyone at
Concur Expense – Cloud solution that helps SAP works and cares for SAP customers by
customers track, analyze, and report on spending. ensuring the company provides a consistent,

positive, end-to-end experience that delivers shipment phase. The standard software release is
successful outcomes. shipped to customers unless a specific release is
ordered. Usually, the most recent release of an
Customer Influence SAP software product is declared the current
( default release once the restricted shipment
involvement/influence-adopt.html) – Overall phase has ended.
customer program made up of four different Digital Partner Network for SAP Fieldglass
offerings that enable SAP customers to influence solutions – Network launched in 2018 as a new
and adopt SAP innovations throughout the ecosystem network to help customers transform
product lifecycle, at no extra charge. See “SAP how they engage and manage an external
Customer Connection,” “SAP Customer workforce of freelancers, contingent workers,
Engagement Initiative,” “SAP Continuous independent contractors, and other service
Influence,” and “SAP Early Adopter Care.” providers. See “SAP Fieldglass.”

Customer Net Promoter Score (NPS) – Metric digital transformation – Concept that refers to
that describes the willingness of customers to the changes associated with the application of
recommend or promote an organization or digital technology in all aspects of society. Digital
company to others. It is defined as the percentage technologies empower customers and consumers
of customers that are likely to recommend an in a way they never could before, transforming
organization or company to friends or colleagues their relationship with brands and products.
(promoters) minus the percentage of customers Businesses need to meet these new challenges or
that are unlikely to do so. will miss the potential business success to be
realized in the digital economy. Through RISE with
Customer Success – New SAP Executive Board SAP, SAP offers business transformation as a
area combining the former SAP Digital Business service to help customers on their digital
Services and Global Customer Operations transformation journey. See “business
created in February 2020. This organization is transformation as a service.”
now responsible for global service and support
delivery as well as portfolio management, Digitalist Magazine by SAP – Online magazine
maintenance go-to-market activities, mobile retired in June 2020. The content is now
services, development of service and solution published as part of SAP Insights. See “SAP
best practices, learning content development, and Insights.”
management of SAP user groups and SAP
University Alliances. diversity – The practice or quality of including or
involving people from a range of different social
D and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders,
sexual orientations, etc. See “SAP Global
Diversity and Inclusion Office.”
data center energy – Sum of electricity
consumed to provide internal and external DSAG – Abbreviation for Deutschsprachige SAP-
computation power in SAP data centers, Anwendergruppe (German-Speaking SAP Users’
contracted third-party data centers (co-locations), Group), with more than 60,000 members in more
and hyperscale data centers. See “co-location than 3,500-member companies in German-
data center” and “hyperscaler.” speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and
data lake – Method of storing massive
repositories of raw data in its native format,
including structured, semistructured, and E
unstructured data. The data structure and
requirements are not defined until the data is Early College High School – Running in four
needed. cities in North America, this program model blends
high-school curriculum with college-level
data platform (as a service) – See “SAP HANA coursework and workplace experience to help
Cloud.” students develop strong technical, design, and
communication skills. The program connects
data warehousing – Electronic collection of students to career pathways in technology and
information organized for easy access by improves the long-term pipeline of trained talent
computer programs. See “SAP Business for the technology sector in North America. In
Warehouse” and “SAP BW/4HANA.” 2018, the founding school, New York City’s
Business Technology Early College High School
default release – Most recent release of an SAP (BTECH), graduated 85% of the legacy class,
software product after it enters the unrestricted exceeding city graduation averages.

increase their professional and social networks to
Early Knowledge Transfer – SAP training strengthen professional development. ENGs must
program that delivers early product-related be closely aligned with employee engagement
knowledge to presales, sales, consultants, and retention, career development, and business
partners, and support teams. This program impacts. Other companies may refer to these as
contributes to the successful implementation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).
ramp-up projects and is a crucial element of the
ramp-up process in the product innovation employee retention – Ratio of the average
lifecycle at SAP. Formerly called Ramp-Up number of employees minus the employees who
Knowledge Transfer. voluntarily departed, to the average number of
employees, taking into account the past 12
ecosystem – Construct encompassing SAP and months (in full-time equivalents, FTEs). This ratio
its customers and partners that extends the value puts emphasis on employee-initiated turnover. As
SAP provides to its customers. By bringing opposed to keeping a low turnover rate – which
together community-based insight, innovative companies generally seek to do – we aim to keep
partner solutions, and industry-leading the retention rate high. A higher retention rate
collaboration and co-innovation, it enables signifies that fewer employees are choosing to
customers to extract the greatest possible value leave SAP.
from their SAP investments. The SAP ecosystem
currently consists of more than 20,000 partners end-to-end process – Set of activities supporting
worldwide that build, sell, service, and run SAP defined management, core, or support processes.
solutions and technology. Customers can use these activities as a reference
to map their own processes.
Edge edition(s) – Version(s) of existing SAP
software products or technology designed for, and end-to-end solution – Software solution that
marketed to, small businesses and midsize drives strategic business outcomes and directly
companies. These offerings may be streamlined contribute to a business priority in an industry, line
versions, limited scope, or customized of business, or technology area. These solutions
functionality of existing software that is targeted to are structured into solution capabilities that
the business needs of small and midsize comprise individual software products, instances,
enterprises (SMEs). The phrase “Edge edition” is and/or license materials. End-to-end solutions
added as a qualifier to indicate the nature of the provide a business scope with a comprehensive
offering. Examples include SAP HANA, Edge value proposition. See “business priority.”
edition; SAP Master Data Governance, Edge
edition; and SAP Disclosure Management, Edge End User’s Voice – External program that
edition. connects end users of SAP software to SAP's
development departments to collaborate on
Emarsys – A leading omnichannel customer improvements and future features.
engagement providers acquired by SAP in
November 2020. By enhancing the SAP Customer engagement survey – SAP’s annual employee
Experience portfolio, Emarsys solutions change survey under the theme of #Unfiltered in 2019
how commerce is managed digitally to deliver started a new era of feedback experience using
hyperpersonalized, omnichannel engagements in Qualtrics technology. Formerly called People
real time. See “SAP Customer Experience.” Survey.

Embrace – A collaborative initiative between SAP, enterprise mobility – Term used in business and
Microsoft, and global strategic service partners to industry to refer to the concept and approach to
help bring existing SAP ERP customers to an SAP making a business mobile where employees can
S/4HANA-centric application landscape in the perform business-related tasks through mobile
cloud. devices. SAP uses “enterprise mobility” as the
umbrella term for an overall mobile strategy.
Employee Engagement Index – Score for the
level of employee commitment, pride, and loyalty, enterprise resource planning – See “SAP ERP.”
as well as the feeling of employees of being
advocates for their company. The index is essential business services from SAP –
calculated based on the results of the Portfolio of individual services that are considered
engagement survey program “#Unfiltered” critical to businesses during the COVID-19
powered by Qualtrics. pandemic. The scenarios contained within this
portfolio were created in collaboration with
Employee Network Group (ENG)– Voluntary and customers and are intended to help companies
employee-driven group coming together to address business challenges and opportunities

caused by the pandemic. Examples include F
scenarios designed to assess e-commerce
performance, optimize inventory, and build Fieldglass – See “SAP Fieldglass.”
technology-based solutions, such as applications
for emergency aid. 5 & 5 by ’25 – Initiative that is part of the SAP
One Billion Lives program in which SAP, along
EU Access from SAP – Service that allows with customers and partners, can set a goal of
customers to limit access when necessary to spending 5% of their company's addressable
customer data during maintenance or delivery of procurement spend with social enterprises and
SAP service and support from suppliers outside of 5% with socially diverse suppliers globally by the
the European Union to adhere to company year 2025. See “SAP One Billion Lives.”
guidelines, local statutory requirements, or
industry regulation. focused business solution – Targeted software
from the SAP Innovative Business Solutions
e-waste (electronic waste) – Any discarded organization that addresses process requirements
electric devices used in our offices and data for smaller, more defined markets. These market-
centers, such as computers, computer monitors, ready solutions address business processes
or mobile devices. where future substantial functional and legal
enhancements are possible; they cover a defined
Executive Digital Exchange – Event co-hosted geographical area of coverage, with
by SAP and partners that brings together world- corresponding language availability, and offer
class speakers and industry leaders around the standard support offering and transparent support
digital topic. period. See “SAP Innovative Business Solutions.”
ExpenseIt – The mobile app was fully integrated
with SAP Concur solutions this year, providing G
valuable functionality that uses receipt scanning
technology powered by machine learning to turn General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) –
receipts into expense report line items. See “SAP Set of laws that came into force on May 25, 2018,
Concur.” which affects data privacy practices throughout
the European Union (EU).
Expense Pay Global – Add-on to the Concur
Expense solution, this Web service allows Gigya – See “SAP Customer Data Cloud” and
customers to gain greater visibility into all spend “SAP Customer Experience.”
by standardizing the process on one end-to-end
payment solution. This Web service improves Global Customer Reference Program –
communication, ensures timely payment, reduces Program offering detailed information about
or eliminates human intervention to speed up reference customers from around the world using
reimbursement time, and helps control cash flow. a database that channel partners can access to
See “Concur Expense.” help close a deal with a new SAP customer.
Reference customers have agreed to participate
Experience Management (XM) – Experience in one or more reference activities on behalf of
Management (XM) solutions from SAP and SAP.
Qualtrics combine experience data (X-data) and
operational data (O-data) to measure and improve Global Pandemic Task Force – A team within
the experiences provided to customers and SAP’s Crisis Management & Business Continuity
stakeholders. The term refers to both the unit set up in early 2020 at the beginning of the
technology as well as the discipline of seeking out COVID-19 pandemic. The main responsibilities
and closing the gaps found in the four core include assessing the situation daily, providing
experiences of business – customer, product, guidance and making sure employees are safe
employee, and brand. See “Qualtrics XM and secure, while keeping a holistic view on the
Platform.” global situation.

Evolution Partnership – A new initiative between Global Partner Operations (GPO) –

IBM and SAP to expand our partnership with new Organization created in mid-2014 at SAP that is
investments and offerings to accelerate the responsible for all SAP partner relationships. See
journey of mutual customers to the intelligent “SAP PartnerEdge.”
enterprise with new industry cloud solutions.
green cloud – Term to describe the SAP strategy
to run all internal, external, and hyperscale data
centers with 100% renewable electricity through

the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates. Human Revolution – This names a campaign
See “Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).” and initiative that drives engagement from HR
leaders and practitioners and builds awareness of
greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint – Sum of all SAP SuccessFactors solutions.
greenhouse gas emissions measured and
reported, including renewable energy and third- hybrid cloud – Deployment model that uses
party reductions, for example, offsets. resources comprised of a mix of two or more
distinct cloud deployment models that are
Grow SAP – New fixed-term equity plan from integrated by standardized or proprietary
2020– 2023 that recognizes employees’ technology enabling data and application
commitment to SAP and deepens participation in portability. Also called "hybrid cloud deployment
future company performance. Part of SAP’s equity model."
landscape with Own SAP and Move SAP.
hybrid landscape – Mix of on-premise and any
H cloud deployment model(s). Alternatively referred
to as an “on premise to cloud” or “hybrid
Hadoop – Part of the Apache project sponsored environment.”
by the Apache Software Foundation, this open
source, Java-based programming framework hyperscaler – Third-party providers operating
supports the processing of large data sets in a large-scale data center(s) to enable massive,
distributed computing environment. As open efficient, and robust scalability of computing,
source technology, Hadoop is an efficient system, and server architecture to respond to the
distributed file system that enables the analysis increasing demand for cloud computing and Big
and processing of very large volumes of data from Data solutions.
a great number of varied, structured, and
unstructured sources. SAP Distribution for I
Hadoop software provides redistribution of
Apache Hadoop developed by Hortonworks. inclusion – The achievement of a work
environment in which all individuals are treated
Hasso Plattner Founders’ Award – Introduced in fairly and respectfully, have equal access to
2014, this employee award is the highest opportunities and resources, and can contribute
employee recognition at SAP, presented annually fully to the organization's success. See “SAP
by the CEO to an individual or a team. The award Global Diversity and Inclusion Office.”
is named after one of the original founders of SAP
and current chairman of the SAP Supervisory inclusive language – Language free from
Board, Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner. expressions or words that reflect prejudice. In
2020, SAP started the Inclusive Language Project
Horizons by SAP – Online journal that brings to review terms that are considered non-inclusive
together perspectives from SAP and external and replace them across the SAP ecosystem.
thought leaders on technology and business
innovation. Replaced SAP Trend Report in May- Inclusive Leadership – Program for people
2019. managers in the Customer Success Board area. It
“How We Run” – Core values that describe how contains videos, snippets, online learning, and
we get things done at SAP and what makes the articles that enable people managers to consider
SAP culture unique. These five behaviors are a how inclusion can be incorporated in their
cornerstone of a value-driven company: tell it like organizations. Participants are then challenged to
it is; stay curious; embrace differences; keep the immediately incorporate these inclusive behaviors
promise; build bridges, not silos. In 2020, “How in their teams.
We Run” was extended and relaunched under the
name “How We Run and Lead.” See “How We independent software vendor (ISV) – Company
Run and Lead.” that makes and sells software products that run
on one or more computer hardware or operating
“How We Run and Lead” – Relaunched version system platforms.
of the “How We Run” core values. The five
existing core values tell it like it is, stay curious, industry – An economic sector characterized by a
embrace differences, keep the promise, build typical value chain, business processes, and set
bridges, not siloes were extended by three more of products and services that the companies
leadership behaviors: Unlock potential, explore operating in it have in common. At SAP,
possibilities, and make it happen together. “industries” is also used as a term to differentiate
between line-of-business functions such as
marketing, procurement, and finance, and those

functions specific to an industry. The SAP portfolio and applications). IaaS consumers do not manage
addresses the needs of 25 industries and underlying cloud infrastructure but may control
additional subsegments. See “industry segment.” networking components (such as host firewalls).

industry cloud – Refers to the SAP strategy to in-memory computing – Major advance in
extend the intelligent suite with innovative industry information technology that creates a dramatic
cloud solutions built by SAP and partners in the change in computing, analytics, and data storage.
cloud, running on the cloud infrastructure of SAP Combining advances in multicore processing with
and hyperscaler partners. The result is an open more affordable servers, in-memory computing
business and technology platform for customers’ allows information to be stored in the main
core business in their respective industries. In memory rather than in relational databases to
short, the industry cloud acts as an open business greatly accelerate processing times. It disrupts the
process and technology platform to foster traditional IT stack comprised of hardware,
innovation and collaboration between customers, middleware, and software, where disk-based
partners, and SAP. Introduced in June 2020 relational databases can become bottlenecks.
during SAPPHIRE NOW Reimagined, this one
portfolio extends the Intelligent Enterprise strategy in-memory database – Database that keeps all
into the industry space. active records in main memory rather than on
disk. Accessing in-memory records is
industry cluster – A broad economic sector considerably faster than retrieving them from the
whose industries have certain aspects of their disk, significantly increasing performance. The
value chain, business processes, or a set of SAP HANA business data platform is a
products and services in common. Examples groundbreaking database that allows businesses
include consumer or discrete manufacturing. to take advantage of in-memory computing. See
Industry 4.0 – refers to the current trend of
automation and data exchange in manufacturing in-memory data fabric – Concept that uses
technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, smart data access technology from SAP HANA to
the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, deliver accelerated business intelligence to
cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence. customers.
See “Industry 4.Now.”
innovation – SAP invests in three types of
Industry 4.Now – Board-sponsored and funded product and service innovation: continuous
program that aims to refocus SAP’s market innovation, which involves incremental
presence and increase revenue in the areas improvements to existing offerings; adjacent
covered by Industry 4.0, and to grow awareness innovation, which are enhancements to the
of SAP solutions in this space. The program existing portfolio using new technologies or
includes go-to-market strategy and further applying existing knowledge to new markets; and
software development. transformative innovation that exploits new trends,
technologies, and business models, yielding
industry portfolios – Software portfolios that revolutionary products and markets.
address the business needs of 25 different
industries. Innovation Score – Measure from the yearly SAP
employee survey that focuses on how the
industry segment – An economic subsector innovation culture at the company is perceived by
within an industry that is characterized by a typical SAP employees.
value chain, business processes, and set of
products and services that the companies Insight to Actions – A cross-Board collaboration
operating in it have in common. Examples include that identified over 20 initiatives to address
agribusiness and fashion. systemic customer feedback. The program also
includes an engagement process spanning
Industry Value Network – SAP program that regions, solutions, and services.
brings together customers, independent software
vendors, system integrators, technology vendors, Intelligent Enterprise
and SAP to form a network of groups to stimulate (
co-innovation and the development of high-impact enterprise.html) – Integrated enterprises that use
business solutions for an industry. data to feed their intelligence. SAP’s Intelligent
Enterprise strategy enables customers to become
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) – Processing, intelligent enterprises by integrating data and
storage, network, other computing resources, and processes, building flexible value chains,
typically a defined level of support for consumers innovating with industry best practices, providing
to deploy software (such as operating systems customers the ability to understand and act on

their customer, partner, and employee sentiment, K
and how to manage their environmental impact —
to grow more resilient, more profitable, and more key performance indicator (KPI) – Performance
sustainable. The strategy is built on and includes figure for which threshold values are defined and
a business technology platform, sustainability against which validation is executed.
management, intelligent suite, industry cloud,
experience management, business process Klaus Tschira Innovation Award – Award that
intelligence, business network, and cloud honors SAP partners and customers that have
infrastructure that address more than 12 lines of contributed a unique and innovative solution in the
business and 25 industries. See “intelligent suite,” field of human resources, named in honor of one
“SAP Business Technology Platform,” “SAP of the original founders of SAP.
Business Network, “industry cloud,” and
“Experience Management (XM).”
Intelligent ERP – Term used to message ERP
offerings at SAP that now go beyond core ERP Land, Adopt, Consume, Expand (LACE) –
and enterprise management to include Operating model that aligns sales, services, and
functionality from selected finance and digital customer engagement activities for a seamless
supply chain solutions. It speaks to the added experience across customer interactions with SAP
value and differentiator of on-premise and cloud- along the customer lifecycle.
based ERP solutions, including SAP ERP, SAP
S/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud. It replaces Leadership Trust Score – Based on the Net
the terms “digital core” and “Cloud ERP” used in Promoter Score (NPS) methodology that results
the past. It is not the name of an individual from a question in the annual global employee
product, suite, or portfolio. survey that gauges employees’ trust in leaders. It
measures the collective effort to foster a work
Intelligent Spend Management – Initiative that environment based on trust. SAP uses this score
brings together SAP Ariba, SAP Concur, and SAP to further enhance accountability for leaders and
Fieldglass solutions. Integrated with SAP executive management.
S/4HANA, these solutions help customers
manage the three primary categories of supplier lean – Set of manufacturing principles that first
spending: procurement of indirect and direct defines customer value, then reorganizes every
goods; travel and expense; and external step required to design, order, build, deliver, and
workforce management. maintain this value across all the organizations
and units. As a result, firms can do more with less,
intelligent suite – The intelligent suite is a fully respond more quickly to customer needs, create
unified, but still modular, sum of all SAP jobs that are more rewarding for employees, and
applications, enabling seamless cross-application reduce their impact on the environment.
business processes delivered through consistent
and personalized user experiences. Built on a Learning for Life – Program for all skill building
uniform data model and a central data storage, initiatives from the SAP Corporate Social
the intelligent suite allows you to leverage the Responsibility (SAP CSR) team. This program
possibilities of embedded artificial intelligence and helps support future workforce needs, reskilling
machine learning. See “Intelligent Enterprise.” efforts, and underserved people in the
education/tech space including: women and those
intelligent technologies – Intelligent from culturally diverse backgrounds. Examples of
technologies that scale innovation in the intelligent existing initiatives are SAP Women Forward;
suite. These technologies, including the former Autism at Work; and SAP Skills for Africa.
SAP Leonardo technologies such as machine
learning, IoT, and analytics capabilities, are now legal change – Correction to SAP software to
embedded in many SAP applications. To let adapt an SAP software product release to
customers and partners apply these technologies changes in legal and regulatory requirements.
equally for innovation, they will be readily
accessible through SAP Extension Suite and SAP legal entity – Form of organization as defined by
Integration Suite as managed and reusable the corporate law of the corresponding country.
services. See “Intelligent Enterprise,” “SAP
Extension Suite,” and “SAP Integration Suite.” line of business (LoB) – Internal organizational
area or business unit in a company (division) that
intermodal mobility – To choose different means combines all responsibilities for a product, group,
of transport to get from A to B (e.g. walk to the bus or set of processes, such as sales, purchasing,
stop, take the bus, exit the bus to hop on the human resources, finance, marketing, and so on.
subway to get to work). SAP organizes its functional areas currently into

12 LoBs: asset management, commerce, finance, customers. The portfolio currently includes mobile
human resources, manufacturing, marketing, apps, such as SAP Mobile Documents and SAP
R&D/engineering, sales, service, sourcing and Mobile Cards, solutions that manage enterprise
procurement, supply chain management, and mobility, as well as SAP Mobile Platform.
Move SAP – Long-term incentive plan that
M incentivizes and rewards employees who provide
a significant sustained impact to business
success. Part of SAP’s equity landscape with Own
machine learning – Technology that teaches SAP and Grow SAP.
computers how to perform tasks by learning from
data – instead of being explicitly programmed. It multimodal mobility – To choose different means
uses sophisticated algorithms to “learn” from of transport to get from A to B within a given
massive volumes of Big Data. Machine learning period of time (e.g. on Monday you walk to office,
describes algorithms that learn from data and Tuesday-Thursday you take the car, and on Friday
support employees to focus on higher value work, you take the bicycle).
thus empowering enterprises to scale innovative
solutions and make their organization intelligent.
mainstream maintenance – First SAP
maintenance phase, which includes the full scope New Ventures & Technologies – SAP’s
of support. It is followed by an extended innovation unit in the Technology & Innovation
maintenance, customer-specific maintenance, or Board area that scouts and develops new
priority-one support phase. businesses as well as explores emerging
technologies to solve customers’ current and
maintenance – Software support comprising future challenges.
support for legal changes and corrections Next-Generation Partnering – A multiyear
delivered through the SAP Notes tool, support transformative movement with new initiatives,
packages, problem support, and access to programs, tools, and a magnified focus on the
information and online service channels – ecosystem. Empowering partners to innovate,
depending on the maintenance phase. with unparalleled economic opportunity and a
frictionless business experience is a priority. The
maintenance strategy – Set of rules that goal is to help joint customers realize the power of
determine the length and conditions of the intelligent enterprise and lead the experience
maintenance for SAP software product releases. economy together.
Detailed rules can differ depending on the type of
application. Next-Generation Support – Approach from the
Product Support organization to provide
managed cloud – Deployment model that implies customers with real-time, “always on” customer
resources are dedicated to one customer and care through a variety of services and channels,
accessed through a VPN. The infrastructure is including chats and Web sessions, self-service
owned, managed, and operated by the cloud options, mobile, and social media. The concept
provider in the cloud provider’s data center. SAP also aims to automate service tasks with
HANA Enterprise Cloud is SAP’s managed cloud intelligent tools that are capable of capturing
service. See “SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud.” context-sensitive information to proactively
provide solutions.
master price list – Catalog for customers
containing separately priced SAP products as well
as terms and conditions. O

mobile app(s) – Applications for mobile devices on demand – Model of software deployment
available for download, demo, and purchase on whereby providers license software for use as a
SAP Store, App Store, and other online stores. service, usually in the cloud, so customers can
Mobile apps are categorized as either use it when they need it, that is, “on demand.” It
business/product or consumer in focus. At SAP, eliminates the need for IT resources to manage
mobile apps are task-oriented or allow access to infrastructure and thereby reduces operational
existing on-premise software. expenses. See “cloud solutions from SAP.”

mobile solutions from SAP – Portfolio of on premise – Deployment model where a

solutions and technology that serves as a software license is purchased and deployed on
foundation for enterprise mobility and seamless the servers at the premises of the customer. The
integration with the core enterprise applications of customer manages and controls the software.

Open Data Initiative
( Partner Direct – Program that offers a selection
initiative.html) – Partnership initiative established of SAP products to customers exclusively from
in 2018 between SAP, Microsoft, and Adobe. the SAP partners.
goal of which is to meet a core need – to unlock a
single view of customers by bringing siloed data People Survey – See “engagement survey.”
together. A shared vision for the secure exchange
of data across systems is the basis for this platform as a service (PaaS) – Cloud
initiative. Customers can then enable artificial infrastructure, operating system, programming
intelligence-driven business processes to languages, libraries, services, tools and typically a
determine compelling insights and intelligence defined level of support for consumers to deploy
from their now-unified landscape, build trust by consumer-created or acquired applications. PaaS
incorporating consumer consent, and preferences consumers do not manage underlying cloud
around data rights and usage. infrastructure but have control over deployed
applications. SAP Business Technology Platform
Open Industry 4.0 Alliance – Collaborative is the PaaS offering from SAP. See “SAP
initiative between manufacturers and other asset Business Technology Platform.”
providers as well as original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) to digitally transform powered by SAP HANA – An SAP offering
industrial processes and interoperability. powered by SAP HANA runs on the SAP HANA
Manufacturers can assist operators in bringing database. Partner solutions or applications that
intelligent Industry 4.0 products online quickly are powered by SAP HANA are certified by SAP
through a standard open platform and support to run on SAP HANA. These applications take
ongoing operations. Operators can accelerate advantage of distinctive capabilities of SAP HANA
deployment and onboarding of new or to deliver key benefits, such as simpler
replacement machines and equipment at lower administration, reduced overhead, and better
costs. business intelligence over traditional databases.
openSAP – Educational offering that delivers premium success – Category of services from
open online courses (known as “massive open SAP Services and Support that supports large-
online courses” or MOOCs) to the entire SAP scale transformation initiatives through a single,
ecosystem and beyond. strategic, and customized on-site engagement.
See “SAP Services and Support.”
open source – Software based on the concept of
software developers coming together to build a priority-one support – Additional optional
virtual community and solving a common problem maintenance phase offered after expiration of
by developing working software that everyone has mainstream maintenance for specific product
a right to change. Successful development releases of the SAP BusinessObjects Business
projects under the open source model include Intelligence platform and former SAP
Linux, a free operating system supported by SAP. BusinessObjects solutions no longer actively sold
See “SAP Open Source.” or marketed. See “SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence.”
OpenUI5 – This names the open source version
of SAPUI5 with similar capabilities and value private edition – Deployment model that implies
proposition to help developers build cross- resources are dedicated to one customer and
platform, responsive enterprise applications. It is accessed through the Internet. The infrastructure
an open-source project maintained by SAP SE is owned, managed, and operated by the
available under the Apache 2.0 license and open customer, a third-party, or both, and is on the
to contributions. OpenUI5’s core is based on premises of the customer, cloud provider, or a
JavaScript, jQuery, and LESS. See “SAPUI5.” third party. Formerly called single tenant edition.
See “SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.”
Own SAP – Share purchase plan for SAP
employees. In 2019, 66% of SAP employees private option – See “private edition.”
participated in Own SAP, purchasing a total of 5.2
million of shares. Part of SAP’s equity landscape Processes Simplification Score – Measure from
with Move SAP and Grow SAP. the yearly engagement survey that focuses on
how internal and external processes are
perceived by SAP employees.

product – A high-level non-versioned software project success – Category of services from SAP
offering that contains functionality and business Services and Support that supports the adoption
logic to address a business need. An individual of SAP products and technologies, use of
software product comprises software product emerging technologies and implementation of or
versions. See “product version.” transition to SAP S/4HANA. See “SAP Services
and Support.”
Product Availability Matrix (PAM) – Database
that bundles technical and release planning public cloud – Cloud deployment that provides
information on SAP components for quick consumers access to a provider’s software
reference. Information on the availability of SAP applications running in a cloud infrastructure. The
software product and component releases and resources are located on the premises of the
maintenance end dates, as well as release cloud provider, not of the customer, and are
information, are available. shared by multiple customers accessing them
through the Internet. SAP S/4HANA Cloud is
product category – High-level category for the SAP’s public cloud offering. See “SAP S/4HANA
unambiguous classification of software product Cloud.”
lines and software products. Examples include
financial management and content and Q
collaboration. Also called “software product
Qualtrics Back-to-Business for Communities –
product footprint – Environmental impact of Solution released during the COVID-19 pandemic
products, processes, or services by production, that helps federal, state, and local governments
usage, and disposal. See “SAP Product Carbon as well as health departments understand the
Footprint Analytics.” current state of public health in a specific
community, and use the data provided to ensure a
product instance – Group of technically safe return to work for their citizens.
dependent software component versions that are
part of a (software) product version and must be Qualtrics BrandXM – Solution that is designed to
installed and operated on a single logical system enable companies to manage their brand strategy
or server. Also known as “software product as well as help monitor key touch points along the
instance.” consumer journey, integrate online study panels
for faster insights, and access complementary
product line – Collection of related software data sets to maximize marketing investments.
products grouped together that share a common
set of features and product names, including all Qualtrics CoreXM – Solution that provides a
software product releases, versions, editions, foundation for experience management (XM) and
options, add-ons, delivery types, and related tools. is designed to help customers analyze experience
data (X-data), improve feedback quality, and take
product version – One or more software real-time action on insights.
component versions made available at the same
time for implementing a well-defined scope of Qualtrics Customer Confidence Pulse –
functionality. The versions of a product fulfill the Automated solution released during the COVID-19
principle of functional continuity. From a delivery pandemic, that helps monitor customer
point of view, the version indicates the release of expectations and capture feedback in real-time,
a product and can either be standalone or an add- so organizations can best respond and meet the
on. Also known as “software product version.” needs of their customers and improve customer
Project Amplify – Internal project that aims to
help ensure customers' business continuity by Qualtrics CustomerXM – Solution that enables
packaging together key solutions and services in companies to monitor and improve every key
each LoB with a simplified and flexible pricing and moment along the customer journey using B2B
contract model. These packages are featured in Command Center, Frontline Feedback, Smart
the Back to Best initiative. See “Back to Best.” Routing, Voice iQ, and various benchmarking
project “Kyma” – Offering in prototype phase for
the development and provisioning of Qualtrics Developer Platform – Business
microservices for the solutions within the SAP platform that helps organizations embed Qualtrics
Customer Experience portfolio. See “SAP solutions into existing software installations,
Customer Experience.” automate business processes, and bring
experience data (X-data) from other channels into

employees returning to work on-site through daily
Qualtrics Digital XM for Telehealth – Automated digital assessments.
solution that enables telehealth providers to
capture and better understand patient feedback, Qualtrics XM Platform – Represents the
and to make changes and improvements to their technology that came to SAP with the acquisition
telehealth services. of Qualtrics International Inc., in 2019. Experience
management (XM) refers to both the technology
Qualtrics EmployeeXM – Solution that has as well as the discipline of seeking out and closing
capabilities to gather employee feedback and the gaps found in the four core experiences of
propose actions for HR to help improve the business – customer, product, employee, and
employee experience allowing companies to brand.
attract, engage, and retain the best people.
Qualtrics Frontline Connect – Solution that
helps organizations engage with frontline
employees to collect feedback regarding customer release – SAP software product that has a
queries. version number, is shipped at a particular time,
and has defined maintenance phases.
Qualtrics International
( – SAP acquired release-to-customer (RTC) date – Date that
Qualtrics International Inc., the global pioneer of marks the initial availability of a release to
Experience Management (XM) software, that customers and the beginning of the restricted
organizations use to collect, manage, and act on shipment phase.
experience data. In July 2020, SAP announced
that it is taking Qualtrics public through an initial Relief.iO – Program, under the business unit of
public offering (IPO) in the United States. See the same name, provides targeted support and
“Experience Management (XM).” services, engagement opportunities, and capital
through seed funding of selected development
Qualtrics Partner Network – Group of partners and business from areas across SAP. To
carefully selected for their deep industry organically drive breakthrough innovation in new
knowledge, unique expertise, experience, and markets, the program is currently investing in
insights. This group has been expanded to more strategic areas that include, but are not limited to,
than 120 member companies, including EY, security, digital intelligence, healthcare, and cloud
Deloitte Digital, and Korn Ferry. APIs.

Qualtrics ProductXM – Solution that offers Renewable Electricity Certificates (RECs) –

Conjoint Analysis to automate the testing and Certificates that prove that energy has been
analysis of various package combinations to generated from renewable sources such as solar
identify consumer preferences by replicating or wind power. Each REC represents the
observed behavior. environmental benefits of 1MWh of renewable
electricity generation. By purchasing RECs,
Qualtrics Return to Work Pulse – Free trial renewable electricity is generated on your behalf.
solution released during the COVID-19 pandemic
that is designed to help companies understand renewable energy – Shares and types of
employee sentiment and determine when and electricity obtained from renewable sources such
how to reopen their workplace. as hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. It
is calculated by adding the amount of renewable
Qualtrics Workforce Contact Tracing – Free-to- energy specifically sourced, produced on-site by
use, flexible, and highly configurable solution solar cells, and covered by Renewable Energy
released during the COVID-19 pandemic that Certificates (RECs).
allows organizations to pinpoint people who may
have been exposed to the coronavirus. The repeatable solution – Customized solutions that
solution runs on the XM Platform, which is start out as custom development projects that
compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, HITRUST, have been adapted for purchase by other
ISO27001, and FedRamp, and maintains the customers. These solutions help organizations
highest levels of security and privacy protection save cost, time, and effort because they do not
available. have to start from scratch. They are available in
selected languages, for defined underlying base
Qualtrics Workforce Symptom Check – software, and offered with product-specific
Solution released during the COVID-19 pandemic support.
that helps organizations to minimize the risks of

restricted shipment phase – First phase of a SAP ActiveAttention – Enhanced engagement
release delivery, which is rolled out within the services for optimizing solutions and accelerating
framework of the SAP Ramp-Up program. It adoption of technologies without disrupting
determines how many customers receive the customer businesses. It is a premium-level
release and increases distribution in a controlled engagement similar to the New MaxAttention but
way. This phase is followed by the unrestricted designed to support smaller businesses requiring
shipment phase. a less intense engagement level. Formerly called
SAP ActiveEmbedded.
( – SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) –
Launched on January 27, 2021, this innovative High-performance relational database
single offer on a single contract supports a management system for mission-critical, data-
customer’s transformation journey to an intelligent intensive environments. It ensures the highest
enterprise. RISE with SAP gives customers the operational efficiency and throughput on a broad
choice of deciding which capabilities to use at range of platforms. Key features include data
what point in time. The offering bundles services encryption to protect from internal and external
to redesign business processes with business breaches, partitioning technology for better
process intelligence, support migration of data, performance and easier maintenance, and
and a cloud infrastructure of choice. Key aspects virtualization and clustering capabilities for
of SAP’s vision for an intelligent enterprise are continuous availability and efficient use of
included as part of this offering including access resources.
to SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP
Business Network, an SAP S/4HANA Cloud SAP Advanced Deployment – Service that
deployment of choice, including public and private simplifies and accelerates the deployment of SAP
cloud and an option with enterprise management, S/4HANA for SAP-led project implementation for
access to SAP’s supplier, logistics and asset planning, design, and execution services. Based
intelligent networks, and an extensive partner on proven SAP Activate methodology and tailored
ecosystem. RISE with SAP is a holistic “business to enterprise’s specific transition scenario, the
transformation as a service” offering that allows service streamlines the implementation or
customers to chart their course to an intelligent migration to a high-performing, sustainable digital
enterprise on their terms and on their timeline. It core. This end-to-end service offering also
offers lower TCO, faster time to value, and the contains a complete implementation including
flexibility to address disruption without high execution services for SAP S/4HANA software. It
upfront investment. See “business transformation is offered in parallel to SAP Value Assurance
as a service.” service packages, which address partner-led
projects. See “SAP Value Assurance.”
road map – Product timeline that has a variety of
objectives, including communication to customers, SAP Advanced SQL Migration – Tool that
users, or other parties interested in the timing of enables the migration of SQL code for custom
future product releases; the features planned for applications from a third-party database to an
those releases; general prioritization of features; SAP database.
and in some cases, the requirements of features
in enough detail that current and prospective SAP Advisory Services – Services from SAP
customers can give feedback on the feature itself Services and Support that help customers turn
and the product’s direction. See “SAP road maps.” their digital business vision into executable
strategies and exceptional business outcomes by
S offering support to reimagine business models,
design enterprise architectures, and deliver
business transformation to realize business value.
SAP Activate – Innovation adoption framework
introduced for SAP S/4HANA that combines SAP SAP AI Core – An infrastructure that enables a
Best Practices, methodology, and guided customer's business applications to become
configuration delivered with a reference intelligent with artificial intelligence (AI) and
landscape. The SAP Activate methodology is the machine learning technology and their data to
SAP guidance for implementation, enhancements, train machine learning services to help automate
upgrades, or co-innovation of SAP solutions tasks and processes.
starting with SAP S/4HANA. It enables cost-
effective, agile, and fast delivery of the SAP SAP Alumni Network ( –
solution to the customer and supports Network and online community that provides a
deployments in the cloud, on premise, or in hybrid platform to reconnect with former colleagues and
deployment. to unleash the power of a trusted network for the
benefit of SAP and the ecosystem. In 2018,

community members included 3,472 former and
2,160 current SAP employees. SAP Ariba – Portfolio that includes cloud
solutions for procurement, financials, and sourcing
SAP Analytics – Portfolio of solutions that help and the signature Ariba Network. SAP Ariba
customers achieve the power of collective insight solutions offer an online business-to-business
in Big Data by empowering them with the right marketplace connecting more than 3.6 million
information at the right time to make insightful sellers in more than 190 countries, with sellers
business decisions, anticipate change, and realizing more than US$2.2 trillion in goods and
uncover new opportunities. SAP Analytics services every year.
solutions cover the areas of business intelligence,
enterprise performance management, and SAP Ariba Discovery – Solution that was made
governance, risk, and compliance. available free of charge during the COVID-19
pandemic. It helps buyers source suppliers,
SAP Analytics Cloud – Software as a service goods, and services globally.
(SaaS) that allows organizations to close the gap
between transactions, data preparation, analysis SAP Ariba Supplier Risk – Solution that provides
and action providing all analytics capabilities in real-time visibility and intelligence on risks across
one offering. SAP Analytics Cloud combines an organization's entire supplier ecosystem.
business intelligence (BI), planning, and predictive
analytics as well as new capabilities such as SAP Asset Intelligence Network – Cloud
simulation and automated discovery in BI, as well subscription-based network hosted by SAP where
as storytelling and predicted forecasts in planning. manufacturers, asset owners, operators,
The solution allows customers to take advantage regulators, and service providers can connect to
of high-speed innovation in the cloud, while using each other. Content related to assets can be
their existing on-premise investments. Customers shared and stored on the network, and
can subscribe to SAP Analytics Cloud as a single maintenance and service applications can be
solution with specific capabilities that can be delivered through the network. See “SAP
licensed separately or together. The SAP Digital Intelligent Asset Management.”
Boardroom solution is based on SAP Analytics
Cloud. SAP Asset Strategy and Performance
Management – Cloud solution built on SAP Asset
SAP Analytics Hub – Solution that provides a Intelligence Network that enables plant managers
single access point to all analytics offerings from and reliability engineers to measure and improve
SAP and ecosystem partners within a company in the performance of their assets and optimize the
a portal-like interface. Users can describe, strategies to manage these assets. See “SAP
categorize, and promote reports as well as get Intelligent Asset Management.“
personalized recommendations from the solution
on cloud and on-premise offerings. SAP Autism Inclusion Pledge – Program that
enables SAP to extend the Autism at Work
SAP API Business Hub – Directory of SAP program out to its customer and partner
software application programming interfaces ecosystem, encouraging other companies to
(APIs) that can be consumed by developers create employee opportunities for people with
programmatically to incorporate autonomous autism. See “Autism at Work.”
blocks of SAP functionality within a custom-
developed application. SAP Best Practices – Packages that provide
proven methods and tools for organizations to
SAP API Management – Cloud offering that helps implement best business practices in key areas
customers manage their application programming
and a range of industries using SAP software. The
interfaces; an on-premise edition is also available.
packages deliver methodology, documentation,
In addition, the SAP API Management service and preconfiguration that enable rapid, reliable
for SAP BTP is available as a cloud service deployment with quick return on investment.
running on SAP BTP.
SAP Best Run Awards – This is an umbrella
SAP App Center – See “SAP Store.” name for a group of awards given to celebrate the
achievements of the top companies and
SAP AppHaus
customers in specific regions. The focus is on
( – those using SAP products to transform their
Co-innovation and training workplace for
businesses, drive innovation, and succeed in the
developers and business professionals with a
digital economy.
focus on creative and agile work methodologies
and workshops. SAP AppHaus has locations in
Germany, Korea, and the United States.

SAP Beyond – Customer advocacy program SAP Build – Cloud-based, collaborative design
designed for and tailored to customers that have tool that allows app designers and business
purchased SAP S/4HANA as the foundation for experts to compose interactive prototypes, making
their business future. The program takes a unique it easier to capture more accurate user feedback
and positive approach as it offers these valued and jump-start development.
customers a range of tools and resources to
support them at every stage of the journey, from SAP Business All-in-One – Comprehensive and
helping to engage fully with the broader SAP flexible business management solution targeted to
community to providing a variety of opportunities midsize companies with up to 2,500 employees
to share ideas and experiences. that are looking for a comprehensive, integrated
industry-specific ERP solution with built-in best
SAP Big Data Services – Fully-managed cloud practices.
data lake service available through SAP Business
Technology Platform. The secure, elastic, and SAP Business ByDesign – Complete, integrated
serverless Big Data service uses Apache Hadoop business solution delivered in the cloud, ideally
and Spark for storage and processing of huge suited for growing small to midsize companies
volumes of structured and unstructured data. It and subsidiaries. The affordable suite connects
provides enterprise-grade reliability and and runs all business processes, including
performance and integrates with SAP HANA. financials, HR, sales, procurement, customer
Operations support 24x7 removes the burden of service, and supply chain. The solution is
configuring, scaling, and integrating Big Data tools available through a monthly software-as-a-service
in an enterprise landscape. (SaaS) model.

SAP Billing and Revenue Management – SAP Business Ecology Management – Solution
Solution that offers customers a billing platform to that gives customers insights into their carbon
carry out core billing processes. This solution footprint and assessments of other environmental
comprises components for customer financials, effects of their products to meet sustainability
flexible solution billing, invoicing, pricing goals and simplify eco-accounting. This cloud
simulation, and subscription order management, offering is part of the Climate 21 initiative and it is
as well as two solution extensions by DigitalRoute integrated into SAP Business ByDesign and SAP
for mediation and service control. Formerly called Business One. See “Climate 21,” “SAP Business
SAP Hybris Billing. ByDesign,” and “SAP Business One.”

SAP Blockchain Business Services – Term that SAP Business Network – Services that aim to
refers to cloud services from SAP to help bring end-to-end visibility, increased efficiency,
application developers to utilize blockchain and improved collaboration across supply chain
capabilities. processes from design, planning, sourcing, and
procurement, to manufacturing, logistics, and
SAP Blockchain Consortium asset operations. The technology is designed to
( use insights from real-time ERP, advanced
consortium/en-us/index.html) – Program that analytics, and network solutions – such as Ariba
brings SAP customers, partners, and other Network, SAP Asset Intelligence Network, SAP
relevant players together to identify industry- Logistics Business Network, and SAP Fieldglass
spanning blockchain use cases, areas for cross- solutions – to deliver collective intelligence
industry collaboration, and further benefits of through an open and interoperable business
permissioned industry blockchain networks. network. By creating a network of intelligent
Currently, three blockchain consortiums exist for enterprises, we aim to help companies digitalize
pharmaceuticals and life sciences; for multienterprise business processes for better
agribusiness, consumer products, and retail; and visibility and collaboration across the supply chain
for high tech. ecosystem.

SAP BTP cockpit – This cockpit provides users a SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence –
central point to manage all applications deployed Category of solutions including a business
from a single dedicated Web-based user intelligence (BI) platform designed to help
interface. Individual services are categories optimize business performance and provide
according to integration or extension capabilities business insight by connecting people with
under the SAP Integration Suite and SAP information.
Extension Suite umbrellas. See “SAP Business
Technology Platform,” “SAP Integration Suite,” SAP Business One – ERP solution designed for
and “SAP Extension Suite.” small businesses with up to 100 employees,
providing a single, integrated solution for

managing the entire business across all functions. other cloud solutions from SAP and applications
A cloud version is available as SAP Business One by partners and customers.
SAP C/4HANA – This brand name was retired in
SAP Business Scenario Recommendations – A June 2020. See “SAP Customer Experience.”
free service that analyzes the usage and the
business performance of customer systems and SAP City Connect – Solution that helps urban
provides a report with recommendations of most organizations and small business owners with
suitable scenarios supported in SAP S/4HANA tourism development, visitor and crowd
and additional SAP products for the Intelligent management, business event subscriptions, and
Enterprise. Included as part of the RISE with SAP neighborhood development. Part of the SAP
offering. Future Cities initiative. See “SAP Future Cities.”

SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) SAP Classroom – Training offering that
– Unified, business-centric platform that helps complements SAP Learning Hub and SAP Live
companies decide confidently, act with integrity, Access. The SAP Classroom program provides
connect processes, data, and experiences, and training content from SAP Learning Hub and an
achieve continued business innovation. SAP BTP online training system to perform exercises, as
comprises solutions spanning database and data well as an instructor to facilitate the training. SAP
management, analytics, application development Classroom sites can be physical locations or
and integration, and intelligent technologies. It accessed online.
gives users flexibility to choose SAP technologies
that provide an intrinsic understanding of data and SAP Cloud – See “cloud solutions from SAP.”
processes in SAP and third-party applications. It
includes the integration and extension capabilities SAP Cloud ALM – A cloud-based tool for
formerly integrated in SAP Cloud Platform. See application lifecycle management (ALM) that
“SAP Integration Suite” and “SAP Extension covers all stages of the application lifecycle, from
Suite.” discovery of cloud solution capabilities to
implementation, operations, and continuous
SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) – innovation as well as business value realization
Application that provides a complete view of a and enhancement. It helps track and manage the
company and the tools needed to make the right needs of customers that use (only or
decisions, optimize processes, and measure predominantly) cloud solutions from SAP.
strategic success, such as business-critical Customers subscribing to a cloud solution from
factors and benchmarks. See “data warehousing.” SAP automatically receive SAP Cloud ALM. It is
complementary to SAP Solution Manager which
SAP BW/4HANA – Data warehouse solution built provides comparable capabilities for on-premise
entirely on SAP HANA that provides customers landscapes. See “application lifecycle
with enhanced data modelling and governance, so management” and “SAP Solution Manager.”
they can manage the availability, integrity, and
security of data. The solution can be connected to SAP Cloud Application Services – Organization
various data sources, including SAP or and offerings that enable SAP customers to
unstructured third-party data, such as Hadoop. access (cloud) applications and that provide the
See “data warehousing.” infrastructure required. Includes application
management, managed data, managed security,
SAP Catalyst – Internal HR program that and managing testing services. Run data-driven,
identifies select SAP employees who demonstrate tested, and secure solutions with application,
both high potential and performance and provides data, security, and other managed services help
them with special opportunities, including manage applications, data, security, and more –
fellowships. It consolidated other top talent and so customers can free up time and resources to
high-potential programs at SAP in April 2016. focus on strategic initiatives. Formerly called SAP
Managed Services.
SAP Central Business Configuration – A tool for
the configuration, implementation, and SAP Cloud for Component Manufacturing –
maintenance of projects with cloud solutions from Cross-industry cloud solution for component
SAP. It provides a simplified and consistent manufacturing companies from the automobile,
approach for prospects, customers, partners, and aerospace and defense, high tech, and industrial
SAP experts to scope, select, and specify their machinery and components industries. The
software solution configuration. It currently works solution aims to provide operational excellence for
with the Intelligent ERP offerings as well as with smaller-scale component products.

SAP Cloud for Customer – See “SAP Sales SAP Cloud Platform – As of February 2021, SAP
Cloud” and “SAP Service Cloud.” Cloud Platform is sunset as a product and brand
name. The offerings formerly available with SAP
SAP Cloud for Energy – Cloud solution for the Cloud Platform continue to be available, for
utilities industry that provides a central repository example, in SAP Integration Suite and SAP
for all types of data collected around energy Extension Suite. The capabilities of SAP Cloud
management, such as from outage management Platform form the core of the new unified and
and network control systems, as well as directly open platform SAP Business Technology Platform
from communication with the power devices. (SAP BTP). See “SAP Integration Suite,” “SAP
Extension Suite,” and “SAP Business Technology
SAP Cloud for Financials – Cloud-based Platform.”
financial management solution with an intuitive,
easy-to-consume interface and personalized SAP Cloud Platform Extension Factory – See
information. It features embedded, dynamic “SAP Extension Suite.”
analytics, enabling companies to achieve superior
financial insight across the business. This offering SAP Co-Innovation Lab – Physical location
for extended financials management includes featuring a simulated, heterogeneous data center
financial accounting, management accounting, that incorporates hardware and infrastructure
cash-flow management, and project management software from various vendors. The lab provides a
functionality in a cloud-based application for easy hands-on environment for SAP, customers, and
integration with other software. partners to innovate, accelerate, and showcase
new business solutions and technologies
SAP Cloud for Industrial Machinery & collaboratively. Customers and partners can visit
Components (SAP Cloud for IM&C) – Cloud the lab to evaluate the latest SAP and partner
solution for machinery equipment companies from solutions in a simulated, real-world infrastructure.
the tooling, construction and mining equipment,
renewable energy, and ship-building and railways SAP Commerce – Solution that offers customers
areas, that focuses on customer-centric business a platform enabled for the cloud that supports
processes, such as sales, configurable products, product content management and unified
and aftermarket services; research and commerce processes. It gives a business a single
development; and project manufacturing and view of its customers, products, and orders, and
engineering-to-order. its customers a single view of the business. It
combines functionality. Formerly called SAP
SAP Cloud for Insurance – Cloud solution for the Hybris Commerce.
insurance industry that enables insurers to
manage their end-to-end processes and market SAP Commerce Cloud – One of the five solution
standards across all business functions at scale, categories within the SAP Customer Experience
in the cloud, and in real time to execute on their portfolio. This digital business solution helps
strategic priorities. integrate digital and physical customer
touchpoints onto a single, robust platform, helping
SAP Cloud for Professional Services – Cloud companies deliver a superior omnichannel
solution for the professional services industry that commerce experience with state-of-the-art
enables companies to manage their end-to-end security and authentication technology. Individual
processes and market standards across all offerings combine capabilities for product and
business functions at scale, in the cloud, and in Web content management, order management,
real time to execute on their strategic priorities. personalization, bundling, and accelerators – all
through a built-in omnichannel storefront. See
SAP Cloud for Real Estate – Cloud solution that “SAP Customer Experience.”
offers customers improved management of real
estate assets as well as analytics around the SAP Commerce Cloud on Microsoft Azure –
planning and performance. Partnership with Microsoft that combines SAP’s
market-leading solution for B2B and B2C
SAP Cloud for Utilities – Cloud solution for the scenarios with the Microsoft Azure public cloud
utilities industry that enables utility companies to infrastructure.
manage their end-to-end processes and market
standards across all business functions at scale, SAP Community – Online portal with nearly two
in the cloud, and in real time to execute on their million members in more than 200 countries,
strategic priorities. providing individuals with the opportunity to trade
experience and insights, pursue business
SAP Cloud Peering – This offering provides opportunities, and learn from each other. SAP
customer connectivity to SAP HANA Enterprise offers distinct communities in the network that
Cloud and other SAP offerings.

offer information, trusted resources, and co- actions and present users with business objects,
innovation. See “SAP University Alliances.” options, and other relevant data in a simple and
conversational way.
SAP Concur – Unified brand and portfolio of
offerings for travel and expense management SAP Corporate Social Responsibility (SAP
resulting from the acquisition of Concur CSR) – Organization and overall efforts for
Technologies in 2014. SAP Concur solutions corporate social responsibility (CSR) and related
provide an integrated system for expense, invoice, social investments that puts the SAP purpose to
travel, and spend intelligence in the cloud. With help the world run better and improve people’s
close to 56 million users worldwide, SAP Concur lives into action through its mission – powering
is the world’s leading travel and expense opportunity through digital inclusion. SAP CSR
management software. These solutions help efforts focus on three strategic program pillars:
companies of all sizes and stages go beyond building digital skills; accelerating best-run non-
automation to a connected spend management profits and social enterprises; and connecting
system that encompasses travel, expense, employees with purpose. See “SAP4Good.”
invoice, compliance, and risk.
SAP CPQ – Cloud solution that enables
SAP Continuous Influence – Part of the customers, channel partners, and sales teams to
Customer Influence program, this offering configure and price products accurately and
provides customers the opportunity to suggest efficiently. See “SAP Customer Experience.”
improvements to SAP products directly to the
development teams. It is specifically aimed at SAP Crystal Reports – Software that enables
customers using newer SAP products and cloud businesses to design interactive reports and
solutions that require an open channel with connect them to virtually any data source.
customers for the continuous collection of
improvement requests and resolutions. It is similar SAP Crystal solutions – Integrated, affordable,
to the SAP Customer Connection program, which and user-friendly family of offerings for reporting,
is targeted at customers using on-premise dashboarding, presentation, and ad hoc analysis
products in maintenance. See “Customer that can empower individuals in organizations of
Influence.” any size to discover and share insight for optimal
decision making. With insight into every aspect of
SAP Conversational AI – Collection of natural the business, companies can monitor
language processing and bot building services performance, identify opportunities for growth, and
that developers and corporations can use to build transform how they run their businesses.
conversational interfaces or "chat bots" through
intent classification, entity detection, question SAP Custom Development – See “SAP
answering, sentiment analysis, and other high- Innovative Business Solutions.”
order capabilities. Ready-to-use chat bots are also
included. SAP Conversational AI provides a way SAP Customer Attribution – Solution that uses
to build bots that automate conversational multivariate analysis to compute the incremental
interactions through natural language processing contribution of all marketing elements
within SAP’s intelligent technologies offerings, for simultaneously. It was originally acquired from the
example. SAP customers and partners are also company Abakus. The solution is part of the SAP
able to create their own custom bots with this Marketing Cloud solution and part of the SAP
service. Customer Experience portfolio. See “SAP
Marketing Cloud” and “SAP Customer
SAP Conversational AI Foundation – Technical Experience.”
basis for building conversational applications
using state-of-the-art natural language processing SAP Customer Connection – Part of the
(NLP) and machine learning algorithms. You can Customer Influence program, this offering aims to
use SAP CoPilot, a digital assistant for the incrementally improve on-premise products and
enterprise, to expose the apps or use standard solutions in maintenance that customers are still
channels such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or using. Typically initiated by SAP user groups and
Facebook Messenger. See “SAP CoPilot.” special interest groups, the program's focus topics
are of limited duration and often focus on a
SAP CoPilot – Digital assistant that runs on top of version, component, or audience of a product.
other SAP applications to enable productivity Improvements are mostly delivered in SAP Notes
tasks such as real-time information exchange, or SAP Support Portal for easier consumption.
note-taking, creation of reminders, and creation of See “Customer Influence.”
draft objects that can be completed later. SAP
CoPilot contextualizes, analyzes, and uses SAP Customer Data Cloud – One of the five
informal and unstructured speech to execute solution categories within the SAP Customer

Experience portfolio. It encompasses all products Digital Business Services) organizations in mid-
across the customer experience that enable the 2020. The annual internal enablement event now
collection, transparency, and harnessing of brings together all sales, services, presales, and
customer information. See “SAP Customer Virtual Account Team (VAT) colleagues together to
Experience.” provide insight into the SAP strategy, portfolio,
road maps, and go-to-market plans. The event
SAP Customer Data Platform – Offering within debuted January 2021 and was held online due to
the SAP Customer Experience portfolio and one the COVID-19 restrictions. See “Customer
of the SAP Customer Data Cloud solutions. The Success.”
solution aims to deliver personalization and help
organizations to know more about their customers SAP data center – Physical facilities around the
based on the ability to collect and manage world used to house computer systems and
customer data. It was released in 2020. associated components and meet the highest
security standards. Comprised of various
SAP Customer Engagement Initiative – Part of interconnected elements, the entire infrastructure
the Customer Influence program, this offering is a is a feat of modern engineering predicated on
structured approach for close end-to-end keeping customer data safe. SAP data centers
collaboration between customers and SAP teams are currently located in Australia, Brazil, China,
during the full development cycle for planned Europe, and on the U.S. east coast.
products and solutions and new releases or
enhancement packages. This program helps SAP SAP Data Hub – Replaced by “SAP Data
create products and solutions that meet Intelligence” in January 2020. See “SAP Data
customers' needs, reflect best business practices, Intelligence.”
and realize process and technology innovations.
See “Customer Influence.” SAP Data Intelligence – Data operations
management solution that enables data
SAP Customer Experience – Extensible portfolio orchestration, pipelining, and governance as well
of customer experience solutions that speaks as agile sharing of all data across a connected
directly to the business benefits we seek to deliver data landscape. This solution enables businesses
to customer experience (CX) audiences and to manage data from numerous sources – SAP or
shows category of solutions has evolved from third party – without having to centralize data into
traditional customer relationship management one location. Formerly known as SAP Data Hub. A
(CRM) to greater customer centricity. This portfolio cloud version of this solution is available as SAP
brings together solutions from acquired Data Intelligence Cloud. See “SAP Data
companies (Callidus Software, Coresystems, Intelligence Cloud.”
Gigya, hybris) under one umbrella. In November
2020, SAP acquired Emarsys to enhance the SAP SAP Data Intelligence Cloud – Cloud solution
Customer Experience portfolio and provide that provides advanced data management, data
customers with a “commerce anywhere” strategy. orchestration, data governance for use cases
See “Emarsys.” such as data science techniques and technologies
and machine learning capabilities. It offers
SAP Customer Experience Labs – Physical scalable, open, complete data access and
locations that showcase futuristic prototypes and management and enables the automation of
innovations that demonstrate the potential of SAP workflows and the creation, training, maintenance,
Customer Experience offerings. and deployment of models and machine learning.
The on-premise version of the solution is “SAP
SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP Data Intelligence.” See “SAP Data Intelligence.”
CRM) – On-premise application that provides
comprehensive software support to help SAP Data Network – Cloud-based platform of
marketing, sales, and service professionals obtain networked business data that enables users to
complete customer intelligence that they can analyze and gain insight into their own business
leverage to manage customer relationships and data, benchmark themselves against their industry
customer-related processes effectively. SAP offers competition, and enrich, distribute, and ultimately
CRM applications in on-premise and cloud monetize their own data assets.
deployment models.
SAP Data Space (http://dataspace- – Physical space in Berlin where
SAP Customer Success Summit – New name of
the general public can meet, work, and eat
the annual SAP field sales events (formerly known
together with innovators, change makers,
as SAP FKOM) held by the SAP Executive Board
partners, startups, and artists in a stimulating and
area Customer Success that resulted from the
innovative environment to discuss topics such as
internal merging of the sales and services (SAP
digital transformation.

certain SAP entities. The transaction closed on
SAP Data Warehouse Cloud – Integrated and November 1, 2020.
persona-driven data warehouse-as-a service
solution designed for business and IT users with SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud – Cloud
capabilities for data integration, database, data solution that provides manufacturing and industrial
warehousing, and analytics. It is an open solution customers with analytics, plant, and enterprise-
built on SAP HANA. level Industry 4.0 execution, IoT machine
modeling and data collection, and resource
SAP Design AppHaus – See “SAP AppHaus.” orchestration capabilities. See “Industry 4.0.”

SAP Design Thinking – Methodology for routine SAP digital supplier network membership –
innovation that brings together the right side of the Connects spend data from Ariba Network with
brain (creative) with the left side of the brain SAP S/4HANA, SAP ERP, or third-party
(analytical). This is an umbrella name for all applications and available through a subscription
design thinking-related initiatives from SAP. fee resold by SAP partners or sold indirectly
through SAP S/4HANA purchases.
SAP Development Kick-Off Meeting (SAP d-
kom) – Annual internal meeting held virtually and SAP Digital Supply Chain – Portfolio offering
at various SAP locations targeted at SAP software enterprises an integrated suite of digital supply
developers to understand SAP’s strategy, discuss chain solutions to plan, design, manufacture,
road maps, and gain insight on how the software deliver, and operate their products. With these
products they build help SAP achieve business solutions, customers can blend the physical and
goals. the digital world throughout the complete supply
chain – from design, planning, and manufacturing
SAP Development Learning – Organization to logistics and ongoing maintenance –
within the Human Resources Board area that is embedding intelligence and ensuring their
responsible for designing, aligning, and ensuring customers are central to every phase of their
execution of SAP's overall learning and training business. Customers get total visibility as
activities for all employees. products are designed, delivered, and deployed
by connecting their business processes with real-
SAP Digital Access – Software that provides time data from assets, equipment, customers, and
customers the indirect use of their SAP system suppliers. This visibility is used to adequately
through a pay-per-use model. It is available for anticipate and respond to real-world physical
SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA realities.
SAP Digital Vehicle Hub – See “SAP Digital
SAP Digital Boardroom – Premier solution that Vehicle Sales.”
contextualizes the boardroom, locations, and
devices into a real-time enterprise experience. SAP Digital Vehicle Sales – A cloud solution that
Powered by SAP HANA and experienced through enables direct-to-consumer vehicle sales and
the SAP S/4HANA suite and the SAP Analytics processing through an end-to-end, online sales
Cloud solution, the solution empowers leaders to environment. Using SAP Digital Vehicle Hub as
monitor, simulate, and drive change in a digital a data lake, it includes a cockpit for managing
economy. See “SAP Analytics Cloud.” vehicle-centric business processes; a set of
microservices for procuring, administering, and
SAP Digital Business Services – See “SAP selling vehicles; and functionality to enable
Services and Support.” customers to build their own microservices that
integrate into the process.
SAP Digital Commerce – Integrated digital
business unit responsible for delivering e- SAP Direct Distribution – A hybrid, cross-LoB
commerce and digital native offerings to users solution that enables customers to streamline
who can discover, try, buy, implement, use, and major portions of their order-to-cash processes.
renew SAP solutions in a simple online This solution leverages new innovations and
interaction. Formerly called SAP Digital. capabilities across SAP S/4HANA and the SAP
Customer Experience portfolio. A core component
SAP Digital Interconnect – SAP and Swedish is last mile distribution functionality.
company Sinch AB announced in May 2020 that
they had entered into an agreement for Sinch to SAP Discovery Center – An online portal that
acquire the SAP Digital Interconnect group. The potential customers as well as existing customers
business sold consists of several SAP can use to explore SAP Business Technology
subsidiaries as well as assets transferred from Platform; access prebuilt applications and content
in the cloud; get use cases, services, project

templates, and best practices to help build their
own applications to become data-driven intelligent SAP Enable Now Framework – This offering
enterprises. provides customers with the ability to access and
customize embedded learning content in other
SAP Dynamic Edge Processing – This offering SAP software offerings like SAP S/4HANA. It also
uses functionality available in transaction allows customers to produce their own learning
availability for remote sites, which continues to be content or to leverage respective services from
available as a separate offering. The server SAP or SAP partners. The framework
provides customers with edge computing encompasses the SAP Enable Now solution for
capabilities to capture and analyze data for plant creation, editing, and distribution of corporate
maintenance, inventory management, and enablement assets like e-learning, software
materials management across industries. simulations, documentation and manuals, and
performance support, as well as a Web assistant.
SAP Early Adopter Care – Part of the Customer
Influence program, this offering provides support SAP Endorsed Apps – Web or mobile apps
to customers when adopting SAP’s latest developed by independent software vendors and
innovations and helps them to quickly simplify, endorsed by SAP to support and complete the
innovate, and digitize. This offering gives SAP vision of the Intelligent Enterprise and are
customers a direct channel into SAP with the sold on SAP Store with post-royalty expense
support of a project coach, enabling two-way revenues coming back to SAP. See “SAP Store.”
communication, improving transparency, and
allowing stakeholders to react to and minimize SAP Enterprise Portal – Intranet or corporate
project risk. It helps improve SAP products, drive portal that provides easy access to business
company strategy to increase adoption, and better processes and information, social collaboration,
serve all SAP customers. Formerly called SAP and content management across various
Ramp-Up. See “Customer Influence.” consumption channels and helps customers
implement business-to-employee, partner, and
SAP Early Talent – Global internal program at consumer scenarios.
SAP that identifies, hires, and trains new
employees with up to two years post-graduation SAP Enterprise Support – Services that provide
and non-professional experience to become proactive support in addition to all features of SAP
successful in the SAP community and to give Standard Support services. These proactive
them a high-level overview of SAP. The SAP Early support services encompass tools, processes,
Talent program provides a common platform that and services that enable continuous improvement,
aligns with SAP’s digital strategy and to build holistic application lifecycle management for
aspiration for continued success, develop key continuous innovation, business and operational
skills and competencies, interact with each other, process improvements, and levers to address the
and learn about SAP’s strategy, products, and total cost of operation (TCO). SAP Enterprise
customers. Support, cloud editions offering is a foundational
success plan included with any cloud subscription
SAP Edge Services – Edge services are you have from SAP. It supports successful cloud
containerized services centrally provisioned, adoption across the enterprise.
managed, configured, and deployed by the cloud.
It brings compute, storage, and business SAP Environment, Health & Safety
semantics to the edge managed by the Management (SAP EHS Management) – An
cloud. These edge computing capabilities are application that supports sustainability initiatives –
used to capture and analyze data for IoT- enabling companies to manage EHS operational,
connected devices across all industries. Edge financial, and reporting risks holistically across
computing or edge processing relocates their facilities and extended business network. As
processing from centralized nodes to the an integral part of SAP Business Suite, the
extremes of a network to enable analytics at the application systematically embeds EHS
source of data even when resources are not requirements and tasks directly into enterprise
connected to a network. Edge processing business processes, reinforcing compliance and
locations are any locations outside of the data risk reduction across global operations.
SAP ERP – Application designed to optimize
SAP E-Mobility – A cloud solution that enables business and IT processes by reducing IT
private sector customers, facility management complexity, increasing adaptability, and delivering
companies, charge point operators, e-mobility more IT value at a lower cost than traditional ERP
service providers, utilities, automotive, oil and gas, solutions. It can support mission-critical, end-to-
and public sector customers to support their end business processes for finance, human
electric road-based vehicles. capital management, asset management, sales,

procurement, and other essential corporate SAP Fieldglass – Unified brand and portfolio of
functions. SAP ERP can also support industry- offerings for contingent workforce resulting from
specific processes by providing industry-specific the acquisition of Fieldglass in May 2014 that help
business functions that can be activated companies manage their entire workforce
selectively via the switch framework, keeping the including contract workers and permanent staff.
application core stable and helping ensure The signature SAP Fieldglass Vendor
maximum performance. An SAP ERP, private Management System includes cloud-based
cloud edition is now available to help customers applications for external workforce management
still running on SAP ECC transition to a cloud and services procurement. In 2018, SAP
landscape. See “SAP ERP Central Component Fieldglass solutions connected customers with 6.2
(SAP ECC).” million active external workers and more than
123,000 suppliers in over 220 countries and
SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) – territories.
Main software component in the SAP ERP
application. SAP Fieldglass External Talent Marketplace –
Free offering released in 2020, that aims to help
SAP Event Stream Processor (SAP ESP) – A companies find and hire temporary workers in the
high-performance complex event processing United States to help with business continuity
engine designed to analyze streams of business efforts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
event information in real time.
SAP Fieldglass Live Insights – Machine learning
SAP Excise Tax Management – A cloud solution data-as-a-service offering that enables
that runs on SAP Business Technology Platform organizations to plan, simulate, predict, and
and enables customers to track in real time engage external talent in a seamless, intuitive
excisable products, calculate the tax value workflow. The service provides real-time visibility,
accordingly, and prepare the tax value speed, and agility in activating new workforce
declaration. strategies using a robust talent procurement data
set supplemented with their data and trusted third-
SAP Executive Board – The official governing party data.
body of SAP, overseeing and deciding on the
activities of the company. Subject to the SAP Field Kick-Off Meeting (SAP FKOM) – See
requirements of stock corporation law, the SAP “SAP Customer Success Summit.”
Executive Board is committed to the interests of
SAP and bound by company policy. It provides the SAP Field Service Management – This cloud
SAP Supervisory Board with regular, prompt, and solution from acquired company Coresystems
comprehensive reports about all essential issues supports field service technicians with real-time,
of business, corporate strategy, and potential automated workforce scheduling, planning, and
risks. Membership in the SAP Executive Board is dispatching for employees and provides self-
part of the official titles for these Board members. service options for field service needs. The
offering provides customer businesses with an
SAP Experience Center(s) – Open space for end-to-end field service management solution that
inspiration, ideation, innovation, and illustration of lets end users discover answers on their own,
digital opportunities today. A part of this is a maker schedule appointments, and get estimated time of
space where organizations can test ideas and arrival (ETA) data on technician status. It also
build digital and physical prototypes. Current grants managers more visibility into their field
centers exist in Copenhagen, Denmark, Hudson service teams.
Yards, in New York City, Johannesburg, South
Africa, and Tokyo, Japan, for example. SAP SAP Fiori – First developed as a set of extensible
Leonardo Centers are in the process of being HTML5 apps specific to key user roles, offering a
renamed SAP Experience Centers. seamless user experience across devices using
responsive design principles. SAP Fiori apps
SAP Extension Suite – Umbrella term for all target all employees of existing SAP customers,
cloud services for extending applications in SAP addressing the most common business functions,
Business Technology Platform. This suite enables such as workflow approvals, information lookups,
companies to automate, enhance, and adapt and self-service tasks. A free launchpad allows
business processes beyond standard solutions users to access their SAP Fiori apps from one
securely in both, on-premise and cloud single entry point. A cloud version is available as
landscapes. Comprises the extension capabilities SAP Fiori Cloud.
previously available in SAP Cloud Platform. See
“SAP Business Technology Platform.” SAP Fiori for iOS – This design language
combines SAP Fiori UX with a consumer-grade
iOS experience to meet enterprise user needs. It

is used to create native business apps for iPhone SAP for Consumer Products – Solution portfolio
and iPad, built using Swift, Apple’s modern, that supports the integration of every step of the
secure, and interactive programming language. consumer product value chain – from suppliers to
Part of an Apple and SAP partnership, established consumers. Key capabilities include mobile and
in May 2016 to revolutionize the mobile work Internet sales, trade promotion management,
experience, combining powerful native apps for inventory management, brand and channel
iPhone and iPad with the cutting-edge capabilities management, and demand signal management.
of the SAP HANA platform. SAP Fiori for Android
was launched in 2018 and takes the strengths of SAP for Defense & Security – Solution portfolio
the Fiori user interface and the Android operating that offers a variety of capabilities that meet the
system to deliver enterprise applications. critical needs of the defense and security sector.
Key industry-specific capabilities include
SAP Fiori Makers – Initiative to help UX acquisition and materials management; force
developers, designers, and practitioners, as well planning; maintenance, repair, and overhaul
as design-minded SAP customers and partners, (MRO); personnel and organization; infrastructure
learn how to design SAP Fiori apps along the SAP management; planning and support for deployed
Fiori UX guidelines. operations; in-service support; and line
SAP Fiori tools – This names a collection of tools
based on SAP Fiori UX technology that provides SAP for Engineering, Construction &
users with guided help, code snippets, and Operations (SAP for EC&O) – Solution portfolio
integrated application generation and preview to designed to meet the specific requirements of
make software developers more efficient when project-oriented enterprises that offers capabilities
developing SAP Fiori apps. for industrial plant construction, construction of
commercial and private buildings, and
SAP Fiori user experience (UX) – Umbrella term shipbuilding.
for the user experience for SAP software. Based
on modern design principles, it represents a SAP4Good – Name used in social media
consumer-like, consistent experience across channels to communicate the activities in areas
devices, including tablets and smartphones. such as corporate social responsibility (CSR),
sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. See “SAP
SAP for Aerospace & Defense (SAP for A&D) – Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Solution portfolio specifically designed to meet the
needs of the aerospace and defense industry. It SAP for Healthcare – Solution portfolio that aims
offers capabilities for maintenance, repair and to help healthcare institutions and providers
overhaul, airline operations, defense, improve patient outcomes, while providing cost-
manufacturing, contract and program effective care through a digital network. A
management, and business acquisitions. consumer-centric healthcare ecosystem helps
transform healthcare for patients and providers
SAP for Automotive – Solution portfolio designed alike with offerings addressing patient care and
to meet the specific needs of the automotive care collaboration, as well as healthcare analytics
industry. Its capabilities help link complex and research. Formerly called SAP Health.
business processes into a logical flow, maximizing
efficiency and profitability and satisfying SAP for Higher Education and Research (SAP
customers’ expectations. for HE&R) – Solution portfolio that supports
organizational processes and unique needs of
SAP for Banking – Solution portfolio that enables public and private universities, multicampus
banks to obtain all customer information at a institutions, research agencies, and medical
glance and offers a full complement of high- colleges, including campus management, grants
performance capabilities for strategic planning, management, student lifecycle management,
financial accounting, costing, and enterprise-wide financials, operations, human capital
control. It also features key industry-specific management, procurement, analytics, research,
applications for profitability management, risk and asset management.
management, customer relationship management,
and integrated customer account systems. SAP for High Tech – Solution portfolio that meets
the demands of high-tech industries, including
SAP for Chemicals – Solution portfolio that RosettaNet support.
delivers support for specific processes and tools
that chemical companies require. Industry-specific SAP for Industrial Machinery & Components
capabilities include recipe management, batch (SAP for IM&C) – Solution portfolio that
management, and version control. coordinates the entire scope of business activities
(estimating, order entry, project management, and

production planning) for the industrial sector and SAP for Public Sector – Solution portfolio for
supports areas ranging from maintenance and public administration, providing an electronic
services to billing and profitability analysis. framework that enables online communication
through various applications for the public,
SAP for Insurance – Solution portfolio that government authorities, and related entities.
integrates steps in the insurance business
process, including capabilities for customer SAP for Retail – Solution portfolio that offers
contact, policy and product management, multichannel applications designed specifically to
collections, and disbursement, and claims provide the best retail services to a large
management. customer base.

SAP for Life Sciences – Solution portfolio that SAP for Sports & Entertainment – Solution
meets the requirements of pharmaceutical, portfolio that comprises solutions for sports teams,
biotechnology, and diagnostics companies, as leagues, and venues, designed to help them
well as manufacturers of medical devices and deepen fan engagement, drive on-field
products. performance, and optimize business efficiency.

SAP for Me – Portal that gives SAP customers SAP for Telecommunications – Solution
information about their software portfolio and portfolio that provides telecommunications
helps them with such processes as provisioning enterprises of all types and sizes a range of
and outage notifications, as well as contract and industry-specific capabilities, including support for
license management. It also offers convergent invoicing and contract accounting.
recommendations for SAP events, learning paths,
trial options, and other SAP products. SAP for Travel & Transportation – Solution
portfolio that covers the unique business needs of
SAP for Media – Solution portfolio that supports postal services, railways, airlines, and toll
processes specific to the media industry with collection companies, as well as logistics service
capabilities that include sales and distribution, providers, to optimize supply chain and planning.
advertising management, product development,
and intellectual property management. SAP for Utilities – Solution portfolio for all supply
and energy industries, with capabilities ranging
SAP for Mill Products – Solution portfolio for from call centers and Internet communications to
manufacturers of building materials, the paper and consumption billing.
timber industry, metal and primary metal
producers, and textile and furniture SAP for Wholesale Distribution – Solution
manufacturers. portfolio that addresses the needs of midsize and
large wholesale distribution businesses in a wide
SAP for Mining – Solution portfolio that supports range of segments. Industry-specific capabilities
processes specific to the mining industry, support new business models and strategies that
including mining operations and asset meet the needs of an important supply sector.
performance; sales and supply chain
management; operational risk and compliance; as SAP Future Cities – Umbrella term for an
well as human resources; finance; procurement; initiative that includes the strategy, solutions, and
and IT management. vision associated with smart urban management,
targeting state and local governments worldwide.
SAP for Oil & Gas – See “SAP for Oil, Gas, and It represents a unified range of SAP offerings for
Energy.” government organizations that help them improve
the lives of their citizens and make urban living
SAP for Oil, Gas, and Energy (SAP for OG&E) sustainable. See “SAP City Connect.”
– Solution portfolio that meets the demands of oil
and gas companies as well as energy producers SAP Gateway – A technology framework enabling
of all types and sizes. Formerly called SAP for Oil exposure and simplified access to SAP software
& Gas. from any device or environment using standard,
open protocols. It opens data and processes
SAP for Professional Services – Solution running on SAP applications for software
portfolio that delivers integrated tools, best developers to create apps in different
practices, and support for automated processes environments and devices to engage many more
designed specifically for the demands of the business consumers. Formerly called SAP
professional services industry, including NetWeaver Gateway.
management consultancies as well as accounting
and legal firms. SAP Global Diversity and Inclusion Office –
Part of the Human Resources Board area,

committed to enabling an inclusive, healthy, bias- SAP Health Engagement – Solution that enables
free culture to foster employee engagement, the interaction between individuals and doctors or
spark innovation and drive customer success. See healthcare providers to track their well-being. It
“diversity.” includes mobile apps, remote monitoring, and
dashboard views of health and activity data to
SAP Global Partner Summit – Exclusive event help improve the experiences of patients,
held for all SAP partners as part of SAPPHIRE providers, and caregivers.
NOW. A day full of practical business-
building insights, strategies, innovations, SAP Hybris – See “SAP Customer Experience.”
enablement, business opportunities, and
networking dedicated to all things partner, SAP Innovation Center – This organization
helping maximize the SAP partnership. See manages co-innovation projects with industry,
“SAPPHIRE NOW.” academic, and research partners.

SAP HANA – SAP’s flagship in-memory SAP Innovation Framework – A framework that
database, available both on premise and as a helps customers organize their portfolio
service in the cloud. It enables businesses to investment planning. This methodology helps
process and analyze live data and make business explain the difference between embedded
decisions based on the most up-to-date intelligence, intelligent technologies, and open
information, a requirement in today’s digital innovation; categorize industry scenarios into
economy. The innovative architecture in SAP different buckets so that customers can
HANA allows both transactional processing for understand the scenarios more simply; and
data capture and retrieval, and analytical enable account executives on a guided selling
processing for business intelligence and reporting. approach. There are three categories of
It reduces time-consuming database and data innovations within the SAP Innovation Framework:
management tasks and underpins intelligent optimize existing processes for more efficiency or
applications that use advanced analytic reliability; extend current business processes to
processing. It includes features such as text capture new sources of value; and transform
analysis, multitenant database containers to company’s value chain or business mode.
support multiple isolated databases in a single
SAP HANA instance, as well as external machine SAP Innovation Services – Portfolio of services
learning libraries. See “SAP HANA Enterprise that offers a flexible, open innovation approach to
Cloud.” help businesses apply emerging technologies
such as machine learning, Internet of Things, or
SAP HANA Cloud – Data platform-as-a-service blockchain to bring intelligence and commercial
that offers full capabilities to manage data storage value to their organizations.
and federation. As the cloud-based data
foundation of SAP Business Technology Platform, SAP Innovative Business Solutions – SAP
it integrates data from across the enterprise and organization that specializes in building individual
enables faster decisions based on live data. SAP software solutions that address the unique needs
HANA Cloud connects customers to all of their of customers, and that fit seamlessly with existing
information without requiring it to be loaded into a SAP software. The organization draws on SAP
single storage solution. innovations, especially SAP HANA, to deliver
unmatched impact and value for specific customer
SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud – This service use cases.
enables customers to access solutions in the
cloud. It contains managed cloud applications, in- SAP Insights ( – Entity
memory infrastructure, managed services, and that develops and publishes thought leadership
through an additional license, SAP Business content and its role in and effect on technology in
Technology Platform to build custom applications business as well as areas such as purpose, global
in the cloud. On-premise applications from SAP economic and social impacts, scenario planning,
can be delivered to customers through SAP HANA and predictions. The SAP Insights Web site now
Enterprise Cloud. also includes content formerly available in the
Digitalist Magazine by SAP.
SAP HANA One – A deployment of SAP HANA
certified for productive use on the Amazon Web SAP Integrated Business Planning – See “SAP
Services. SAP HANA One can be deployed for Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain.”
production use with small data sets, in minutes,
opening a door to starter projects from customers, SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply
independent software vendors (ISVs), and Chain – Powered by SAP HANA, this solution
startups. delivers real-time supply chain planning

capabilities for sales and operations, demand and and conversational artificial intelligence (AI) in an
supply planning, and inventory optimization in the integrated way to automate business processes in
cloud. It provides the necessary information to cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments. In
make business decisions using embedded this automation suite software robots are
analytics, simulation, prediction, and decision designed to mimic human actions and responses
support. Specific applications can be used with and manual steps are replaced by automated,
the established SAP Fiori user experience definable, and repeatable business processes
interface or with a Microsoft Excel plug-in, across lines-of-business.
allowing users to run optimization scenarios
directly in their spreadsheets. Renamed to include SAP Internet of Things (SAP IoT) – Solution that
the Supply Chain focus. offers capabilities to address industrial Internet of
Things (IoT) use cases. As the IoT layer powering
SAP Integration Suite – Umbrella term for all SAP Business Technology Platform, it enables
cloud integration offerings in SAP Business users to reimagine business processes and
Technology Platform. This suite integrates cloud models with embedded IoT services and data.
applications, data, devices, and people with on- The solution has a reference architecture that
premise and cloud solutions from SAP and third- offers business services and specific capabilities
party vendors. Users with different skillsets can across manufacturing, supply chain, logistics,
apply a variety of integration approaches, intuitive assets, products, service management, and other
tools, and prepackaged content to achieve results areas. It is deployed in the cloud and available as
faster and to gain business agility with this software as a service (SaaS), and thus can be
versatile, dynamic, and enterprise-grade cloud accessed from any Web browser. The enterprise
integration platform. Comprises the integration IoT capabilities we provide are catalysts for digital
capabilities formerly available in SAP Cloud transformation, delivering real-time and forward-
Platform. See “SAP Business Technology looking predictive insights that customers need for
Platform.” their intelligent enterprises.

SAP Intelligent Asset Management – A group of SAP.iO – SAP’s early-stage venture arm that
SAP offerings that enable an organization to use helps innovators inside and outside of SAP build
sensor technologies and predictive analytics to products, find customers, and ultimately change
improve asset health. The four offerings currently industries. SAP.iO executes by investing and
are SAP Asset Intelligence Network, SAP accelerating both internal teams of innovators
Predictive Asset Insights, SAP Mobile Asset (“intrapreneurs”) as well as external startups.
Management, and SAP Asset Strategy and
Performance Management. The offerings continue SAP.iO Foundries – Program within SAP.iO that
to also be available individually. supports early-state startup innovation including
machine learning-enabled software-as-a-service
SAP Intelligent Business Process applications for a variety of topics including IoT,
Management – Marketing bundle of services and cybersecurity, finance, HR, customer
content that includes SAP Business Rules, SAP engagement, and spend management, among
Process Visibility, SAP Workflow, SAP others. Activities with regional or local IT
Conversational AI, SAP CoPilot, and SAP accelerators or incubators, bringing together
Intelligent Robotic Process Automation. industry leaders with the most innovative startups
in the market.
SAP Intelligent Enterprise Framework –
Methodology and visual representation of SAP’s SAP.iO Fund – In addition to venture investments
Intelligent Enterprise strategy that provides an through Sapphire Ventures, SAP also has the
end-to-end enterprise architecture built from SAP.iO Fund, managed by Sapphire Ventures,
solutions, services, and technologies from SAP that focuses on strategic early-stage investments
that address more than 12 lines of business and in enterprise software startups. SAP has
25 industries. See “Intelligent Enterprise.” committed to invest up to 40% of the investable
capital in enterprise software startup founded or
SAP Intelligent Real Estate – A hybrid- led by underrepresented entrepreneurs in B2B
deployment solution that uses embedded software, such as female entrepreneurs.
analytics to enable and map end-to-end real
estate processes. SAP.iO Venture Studio – The program, under the
business unit of the same name, provides
targeted support and services, engagement
SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation – opportunities, and capital through seed funding of
Technology services that enable customers to selected development and business from areas
achieve high degree of automation by delivering across SAP. The program is currently investing in
robotic process automation, machine learning,

strategic areas that include, but are not limited to, SAP Learning Hub – Site that provides on-
security, digital intelligence, healthcare, and cloud demand access to learning content on SAP
APIs. This initiative identifies high-potential solutions. Access is included in the RISE with
entrepreneurial employees at SAP and helps SAP offering.
develop them into successful leaders, with the
objective to build new ventures with a massive SAP Learning Solution – Portfolio of learning
impact on business and society. In 2020, the tools including a learning portal, learning
Venture Studio engaged more than 9,300 management system, authoring tools, and content
employees and gave a jump-start to almost 525 management system. Individual training and
venture ideas. strategic personnel development are supported in
the solution.
SAP IQ – An analytics server designed
specifically for advanced analytics, data SAP Leonardo – Launched in 2017, SAP
warehousing, and business intelligence Leonardo was the name for SAP’s first innovative
environments. Able to work with massive volumes technology and capabilities for analytics,
of structured and unstructured data, it is ideally blockchain, Big Data, data intelligence, IoT, and
suited to take advantage of Big Data opportunities machine learning. The SAP Leonardo brand was
by discovering more accurate insight into fully retired in March 2020. The SAP Leonardo
business performance and market dynamics. capabilities are now embedded in intelligent
technologies in SAP offerings across the portfolio.
SAP Jam – Social software platform that enables See “intelligent technologies” and “Intelligent
sales teams and internal experts to socially Enterprise.”
connect and communicate with customers in the
context of each opportunity. Customers can also SAP Leonardo Center(s) – See “SAP Experience
easily provide feedback and share what is Center(s).”
important to them to strengthen relationships.
Available in two compatible elements, SAP Jam SAP Live Access – Software-as-a-service
Collaboration and SAP Jam Communities. offering that is available to external consultants,
project teams, IT people, centers of expertise, and
SAP Knowledge and Education – Organization others, with a secure hosted environment to test,
and activities with more than 1,000 resources on validate, explore, and get hands-on exposure to
global scale that provides a complete and high- SAP software. It complements SAP Learning Hub,
quality enablement offering across the entire which makes available all of the learning content
customer lifecycle for all target audiences available from SAP Training and Adoption. The
(business users, project teams, customers, user can access a live system to perform
partners, and so on). The comprehensive portfolio exercises and carry out other activities.
of educational products and services leverages a
multimodal offering (on-site, e-learning, and virtual SAP Live Class – Virtual class that participants
classrooms) to accelerate enablement and reduce can join in real time as opposed to a recorded
cost and certifications paths to help ensure training. Classes are offered through SAP
enablement quality. Skills for Success Learning Hub and the format enables direct
(#SkillsforSuccess) is a communication handle communication with trainers and other
from the SAP Knowledge and Education team to participants. Customers have the option of
provide messaging for their initiatives to help enrolling in selected sessions either through SAP
business professionals using SAP software. Live Class or SAP Classroom. See “SAP
SAP Knowledge Workspace – Cloud solution
that supports multiple industries and use cases by SAP Loyalty Management – A solution that helps
providing a digital workspace where knowledge marketing and commerce customers track
workers can collaborate across organizational customer behavior and create and manage loyalty
boundaries to deal with complex tasks and programs.
incidents. Capabilities include data exchange,
incident management, chat, planning, and SAP Marketing Cloud – Portfolio that includes all
synchronization. marketing solutions to support developing a single
view of the customer, gaining deeper customer
SAP Learning – As part of the Human Resources insights, enabling consent-based marketing,
Board area, this internal organization is delivering individualized marketing experiences,
responsible for designing, aligning, and ensuring lead and account management, and optimizing
execution of SAP's overall learning and training marketing through closed loop planning,
activities for all global employees. execution, and measurement. See “SAP
Customer Experience.”

SAP MaxAttention – The premium support Server, SAP Enterprise Portal, and SAP Process
offering, designed specifically for customers Orchestration components. It facilitates the easy
whose operations demand mission-critical integration of SAP software with heterogeneous
customized support. The support option includes system environments, third-party solutions, and
a full range of services for individual customer external business partners. See “technology
needs and covers all stages of an SAP solution’s platform.”
lifecycle. New SAP MaxAttention helps
customers turn ideas into value-based predictable SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP
outcomes with precise business and technical NetWeaver AS) – Component of SAP NetWeaver
guidance – from innovation to operation – and is that provides support for platform-independent
composed one service portfolio for all deployment Web services, business applications, and
types, one team with clear accountabilities; and standards-based development based upon key
one commercial framework offers pay-as-you-use technologies such as Java and ABAP.
services with predictable outcomes. As the
highest engagement level throughout the software SAP Next-Gen – Program that enables
lifecycle, this customized, on-site program corporations, governments, and NGOs to connect
orchestrates all SAP experts to work with with academic thought leaders and researchers,
customers to innovate, develop ideas, and students, startups, accelerators, tech community
accelerate their digital transformation. It enables partners, venture firms, purpose-driven partners,
customers to simplify and optimize their IT futurists, and SAP experts. This purpose-driven
operations. innovation university and community supports
SAP’s commitment to the 17 UN Global Goals for
SAP Mobile Platform – Mobile capabilities and sustainable development, providing an innovation
technology offered in enterprise or consumer platform that comprises more than 3,700
editions and each edition is available as either an educational institutions in 116 countries. It
on-premise or a cloud version. manages more than 110 SAP Next-Gen Labs at
universities and at partner and SAP locations, and
SAP Model Company – Preconfigured ready-to- more than 90 SAP Next-Gen Chapters. The SAP
run reference solution with business content, Next-Gen program has been extended beyond
accelerators, and engineered services for multiple enterprises and universities to citizens, partners,
industries or lines of business. This service and young thinkers.
provides the building blocks for a solution, helping
customers accelerate deployment and digital SAP Next-Gen Chapters – Physical spaces at
transformation. globally leading universities to accelerate
“innovation with purpose” in classrooms and with
SAP Month of Service – Held annually in industry partners. These chapters are lighthouse
October, SAP’s signature corporate volunteerism campuses that are multipliers of the University
effort offers SAP employees around the world Competence Centers (UCCs), Academic
opportunities to come together to support social Competence Centers (ACCs), and SAP University
change in their communities. SAP Month of Alliances, sharing best practices in connecting
Service, an annual volunteering campaign, industry partners, students, and SAP experts.
employees executed 800 projects globally. SAP
Together will serve as a digital hub for employee SAP Next-Gen Labs – Global network of more
volunteerism, continuing to build on the than 100 lab or hub spaces at universities and at
momentum from SAP Month of Service year- partner and SAP locations, where SAP customers
round. See “SAP Together.” and partners interested in encouraging innovation
using design concepts and prototype apps can
SAP National Security Services (NS2) – connect with designers, developers, data
Independent U.S. subsidiary of SAP that offers a scientists, and developers from SAP. SAP Next-
full suite of enterprise applications, analytics, Gen Lab physical locations showcase student
database, cybersecurity, cloud, and mobile startups with corporations seeking to seed in
solutions from SAP, with specialized levels of disruptive innovation, educate industry partners
security and support to meet the mission with skills for digital futures, and connect students
requirements of U.S. national security and critical with companies recruiting next-generation
infrastructure customers. leaders. More than 110 universities in 34 countries
have opened SAP Next-Gen Lab spaces.
SAP NetWeaver – Comprehensive technology
platform designed to efficiently develop, run, and SAP Notes – Tool that provides instructions on
extend business applications. SAP NetWeaver how to remove known errors from SAP software,
provides foundation and enterprise software, including a description of the symptoms, cause,
including the SAP Business Warehouse and location of the errors.
application, and the SAP NetWeaver Application

SAP One Billion Lives ( SAPPHIRE NOW Reimagined – Name of the
– Program that invites SAP colleagues to propose SAPPHIRE NOW event that took place virtually in
and gain support for projects that would benefit April 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
the public sector, specifically in the areas of
education, health care, and disaster management Sapphire Ventures
and response. “SAP 1BLives” is used to refer to ( – Name of
the program on social media. See “5 & 5 by ’25.” independent venture firm spun off from SAP,
providing the agility of a start-up while allowing
SAP One Inbox – See “SAP Task Center.” companies to tap into SAP’s global enterprise
ecosystem of customers and partners. Sapphire
SAP ONE Support – Designed for flexibility and Ventures pursues opportunities in which it can
simplification of the customer experience, this help fuel enterprise growth by adding expertise,
program helps deliver a harmonized and relationships, geographic reach, and capital. The
integrated support experience to companies of all firm manages over US$4.5 billion and has
sizes and across all deployment scenarios – in the invested in more than 170 companies. These
cloud, on-premise or in hybrid scenarios. The SAP include growth-stage technology companies and
ONE Support program is available through the early-stage venture capital funds. It places a
SAP Enterprise Support and SAP Preferred Care particular focus on companies in Europe, Israel,
offerings. See “SAP Enterprise Support” and “SAP and the United States.
Preferred Care.”
SAP Pinnacle Award – Annual partner
SAP Open Source – Umbrella name for the recognition awarded to SAP partners excelling in
program for and group of open source offerings various categories.
that are made available for developers. See “open
source.” SAP PowerBuilder – Application development
tool for creating high-performance, data-driven
SAP PartnerEdge business applications with advanced visual user
( – Global, interface design
partner-to-partner business collaboration network
where SAP partners can share expertise, SAP PowerDesigner – Business process and
development capabilities, solutions, and data modeling software and metadata
knowledge to extend their market reach. The site management solution for data architecture,
gives partners access to information, product and information architecture, and enterprise
business news, tools, training, and business architecture. Available in enterprise editions
resources to order products. Partners can also tailored to data architects or business analysts.
manage their relationship with SAP and
collaborate with other SAP partners through SAP SAP Predictive Analytics – Software that
PartnerEdge. provides an intuitive tool for predictive model
design and visualization. It is available as a
SAP Payment service – Service that helps standalone solution and offers analytics and
companies invest in SAP solutions implemented machine learning capabilities.
by a strategic partner of SAP: Siemens Financial
Services GmbH (SFS). SFS targets the financing SAP Predictive Asset Insights – Cloud offering
service chiefly at midsize companies. Depending used by maintenance and reliability professionals
on local conditions, the SFS plan leases solutions to monitor the health of industrial assets. The
to customers and provides loan finance. solution delivers advanced analytics, leveraging
machine learning and physics-based engineering
SAPPHIRE NOW models to predict performance, detect anomalies,
( – SAP’s and simulate a wide variety of operational
signature business technology event and the scenarios. Formerly called SAP Predictive
largest SAP customer-driven conference is held Maintenance and Service. See “SAP Intelligent
annually in several locations around the globe. Asset Management.”
The global event in the United States is co-located
with the Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service – See
annual conference. Attendees discover new “SAP Predictive Asset Insights.”
initiatives, solutions, products, and services, as
well as unique access to the latest business SAP Preferred Care – Enhanced support offering
strategies and industry best practices from SAP available on top of an SAP Enterprise Support
customers, partners, executives, and industry subscription as a premium add-on for cloud
experts to help them drive business results across solutions from SAP. On-premise editions are also
all levels. available for customers with on-premise or hybrid

systems transitioning to digital business models. agencies, non-profits, consumers, and influencers
See “SAP Enterprise Support.” to discover new solutions to pressing global
SAP Preferred Success – Subscription-based
customer success offering available on top of SAP Ramp-Up – See “SAP Early Adopter Care.”
select cloud solution subscriptions. It offers a
bundle of prescriptive customer success SAP Rapid Deployment solutions – Packages
resources that accelerate cloud adoption and of preconfigured software and predefined services
achieve quick business outcomes. This support with content including best practices, templates,
engagement combines insight-driven tools, and business user enablement with
recommendations to optimize cloud solution predetermined scope, time, and costs. Because
capabilities, a tailored learning strategy, and the solutions are installed quickly, customers can
change management guidance. It also provides benefit from crucial software functionality within as
advanced support benefits to anticipate risks and little as 12 weeks, helping lower the total cost of
address critical issues, such as enhanced implementation and giving customers immediate
customer response levels (target service-level and tangible value.
agreements) and proactive health checks.
SAP Readiness Check – Tool included in all
SAP Premier Customer Network – Exclusive customer maintenance contracts at no extra
SAP community of top industry leaders charge. It enables customers to understand the
representing some of the world’s largest and best- implications of a potential conversion project by
run businesses. For these premier customers, analyzing software prerequisites, infrastructure
SAP aims to simplify and tailor the partnership requirements, functional implications, necessary
toward the unique needs of each customer by custom code adaptations, and application data
proactively assembling the best talent and migration requirements that are required before
synchronization across SAP’s lines of business they can convert their SAP ERP system to a
(product development, sales, services, support, newer SAP system. It is included in the RISE with
and marketing) globally. SAP offering.

SAP Product Carbon Footprint Analytics – SAP RealSpend – Cloud solution that enables
Application used with SAP S/4HANA and SAP managers to control and analyze expenses and
Analytics Cloud that tracks and analyzes the budgets.
carbon footprint of products. This offering is part of
the Climate 21 initiative. See “Climate 21.” SAP Replication Server – Software that moves
and synchronizes data in real time, allowing
SAP Product Engineering – SAP Executive companies to gain better use of application data
Board area that encompasses product and to create reports without affecting operational
management, engineering, cloud operations and systems. Administrators can set up redundant
infrastructure, and support teams. disaster recovery sites and distribute, consolidate,
and synchronize data across multiple platforms.
SAP Product Footprint Management – Cloud
solution that enables customers to assess, SAP Resolve – Help desk program for SAP
evaluate, and optimize the environmental impact partners to manage customer support problems
of their products, including carbon and CO2e and queries.
(carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions and the
usage of natural resources such as land and SAP Returnable Packaging Management –
water. This offering is part of the Climate 21 Cloud solution that enables circular logistic flows
initiative. See “Climate 21.” for returnable and reusable packaging material
such as containers, pallets, and load carriers. The
SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP solution also enables collaboration with partners
PLM) – On-premise application that helps along the supply chain, connection to multiple
companies manage, track, and control all product- back-end systems, and integration of equipment
related information over the complete product and data with the Internet of Things.
asset lifecycle as well as throughout the extended
supply chain. SAP PLM is designed to facilitate SAP Road Map Explorer
creativity and to free the process of product ( – An online tool that
innovation from organizational constraints. provides access for customers to interactive road
maps across the SAP portfolio.
SAP Purpose Network
( SAP road maps – Available for industries, lines of
– A program with the goal of SAP co-innovating at business, and technology, these road maps
scale with customers, partners, government highlight the SAP solutions available today,

planned innovation, and the SAP vision for the Individual offerings target sales and service
future. See “SAP Road Map Explorer.” organizations with designed-in social collaboration
to help transform social media conversations into
SAP Roambi – Web application that provides business insight. See “SAP Customer
data visualization on any device type to enable Experience.”
users to publish and share reports, charts, and
dashboards. SAP S/4HANA – Launched in February 2015,
SAP’s next-generation on-premise business suite
SAP R/2 – Business software for mainframe runs on the SAP HANA database and is designed
computers launched by SAP in 1979; precursor to with role-based SAP Fiori UX. SAP S/4HANA is
SAP R/3. the enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite for
the intelligent enterprise. More than 10,000
SAP R/3 – Business software for client/server customers have chosen the suite to support their
environments launched by SAP in 1992 with digital transformation. The SAP S/4HANA suite
enterprise software components for human spans all business functions including finance,
resources, logistics, financials, sales and human resources, sales, service, procurement,
distribution, and others; precursor to SAP ERP. manufacturing, asset management, supply chain,
and R&D. The cloud offering is available as SAP
SAP Ruum – Solution that was developed as part S/4HANA Cloud. See “SAP S/4HANA Cloud.”
of the SAP.iO intrapreneurship program. SAP
Ruum allows business users to build, integrate, SAP S/4HANA Cloud – SAP’s flagship next-
and run their own business processes and generation cloud ERP provides functionality that
projects without having to depend on lengthy IT allows companies to run integrated and intelligent
projects. Formerly called Ruum by SAP. digital businesses in real time. SAP S/4HANA
Cloud is built with an open architecture that helps
SAP Sales Cloud – One of the five solution connect it to the wider SAP portfolio. SAP
categories within the SAP Customer Experience S/4HANA Cloud is a public cloud edition; the
portfolio. Individual offerings help companies private cloud edition is called SAP S/4HANA
improve sales with better selling experiences, Cloud, private edition. Both private and public
enhancing sales reps' daily work experience, cloud editions are available as options in the RISE
while improving customer experiences and with SAP offering. The SAP S/4HANA Cloud
accelerating the buying process. See “SAP software development kit (SDK) allows customers
Customer Experience.” and partners to innovate quickly and easily with
integration and extension capabilities.
SAP Security Insights – A cloud solution that
provides customers with the security status of the SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management – Core
SAP solution(s) they are using. This solution on-premise solution in the SAP S/4HANA suite
allows customers to identify security-related covering all mission-critical processes of an
concerns such as outdated versions, missing enterprise. It is natively built on the SAP HANA
high-availability setups, and other insecure platform, designed with SAP Fiori UX.
configurations. The solution will also be available
as a service in the SAP BTP cockpit. See “SAP SAP S/4HANA Finance – Global financial
BTP cockpit.” solution available in the SAP S/4HANA suite as
one of the SAP S/4HANA Line-of-Business (LoB)
SAP Services and Support – Portfolio of Solutions.
individually named services and support offerings
organized under three specific engagement SAP S/4HANA Movement – SAP program and
categories: project success, continuous success, initiative to promote and accelerate adoption of
and premium success. These offerings provide a SAP S/4HANA. This is an easy-to-use adoption
simplified engagement, delivery, and overall starter engagement that helps customers
experience with SAP and expanded the range of structure and assess their transformation to SAP
intelligent tools designed to underpin service and S/4HANA.
support offerings. The former organization SAP
Services and Support (previously called SAP SAP S/4HANA Value Starter Engagement –
Digital Business Services) is now part of the Launched in mid-2020 to help customers address
Customer Success Board area. key questions to aid in their decision-making
process to adopt SAP S/4HANA. It is a free one-
SAP Service Cloud – One of the five solution week customer engagement that helps customers
categories within the SAP Customer Experience build their value proposition and business case by
portfolio. It encompasses all products across the leveraging customer-specific content and
customer experience that help secure customer preloaded tools from SAP.
satisfaction in support of ongoing loyalty.

SAP Smart Business – Cockpit dashboards that SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing, and SAP
enable users to quickly aggregate data, perform Manufacturing Suite.
analytics, and gain insights into KPIs related to
various corporate functions. A variety of options SAP solutions for enterprise information
are available for specific use cases/roles, management (EIM) – Category of solutions that
including accounts payable, event management, provide capabilities to understand, integrate,
financial close, purchasing, and other corporate cleanses, manage, associate, and archive data.
functions. The data landscape can include SAP software
systems such as SAP S/4HANA and SAP
SAP SMS 365 – Interoperability services that BW/4HANA. See “SAP Data Intelligence” and
simplify the deployment and delivery of inter- “SAP Data Intelligence Cloud.”
operator messaging over incompatible networks,
protocol stacks, and handsets among mobile SAP solutions for fan engagement – Category
operators worldwide. Messages are delivered of solutions to help sports teams and
through a secure operator-grade messaging entertainment venues interact with their fans to
platform, with advanced protocol conversion, drive engagement and revenue.
routing, queuing, and transcoding capabilities.
SAP Social Sabbatical – Umbrella name for an SAP solutions for small businesses and
SAP CSR program that allows SAP employees to midsize companies – Category of solutions that
contribute their time and talent to helping combine business management and business
entrepreneurs and small businesses in various intelligence software for small and midsize
markets. Program options exist for global, local, enterprises (SMEs) and the midmarket. It
and regional engagement. In 2019, we expanded currently includes cloud-based ERP solutions
the program to include an option for executive such as SAP Business ByDesign, SAP Business
engagement where selected strategic customers One Cloud, Edge editions of SAP
and partners were invited to join. BusinessObjects BI solutions, and other SME
services. As with large enterprises, SMEs seek to
SAP Solution Extensions – Category name for streamline business processes, cut costs, drive
solutions that are developed by independent growth, and increase profitability by receiving the
partners, Solution extensions integrate easily with right information at the right time – across all
SAP software, offering customers cross-solution operations.
and cross-industry functions that complement
SAP software. These select third-party offerings SAP solutions for sustainability – Category of
are branded with “SAP,” and sold and supported solutions that helps companies measure
by SAP and partners. sustainability key performance indicators; energy
and carbon management; and environment,
SAP Solution Manager – End-to-end application health, and safety. SAP solutions for sustainability
lifecycle management solution to help streamline help organizations tackle energy consumption and
business processes and proactively address greenhouse gas emissions, as well as support
improvement options, increasing efficiency and efforts in product safety, healthcare, and
decreasing risk with the SAP maintenance sustainability performance management.
agreement. Customers can centralize, enhance,
automate, and improve the management of their SAP Sports One – Solution comprising a suite of
entire system landscape (SAP and third party), Web applications (Match Insights, Player Fitness,
thus reducing total cost of ownership. The solution Scouting Insights, Team Manager, and Training
includes features such as diagnostics, testing, Planner) and mobile apps (SAP Challenger
root cause analysis, and solution monitoring. A Insights, SAP Player Fitness, SAP Player Injury,
category of focused solutions for SAP Solution and SAP Team One) that gives sport clubs the
Manager is available on SAP Store. It is team management tools they need to operate
complementary to SAP Cloud ALM which provides effectively.
comparable capabilities for cloud landscapes. See
“SAP Cloud ALM.” SAP SQL Anywhere – Mobile, embedded, and
cloud-enabled fully relational database that is
SAP solutions for advanced compliance embedded in more than 10 million installations
reporting – Category of solutions to centrally worldwide, from laptops to tablets to smartphones.
manage, simplify, and speed up global statutory
reporting for international organizations. SAP Standard Support – Support option offering
a reliable response to technical disruptions and for
SAP solutions for digital manufacturing – maintaining system health and integrity. This basic
Category of solutions comprising SAP Digital support offering features updates, problem
Manufacturing, SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud, resolution, knowledge transfer, quality
management, and more to keep IT landscapes

up-to-date and stable. SAP Standard Support SAP SuccessFactors Compensation – As part
delivers support services to enable continuous of the SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, this
and effective business operations. solution helps companies create a more simplified
compensation plan management with more
SAP Startup Accelerator – A co-innovation accurate budgeting and reduced risk. It helps
program for selected B2B startups, key calibrate performance data to ensure fairness and
customers, and SAP partners. The goal is to employee retention and insight for total employee
support startups in IoT technology and business compensation analysis. See “SAP
applications to grow and scale their businesses SuccessFactors Human Experience Management
alongside with SAP and customers and partners, (HXM) Suite.”
each benefiting from shared knowledge and
innovation. The program has an external SAP SuccessFactors digital assistant – Digital
presence in the SAP Data Space in Berlin. tool developed to provide a business’ entire
Formerly called SAP IoT Startup Accelerator. workforce with a personalized, engaging
experience by applying machine learning to guide
SAP Startup Accelerator for Digital Supply and recommend actions based on verbal and
Chain – A co-innovation program for selected B2B written questions or commands.
startups, key customers, and SAP partners. The
goal is to support startups (in areas including but SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central –
not limited to digital supply chain technology and Solution that is the foundation of the SAP
business applications) to grow and scale their SuccessFactors HXM Suite, offering core HR
businesses alongside SAP and as well as software delivered securely as a service from the
customers and partners, each benefiting from cloud. It offers one global system of record,
shared knowledge and innovation. Formerly called complete workforce overview combining HR and
SAP IoT Startup Accelerator. talent data, powerful analytics, and social
collaboration fine-tuned to meet local needs.
SAP Startup Focus – Program that offers a
variety of resources for young companies SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll
including technology, training, technical advice, – Cloud solution that extends the SAP
and valuable go-to-market support. It serves as a SuccessFactors HXM Suite to include payroll
development and growth accelerator that provides accounting and management.
an integrated approach for startups to innovate on
the SAP HANA business data platform. SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite – See “SAP
SuccessFactors Human Experience Management
SAP Store ( – Online destination (HXM) Suite.”
where customers can find, try, buy, and renew
more than 1,800 solutions from SAP and trusted SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience
partners. Available in more than 200 countries and Management (HXM) Suite – Cloud HR software
territories globally, it provides customers with real- designed to increase the value of a workforce by
time access to innovative solutions to become providing solutions to help develop, manage,
intelligent enterprises and digitally transform their engage, and empower people. HXM solutions
businesses. Solutions from SAP’s partners allow from SAP provide offerings for core HR and
customers to extend their existing SAP solutions payroll, talent management, employee
with a mix of free trials, paid apps, and services. experience, HR analytics, and workforce planning.
As of February 2021, SAP Store now incorporates Previously called SAP SuccessFactors HCM
SAP App Center. Suite.

SAP SuccessFactors – Solutions that help SAP SuccessFactors Learning – As an

organizations increase the value of their workforce integrated part of the SAP SuccessFactors HXM
by developing, managing, engaging, and Suite, this solution helps companies transform
empowering their people. Delivered as a complete how a workforce learns by combining formal,
digital suite, these solutions address all aspects of social, and extended learning with content
human resources (HR), from administration, management, reporting, and analytics, available
payroll, and benefits to talent management and from an office or on a mobile device.
collaboration across the employee journey. These
solutions integrate fully with the customer’s other SAP SuccessFactors Mobile for Android –
business software, including SAP S/4HANA. See Further improving usability across mobile devices,
“SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience SAP partnered with Google to redesign the mobile
Management (HXM) Suite.” app for Android users. Employees and managers
can now more easily engage and complete critical
people-related tasks.

customer-centric, demand-driven companies can
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting – This solution monitor and respond more smartly and quickly to
combines SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting demand and supply dynamics across a globally
Management and SAP SuccessFactors distributed environment.
Marketing. A candidate relationship management
capability was added in 2018, helping recruiters to SAP Task Center – A cloud service that provides
attract more relevant candidates, engage, and a single entry point for business users to access
nurture targeted talent pools, and to manage the all their assigned workflow items, to-do lists, and
application and hiring process more efficiently. approvals across SAP applications. Fully replaced
SAP One Inbox in September 2020.
SAP SuccessFactors Visa and Permits
Management – First SAP SuccessFactors SAP TechEd (
solution built natively on the former SAP Cloud global/en/home) – Annual technical education
Platform. It offers a single place for HR to centrally conference that encompasses a broad scope of
manage, automate, and gain insight into complex topics and audience, focusing on technology with
employee work visa and permit processes for an emphasis on collaboration and hands-on
international hiring. workshops. The event was held virtually in 2020
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Local versions
SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics – As are designated as SAP TechEd.local events for
part of the SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, this direct reach to the target audience for virtual,
solution helps companies get the insights they digital, and hybrid elements of the SAP TechEd
need to make strategic workforce decisions by programs.
finding answers to key questions about workforce
challenges and how to solve them. See “SAP SAP Together – New cloud-based employee
SuccessFactors Human Experience Management engagement platform, as well as funding of non-
(HXM) Suite.” profit organizations. In this way, SAP works to
foster employee engagement and societal impact.
SAP SuccessFactors Work-Life – Cloud solution In 2018, more than 20,000 SAP employees
for HR professionals to improve employee volunteered, dedicating more than 298,000 hours
engagement and health at work. Real-time data of service. See “SAP Month of Service.”
and machine-learning algorithms help enterprises
to attract and retain talents. Organizations access SAP Training and Adoption – Umbrella name for
aggregated real-time data to better respond to the the portfolio of training and adoption-related
needs of their workforce. This solution is part of solutions and services from the SAP Knowledge
the Well-Being at Work program. Formerly called and Education organization and the Customer
SAP Work-Life. See “Well-Being at Work.” Success Board area. The portfolio is made up of
software; classroom, live, and virtual courses; and
SAP Supplier Problem-Solving – A cloud consulting services designed to ease customer
solution that enables problem-solving capabilities adoption and use of SAP technology.
for suppliers, such as identifying root causes of
problems, taking actions to prevent such problems SAP Training and Development Institute –
in the future, and documenting the problem- Program for SAP customers, partners, and
solving process. prospects that serves as a think tank and
prepares underserved youth for the digital
SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP economy. Available in the Middle East, North
SRM) – Procurement application that helps Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Southeast
organizations in all industries improve their Asia.
centralized sourcing and contract management
and interact with suppliers through multiple SAP Transformation Navigator
channels. SAP SRM is designed to accelerate (
and optimize the entire end-to-end procure-to-pay or/) – Online tool used to provide customers with
process by supporting integrated processes and clear guidance on their road map to an SAP
by enforcing contract compliance, which can S/4HANA centric application landscape and to
result in realizable savings. support the design and implementation of new
business models and business processes. It is
SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) – available at no cost.
On-premise application that helps companies
adapt their supply chain processes to a rapidly SAP Trust Center
changing competitive environment. SAP SCM ( –
helps transform traditional supply chains from External subsite of that consolidates for
linear, sequential processes into open, prospective customers all trust-related content –
configurable, responsive supply networks in which for cloud and on-premise – such as details about

SAP products, cybersecurity, data center security,
data privacy, proof of compliance through SAP Value Assurance – Program that
international standards, and frequently asked encourages customer migration to SAP software
questions. Formerly called SAP Cloud Trust by communicating an assurance that SAP is
Center. committed to the success of the customer’s
migration. Service packages offer dedicated
SAPUI5 – UI development toolkit for HTML5 that planning, design support, and safeguarding
supports application developers in creating fast services orchestrated by a technical quality
and easy applications based on HTML5 and manager. No implementation or execution
JavaScript. services are provided in this program. SAP Value
Assurance service packages safeguard
SAP Unified Analytics – Cloud solution that implementations led by customers and partners
enables a range of integrated analytics and by giving them access to best practices,
reporting capabilities for data from SAP Ariba, methodologies, tools, and deep technology
SAP Fieldglass, SAP Concur, and SAP expertise, enabling them to accelerate the
SuccessFactors solutions and SAP S/4HANA. deployment of SAP S/4HANA and SAP
Customers purchase the SKU(s) based on the BW/4HANA. For SAP-led projects, see “SAP
LoB solution(s) they are running. Advanced Deployment.”
SAP Vora – In-memory, massively distributed
SAP Universal ID – Program that aims to unify data processing engine for Hadoop that provides
the customer login experience through a single, simple business-oriented scale-out processing of
lifelong user ID providing seamless access to a data. This engine allows distributed Hadoop data
user’s entitlements, a universal user profile, and to be analyzed together with enterprise data using
self-service user management for accounts. The the SAP HANA database.
software solution supporting the program allows
users to download and delete their data on SAP Web Channel Experience Management –
demand, supporting GDPR. The technology itself Application developed to address companies’
is not sold but embedded into SAP offerings needs to deliver an integrated and consistent
where possible. customer experience over the Internet. The
software allows organizations to deploy state-of-
SAP University Alliances – Program that the-art Web shops, fully integrated with their back-
introduces students to the exciting technologies end order management and inventory systems.
shaping business today and designed to connect This next generation e-commerce solution also
students around the world interested in SAP brings together e-marketing, sales, online self-
solutions, careers, and research opportunities. service, and social customer conversations on a
Students participate in classroom sessions, app single platform to provide a one-stop,
development, networking opportunities, events, synchronized Web customer experience.
and more. The SAP University Alliances
community provides connections between SAP Women Forward
university leaders and students, SAP customers (
and partners, and SAP internal experts. Also see us/index.html) – Externally-facing women’s
“SAP Next-Gen.” initiative that includes an online community,
newsletter, and annual events.
SAP Upscale Commerce – The next generation
of mobile commerce designed to enable rapid SAP Work Zone – A set of tools and services
deployment and consumption. It is targeted to running on SAP Business Technology Platform,
midsize consumer products and retail companies presented in a single integrated online workplace,
as well as direct-to-consumer companies looking including AI-augmented activities, actionable
to deploy a fast and highly engaging commerce tasks, integrated data and business applications,
experience. and a personalized user experience across any
device. It offers customers, partners, and
SAP User Group Executive Network (SUGEN) – employees the ability to personally design, build,
Umbrella network to promote the exchange of extend, and customize their user experience
information, expertise, and experiences between across multiple touch points with SAP and third-
user groups; identifies global priorities; and party applications. SAP Work Zone for HR is also
communicates consolidated customer feedback to available for HR systems.
SAP. Currently, 21 SAP user groups exist across
five continents with the shared aim of defining Scope 1 (emissions) – Direct greenhouse gas
priorities and agreeing on plans of action to bring emissions from sources that are owned or
greater focus to the dialog between SAP and user controlled by the reporting company, for example,
groups on the global scale. See “Americas’ SAP fuel burned in corporate cars.
Users’ Group (ASUG)” and “DSAG.”

Scope 2 (emissions) – Indirect greenhouse gas form of a concrete product-specific realization of a
emissions from consumption of purchased low-level capability.
electricity, heat, or steam.
spatial solutions from SAP – Category of
Scope 3 (emissions) – Indirect emissions that solutions used to communicate all SAP offerings
are a consequence of the activities of the and efforts related to spatial intelligence, location
reporting company but occur from sources owned intelligence, and geospatial analytics. It includes
or controlled by another company, such as spatial capabilities in SAP HANA spatial services,
business flights. SAP HANA geospatial content, SAP Geographical
Enablement Framework, and SAP Geographical
service – A service provided to a customer by Enablement Framework for SAP S/4HANA.
SAP (or SAP partners). Examples include
consulting or data management services. Spotlight Black Businesses – This names an
initiative in North America to highlight and support
service category – Top-level grouping for the Black-owned businesses. SAP employees will
classification of services corresponding to a phase nominate businesses to be featured in this
in the customer life cycle. campaign.

Signavio ( – In Spotlight by SAP – Developed as part of the

January 2021, SAP announced the intent to SAP.iO entrepreneur program, this solution
acquire Signavio. This acquisition will strengthen identifies, prioritizes, and monitors a customer's
SAP capabilities to manage end-to-end business most critical business operations and processes
processes. Founded in 2009, Signavio has performance and alerts them when an issue
optimized more than two million processes around arises.
the globe. The cloud-based Signavio Business
Transformation Suite helps business leaders SuccessFactors – See “SAP SuccessFactors.”
achieve greater visibility, conformance, and
efficiency. Signavio supports more than one supplier diversity – Refers to an organization’s
million users from offices in Australia, Canada, efforts to include suppliers that are at least 51%
Germany, France, Japan, India, the Netherlands, owned and operated by an individual or group that
Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, is part of a traditionally underrepresented or
and UK. See “business process intelligence.” underserved group.

single tenant edition – See “private edition.” support package – Bundle of software
corrections compiled periodically and available for
social entrepreneur – Person who establishes ABAP or Java programming languages.
an enterprise with the aim of solving social
problems or effecting social change. support release – Release offered after the
beginning of the unrestricted shipment phase – if
software as a service (SaaS) – Software that is required – that contains a collection of all formerly
provided literally “as a service.” Software available support packages.
applications are delivered and managed remotely
over a secure Internet connection and a standard sustainability – Method to create positive social,
Web browser. Access is charged on a subscription environmental, and economic value for long-term
basis usually on a dedicated time basis and with business success and responsible global
expandable feature access options. Typically, a development.
defined level of support is included. See “cloud
computing.” systems integrator (SI) – Company focused on
integrating IT systems and providing related
solution – Business software that enables a consulting. This is a classic channel used by large
customer to meet a challenge or take advantage software vendors, large hardware vendors, and
of an opportunity and are built or assembled by original equipment manufacturers.
flexibly combining software products and
technology. SAP solutions may include support for T
best business practices and be aided by
consulting and ongoing support. They may also
be enhanced or extended by applications and technology platform – Technical foundation for a
services from partners. business-driven software architecture that
increases the adaptability, flexibility, openness,
solution capability – Specific business or and cost-efficiency of IT operations and enables
technology issue within one solution area in the organizations to become more agile in responding

to change. See “SAP Business Technology of business, or technology. Value maps are
Platform.” presented in SAP Solution Explorer.

total energy consumed – Sum of all energy version – Variant of a software product that is
consumed through SAP’s own operations (scope specific to audience, operating system, device, or
1 and 2), including energy from renewable database. Depending on context, may also refer
sources and energy consumed by external data to a specific product release.
centers delivering our cloud offerings.
vertical solution – Specialized application
U designed to meet the unique needs of a particular
business or industry. Also called “industry
University Competence Center (UCC) –
University locations that partner with SAP visual enterprise – Ability to visually
University Alliances to host SAP software for communicate parts of a business helps maximize
academia, develop academic curriculum to productivity, improve process efficiency and
enhance the teaching of integrated business quality, and reduce cost and cycle time. Solutions
processes and digital innovation, and lead faculty that support the “visual enterprise” unify and
train-the-trainer workshops. There are six UCCs synchronize product information from multiple
across the globe, located in Australia, China, systems and deliver it in role-specific and
Germany, and the United States. workflow-controlled processes to people. SAP 3D
Visual Enterprise applications offer new 3D
unrestricted shipment phase – Second phase of visualization features to existing software that
release delivery, during which all customers can integrate business data, which will support new
obtain the release. The phase follows the standards to increase speed, enhance
restricted shipment phase. productivity, and improve quality across the entire
value chain.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or
UN Global Goals) – Set of 17 global development
goals by the United Nations which are aimed to W
ensure an environmentally, socially, and
economically sustainable future by tackling Well-Being at Work – The SAP SuccessFactors
adverse challenges to humanity like poverty, organization joined forces with Thrive Global to
hunger, and inequality. introduce, a new initiative that puts employee well-
being at the heart of organizations and positions
upgrade – Replacement of an existing application technology as a catalyst for this cultural shift. SAP
component with a newer component of that same SuccessFactors Work-Life is the first solution to
application. come from this partnership. It provides real-time
insights into well-being needs and makes
user experience (UX) – In general terms, UX recommendations to improve employee
represents the quality of a user's interaction with satisfaction and engagement. See “SAP
and perceptions of a system. UX at SAP is a SuccessFactors Work-Life.”
characteristic of solutions or products that use
SAP Fiori UX technology and follow SAP Fiori UX women in management – Phrase used to refer
guidelines to offer a next-generation experience to to the share of women in management positions
users. See “SAP Fiori user experience.” (managing teams, managing managers, executive
boards) as compared to the total number of
V managers, expressed by the number of
individuals and not full-time equivalents (FTEs).
value-added reseller (VAR) – Partner that works council – As dictated by the German
receives most of its revenue from reselling a Works Council Constitution Act, a works council is
vendor’s hardware or software solutions directly to a legal body for representing employees’ interests
end users. Additionally, VARs often provide to the employer and codetermining the works in
consulting, implementation, post-sales support, private companies. On June 21, 2006, the SAP
and training to their own customers. VARs may AG employees working in Germany elected its
develop and sell add-on applications to meet the first works council. A European works council was
needs of vertical markets and may expand SAP created in the spring of 2012. The SAP AG works
product functionality. council evolved to become the SAP SE works
council in 2014 to reflect the legal entity of SAP
value map – Structural overview of SAP’s end-to- SE.
end solutions organized according to industry, line

World Space Alliance – An initiative between
SAP and the European Space Agency (ESA) to
develop and promote digital technologies and
Earth observation data for a range of space-
related stakeholders including providers of
satellite and drone data, spatial algorithms, and
space software applications for start-ups,
corporations, universities, and research institutes.

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