Research Article: Supply Chain Integration in The Manufacturing Firms in Developing Country: An Ethiopian Case Study

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Industrial Engineering

Volume 2014, Article ID 251982, 13 pages

Research Article
Supply Chain Integration in the Manufacturing Firms in
Developing Country: An Ethiopian Case Study

Fasika Bete Georgise,1,2,3 Klaus-Dieter Thoben,2 and Marcus Seifert2

International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS), University of Bremen, Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH-BIBA, Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen, Germany
School of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Hawassa University, P.O. Box 05, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Fasika Bete Georgise;

Received 1 August 2014; Accepted 29 September 2014; Published 21 October 2014

Academic Editor: Eleonora Bottani

Copyright © 2014 Fasika Bete Georgise et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

With the advancement of information and communication technologies, supply chain integration has been considered a strategic
tool for firms to improve their competitiveness. The supply chain integration within processes and between organizations has
enhanced value creation. However, the fragmented nature of the business in developing country demonstrates a noticeable difficulty
in terms of competitiveness and efficiency. Lack of a relevant literature on practical experience in supply chain integration in
developing countries is one of the challenges. The purpose of this research is to identify the level of interorganizational and
intraorganizational supply chain integration practices. It also analyzes the challenges faced in the manufacturing firms in developing
countries. The methodology followed a thorough review of literature and semistructured interviews amongst the Ethiopian
manufacturing industries. The preliminary findings of the study highlight that prevailing approach to supply chain integration
is limited to ad hoc functional based boundaries within the firm. The SC integration enablers are also restricted to the traditional
way of communications such as telephone, fax, and letters. Firms need to focus on those issues that require attention in pursuance
of greater SC integration.

1. Introduction their supply chains to take advantages of this opportunity

is still small [1, 2]. The effects of globalization and fiercer
Recently, the manufacturing industry in developing countries competition have forced firms to focus their attention on
(MIDC) has been facing unprecedented competitiveness entire supply chain integration (end-to-end) rather than on
pressure generated by the new business trends. To cope with effectiveness and efficiency of separate business functions
this pressure, the manufacturing industries have tried to within their own premises. Firms both in developed and
upgrade their operations by using different manufacturing developing countries are trying to integrate more in their
techniques such as Total Quality Management, Business production activities such as sourcing, manufacturing, and
Process Reengineering and Lean Technology, and others. delivery processes. The MIDC has been a part of the global
Despite these efforts, the MIDC has not yet made their supply chains for long time as a supplier of raw material
share of markets. This drives industry to get additional and manufacturer of finished products. Nevertheless, some
efficiency from their production systems. Effective supply sectors like textile, garment, and leather industries even
chain management and supply chain (SC) integration are though such cooperation and integration is at infant stage; it
becoming increasingly critical factors for business success. does not create value as expected. The system was inefficient.
The integration of SC members can significantly support the Figure 1 shows the typical leather industry supply chain that
MIDC to face the constantly changing competitiveness sce- involves the firms from developing and developing countries.
narios. Companies versus companies have been replaced with This paper aims to assess the supply chain integration
supply chain versus supply chain competitiveness strategy. level in one of the developing countries, Ethiopia, and rec-
However, the number of companies that have truly integrated ommends future research directions. The paper begins by (a)
2 Journal of Industrial Engineering

Finishing Manufacturing

Part of international supply

chain in developed world

material Collector Wholesaler Pre- Tanning Finishing Manufacturing
producer processing

Part of international supply

chain in developing world

Figure 1: Typical leather supply chain involving developing countries.

reviewing the literature on supply chain integration practices of “arcs of integration” which acts as a trigger point for the
and (b) analyzing and discussing the empirical field findings. flourishing supply chain integration literature. Depending
In doing so, Section 2 of this paper focuses on the theoretical on the complexity of souring and market spectrum, the
issues of supply chain integration. Section 3 reports the manufacturing industries can decide to engage in relatively
research design and methodology. The field findings and little or larger extent of integration with suppliers and cus-
discussions are described in Section 4. The conclusions and tomers. In their study, they have examined the effect of supply
future research agenda are described in Section 5. chain integration level on performance and classified the
supply chain integration in five classes (inward-, periphery-,
2. Supply Chain Integration supplier-, customer-, outward-facing) according to the inte-
gration intensity of the company towards the customer and
Supply chain integration is becoming one of the academic the supplier directions. They have examined the performance
areas of interests for research and practical applications. In differences between these five classes. As a result, it is found
other words, firms have started to question how they can that outward-facing companies which were defined as the
integrate and improve their material and information flow most comprehensive integration level of supply chains have
activities and processes inside the organizations and with better performance in many criteria than the other companies
their supply chain partners. In order to fully benefit and in other classes [7]. In the other research result, Bowersox et
implement supply chain management concepts, it is impor- al. [8] have classified integration in a supply chain context in
tant for the firms to integrate efficiently with their suppliers, six different types. These are customer integration, internal
customers, warehouses, and other intermediate value-adding integration, material and service supplier integration, tech-
partners. Different research results have suggested that the nology and planning integration, measurement integration,
higher level of integration with suppliers and customers in and relationship integration [8].
the supply chain benefits at greater extent [3–8]. Stevens was Information and communication technology (ICT) is an
one of the pioneer researchers on the supply chain integration important enabler for efficient supply chain integration, and
(see Figure 2) [6]. many ICT applications have recently gained popularity. This
He has identified four stages of supply chain integration. is due to their ability to facilitate, coordinate, and integrate the
The first stage represents the fragmented operations within flow of information across the supply chain. ICT is an enabler
the individual company. The characteristics of second stage which helps supply chain members to establish partnerships
are limited to integration between adjacent functions, for for better performance. To mention some of the ICT potential
example, purchasing and materials control. In the third stage, applications in developed country firms, these are electronic
the integration requires the internal integration of the end- data interchange (EDI), Internet and enterprise systems such
to-end planning in the individual company. Finally, the last as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and radio frequency
stage represents the true supply chain integration including identification (RFID). Gunasekaran has explored that ICT is
upstream to suppliers and downstream to customers. an essential ingredient for business survival and improves the
Frohlich and Westbrook have explained the importance competitiveness of firms [9]. Besides that, McLaughlin et al.
of strategic decision on the extent of integration with the [10] have found that the secret of success for the companies
upstream and downstream members of the supply chains in around the world is partly dependent on their ability to
manufacturing industries. They have introduced the concept apply ICT to SCM [10]. The findings by McLaren et al. [11]
Journal of Industrial Engineering 3

Stage 1: baseline
Material Customer
Purchasing Material Sales Production Distribution

Stage 2: functional integration

Material Customer
Material Manufacturing Distribution
management management

Stage 3: internal integration

Material Customer
flow service
Material Manufacturing Distribution
management management

Stage 4: external integration

Material Customer
flow service
Suppliers Internal
management supply chain Customers

Figure 2: Achieving an integrated supply chain [6].

show that operational efficiency and operational flexibility semistructured interviews with consenting respondents are
have direct relationship with SCM information system [11]. used in data collection. Literature review was the first phase
The application of ICT enhances the service level of SCM of the research with the secondary data derived from relevant
and improves operational efficiency and information quality books, journals articles, conference proceedings, and reports.
[12]. The multiple benefits through successful utilization of The second phase involves the collection of primary data,
ICT deliver advantage in both tangible and intangible ways. wherein the information is collected through semistructured
The selection of the available ICT and cost associated with interviews. All interviews were recorded and transcribed
their implementation is still challenging tasks. Nevertheless, verbatim, each interview lasting approximately one hour. The
the manufacturing industry in developing countries needs respondents of these qualitative semistructured interviews
to adopt appropriate ICT tools to leverage their business were selected from the Ethiopian manufacturing industries
advantage. Effective utilization of ICT tools will provide the published by Ethiopia Statistics Authority [13]. The respon-
MIDC a better option in their global supply chain integration dents are selected on the basis of their experience on export
efforts, where decisions concerning supply and demand are market and their interactions in global supply chain mem-
fully supported by facts. ber. Letters were posted and e-mailed to the manufacturer.
Then, follow-up telephone calls were made for the interview
arrangements. Accordingly, nine manufacturers are involved
3. Research Methodology in manufacturing activities for long time. The structured
This study is based on the field works conducted on the questions are attached in the Appendix.
Ethiopian manufacturing industries. These manufacturing
industries are mainly producer of basic consumer products.
By interviewing a variety of manufacturers from represen- 4. Main Findings
tative domain level, enablers and challenges of supply chain
integration were identified. Therefore, the data presented in An interview protocol containing a covering letter and
this paper is collected and the conclusions presented here are semistructured interview questions were sent to nine
based on interim findings. Ethiopian manufacturing industries. The sample population
The primary and secondary data collection methods are was fairly evenly distributed between those who are
employed. The secondary data are based on existing literature manufacturers for export market and those who are a
on SC integration, while primary data is collected through producer for local market. The respondents’ participation
semistructured interviews. Literature review and qualitative as an exporter has provided an opportunity to examine
4 Journal of Industrial Engineering

Table 1: Profile of interviewed company.

Company Types of industry Type of product Number of employees Production strategies Market target Position of interviewee
A Chemical Liquor drink 580 Mainly MTS Local with little Techniques and
and alcohol export production manager
B Garment Different 1300 MTO Export Task force chief
C Wood 140 MTS Local with little Techniques and
Chip wood
export production manager
D Textile 800 MTS/MTO Planning and marketing
Textile Export and local
E Leather tannery Hides and skins 500 MTS/MTO Export General manager
F Leather tannery Goat skins 214 MTS/MTO Export General manager
G Food 300 MTS/MTO Local with little
Foods Director general
H Leather garment Garment/Article 250 MTS/MTO Local with little
General manager
Sanitary and
I Ceramics 500 MTS/MTO Planning and marketing
house hold Local

Molasses customer
Distillation Dilution and (more local
form sugar
factory plant bottling plant and some

such as spirit

Figure 3: Liquor and alcohol industry supply chain.

level of SC integration prevalent in the organizations. In- These aspects are depicted as representative in Figures 3, 4,
depth interview has been conducted in nine manufacturing 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The figures also show the material flow and
industries in Ethiopia. The organizations were systematically some aspects of coordination, which in this case refer to the
sampled from the initial list of survey respondents and presence of formal orders, information exchange, and stan-
volunteers who send feedback for the e-mail requests. dard procedures. Looking on Figures 3–9, we can observe that
each of the supply chains consists of different members. The
4.1. Field Study Organizations. The organizations are system- supply chain members in the chain are wholesalers that act
atically sampled from the initial list of survey respondents as their direct customers, manufacturer, and agents—which
and volunteers who send feedback for the e-mail requests. distribute the products to the end customers. Sometimes,
Furthermore, deliberate effort was made to ensure that a wide the agents can also deal directly with companies without
variety of organization from different sectors were included in the presence of wholesaler. The important major differences
the case study (see Table 1). The data collection is conducted in the SCs are the wholesaler participation in sourcing
via semistructured interviews along with the industrial visit and delivery processes and supply chain members in such
with top managers in their respective organizations. activities. For example, in Ethiopian context, manufacturer
wholesaler and small retailers actively participated in both
4.2. Findings on the SC Coordination. Among the studied sourcing and delivery processes to the suppliers and the final
companies, the supply chain integration especially on some customers. This makes delivery process more challenging and
factors was unique. Based on the interviewed companies, unique in the developing world. The seven figures (Figures
configuration and coordination aspects of the Ethiopian firms 3–9) show the typical supply chain configurations in alcohol,
supply chains have been investigated, for example, sourcing textile, wood, food, garment, leather and leather garment, and
processes from local and international suppliers, supplier ceramics in the case studies.
selection, and price decision issues in the chain. The first
issue to be addressed is the identification of supply chain Firm A (Liquor and Alcohol Factory). Factory A is a pioneer in
members and allocation of functions among the members. manufacturing liquors and alcohol products in the country.
Journal of Industrial Engineering 5

Headquarter in Wholesaler in
End customer


Design team Planning and Garment manufacturer Freight

sourcing in Ethiopia forwarder

Fabric, garment
quality tester

Information flow
Material flow

Figure 4: Garment industry supply chain.

Harvesting Extraction of
Forestry (timber timber Final wood End
(lease land) preparation (powder forming customer
forest site) preparation)


Figure 5: Wood industry supply chain.

Textile Retailer Domestic

Small holder industry Wholesaler
peasant farms

Cotton Private Ginneries

Garment and
apparel Export market
State farms
enterprise Cotton

Biological source Primary Secondary Distribution Customer

manufacturing manufacturing

Figure 6: Textile industry supply chain.

The factory attempts to produce and distribute alcohol and to maximize the business opportunities over the next years
various liquor products based on customer demand. Figure 3 being supported by the implementation Quality Management
demonstrates liquor and alcohol industry supply chain. The System ISO 9001:2008. The company has developed different
factory is working with its customers to meet and exceed systems to insure the outmost satisfaction of its customers.
their needs. It has employed different strategies to reach all The firm measures its customer’s satisfaction level through
potential market areas locally and globally by building its market survey every year. It has also developed and imple-
own capacity through the project expansion. It has started mented customer complaint handling system. The company
6 Journal of Industrial Engineering

Semiproduct Final product
manufacturer manufacturer
(developed (developed
Collectors countries) countries)
households End customer
restaurants, rural
slaughter houses
producers Collectors Semi product Final product
Wholesaler manufacturer manufacturer
(developing (developing
countries) countries)


Figure 7: Leather industry supply chain.

Wholesaler market
Producers, customer
farmers, and Collection Wholesaler Food Wholesaler/ (more local
center industry distributer and some


Figure 8: Food industry supply chain.

Extracting for development and legal issues. Textile sewing has been
raw material
from local Procurement Manufacturing Distribution in the business of cotton spinning factory. Company B is
mining an apparel manufacturer of students and medical uniform
for the ready to wear apparel mass market. It is producing
460,000 pieces for school uniforms and 60,000 garments
Imported Imported raw
raw material material for medical uniforms designed for the USA market. The
company is part of a group of firms operating at different
points of the garment supply chain, namely, a fabric producer,
Figure 9: Ceramic industry supply chain.
an apparel manufacturer, and a wholesaler, respectively. The
company’s success primarily relies on cost efficiency that
enables it to compete very aggressively on price in USA
market is segmented geographically. The firm has domestic market. The company’s supply chain is illustrated in Figure 4.
and international market. In domestic market, the firm is The company purchases most of its textile fabrics from
selling its products throughout the country. Currently, the the group’s fabric producer and relies for its delivery on the
company has faced higher challenges in their raw material headquarter office. It delivers its products by retailer sales.
sourcing because its raw material has strategically diverted The company sources its major raw material from Chinese
to the production of ethanol alcohol by policy maker for fabric manufacturer and delivers their readymade garment to
blended kerosene production. Therefore, the firm needs to USA market. In this supply chain, their geographical location
find the new raw material resources for the future purpose. and distance between customers, producers, and suppliers
create its own unique features and challenges as global supply
Firm B (Garment Industry). This firm is a foreign company chain. The main challenges for such a supply chain were
in the garment products in USA market. It has a turnover of information exchange and planning activities to fulfil the
over $143 million with over 1,300 employees and customers appropriate delivery lead time. From the challenges of on-
situated in USA market. An interview was conducted with time delivery, the company lost a large amount of money.
a senior member of staff in the department responsible The company has been also challenged in delivery quality
Journal of Industrial Engineering 7

product to the retailer because the end customers are far from and sports leather gloves from sheep have penetrated the
the manufacturing place. For transportation and distribution international market. Company has more than 500 workers.
of finished products, the company adopted two different
procedures. Transport of products to large distribution chains Firm F (Tannery). This tannery is dedicated in production
is outsourced to wholesaler and the logistical requirements of of goat suede and shoe leather. This firm is producing raw
the consignments. The degree of satisfaction of the customers leather for foreign market export which is mainly located
is monitored through a formal program based on monthly in Italy. The company produces finished goat suede for shoe
reports. By contrast, transport of finished products to inde- upper, finished cowhide for shoe upper, and finished crust
pendent retailers is carried out by company B with its own lining leather. A chrome-recovery project has been put in
logistical resources so as to guarantee flexible deliveries. place at the goat suede and shoe leather. The factory has
achieved process management standards and received ISO
Firm C (Wood Factory). The factory is finalizing its construc- Certification. The company earned annual revenue around 43
tion and starting production and sales of particle board in the million dollar before tax. The firm has around 200 employees.
last two years. The factory is designed to produce 40,000 m3 Figure 6 demonstrates the leather industry supply chain
of chipboard annually for local and export markets. Figure 5 involving different players.
illustrates chip wood supply chain. This process begins with
logging operations; logs are then sent to the sawmill where Firm G (Food Industry). This firm is a pioneer of food process-
crushing woods are sent to the chip wood manufacturer (chip ing industry in Ethiopia. The current capacity had reached
wood operations). Lastly, once chip woods are manufactured, 21,600 MT/annum. The factory has been reestablished as a
they have to reduce appropriate size and send to sales share company in 1999 by transforming the previous public
department to a wholesaler or directly to the final customer. enterprise. It had also undergone rigorous expansion and
The factory lies in an area of 69,000 square meters with innovation works to satisfy the ever-growing demand of the
integrated forestry development on 985 hectares of wood society. Currently, the capital has grown up and also has
land. implemented integrated food safety and quality management
system (ISO 22000-2005), certified by Republic of South
Firm D (Textile). The textile is one of the potential areas for company called SABS. Figure 8 demonstrates the food supply
further development and job opportunities in the developing chain.
countries at present and in the near future. Because of the
large agricultural land for production of cotton as the raw Firm H (Leather Garment and Article). This factory is pro-
material source, the developing countries should take advan- ducing leather goods and garment article products mainly
tages for further processing their raw material to finished for local markets. The company produces finished leather
product garment. The main challenges in this industry were garments for men and women. During the interview time,
lack of technology know-how and high competition from the company are mainly produced for local market focusing
global markets. The company needs to upgrade its capacity to on jackets, bags, and some leather article. The factory has
compete in the global supply chain. The firm manufactures achieved process management standards and received ISO
textile mostly for local market. The company operates as Certification. The firm has around 250 employees. The firm
a textile mill. The company has around 1000 employees. It has planned to enter aggressively to export markets. The firm
uses local wool producer from local supply. However, its also has introduced new fashion design cloth for the markets.
production activities still depend on imported chemicals and
spare parts. Figure 6 shows the textile supply chain industry. Firm I (Ceramics Products). Company is producing ceramic
The supply chain starts from cotton cultivation from local and sanitary products. The company earned the profit from
suppliers and ends with the final customers both to local and sale of more than 6,000 tons of various ceramics products. It
foreign materials. was established before twenty years and has more than 600
workers. Figure 9 shows the ceramics supply chain. Ceramic
Firm E (Tannery). The leather industries are other potential industry generally occurs near the source—opencast minings
areas for the developing countries. The sector is trying to get with special requirements—mixture of mineral resources
advantages from large livestock potential and promising mar- (raw materials) with the necessity of energy infrastructure
ket for leather products. However, the industry is highly frag- and water. The raw material is relatively inexpensive. Devel-
mented. The presence of a large number of chain participants opment of ceramic products manufacturers was followed by
is creating high price fluctuation and unstable market. The development of the technology for their production, design,
industry is operating in production of the gloves and hides. and industry of additives for the production that mainly
The company produces finished sports gloves leather from came from foreign companies. Apart from the manufacturer,
sheepskin. While employing conventional tanning process, main members of ceramic tiles supply chains or networks are
the factory has installed an exemplary Effluent Treatment retailers, wholesalers, and carriers. On the other hand, there
Plant, an environmentally compliant project. The factory are a relatively small number of stores that operate exclusively.
has achieved process management standards and received Usually, the company has its own distribution centres; it also
ISO Certification. The factory has produced finished dress organizes part of retail supply through its own fleet.
8 Journal of Industrial Engineering

Table 2: Summary of integration within the firm activities.

Integration within the firm

Information exchange Information storage and Collaboration
Inventory management
between functions sharing (cross functional team)
Letter and phone still Manual and paper based
Utilized inventory
A dominant but local area and begins Cross cooperation highly
management system
network has started modern-management manifested in planning
through information system
Manual and paper based
B Letter and verbal however started data Group work for piece rate One-month finished goods
instruction storage with computerized payment and 3-month stoke level
C Letter, phone Manual and paper based Silos mentality Two-month stock level
Manual and paper based
D Letter are dominant but started use of shared Silos mentality One-year seasonal stock
Six-month stock and large
E Letters are still dominant Computerized common
Ad hoc based integration collection seasonal raw
but local area network data base
Six-month stock and large
F Computerized common
Letter, telephone, e-mail Ad hoc based integration collection seasonal raw
data base
Six-month stock and large
G Letters are still dominant Computerized common Team work less frequently
collection seasonal raw
but local area network data base practice
H Letter, phone, mobile, Just in time inventory
Manual and paper based Quota based production
e-mail supplies
Six-month stock and large
I Letter, phone, mobile Manual and paper based Rarely practiced collection imported raw

4.3. Findings on the SC Integration. Supply chain integration paper based. However, firms have started to collect data in
plays an important role in achieving the firm’s goals. The the form of soft copy with help of computer. Some of the firms
relationship and integration of activities with suppliers and have started also to use information management system for
understanding of customer’s needs result in greater benefits the same purpose. This practice was just at infant and pilot
for companies. Supply chain practices are directly related stage.
to the firm internal integration, relationship management, The inventory management policy was governed by high
which includes suppliers and customers. Currently, the com- stock level for long period of time to control supply and
pany supply chain integration within the organization and its demand uncertainty. In particular for imported items some
suppliers and customers are becoming the basis for company firms kept up to maximum of one-year stock level. This
success. For this research we have investigated the company practice has created financial constraints and storage prob-
relationship with their customers, supplier, and within the lems. These challenges were true also for seasonal agricultural
company itself. To further investigate this integration, the products such food, wood, textile, and leather manufacturers
information exchange, handling, and storage activities have also.
been examined with encountered challenges.
Supplier Relationship and Integration. Companies in devel-
Integration within the Firm. The details of supply chain oping countries were searching for sustainable raw material
integration practices inside the firm for each company’s suppliers for their competitive position for manufacturing
case study are discussed in Table 2. In order to investigate sector. For the objective of improving their competitive
firms’ levels of integration within the organizations, we have advantage, firms depend both on local and imported raw
examined the information exchanges between departments, material. Table 3 shows the current supplier relationship
information storage and sharing, cross functional collabo- practices of the interviewed firms. In the interview questions,
rations, and inventory management practices. The results we have found that the main raw material for the companies
show that the intervieweed firms still practice the traditional was sourced mainly from agricultural product. However,
information exchanges between the different functions such some companies’ production activities were still dependent
as telephone, letter, and verbal instructions. Data collection, on imported inputs such as plastics and beverages. Most firms
storage, and handling mechanisms were highly manual and depend highly on the local raw material but some of the firms
Journal of Industrial Engineering 9

Table 3: Summary of firm and supplier integration.

Supplier relationship
Local Foreign
Information exchange Information exchange
% share on Purchasing
(phone, fax, mobile, % share (phone, fax, mobile, Purchasing activities
raw material activities
e-mail) e-mail)
Direct in
A 65 Phone, letter 35 Telephone, e-mail International bidding
B — — — 25 Telephone, e-mail Partner supplier
C 70 Phone, letter Own site 30 Fax, e-mail International tender
D 75 Performa, phone, letter 25 Phone, e-mail Through agents
Central office handles
E 95 Phone, letter negotiation 5 E-mail, fax, telephone
the purchasing functions
with supplier
Central office handles
F 95 Phone, letter negotiation 5 E-mail, fax, telephone
the purchasing functions
with supplier
G 95 Phone, letter 5 E-mail, fax, telephone Online bidding
H 95 Phone, letter 5 E-mail, fax, telephone International tender
I 90 Phone, letter 10 E-mail, fax, telephone International tender

are still importing resources and technologies to remain in inconsistency in raw material quality, late deliver, loyalty, and
competitive advantages, such as machinery, chemicals, and price fluctuation.
spare parts. There are also some disadvantages that compa-
nies have to take into account when evaluating whether or not Customers’ Relationship. The customers for manufacturing
to work with offshore companies. Importing raw materials, companies were mixture of local and international markets.
technologies, and spare parts increase the dependence on Those companies were targeted for international markets
suppliers and the need for further improvement in this of textile, garment, and leather industries. With regard to
relationship. customer relationship, the researcher found that most firms
However, there are challenges and barriers identified in relied on walk-in customers who had little interaction to the
their sourcing activities such as foreign exchange rate, reg- improvement of the product. Even though most firms rely
ulations, quality, and transportation delays to improve sup- on their local customers, there are firms which are working
plier and buyer relationship. The interviewed firms followed for export markets especially leather, garment, and textile
different purchasing strategies. Because of the international markets. The interviewed firms were actively participated
bidding requirement for international purchases companies in distribution function either in their shop or delivery
are inclined to work with different suppliers in different ways. door to door to their customers. The information exchanges
It would be difficult also to create long term partnership. It is are still limited to traditional one like letter, telephone,
important to recognize that such relationship with suppliers and fax. However, some firms have started to use e-mail
did not satisfy their company need. connection especially with foreign customers. The global
For the local purchase, it is common practice that pur- markets offer a variety of products of different quality and
chasing activities is based on negotiation between buyers cost. As a result, companies are always competing and trying
and suppliers. This type of relationship with suppliers was to reduce costs and improve quality. The relationship with
a challenge for further improvement in the supply chain. It customers has turned a strategic issue for today’s companies.
may be advantageous to have a close relation with supplier, The interviewed firms need to change their relationship
to develop partnerships and alliances that will benefit both with customers and understand their customers more for
partners. There is some pilot collaboration in leather industry market success. The details of the firms’ customer integration
with financial loan and chemical input such as salt for pre- practices for each company are discussed in Table 4.
serving and processing raw leather to obtain mutual benefits
and coordinating plans, permitting the improvement of the 4.4. Findings on the Existing Enablers and Challenges. Some
supply chain. The means of communication and interaction of the interviewed companies used different types of informa-
within and outside companies mainly depend on telephone tion and communication technologies enablers. Most of them
and fax machines. Some of the companies have started e-mail used traditional communication means such as letter, fax, and
communication for their international purchase activities. telephone dominant ones. However, during foreign sourcing
The main challenges encountered in their relationship were process, most companies use fax, telephone, and e-mail to
10 Journal of Industrial Engineering

Table 4: Summary of firm customer integration activities.

Customer relationship
Firm Local Foreign
Market Information Delivery Market Information Delivery function Participation level
level in
share, % exchange activities share, % exchange activities in production
Phone, letter, Own delivery E-mail, Wholesaler and
A 97 Product Taste 3 None
visit and agents phone agents
B None — — — 100 E-mail, fax 3PL and wholesaler Product design
Phone, letter, Sometimes in
C 100 in person Own shop product — — — —
visit design
D 100 Letter, fax Wholesaler — — — —
Own delivery
Phone, letter,
E 5 and None 95 E-mail, fax 3PL and wholesaler None
F — — — — 100 E-mail, fax 3PL and wholesaler Product design
Own delivery
Phone, letter, Product
G 98 and 2 E-mail, fax 3PL and wholesaler Product design
fax design
Phone, letter,
H 100 Own shop None — — — —
Phone, letter, E-mail, Wholesaler and
H 97 Own shop None 3 Product design
fax phone agents

contact with suppliers and send purchasing order (PO) to that degree of integration is low when it comes to Ethiopian
confirm the order. Types of ICT enablers and challenges firms but there were some promising initiatives undergoing.
within the firm for each company’s case study are discussed The existing practices have shown that firms manage the
in Table 5. Generally, simple communication system such as information flows in a number of ways, mainly telephone,
telephone, fax, and e-mail is used for communicating with mobile, letters, and faxes over the years. Recently, firms
suppliers. State-of-the-art electronic business (e-Business) have started using the Internet to create connections with
was not started yet in any place. Most of the companies have imported material suppliers in foreign purchase, even though
no company website even with primary information about telephone and fax are also still dominant ways for integrating
their product information. Three companies out of twelve their supply chains. In contrast to the current dominant
have a plan to use ERP system in the future to create e- manual paper based interactions, the current supply chain
Business via Internet. Furthermore, the current information integration requires an information and communication
exchange system uses paper which is commonly used and technologies that enhance data management in great way
larger space is needed for keeping the record because there both from automated sources such software applications and
are many copies of purchasing orders for each order. Most RFID technologies. Actually, one of the major obstacles to
companies plan to develop the paperless system by working fully integrate materials and information flows across the sup-
with networked computer and link the departments’ process ply chain lies in the inadequacy of the Internal management
via local network and Internet. Thus, the use of information systems of the individual firms—for example, fragmented
technology among the company, customers, and suppliers is information flows, lack of integration amongst different com-
the issue that has to be improved. pany’s departments/functions, low level of rationalization,
and standardization in operational processes. In addition,
5. Conclusion the findings have shown that the firms have limited under-
standing and awareness of the importance about external
The semistructured interviews are conducted to examine integration with suppliers and customers. The ICT system
the experience of representative manufacturing industries. implementation is a main key factor in developing country
Semistructured interviews were conducted in the selected that is trying to penetrate the export market so that they
firms to better understand their practices on intra- and can have a fast and reliable interaction with suppliers and
interorganizational supply chain integration. In summary, customers. Therefore, ICT system is very important step
through a review of previous research we have examined in order to gain competitive advantage in their planning,
the practices of supply chain integration, benefits, and chal- sourcing, production, and distribution activities.
lenges associated with them. Based upon the findings of the Several research agendas can be raised to advance the
research, the companies investigated seem to be oriented understanding of supply chain integration. One of the areas
towards interorganization integration. The results revealed to examine involves how effectively and efficiently the firms
Journal of Industrial Engineering 11

Table 5: Types of ICT enablers and challenges.

Company Types of IT enablers Challenges

Wide area network (WAN) with shared server, Internet
service for employees, ongoing task for development of Lack of expertise and know-how in ICT especially
management information system that comprises software programming and application
different packages
E-mail connection with suppliers and head office but in Lack of professionals and expertise in ICT
poor connection infrastructure and software and application
The organization is locally connected and Internet
Organizational structure and building have not
C services except production and technical department
facilitated the connection works
which has its dial up connection
Only financial department has been computerized and
D Financial constraint
use software
Financial constraint for big investment in IT, poor
Company is not internally networked, but planning to integration from end-to-end, low level of vertical and
implement MIS with company specific ERP horizontal integration, low awareness as advantages
Firm is not networked but dial up e-mail is used for
F communications, company planning to implement MIS Lack of expertise and know-how in IT application
with company specific ERP
Internal and Intranet connections with data sharing in Lack of expertise, experience, and exposure in related
company common folder, the company has started to topics from developed world and outside Ethiopia. It
implement locally prepared software for integration was hard to convince board of directors to implement
such as inventory information management, the new system with considerable investment, financial
procurement information system, finance information and other human related thinking and mentality factors
system constraints
Not networked but e-mail is used for communications,
Lack of expertise and know-how in uses and advantage
H company planning to implement MIS with company
of IT application
specific ERP
Only financial department has been computerized and Lack of expertise and know-how in uses and advantage
use software of IT application, financial constraint

in developing countries integrated within the organization (ii) Where are your products sold (market: local cus-
and with their suppliers and customers even with existing tomer, worldwide)?
resource constraints. Since global supply chain is trying to (iii) Who are your suppliers (local, international)?
integrate the entire supply chain that involves developing
(iv) Where are your suppliers located?
countries in the existing enablers and capabilities, future
research should identify the factors that facilitate the success (v) What is the type of strategic for managing the business
of integrated supply chain. It is also important to identify processes in the supply chain?
the most appropriate techniques that facilitate the modelling
(a) Processes tend to be managed within discrete
and improvement of the process of integration. Accordingly
departments, cross functional or interenterprise
researchers need to address how to model a supply chain
process management.
involving developing firms and the influencing factors should
be considered in such a model. (b) Processes are often company-wide and are man-
aged at both the functional and cross functional
process levels, interenterprise supply chain part-
Appendix ners.
(c) Core processes are managed internally or via
A. Interview Questions for Supply outsourcing. Information is frequently shared
Chain Integration and Coordination in with external partners.
(d) End-to-end process management, coordination,
the Manufacturing Industry in and collaboration with strategic partners are
Developing Countries used for most processes.
A.1. What Are Current Practices and Characteristics of Supply
Chain in Your Company? A.1.2. Collaboration: Of the Various Forms of Collaboration
Stated below, Indicate Which One Was Practiced with
A.1.1. Supply Chain Configuration and Coordination Your Various Clients?
(i) Who are your customers (local, international)? (i) Controlling the stock of our client in their company.
12 Journal of Industrial Engineering

(ii) Carrying out a joint plan demand, production, and A.2.2. Challenges and Barriers: Which of the Following Does
supply. Your Company View as Barriers in Integrating the Firms
(iii) Exchanging information on stocks, order, available in Developing Countries?
(i) Physical infrastructure, skilled staff and professional
(iv) Sending order confirmation. knowledge, information and communication tech-
nologies, technical standards, business messaging or
(v) Shipping order information with advance (reference, transaction processing, investment cost, time, readi-
quantity, date, etc.). ness of business partners, support from upper man-
(vi) Having agreed requirements delivery (packaging, agement, lack of proven business benefits, lack of
identification, time delivery, etc.). direct customer contact, and so forth.

(vii) Having a system of traceability order (via Internet,

telephone). Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
A.2. Enablers, Barriers, and Challenges regarding the publication of this paper.

A.2.1. Enablers: Do You Use Enablers for Successful Function- Acknowledgments

ing of Your Company Supply Chain?
The authors would like to thank Engineering Capacity Build-
(i) Does the company use online technologies other than ing Program (ecbp), Ethiopia, for its financial support.
e-mail, like, for example, the Internet or an Extranet,
to facilitate the following business activities?
(a) Collaborate with business partners in the design [1] S. M. Hosseini, S. Aziz, and N. Sheikhi, “An investigation on
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product demand.
[2] A. I. Özdemir and E. Aslan, “Supply chain integration, compe-
(c) Manage capacity or inventories. tition, capability and business performance: a study on Turkish
(d) Exchange documents electronically with your SMEs,” Asian of Business Management, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 325–332,
suppliers. 2011.

(e) Purchase direct production goods. [3] M. J. Naude and J. A. Badenhorst-Weiss, “Supply chain man-
agement problems at South African automotive component
(f) Sell goods domestically. manufacturers,” Southern African Business Review, vol. 15, no.
(g) Sell goods internationally. 1, pp. 70–99, 2011.
(h) Manage supplier relationships. [4] N. Kureshi, “Supply chain integration of manufacturing SMEs—
the logic and need in developing economies,” in Proceedings of
(i) Manage the logistics. the 4th Scientific Quality Congress Middle East Proceedings, 2010.
[5] S. Jharkharia and R. Shankar, “IT-enablement of supply chains:
(ii) What kind of software/IT tools is used? understanding the barriers,” Journal of Enterprise Information
Management, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 11–27, 2005.
(iii) Do you use computer applications in any department
[6] G. C. Stevens, “Integrating the supply chain,” International
or processes (sales planning, planning of production,
Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, vol.
materials and capacity, warehouse management, and 19, no. 8, pp. 3–8, 1989.
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[7] M. T. Frohlich and R. Westbrook, “Arcs of integration: an inter-
(iv) Do you use a computer system communication national study of supply chain strategies,” Journal of Operations
between suppliers and customers, such as EDI, Inter- Management, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 185–200, 2001.
net, and Intranet? [8] D. J. Bowersox, D. Closs, and T. P. Stank, 21st Century Logistics:
Making Supply Chain and Integration, Harvard Business School
(v) Is there traceability of products along the supply Press, Boston, Mass, USA, 2nd edition, 2001.
chain? If there is some kind of traceability, by what
[9] A. Gunasekaran, “Editorial: supply chain management: theory
system is it done?
and applications,” European Journal of Operational Research,
(vi) Do you share information, apart from orders, includ- vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 265–268, 2004.
ing its network of agents supply? [10] J. McLaughlin, J. Motwani, M. S. Madan, and A. Gunasekaran,
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Journal of Industrial Engineering 13

[11] T. S. McLaren, M. M. Head, and Y. Yuan, “Supply chain

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