Eondos A+: Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS) With Corrosion Inhibitor
Eondos A+: Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS) With Corrosion Inhibitor
Eondos A+: Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS) With Corrosion Inhibitor
Description Keterangan
EONDOS A+ is used as oil coating for black EONDOS A+ digunakan sebagai minyak
plate, tin plate and aluminum. EONDOS A+ is pelapis untuk black plate, tin plate dan
synthetic organic oil and suitable for use in aluminium. EONDOS A+ merupakan minyak
Product Information
food packaging.It is completed with food- organik sintetis dan cocok digunakan pada
grade corrosion inhibitor to give good kemasan makanan. Produk ini dilengkapi
protection to the metals. dengan corrosion inhibitor golongan food-
grade untuk memberikan perlindungan yang
baik terhadap logam.
Technical Data
Appearance : Yellowis liquid
Active content : > 96%
Flash Point : > 220 oC
Density : 0.910 – 0.916 g/cm3
Pour Point : < -60 oC
Refractive Index : 1.450 – 1.452 at 20 oC
Viscosity : 24 mPas at 20 oC
Acid Value : < 0.2
Saponification Value : 258 – 270
Hydroxyl Value : <2
Iodine Color Value : < 0.3
Boiling Point : 250 oC
Volatility at 90 oC : 0.2 24 h %
0.2 48 h %
Benefit Manfaat
• DOS has been recognized by international • DOS telah diakui oleh lembaga
authorities as suitable for food packaging. international yang berwewenang sebagai
bahan yang cocok untuk kemasan
• EONDOS A+ is completed with FDA- • EONDOS A+ diperlengkapi dengan
certified food-grade corrosion inhibitor to corrosion inhibitor food-grade yang sudah
protect metals from corrosion. disertifikasi FDA.
• Clean metal before applying EONDOS A+. • Bersihkan logam sebelum menggunakan
Storage Penyimpanan
Store in cool dry place. Avoid open flame and Simpan ditempat yang sejuk dan kering.
direct sunlight. Jauhkan dari panas matahari langsung.
Packaging Kemasan
190 Kg/drum 190 Kg/drum
Others Lain-lain
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This information is based on our current level of knowledge. It is given in good faith but it
is not intended to guarantee any particular properties. The users must satisfy themselves that
there are no circumstances requiring additional information or precautions or the verification
of details given herein.
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