Ovation Control Builder (Windows 2000) : Section 1. Introduction
Ovation Control Builder (Windows 2000) : Section 1. Introduction
Ovation Control Builder (Windows 2000) : Section 1. Introduction
Section 1. Introduction
1-1. Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1-2. High-Level Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-3. Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-4. Configuring AutoCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-5. Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1-5.1. Opening a Functional Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-5.2. Saving a Functional Drawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
1-5.3. Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
1-6. Contents of this Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
1-7. Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
Appendix B. Troubleshooting
B-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B-2. Problem: Cannot Access Control Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B-3. Problem: Need to Check Control Builder Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B-4. Problem: Control Builder Does Not Respond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
B-5. Problem: Loss of Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
B-6. Problem: No License Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
B-7. Problem: Cannot Edit Drawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
B-8. Problem: Dialog Box Does Not Appear as Expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
1-1. Overview
The Ovation Control Builder (OCB) is an AutoCAD™ based graphical editor that
is used to create the control logic that runs in the Ovation Controller.
The drawings display information about the algorithms that are used to build the
control logic. The Control Builder User Interface (U/I) and a sample functional
drawing are shown in Figure 1-1.
• Modifies Database
• Monitors Control
— Produces animated monitor graphic files similar to the control sheets. These
allow feedback and tuning.
Figure 1-1. Control Builder User Interface with Sample Functional Drawing
1-3. Features
The Ovation Control Builder has the following features:
• Can be evoked from the Ovation Developer Studio or from the AutoCAD icon.
Before you can begin to use the Ovation Windows Control Builder, you should
consider performing the following recommended AutoCAD configurations:
3. Select Options.
4. Select the Display tab from the Options window (shown in Figure 1-2).
A. Put a check mark in the Display screen menu box in the Window Elements
C. Remove the check mark in front of Create backup copy with each save.
Figure 1-3. Open and Save Tab from AutoCAD Options Window
8. Return to the Options window and select OK to close the Options window.
9. On the bottom of the AutoCAD Window is a status bar that contains eight status
buttons. They are ON when pressed in, and OFF when not pressed in.
1-5. Startup
After AutoCAD has been configured, the Control Builder can be started. It can be
started using the AutoCAD icon, but the recommended method is to start OCB from
the Ovation Developer Studio (refer to “Ovation Developer Studio” (WIN60) for
information about the Studio functions). Control Sheets are located in the studio
hierarchy under the Control Tasks of a drop. The OCB is started when a Control
Sheet is opened.
Use the following procedure to start the Control Builder from the Studio. Refer to
Figure 1-7. The numbered arrows correspond to the steps in the procedure.
2. Select the Controller drop where the Control Sheets are located.
6. If a new Control Sheet is desired, right click on the Control Sheet folder in the
System Tree.
The New Controller Sheets window will appear. Fill in the following:
7. OCB/AutoCAD opens with the existing or new sheet. OCB reads the database
and updates the Default Title Box, if needed (Section 1-5.1 discusses the
functions that OCB performs when a sheet is opened).
• Title Block - Title information is reconciled with the database. This allows the
Studio’s Search feature to update drawing items such as the title, number, and
so forth.
• Tuning Reconcile - The algorithms on the sheet are compared with the
algorithm records in the Oracle database. Differences are considered to be
tuning changes. Ovation Developer’s Studio’s Reconcile function must be
performed to migrate the changes from the Controller to the Oracle database.
• Sheet Audit - The drawing is checked for internal consistency and for syntax
errors. A list of errors is displayed (Figure 1-8). Refer to Table 1-2 for error
message descriptions.
• Syntax Checking - The algorithms are checked for any content errors (such as
required pins that are not connected). If syntax errors are found, a list of errors
is displayed (Figure 1-9). Refer to Table 1-2 for error message descriptions. The
drawing file will be written to the disk, but OCB will not proceed with the save.
An error message will also appear advising you that Control has not been saved.
• Update Oracle Database - The control from the sheet is saved into the Oracle
database. Load the Controller via the Studio to activate the control logic on the
• Whenever you open or save a control sheet (Section 1-5.1 or Section 1-5.2).
Message Description
Already Originated in Drop <Drop A point can be originated, or written, by one algorithm. The point
ID>, Title <Sheet Title> defined is already originated on the other sheet defined in an error
message. To resolve this problem, select another point either on this
sheet or the other sheet that originated the point. Control will NOT be
updated under this condition.
Bit Out of Range An algorithm’s output is logical and a packed point name is defined. The
bit defined is not addressable. Packed points only support 16 (0 - 15)
uniquely addressable values. Control will NOT be updated under this
Bit Required An algorithm’s output is logical but only a packed point name is defined.
To use a packed point for a logical output, both the point name and a
unique bit must be defined. Control will NOT be updated under this
Default NOT Found On Sheet An algorithm with editable inputs, for example, BALANCER’s TRK1 -
16, will accept default points. This error represents a default point not
originated on the same sheet as the BALANCER algorithm. If the point
is not originated on the sheet, use a user-defined tracking point. Control
will NOT be updated under this condition.
Fast Boolean Present On Sheet Due to Controller limitation, fast Boolean algorithms (AND,
FLIPFLOP, NOT, OR, XOR) and ladders cannot co-exist on the same
sheet. Either remove all the ladders, or all the fast Boolean algorithms.
Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Invalid Originating Drop An algorithms’ output point is not originated from the same drop as the
sheet. It is not possible to write values into points received in the
Controller. To resolve this problem, move the point or sheet, or use a
different point. Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Message Description
Invalid Point Name An algorithm’s output point name contains invalid characters. Valid
characters are all characters, except \, $, %, &, *, @, ~, and “. Control
will NOT be updated under this condition.
Invalid Record Type An algorithm’s output contains a point whose record type is
incompatible with the algorithm’s definition. For example, a digital
point is used as the output for an algorithm requiring an analog point.
Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Ladder Present On Sheet Due to Controller limitation, fast Boolean algorithms (AND,
FLIPFLOP, NOT, OR, XOR) and ladders cannot co-exist on the same
sheet. Either remove all the ladders, or all the fast Boolean algorithms.
Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Missing Required Value An algorithm’s input (required by the algorithm’s definition) is not
defined. Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Name Used on Another Sheet A user-defined algorithm name is currently used by another algorithm
on another sheet. Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Not a Valid Enumeration Value The current value for the enumeration is not valid. The default value will
be used instead. Control WILL be updated under this condition.
Out of Range An algorithm parameter is outside a reasonable range. Parameters are
numerical arguments for an algorithm. Some parameters have functional
ranges (for example, a Function Generator’s Number of Break Points
(BPTS)). Other parameters are limited by allocation units (for example,
parameters stored in byte fields are limited to 0 - 255). Control will NOT
be updated under this condition.
Point does NOT Exist An algorithm’s output contains a point name that is not currently defined
in the database. The point should be created or a new point should be
selected. Control will NOT be updated under this condition.
Point Not Originated An algorithm’s input is not a hardware point and is not written to by any
currently defined control. This means control is using a point as an input
whose values will not change. This is provided for informational
purposes. Control WILL be updated under this condition.
User Defined Point An algorithm input/output requires a user-defined point. This is typically
associated with input and output connectors.
This may also occur with algorithms such as ASSIGN, which output
multiple record types. The Control Builder cannot determine the correct
record type for a default point. Control will NOT be updated under this
• Section 6. Monitor Graphics describes the Monitor Graphics and their use.
• Section 9. Using Ladder Control Logic describes the editing of ladder logic
through the Control Builder.
• Defines the terms associated with the Control Builder (Section 2-2).
• Defines the Control Builder User Interfaces (toolbars, menus, and command
lines) (Section 2-4).
Term Description
Algorithms Set of rules, procedures, and mathematical formulas that define a control
strategy. Refer to “Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual” (R3-1100)
for information about algorithms used in Ovation systems.
Batch Processing or Performs same operation on multiple functional drawings.
Run Scripts Refer to Appendix A for information on running batches.
Command Line Text area below AutoCAD window where AutoCAD and Control
Builder commands can be entered. Messages also appear here.
Control Sheet AutoCAD drawing that contains a graphical representation of a control
(also known as file or scheme.
functional drawing)
Control Task Refers to a specific Controller area where all the control sheets in that
(also known as Set or Area) area are scanned at the same frequency. Up to five Control Tasks can be
All the sheets in the Control Task 1 area are scanned every
0.1 second (also known as fast time).
All the sheets in the Control Task 2 area are scanned every
1 second (also known as slow time).
Term Description
Multi-Document Interface More than one drawing can be displayed in one AutoCAD window.
Named Algorithms Typically, OCB assigns unique identifiers for each algorithm.
These identifiers are based on sheet and algorithm identifiers (see the
description for Default Points).
Term Description
Workspace Directory that contains the working files (such as functional drawings,
src files, obj files).
Zoom Changes magnification (larger or smaller) of objects or of complete
drawings. Zoom options are:
Zoom Realtime - Use cursor to position cross-hair on the object that
is to be zoomed. Provides a center focus on the object.
Zoom Window - Use cursor to draw box around object that is to be
Zoom Previous - Return to the last Zoom view.
Zoom Extends - Provide full-screen view of drawing.
• System (Valsys)
• Network (VALNTWRK)
• Unit (Unit 0)
• Drop (Drop 1)
• Control Task 1
• System
• Network
• Unit
• Sheets
Every time a drawing is created and saved in a Unit, Control Builder gives it a
unique name, and stores it in the Sheets directory where it is location independent.
This is a Master directory for all the sheets in an entire Unit and enables Control
Builder to display the correct drawing when requested and to avoid duplication of
drawing numbers.
Pull Toolbar
Down Deadspace
Toolbar Placement
The recommended positions for the Algorithm toolbars are to the left of the drawing
window, and the other toolbars are positioned or “docked” above the drawing
window. However, toolbars can be “undocked” and moved to different locations.
Toolbar Configuration
Toolbars can be configured by using the Toolbars item from the AutoCAD View
pull-down menu (refer to the “Modifying Toolbars” section in the AutoCAD User
Guide for detailed information about configuring toolbars).
Toolbar Enable/Disable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Icon Description
1 Edit Existing Algorithm
2 Add Another Algorithm
3 Displays alphabetic list
4 Name algorithm
5 Order algorithm execution
6 Determine where a connector is used
7 Displays online Help
Icon Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Icon Description
1 Set comment rotation in degrees (typically 0).
2 Set comment size (1.0 or 2.5 are the options). Size is fixed for standardization.
3 Line. OCB sets a unique line type and color so a comment will not be mistaken for a
4 Comment Attributes. Current comment settings.
5 Comment Edit Dialog Box. Used to edit comments on a sheet.
6 Left Justify Comment.
7 Center Justify Comment.
8 Right Justify Comment.
Icon Description
1 2 3
Icon Description
1 Import Control - Imports a library file into the current drawing.
2 Export Control - Exports a section of a drawing or an entire drawing into a library file.
3 Displays online Help
1 2 3
Icon Description
1 Define - Defines a new menu or edits an existing macto.
2 Explode - Displays the original components (algorithms) of the macro.
3 Displays online Help
Icon Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Icon Description
1 Layers - Used to create a new layer, or makes a layer current and any objects created are
associated with the current layer.
2 Turn a Layer On or Off - When a layer is off, objects on that layer are invisible, but do
3 Freeze or Thaw in All Viewpoints - When a layer is frozen, objects on that layer are
invisible, and do NOT regenerate.
4 Lock or Unlock a Layer - When a layer is locked, its objects cannot be edited, but they
can be viewed.
5 Make a layer plottable or non-plottable - When a layer is non-plottable, objects on that
layer will not print.
6 Color of Layer - Color assigned to a layer.
7 Color Control - Displays “Select Color” dialog box, used to assign color to a layer.
8 Linetype Control:
By layer -
By block
Other → Opens dialog window
9 Lists the properties of entire drawing, including layers.
1 2 3 4
Icon Description
1 Add Pin - Adds any pin not already on an algorithm symbol. OCB checks to determine
if another pin can be added to the algorithm, and displays a message if you cannot add
a pin.
2 Delete Pin - Deletes any pin on an algorithm symbol that is not connected to a signal and
is not required. OCB checks to determine if a pin can be deleted from the algorithm, and
displays a message if you cannot delete a pin.
3 Move Pin - Moves any pin on an algorithm symbol that is not connected to a signal.
4 Provides online Help for Pin functions.
1 2 3 4
Icon Description
1 Prints the functional drawing just as it is displayed (WYSIWYG) on the Control Builder
2 Prints the details (such as parameters and algorithm names) about the current sheet.
3 Prints information about the sheet connectors.
4 Provides online Help for Print functions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Icon Description
1 Add Signal to Drawing
2 Delete Down Stream Segment - Removes the selection and all signals downstream or to
the right of the selection.
3 Bend an Existing Segment - Adds a junction to a segment.
4 Move Segment or Junction of an Existing Signal
5 Set Tracking for an Existing Signal
6 Clear Tracking Along an Existing Signal
7 Verify an Existing Signal
8 Highlight an Existing Signal
9 Displays online Help
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Icon Description
1 New Drawing - Open a new AutoCAD drawing.
2 Open Drawing - Open an existing AutoCAD drawing.
3 New Control Sheet - Open a new Control Builder drawing that is formatted as an Ova-
tion Control Builder drawing (Control Builder function).
4 Open Control Sheet - Open an existing Control Builder drawing that is
formatted as an Ovation Control Builder drawing (Control Builder function).
5 Save Drawing - Saves the drawing and any edits to the database.
6 Print - Prints the drawing.
7 Print Preview - Displays drawing (black on white) without grid lines.
8 Spelling - Spell checker.
9 Erase Objects - Deletes “selected” objects (algorithms, signals, pins) (Control Builder
10 Copy Objects - Used for copy-paste operations, using left/right mouse buttons
(Control Builder function).
11 Move Objects - Moves “selected” objects in drawing (Control Builder function).
12 Undo - Removes all edits in a session, one at a time, from last edit to first.
13 Redo - Removes only the last undo.
14 Redraw All - Refreshes entire drawing without saving it to the database.
15 Aerial View - Navigation and magnification tool that displays view of drawing in a sep-
arate window.
16 Pan Realtime - Moves view of drawing, but scale remains the same.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Icon Description
17 Zoom Realtime - Uses cursor as a center focused cross-hair on the object that is being
18 Zoom Window - Uses cursor to put a box around the object that is to be zoomed.
19 Zoom Previous - Returns to the last zoom operation.
20 Zoom Extents - Zooms the drawing to a full-view display.
21 Help - Provides AutoCAD Help.
1 2 3 4 5
Icon Description
1 Add Point Tag (Left Justified)
2 Add Point Tag (Center Justified)
3 Add Point Tag (Right Justified)
4 Delete Point Tag
5 Displays online Help
Menu Bar
AutoCAD menus are available to the Control Builder user, but their use is typically
not recommended. These menus are listed below and are illustrated in Figure 2-4.
For additional information about these menus, consult the AutoCAD manuals.
• File
• View
• Insert
• Format
• Tools
• Draw
• Dimension
• Modify
• Window
• Help
Draw Modify
Figure 2-5 illustrates the Edit menu and Table 2-15 defines the menu functions
Function Description
Undo Clears the last edit. (AutoCAD function)
Redo Redraws the last edit that was removed with the Undo command. (AutoCAD
Cut Removes selected item(s) from drawing and puts into Scratchpad.
Copy Copies selected item(s) from drawing and puts into Scratchpad.
Paste Pastes item(s) stored in Scratchpad into drawing. Unlimited number of paste
operations are allowed.
Copy within Drawing Copies selected item(s) from a drawing into the same drawing without storing
the item(s) in Scratchpad.
Clear Deletes selected item(s). (AutoCAD function)
OLE Links Object Linking and Embedding links. AutoCAD feature used to combine data
from different applications into one document. (AutoCAD function)
Find Locates specified items. (AutoCAD function)
When an item is selected from the Control menu, a dialog box appears that enables
you to define or edit some component of the Control Sheet.
Figure 2-6 illustrates the Control menu and Table 2-16 defines the menu functions.
Function Description
Library Import Control - Imports control or drawing items from a
library drawing file into a sheet being edited.
Export Control - Exports control or drawing items from a
drawing being edited into a library drawing file for future use in
another drawing.
Title Box Edit - Displays a Sheet Parameters dialog box used to edit the
parameters in the Title Box on the sheet.
Replace - Replace Title Box and Disclosure statement with
Add Text - Add dynamic text to drawing. Text will be updated as
the Title Box is modified.
Points Edit Output Points - Displays a Point Edit dialog box used to
edit a point name and the point bit.
Connector Where Used - Displays “Where Used” information
for a user defined point.
Create User Points - Select to create user-defined points.
Security - Displays the Enable Point Security dialog box.
Audit Sheet Checks for errors in sheet. Displays a dialog box of syntax errors
in algorithms.
Print Functional - Prints the current functional drawing or sheet just as
it is displayed in the Control Builder window.
Connectors - Prints all the information about the page
connectors on the sheet.
Details - Prints all the details about the sheet.
Titles - Prints all the sheet titles for a Controller. This can be used
as a Table of Contents for the project.
Find Algorithm - Displays a window containing a list of algorithms.
Point - Displays a window containing a list of points.
Configuration Displays a Configuration dialog box containing six tabs used to
Database Connections
Project Details
Signal Display
Plot Details
Text Defaults
Online Help Displays online help for the Control Builder.
Function Description
Add Adds a signal segment to a pin or existing signal. Signal lines
typically appear as green (tracking), blue (digital), or white
(analog) dotted lines.
Delete Deletes a segment and all downstream segments.
Move Segment/Junction Moves a signal segment or junction. Useful when signals need
minor modifications.
Bend Segment Add a junction in the middle of an existing signal.
Tracking Set - Sets tracking relationship between two algorithms. White
colored lines change to green.
Clear - Removes tracking from a signal line. Green colored lines
change to white.
Clear All - Clear all the tracking on a sheet.
Highlight Set - Changes the color of the selected signal to purple. Useful
when determining where a signal is connected.
Clear - Removes the highlight color from the selected signal.
Pin Add - Adds a pin to an algorithm block.
Delete - Removes a pin from an algorithm block.
Move - Moves a pin from an algorithm block.
The algorithms are grouped by functions that are listed in the menu. These
algorithm groups are based on functions defined in “Ovation Algorithms Reference
Manual” (R3-1100).
Figure 2-8 illustrates the Algorithms menu and Table 2-18 defines the menu items.
Function Description
Edit Displays the Edit Algorithm dialog box used to edit algorithm
parameters and outputs. See Section 3 for procedure.
Name Used to name an algorithm.
Order Defines the execution order for the algorithms on the sheet.
Automatic - Orders the algorithms on the drawing automatically.
User Defined - Orders the algorithms on the drawing according to a
custom ordering scheme created in the Order Algorithms dialog box.
View - Displays the current algorithm ordering scheme for the drawing.
Reconcile Reconciles tuning changes from database into sheet.
Online Help Displays online help for the Control Builder.
Macro Define - Creates a new macro or edits an existing one.
Explode - Breaks a macro into its original algorithms.
Add Another Adds another algorithm to the sheet that is the same as the last algorithm
that was added to the sheet.
Alphabetic List Displays the Select Function Name dialog box that contains an
alphabetized list of all the algorithms.
Some algorithms in this list are no longer part of the standard set of
algorithms. Attempting to add them to a control sheet will have no
impact on the sheet.
Assign Functions Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Assign Value (ASSIGN algorithm)
Packed to Analog (SPTOSA algorithm)
Analog to Packed (SATOSP algorithm)
Input N BCD Digits (BCDNIN algorithm)
Output N BCD Digits (BCDNOUT algorithm)
Point Status (PNTSTATUS algorithm)
Drop Status (DROPSTATUS algorithm)
16 Digitals to Packed (PACK16 algorithm)
Packed to 16 Digitals (UNPACK16 algorithm)
Latch Point Quality (LATCHQUAL algorithm)
Function Description
Field/Artificial IO Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Analog Value Generator (AVALGEN algorithm)
Digital Value Generator (DVALGEN algorithm)
Keyboard Interface (KEYBOARD algorithm)
Manual/Auto Mode (MAMODE algorithm)
Manual/Auto Station (MASTATION algorithm)
Set Point Interface (SETPOINT algorithm)
Hard Analog/Digital Trend (ATREND algorithm)
Write Analog Value (FIELD algorithm)
RPA Count (RPACNT algorithm)
X3 Step (X3STEP algorithm)
Boolean/Timers/Counters Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Logical And (AND algorithm)
Logical Not (NOT algorithm)
Logical Or (OR algorithm)
Logical Exclusive Or (XOR algorithm)
Flip Flop (FLIPFLOP algorithm)
Alternate Action Flip Flop (AAFLIPFLOP algorithm)
Off Delay Timer (OFFDELAY algorithm)
On Delay Timer (ONDELAY algorithm)
One Shot Timer (ONESHOT algorithm)
Counter (COUNTER algorithm)
Pulse Counter (PULSECNT algorithm)
Digital Counter (DIGCOUNT algorithm)
Truth Table (TRUTHTABLE algorithm)
Function Description
Arithmetic Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Absolute Value (ABSVALUE algorithm)
AntiLogarithm (ANTILOG algorithm)
Logarithm (LOG algorithm)
Natural Logarithm (NLOG algorithm)
Square Root (SQUAREROOT algorithm)
Cosine (COSINE algorithm)
ArcCosine (ARCCOSINE algorithm)
Sine (SINE algorithm)
ArcSine (ARCSINE algorithm)
Tangent (TANGENT algorithm)
ArcTangent (ARCTANGENT algorithm)
Gain Bias Single Point (GAINBIAS algorithm)
Sum 4 Point Together (SUM algorithm)
Multiply 2 Points (MULTIPLY algorithm)
Divide 2 Points (DIVIDE algorithm)
Function Generator (FUNCTION algorithm)
5th Order Polynomial (POLYNOMIAL algorithm)
Average up to 8 Analogs (QAVERAGE algorithm)
Rate Change (RATECHANGE algorithm)
Reset Sum (RESETSUM algorithm)
Running Average (RUNAVERAGE algorithm)
Smooth Value Transform (SMOOTH algorithm)
Monitors/Limiters/Selectors Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Transfer (TRANSFER algorithm)
Selector (SELECTOR algorithm)
High Monitor (HIGHMON algorithm)
High Low Monitor (HIGHLOWMON algorithm)
Low Monitor (LOWMON algorithm)
Rate Monitor (RATEMON algorithm)
Quality Monitor (QUALITYMON algorithm)
Hi Select (HISELECT algorithm)
Low Select (LOSELECT algorithm)
Median Select (MEDIANSEL algorithm)
2 Transmitter Select (2XSELECT algorithm)
Compare Analog Values (COMPARE algorithm)
Deadband Equals (DBEQUALS algorithm)
Alarm Monitor (ALARMMON algorithm)
Rate Limit (RATELIMIT algorithm)
Translator (TRANSLATOR algorithm)
Function Description
Fluid Calculations Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Gas Flow Compensation (GASFLOW algorithm)
Steam Flow Compensation (STEAMFLOW algorithm)
Level Compensation (LEVELCOMP algorithm)
Compressed Liquid Region (steamtables)
Calculate Entropy/Enthalpy (HSCLTP)
Calculate Volume (VCLTP)
Saturated Liquid Region (steamtables)
Calculate Enthalpy (HSLT)
Calculate Entropy (SSLT)
Calculate Volume (VSLT)
Calculate Pressure (PSLT)
Calculate Temperature Given Pressure (TSLP)
Calculate Temperature Given Enthalpy (TSLH)
Saturated Vapor Region (steamtables)
Calculate Pressure (PSVS)
Calculate All Given Pressure (HSTVSVP)
Super Heated Region (steamtables)
Calculate Entropy, Enthalpy and Volume (HSVSSTP)
High Level Control Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Balance Downstream Algorithms (BALANCER algorithm)
First In First Out (FIFO algorithm)
Lead Lag Compensator (LEADLAG algorithm)
PID Controller (PID algorithm)
PID Controller w/Feed Forward (PIDFF algorithm)
Interpolation Function (INTERP algorithm)
Predictor Function (PREDICTOR algorithm)
Transport Time Delay (TRANSPORT algorithm)
Sequencer Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Analog Drum (ANALOGDRUM algorithm)
Digital Drum (DIGDRUM algorithm)
Master Sequencer (MASTERSEQ algorithm)
Device Sequencer (DEVICESEQ algorithm)
Automatic Step Timer (STEPTIME algorithm)
Function Description
Q-Line Interface Functions Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
QPA Write Command (QPACMD algorithm)
QPA Write Comparator (QPACMPAR algorithm)
QPA Read Status (QPASTAT algorithm)
QSD Write Demand (QSDDEMAND algorithm)
QSD Read Mode (QSDMODE algorithm)
QSR M/A Interface (QSRMA algorithm)
QVP (QVP algorithm)
XMA2 - Soft/Hard Q-line M/A I/F (XMA2 algorithm)
XML2 - Soft/Hard Q-line Manual Loader (XML2 algorithm)
Serial Link Controller Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Read Analog Inputs (SLCAIN algorithm)
Read Digital Inputs (SLCDIN algorithm)
Read Packed Inputs (SLCPIN algorithm)
Write Analog Outputs (SLCAOUT algorithm)
Write Digital Outputs (SLCDOUT algorithm)
Write Packed Outputs (SLCPOUT algorithm)
Read SLC Status (SLCSTATUS algorithm)
Miscellaneous Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of algorithm
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The algorithm
choices are:
Time Functions
System Time (SYSTEMTIME algorithm)
Time Change (TIMECHANGE algorithm)
Time Detector (TIMEDETECT algorithm)
Time Monitor (TIMEMON algorithm)
Nuclear Applications
Annunciator (ANNUNCIATOR algorithm)
Digital Rod Pos. Indicator (DRPI algorithm)
Transfer by Index (TRNSFNDX algorithm)
I/O Algorithm Displays various dialog boxes that contain pictures of connector
symbols that can be selected and added to the drawing. The connector
choices are:
Input (INPUT connectors)
Output (OUTPUT connectors)
1 Algorithm Example:
If you select
Assign, the
2 All Assign function
menu appears.
3 Function
Function Description
1. Algorithm Name of menu. Also used to return to this screen from an
algorithm function subscreen.
2. All Displays the Select Function Name dialog box which contains a
list of all the algorithms.
3. All the different algorithm function Selects a function type to display the algorithms that are
types. available for that function type.
The command line function is designed to work the way you work, providing
options for each command you enter. This allows you to continue working quickly
since options are presented immediately.
When you enter a command, the options you can choose from are displayed in a
pop-up dialog box or in brackets on the screen.
Refer to Section 4 for information about using the Control Builder command lines.
• Help Topics – Displays helpful information about the items contained in the
window and options available in the application. The Help system is also
accessed by pressing F1.
The Contents tab is a directory tree structure of the contents of the help file for the
current application. It follows the same scheme as Windows Explorer. Each subject
is represented by a book icon that contains individual files. The individual file
contains the help text.
To access the information in the dialog box, click on the subject in the left-hand
window. The right-hand window will be populated with the corresponding help
information (see Figure 2-10).
The Index tab dialog box has a text entry field to search the index for specific
information. The system will search the index for an entry as you type the
information. As you type, it will highlight index help topics that alphabetically
match your entry the closest. Choose a topic and click the Display button to view
help text (see Figure 2-11). The right-hand window will be populated with the
corresponding help information.
The Search tab dialog box enables selection by entering a key word into the find
box and clicking the List Topics button. Topics will then be shown that match the
keyword. Choose a topic and click Display to view the topic (see Figure 2-12). The
right-hand window will be populated with the corresponding help information.
When the search tabs are hidden, only the help text will be displayed. Click on the
Show icon to display the Contents, Index, and Search tabs again (see Figure 2-
Several other options are accessible in the Contents view by right-clicking within a
Help window. A menu will appear on the screen with available options (see Figure
Print - allows you to print the selected topic or print the selected heading and all
D:\OvPtSvr\<Your SystemName>\template.dwg
• A group of smaller boxes in the lower right side corner of the drawing sheet.
• The Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. name and Proprietary Statement in the
smaller boxes. The Statement can be edited through the template.dwg file.
The larger box serves as a border around the drawing, and the smaller boxes provide
a place to enter information about the drawing (title, drawing number, and so forth).
1. Select the Control pull-down menu from the Control Builder main window.
3. Select Edit.
4. Enter the desired information in the appropriate entry fields. These fields
correspond to the fields in the Title Box (Figure 3-1). Refer to Table 3-1 for
descriptions of the fields.
The first type uses the grid that overlays the main drawing screen (Figure 3-3). The
grid consists of numbers 0 - 9 (left to right) at the top/bottom of the screen, and
letters A - H (bottom to top) at the sides of the screen.
This grid is used to identify the positions of objects on the drawings, and identifies
the algorithm location for the Edit Algorithm and Order Algorithm dialog boxes. It
is also very useful as a troubleshooting feature by detecting and locating algorithms
with errors.
L = letter (A - H)
N = number (0 - 9)
F (Functional Drawing) F
Coordinates’ Location (C2)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The second type of coordinate system is a fixed Cartesian system called the World
Coordinate System (WCS). This system is very accurate and uses values that do not
appear along the sides of the drawing window. They are part of the AutoCAD
system and appear in the lower left corner of the drawing window (see Figure 3-4).
The numbers change to indicate the location of the cursor as you move it around the
x.xxxx = x-coordinate value
y.yyyy = y-coordinate value
0.0000 = coordinate for third dimension figures (currently not used by OCB)
3-5. Algorithms
Algorithms are mathematical formulas that define a specific control strategy. The
Ovation Control Builder allows you to combine algorithms to create an entire
control strategy for a system process. For complete information about algorithms,
refer to the “Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual” (R3-1100).
• Magenta - originated the point that is being searched for by the PI function
In Arrow
K d
Algorithm Name
Algorithm Function
• Using the Algorithm Command line (see Section 4 for command information).
1. Use the Algorithm pull-down menu (shown in Figure 3-6) to add an algorithm
to an OCB control sheet.
2. Select the Alphabetic List item or select the appropriate algorithm function.
(Refer to Section 2 for details about the Algorithm pull-down menu.).
4. If you select the Alphabetic List item, a box containing the names (in
alphabetical order) of all the algorithms appears (see Figure 3-7). Select the
Standard Folder to display a list of all the Standard algorithms. Select the
desired algorithm. Proceed to Step 5.
2. Select the desired algorithm name from the algorithm On-Screen menu. The
algorithm will become attached to the cursor.
3. Click in the control sheet where you want to place the algorithm.
• Using the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using Algorithm
2. Select the Edit icon and the algorithm on the control sheet that is to be edited.
The Edit Algorithm box appears (see Figure 3-10).
3. Make the desired changes (see Table 3-2 for field descriptions).
Field Description
Title Identifies algorithm. For example, MASTATION:1@F7
MASTATION = Name of algorithm function
1 = Unique identifier assigned by OCB, NOT the execution order.
F7 = Coordinate location of algorithm
St 0 = Item is normal (green font)
X = Item has an error (red font)
Error messages are displayed in the bottom of the box. Refer to Section 1-5.3 for
error message descriptions.
Description Description of algorithm parameter. When parameter is selected, it is highlighted
and a description flag appears. This flag defines what type of point is required as
output for that parameter. Refer to “Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual”
(R3-1100) for information about algorithm parameters.
Changing Values
1. Select the desired row.
2. Change the Value in the Edit Box.
3. Press Enter to move to the next field.
Bit Bit in question if item is a packed point
Up/Down Displays the upstream (input) algorithm, and all the downstream (output)
algorithms for the algorithm being edited.
2. Select the Edit item and the algorithm on the control sheet that is to be edited.
The Edit Algorithm box appears (see Figure 3-10).
3. Make the desired changes (see Table 3-2 for field descriptions).
OCB = Inserted by OCB
ssss = Unique sheet identifier assigned by Control Builder (Hex)
aaa = Unique algorithm identifier (Hex) based on the order in which the
algorithm was placed on the sheet.
OCB = Inserted by OCB
nnnnnnn = User-defined algorithm name (replaces the seven character
unique identifier used in default points).
4. The algorithm name is limited to seven characters, but may be shorter. If the
name is seven characters, it must have one character that is not between 0 and
9, and not between A and F. This is to ensure that the Control Builder does not
create another algorithm with the same name.
6. Default points will use the user defined algorithm name as the base, appending
the algorithm parameter name to the end, that is, OCBnnnnnnn-pppp
OCB = Inserted by OCB
nnnnnnn = User-defined algorithm name
pppp = Parameter name (for example, OUT)
• Using the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Algorithm
Using theToolbar
2. Select the Eraser icon and the algorithm on the control sheet that is to be
3. Make a square around the algorithm by left-clicking at one corner and then left-
clicking at the opposite corner. This will select the algorithm.
4. Press the Enter button or right-click and the algorithm will be deleted.
Use one of the following procedures to view or order the algorithms on a sheet:
• Use the Algorithm toolbar to view the current algorithm execution order.
• Use the Command line to order the algorithms (see Section 4 for information on
using the Algorithm commands).
1. Use the Algorithm toolbar to view the current algorithm execution order on an
OCB control sheet.
2. Select the Order Algorithms icon. The algorithm order numbers are displayed
on the control sheet in place of the algorithms. Algorithms that are not orderable
are not numbered and will not be displayed. This includes:
• Fast Boolean algorithms (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) that are connected to
another Fast Boolean algorithm. These algorithms are executed, as needed,
to slow Fast Boolean algorithms that are ordered. Use a user-defined output
point to manually order a Fast Boolean algorithm.
1. Use the Algorithm pull-down menu (shown in the following figure) to order the
algorithms on an OCB control sheet.
3. If you want OCB to order the algorithms, select Automatic. OCB will number
the algorithms according to the control logic on the sheet.
5. If you selected User Defined, the Order Algorithms dialog box appears
(see Figure 3-13).
The Order Algorithms box contains a list of the names and locations of all the
algorithms on the drawing sheet.The names are displayed in this format:
6. Arrange the algorithms in the desired execution order using the following keys
(identified by arrows in Figure 3-13):
• 3 = Undo changes.
• 6 = Saves changes.
7. Select one or more lines by using the standard Windows technique: Shift key
plus Control key.
8. Make the desired changes, and select the OK button to save the changes.
Table 3-3 lists the supported formats for the various CALCBLOCK equation
operations and Table 3-4 lists the supported formats for the various
CALCBLOCKD equation operations.
Logical (Boolean)
And (a && b)
Nand (a ^& b)
Or (a || b)
Nor (a ^| b)
Xor (a xor b)
Not (not a)
The Calculations tab is used to list the calculations and parameters that will be
used for editing CALCBLOCK(D).
Status Bar
Item Description
Compiles the equation displayed in the CalcBlock Equation area and verifies the
equation syntax. The results are displayed in the Compilation Results area
Uses the equation currently displayed in the Library tab. This button is not enabled
until a calculation library is opened in the Library tab and an equation is selected.
CalcBlock Equation Editing field for the custom equation for the algorithm. You can type, cut (Ctrl+x),
copy (Ctrl+c), or paste (Ctrl+v) calculations in this field.
Item Description
Compilation Results Result of a specific compile. If the equation in the CalcBlock Equation area is valid,
the entire equation will be displayed here and the message “Valid Equation” will be
displayed in the Status Bar.
If an error is detected in the equation, the equation up to and including the last valid
item will be displayed here. A message that contains the invalid item will be
displayed in the Status Bar. An invalid equation will never be saved; you must cancel
the operation or correct the errors in the equation.
Displays the online Help for CALCBLOCK(D).
The Points tab is used to display the current point names for CALCBLOCK(D) and
to allow you to create user-defined points.
Item Description
Input Parameter input name
Point Name Name of output point
Calculated Value Result of calculation
Propagate Quality If checked, bad quality will be propagated (output) if an invalid number is detected
on Invalid Number in the calculation. (This is not enabled for CALCBLOCK(D).)
Output Flag Algorithm output
OK Accepts the calculation.
Cancel Ends the operation and does not save it.
Status Bar When an error occurs during the compile, the equation is displayed up to the last valid
item in the equation. The invalid item in the equation will be displayed in the Status
The Library tab displays the path and the selected equation from a Library file.
This equation can be selected by clicking the Open icon in the Library tab and
navigating to the desired folder and file (.calc). Once in the Library file, the
appropriate equation can be selected.
Item Description
Path Displays the complete path for the selected library file.
Description Describes the selected equation.
Equation Displays the selected equation.
Message Path Describes the status of the selected equation.
Displays an Open dialog box that is used to locate and open a calculation file. Refer
to Figure 3-18 and Table 3-8 for details.
The Open window dialog box lists existing libraries containing calculation (.calc)
files that can be used for editing the CALCBLOCK(D) algorithm.
Item Description
Folders Folders (Libraries) containing user-defined calculation files (.calc).
File Name Name of selected file
Open Opens the file.
Open as read-only Opens a file that cannot be edited.
Cancel Ends the operation and does not save it.
Calculation Library
Use Microsoft Notepad to edit an Equation for a library. Use the following
2. Any line beginning with a pound sign (#) is considered a comment and is
3. Equations are identified in two lines in the text file. The first line is a description
of the equation and the second line is the actual equation.
4. Multiple equations may be stored in a single calculation library. The format for
the file is as follows:
The first line (beginning with CALCULATION:) is the description of the first
3. Select the Open icon to access the Open dialog box (Figure 3-18).
4. Select the desired library folder and the desired .calc file. Select Open to import
the calculations into the CALCBLOCK(D) Editor box.
Select the Calculation tab and click the Import button. A confirmation dialog
box will appear which displays the details of the calculation to be imported (see
Figure 3-19). If you want to import the calculation into the equation, select Yes.
Page connectors are used to connect signals from one sheet to another within a
single Controller, between Controllers, or between a Controller and its I/O.
4. Page connectors may or may not have a mating page connector on another sheet.
5. Page connectors reflect the points usage and configuration and are automatically
updated by the Control Builder.
6. Page connectors are not sensitive to record types. There is not an analog
connector nor a digital connector.
8. By default, a page connector contains a tag for both the point name and the
point’s English Description.
The circle has two boxes attached to it (B) that contain a “G” if the point is used in
a custom graphic, and an “A” if the point is configured for alarming.
If the circle has a box around it (C), then the point is a hardware point with values
coming or going to a device.
If the circle has a diamond in it (D), then an input point is a highway point that is
originated in another drop, or an output point that is used in another drop.
If the circle has a diamond in it and a box around it (E), then the point is a hardware
point that is originated in another drop.
If the circle has text in it (F) (up to four characters), then the point is used elsewhere
in control. This text is a unique point identifier defined by the Control Builder and
will be the same throughout the system no matter where the point is used.
For input connectors, text (AAAA) denotes that the point is originated on another
sheet. For output connectors, text (AAAA) denotes that the point is referenced by
another sheet.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Algorithm
2. Select the I/O Algorithm item (Section 2 provides details about the Algorithms
4. Select the connector view that you need for the type of signal you are
connecting and select OK.
A. Use the Edit Algorithm dialog box (from Edit option in the Algorithm
menu) to put a point name into the Input connector. Possible points are:
— Hardware point.
B. Connect it to an algorithm.
B. Use the Edit Algorithm dialog box (from Edit option in the Algorithm
menu) to ensure that the upstream algorithm contains a user-defined point
Input Input
Connector Connector
Output Output
Connector Connector
A. Use the Edit Algorithm dialog box (from Edit option in the Algorithm
menu) to put a point name into the Input connector. Possible points are:
— Hardware point.
The Where Used dialog box appears containing a list of all the locations where
the connector is used.
The box identifies the Sheet title, Drop number, and whether the point is read
(R) or originated (O). Double-click on a Drop number in the dialog box and the
sheet appears.
3-7. Pins
Pins are part of the algorithm symbol (see Figure 3-5) and connect to signals. The
Ovation Control Builder allows pins to be added, deleted, or moved.
• Add Pin - Adds any pin not already on an algorithm symbol. OCB checks to
determine if another pin can be added to the algorithm, and displays a message
if you cannot add a pin (Section 3-7.2).
• Delete Pin - Deletes any pin on an algorithm symbol that is not connected to a
signal and is not required. OCB checks to determine if a pin can be deleted from
the algorithm, and displays a message if you cannot delete a pin (Section 3-7.3).
• Move Pin - Moves any pin on an algorithm symbol that is not connected to a
signal (Section 3-7.4).
Refer to Figure 3-24. The end of the pin that the signal attaches to must be on a
whole number boundary for both x and y coordinates (for example, 1.0, 1.0).
The other end of the pin, that attaches to the algorithm, may be on a fractional
boundary for both x and y coordinates (for example, 0.5, 0.5).
A. Place the pin on a whole numbered grid line (counted from the corners of the
algorithm symbol) to create a straight line.
B. Place the pin on a fractional grid line (counted from the corners of the
algorithm symbol) to create a diagonal line.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Pin
Pins can be added to an algorithm on a drawing sheet. When Add is selected, a list
of valid pins that can be added to the algorithm appears. If NO pins can be added to
the algorithm, a message appears stating that no pins can be added.
1. Use the Signals pull-down menu (shown in Figure 3-26) to add a pin to an
2. Select the Pin item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
5. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Add” list appears containing the names of
all the pins that can be added to the algorithm (see Figure 3-27). Select the
desired pin from the list.
7. Position the cursor on the algorithm where you want to place the pin. Left click
for the beginning of the pin, and left click again for the end of the pin.
8. Refer to the Command lines at the bottom of the OCB window for the prompts
that appear asking you to accept or reject the new pin. Since the default is Yes,
you can simply press the Enter key to add the pin.
If you do not accept the pin, it will NOT be added to the algorithm.
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
4. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Add” list appears containing the names of
all the pins that can be added to the algorithm (see Figure 3-27). Select the
desired pin from the list. Select the OK button.
5. Position the cursor on the algorithm where you want to place the pin. Left click
for the beginning of the pin, and left click again for the end of the pin.
6. Refer to the Command Lines at the bottom of the OCB window for the prompts
that appear asking you to accept or reject the new pin. Since the default is Yes,
you can simply press the Enter key to add the pin.
If you do not accept the pin, it will NOT be added to the algorithm.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Pin
Pins can be deleted from an algorithm on a drawing sheet. When Delete is selected,
a list of valid pins that can be deleted from the algorithm appears. If NO pins can be
deleted from the algorithm, a message appears stating that no pins can be deleted.
1. Use the Signals pull-down menu (shown below) to delete a pin from an
2. Select the Pin item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
5. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Delete” list appears containing the names
of all the pins that can be deleted from the algorithm (see Figure 3-29). Only
pins that are not connected and are not required can be deleted. Select the
desired pin from the list.
6. Select the OK button.The selected pin will no longer appear on the list.
7. Close the list by selecting the Cancel button and the selected pin will be
removed from the algorithm on the drawing.
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
4. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Delete” list appears containing the names
of all the pins that can be deleted from the algorithm (see Figure 3-29). Select
the desired pin from the list.
5. Select the OK button.The selected pin will no longer appear on the list.
6. Close the list by selecting the Cancel button and the selected pin will be
removed from the algorithm on the drawing.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Pin
If NO pins can be moved for the algorithm, a message appears stating that no
pins can be moved.
1. Use the Signals pull-down menu (shown below) to move an algorithm pin.
2. Select the Pin item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
5. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Move” list appears containing the names of
all the algorithm pins that can be moved (see Figure 3-31). Only pins that are
not connected to a signal can be moved. Select the desired pin from the list.
7. Refer to the Command Lines at the bottom of the OCB window for the prompts
that appear asking you to select the endpoints for the pin. The prompt also asks
you if you accept the position. Since the default is Yes, you can simply press the
Enter key to accept the pin position.
8. Close the list by selecting the Cancel button and the selected pin will be moved
on the algorithm in the drawing.
The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an
enlarged view of the algorithm.
4. At the same time, the “Select Pin to Delete” list appears containing the names
of all the pins that can be moved from the algorithm (see Figure 3-31). Select
the desired pin from the list. Select the OK button.
5. Refer to the Command Lines at the bottom of the OCB window for the prompts
that appear asking you to select the endpoints for the pin. The prompt also asks
you if you accept the position. Since the default is Yes, you can simply press the
Enter key to accept the pin position.
6. Close the list by selecting the Cancel button and the selected pin will be moved
on the algorithm in the drawing.
3-8. Signals
Signals are the lines on a drawing that connect the algorithms. Signals are drawn in
colors and line types that are defined through OCB configuration (described in
Section 5). You can set the colors and line types so that different inputs can be more
easily distinguished.
1. Signals start from a source (an algorithm output pin or a point on an existing
line) and then proceed toward the destination.
3. Signals are erased downstream from the selected segment (from output to
5. The following default colors are used to identify signals in the OCB drawings:
6. The following colors are used to identify signals on the Monitor Graphics:
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
2. Select the Add item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
3. Use the mouse to select an Out pin or an existing segment on an algorithm and
left-click on it.
4. Select an In pin on the algorithm you want to connect to the first algorithm and
left-click on it. A signal will be placed between the two algorithms.
3. Use the mouse to select an Out pin or an existing segment on an algorithm and
left-click on it.
4. Select an In pin on the algorithm you want to connect to the first algorithm and
left-click on it. A signal will be placed between the two algorithms.
• Use the Signal toolbar to delete one signal (only needs one mouse click).
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
The selected signal(s) and all related downstream signals will be deleted.
1. Use the Signals pull-down menu (shown below) to delete just one signal
(requires only one mouse click).
2. Select the Delete item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
The selected signal and all related downstream signals will be deleted.
1. Use the Signal toolbar to delete just one signal (requires only one mouse click).
The selected signal and all related downstream signals will be deleted.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
2. Select the Move segment/junction item (Section 2 provides details about the
Signals menu).
4. Left-click in the position where you want to place the signal, and the signal
moves to the new location.
6. Left-click in the position where you want to place the signal junction, and the
signal moves to the new location.
4. Left-click in the position where you want to place the signal, and the signal
moves to the new location.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
1. Use the Signals pull-down menu (shown below) to bend a signal segment.
2. Select the Bend Segment item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals
4. Left-click above the segment where you want the apex of the bend to be placed.
Two new segments now exist in place of the original single segment.
4. Left-click above or below the segment where you want the apex of the bend to
be placed.
2. Select the Highlight item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
4. Select the signal you want to highlight. The signal will change color to match
the “highlight” color option (typically magenta).
5. To remove the highlight color from the signal, select the Highlight item from
the Signals pull-down menu, and then select the Clear option. Use the mouse to
select the signal and it will return to its original color.
3. Use the mouse to select a signal between algorithms. The signal will change
color to match the “highlight” color option (typically magenta).
4. To remove the highlight color from the signal, select the Verify item (Clear)
from the Signal toolbar. The signal will return to its original color.
Tracking signals are always visible and are typically shown in green.
Tracking points are fully managed by OCB except when tracking crosses between
sheets, and when tracking from a downstream algorithm into a BALANCER
• Reduce process upset. An upset is when the control system causes the process
to temporarily move to an operating point which differs from the desired point.
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
2. Select the Tracking item (Section 2 provides details about the Signals menu).
4. Click twice on the signal to which you want to apply tracking. The signal will
change color to match the “tracking” color option (typically green).
5. To clear tracking from the signal, select the Tracking item from the Signals
pull-down menu, and then select the Clear option. Use the mouse to select the
signal and it will return to its original color.
3. Select the signal to which you want to apply tracking. The signal will change
color to match the “tracking” color option (typically green).
4. To clear tracking from the signal, select the Clear Tracking Along an Existing
Signal icon. Use the mouse to select the signal and it will return to its original
You can set tracking across sheet boundaries. As with all points entering or leaving
a sheet, track points used on multiple sheets must be user defined. Since the Control
Builder manages the tracking connections, the tracking fields in the Edit Algorithm
dialog box are typically hidden from the user.
Use the following procedure to set the tracking between a downstream sheet and an
upstream sheet:
1. Enable the tracking from the downstream algorithm to the input connector
using the Signals menu or the Signal toolbar.
2. Edit the downstream algorithm using the Edit Algorithm dialog box. The
tracking field is now visible and can be edited.
3. Enter the user-defined name and exit the Edit Algorithm dialog box.
1. Enable the tracking from the output connector to the upstream algorithm using
the Signals menu or the Signal toolbar.
2. Edit the output connector using the Edit Algorithm dialog box.
3-9. Tags
Tags are text fields that are used in drawings by the Ovation Control Builder to
identify point fields such as point names, English descriptions, point values, and
algorithm parameter values.
Comments are different from tags because comments are static text displays that
do not change or update.
2. The Monitor Graphic will not dynamically update tags as functions are tuned.
3. You must Audit a sheet to ensure that database changes are reflected correctly
in the tags. This can be done through the Control menu or through the Sheet,
Audit command line.
4. If you edit an input point, it will not update until you audit the sheet or until you
close the sheet and reopen it.
5. Set the default values for tags (alignment, height, and color) through the Tag
Details tab in the Configuration dialog box (described in Section 5).
6. You may tie a tag to a signal to depict the point name, English description, or
point value (only in the Monitor Graphic).
7. You may tie a tag to an algorithm parameter to depict the point value (either
numeric or an enumerated string).
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Signal
4. If you select an output signal, you will be prompted in the command line to
select the name, description, or value of the signal.
After you have selected what type of tag to use, use the cursor to move the tag
to the desired location and left-click to place the tag. Skip to Step 6.
6. Select the desired parameter for the tag. and use the cursor to move the tag to
the desired location and left-click to place the tag. Proceed to Step 7.
7. Audit the sheet so that all the changes will be verified by OCB and the tags will
be updated.
The tag will be deleted and any other object selected with the tag will also be
Scroll Bar
You can use the scroll bar on the right side of the command line window to look at
previously entered commands, or you can press F2 to display the AutoCAD Text
window containing all the commands entered for the current session (illustrated in
Figure 4-2).
This section contains the following information about Control Builder commands:
Refer to Appendix A for definitions of AutoCAD commands that are also used by
the Control Builder.
Add Add dynamic text to drawing, text will be updated as the title box is modified
Add Add a tag for a point field (e.g. point name, description, etc.,)
Delete Delete tag from drawing (OCBDelete is the preferred means of deleting)
Action - Enter Function Name and place algorithm on sheet. Default is the previous algorithm added. Enter
(~) to display the Select Function Name list of available algorithms.
Action - Enter (~) to display the Algorithm Choice Display screen that shows all the views or symbols
for the selected algorithm. Default is previous symbol added.
Enter (0) to select the first view, (1) to select the second view, and so on.
Action - After connectors are selected, the user-defined text is placed inside the Connector algorithm.
Action - After the Algorithm is selected, the Edit Algorithm box appears.
Make the desired changes in the box and select OK to save the changes.
Action - If Define is selected, a new macro can be created, or an existing macro can be redefined.
(Cancel voids the operation, (?) displays a list of available points, Done completes the process)
Action - A list of available parameters is displayed. Select the algorithm that contains the desired
parameters from the current sheet.
Replaces sheet ID for the Algorithm with a user defined name (see Section 3-5.4 for algorithm naming
Action - If Automatic is selected, OCB orders the algorithms automatically by connection and graphic
If User Defined is selected, the Order Algorithm dialog box appears. Make desired changes.
Action - If Toggle is selected, the algorithm execution order number on drawing is displayed or hidden.
Modifies output points (in mass) for the algorithms on the sheet.
Action - The Point Edit dialog box appears. Make desired changes.
Action - Displays the “Select Items to Reconcile” dialog box that compares values on the sheet with the
values in the database. Reconcile from the Control Builder compares the records in the Oracle database
with the algorithms on the sheet in order that the Control Builder can recognize any changes.
Reconcile from the Studio takes tuning changes from the Controller and updates the algorithm records in
the Oracle database. Refer to “Ovation Studio Developer Studio” (WIN60) for information on using
Reconcile to make database changes through the Studio.
4-5. OCBConfig
Configures Control Builder parameters.
Action - Ovation Control Builder Configuration window appears. Make the desired changes and select OK.
Action - Select item and complete action by clicking the right mouse button. This process continues until
the right mouse button or Enter is pressed.
Action - Move objects into place and click the left mouse button.
Action - Enter file to import. (All file names not beginning with “/” are located in default directory.)
Action - Move objects into place and click the left mouse button.
Action - Enter file to export from. (All file names not beginning with “/” are located in default directory.)
Action - Select item you want to export and complete action by clicking the right mouse button.
Action - Select item(s) to be deleted. This process continues until the right mouse button or Enter is pressed.
Action - Select item to be moved and complete action by clicking the right mouse button.
Action - Select location on sheet where you want to place the item.
Action - The Select Pin to Add dialog box appears (if dialog box is suppressed, use the AutoCAD Text
window for information). Select the desired Pin name.
Action - Click on the algorithm where you want to add the Pin.
Action - Click on the Pin’s beginning end point and on the ending end point.
Action: If Yes is selected, the Pin is added to the algorithm. If No is selected, then reselect the start point
and end point.
Prompt - OCB Pin: Enter Pin Name: (left Column)[~]:(A dialog box appears. If dialog
box is suppressed, use the AutoCAD Text window for information.
Action - Select the desired Pin name. If necessary, enter (~) to display a list of possible pins.
Action - Click on the Pin’s beginning end point and on the ending end point.
Action: If Yes is selected, the Pin is moved to the algorithm. If No is selected, then reselect the start point
and end point.
4-10. QSAVE
This is a standard AutoCAD command. When a functional drawing is saved, the
Control Builder performs the following steps:
• Syntax Checking - The algorithms are checked for any content errors (such as
required pins that are not connected).
If NO syntax errors are found, the drawing file will be written to disk, and the
following functions will be performed.
— Update Oracle Database - The control from the sheet is saved into the
Oracle database. Load the Controller via the Studio to activate the control
logic on the sheet.
If syntax errors are found, the drawing file will be written to the disk, but NONE
of the above functions will be performed.
Verify and correct OCB specific data on the sheet. Displays dialog box of syntax errors in algorithms.
If File is selected, the Open window containing all files and directories appears.
Action - If Create is selected, a prompt appears. This command will create the user-defined points on the
sheet that do not already exist.
If Functional is selected, the functional drawing (WYSIWYG) for the sheet is printed.
If Titles is selected, all the sheet titles for the Controller are printed (similar to a Table of Contents).
Action - Control Sheet Execution Order box appears. Make changes and select OK to save changes.
Action - If Edit is selected, the Sheet Parameters dialog box appears. Edit the fields.
If Replace is selected, the title box and disclosure statement will be replaced with data from
If Add is selected, dynamic text will be added to the drawing, and will be updated as the title box is
Action - Select location for signal on drawing. This is repeated until an input pin is selected or the Escape
key is pressed to cancel the process.
Clear Tracking
If Set is selected, tracking between possible tracking pins is rerouted, and the following prompt appears:
Adds a tag for a point field (for example, point name, description, and so on)
Action - Select the desired alignment for tag (Default is the last alignment, if any.)
Prompt - OCB Point Tag: Algorithm Field (left Column)[~]: <Signal Selected
or Input/Output of Algorithm> (A dialog box appears. If dialog box is suppressed, use the
AutoCAD Text window for information.
Action - Select tag location from a list of all inputs, parameters, and outputs.
Deletes a tag.
OBCDelete will also delete a tag.
The script file should set “CMDDIA and FILEDIA” to zero (0) to suppress dialog
box displays. All options offered in the dialog box will then be offered as options in
the command line. This suppression will stay in effect until you set CMDDIA and
FILEDIA to one (1). Then the dialog boxes will be displayed again.
To run a script file, select the Run Script option in the AutoCAD Tools menu. A
dialog box appears where you can select the desired script file.
3. The Configuration dialog box appears. The Configuration box contains six tabs
that are used for configuring different functions of the Control Builder:
4. Select the appropriate tab and perform the desired configurations. Select the OK
button to save the changes.
5. You must end the Control Builder session in order for the changes to take place.
Field Description
Connection Type Defines type of connection to database. Typically, ONLINE is selected.
Online Connection Overrides
Direct Connection User ID Defined by system, do NOT change.
Direct Connection Password Defined by system, do NOT change.
Direct Connection Instance Defined by system, do NOT change.
DCOM Connection Host Name IP address of Server.
Field Description
Offline System Description
System Name of Ovation System.
Network Name of Network in the Ovation System.
Unit Name of Unit in Network.
System Details Button If System details are not displayed, press this button to display the
current System details in the entry fields.
Field Description
Project Standards Name Name or Title of project.
Project Standards Number Number assigned to project.
Date (MM/DD/YY) Date of drawing. If date is not displayed, press button to display current date.
Revision Revision of drawing.
Field Description
Auxillary1 Extra information that might be useful to project personnel.
Auxillary2 Extra information that might be useful to project personnel.
Reviewed Engineer who reviewed drawing.
Approved Engineer who approved drawing.
Field Description
Default Color and linetype of default signals (white and dashed).
Logic Color and linetype of digital signals (cyan and dashed).
Analog Color and linetype of analog signals (white and continuous).
Track Color and linetype of tracking signals (green and dashed).
Packed Color and linetype of packed point signals (white and dashed).
Highlight Color and linetype of highlighted signals (purple and dashed).
Field Description
Device Name of printer.
Style Color or monochrome (black and white).
Size Paper size.
Offset Set at zero (0) to use complete sheet for drawing. Increasing the number will “offset”
the drawing from the edge of the paper by the value of the entered number.
Field Description
Tag Options (settings for tags)
Alignment Determines if tag will have Center, Left, or Right alignment.
Height Sets size of font used in tags.
Color Sets color of font used in tags.
Frame Text (settings for text in title boxes)
Justification Determines if text will be Center, Left, or Right justified.
Rotation Determines position of text in title boxes.
Size Sets size of font used in text.
Field Description
Default Logical Outputs If ENABLED, Packed Point outputs will be bits instead of Digital Points.
Since bits will be reused if control is changed, you must consider the effects
of residual values that exist from previous control. When adding or removing
feedback or algorithms that latch values (such as FLIPFLOP), reset the
appropriate bit values before loading any digital logic control changes to the
Field Description
Base Diagram Number Defines (for a unit) the beginning number for the range or Monitor Graphic
diagrams that will be created from the sheets. The four digit Hex number of
the sheet is converted to decimal and added to this number to determine the
diagram number.
• Graphic files (.diag) - Read-only files that can be displayed on Ovation Operator
Stations (MMIs) and can be used for monitoring and control. However, any
changes made during a monitoring session will NOT be saved when the session
is ended and the .diag file is closed.
These graphics (diagrams) are numbered between 25000 and 32000 and are
known as the Monitor Graphics. (Refer to Section 5-2.6 for information on
defining the diagram numbers.)
Operator Station
.dwg .diag Graphics
files files Folders
The following topics, discussing Monitor Graphics, are included in this section:
D. Select Load from the menu. The changes are loaded on the Controller.
The Download Preview box appears displaying the files that were
changed (see Figure 6-2).
D. Select the desired files to download. Press OK and the files are
downloaded to the MMI.
5. Select the desired graphic to display at the Operator Station (refer to “Ovation
Operator Station User Guide” (WIN20) for additional information about using
the PDS system).
Use one of the following procedures to export control logic from a functional
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Export
C. Select the Library item (Section 2 provides details about the Control menu).
D. Select the Export Control option. The Export control dialog box appears
(skip to Step 3).
C. Select the Export Control icon. The Export control dialog box appears
(proceed to Step 3).
3. Define the path where you want to store the file (Save in), enter a name for the
file (File name), and define it as a .dwg file type (Save as type).
4. Select the Save button. The Command line prompts you to “Select Entities.”
5. Use the cursor to select the portion of the drawing that you want to save, or type
All in the Command line to save all the logic on the sheet.
6. Click the Enter button or use the right mouse button to save your selection to
the library file you defined in Step 3.
7. The command (“Select base point”) will appear in the Command line. Define
the base point with the cursor (see Figure 7-2).
A base point is a selected point on a graphic. The point is used to determine the
placement of that graphic when it is inserted into a new drawing. The base point
will be placed at the insert point (x, y intersection) that is selected when the
graphic is imported from the library.
The logic you selected and saved to a file can now be used in another drawing
by using the Import function (described in Section 7-2.2).
Use one of the following procedures to import control from a functional drawing:
• Use the Command line (see Section 4 for information on using the Import
C. Select the Library item (Section 2 provides details about the Control menu).
D. Select the Import Control option. The Import control dialog box appears
(skip to Step 3).
C. Select the Import Control icon. The Import control dialog box appears
(proceed to Step 3).
3. Define the path where the desired file is stored (Look in), enter a name for the
file (File name), and identify it as a .dwg file type (File of type). The selected
file will be displayed in the Preview window.
5. Use the cursor to position the control elements saved in the file onto the current
drawing. The location for the segment is determined by the Base point (defined
in Section 7-2.1).
6. Click the left mouse button. The control logic is placed on the sheet and the
Point Edit dialog box appears. Make the necessary changes (see Section 7-6).
C. Line
The line type and color are determined by OCB and are unique to
avoid confusion with signal lines.
D. Comment Attributes
The Edit Comments dialog box appears (Figure 7-4). Use this box to edit
comments on a sheet, define the location for the comment, and access a Find
and Replace dialog box (Figure 7-5).
— Modified text will have a check mark in the icon to the left of comment.
Selects a left-justified insertion point for text. Select the icon and start typing
the comment. Multiple lines can be entered (up to 132 characters), and the
comment is ended after the first empty line.
Selects a center-justified insertion point for text. Select the icon and start
typing the comment. Multiple lines can be entered (up to 132 characters),
and the comment is ended after the first empty line.
Selects a right-justified insertion point for text. Select the icon and start
typing the comment. Multiple lines can be entered (up to 132 characters),
and the comment is ended after the first empty line.
• Print toolbar
• Plot item from the AutoCAD File menu (only prints the active sheet)
Also, confirm that the Plot Details tab (Figure 7-6) is configured correctly for your
6. If you have made changes, you must close the session for the changes to take
1 2 3 4
Icon Description
1 Prints the functional drawing just as it is displayed (WYSIWYG) on the Control Builder
2 Prints the details (such as parameters and algorithm names) about the current sheet.
3 Prints information about the sheet connectors.
4 Provides online Help for Print functions.
The Print options will appear. Select the desired print function:
• Connectors - Prints all the information about the page connectors on the sheet.
• Titles - Prints all the sheet titles for a Controller. This can be used as a Table of
Contents for the project.
• Titles will print all the sheet titles for the Controller (similar to a Table
of Contents). This is done on a per Drop basis, and the produced list is
typically attached to the front of the package of functional sheets for the
• Validates the sheet - The drawing is checked for internal consistency and
syntax errors. Internal consistency is the verifying of graphical signals, tags,
and algorithm connections.
• Checks for syntax errors - Syntax errors are mistakes in the content-based
data within an algorithm, data such as point record types and value ranges.
If syntax errors are found, the drawing file will be written to the disk, but
OCB will not proceed with the save.
• Updates tags.
3. If errors are detected, an Algorithm Errors window will appear (see Figure 7-7)
listing the errors. Refer to Section 1-5.3 for error message descriptions.
The Point Edit dialog box appears (see (Figure 7-8). The Point Edit dialog box
displays all the points contained on a drawing sheet, plus information about the
algorithms on the sheet.
3. Select a point and make the desired edits. Table 7-2 describes the fields in the
Field Description
Alg Name Name of algorithm on sheet
Loc Location of algorithm on sheet based on coordinates (x = 0-9) (y = A-H)
Prompt Algorithm parameters
Original Point Name Original name of point on sheet
Bit Packed point bit number (if used) for original point name
Mapped Point Name New name of point on sheet
View Defines what points will be shown in list:
Field Description
Edit Selected Point Displays the point name that will be edited:
(modify one point at a time)
Name Name of point
Bit Packed point bit number (if used) for mapped point name
Edit Multiple Points Selects method to be used to edit multiple points:
(modify multiple points)
Filter Pattern Displays the Filter Points dialog box (see Figure 7-9).
Translation File Displays the Translation File browser dialog box from which a Point
Translation file can be opened.
OK Performs the mapping.
Cancel Cancels any entered data.
Figure 7-9 illustrates the Filter Points dialog box and Table 7-3 describes the fields.
Field Description
Filter Shows first level of filtering.
Find Defines what characters (in point names) to change.
Replace Defines the replacement characters for the characters entered in the “Find”
entry field.
Confirmation Provides a preview of the action.
Prompt Display field Prompts user to perform needed actions.
Map Replaces indicated points.
Keep Moves unchanged points to Mapped Point Name column in Point Edit dialog
box (Figure 7-8).
Unmap Removes mappings that match the fields entered in the Filter box.
Close Closes window.
This service is typically used during the initial programming of control to quickly
create points for testing. Any points created with this service should be further
defined by the user to contain meaningful descriptions, display limits, and so forth.
To create points in the database from points that are used on the sheet but do not
currently exist in the database, use the following procedure:
1. Insert the desired point names in the appropriate algorithms using the Edit
Algorithm dialog box (from the Algorithm toolbar or the Algorithm pull-down
menu). A message stating whether or not a point currently exists in the database
will appear in the bottom of the box.
2. Once the algorithms contain the desired points, select Points from the Control
pull-down menu.
4. The Create User-Defined Points dialog box appears (Figure 7-10) containing
the points on the sheet that are not in the database.
5. Verify that the Record Types (Rec Type) for the points are correct.
6. Highlight the points and select the Create Point(s) button. This adds the points
to the database and allows you to save the sheet.
Security access is defined for each security group. If never defined, all security
groups are enabled. Once security is defined for a sheet, you must update the
security for each sheet as groups are added or the security strategy for the system is
Use the OCB Security service to enable or disable point security groups:
2. Select Security.
The Enable Point Security dialog box appears (see Figure 7-11).
7-9. Macros
7-9.1. Overview
A Macro is a user-defined control strategy, with clearly defined inputs and outputs.
Even though a macro typically consists of several algorithms, it is represented in a
functional drawing as a single user-defined algorithm. Each macro can contain an
entire sheet of control and multiple macros may be used on a given sheet. The
defined macros are stored in the Control Macros directory.
The information used in the macro dialog box is the same information as provided
for each algorithm in the Algorithm Definitions tables in the “Ovation Algorithms
Reference Manual” (R3-1100) and in the online Help for the Ovation Control
The following components are required in order for a macro to be defined and to
work properly:
• Macro name.
• Macro description.
• Macro symbol.
Since implementation algorithms are transparent to the user, do NOT use the
following algorithms in macros:
• XMA2
• Other Macros
Macro Functions
• Define the macro - Use this function to define a new macro or edit an existing
macro (see Section 7-9.2).
• Explode the macro - Use this function to display the original components
(algorithms) of the macro (Section 7-9.3), and to make modifications to the
components (see Section 7-9.4).
These functions can be selected from the Algorithm menu (Figure 7-12), Macro
toolbar (Figure 7-13), or the Control Builder Command line.
Explode Command
• Macro tab
• Points tab
• Parameters tab
Macro Tab
The Macro tab is used to define the name and description configuration for the
macro. The fields on this tab are illustrated in Figure 7-14 and described in
Table 7-4:
Points Tab
The Points tab contains a list of all interface points for the macro. These are the user-
defined input and output points. When the Points tab is selected, it determines which
points on the sheet are interface points and adds them to the list.
Parameter Name 1 Parameter and pin name that will be used when editing.
Parameters Tab
When use creates a function that will later be transformed into a macro, there may
be some internal algorithm parameters that you may want to expose (exposed
parameters may be set to a unique value each time the macro is used). The
Parameters tab provides the ability to add, delete, or edit parameters.
• Algorithm Name - Algorithm on the current sheet that “owns” the original
• Parameter Prompt - Description displayed on the Edit box when editing the
There are three operations within the Parameters tab that are available:
1. Right click to access the Add/Delete menu (or press the Insert or Delete key
on the keyboard).
2. If you select Add, the Edit Parameter dialog box will appear (see Figure 7-17).
Define the new parameter name and prompt for the macro and it will be added
to the Parameters tab (see figure below). If you do not define the new parameter
name and prompt, the selected parameter will not be added to the list, and
therefore will not be tunable within the macro.
3. If you select a parameter, and then select Delete, the selected parameter will
be removed from the list and the parameter will not be tunable within the macro.
4. If you want to edit a parameter, double click on a parameter in the list to edit
a parameter. The Edit Parameter dialog box will appear (see Figure 7-17).
Define the new parameter name and prompt for the macro.
When all of the tabs have been configured and the necessary pieces of the macro
have been defined, select the OK button to complete the macro and send the entered
data to the database. If you do not want to save the data, select the Cancel button to
clear the entered data and cancel the operation.
If OK is selected, the system will perform the following checks and operations when
defining the macro:
If any of the first four operations fail, the macro will not be created and you will be
required to correct any errors. If all the operations succeed, the macro will be
created. Next, create a symbol for the macro by using the Symbol Builder
(described in Section 8-8).
1. Select the Explode option from the Macro item (in the Algorithm menu, Macro
toolbar, or Command line). The Explode Macro dialog box will appear (see
Figure 7-19).
2. Enter the name of the existing macro that you want to explode and select the
Explode button. The macro will “explode” into its various algorithms and
appear in its original implementation form on the current sheet.
3. Define the macro (as described in Section 7-9.2) and use the previously defined
name (do not change the macro name, or the sheets will not be updated).
4. If the interface has not changed, the sheets will recompile automatically and
insert the macro changes into the applicable sheets. The following changes can
be made and you will not have to manually edit the sheets:
5. If the interface has changed or if a required input point is added, you will need
to manually edit the sheets that use the macro.
3. Define the macro (as described in Section 7-9.2) and rename the macro.
4. If the interface has not changed, the sheets will recompile automatically and
insert the macro changes into the applicable sheets. The following changes can
be made and you will not have to manually edit the sheets:
5. If the interface has changed or if a required input point is added, you will need
to manually edit the sheets that use the macro.
2. Select the Alphabetic List item from the pull-down Algorithm menu, the
Algorithm toolbar, or the Algorithm - Add command in the Control Builder
Command Line (these choices are described in Section 3).
3. When the Select Function Name (Alphabetic list) dialog box appears, select the
Macros Folder.
4. Select or enter the desired macro name in the Function Name entry field.
5. Select the OK button and the macro will be placed on the sheet.
• Compile Control Sheets processes multiple sheets at one time using the
Control Builder (described in Section 8-3).
• Copy Control Sheets makes one or more copies of one or more sheets into a
specified drop or task (described in Section 8-4).
• Export Control Sheets extracts sheets, symbols, or macros out of the current
database server so they can be imported into an unrelated server (described in
Section 8-5).
• Import Control Sheets inserts sheets, symbols or macros into the current
database (described in Section 8-6).
• Order Control Sheets edits the execution order of control sheets within a
control task (described in Section 8-7).
• Symbol Builder provides a simple direct means of creating custom symbols for
algorithms and macros (described in Section 8-8).
• Script Status Log is an HTML page that contains information about the scripts
executed, sheets compiled, and error status information. This information is
provided for the Compile, Copy, and Import utilities (described in Section 8-10).
2. Select Control Options. The Ovation Utilities Main Control dialog box will
appear (Figure 8-1). This dialog box contains six utility options and a
description box. The description box provides a brief description about each
3. Select the desired utility. Only one utility may be selected at a time, but
multiple utilities can be running at the same time. However, running multiple
utilities may decrease system performance and cause licensing issues.
When a utility button is selected, its graphical representation appears below the
Some of the more common script commands, such as Print and Zoom Extents, have
been added as options for you to select. Other script commands may be added
through the Custom Tab that provides a text editing area for writing Pre and Post
scripts. Ovation Compile Control will not only compile sheets and generate new
monitor graphics, but it will also perform script commands as provided by the user.
These tabs are used to define the desired Control Compile action before starting the
actual Compile procedure. After the tabs are configured and set, press the Compile
button to start the Compile process (refer to Section 8-3.5).
The Ovation Data Directory field is the location of the sheets that are to be
compiled. This is typically the D:\OvPtSvr directory on the server. However,
Ovation Control Compile can be run from any location. In order for Control
Compile to work, the server’s Ovation data disk must be mounted on the machine,
where Control Compile will be executed, or a Universal Naming Convention
(UNC) path must be provided (for example \\drop202\d$\OvPtSvr).
Perform the following to set the Ovation Data Directory field and mount the server’s
Ovation data disk:
1. Click on the Browse button within the Ovation Data Directory group box (as
shown in Figure 8-2).
A Browse dialog box (as shown in Figure 8-3) will appear that lists all of the
disks that are on the local machine (similar to looking at all of the disks in
Windows Explorer). Note that the typical data directory of D:\OvPtSvr on
the server may now be <X>\OvPtSvr on another machine.
2. Select the server’s Ovation Data Directory. Once you select the Ovation Data
Directory, an entry is made in the registry that contains the directory. This will
become the default directory when you execute Ovation Control Compile from
the same machine.
This field cannot be edited. The Compile Sheets field is provided to inform you that
all sheets are compiled by default during the AutoCAD Save operation. Therefore,
all sheets will be compiled and new monitor graphics will be generated.
• Drop number
• Task number
• Sheet number
• Sheet title
The sheets are sorted based on drop number, then task number, then sheet number,
and then sheet title. The order of the sheets cannot be changed. Initially, the sheet
list is empty.
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button and a dialog box will appear displaying the database
hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drops, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the control sheets for that control task will
appear on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the sheets to the list in the Compile Sheets tab, or
click the Cancel button to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
2. Select the Remove button. The sheet(s) will be removed from the list.
• Printing options
• User-Defined points
Printing Options
These AutoCAD options (as shown in the example in Figure 8-7) can be selected to
perform the following:
• Zoom Extents zooms the view to display all contents of the drawing.
• AutoCAD Audit examines the current drawing and corrects errors and/or
reports errors.
When this option, Create Undefined, is selected, all undefined user points that are
found on the compiled sheets will be created.
These options will update the title box on the compiled drawings to common values.
If the option is checked, you can enter the desired values (this will NOT override
the defaults set through the Configuration dialog box (Section 5-2.2)):
These options permit the global find and replace of point names within control
sheets. There are four Point Translation File option buttons (see Figure 8-8):
• Generate creates a Point Translation file containing two lists that map the old
point name to the new point name. These lists will be the same when the Point
Translation file is generated.
• Browse searches through the directories for a Point Translation file. This file
should have a . map extension.
• Edit selects the Point Translation file to edit. The Translation file is opened in a
text editor for you to modify.
• Pre-Script Commands will be executed before the compile script and Options
Tab script commands are executed.
• Post-Script Commands will be executed after the compile script and Options
Tab script commands are executed.
• Preview brings up a dialog box containing all of the script commands that are
to be executed during the compile operation. Scripts are very sensitive to white
spaces, because all of the white space characters have been highlighted in red. .
• Compile opens AutoCAD and executes all of the custom and option scripts as
defined by you. This also activates the progress bar and an estimated completion
time is displayed in the status. The Compile button also enables the Abort
feature on the Cancel button which permits the user to abort the Compile
operation once it has been executed.
• Cancel aborts the current session of Ovation Control Compile. All information
within the current session will be lost.
This GUI provides an interface for defining the point information that is needed in
order to create numerous copies. The following table lists the information that is
necessary for Ovation Copy Control to function properly. The following
information provided by you should be determined before configuring the Copy
Control GUI:
Information Provided by
Configuration information (source of control sheets, User
destination for copies, base sheet number for copies.)
Control sheets that are to be copied. User
New point names for the points that are to be copied. User
Point information. Ovation Control Copy
Error checking on new point names. Ovation Control Copy
The GUI for the Ovation Copy Control utility consists of four tabs:
These tabs are used to define the desired Copy Control action before starting the
actual Copy procedure. After the tabs are configured and set, press the Copy button
to start the Copy process.
Icon Description
Original point is represented by a yellow box in the background. Red slash over
a white box in the foreground indicates a new point will NOT be created.
(Displayed on Map Points Tab)
Original point is represented by a yellow box in the background. New point is
represented by a gray box in the foreground indicating the new point contains
minimum detail. (Displayed on Map Points Tab)
Original point is represented by a yellow box in the background. New point is
represented by a yellow box in the foreground indicating it is identical to the
original point (cloned). (Displayed on Map Points Tab)
Indicates there is an Information message about this point in the Error Status
file (described in Section 8-10).
(Displayed on Map Points Tab)
Indicates there is an Error message about this point in the Error Status file
(described in Section 8-10).
(Displayed on Map Points Tab)
Indicates there is a Warning message about this point in the Error Status file
(described in Section 8-10).
(Displayed on Map Points Tab)
• Destination Location
The Ovation Data Directory field is the location of the sheets that are to be copied.
This is typically the D:\OvPtSvr directory on the server. However, Ovation
Control Copy can be run from any location. In order for Control Copy to work, the
server’s Ovation data disk must be mounted on the machine where Control Copy
will be executed.
Perform the following to set the Ovation Data Directory field and mount the server’s
Ovation data disk:
1. Click on the Browse button within the Ovation Data Directory group box. A
Browse dialog box (as shown in Figure 8-3) will appear that lists all of the disks
that are on the local machine (similar to looking at all of the disks in Windows
Explorer). Note that the typical data directory of D:\OvPtSvr on the server
may now be <X>\OvPtSvr on another machine.
2. Select the server’s Ovation Data Directory. Once you select the Ovation Data
Directory, an entry is made in the registry that contains the directory. This will
become the default directory when you execute Ovation Control Copy from the
same machine.
The control sheets will be copied to the location specified in the Destination
Location field. Perform the following to set the Destination Location field:
1. Click on the Browse button within the Destination Location group box (Figure
8-12) to set this field.
A dialog box will appear displaying the database hierarchy (Network, Unit,
Drops, and Control Tasks).
2. Select either a drop or a Control Task within a drop. This field determines
where the sheets will go. If a Control Task is not specified, the default is Control
Task 2.
The Base Sheet Number field determines the new sheet numbers for the copied
control sheets. Perform the following to set the Base Sheet Number field:
1. Enter the sheet number that you want to assign to the first new sheet. The other
new sheets will continue numbering from that Base number until you change the
2. Set this field by clicking outside of the Base Sheet Number field.
• Drop number
• Task number
• Sheet number
• Sheet title
The sheets are sorted based on drop number, then task number, then sheet number,
and then sheet title. The order of the sheets cannot be changed. Initially, the sheet
list is empty.
There are two operations within the Sheets Tab that are available:
• Insert
• Delete
Insert Operation
1. Right click to access the Insert/Delete menu (or press the Insert key on the
keyboard, see Figure 8-15).
2. Select Insert and a dialog box will appear displaying the database hierarchy
(Network, Unit, Drops, and Control Tasks).
3. Double-click on a control task and the control sheets for that control task will
appear on the right.
5. Click the Ok button to add the sheets to the list in the tab, or click the Cancel
button to abort the operation. Adding the sheets also updates the points listed in
the Points tab and Map Points tab.
Delete Operation
Only one sheet may be removed at a time and unnecessary points will also be
2. Right click to access the Insert/Delete menu (or press the Delete key on the
keyboard). The selected sheet will be removed from the list.
You cannot edit, insert, or delete points on this tab. It is automatically updated as the
list of sheets is modified. Information is provided in the following columns for each
• Type – Point record type (LA, DA, LD, DD, LP, DP, LC, DU, RM, or RN)
• Originated - Icon present indicates point is originated by the sheets that are to
be copied.
The data is displayed in spreadsheet format, where each row represents a point used
in the sheets that are to be copied. The first column displays the original point name,
and the subsequent columns represent the point name that will be substituted for the
original in the copied sheets. Initially, the table contains an empty column (Map 1)
for the first Copy operation. This is a default setting where one copy of all of the
sheets in the Sheets tab will be made and the original point names will be mapped
to their corresponding new names in the Map 1 column.
The first column, containing the original point name, also has an icon in front of the
point name that indicates whether the new points will be cloned or created. The
check boxes in the Points tab define the cloning status. You can go back to the
Points tab and check or uncheck a point at any time.
Information Fields
Figure 8-19 provides an example of the Map Points tab with filled-in information
fields. The various fields in the Error Log are identified by arrows and are described
in Table 8-2. These fields are information fields that display information about a
mapped point in the table. To define an individual map, left-click on the map cell to
select it. The information fields are then set to match the selected cell.
2 3 4 5 6 7
Initially, the fields are blank and are not filled until a cell is selected in the
spreadsheet (any column except the first).
• Insert Column(s)
• Delete Column
• Clear Cell
• Find/Replace
• Audit Points
• Save
• Load
Operation Description
Insert Column(s) Use this operation to add new columns to the table. A dialog box prompts you
to enter the desired number of columns. The number of columns is unlimited
and determines the number of copies that are to be made. The new columns are
inserted at the position where the mouse was when you right-clicked. For
example, if you right-click between columns 2 and 3, and insert two columns,
then column 3 becomes column 5 and the two new columns become 3 and 4.
Delete Column Use this operation to delete the column where you clicked the right mouse
button. For example, if you want to delete column 2, place the mouse in column
2 and right-click, then select Delete Column from the menu. This will delete
column 2 and all following columns are renumbered to compensate for the
deleted column.
Find/Replace Use this operation to find and replace text strings. A dialog box appears with
fields for searching and editing a specific string within a column or from the
original point name column. Use the Find string to find the desired string in the
existing point names, and then use the Replace With string to replace the Find
string with a new string. This will create new point names.
Select the Original Point Name radio button to conduct the search on the
original point names. Select the Mapped Point Name radio button to search on
the new point names in the selected column. After all fields are set, click the
Replace All button to conduct the search, or the Cancel button to cancel the
operation. If you select the Replace All button and all of the fields are set, the
new point names will be created within the column where you right-clicked.
The actual points will not be created until you run the Copy function from the
Copy button.
Clear Cell Use this operation to clear a specific cell in the table. Place the mouse in the cell
and right-click. Then select Clear Cell from the menu. Since Find/Replace only
modifies empty cells, clearing a cell will allow the mass edit Find/Replace to
edit the cleared cell.
Operation Description
Audit Points Use this operation to perform error checking on every new point name in the
table. If any errors are found, an Error Status dialog box appears indicating the
error and the associated point. Click the Ok button to simply close the box.
Click the Print button to print the errors out to the default printer. Error status
icons are also displayed in the table next to the point with the error. This makes
it easier for you to view the points that have errors. Refer to Section 8-10 for
error checking information.
Save Use this operation to stop the Ovation Control Copy process and continue at a
later time. A Save As dialog box will pop up prompting you to name the Save
file. This file will contain all mapping information for the points (original name
and new name).
Load Use this operation to load the point data that was previously saved in an earlier
session of Ovation Control Copy. An Open Dialog box will pop up prompting
you to select the previously saved data file. This will load all of the point names
and maps. No error checking is done in this procedure. If you wants to do error
checking on the points after they have been loaded, execute the Audit Points
option from the right click menu.
• Progress - A progress bar that reflects the percentage of the operation that is
• Sheet Count - Indicates the number of sheets that are in the sheet list in the
Sheets tab. You can change this field by inserting or deleting sheets from the
Sheets tab.
• Point Count - Indicates the number of points that are in the point list in the
Points tab. This field is updated when sheets are inserted or deleted in the Sheets
• Copies - Indicates the number of copies of inserted sheets that are to be made.
The number of mapping columns in the Map Points tab determines this. You can
change this field by inserting or deleting columns in the Map Points tab.
• Copy
• Cancel
After the Audit is complete, any errors are indicated for each point name.
2. Create all necessary map files - There is one map file per copy and it contains
a map from the original point name to the new point name.
3. Build a script file – This file contains the sheets that are to be copied and the
map files for the point information.
4. Copy the sheets - This executes Import Control on the sheets in the script and
maps all of the necessary points.
5. Generate Script File - This is an HTML file indicating any errors in the sheets
during the script.
If you click the Cancel button, the Copy operation is cancelled. If the point
information was not saved in the Map Points tab, then all data will be lost. If you
want to cancel the operation and work on it later, it is recommended that you save
the mapping information in the Map Points tab by selecting Save from the right-
click menu.
Invalid Originating Drop New Point does not originate in the destination Error
This utility is the primary means for moving control between systems. Import
Control Sheets (see Section 8-6) provides the other half of the operation by copying
the objects into an Ovation database.
Export Control is accessed from the Ovation Developer Studio (see Section 8-2)
and does not require the Control Builder or an AutoCAD license.
This tool allows you to define the two key pieces of information required to import
objects into the system:
2. Destination (Where to put It) The destination is the directory where the
exported objects will be stored. The tool will define the filename based on the
object type and the directory’s previous content.
The GUI for the Export Control utility consists of four tabs:
These tabs are used to define the desired Export Control action before starting the
actual Export procedure.
3. Exported sheets will be exported into a single AutoCAD drawing file. The name
is based on the sheet’s title. It is possible to pre-fix the name with the sheet
number, unit ID and drop ID. This is useful for sorting the sheets when
4. In addition to the control sheet, a point translation file may be created for the
selected sheets. This file can be used with the Import Control Sheets Utility or
the Control Compile utility.
4. Exported symbols will not overwrite another symbol. If the same symbol is
exported three different times, three unique files will be produced.
4. On import, unlike custom symbols, the macro name is not derived from the file
name. Renaming the file has no effect on the macro name during import.
5. Macro files contain the necessary information to recreate the macro in a new
system, and any symbols that were defined when the macro was exported.
Therefore, it will not be necessary to import symbols for the macro, unless the
desired symbol was created after the macro was exported.
The Ovation Data Directory field is the network location on the database server.
Because of performance issues with AutoCAD, consider mounting the D: disk of
the server when importing sheets or control macros. By default, the Developer
Studio will define the drive by the IP address of the server.
Perform the following to set the Ovation Data Directory field and mount the server’s
Ovation data disk.
1. Click on the Browse button within the Ovation Data Directory group box. A
Browse dialog box (as shown in Figure 8-3) will appear that lists all of the disks
that are on the local machine (similar to looking at all of the disks in Windows
Explorer). Note that the typical data directory of D:\OvPtSvr on the server
may now be <X>\OvPtSvr on another machine.
2. Select the server’s Ovation Data Directory. Once you select the Ovation Data
Directory, an entry is made in the registry that contains the directory. This will
become the default directory when you execute Ovation Export Control from
the same machine.
• Drop number
• Task number
• Sheet number
• Sheet title
The sheets are sorted based on drop number, then task number, the sheet number,
and then sheet title. The order of the sheets cannot be changed. Initially the sheet
list is empty.
• Insert
• Remove
• Browse
• Export
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button and a dialog will appear displaying the database
hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the control sheets for that control task will
appear on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the sheets to the list in the Sheets tab, or click Cancel
to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
2. Select the Remove button. The sheet(s) will be removed from the list.
Browse Operation
1. Select the Browse icon in the Sheets tab. This action allows you to select a
destination directory.
2. A Browse dialog will appear (as shown below). Select a destination directory
and click Ok.
1. Select the Map File button from the Sheets tab. This action produces a map file
for the selected sheets. The standard Windows open file dialog will appear.
2. Define the point map filename and click Ok. (see Figure 8-24).
Export Operation
1. Select the Export icon in the Sheets tab to begin the Export.
• Insert
• Remove
• Browse
• Export
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button and a dialog will appear displaying the database
hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the custom symbols for that control task
will appear on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the symbols to the list in the symbols tab, or click
Cancel to abort the operation. This button opens the standard Windows open
file dialog box.
Remove Operation
1. Select the custom symbol(s) to be deleted from the Symbols tab (Figure 8-26).
2. Select the Remove button. The custom symbol(s) will be removed from the list.
Browse Operation
1. Select the Browse icon in the Symbols tab. This action allows you to select a
destination directory.
2. A Browse dialog will appear (as shown below). Select a destination directory
and click Ok.
Export Operation
Select the Export icon in the Symbols tab to begin the Export.
• Insert
• Remove
• Browse
• Export
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button (see Figure 8-27) and a dialog will appear displaying
the database hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the Control Macros for that control task will
appear on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the Control Macros to the list in the Macros tab, or
click Cancel to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
2. Select the Remove button. The Control Macro(s) will be removed from the list.
Browse Operation
1. Select the Browse icon in the Macros tab. This action allows you to select a
destination directory.
2. A Browse dialog will appear (as shown below). Select a destination directory
and click Ok.
Export Operation
Select the Export icon in the Macros tab to begin the Export.
The Command Prompt is accessed through the following path: Start -> Programs
-> Command Prompt
/KEY:<key> This parameter defines the source object or parent of the source
This utility is the primary means for moving control between systems. Export
Control (see Section 8-5) provides the other half of the operation. It copies the
objects out of the database into transportable files with easily recognizable names.
When the import completes, a log depicting the results for each sheet will be
presented. See Section 8-10 for information on the Script Status Log.
In order to customize objects for a new system, this utilty supports a simple method
for defining new sheet numbers, and user-defined points.
This tool allows you to define the two key pieces of information required to import
objects into the system.
2. Destination (Where to put It) - The destination is the place in the hierarchy
where the imported object will be stored. This is the selected object when the
control options dialog box is opened from the Developer Studio. Because
Import Control is designed to run stand-alone, the destination can be defined or
redefined any time before the import is begun.
The GUI for the Import Control utility consists of four tabs:
These tabs are used to define the desired Import Control action before starting the
actual Import procedure.
2. Since any user-defined points that are missing from the database can be created
automatically, they do not have to be defined in the database before importing
the sheets. However, the sheets will be imported with errors. After the import is
complete, remove the errors by either editing the sheet, or by creating the point
(Section 7-7), and then recompiling the sheets.
3. Control sheets may be extracted by a unit, drop or control task if selected in the
workspace from the Developer Studio right-click menu or defined with the
configuration tab (see Section 8-6.4).
4. If a unit is defined as the destination, the drop and control task are assumed to
be the same as the originally exported sheets.
5. If a drop is defined as the destination, the control task is assumed to be the same
as the originally exported sheets.
6. Importing sheets will reassign the unique sheet ID. This ID is used to define the
algorithm names. To seamlessly move sheets between systems, all algorithms
used in graphics MUST have user-defined names.
7. Importing sheets from a UNIX/Solaris Ovation system will convert the sheet
into Windows format. The algorithm names will be transformed into the new
format. A point translation file, named Ovation/Ovationbase/
OCBPointNameXref.map, is created to modify the custom graphics during
2. Do not rename the file before importing. The utility will determine the
appropriate name and location for the destination system.
4. The destination object may be defined as any object under the system, but all
control sheets under the system will be able to use the new symbol.
5. The imported symbols will be assigned new ID numbers, which are only needed
if custom toolbars have been created.
2. The destination object may be defined as any object under the system, but all
control sheets under the system will be able to use the new macro.
3. Unlike symbols, the macro name is not derived from the filename. Renaming
the file has no effect on the macro name during import.
4. Imported Control Macros are assigned the same name as the original. If a macro
with the same name already exists in the system, it will be redefined. Replacing
an existing macro can have drastic and far-reaching effects, depending on the
usage of the existing macro and the differences between the two macro
5. These files contain the necessary information to recreate the macro in the new
system, and any symbols that were defined when the macro was exported.
Therefore, it will not be necessary to import symbols for the macro, unless the
desired symbol was created after the macro was exported.
The Ovation Data Directory field is the network location on the database server.
Because of performance issues with AutoCAD, consider mounting the D disk of the
server when importing sheets or control macros. By default, the Developer Studio
will define the drive by the IP address of the server.
Perform the following to set the Ovation Data Directory field and mount the server’s
Ovation data disk.
1. Click on the Browse button within the Ovation Data Directory group box. A
Browse dialog box (as shown in Figure 8-3) will appear that lists all of the disks
that are on the local machine (similar to looking at all of the disks in Windows
Explorer). Note that the typical data directory of D:\OvPtSvr on the server
may become <X>\OvPtSvr on another machine.
2. Select the server’s Ovation Data Directory. Once you select the Ovation Data
Directory, an entry is made in the registry that contains the directory. This will
become the default directory when you execute Ovation Import Control from
the same machine.
1. Initial Sheet Number: The first sheet in the list will be given this number. All
remaining sheets will be numbered sequentially.
2. Destination: If started from the Developer Studio, this field is defined as the
selected object in the hierarchy, when the import was initiated. If running apart
from the Developer Studio, this field must be defined.
• Insert
• Remove
• Sort
• Move
• Import
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button (see Figure 8-30) and a dialog will appear displaying
the database hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the sheets for that control task will appear
on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the sheets to the list in the Sheets tab, or click Cancel
to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
1. Select the sheet(s) to be removed from the sheets tab (see Figure 8-30).
2. Select the Remove button. The sheet(s) will be removed from the list.
Sort Operation
Click the Sort icon in the sheets tab to alphabetically sort the sheets based on
filename. Filenames are sorted to maintain execution order.
Move Operation
1. Use the top four Move buttons (see Figure 8-30) to move the selected sheet(s)
up, down, or to the top or bottom of the list.
B. Click the check boxes for the sheet(s) that are to be moved.
C. Select the appropriate arrow to move all the checked sheets ABOVE or
BELOW the highlighted sheet. The checked sheets will be moved, made
contiguous, and will maintain the same relative order to each other.
Import Operation
1. Click the Import icon to begin the import (see Figure 8-30).
2. Once the import is begun, the Control Builder will begin processing the files.
The Quit button is changed to a Cancel button. If necessary, press the Cancel
button to stop the import. The import will not stop until the processing on the
current sheet is completed. The sheets previously processed will be in the
database, and must be deleted via the Developer Studio, if they are not needed.
3. When the import completes, refer to the log depicting the results for each sheet.
See Section 8-10 for information on the Script Status Log.
If UNIX sheets were imported, a second log is displayed denoting the unique details
of the import, specifically default points used between sheets, and sheets containing
balancers. Because of differences between UNIX and Windows, these items require
user intervention. Press the BACK button on the Internet Explorer to see the
standard status log depicting the completion status of each sheets.
Symbols are imported into a system, not a specific network, unit, drop, or task. The
order of the symbols is not critical, however, it will affect the number assigned to
the symbol (see Figure 8-31).
• Insert
• Remove
• Import
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button (see Figure 8-31) and a dialog will appear displaying
the database hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the symbols for that control task will appear
on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the symbols to the list in the symbols tab, or click
Cancel to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
2. Select the Remove button. The symbol(s) will be removed from the list.
Import Operation
Click the Import button to begin the import. The Control Builder is not necessary
for this operation. The symbols will be extracted into the system.
Control Macros are imported into a system, not a specific network, unit, drop, or
task. The order of the Control Macros is not critical. The file list defines the name
of the Control Macros, and the number of Symbols (see Figure 8-32).
• Insert
• Remove
• Create/Delete worksheet
• Import
Insert Operation
1. Select the Insert button (see Figure 8-32) and a dialog will appear displaying
the database hierarchy (Network, Unit, Drop, and Control Tasks).
2. Double-click on a control task and the Control Macros for that control task will
appear on the right.
4. Click the Ok button to add the Control Macros to the list in the Macros tab, or
click Cancel to abort the operation.
Remove Operation
2. Select the Remove button. The symbol(s) will be removed from the list.
A temporary sheet will be created for processing macros during the import
2. Due to the nature of the macro import, any control information on the sheet will
be destroyed. Therefore, once the import procedure is complete, select the
Delete Worksheet button to delete the worksheet.
Import Operation
1. Click the Import button to begin the import. The Control Builder is necessary
for this operation. The macro will be extracted into the system.
During the import process, the temporary worksheet will be opened and the
macros will be processed.
2. Use the Algorithms pull-down menu from the Ovation Control Builder to use
the new control macros.
The Command Prompt is accessed through the following path: Start -> Programs
-> Command Prompt
When the control sheets folder is selected from the Ovation Developer Studio
hierarchy, the WorkPad window of the Studio displays the sheets in execution order.
The interface provides a simple means to sort the sheets by sheet number, thereby
resetting execution order. If the sheet number sequence does not represent the
desired execution order, the interface provides different methods to rearrange the
execution order.
You can order the sheets in the desired execution order by using the following
buttons (identified by arrows in Figure 8-34):
• 9 = Saves changes.
This utility provides a user-friendly interface for creating custom symbols for
algorithms and macros. Custom symbols for standard Ovation algorithms allow you
to define symbol blocks consistent with standard drawings. Because control
strategies take many forms, commonly used pin configuration can be created as a
custom symbol, using the standard symbol block.
Symbols for control macros are created based on the information from the
“Algorithm Macro Define” process. Each user-defined point is represented as a pin
on the macro's symbol.
Symbol drawings are composed of an algorithm body and input and output
connectors (or pins). The symbol is created on a grid displayed at increments of 1.0
drawing unit and a snap size of 0.5 units. This is to allow symmetrically drawn
symbols. The following is a list of possible parts:
• Algorithm Body
— NNN is the order that the algorithm was placed on the sheet. This may also
be entered by you.
In Arrow
K d
Algorithm Name
Algorithm Function
1. Symbols should be constructed using ONLY lines, arcs, circles and text.
2. Use only the default selected monotext font for text, with the default
justification and horizontal text.
4. Build any mathematical characters such as delta, sigma or the integral sign from
line segments. If the symbols from other fonts are used, they will not translate
to Windows graphics.
5. Instructions for all operations will appear in the command window at the bottom
of the AutoCAD window.
6. Be sure that some part of the symbol body falls on a grid dot. This will facilitate
selection of the algorithm in the Control Builder.
7. Creating custom symbols does not replace any previous existing symbols.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Icon Description
1 New Symbol - Clears the current sheet so you can create a new symbol.
2 Save Symbol - Saves the currently defined symbol to the custom symbol path on the
server’s data disk. There it can be used by the Control Builder.
3 Algorithm Function - Displays a list of algorithm functions (for example, SUM).
These functions are defined in “Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual” (R3-1150) and
in the Control Builder online Help.
4 Algorithm Name - Placeholder for the unique algorithm identifier (SSSSNNN) that
will be assigned by the Control Builder when the symbol is placed on a sheet.
5 Add Tag - Adds a pre-defined tag to the symbol.
6 Add Pin - Displays a list of available pins that can be added to the symbol.
7 Erase Pin - Displays a list of pins that can be removed from the symbol.
8 Delete Symbol - Deletes an existing symbol.
9 Help - Displays a Help dialog box.
1. Select the New Symbol icon from the Symbol Builder toolbar. This will clear
the drawing so you can build a new symbol.
A. Select the Algorithm Function icon from the Symbol Builder toolbar. The
Algorithm Function Name list appears.
B. Select the algorithm function you want to use to create a custom symbol.
A. Select the Algorithm Name icon from the Symbol Builder toolbar.
A placeholder for the future algorithm name will appear, attached to the
cross-hair cursor.
4. Use the AutoCAD Draw toolbar to draw a frame for the new symbol.
A. Select the Add Pin icon from the Symbol Builder toolbar. The Add Pin
list appears.
C. Select the point where you want to attach the pin(s) to the symbol.
D. Select the end point of the pin(s) where the signals will be attached.
F. Place the text, which is attached to the cross-hair cursor, in the drawing.
7. Select the Save Symbol icon from the Symbol Builder toolbar.
This saves the symbol to the custom symbol path where it can be used by the
Control Builder. The custom symbol will now be displayed in the Algorithm
Choice Display screen for the appropriate algorithm function and can be placed
on a control sheet.
6. Use the Save Symbol on the Symbol Builder toolbar to save the modified
2. Select the desired algorithm function from the Algorithm pull-down menu,
algorithm Alphabetic list, or on-screen menu (these choices are described in
Section 3).
3. If the algorithm has more than one view, the Algorithm Choice Display screen
will appear. Select the desired custom symbol and place it on the control sheet.
The custom symbol’s pins can be modified within the drawing, just as they can
be modified for standard symbols (as described in Section 3).
OCB Batch performs these functions by reading basic commands listed in generic
script files that are provided with the Control Builder package.
• compile.scr - Used to compile multiple sheets. Graphics that are modified are
automatically compiled.
• translate.scr - Used to map existing point names to new point names using a
translation file (.map).
When a generic script file is used in an OCB Batch command line (see Section 8-
9.1), a specific script file is created and executed. This file contains detailed
commands for each individual sheet that is to be processed. This file (which does
the actual processing) is based on the format of the generic file and on the
commands and options used in the command line.
Any errors encountered during the process are listed in the HTML Script Status Log
(described in Section 8-10).
C:\Ovation\OCB\Support\<script file>.scr
Drawing Directory = Directory where the AutoCAD drawings are located. This
may contain UNC prefix. The typical location for this directory is:
Options (options and flags must be preceded by a dash (-) in the command line):
- Drop <key> = Processes sheets within a drop (key = Either drop key or drop
number preceded by a “#” sign).
- NOEXEC = Specific script will be created, but will NOT be executed and
Graphics will NOT be compiled.
Example 1
OCBBatch C:\Ovation\OCB\Support\compile.scr
D:\OvPtSvr\Ovation\Net10\Unit1\sheets -drop #211
This will run the commands in the script file compile.scr on Drop 211 sheets.
All the sheets for Drop 211 will be opened, compiled, and closed.
Example 2
OCBBatch C:\Ovation\OCB\Support\print.scr
D:\OvPtSvr\Ovation\Net10\Unit1\sheets -drop #211
This will run the commands in the script file print.scr on Drop 211 sheets. All
the sheets for Drop 211 will be opened, printed, and closed.
Example 3
OCBBatch C:\Ovation\OCB\Support\reconcile.scr
D:\OvPtSvr\Ovation\Net10\Unit1\sheets -drop #211
This will run the commands in the script file reconcile.scr on Drop 211 sheets.
All the sheets for Drop 211 will be reconciled with the database.
Example 4
2. Enter at the DOS prompt (use all one line and absolute pathnames):
OCBBatch C:\Ovation\OCB\Support\translate.scr
D:\OvPtSvr\Ovation\Net10\Unit1\sheets -drop #211
This will run the commands in the script file translate.scr on Drop 211 sheets.
All the points in Drop 211 will be changed from the old original point names to
the new mapped point names if the points are listed in the translation file.
Usage: Periodic Maintenance Processing on a Control Task (Sheets already visible in Studio)
OCBBatch executes as a list of commands on multiple sheets. This is necessary for periodic maintenance processing
and initialing loading of the system. In general, OCBBatch must be told; (a) the sheets to process; (b) the commands
to execute on each sheet. Once the sheets are processed, the necessary monitor graphics are compiled.
When the /UNIT, /DROP, /SHEETS flags are provided, only the sheets visible in the studio will be processed. By pro-
viding only the directory and script file, all the files in the directory are processed.
Once all the sheets are processed, the necessary monitor graphics are compiled. These graphics must be downloaded
to the MMIs via the studio.
If the sheets are compiled (see table below), the Controllers must be loaded.
CommandScript This is the filename containing the list of commands to be executed on the sheet. The fol-
lowing command scripts are provided with Ovation.
Script Description
Compile Uploads tuning changes into the sheets
Updates Sheet Tags and Connectors
Resynchronizes OvPt Database
Generates Graphic Monitor Source
Translate Changes point names via a Translation File
Resynchronizes OvPt Database
Generates Graphic Monitor Source
Print Prints Functional Drawing
The default files are found in C:\Ovation\OCB\Support and have an SCR extension. This
SCR extension is not necessary.
DrawingDirectory DrawingDirectory is the directory where the AutoCAD DWG files may be found. This
may contain UNC prefix.
/UNIT /UNIT flag designates that only the sheets already in the database will be processed.
Notice that the system load parameters do not include this flag. When only the script and
directory are provided, the program assumes all DWG files in the directory must be pro-
cessed. During a system load, the process of compiling the sheets will install them in the
/DROP The DROP flag forces only the sheets within that drop to be processed. A required param-
eter that describes a controller within the unit defined by DrawingDirectory follows this
flag. It has two forms; either (a) the key of drop or (b) the drop number prefixed with a #
(e.g. #1 for drop1). The key, which may change as the system is edited, is provided as an
interface to the studio and should not be used by the user.
/TASK The TASK flag designates the task to process. Following this flag is a mandatory parame-
ter, the task’s key. The key, which may change as the system is edited, is provided as an
interface to the studio and should not be used by the user.
/SHEETS The SHEETS flag designates a subset of a unit’s sheets to process. A required parameter
follows this flag. This file contains the keys of the sheet to process.
/NOGPH The NOGPH flag overrides the graphic compile. The graphics will NOT be compiled.
This flag is available for any calling sequence.
/NOEXEC The NOEXEC flag stops the script from being executed. The graphics will NOT be com-
piled. The temporary script file is produced and not deleted. This flag is available for any
calling sequence.
%TEMP%\OCB????.scr This file contains the script commands. This file is deleted once the script completes.
If the script hangs, correct any errors in the sheet, then edit this file to continue where
the processing was halted. A corrupted, but recoverable, AutoCAD drawing is the
typical reason for a script to halt. The prompt “Do you wish to recover” will be visible
on the command line. Recover the file, edit the script, then restart the script with the
SCRIPT command.
%TEMP%\OCBGraphic.keyThis file contains the list of Monitor Graphic keys that are associated with the processed
drawing files. The file is created when the process starts and deleted after being cop-
ied to the network area. The file is copied because the graphic compiler assumes the
key file is relative to the sharedUNCPath.
Once the Copy, Compile, and Import operations are complete, a script status report
is generated and displayed. This is an HTML page that contains all information
about the scripts executed, sheets compiled, and error status information.
Figure 8-36 provides an example of a Status Log. The various fields in the Status
Log are identified by arrows and are described in Table 8-6.
4 5 6 8
Figure 8-37 provides an example of an Error Log. The various fields in the Error
Log are identified by arrows and are described in Table 8-7. An HTML link is
provided from this page to the actual drawing, so you can locate the algorithm
where the error occurred.
2 4
6 7 8 9
After a system has been migrated, any ladder logic that was used in the original
system will be preserved in the new Ovation system, and may need to be edited.
Ladder control can be edited or built with a special user interface provided in the
Control Builder. The ladder control application contains a set of functions which
duplicates relay-type circuits, devices, and the operation sequence of a
conventional, electrical relay system.
A ladder is edited or built in a dialog box that consists of a 7 by 9 cell array. Each
cell can be edited to display a shape (such as a coil, contact, or special function) and
to store information about that shape.
These shapes or functions form a relay diagram that depicts the types of inputs,
controls, and outputs. The diagram shows how these user-selected inputs are
configured to cause an assigned device to operate in a desired manner.
Input Contacts
Contact Colors
Output Coils
Figure 9-2 describes some basic logic notation used by Scientific Apparatus Makers
Association (SAMA) and Ovation.
- AND -
B A B| C
0 0| 0
Or 0 1| 0 A B C
A C 1 0| 0
B C = A and B
1 1| 1
- OR - A C
A C A B| C
Or 0 0| 0
0 1| 1
A 1 0| 1
B 1 1| 1 C = A or B
- EOR -
A B| C
A 0 0| 0 A B
0 1| 1
1 0| 1 C = A or B
1 1| 0 (Not Both)
- NOT-
0| 1 A C
1| 0 C = NOT A
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
A S I C 0 1 0 0 A B C
B R 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 COLD
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
To process the ladder, the functional processor starts with the ladder’s first cell. If
logic appears in the cell, the cell is conducting or not conducting power depending
on the states of any associated inputs. The ladder solves from top to bottom, one
column at a time, starting with column one moving right to column nine (see the
illustration of ladder execution in Figure 9-3).
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
2 9 16 23 30 37 44 51 58
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
3 10 17 24 31 38 45 52 59
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
4 11 18 25 32 39 46 53 60
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
5 12 19 26 33 40 47 54 61
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
6 13 20 27 34 41 48 55 62
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
When a ladder is created, a coil can only be entered in the ninth column. However,
when the ladder is downloaded into the Controller memory, the coil may be
effectively shifted to the left. The number of cells it shifts depends on the individual
ladder. As a general rule, the coil shifts to the left until it encounters another ladder
logic element or a blank cell.
An example that illustrates this execution strategy is shown in Figure 9-4. The top
ladder represents a ladder as it was designed. The bottom ladder represents the same
ladder as it will be executed by the Controller.
] [ ] [ ( )
] [ ( )
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
Designed Ladder
Apparent Execution Order = A D F B G H I C E J
] [ ] [ ( )
] [ ( )
] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ( )
Solved Ladder
True Execution Order = A D F B E G C H I J
Figure 9-4. Simple Ladder Solved
Notice that coils C, E, and J shifted to the left, moving into the cell to the right of
the last contact in each ladder rung. Ladders solve down each column, one at a time.
Notice that the apparent execution order of the ladder and the true execution order
are much different. This difference sometimes become very important when coils
are acting as contacts in the same ladder.
1. Contacts must be placed along horizontal power path branches. They cannot be
part of vertical branches. The Ladder function will not allow entry of vertical
2. One ladder can normally accommodate a maximum of eight contacts per row,
and up to seven rows (for a maximum of 56 contacts).
4. Every row of a ladder must contain at least one coil in column 9. The Ladder
function will not download a ladder if a coil is not placed in column 9.
5. Special function blocks reduce the number of contacts that can fit in a ladder.
Special functions can only be placed in even-numbered columns (columns 2,
4, 6, and 8). The Ladder function will not allow entry of special functions in
odd-numbered columns.
2. Access the Alphabetic List (from the Algorithm pull-down menu or the
Algorithm toolbar).
3. Select the LADDER item. The symbol for the LADDER appears on the sheet.
The symbol contains seven outputs and no inputs.
4. Select the Edit Algorithm function (from the Algorithm menu or the Algorithm
toolbar). The Ladder Editor box appears (Figure 9-5). This box can be used to
edit or create a ladder.
5. Select a cell in the Ladder Editor box, and then select the appropriate button
from the bottom of the dialog box. Each button will place a specific entity in the
selected cell. Refer to Figure 9-6 for illustrations of cells and their contents.
Bit <Number>
] [
Point Name is displayed in black.
Bit Number (0 - 15) is displayed in blue.
<Function Name>
<Parameter <Type>
<Parameter <Type>
<Parameter <Type>
Button Description
Normally Open Contact (NOC). Places an NOC in the cell and displays a Contact
Parameter box (see Figure 9-7) where the desired point name for the NOC can be
Normally Closed Contact (NCC). Places an NCC in the cell and displays a Contact
Parameter box (see Figure 9-7) where the desired point name for the NCC can be
AND Line. Places a horizontal line in the selected cell. Toggles on/off to add or
remove the horizontal line.
OR Line. Places a vertical line in the selected cell. Toggles on/off to add or remove
the vertical line.
AND/OR Line Places a vertical line and a horizontal line in the selected cell.
Special Function. Displays the Select Special Functions box (Figure 9-8). Select the
desired Special Function and the Special Function Parameter dialog box (Figure 9-9)
appears containing the parameters appropriate for the selected Special Function. Refer
to the WDPF manual “Special Functions’ (U0-0133) for details about Special
Delete. Removes the selected item from the cell.
Edit. Edits Special Function parameters. Displays the Special Function Parameter
dialog box (Figure 9-9) that contains the parameters appropriate for the selected
Special Function. Refer to the WDPF manual “Special Functions’ (U0-0133) for
details about Special Functions.
Copy. Copies the special function in a selected cell (some functions utilize more than
one cell).
Paste. Pastes the contents of a “copied cell” or the contents of several cells into the
selected cell(s).
A-2.1. Zoom
The Zoom feature provides different methods that can be used to magnify parts of
a functional drawing or the entire drawing.
OCB uses all the AutoCAD Zoom features which can be accessed from the
Standard Toolbar, the AutoCAD View menu, or the command line.
Refer to the AutoCAD documentation or on-line Help for information about the
different Zoom features.
A-2.2. Pan
The Pan feature is used to move the view of a drawing, but does not change the scale
of the drawing.
OCB uses the AutoCAD Pan feature which can be accessed from the Standard
toolbar, the AutoCAD View menu, or the command line.
OCB uses the AutoCAD Aerial View feature which can be accessed from the
Standard toolbar, the AutoCAD View menu, or the command line.
1. The AutoCAD command “undo” can be used, but NOT the “oops” command.
2. Use the tilde (~) character in the AutoCAD/OCB command line to display the
applicable dialog box.
3. The AutoCAD Move, Copy, and Erase commands will not work properly from
the OCB command line because OCB entities are on locked layers. These layers
are locked by OCB with each command.
6. The Cut command from the AutoCAD Edit menu cannot be used by OCB.
7. The editor for the Command line programs is AutoCAD based. The following
programs can be run from the OCB command line prompt:
• OCBImport - Places .dwg files into the desired system, unit, drop, or task.
• CMDDIA - Controls the display of dialog boxes used to read and write to the
database. When set to 1, dialog boxes are displayed. When set to 0, the
command line must be used.
• FILEDIA - Controls the display of dialog boxes used to read and write files.
When set to 1, dialog boxes are displayed. When set to 0, the command line
must be used. If FILEDIA is set to 0, you can still request a dialog box by typing
a tilde (~) at the prompt.
• USER15 - Enables debug function for various commands. When set to 1, the
debug function is enabled. When set to 0, the debug function is disabled.
Suggestion 1
If you cannot access Control Builder from the Desk Top, check to see if you have
an AutoCAD licensing error (ACADSERVER).
Suggestion 2
If you cannot access Control Builder from the Developer Studio, check for the
following possible errors:
Suggestion 1
Select the computer function key F2 while you are in the Control Builder. A text file
that describes all the commands and actions for this session will appear in the
AutoCAD Text Window.
Suggestion 1
Confirm that there is not an Ovation licensing error and that there are available
licenses for Ovation Control Builder.
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Suggestion 1
A variety of errors can occur if AutoCAD does not have the disk space to operate.
Check the disk usage of the C: drive to determine if the disk is full.
Suggestion 1
Go to the Ovation Station where AutoCAD is loaded and verify that the
ACADSERVER variable is defined:
Suggestion 1
Make sure that the drawing is not being edited by another Control Builder.
Suggestion 2
Make sure that the drawing was not just recently closed, and GBNT is not still
processing the drawing.
Suggestion 3
Check the Task Manager function to determine if GBNT is still running long after
it should have finished processing the drawing. If it is running, select it and click the
End Task button.
Suggestion 1
The FILEDIA and CMDDIA flags are used to enable and disable dialog boxes. If a
command line prompt appears instead of an expected dialog box, then set FILEDIA
and CMDDIA to one (1) in a command line.
Suggestion 2
If you do not want to change the entire file, but only want one dialog box to appear,
enter a tilde sign (~) in the command line.
UNPACK16 algorithm 2-29
Update Oracle 1-13