DS84 418
DS84 418
DS84 418
1. Introduction
Product development in the automotive industry is increasingly driven by global competition to acquire
demanding customers and stringent C02 requirements resulting in product variance, individualization,
function-integration and novel technologies. To fulfil these diverse requirements under the increasing
pressure of time and cost, vehicle architectures are used to systematically realize module- and common-
Aside from economic advantages, these strategies result in an immense increase of technical, organiza-
tional and procedural dependencies in a highly complex development environment. In order to cope
with this high-level complexity in product development, Systems Engineering-related model- and mod-
elling-approaches are pursued. They systematically deal with dependencies in order to achieve better
transparency and to avoid inconsistencies along the development process. These approaches however
lack of broad acceptance among designers mainly due to high modelling effort and the unwillingness of
designers to learn and use additional and particularly complicated (modelling) tools. This paper there-
fore addresses the research question, how complexity in product development can be handled with ap-
propriate tool-support in a way that it provides a process-supporting benefit for designers instead of
causing additional work.
The approach described in this paper, facilitates the process-spanning management of functional and
geometric parameters in a database-application. This data base approach allows a qualitative manage-
ment of parameters interdependencies by defining of so named active chains. Furthermore, the database-
application can be coupled to CAD-models allowing for an initial integration of CAD-Parameters and
their continuous update in the database.
The management-approach depicted hereafter marks a novel, additional approach in Systems Engineer-
ing. It is enabling bottom-up modelling of a system model as well as process-spanning traceability of
parameters. To validate this Systems Engineering-approach a first application was conducted and tested
in the context of vehicle architectures. Therefore, the significance and use of vehicle architectures is
described in chapter three following an introduction of terms and definitions. Current approaches in
Systems Engineering aiming for the management of complexity are outlined in chapter four including
challenges these approaches are facing and thereby highlighting the necessity of a novel approach as
presented in chapter five.
Vehicle architecture
A vehicle architecture respectively describes the physical layout of a vehicle and the way it realizes its
function by a given set of basic architectures parameters and modules. In practise the term vehicle ar-
chitecture is synonymously used for a product- or product series-spanning modular architecture.
The significance of a vehicle architecture arises from the fact that every vehicle has an architecture, but
that an architecture is not limited to one particular vehicle. By purposefully developing a vehicle-archi-
tecture, it can be used within different products a product series. It thereby advances to a key factor in
effectively and profitably developing product-variants. Thus, every customized vehicle ideally com-
prises a standardized, product-series-spanning architecture, a product-specific platform and product-
variant specific, individual characteristics.
The aim behind developing a product-spanning architecture is to be economical. A modular layout in-
corporates standardized interfaces which allow common-part strategies throughout different product-
variants and product-series leading to economies of scale. By reducing module variants, costs in devel-
opment, purchase and production can be lowered as well.
A modular architecture-layout allows an architecture-spanning reuse of existing modules, the exchange
of newly developed modules, the extension by adding modules as well as creating variants by a com-
bining module. Modules which are relevant for the vehicle architecture are at least identical in concept
and underlay a communality strategy within a platform.
Product series
A product series describes a multitude of technical systems differing in scale but realizing functions
based on the same solution principle [Schuh 2012].
Platforms are used to effectively create variants. A platform is a neutral basis for all variants. Consisting
of a defined core of standardized elements, variants are created by attaching individual elements [Steffen
and Gausemeier 2007], [Feldhusen and Grote 2013].
Modular system
The combination of functional elements within a modular system allows for the building of function-
variants. A modular system thus describes an entity of assemblies, single-parts or modules which allow
for the creation of variants with differing overall functions within a free combination system. [Steffen
and Gausemeier 2007].
Active chains
Functional and geometric interdependencies within and in between components can be documented by
the coupling of component-specific parameters within an active chain. An active chain ought to be seen
as a container where parameters are brought together. A parameter can be part of several active chains
as well. Once a parameter changes it may affect any other parameter that is part of the active chain or
even parameters in other active chains if the particular parameter is related to more than one active chain.
Figure 6 shows schematic interdependencies of component specific parameters, comprised in either one
or multiple active chains.
The presented approach is neither limited to a specific process nor to a systems’ level of complexity.
Parameters can be defined at any time in the development process and linked to any other parameter.
6. Application
To verify the functionality of the described approach, different use cases with concept-, template-, mod-
ule- and architecture parameters were implemented of which the latter is outlined in this paper. However,
interrelations in between these different types of CAD related parameter are given and can thus be con-
nected in active chains. Figure 7 shows a simplified CAD model of an architecture designed for the
purpose of validation.
Parameters (in CAD-models referred to as Expressions) relevant for the architecture were made explicit
within the CAD-model and subsequently archived into the PDM system. All parameters were then ex-
tracted from the archived models and transferred to the database. The assignment of parameters to pre-
defined products, components and active chains was realized in the application.
7. Outline
From a today’s point of view, functional aspects remain mostly unconsidered in the early full vehicle
layout. The adaption of the geometrical overall concept takes place within the implicit knowledge of
functional interdependencies. The adjusting lever for functional manipulation however is too small due
to an adopted and predefined product structure. A methodical development of complex systems is meant
to be executed starting with a rough layout leading to a detailed concept. This process is ought to be
supported by the use of models.
By using an architecture template the development of the architecture can be extended by functional
aspects. An architecture comprises both, a product structure and a function structure. The function is
carried out by physical components and their interdependencies.
Due to these interdependencies a change in product structure leads to a change in function. The consid-
eration of functional changes is indispensable for a functional layout. Benefits from an architecture tem-
plate result from the consideration of basic functional aspects in the early phase of the full vehicle layout.
To evaluate the impact of geometrical changes the geometrical model has to be coupled with a mathe-
matical model. Functional quantities such as inertia or the centre of gravity can be computed. At the
same time basic geometric validations can take place such as ergonomic aspects or packaging.
The depicted test model gives an impression of a possible layout of an architecture template. The tem-
plate has to represent the essential modules of a vehicle. An easy adaption of the modules has to be
considered in the construction and is essential to depict modules of a product series-spanning architec-
ture. These modules are as mentioned before identical in concept but different in scale and can thus be
adapted by the change of parameters. Furthermore, the layout should consider the easy positioning of
components. An imaginable approach to implement this functionality is the construction of geometrical
solids referring to a predefined offset coordinate system which allows a parametric positioning of com-
Aside from the computation of functional properties in the early architecture concept an optimization
can take place as well. The overall function of a vehicle is defined by a multitude of sub-functions.
These sub functions can be described in mathematical models. Changes in the value of parameters which
are part of the mathematical model lead to changes in specific vehicle properties. Parameters ought to
be understood as alterable quantities. Implemented in functions with defined boundary-conditions they
span a defined set of solution spaces. Goal of the optimization is to define parameters in such way that
the overall solution is part of an optimal solution space defined by the intersection of competing design
solutions. With an appropriate interface the result of the optimization can be returned into the database.
The use of a parameter database for the management of relevant parameters marks a promising approach
in creating transparency and consistency in a highly cross-linked development process. In particular, the
crosslinking of parameters in active chains seems to be an appropriate low effort modelling approach
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