RudysRoofbook 16
RudysRoofbook 16
RudysRoofbook 16
A collection of Rudy’s
methods and
dicor products
the rv roofing experts
I’m Rudy, your Dicor Products RV roof care
expert. I’m here to help you take care of your
roof in any way I can. My “expertise” comes
from Dicor Products’ more than 25 years of
experience as the leading supplier of RV roofing.
You can expect to see me on Dicor Products’
website ( and in
periodic email bulletins. My job is not to sell
you anything, but to simply be a resource for
answering your RV roofing questions. And to
be a friendly reminder of how important RV
roof care is.
As we like to say, there’s a lot riding under your RV roof. When you
think of all the furnishings, appliances and structural elements of
your RV — and whatever you bring along — there is A LOT that can
be harmed by roof leaks, not to mention the cosmetic damage that can
adversely affect your RV’s appearance and value. A leaky roof can
become a very expensive roof when water damage is involved.
Roof Inspection ............................................................ 3
Roof Cleaning ............................................................... 4
Black Streaks ................................................................. 5
Protecting Your Roof ................................................... 6
Roof Coating ............................................................. 7-8
Simple Repairs ................................................................ 9
TPO Roofing ................................................................. 10
Safety On Your Roof .................................................... 11
If you haven’t inspected your roof lately, or are buying a used RV, a roof
inspection should be on your to-do list, even if it means taking the time to
haul out the old ladder and poke around a bit. Remember, your investment
is riding under this roof. It’s a good idea to make sure it has not been leaking,
is not prone to leaks, and is likely to hold up a while.
Fixing leak damage is one of the most expensive repairs you can make on
an RV, not to mention the potential damage to your contents. If water, for
example, seeps into the studs and insulation inside your sidewalls, it can
wreak havoc by spreading rot and mold. It pays big time to catch potential
problems as soon as you can.
look for mushrooms, check the bumps substrate. The result is the
roof covering will remain
for mildew and mold, wet The roof’s structural
loose and become more
patches, pools of water integrity can also be visually
vulnerable to damage. Bad sealant
(if it has rained recently) assessed by looking for
or water streaks. low spots or ripples in the
roofing, which may lead to Broken seals
premature roof deterioration. Check the sealant around
Among other things, such the roof edges, skylight,
deterioration can include vents and other
cracked substrate and areas accessories. See if it’s
of depression where water cracked, brittle, loose (can
can pool and eventually you easily pull some of it
Good sealant
cause further damage and off?), or curled up at the
We urge RV owners to get their roofs cleaned at least twice a year. This
helps prevent damaging substances from getting too embedded and creating
permanent stains. It also will help you avoid mold and mildew that grow
on organic matter attached to your roof. Since many people park their RVs
under trees for extended periods of time, your roof can be a ripe target for
bird droppings, mulberry stains, tree sap, mold, mildew, fungus and the like.
There are many RV service centers that will do roof cleaning, so you don’t
need to do any climbing or roof walking yourself. If you do, I advise washing
it from the sides, using ladders and scaffolding (see sections on roof safety).
manageable area at a time, Use a 3' x 3' cleaning pattern have been helpful.
cloth (less is more) and if you’re up on the roof.
such as a 3’ x 3’ section. Happy cleaning!
W H E R E D O B L AC K S T R E A K S C O M E F R O M ?
All kinds of airborne pollutants land on your RV roof, including plain old
dirt and mold. Many pollutants have properties that help them stick around.
When a good rain comes, or a good roof cleaning, they can get dislodged
and wash down the RV’s sides, only to stick around there, too. On
aluminum-sided RVs, such dirt and mold can be aided by the porosity
of some kinds of aluminum that exude certain oils, which further help
these pollutants bond. If not addressed in timely fashion, they can really
get baked in.
You can also have white streaks of oxidized powder that mixes with dirt and
reacts in a similar way when it is washed off the roof and onto the sidewalls.
One myth to explode, though: rubber roofs DO NOT cause black streaks.
after you thoroughly rinse
the roof.
get rid of black Now that you know a little
recom- streaks? more about what creates
mend 3 to 4 times a year. If When the roof is thoroughly The good news: there are streaking and how to avoid
you’re going to be cleaning dry, for added UV protection a variety of cleaners on the it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy lots
your roof, mask off the rest you may want to use a roof market that can probably of streak-free RV fun.
of your RV’s exterior with protectant like Roof Gard, help you out. You just
T H E D O ’s A N D D O N ’ Ts
Your RV roof is your shield. It protects you and your RV’s contents
and structure. As a traveling roof, it can be exposed to extreme
variations of climate, from snow and ice to broiling sun and soaking
rain, from arid deserts to humid swamps. More extremes than most
houses would see. Add man-made chemicals not made for your
roof and other poor choices, and, over time, your shield can start
to break down. Here are three things to be aware of when
protecting your roof.
With the adhesive backing with great care (once it’s and smooth it out from the sealant to the edges. Give
still on, position the patch down, if you pull it up you center to the edges, mak- it a couple hours to set up
and mark the edges in need to replace the patch ing sure the entire patch is before moving the vehicle.
pencil or chalk for a with a new one), press it tightly bonded to the roof. More detailed instructions
positioning guide. Cut the onto the roof surface using Then apply a 5/16-inch can be found on the Dicor
patch to size, peel off the a wallpaper seam roller, bead of self-leveling lap Products website.
adhesive backing and,
In 2011, RV manufacturers started using new formulations If your RV was built in 2010 or earlier, you needn’t be
of TPO (a thermoformed flexible plastic) roofing material concerned. But, if you have purchased a 2011, 2012 or
that has come into the RV marketplace. To stay on top of later RV model, and you need to do significant repair
the situation, Dicor tested some of these new formulations work that involves resealing the roof membrane, you
against sealants currently available on the market. We should determine if your roofing is TPO or EPDM
found some TPO roofing membranes are not chemically (download our guide to help you identify your roofing
compatible with current lap sealants. When these sealants material at
are used on some new TPO membranes, bloating and
disfiguration of the membranes results. This is a cosmetic
problem, and does not reduce the performance of the
roofing material or sealant, but it’s something you
probably want to avoid.
Use Dicor
Use Dicor
UltraUltra Sealant
The first rule of anything you do with an RV roof, even if to just check it
out on a ladder, is to know your limitations and your comfort zone. And
actually, there are very few reasons that require you to get up on an RV roof.
Most of what you need to do with a roof, such as inspections, cleaning
and minor repairs, can be done with ladders and scaffolding that allow
you to work on the roof from the sides of your RV. This is the safest route
to go. An even safer route is to have your RV dealer do the inspection.
However, if you think you do need to get on the roof, here are a few
safety precautions that are worth your time to follow.
Helps create a water-tight seal along a roof’s edges, air vents, Two part, commercial grade system combines a cleaner/activator for
vent pipes and screw heads. proper preparation and an acrylic coating providing a protective
ULTRA SEALANT SYSTEM barrier for extending life to the EPDM rubber membrane.
Formulated for newer TPO RV roofing materials. This two part COOLCOAT™ RUBBER ROOF COATING SYSTEM
system creates a permanent water-tight seal at roof edges, Insulating Coating Ceramic MicroCells™ reduce heat transfer,
screws, vents, and other rooftop appliances. known as heat flux, to the coach interior, reflects and dissipates
DiSEAL SEALING TAPE solar heat with vacuum spheres for reduced A/C demand. Use
A flexible weather-resistant patch designed for sealing with Dicor Rubber Roof Cleaner/Activator.
EPDM rubber, TPO, fiberglass, wood, plastic, steel METAL COATING ROOF SYSTEM
or aluminum. Dicor Products’ new three part solution to renewing old, rusty,
PATCHIT ROOF REPAIR KIT metal RV roofs. It starts with a primer to reduce further rusting
Easy repair of punctures, tears and breaks that can and finishes with a bright white acrylic coating.
occur in RV roofs. It includes a 9” x 10” peel-and-stick FIBERGLASS COATING ROOF SYSTEM
EPDM rubber patch and a tube of lap sealant. All new from Dicor Products, a two-part system
EPDM RUBBER ROOF REPAIR MEMBRANES specifically formulated to make fiberglass roofs
Repairs punctures, tears and breaks in EPDM look like new again.
rubber, TPO, metal and fiberglass roofs. This EPDM ROOF RENEW KIT
heavy-duty, peel and stick material is made Includes 4 gallons of Dicor Products
of self-adhering EPDM rubber. Acrylic Roof Coating, two quarts
Cleaner/Activator, one 4” x 50’ roll
Coating Ready Cover Tape, one
CLEAN Metal Pan, one 9” Paint Roller,
RUBBER ROOF CLEANER two 9” Roller Covers and one roll
Formulated specifically for RV 1” Masking Tape.
rubber roofing. This biodegradable,
deep-cleaning formula lifts dirt and
grime, yet is gentle on the surface.
Helps prevent your EPDM rubber roof from
fading, oxidizing, drying and cracking.
800-837-2059 •