Please evaluate three LMSs and three web conferencing programs and complete the tables below. In each cell, you should
enter your in-depth evaluation in paragraphs. Be sure to identify and explain specific features and capabilities.
Name of Usefulness: Capabilities, interactivity, Ease of use/ User friendliness: Accommodation of special needs
LMS and built-in tools. (group/learning Navigation and Interface (structure and English learners: Ex.
community features, such as discussion and page design), customizing the page layout/color;
board, chat, web conferencing; Online help resources, text to speech; closed captions;
uploading/embedding images, video, Appropriateness for your target alternative text; support in
and external programs/apps; assessment grade level. multiple languages, etc.
tools, such as quiz and built-in rubric;
*Identify and describe how and to
gradebook and data analysis tools; any
what extent the tools/capabilities
other interactive features and unique
support the UDL.
capabilities …etc.)
When observing this particular LMS Google classroom was a bit much to When observing this LMS I did
there was a lot of information to obtain. use because it was something new not notice that a teacher can
But I feel like once I get the hang of it for me but as I go the hang of it, it change the language of the text.
will get easier. There was a tool that lets became sampler to understand. The But I know that there are apps that
teachers reuse pass assignments and website if user-friendly by staying can translate into their language
announcements from pervious classes. professional and having the chance that the teacher can provide.
Teachers are able to choose if students to decorate the classroom cover. The Students can customize their
can post and comment, comment only, targeted age group for me is classroom cover to help better
or only teacher can post on discussions. kindergarten, and when viewing it recognize each class is for what.
from a student’s perspective it seems These tools provided for students
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
Grading and announcements also work easy to follow but having students through google classrooms support
a similar way as well where the teacher be able to see daily links, to do UDL students by having students
decided what students are able to see. assignment and due dates all in one. recognize that the setup is
There is a tab where teachers can create organized and easy to follow. With
assignment and name topics to help repetition students will gain the
better organize the classroom. Within confidence in navigating through
the assignments teachers are able to the courses throughout the school
attach files/videos for students to watch. year.
Can also have announcements posted
ahead of time by scheduling it to be
posted on a certain date automatically.
Teacher can see students grades and see
their progress. Teacher can contact
students about assignments that might
be missing via the assignment.
You have to add and name your course Canvas was easy to navigate Students will have the freedom to
to canvas, students are already added to personally for me. It was easy to use choose how they would like to set
the course. You can customize your side seeing that many options are provide up their calender. For example,
bar by pressing the navigation bar. for both student and teacher to use they have it monthly, weekly, or
Teacher can have student view. Teacher both for different reasons. I liked daily. The can also customize their
can choose if student can comment on how when the teacher adds a new notifications such as having
discussions by providing boxes that say page or assignment the set up looked notifications be sent to their
“let students create discussion topics” similar to the student view emails. The tools teachers can use
“Let students organize own groups” discussions. This tool seems to help UDL students is by
You can decorate your home screen on appropriate for student use because providing choice assignments such
canvas. You can add pages to the class it is easy to navigate. Everything a as giving option on completing a
it works just like word doc. Where you student needs can be found on the certain assignment. And providing
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
can add tabs, banners etc. You can add left hand and all the assignments and a variety of materials for them to
more pages that have assignments, due dates are provided. Along with use. The tools for teachers to
discussions, links, etc.. or you can go an option arrow to minimize the provide links, recording, and
into the assignment tabs and press modules for organization. videos helps UDL students learn
assignments where the teacher can more actively because not every
decided what they want to create such student learns the same way.
as Assignment, quiz, not graded, and
external tool. You can also name the
assignment, due date and how many
points. By clicking more options, you
can add more details for the
assignments. To add a rubric you click
assignments and then +rubric. You can
also reuse an old rubric.
I realized that Schoology is organized Although this is a new resource, I Schoology seems liked a UDL
by courses where teachers can create have used it looks like it has friendly. Because it gave the
certain classes for them to stay potential for becoming use fulling in teacher the option to provide a
Schoology organized. I found out that there was a the grade level I am hoping to varity of resources for students to
tab that says groups where the teacher teacher. The formatting on the learn throughout the module. It
can organize induvial students or teacher side looks professional and also gives students the freedom to
teachers. The resources bar is where the easy to follow. Whereas the students learn in a way they see fit. I also
teacher can create assignments, quizzes, view is the same as well. The liked how students have the
templets etc. by having this tab the teacher is able to design their class freedom to adjust the settings to fit
teachers are able to reuse their pass folder for students to find their their desired learning environment
assignments for future students. classes easier for school learning. such as turning on/off notifications
Teachers have the option to turn on/off With time I believe that the students and having the freedom to send
their notifications. There is a recycle bin will adapt to the new school out emails to their teacher is they
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
Name of Web Usefulness: Capabilities and built-in Ease of use/ User friendliness: Accommodation of special needs
Conferencing tools (ex. desktop sharing, file Navigation and interface (structure and English learners: Ex.
Program sharing, whiteboard, video, chat, and page design), Online help customizing the page layout/color.
recording, multi-hosting, any other resources, Appropriateness for your text to speech, closed captions,
interactive features and unique target grade level. alternative text, support in multiple
capabilities etc.) languages, etc.
Zoom is something most teachers Zoom is user friendly; I say this Zoom provides captions for
use in the learning environment. I because the set-up is easy to follow students when the teacher records
like how there has to be a password there isn’t many futures that are the meeting. This helps ULD
for students to join and a set time. needed besides the essential. This is a students by giving them the chance
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
The teacher has the option of great way to have students or teachers to rewatch the recording as many
choosing to let the students wait in use because of how minimalistic it times as they need along with
the waiting room to let them in or can be. The design of zoom is simple reading the captions. It gives them
have them come directly into the all the essentials that you would need the freedom to skip sections of the
zoom meeting. Few tools provided during the meeting is located on the meeting as well for them to adjust
with Zoom is that there are options bottom of the screen. As for their learning. During the meeting
for the host such as sharing their appropriateness for my targeted grade ULD students also have a variety of
screen for students to see that they level I would encourage students to chose to interact such as sending
are seeing for presentations. The use this app. emojis that they understand the
teacher also has the option for topic, show their camera, mute,
student to share their screens. There interact through the chat publicly or
is a chat box where students/teacher directly to the teacher.
can send a message to the group or
induvial. Both teacher and students
have the option to show video and
mute themselves form background
noise. There are also emojis
everyone can use to show that they
are understanding the topic when
their mics are not working such as a
thumbs up/down. You are also able
to record your zoom meeting for
students to rewatch.
Google meet is integrated into the This is a friendly user for students I liked how there is a live caption
google sit. Once opening the and teacher to use. I say this because feed for students to choose when
meeting app it shows what meeting it is easy for teacher and students to they are having a hard time
you have throughout. You can navigate around. When messing understanding. I also liked how
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
schedule meetings by creating one around with my account to figure out there are a few types of ways
and having it set up ahead of time how things worked I noticed that it students can interact with students
before class starts. To create a new was simple to get the hand of things. and the teacher such as the chat box
Google Meet event the teacher would have to go The design of the set-up is where they have the option to talk
to google calendar and choose the professional and simple. This would with all or chat with an induvial.
date and time. The teacher would be something that I would use with These are a few ways Google Meet
then have to copy and paste the URL my students as well as having them provided tools for UDL students.
for students to use. While creating interact with the new way of
the even the teacher has a more tab interacting.
option where they can give guest
permission such as modify the event,
invite others, or see guest list. To
start the meeting the teacher can go
on to the google calendar or via
google meet. Google meet will give
the option of turning on/off camera
and mute on/off. The teacher will be
able to get notifications when
students want to join the meeting.
The far left of the tool bar there is
something called Demo class where
the link is provided and attachments
for students to view. There is a life
caption button where it shows
captions in real time for students to
follow along. There is a three dotted
tab that provided many option such
as change layout, full screen, turn
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi
There are futures that this app has This is a very new app that I have When messing around with this app
that includes mute button, camera never heard of I liked how everything I realized that there isn’t much
sharing, screen sharing, and end call is well set up and easy to coordinate. UDL tools incorporated. The only
Goto Meeting button. Which are all basic futures But I don’t think this would be the thing I noticed was the chat where
for meeting virtually. There is also a appropriate resource to use for my students can interact with the whole
chat box that you can sent people targeted grade level. It seems more of group or message the teacher
induvial or group messages. a professional use such as a induvial.
Something that is unique about this professional meeting or work uses.
app is the settings button where the
host can adjust the audio of their
computer or phone. They even have
the option to turn off their auto.
There is a three dotted button that
gives the host more option of
support and information about the
app. There are also drawing tools
that the teacher can use ranging from
EDUC 3180
Created by Michiko Kobayashi