Silly Putty
Silly Putty
Silly Putty
• 1 cup of cornstarch
• 1/2-1 cup clear gel-like soap*
• Food coloring or gel colors
• A small bowl and spoon for mixing
*You may use shampoo, liquid hand soap or liquid detergent
1. In a small bowl, put the soap and the cornstarch.
2. Add a drop of food coloring to achieve your preferred putty color.
3. Mix the materials using the spoon until it gets hard to mix. You could mix using a
spoon until it turned into crumbles, and after that, you had to continue mixing
using your hands.
4. You may need to adjust the amount of soap used depending on the humidity of
your room.
5. When your silly putty is moldable and still a bit slimy, but no longer sticks to your
fingers, it is ready to go!
6. Make sure you have documented your work in every step.
C. Observations & Discussions (___/ 20points)
After mixing the With the continuous After adjusting the liquid
cornstarch, liquid soap, mixing, the three soap, the silly putty is
and food coloring, it blended well and it no now slimy, but the
crumbled. So, I mixed it longer sticks to my sliminess is not
with my own hands. hands but it is not consistent, and from
quite slimy so I adjust time to time you need to
the liquid soap. add soap just to keep
its sliminess.
3. What went wrong in your experiment? Give possible reasons why (If the
experiment went smoothly, put N/A)
4. What do you think is/ are alternative(s) that could be done to improve your
Instead of using starch, it is better to use flour because it is more processed
than starch that cause the putty fall apart. We can also use by mixing water, borax
and Elmer’s glue. Elmer’s glue is viscous, thick and sticky since it contains polyvinyl
acetate so if we add borax the glue becomes more viscous that make a perfect DIY
Silly Putty.
1. What do you think is the role of the following in the formation of the product?
a) Cornstarch
- it keeps the putty from sticking in our fingers and form like a bit doughy to make
it look like a silly putty.
b) Liquid -gel soap
-gel soap is surfactant that causes it to stick and help to stabilize the formation.
c) Food coloring
- for aesthetic purposes where the putty will be colored.
2. What type material was produced? Describe by explaining the science behind
the product formation.
Then material that was produce is like a soft clay; a slimy, soft product that
can stretch when you pull apart. It is because the product that produce is made on
polymer material or a long chain molecule that are the molecules are cross-linked to
the other elements which is the hydrogen from the soap. When you apply some
force to the silly putty it can be stretched and if you stretch it the hydrogen bonds
break apart slowly and it becomes elastic in a short of time.
3. Do you think the product of this activity is significant? Why or why not? (You
may cite real-life usage of such material)
Yes, because it has many uses such as cleaning at home that used to pick
up dirt and lint, children's toys and it can also be used to the wobbly leg to make it