William Blake: Life
William Blake: Life
William Blake: Life
William Blake was the most remarkable poet among the precursors of the
Romantic Revival in English. The son of a hosier, Blake was born in London in
November 1757. His father James Blake and his mother Catherine were both
Dissenters. There were five children in the family, Blake was the second one. It
appears that the denial and deprivation of love from the family might have
generated in Blake’s mind, an exotic imaginary world of his own. At the age of
seven, he was sent to a good drawing school in the strand, and four years later,
in 1772, he began a seven years apprenticeship in engraving under James
Besire. He was an engraver to the London Society of Antiquaries, where he
learned his craft as well as acquiring some of his poetical and political opinions.
In 1779 he began studying at the Royal Academy and within a year began
exhibiting pictures there, often with historical themes. At twenty-four he
married Catherine Boucher, who was illiterate. So, he taught her to read, write,
and make colours and prints. He never had children, but he was devoted to his
younger brother Robert and taught him drawing and nursed him.
The Lamb
About the Poem: ‘The Lamb’ by William Blake was included in The Songs of
Innocence published in 1789. It is regarded “as one of the great lyrics of English
Literature.” In the form of a dialogue between the child and the lamb, the poem
is an amalgam of the Christian script and pastoral tradition.
Central Idea: The main theme of the poem "The Lamb" by William Blake is
praise for specific qualities of Jesus Christ and His gifts to humanity. In the first
stanza, Blake asks the lamb if it knows who gave it life, soft wool, and a tender
voice. In the second stanza, Blake reveals that Jesus Christ created the lamb
with all of its positive qualities. Christ also referred to Himself as a lamb
throughout the scriptures and became a "little child" when He came to earth to
minister. William Blake then proceeds to praise Jesus's qualities by commenting
on His meek and mild personality. Jesus is portrayed as a giving, loving,
peaceful deity throughout the poem and Blake focuses on Christ's innocent
attributes. Overall, Blake's poem praises the gifts from God and reveals his
benevolence and tender qualities.