Review Class PPT 2-Set B

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1.Teacher Cris views his students as a unique, free choosing

and responsible individuals. He encourages them to develop
their own individualities . What philosophies does Teacher
Cris adhere to?
A.Humanism B. Existentialism
C. Reconstructivism D. Essentialism
B. Existentialism  Existentialism is a philosophy that
emphasizes subjectivity , freedom and

2. In the Social science Class of MS Macatangay , students

identify the various social and economic problems that
require urgent solutions . They not only discuss the ways to
address it but also agreed to participate in solving them .
What kind of philosophy this class uphold?
a.Naturalism B. Constructivism C. Nationalism D. Reconstructivism
 Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors that
D. Reconstructivism constitute reality or society . In this regard students
are encourage to become involved in the problems
whether political , social or economical that confront
the society and be able to arrive at solutions in order
to reconstruct society.
3. A curriculum should only includes those that have
survived the test of time and combine the symbols of
literature , history and mathematics . Thus curriculum like
this contains values that are constant and universal. What
philosophy describes the kind of curriculum ?
A. Idealism B. Perennialism
c. Humanism D. Essentialism
Perennialism maintains that education includes
B. Perennialism confronting the problems and questions that have
challenged people over the centuries .Thus there
is a need to study classical tradition of great books

4. In her class , Teacher Janis always presents principles and

values so as to encourage her students to examine them
and decide for themselves whether to accept it or not .
What kind of philosophy does Teacher Janis practice?
A.Idealism B. Essentialism
C. Humanism D. Existentialism
Existentialism is a philosophy that
D. Existentialism emphasizes subjectively , freedom
and responsibility .

5. Teacher Weena presents several objects and asks

her students to describe them in terms of qualities as
perceive through the use of senses. What philosophy
does Teacher Weena adhere to?
Idealism b. Essentialism c. Empiricism d. Constructivism

c. Empiricism EMPIRICISM stresses the existence of

objectively reality or the emphirical world.
The only source of knowledge is the
senses or the sense based experience .
6. The following are characteristics of an effective
teacher, select from the choices below that describe a
compassionate teacher.
a. Have away to make students feel welcome and comfortable
in their classroom.

b. Regard students and relate with them their concerns.

c. Set no limits on students and believe everyone successful.

d. Make learning fun and do not take everything seriously.

Answer: B: Regard students and relate with
them their concerns.

Compassionate are concerned about the

students’ personal problems and relate to them
their problems.
a. Cultivate sense of belonging
b. Hold high expectation
c. Have sense of humor
7. Which is true, teacher as professional?

a. Abides by his personal code of ethics

b. Demonstrates solely ethical competence

c. Required NC II from TESDA

d. Completed college/ university degree

Answer: D Completed college/ university degree
The Filipino teacher is a professional. This means
that he she demonstrates technical, ethical and
moral competence as a result of his/ her long years
of initial professional education which led him/ her to
the learning of a college/ university degree and
passing the licensure examination. He/ she goes
through continuing professional development and
abides by the code of ethics for Professional
The Filipino teacher is a professional. That
means, he/ she possess professional
competence. The professional competence is
demonstrated in his/ her professionalism
knowledge in creating favorable learning
environment in excellent instructional planning,
instructional delivery and assessment practices.
It goes without saying as a professional he/ she
has mastery of subject matter.
8. This is the most common trait of a teacher that is
characterized to be fair, welcoming and humble etc.

a. Committed

b. Dedicated

c. Caring

d. Passionate
Answer: C Caring
The most common personal trait given to describe the
effective teacher is caring. A caring teacher is fair. He/ she
displays a personal touch and so is approachable. He/ she
makes every learner belong and feel welcome. He/ she feels
with her students and so is compassionate. He/ she is
forgiving, does not keep grudges against learners. He/ she is
humble enough to admit mistakes.
9. If a teacher creates a gender sensitive and inclusive
learners environment, he/ she demonstrate what
desirable personal traits?

a. Passion

b. Fairness

c. Motivation

d. Sense of humor
Answer: B Fairness

Treat students without bias, all

students are equal and teacher
handles students and grading fairly.
10. If a teacher come to class each day ready to teach,
what characteristics of an effective teacher he/ she

a. Positive

b. Industry

c. Prepared

d. Punctuality
Answer: C Prepared

Being prepared is the first among the 12 characteristics of

a effective teacher. He/ she comes to class each day ready
to teach.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in
Meeting Challenges in the 21st Century
Broadly speaking, the function of teachers is
to help students learn by imparting
knowledge to them and by setting up a
situation in which students can and will learn
effectively. But teachers fill a complex set of
roles, which vary from one society to another
and from one educational level to another.
Some of these roles are performed in the
school, and some in the community.

Think about the type of lesson you normally teach:

- In which roles are you often involved?

- Are there any roles in which you have less experience?
- Are there any new roles you might try in the future?

It is clear that the 21st-century classroom needs are very

different from the 20th-century ones. In the 21st century
classroom, teachers are facilitators of student learning and
creators of productive classroom environments, in which
students can develop the skills they might need at present or in
Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in
Meeting Challenges in the 21st Century

Teacher Roles:

Most teachers take on a variety of roles within the classroom, which role do you think most defines your
role in the classroom?

1. The Controller: The teacher is in complete charge of the class, what students do, what they say and
how they say it. the teacher assumes this role when a new language is being introduced and accurate
reproduction and drilling techniques are needed.

In this classroom, the teacher is mostly the center of focus, the teacher may have the gift of
instruction, and can inspire through their own knowledge and expertise, but, does this role really allow
for enough student talk time? Is it really enjoyable for the learners? There is also a perception that this
role could have a lack of variety in its activities.

2. The Prompter: The teacher encourages students to participate and makes suggestions about how
students may proceed in an activity. the teacher should be helping students only when necessary.
3.The Resource: The teacher is a kind of walking
resource center ready to offer help if needed, or provide
learners with whatever language they lack when
performing communicative activities. The teacher must
make her/himself available so that learners can
consult her/him when (and only when) it is absolutely

As a resource, the teacher can guide learners to use

available resources such as the internet, for
themselves, it certainly isn’t necessary to spoon-feed
learners, as this might have the downside of making
learners reliant on the teacher.
4. The Assessor: The teacher assumes this role to see
how well students are performing or how well they
performed. feedback and correction are organized and
carried out.

There are a variety of ways we can grade learners, the

role of an assessor gives teachers an opportunity to
correct learners. However, if it is not communicated with
sensitivity and support it could prove counter-productive
to a student’s self-esteem and confidence in learning the
target language.
5. The Organizer: Perhaps the most difficult and important role the teacher has to play.
The success of many activities depends on good organization and on the students knowing
exactly what they are to do next. Giving instructions is vital in this role as well as setting up
The organizer can also serve as a demonstrator, this role also allows a teacher to get
involved and engaged with learners. the teacher also serves to open and neatly close
activities and also give content feedback.

6. The Participant: This role improves the atmosphere in the class when the teacher takes
part in an activity. however, the teacher takes a risk of dominating the activity when
performing it.

Here, the teacher can enliven a class; if a teacher is able to stand back and not
become the center of attention, it can be a great way to interact with learners without being
too overpowering.

7. The Tutor: The teacher acts as a coach when students are involved in project work or
self-study. The teacher provides advice and guidance and helps students clarify ideas and
limit tasks.
This role can be a great way to pay individual attention to a student. It can also allow a
teacher to tailor make a course to fit specific student needs. However, it can also lead to a
student becoming too dependent or even too comfortable with one teacher and one method
or style of teaching.
Effective teacher to teacher communication is vitally essential to your success as a teacher.
Regular collaboration and team planning sessions are extremely valuable.

Engaging in these practices has a positive impact on teacher effectiveness. Education is a

highly difficult concept for those outside the field to understand. Having peers that you can
collaborate with and lean on during tough times is essential.If you find yourself in isolation
and/or always having a conflict with your peers, then there is a reasonable chance that you
may need to make some changes yourself.
What to avoid when talking to fellow faculty
Here are seven things to avoid when trying to build positive relationships with
faculty and staff members at school.

1. Do not talk about or discuss your co-workers with your students. it undermines
the authority of that teacher and additionally taints your credibility.

2. Do not engage in conversation or discuss your co-workers with a parent. doing

so is unprofessional at best and will create significant problems.

3. Do not talk about or discuss your co-worker with other co-workers. it creates
an atmosphere of divisiveness, mistrust, and animosity.

4. Do not isolate yourself on a regular basis. it is not a healthy practice. it serves

as a hindrance to your overall growth as a teacher.

5. Avoid being confrontational or combative. be professional. you may disagree

with someone engaging them inappropriately is juvenile at best which undermines
your role as a teacher.
What to avoid when talking to fellow faculty

6. Avoid starting, spreading, or discussing gossip and hearsay about

parents, students, and/or co-workers. Gossip has no place in a
school and will create long-term problems.

7. Avoid being critical of your co-workers. build them up, encourage

them, offer constructive criticism, but never criticize how they do things.
it will do more harm than good.
ASSESSMENT: 12. In an era of knowledge
explosion, what is supposed to be
11. As a professional teacher you must be every teacher’s most important
good at interactive communication. What
responsibility to maximize
does interactive communication include?
I. Person-to-person e-mail
children’s learning?
II. Interaction through simulations I. Teach learners the skills on how
and models to learn.
III. Electronic mailing list, video II. Teach learners information
conferencing, chat rooms only.
IV. Group interaction in virtual III. Teach learners how to evaluate
learning space or audio information.
A. I and III B. I only
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and II D. III only
C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV A. I and III

14 Which one describes one
13. Which NCBTS domain responsibility of a teacher in a school
creates situations that dominated by Indigenous Peoples‘ (IP)
encourage learners to use
high order thinking skills I. Point out the negative elements of
their culture to help them improve
(HOTS)? II. Help them realize the positive
elements of their culture and make them
feel proud about them.
A. Diversity of learner III. Teach basic concepts in the context of
the IP culture
B. Curriculum IV. Show them other peoples‘ culture
C. Learning
A. I, II, III and IV
environment B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. Community linkages D. I, II and III
B. Curriculum A. I, II, III and IV
15. As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do?
I. She uses instructional time wisely.
II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of
III. She puts to use available and appropriate materials.
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students so she can meet
her goals.

A. I and III B. II, III, and IV

C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

A. I and III


12. A I and III
13. B Curriculum
14. A I, II, III and IV
15. A I and III
1. Which of the following could be the reason for the teacher's
suspension from the practice of the teaching profession?
a. Immoral, unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct
b. Observing proper procedures in obtaining a certificate
of registration.
c. Faithfulness to the code of ethical and professional
standards for professional teachers.
d. Willingness to attend seminars, workshops, conferences
and the like or the continuing education program
prescribed by the Board and the Commission.
Answer: a. Immoral, unprofessional, or
dishonorable conduct

Section 1. A teacher is, above all a human being endowed with life for
which it is the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times
whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the
primary principles of personal behavior in all relationships with
others and in all situations.
Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality
which could serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners,
peers and all others.
Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide
of his own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.
Section 1. Any violation of any provisions of this code
shall be sufficient ground for the imposition against the
erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of
revocation of his Certification of Registration and License
as a Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of
teaching profession, reprimand or cancellation of his
temporary/special permit under causes specified in Sec.
23. Article HI or R.A. No. 7836. and under Rule 31. Article
VIII. of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836.
2. Which of the following is true about the teacher
as a person under the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers?
a. Live with dignity at all times wherever he/she is.
b. Serve as a model worthy of emulation.
c. Place premium upon self-respect and self-discipline
d. All of the above.
Answer : D
Section 1. A teacher is, above all. a human being endowed with life for
which it is the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in
school, in the home, or elsewhere.
Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the
primary principles of personal behavior in all relationships with others and
in all situations.
Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality
which could serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and
all others.
Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of
his own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.
3. Who is excluded in the definition of
professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?
a. The Schools Division Superintendent
b. The Librarian
c. The Master Teacher
d. Th Principal

Answer: b
Librarians have their own Librarians are imbued with
Code Of Ethics For lofty ideals of service to
Registered Librarians and people through books and
so they are excluded in the other records of knowledge,
definition of professional a service they believe is
teacher in the code of ethics their best way to serve
humanity, enrich people's
lives and attain self
4. Which statement on academic freedom is
a. In search for truth, a professional teacher has the
privilege to share the product of his research
whether in support of the declared state policies.
b. A teacher’s academic freedom is absolute.
c. A teacher’s academic freedom is limited.
d. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in
the tertiary level.

Answer: A

Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom

and shall have privilege of expounding the product of
his researches and investigations: provided that, if the
results are inimical to the declared policies of the
State, they shall be brought to the proper authorities
for appropriate remedial action.
Academic freedom is not absolute. It
must be exercised within the law and in
accordance with the collective
agreement. It does not empower one
academic to infringe the right of another.
5. How can a teacher show respect for community
customs and traditions?
a. Reject local customs and traditions which are
different from his.
b. Divide the community by pointing out the
negative elements of given local customs and
c. Disparage the community.
d. Study and strive to understand local customs.

Answer: d
COMMUNITY Importance: Understanding
local culture offers clues on
Section 4. Every teacher shall approaching and
live for and with the responding to educational,
community and shall, social and interpersonal
therefore, study and understand situations. Time spent
local customs and traditions in learning about local context
order to have sympathetic and culture in schools can
attitude, therefore, refrain from increase understanding and
disparaging the community. acceptance of others.

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