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Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) p-ISSN: 2087-9946

Volume xx, Issue xx, xxxxxxxx 2021 e-ISSN: 2477-1775


Comparative Analysis of Pollution Index Methods and Storet Methods on Water Quality
of Drilling Wells and Dug Wells, Ratu Samban District, Bengkulu City

Belli Yovita Sari a*, Fades Gultom b*, and Heriansyah c

Science Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu

Jalan WR Supratman, Bengkulu 38121, Indonesia

e-mail: a bellyyovita03@gmail.com, b fadesgultom@unib.ac.id, and c heriansyah@unib.ac.id

* Corresponding Author

Received: ………; Revised: ………; Accepted: ………

This study aims to determine the water quality of drilled wells with dug wells in Ratu Samban sub-district,
Bengkulu City using physical parameters. The parameters measured were turbidity, TDS, color, temperature, odor
and taste. Determination of water quality status was carried out by two methods, the Storet method and the
Pollution Index (IP) method. The number of samples in this study were 30 samples consisting of 15 drilled well
samples and 15 dug well samples. The results of the study show the status of water quality in the Ratu Samban
sub-district, Bengkulu city based on the results of the analysis of drilled and dug well samples using the IP
method, IP ≤ 1 or classified as standard category. Meanwhile, the water quality status based on the results of the
Storet method analysis for drilled wells is classified as class B or lightly polluted with a score of -10 and -16 or
class C category or moderately polluted for dug wells. The differences in the results of the analysis using the Storet
method and the pollution index (IP) method is influenced by several factors including the geographical, the
number of samples taken and the type of data that is not time series data. From the two water quality index
methods, the Storet method is considered more logical, where the water quality index is calculated based on the
maximum, minimum and concluded from the data from the water quality specimen collection. However, this
research needs to be studied further regarding the causes of the differences in the results obtained in these two
methods. Thus, it can be concluded drilled wells and dug wells in this study are still classified as lightly polluted,
so it is still feasible to use sanitation hygiene.
Keywords: Water Quality ; Storet Method ; Pollution Index Method; Bengkulu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas air sumur bor dengan sumur gali di Kecamatan
Ratu Samban Kota Bengkulu dengan menggunakan parameter fisik. Parameter yang diukur adalah
kekeruhan, TDS, warna, suhu, bau dan rasa. Penetapan status kualitas air dilakukan dengan dua
metode, yaitu metode Storet dan metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP). Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini
adalah 30 sampel yang terdiri dari 15 sampel sumur bor dan 15 sampel sumur gali. Hasil kajian
menunjukkan status kualitas air di Kecamatan Ratu Samban Kota Bengkulu berdasarkan hasil analisis
sampel sumur bor dan gali menggunakan metode IP, IP ≤ 1 atau tergolong memenuhi baku mutu.
Sedangkan status kualitas air berdasarkan hasil analisis metode Storet untuk sumur bor tergolong kelas
B atau tercemar ringan dengan skor -10 dan skor -16 untuk sumur gali atau kategori kelas C tercemar
sedang. Perbedaan hasil analisis menggunakan metode Storet dan metode indeks polusi (IP)

DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v?n?.p??-??
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain letak geografis, jumlah sampel yang diambil dan jenis data
yang bukan merupakan data runtun waktu. Dari kedua metode indeks kualitas air, metode Storet
dianggap lebih logis, dimana indeks kualitas air dihitung berdasarkan maksimum, minimum dan
disimpulkan dari data koleksi spesimen kualitas air. Namun penelitian ini perlu dikaji lebih lanjut
mengenai penyebab perbedaan hasil yang diperoleh pada kedua metode tersebut. Dengan demikian,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa sumur bor dan sumur gali pada penelitian ini masih tergolong cemar ringan
sehingga masih layak digunakan keperluan higiene sanitasi.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas Air, Metode Storet, Metode IP, Bengkulu

© 2022Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA). This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Cities in Indonesia, especially in Bengkulu are currently experiencing rapid growth. This
can be seen from the density level of 1.75% in 2015 [1]. The larger the population, the need for
clean water is increasing, so there is a need for regular water monitoring. This monitoring
aims to find out if there is a decrease in water quality in the Bengkulu city area. The denser the
population, the more it will affect the quality of clean water in the area. The water sources
used by the Bengkulu people are obtained from dug wells, drilled wells and PDAM [2]. Based
on the results of a survey conducted on the people of the Ratu Samban sub-district, the data
showed that 71.1% of the community used bore well water and 28.9% used dug well water.
Even though the condition of the borehole water used was 60.5% smelly, 63.6% had a slightly
cloudy color, 55.3% bore well water had a taste, and 70.3% had sediment at the bottom of the
water reservoir.
The geographical condition of the city of Bengkulu consists of coastal areas and swamps,
the quality of clean water has decreased because the coastal areas of the water have high
salinity levels. Salinity in Indonesian waters generally ranges from 30-35%, the size of the
salinity is influenced by several factors including water circulation patterns, evaporation,
rainfall and the presence of rivers [3]. Swamp areas contain water that contains organic
substances, harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, and bacteria in the water that can interfere
with health [4]. This causes swamp water is not recommended to be used because swamp
water has a pH that tends to be acidic, the pH of the water that can be consumed should not
exceed 6.5-8.5 [5]. In this problem, it is necessary to calculate the status of water quality in
Ratu Samban sub-district, Bengkulu city. Determination of water quality status is carried out
by two methods, namely the storet method and the pollution index. Both methods have
advantages and disadvantages, so the comparison of the two methods is carried out in order
to obtain more accurate water quality status results.

This research was conducted by using stratified random sampling technique. Samples
were taken directly from wells around Ratu Samban District, Bengkulu City. The sampling
points were divided into 5 locations (Decrease, Anggut Atas, Anggut Bawah, Kebun Grand,
Padang Jati). At each location, 3 samples of drilled wells (SB) and 3 dug wells (SG) were taken
so that at one point there were 6 samples to be taken, with a total of 15 samples of drilled wells
and 15 samples of dug wells (Figure 1). Tests were carried out directly in the field and in the
First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 2
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

PDAM Nelas Sukaraja laboratory. Data analysis will be carried out using two methods, storet
method and pollution index method. The results obtained will be compared with water
quality standards based on the RI Minister of Health No. 32 of 2017.

Figure 1. Research sampling map

The storet method is to compare water quality data with water quality standards that are
adjusted to their designation in order to determine the status of water quality. Determination
of water quality status is using the value system of "US-EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency)" by clarifying water quality in four classes : ( KepMen.LH, 2003):
1. Class A: very good, score = 0 (meets quality standards)
2. Class B : good, score = -1 to -10 (lightly polluted)
3. Class C: moderate, score = -11 to -30 (medium polluted)
4. Class D : bad, score = -31 (severely polluted)

The Pollution Index method has the following water quality categories (KepMen.LH,
1. Meets quality standards: IP 1
2. Lightly polluted : 1 < IP 5
3. Moderately polluted : 5 < IP 10
4. Heavily polluted : IP > 10
The formula used to calculate the pollution index (IP)

2 2
Ci Ci
I𝑃𝑗 = ( ) −( ) ………………………………………………………….…………….(1)
Lij M Lij R
IPj = pollution index for designation
First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 3
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

j Ci = concentration of water quality parameters

i Lij = concentration of water quality parameter I listed in the water quality standard
M = Maximum
R = average


Table 1. Calculation of the IP Value of the Drilling Well Pollution Index

No Parameter Ci Lij Ci/Lij (Ci/Lij) baru
1. Temperature 29,8 26,5-31,4 0,95 0,95
2. TDS 176,3 1000 0,176 0,176
3. Turbidity (NTU) 4,2 25 0,168 0,168
4. Color 66,7 50 1,33 1,61
(Ci/Lij) average 0,73
(Ci/Lij) maximum 1,61

2 2
Ci Ci
IP = ( ) −( )
Lij M Lij R

Table 2. Table of Calculation of IP Value of Dug Well Pollution Index

No Parameter Ci Lij Ci/Lij (Ci/Lij) New
1. Temperature 30,2 26-32,1 0,94 0,94
2. TDS 110 1000 0,11 0,11
3. Turbidity (NTU) 3,9 25 0,156 0,156
4. Color 52,4 50 1,05 1,106
(Ci/Lij) average 0,58
(Ci/Lij) maximum 1,106

2 2
Ci Ci
IP = ( ) −( )
Lij M Lij R

Table 3. Table of Calculation of Drill Well Sample Scores with the Storet Method
Parameter Quality Unit Measurement results
Max Min Average Score
Turbidity (NTU) 25 NTU 18,9 0,28 4,2 0
Color 50 TCU 257 2 66,7 -8
TDS 1000 Mg/l 296 31 176,3 0

First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 4
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

Temperature ±3 C 31,8 26,5 29,8 -2
Total Score -10

Table 4. Table of Calculation of Dig Well Sample Scores with the Storet Method
Parameter Quality Unit Measurement results
Max Min Average Score
Turbidity (NTU) 25 NTU 17,73 0,43 3,9 0
Color 50 TCU 230 2 52,4 -8
TDS 1000 Mg/l 185 64 110 0
Temperature ±3 C 32,1 26 30,2 -8
Total Score -16

Based on the results of research and laboratory analysis for the turbidity parameter, it
shows a good and stable variation ranging from 0.28 to 18.9 NTU in drilled wells and dug
wells from 0.43 to 17.73 NTU. There are two water samples from dug wells and drilled wells
which have high turbidity values in dug well sample number 3, namely 17.73 NTU and drilled
well No. 15, which is 18.7 NTU. The sample is located in the Anggut Bawah and Anggut Atas
areas. This value is still in the category of not passing the turbidity quality standard for
sanitation hygiene, which is a maximum level of 25 NTU. The factors that cause turbidity in
well water are caused by factors surrounding the well. Wells located near swamps tend to
have a high level of turbidity, this is caused by contamination of seepage of swamp water that
enters the well water. Swamp water is also commonly referred to as waste, this is because
swamp water contains Fe, Mn and harmful microorganisms such as e-coly. Turbidity in
swamp water is usually caused by insoluble particles or suspensions belonging to organic and
inorganic substances [5].
The color measurement results (TCU) show a highly variable value between 2 – 257 TCU
for drilled wells and dug wells 2 – 230 TCU. The results of testing the color of the sample
water show that the highest color value is found in the Decrease area in the drill well sample
number 15, which is 257 TCU and Anggut Atas in sample no 3, which is 230 TCU. This is
because the drilled well has a pipe leak so that the water turns yellow while the dug well is
near a fish pond and includes a swamp area. Color in water can be caused by the presence of
organic and inorganic materials, the presence of plankton, humus and metal ions (eg iron and
manganese), and other materials. The presence of iron oxide causes the water to be reddish in
color, the presence of manganese oxide causes the water to become brownish or blackish [6].
Meanwhile, according to [7], the material that causes color is produced from contact between
water and organic debris such as leaves and wood, all of which are in stages. decay. Color can

First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 5
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

also be caused by the presence of tannins and humic acids, so that when formed with chlorine
it can form toxic chloroform compounds, thus affecting the health conditions of water users.
The results of the TDS measurements in drilled wells and dug wells show relatively
large numbers, ranging from 31 – 296 mg/l. This figure is large but does not exceed the
maximum sanitation hygiene water quality standard according to the Minister of Health
Regulation No. 32 of 2017 which is 1000 mg/l. Dissolved solids (Total Dissolved Solids) are
solids consisting of organic and inorganic compounds soluble in air, minerals and their salts.
Dissolved solids can be produced from the decomposition of waste by microorganisms. If the
excess is excess, the activities trigger the occurrence of solids in the air so that air quality
decreases. The high levels of TDS are caused by the large content of organic and inorganic
compounds that are soluble in air, minerals (magnesium) and salt. Solid objects in the air come
from many sources, organic such as leaves, mud, plankton, as well as industrial waste and
sewage. Other sources can come from household waste, pesticides, and many others.
Meanwhile, inorganic sources come from rocks and air containing calcium bicarbonate,
nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, and other minerals [8].
The results of the measurement of the temperature of the air sample do not have varying
values, the results of the temperature measurement are relatively stable ranging from 26 to
32.1 0C. Temperature is greatly affected by sunlight. The temperature of the air will change
slowly between day and night and from season to season. High temperatures will cause an
increase in oxygen consumption. Air temperature plays a very important role in regulating the
life of aquatic biota, especially in the metabolic process, an increase in temperature will cause
an increase in oxygen consumption [9]. Judging from the temperature parameters 30 samples
that have been tested meet the requirements of water quality standards for sanitation hygiene.
Air temperature greatly affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in the air, indirectly high air
temperatures can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels in it. The high temperature of a
water can cause accelerated decomposition and decay of inorganic organic substances in the
air. Dissolved oxygen in the air can be reduced due to respiration and decay of organic matter
on the bottom of the water [10]. Good and safe water is water that does not smell when
smelled from near or far, and has no taste or taste. Water that smells and tastes usually
contains organic matter that is decomposed by water microorganisms, while the results of
testing samples of well water near swamps using the sense of smell and taste show varying
results, starting from the smell of earth, the smell of iron, the smell of metal or no smell. .
Likewise with taste testing, the results obtained are metallic taste, earthy taste, and no taste
can be seen from the smell and taste in this case it is probably caused by bacterial activity.
While the taste in water is caused by the presence of dissolved gases such as H2S, living
organisms, the presence of solid waste and liquid waste and the possibility of remnants of
materials used for disinfectants such as chlorine.
Based on an assessment using the storet method system that measures physical
parameters (turbidity, TDS, color and temperature), the status of water quality in the Ratu
Samban sub-district in drilled wells and dug wells is included in the class B category (good or
lightly polluted) with a score of -10 and class C (medium polluted) with a score of -16. This
determination is determined using the "US-EPA" (Environmental Protection Agency) scoring
system, which is a score of -1 to -10 for the good or lightly polluted class and a score of -11 to -
30 for the moderate or moderately polluted class. Parameters that greatly affect the decrease in
water quality occur in the color and temperature parameters. According to [11] said that the
First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 6
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

storet method has a high sensitivity or is sensitive to the dynamics of the water quality index
on all test parameters analyzed and compared with the quality standard. The more test
parameters that exceed the quality standard, the worse the water quality will be. The high and
low score of water quality is influenced by the conditions around the well, the wells at the
study site are directly adjacent to swamps and household waste disposal sites, the location of
the wells under trees which causes a lot of leaves to fall, there is also algae around the walls of
the wells can be a source of pollution. one of the triggers for the decline in water quality [8].
Based on the results of the calculation of the pollutant index (IP) quality status method in the
Ratu Samban sub-district, both drilled and dug wells, including meeting the quality standard
with IP 1, are seen from the IP values obtained, namely 0.66 for drilled wells and 0.51 dug
wells. . Based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment No.115 of 2003 concerning
guidelines for determining the Status of Water Quality, the Pollution Index value which is at
IP ≤ 1 is categorized as meeting the quality standard because the IP value is less than one.
Pollution index and storet methods have differences and similarities. The equation is to
provide flexibility in determining the number and type of parameters used to calculate the
index. According to [12], there are several advantages of the storet method that can be taken
into consideration to determine the status of water quality. The calculation of the storet
method can be done easily and quickly. The storet method is more sensitive and
representative and can easily identify contaminants that cause pollution. However, storet also
has drawbacks, namely it cannot be applied using instantaneous data, the data must be in the
form of time series data. This causes the storet method to be less efficient in terms of time,
effort and cost. The storet method also has parameter limitations that will affect the weighted
score as described in the US-EPA.
In the calculation of the pollution index, there is no sub-index score scheme or subjective
score per parameter, the most significant parameter is calculated on the basis of the largest
ratio of concentration to quality standard. The pollution index method is calculated by
considering the concentration ratio of a parameter with its maximum quality standard (Ci/Lij)
and the average ratio of a number of water quality parameters, only from one or a single time
of taking water quality specimens. Thus the water quality data that is measured from a single
sampling of water quality is instantaneous condition data. In addition to the drawbacks, the
pollution index method also has advantages, namely in terms of determining the status of
water quality, compared to the storet method which requires many parameters, the pollution
index method with a few parameters can be used so that the pollution index method is more
efficient, easy and fast in concluding the status of water quality. The data needed to determine
the status of water quality does not need to be in the form of a time series so that in one
sampling it can be directly analyzed and the quality status calculated using IP. So that
contamination can be identified directly and quickly [12].
In each method the water quality index has a difference in the number of water quality
status classes. Both methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages. The next
thing that can be considered is adjusting the method of determining the status of water quality
with the existing characteristics of water bodies in the local area. From the study of the form of
the equation of the two water quality index methods, the Storet method is considered more
logical, From the study of the form of the equation of the two water quality index methods, the
Storet method is considered more logical, where the water quality index is calculated based on
the maximum, minimum and concluded from the data from the water quality specimen
First and Second Author (if more than two, it should be written “et al”) 7
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2021; 10(1): 1-6

collection. .
There are differences in the results of the analysis with the storet method and the
pollution index method where the borehole in the storet analysis is categorized as class B
(lightly polluted) and the pollution index analysis is categorized as meeting the IP quality
standard 1. While in the dug well the results of the analysis using the storet method show the
category C class. (medium polluted) and the pollution index analysis shows that it meets the
IP quality standard 1. This of course needs further studies related to the causes of the
difference in the results obtained from the results of the analysis of these two methods. The
correlation of factors such as turbidity, temperature, TDS and color parameters greatly affects
the results of the analysis of the two methods. In general, drilled wells and dug wells in this
study are still classified as lightly polluted and moderately polluted. So it is still feasible to use
as a source of water to meet the needs of sanitation and hygiene.

The water quality status of drilled wells and dug wells in Ratu Samban sub-district,
Bengkulu city uses physical parameters based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 32.
2017 based on the pollution index method, the results obtained are meeting the IP quality
standard 1, while the results of the storet method score are included in the class B category.
good or lightly polluted seen from the score value, which is -10 for drilled wells, while for dug
wells the score obtained is -16, including the category C class is moderately polluted.
There are differences in the results of the analysis using the Stoet method and the
pollution index method, where the drilled well in the storet analysis is categorized as class B
(lightly polluted) and the pollution index analysis is categorized as meeting the IP quality
standard 1. While in the dug well the results of the analysis using the storet method show the
Class C category (medium polluted) and the pollution index analysis shows that it meets the
IP quality standard 1. From the study of the equation of the two water quality index methods,
the Storet method is considered more logical, where the water quality index is calculated
based on the maximum, minimum and concluded from the data obtained from quality
specimens water.

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