Healing Uses, Dosage, DIY Capsules and
Where to Buy Wildcrafted Herbs
Remedies, Detox Cleanse, Immunity, Weight
Loss, Lungs, Eyes, Nail, Skin and Hair
Kerri M. Williams
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About The Book
Pharma vs Farmer?
Chapter 1
Why Electric Herbs?
Proving That Alkaline Electric Herbs Work
Herbal/Drug Interactions
Chapter 3
Medicinal Plants and Herbs
What are Herbs?
The Plant Parts
Sacred Herbs
Herbal Medicine
Chapter 4
Sourcing and/or Harvesting Herbs
Sourcing Herbs
Storing Herbs
Harvesting and Drying Herbs
Wildcrafted Herbs
Wildcrafted vs Organic vs Commercially Grown Herbs
Chapter 5
Encapsulation and Dosage
Tablets vs Capsules: What's the Difference?
Types of Capsules
How to Encapsulate Herbs
Preparing Herbs for Encapsulation
Can All Herbs be Taken as Capsules?
Chapter 6
Dr. Sebi-Approved Herbs
Black Walnut Hull Powder
Blue Vervain
Burdock Root
Cascara Sagrada
Dandelion Root
Irish Sea Moss
Linden Flower
Red Clover
Rhubard Root
Sarsaparilla Root
Valerian Root
Yellow Dock
Chapter 7
Using Herbs
Infusion vs Tea
Culinary Use of Herbs
Herbs for Topical Use
Smokable Herbs
Chapter 8
Herb Combinations
Herbs for Pancreas and Kidney Support
Herbs for Liver Support
Herbs for Respiratory Support
Herbs for Colon Cleanse
Copyright 2020 by Kerri Moon Williams
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The information provided in this book is for informational purposes only. Please consult with your
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Over the millennia, many different healing traditions emerged around the
world and all of them were based on herbalism. The major herbal systems
were often drastically different from what most of us know as “Western
herbalism” and it has taken us a very long time to “decipher” the meaning
and understand the concept of some of the ancient holistic systems such as
Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanic healing, etc. Today, we
know that one of the ways to prevent a disease or recover from one, is
through a diet and the alkaline diet is probably one of the healthiest diets
there is. However, there is not a single alkaline diet and what made Dr. Sebi
Alkaline Diet stand out, is that his methodology was based on both alkaline
foods and medicinal herbs.
Dr. Sebi studied herbs from Africa, North and South America, and Europe
and focused his research and healing methodology on acid/alkaline balance
within a human body. However, he did not base his therapies only on alkaline
foods. He went a step further. He was adamant that all hybridized herbs (and
foods) should be excluded from a healthy diet. Dr. Sebi insisted that alkaline
herbs are essential for health and vitality and was very passionate about
which herbs support one's health and which ones don't. His approach to
herbalism was based on a belief that only that which is natural, can be truly
healing. Most of the foods available today (ie fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices,
grains, etc) were at some stage cross-bread to improve the yield. The list of
all hybridized plants is too long to mention but the problem with this
approach is that some of the herbs and foods not approved by Dr. Sebi have
amazing health benefits, eg Aloe Vera, Echinacea, ginseng, turmeric, ginger,
garlic, beans, whole grains, etc. Still, Dr. Sebi was adamant they should be
excluded from his alkaline diet.
Dr. Sebi based his approach on the simple premise that wild plants were
created in God's laboratory, while hybridized plants were created in medical
laboratories through cross-pollination and genetic modification. As a result,
they have an incomplete molecular structure. They are acid-based and should
not be consumed for the simple reason that they are unnatural. According to
Dr. Sebi, hybridized herbs and foods are acid-forming and negatively affect
the brain (eg mint), destroy cells by weakening their membranes (eg garlic).
If you are trying to heal using Dr. Sebi methodology, you should stay away
from them.
So, although Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet is very restrictive, he made up for the
very limited choice of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains by including some
highly nutritious herbal remedies and supplements. We are witnessing a
steadily growing interest in holistic medicine. This is partly because, being
better informed, people are now aware of the negative side effects that
prescribed drugs come with. On top of that, the long-term use of antibiotics
has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Besides, both
painkillers and antidepressants are addictive and you will gradually have to
increase the dosage if you want them to “work.” For these, and many other
reasons, more and more people are hoping to find a cure for their health
problems in natural remedies. The technological innovations enabled us to
have a glimpse into the amazing world of plants and to begin to understand
how they interact with the environment and with the human body. They
work both internally and externally and heal on all levels – physical, mental,
and spiritual. They can destroy microbes, bacteria, and fungi. Some, such as
garlic, destroy all three. They reduce inflammation, dull the pain, help you
relax, or boost your mental clarity. Some can induce vivid dreams or an
alternate state of mind. And, the most amazing thing of all is that many of
these medicinal herbs with almost magical properties grow all around us and
we often refer to them, and treat them, as “weeds”.
Pharma vs Farmer?
In the world we live in today, chronic diseases are on the rise, effectively
making both conventional and alternative medicine a big business. And just
when you realize that Americans spend more than $250 billion each year on
drugs and supplements, then it is easier to understand how much of a problem
the chronic disease pandemic has become. It’s only human to want the best
and safest, so we are naturally attracted to choose the most effective remedy –
and worry about the side effects later. Be it food, drugs, herbs or supplement,
we simply want the best – for health and healing. But the fact that what we
see or hope to get isn’t the reality is worrisome. Asides the benefits of
synthetic drugs and pills, many Americans often go with supplements
because they believe its healthier, costs less, and has little side effects. We
have often been told herbal medicine is unregulated, and hence may be
potentially more dangerous, but what about prescription drugs?
Notwithstanding the side effects of drugs, we are made to believe that the
cure is in the pill.
So, when we look at all these, it begs the pertinent question – Can we really
trust the conventional medical industry to getting true holistic health and
healing? Can we continue to put our health on the line for silly errors or
slippages? How long can we continue to swallow every pill and hope our
health get better? I don’t know. But what I do know is that soon, soon
enough, a major paradigm shift will occur. We will realize all these and I
hope it’s not too late by then. I hope it is not too late to go back to mother
nature and use her medicine that is bequeathed us by nature.
Chapter 1
Why Electric Herbs?
Electric Herbs are medicinal plants which helps the human body to heal,
rebuild and nourish itself. They are alkaline and found in nature. They are not
hybrid, irradiated, or genetically-modified.
Electric herbs improve the electrical activity in the nerves and helps with
better cognitive function. It boosts your mental clarity and use of one’s
senses. Electricity is the reason the human body can move - crawl, walk,
climb or run. Without electricity, there would be no movement and no life.
If the body is electric, then you should feed it electric (alkaline) nutrition.
Electric herbs are herbs made in nature, non-hybridized and non-GMO.
Electric herbs are wildcrafted, grown without the use of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides.
Herbal/Drug Interactions
Many herbs have been used to treat certain ailments for centuries. But
simply because a product is organic or has been in existence for quite a while,
that does not mean that you should assume that it is safer than
pharmaceuticals. The same as interactions involving drugs, many herbs may
cause adverse reactions when combined with medication or other nutritional
supplements. A recent study published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association demonstrated that one of prescription drug consumers,
one in six adults chooses one herbal nutritional supplement together with a
prescription medication, and many are unaware of the effect one could have
on another.
This lack of information could have serious consequences. By way of
instance, the popular memory booster sweeteners taken with aspirin can lead
to bleeding, and St. John's wort, a popular remedy for depression, may negate
the efficacy of oral contraceptives in addition to protease inhibitors used in
the treatment of HIV. People who have existing health conditions, and
pregnant women or people intending to conceive, have to be particularly
conscious of drug/herb interactions, and talk with their doctors prior to
making supplements part of the wellness plans, as they want prior to taking a
prescription medication.
It is essential to be mindful of some interactions between herbs and
pharmaceuticals. Also talk to your Physician before adding supplements to
your health regimen, just as you would for a prescription medicine.
Chapter 3
Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Herbs are not ordinary plants. They carry fragrance and aroma. They can be
medicinal or sacred. They can flavor your food and environment. They can
lift you up when you are down or calm you when you are anxious. And most
importantly, they can heal.
However, regardless of how you call them and classify them, plants are
essential for our survival. Not only do they provide food, housing, and
building material, they also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen so we
can breathe. Plants also help keep our waters clean. On top of all that, they
nurture and heal.
The healing qualities of plants can be found in almost all their parts:
– Seeds
– Flower
– Gum/resin
– Leaves/sprouts/buds
– Bark
– Root
– Fruit
– Whole plant
– Sap
– Bean oil
– Rhizomes
When we speak of herbs, the first thing that comes to mind is the flavor they
add to our food, however, they have many other uses, eg:
– Domestic uses
There are many ways you can use a herb around the house, eg basil keeps
flies away, rosemary sprays deter mosquitos, a mixture of crushed cloves and
lavender will protect your books and clothes from fish moths. Fresh herbs can
freshen your house or you can make a potpourri with dried ones.
– Cosmetic uses
Herbs can resolve almost all your cosmetic problems, eg thin hair, discolored
teeth, sagging skin, etc. They can infuse bath or massage oils or be used to
make perfumes.
– Medicinal uses
Herbal remedies are usually taken as a tea, tincture, balm, infused oil,
ointment, cream, essential oil, or Bach remedy. They are an effective
alternative to many over-the-counter drugs.
– Culinary uses
You can add fresh or dried herbs to your meals or cocktails, or make an
infused oil, vinegar, or butter. The possibilities are endless.
So, if you disregard the plant/herb/spice division and treat the plants that can
be used for healing, cooking, and cosmetics as herbs, you end up with a list
of about 30 herbs, most of which have significant healing properties.
This is certainly not a complete list of medicinal herbs as there are hundreds
of herbs that are difficult or impossible to grow commercially (eg those
coming from the Amazon or from the semi-desert regions of Africa) or that
are available only locally (eg most Ayurveda herbs, Traditional Chinese
Medicine, South American herbs, etc). Not to mention the little-known herbs
used by isolated communities in Australia, Siberia, etc.
This may sound unbelievable, but new species of plants and animals are still
being discovered. They are usually found in remote places that had only
recently been studied. Besides, new technologies make it possible to
understand the biology of plants in a way that was not possible ten years ago.
– Flowers
The main function of flowers is to look and smell irresistible. Unless they can
attract insects, birds, or animals, there'll be no one to pollinate them and
ensure their survival.
This is why plants have bright colors, strong scents, and sweet nectar.
Combined, these attract pollinator who, by visiting many flowers, help move
pollen from one plant to another. After pollination occurs, the flower
develops seeds,
– Stem
The main function of a stem is to carry water and nutrients from the root to
all other parts of the plant. With some plants, stems store the food, provide
support, and enable vegetative propagation. Some plants have underground
stems (eg ginger, turmeric, potato, etc). Other plants develop stems with
thorns that protect them from predators. Underground stems of some plants
(eg strawberry or grass) spread and produce new plants when the old plants
– Bark
The bark is the outer covering of woody plants. Its main function is to
preserve water and protect the plant from extreme temperatures as well as
disease and predators. Some trees have such a thick bark that it can protect
them from forest fires. Severe bark damage will kill the tree.
Sacred Herbs
Another important function herbs play in our life is that many of them are
used in religions. For example,
– Hellenistic religion used myrrh and frankincense
– Anglo-Saxon pre-Christian religion used nine-herb charm
– In Hinduism, the sacred herbs are neem, holy basil (tulsi), turmeric
(Haldi), and cannabis
– In Wicca (New Age), white sage is used for ritual cleansing both of
one's aura as well as one's environment
– Some Native American tribes used white sage for spiritual cleansing
– Cannabis is the holy plant of Rastafarians
– Siberian shamans and Native Americans used herbs and
hallucinogenic mushrooms to induce spiritual experiences
What's interesting is that all of these herbs have powerful medicinal
properties and today, many are used for healing, eg cannabis, sage, tulsi, etc.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicines are medicines made from plants that contain active
ingredients. They may seem very gentle compared to conventional medicines
but they still affect your body. This means that although they are natural, they
should be used and prepared correctly or under guidance. Eight things to bear
in mind before you attempt healing yourself (or others) with herbal
1. Some herbal medicines may interfere with the prescribed
medication (eg they may reduce or enhance the effects of
conventional medicine). So, if you are on chronic medication, it's
best not to take herbal medicines
4. Many herbal medicines are not regulated, ie you are using them at
your own risk
People relied on herbs for as long as they existed. Just like many animals
look for certain herbs to eat if not feeling well, so people accidentally or
through a trial-and-error method developed herbal medicine. There are
written records that as early as 5000 years ago, Sumerians prescribed herbal
remedies for many conditions.
What makes herbs healing, is the phytochemicals and phytonutrients they
contain. These are compounds produced by all plants (some more than
others). However, although herbs are natural, that doesn't mean they are
For example, St. John's wort and kava tinctures are well-known home
remedies for depression and stress. However, if taken in large amounts or
taken alongside prescribed medications, these herbs become toxic.
Besides, certain herbs contain psychoactive properties that have been used
both for religious and recreational purposes, eg cannabis and coca plants.
Archaeological and historical documents confirm that leaves of coca plants
have been continuously used by the peoples of Peru for over 8000 years and
that cannabis was regularly used in China and northern Africa as early as the
first century CE.
Chapter 4
Sourcing and/or Harvesting Herbs
Before you can use herbs for healing, cosmetics, or food, you need to source
them, dry them, and store them. As the awareness of the amazing therapeutic
properties of herbs is growing, so is the demand for herbal remedies. To
satisfy the needs of the growing population, herbs are now grown for profit.
To increase the yield and protect their crops from pests, herb farmers use
pesticides and herbicides that often contain harmful chemicals.
The problem with this is that these chemicals not only decrease a plant's
nutritional value, they also negatively affect its medicinal properties. That
means that, compared to wildcrafted herbs, farmed herbs give herbal
remedies of inferior quality. In other words, instead of healing you,
chemically-treated herbs add toxins to your already compromised body.
Sourcing Herbs
You can obtain herbs in three ways:
– You can purchase them from a retail outlet
This is usually not a good idea because retailers rarely have facilities for
storing plant materials properly. In a retail outlet, herbs are usually kept in
plastic containers, in open containers or sacs, and are not protected from
light. Besides, as retailers deal with huge quantities, by the time they are sold,
most of the herbs have lost their active ingredients.
It's safer to purchase herbs from small stores that order small quantities of
herbs more frequently. How to know if a herb is fresh? If it has lost its natural
color and has no fragrance, it probably no longer has any healing properties.
– Order online
Online orders are fine, provided you know who you're placing your order
with. It's best to order from specialty companies as they usually store their
herbs properly. Be careful when ordering from random sellers on Amazon.
– Grow your own
Many herbs can easily be grown in a garden or in containers eg calendula,
nettle, lemon balm, valerian, basil, etc. If your space is limited and you would
like to grow your own herbs, it's best to choose herbs that grow vigorously
and do not require a lot of space.
– Buy from a local herb farmer
If you happen to know a farmer who grows herbs, you will always have
freshly-picked herbs.
Storing Herbs
The main reason herbs need to be stored carefully is that they contain volatile
oils and plant pigments which are easily destroyed by light and damp.
Besides, herbs easily absorb airborne pollutants, household air fresheners,
cooking odors, smoke, etc which is why they should be stored in tightly
closed dark-glass containers in clean and odor-free rooms.
However, before putting them away, you need to be sure they are dry
otherwise they'll go moldy. If you have to store a herb that is still not
completely dry, put it in a paper bag. Herbs usually retain their active
ingredients for about a year (not more than 18 months) after which they
should be discarded.
Fresh herbs should be washed, dried, wrapped in a paper towel, packed and
thoroughly sealed in a plastic bag, and stored in the refrigerator for up to five
days. Actually, herbs should not be washed because that destroys their
volatile oils. However, as many people must have handled the herbs before
they reached the market, it wouldn't be safe to use them without washing
them first. Besides, they sometimes have soil, sand, insects, or fertilizers still
attached to them. This is why it's so important to source herbs from reputable
– Seeds
Harvest entire seedheads with about 5 cm of the stalk when the seeds are
almost ripe. You can hang them upside-down over a paper-lined tray or a
tablecloth, or you can remove the seeds manually. Seeds should be harvested
when fully ripe but before they become too dark, eg dill, fennel, coriander,
caraway, etc.
– Roots
The best time to harvest roots is when the aerial parts of the plant have died
down. Dandelion roots can be harvested in spring. Roots easily absorb
moisture, so be careful where you keep them. If they become soft, throw
them away. At the end of summer and beginning of fall, plants move their
"essence” from leaves and flowers (which die down in winter anyway) to the
roots. This is why roots should only be collected in the fall as that is when
their therapeutic properties are highest, eg horseradish.
– Sap and resin
You can harvest these from the tree in autumn when the sap is falling. Make
a deep incision in the bark or drill a hole and collect the sap in a cup tied to
the tree. You can also squeeze sap from latex plants directly into a cup, eg
wid lettuce, .
– Fruit
Harvest berries when ripe, before they become too soft to dry effectively.
You can also spread on trays to dry.
– Bark
To minimize damage to the plant, the bark should only be harvested in the
fall. Never remove all of the bark as that will kill the tree. Break the bark into
smaller pieces and dry.
– Bulbs
Harvest only after the aerial parts have died down.
So, when to harvest herbs depends on which part of the herb you want to
harvest, eg nettles in early spring, St. John's wort in summer, roots in the fall,
some herbs throughout the year, etc. With some herbs, you take only leaves,
eg basil, with others, you can take the whole herb, eg mint.
Generally speaking, it's also better to harvest herbs frequently as that will
encourage the plant to produce new growth. Annual herbs can be harvested
throughout the year until the frost kills them.
Wildcrafted Herbs
There is a huge difference between commercially grown and wildcrafted
herbs. Whatever is commercial grown, ie fruits, vegetables, or herbs, was
raised with the help of herbicides and pesticides. Besides, more and more
plants are genetically modified which makes sourcing for healthy plants a
real challenge.
2 main reasons wildcrafted herbs are superior to both commercially and
organically grown ones:
– Absence of toxins
Wildcrafted herbs are those that grow wild. They are found in nature and, in
an ideal world, they should be perfectly healthy. However, people often
harvest and sell herbs collected next to busy roads. These herbs contain a lot
of lead from petrol fumes as well as other harmful chemicals.
Many medicinal herbs look and are treated as weeds and can be found near
roads, ditches, or rubbish dumps. So, although they grow wild and have not
been treated with pesticides, many of the herbs collected in the wild have
been "treated" with petrol fumes from nearby roads or pesticides and
herbicides used by local farmers.
– The potency of active ingredients
Herbs growing in the wild have to cope on their own. There is no one to
provide shade, water, protection from early frost, pests, and disease.
However, the fact that they survived for millions of years suggests that they
are either very strong or have developed resistance to environmental stressors
and disease. Their nutrients and phytonutrients are their only defense against
UV radiation, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
So, when you use wildcrafted plants, you indirectly improve your own
protection against these environmental stressors. In other words, the active
ingredients of wild herbs are much more potent than those found in the
farmed herbs. However, to ensure the survival of wild plants and herbs, it's
essential that if you wildcraft, you follow the guidelines aimed at protecting
both the plants and their habitats.
So, it's pretty self-explanatory what sort of herbs you should source if you
want to reduce your toxic load.
Chapter 5
Encapsulation and Dosage
Oral medication can be taken in different ways (eg tea, tincture, oil, etc) but
tablets and capsules are the most common ones. Although these two types of
medicine delivery are very similar, there are significant differences in how
they are made and how the drugs they contain are absorbed by the
bloodstream. How much of a certain herbal remedy you should take depends
on many things, eg on how you take it (eg tea or tincture), on the condition
you are addressing (eg acute or chronic, mild or severe), your age (children
and adults require different dosage), your overall health (are you a relatively
healthy individual or is your immune system heavily compromised), etc. If
you want to take herbal remedies in a powdered form, you usually take hen as
tablets or capsules. Encapsulation is the process of turning medicine into a
Tablets vs Capsules: What's the Difference?
There probably isn't a single person that has never taken a pill. Tablets are
made by compressing one or more powdered ingredients into a hard pill.
Besides medicine, tablets also contain additives that help keep all the
ingredients together, and that improve the taste.
Once swallowed, the tablet gets broken down in the digestive tract and the
medication it contains is absorbed by the bloodstream. From the bloodstream,
the drug travels to the liver from where it is sent to the target area(s). Tablets
are inexpensive, long-lasting, can provide a higher dosage of medication, can
be split, are chewable (in case you can't swallow), and come in quick-release,
delayed-release, or extended-release formats. However, they are more likely
to irritate the GI tract and are generally slower acting than the capsules.
Medication found in capsules is enclosed in a shell. The absorption by the
bloodstream and distribution throughout the body is similar to that of a tablet.
The main advantage of capsules over tablets is that they break down more
quickly which means you will experience relief from the symptoms sooner
than you would if you had taken a tablet. Besides, they have a higher
bioavailability (ie they are more effective than tablets). Unfortunately, their
shelf-life is shorter, they are more expensive and usually come in small doses
(ie you need several capsules to get the same effect you would get from a
single tablet).
So, how to take herbal remedies and how much to take depends on many
things, eg
– Condition being treated
Flu, depression, toothache, warts, sprain, insomnia, etc
– The form of medication
Oral or topical, dry or liquid, etc.
– The type of medication used
Applied to the skin, held under the tongue, inserted into the rectum, drops put
into the ear or eyes, etc.
However, there are some general guidelines when it comes to taking herbal
medicine, eg:
– Tea
Take 1 cup three to four times a day
– Capsules
Take 2-4 capsules two or three times a day.
– Tincture
1 teaspoon two to three times a day.
– Tablets
1 tablet two to three times a day.
Types of Capsules
Herbal capsules are not difficult to make at home and if you have a chronic
condition, you can save a lot of money by making rather than buying
capsules. However, the main advantage of home-made capsules is that you
know exactly what goes into them, you can be sure they contain no fillers or
allergens, and you know they are freshly-made (as you won't be producing
millions, but just a couple of dozen at a time). Besides, you can combine
herbs in any way you want, ie your capsules will be unique.
Capsules can be soft gels or hard ones and if you want to fill your own, you
should buy hard capsules. However, before you buy empty capsules, you
need to have an idea of what you are going to fill them with, ie dry herbs or
liquid medication. Besides, hard-shelled capsules may contain more than one
drug which makes them ideal for dual-action or extended-release treatments.
Soft gels are usually wider and the is medication held in a gelatine case.
Another classification of capsules is into gelatine based and vegetarian based
– Gelatin based
Gelatine used to make capsules comes from cattle or pigs (the hoofs, bones,
and connective tissue is boiled until it turns into a gel). Gel has certain health
benefits, particularly for the skin and joints. This type of capsule is less
expensive than vegetarian ones.
– Vegetarian based
These capsules are made of vegetable cellulose which comes from the bark of
the pine and spruce trees. They are tasteless and odorless and ideal for
vegetarians and vegans or for anyone else who cannot consume gelatin for
any religious, cultural, or dietary reason.
Both types of capsules can be stored for many years without going off
provided they are stored away from sunlight or heat. They should not be kept
in a fridge for that will make them dry and brittle. Both types of capsules are
ideal for storing powder or oil. They dissolve within 5 minutes after
Preparing herbs for encapsulation starts long before they are packed into
3. Store them in a dry and cool place, away from light and heat
5. Grind the herbs into a fine powder (you can do this with a coffee
grinder or with a mortar and pestle)
6. If you plan to use more than one herb, store grounded herbs
separately and mix them just before encapsulation
Other Names: Fucus vesiculosus, Black tang, Bladder fucus, rockweed, Sea
oak, Dyers fucus, cut weed, Rock wrack and Red focus.
Description: Bladderwrack is a found on the coasts the western Baltic Sea,
the North Sea, and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. It is high in iodine – a
key substance for thyroid health.
Uses: Used to take care of many thyroid ailments, e.g. underactive thyroid,
outsized thyroid Gland, and potassium deficiency. It's also utilized for
heartburn, arthritis, bronchitis, obesity, arteriosclerosis, digestive disorders,
blood cleansing, emphysema, urinary tract disorders, constipation as well as
nervousness. Other uses include boosting the immune system and increasing
How to Use: Bladderwrack might be consumed whole, taken as tea or even
blended with sea turtles from beverages and smoothies. To make tea, then
combine 1 teaspoon per cup of warm spring water, and then allow to sit for
15 minutes prior to drinking. This may be taken one or two times every
Caution: Bladderwrack may potentially contain high levels of potassium,
which might worsen some thyroid issues, so avoid protracted high or used
HISTORY: Burdock was used as far back as the middle ages to heal several
disorders. They have been used by early herbalists to relieve pain and purify
the bloodstream from China, India and Europe.
DESCRIPTION: Burdock Root comprises all 102 minerals which form the
human body in trace quantities.
KEY BENEFITS: Assists with indigestion, joint pain, detoxifying the liver,
and balancing hormones. Helps improve skin quality, decrease
inflammation, and reduce blood glucose levels. USES: Heal insomnia,
cancer, Gastrointestinal ailments, joint pain, arthritis, kidney infections,
complications of syphilis, & skin ailments such as psoriasis. May assist with
gout, thyroid health, bladder ailments + kidney & gallbladder stones.
TASTE: Getting a nutty sweetness and taste
HOW TO USE: Blend it with Dandelion Root to get a great "java" or into
Perrier + Date Syrup to create a "beer. I love to blend it with other herbs to
provide me a nutrient increase. Since Sarsaparilla is greatest in iron and
behaves as a magnet for the rest of the minerals, I blend them frequently
(typically with a 3rd herb which rounds out the taste (such as Linden
Flower). CAUTION: If You've Got a Bleeding disease, burdock may
increase bleeding.
Cascara Sagrada (The World’s Natural Laxative)
Other names: Rhamnus Purshiana, Bitter bark, Sacred bark, Cascara
buckthorn, Bearberry, chittem rod and chitticum stick
Variants: None
History/Origin: The bark of Cascara Sagrada was used as far back as the
1600s from the natives of the Pacific shore and Euro-Americans as a natural
laxative. It was also used as one of many anthraquinone-containing herbal
medications. Commercially it's known as"Cascara sagrada" (meaning 'sacred
bark' at Spanish), though, traditionally it's called "Chittem bark" or
"Chitticum bark". Spanish soldiers moving round the Pacific Northwest
struck many natives utilizing the bark for a laxative and gave it the title
"sacred bark" with regard to its own efficacy.
Description: Considered a high All-natural laxative by herbalists. It's
supposed to be the best herb for colon cleansing accessible. Cascara sagrada
is proven to serve as a natural antibiotic in the intestines when taken
internally. It's been used to eliminate gastrointestinal ailments such as
How it functions: Cascara sagrada will cause a bowel movement over eight to
12 hours taking a dose. It induces muscular contraction in the gut which help
move stool throughout the gut. Additionally stimulates the liver/pancreas
Cascara sagrada increases the secretion of bile in the gallbladder. As a result
of this property, it's been used to divide and prevent gallstones.
Key benefits: Laxative for constipation, therapy for hepatitis, liver disorders,
and also cancer. A colon cleaner thought to enhance the muscular tone of the
colon walls.
Other applications: It Is believed to ease the strain and pain associated with
hemorrhoids and anal fissures too (however this claim is just supported by
traditional use).
Taste: It does not taste great.
How to utilize: Cascara sagrada will generally cause a bowel movement
within 12 hours, so it is Ideal to take it at night in order that at the morning it
is simpler to use the bathroom
Caution/Side Outcomes: Can cause laxative dependence since the intestines
start to adapt to this anthraquinones and be able to operate by themselves.
Please refrain from accepting it for more than two weeks without needing a
rest (at least two days). Don't advise
Drinking this and then heading out for a very long amount of time in which
you must use a toilet in somebody else's home.
The plant is indigenous to Europe and has been used for centuries for
medicinal purposes. Ancient Egyptians worshipped it for its incredible
healing powers. It has a soothing effect on your skin and calming effect on
your mind which is why it is used for skin conditions or as a tea to help you
get a good night's sleep.
Chamomile boosts your immune system by helping your sleep well because
when you're well-rested, your immune system works better. It is usually
taken as a tea to reduce muscle tension and anxiety, to improve digestion,
relieve stomach cramps. It has a powerful sedative effect and if you have
trouble sleeping make a strong brew before going to bed. You can wash your
face with chamomile tea or pour strong chamomile tea into your bath to
relieve sunburn. Use only loose-leaf chamomile, never teabags.
Chaparral (The Anti-Inflammotory Herb)
Dandelion Root
OTHER NAMES: Lentodon taraxacum, Blow-ball, Bitterwort Cankerwort,
Common dandelion, Clockflower, Irish daisy, piss-in-bed, Lion's tooth,
Pissinlit, Puffball, Priest's crown, swine's snout, Yellow gowan, Telltime.
HISTORY: Dandelion was a well-known recovery plant for centuries. They
have been popular in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece and also have been
utilized in their conventional medicine. Dandelions likely came in America
by travellers that used it for medicinal advantages.
DESCRIPTION: Even though a Fantastic coffee substitute, Dandelion is an
awesome herb for liver-cleansing. Cleansing the liver provides you some
energy back. Thus, drinking it in the morning is a superb java substitute and
allows the entire body to stay in detox mode rather than getting all of the acid
that coffee drinking could create within the body.
KEY BENEFITS: This amazing Herb may improve your immune system,
destroy free radicals, combat diabetes, and help with sinus ailments, and even
combat cancer. Additionally, it enhances energy levels; alleviates stomach
upset, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, & eczema; and
utilized to treat viral diseases.
USES: It's been used to deal with Viral diseases and improve immunity.
Reduces inflammation and cholesterol; reduces blood pressure, also helps
regulate glucose levels.
HOW IT WORKS: Its curative Impact in the liver also helps cleanse the
bloodstream that assists in clearing up skin conditions such as psoriasis,
eczema and psoriasis.
TASTE: Dandelion Root Tea Tastes much like java, so there is no excuse to
not give up coffee for your wholesome lifestyle. Insert Hemp Milk and Date
Syrup and you have got the healthiest latte in history
HOW TO USE: You are able to consume the Flowers, leaves, stalks, and also
the origin. The whole plant may be utilized in salads, soups, and vegetable
CAUTION: In some individuals, Dandelion might lead to stomach distress,
diarrhea and heartburn.
Lupulo is a well-known natural remedy used to relieves pain. help to calm the
nerves, improve sleep, help with hot flashes. By calming you down, it
indirectly lowers your cholesterol as well as blood pressure. One usually
takes these herbs for 7 to 30 days after a cleanse, detox or fast.
The longer you fast, cleanse or detox, the better. However, there is a limit to
how long your body can go on without solid foods before it gets sick, so don't
overdo it. Therefore, regardless of how you decided to heal your body, eg
with a cleanse, detox or fast, as soon as you're done with it, start taking
revitalizing herbs and follow the Dr. Sebi alkaline diet. Irish moss and iron
can be consumed both during the cleanse and during the revitalization.
If you follow an alkaline diet, you should cleanse once a year for 7 days.
Otherwise, for the best results, you should perform a cleanse every three
Nopal (Opuntia ficus cactaceae)
Most people are probably unfamiliar with the word nopal, although most
have heard of prickly pear cactus. Nopal and prickly pear are, in fact, the
same plant. Nopal cactus originates in the deserts of the southwestern United
States and Mexico. It is a common ingredient in Mexican cuisine but can
only be eaten fresh when young (that's when the fruit is juicy and tender).
Nopal fruit is also used to make marmalade, soups, stews, and salads.
Therapeutic properties of nopal revolve around its antiviral and antioxidant
properties. There are over 100 species of nopal in Mexico and it has been
used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years.
Some of the common medicinal uses of nopal:
– Prevents viral infections
Nopal cactus has antiviral properties and early studies suggest that it can be
effectively used against herpes simplex, respiratory syncytial virus, and HIV.
– Protects nerve cells
When your nerve cells are damaged you end up with sensory loss or pain.
Nopal cactus can protect against this damage
– Protects cells from free radicals
Being high in antioxidants, nopal protects your cells from damage caused by
free radicals.
– Regulates blood sugar
Consistent use of opal cactus can regulate blood sugar levels. It is best if
nopal is taken together with other diabetic medications.
– Helps treat enlarged prostate
An enlarged prostate makes you want to urinate more frequently. Nopal helps
not only with an enlarged prostate, it is also used in prostate cancer
– Helps reduce cholesterol
Nopal cactus can help you lower the “bad” cholesterol with much fewer side
effects than traditional cholesterol medications.
– Eliminates hangovers
Nopal cactus helps relieve the symptoms of hangovers but the problem is it
should be taken BEFORE you start drinking.
You can benefit from the healing benefits of nopal cactus either by eating it
raw or taking it as supplements (capsule, powder, or tincture).
– Commercially produced nopal juice is often mixed with other fruit
juices which means it usually contains much more sugar than the pure
nopal juice would. So, anyone with diabetes should avoid taking
commercially-produced nopal juice and should rather choose fresh fruit
or freshly squeezed home-made nopal juice.
However, when buying nopal juice from street vendors, remember that most
of them use tap water to rinse the fruit. Such juice is not pasteurized and
treated for bacteria although cattle manure is used as a fertilizer. A recent
study found that over 90% of street-sold nopal juice tested positive for
Escherichia coli and 1% tested positive for Salmonella. If you love this juice,
it's best to buy it from a reputable source.
– Nopal cactus has fewer side effects when eaten as food than when
taken as a supplement. To be on the safe side, get your nopal from a
reputable source. Potential side effects of nopal supplements include
headache, nausea, and diarrhea
– Pregnant women should never take nopal supplements
– Nopal supplements can affect your blood sugar levels, so if you have
diabetes you should be particularly careful. It's best to discuss this with
your doctor first.
Use about 6-12 drops tincture in about half an ounce (20 ml) spring water for
a well-strained infusion for conjunctivitis or a full eyebath
5. Douche
6. Syrup
Valerian Root
An ancient remedy for anxiety, stress, nervous asthma, hysterical states,
hypochondria, headaches, and stomach upsets. You can use it for
hypertension caused by stress.
Herbs, in one form or another, have been part of our diet, culture, and
medicine since time began. Herbs provide nutrition and medication. They
affect our mood and emotions. They are part of many religious ceremonies
and spiritual quests. They make our life and our environments more beautiful,
refine, and liveable. But, it is the grassroots medicine that has kept us alive
over millennia. Unfortunately, the art of self-care and preventative medicine
has been lost as we embraced “development”. But, whether we embraced it
willingly and out of ignorance or were made to forget “the old ways” for the
sake of modernity, is another question.
The fact is, more and more people are looking to nature in the hope of finding
a cure for an ailment or to protect themselves against degenerative, incurable
“diseases of civilization” (cancer, stroke, heart disease, autoimmune
disorders, obesity, diabetes, etc). There are many ways to benefit from the
nutritional and medicinal properties of herbs but the easiest ones are through
tea, food, topical application, steam inhalation, and smoke.
Infusion vs Tea
A herbal infusion and tea are, more or less, the same thing. Still, there is a
difference in the way they are made and what they are used for.
2 main differences between tea and infusion:
– The amount of herb used
To make tea, you usually need 1 or 2 teaspoons of herbs to a cup of hot
water. Water is poured over the herbs. Traditional tea is either black (Indian)
or green (Chinese) while herbal teas are made from fruits, leaves, and
To make an infusion, you use much more herbs (2-3 tablespoons per cup).
– The steep time
To make a cup of tea, you usually steep the herbs for 5-10 minutes (this
depends on the herbs and on the strength you want to achieve). After
steeping, you strain the herbs or remove the tea bags. Tea is usually taken
To make an infusion, you can use either hot or cold water. Herbs are usually
steeped for several hours, or in the case of the cold water infusions,
overnight. Because it is steeped for longer, an infusion is usually higher in
nutrients than tea.
In other words, both infusion and tea are a process of extracting chemical
compounds or flavor from a plant. But, neither infusion nor tea ever use
boiling water. Water should be hot, just off the boil, otherwise, most volatile
oils would be destroyed.
However, tea and infusion are terms that are often used interchangeably. The
point is, certain plant nutrients only become available if the herb has been
soaked in hot water for a long time. We now know that it takes at least four
hours to get a significant amount of nutrients from the herb into the water.
Roots and barks need to be seeped for at least 8 hours.
This may come as a surprise to many, but if you steep 2 teaspoons of nettle
tea in hot water for ten minutes, you get about 5-10 mg of calcium. But, if
you steep 2 spoonfuls of nettle tea in a liter of hot water for at least 4 hours,
you get over 200 mg of calcium per cup (plus all the other nutrients the nettle
leaves contain).
So, a long herbal infusion gives a beverage high in minerals, vitamins,
essential fatty acids, and proteins. Such a drink also contains anti-cancer
phytochemicals and antioxidants, as well as many nutrients essential for
healthy bones, a balanced immune system, strong nerves, stable blood sugar,
good digestion, etc. In fact, it is much more effective to take herbal nutrients
through an infusion than through nutritional supplements. Liquids (eg
infusion) is absorbed by the bloodstream without having to go to the stomach
where some of the nutrients are destroyed by gastric acid.
Many professional herbalists will confirm that if used consistently, long
infusions are a very efficient natural remedy for many conditions, eg
osteoporosis, anxiety, adrenal burnout, eczema, diabetes, sinus problems,
allergies, hormonal problems, infertility, joint pain, high blood pressure, etc.
This is because long infusions provide large amounts of nutrients that cannot
be obtained from teas or tinctures.
Long herbal infusions are believed to be one of the best (and easiest) ways to
improve your overall health, eg your energy levels will increase, you will
become more resilient to stress, you will sleep better because your body will
have enough nutrients necessary for supporting a healthy nervous system,
you will gradually even stop craving junk foods, etc. In other words, by
choosing your plants carefully, with long infusions, you can easily add all the
essential nutrients to your diet.
However, not all herbs are suitable for long infusion, eg St. John's Wort.
Herbs that have very powerful sedative or stimulating properties, should
never be prepared this way although they are perfectly safe to take as tea.
How to make a long infusion:
– Take 1 oz (28 grams) of chosen dried herbs (that's about 4
– Place in a glass or ceramic jar with a lid
– Cover with one liter hot water
– Stir and close tightly with the lid
– Let it sit for 4-8 hours (or overnight)
– Strain and refrigerate unless you plan to use it during the day. It will
keep in the fridge for 48 hours. You can gently reheat it, add honey,
milk, sugar, or salt and tamari (to nettles),
The best herbs to use for long infusion include:
– Oatstraw
– Comfrey
– Red clover
– Nettles
– Violet
– Linden
– Chickweed
– Burdock root
– Dandelion root
These two last herbs are an essential part of the Dr. Sebi-approved alkaline
When used as a tincture, Burdock Root provides support for the menopausal
symptoms eg hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, increases vaginal
lubrication, etc. It also helps you detox, stabilize blood sugar, and improve
A Burdock tonic can help you lose weight by improving your metabolism,
reducing cravings, and strengthening a sluggish thyroid.
A Dandelion tonic can also help you lose weight by improving your
metabolism, while Dandelion root remedies support the liver and make detox
On top of all these health benefits, both Burdock and Dandelion leaves and
root can be taken as long infusion, a process that intensifies their healing
No wonder Dr. Sebi was so passionate about these herbs.
The herbs mentioned so far are mainly those used in Western cuisine. The
herbs and spices used in other parts of the world are often very different.
Asian cuisine is particularly well-known for the variety of herbs ad spices,
many of which have well-known therapeutic properties, eg turmeric, ginger,
cloves, etc.
Some of the best-known herbs used in Asian cooking include:
– Cardamom
– Cloves
– Black pepper
– Cumin
– Coriander
– Nutmeg
– Curry leaf
– Mustard seeds
– Fenugreek
– Turmeric
– Saffron
– Allspice
– Tamarind
– Star anise
– Ginger
– Chilli
– Cassia
– Sesame seed and oil
– Fennel seed
Dried or fresh herbs are steeped in alcohol or water. The alcohol not only
extracts the plant's active ingredients, it also serves as a preservative. A
tincture will keep for two years. Tinctures should be made from individual
herbs. If you need to mix them, you can do so with the already prepared
3. Infused oil
Herbs' active ingredients can be extracted in oil and used in massage oils,
creams, and ointments. Oil can be infused in two ways: the hot method
(suitable for comfrey, chickweed, and rosemary) and the cold method
(suitable for calendula and St. John's Wort).
4. Cream
A cream is a mixture of water and oils. It softens the skin and is easily
absorbed by the skin. Home-made creams will last for only several months
but their shelf life can be extended by keeping them in a fridge or by adding a
few drops of a preservative.
5. Compress
This is similar to a compress except that instead of using only the liquid, the
whole herb is used. Poultices are usually applied hot. You soak whole leaves
in hot water. After a while, you drain them and apply them to painful areas.
7. Decoction
This method is used to extract a plant's active ingredients from roots, barks,
twigs, and some berries. The herb is put in cold water and simmered on low
heat for one hour.
8. Vaginal douche
A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath used to provide relief from pain, itching,
and irritation in the genital area. . Different soothing or antimicrobial herbs
can be added to a sitz bath. For example, you can try using 1 cup of each -
witch hazel bark or leaves, yarrow, calendula, uva ursi, plantain, lavender,
lemon balm. Put them in a big bowl, pour over 2 liters of hot water, and let it
steep for 20 minutes. Fill the tub with enough water so that your genitals are
covered and add the infusion of herbs. If you don't have all of the herbs, you
can use only some of them. There are many other herbs you can use and this
partly depends on the symptoms you are experiencing.
10. Linament
11. Lotion
The lotion is a topical remedy with low viscosity, ie it has low water content.
It is applied to the skin with bare hands, a brush, a clean cloth, or cotton
wool. Lotions are usually cosmetic products, rather than medical ones (eg
hand lotion, suntan lotion, etc).
12. Ointment
Essential oil is basically the essence of a flower. These oils have many
therapeutic applications and are usually used diluted with carrier oils.
Herbs have been used to support our health since time immemorial. We often
support our various organs unknowingly by following a diet rich in nutrient-
dense foods (eg, beets, garlic, oregano, broccoli, etc). However, people
usually start taking herbs seriously only once they become aware of their
numerous health benefits. Unfortunately, this usually happens only once their
health has been compromised.
Another reason for the growing interest in herbal remedies is that many
strains of bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. That's why people are
now turning to nature in search of time-tested, non-toxic medication.
In this chapter, we will look at herbs that support the pancreas, kidneys, liver,
respiratory organs, and colon. What will immediately become obvious is that
certain herbs have so many active ingredients, they benefit almost all the
organs, eg dandelion, licorice, horsetail, etc.
Herbs for Pancreas and Kidney Support
The pancreas is an organ that produces enzymes and hormones that aid
digestion. Its proper functioning is particularly important for diabetics.
Fortunately, there are many herbs that not only protect the pancreas from
disease but help restore it in case it has become inflamed, ie in the case of
Herbs helpful in maintaining and restoring pancreatic health include:
– Lemons
Being rich in vitamin C and magnesium, lemons provide nutritional support
to patients with pancreatitis.
– Licorice root
Anti-inflammatory properties of licorice can help reduce the pain and
swelling that is typical of pancreatitis.
– Goldenseal
This herb supports the pancreas by lowering blood sugar levels which is
particularly beneficial to diabetics.
– Horsetail
One of the consequences of pancreatitis is that its tissue gets broken.
Horsetail helps regenerate it.
– Oregano
Oregano is an excellent natural remedy for hyperglycemia as well as many
other complications that result from diabetes.
– Dandelion
Dandelion root extract (tincture) kills pancreatic cancer cells even when
nothing else seems to work. Besides, dandelion root tea is an efficient natural
remedy for flushing toxins out of the body which helps restore the damaged
pancreatic tissues.
– Gentian
Gentian roots remedies improve digestion by boosting the production of
pancreatic enzymes.
– Olive leaves
Consistent use of olive leaf extract (tincture) will improve the overall
functioning of the pancreas. It will also reduce the pain and swelling caused
by pancreatitis and protects the pancreas from the damage caused by free
radicals. Consistent use will significantly lower your risk of pancreatic
– Garlic
Pancreas benefits from garlic because it reduces the amount of sugar in the
blood while at the same time stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.
Another organ essential to your overall health are the kidneys. Their main
function is to filter the blood and they do this by removing waste from the
body (mainly urea). They also regulate the body's water volume and salt
content. Chronic kidney disease, ie the gradual loss of kidney function, is a
life-threatening condition. Sadly, many people are unaware their kidneys are
rapidly degenerating. The main causes of this condition are diabetes and high
blood pressure.
The best herbs to support your kidneys include:
– Horsetail
Valued for its diuretic properties that help flush out the urinary tract and
– Green tea
Recommended to everyone whose kidneys are not functioning properly
because of its powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It also
contains polyphenols that prevent the formation of kidney stones.
– Hydrangea root
A great herb to support your bladder and kidney health. Prevents the kidney
stones from forming by helping the body use calcium so there is no surplus
the body turns to kidney stones.
– Couch grass
This herb will increase your urine production which will indirectly help you
solve some of your urinary tract infections – the more often you urinate, the
more likely you are to flush out the pathogens. Couch grass can also help
dissolve kidney stones.
– Goldenrod
This is a well-known folk remedy for urinary tract problems, including
malfunctioning kidneys.
– Chanca Piedra
The name means “stone breaker”. This is the most popular herb throughout
South America when it comes to getting rid of kidney stones naturally.
– Java tea
Drinking Java tea will not only help you keep your kidneys healthy, it will
also help you dissolve kidney stones and cure kidney infections.
– Dandelion
Dandelion is a strong diuretic and a very efficient natural remedy for kidney
detox. Consistent use will help dissolve kidney stones.
– Celery root
Both the root and the seeds have diuretic properties and are recommended to
everyone with urinary tract problems.
Herbs for Liver Support
The liver is one of your key organs because it helps you stay free of toxins. It
constantly processes the waste that gets into our system from the
environment, diet, or unhealthy living habits. A liver that's no longer
functioning properly may be the cause of many other health conditions, eg
frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, hormonal problems, nervous system
disorders, kidney problems, cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, etc.
So, to stay healthy, you need to take very good care of your liver and support
it in any way we can. If you can't reduce the toxic load, at least include the
herbs that support liver health in your diet.