Epic 40K Aeronautica
Epic 40K Aeronautica
Epic 40K Aeronautica
Epic 40K Aeronautica is a non-profit fan-based expansion to Aeronautica Imperialis, which brings Epic 40k
models into the current edition of Aeronautica Imperialis (by Alistair Cleave [Version 1.1, May 2022]). The
concept of Build Points [pages 2-6] was copied from Ground Installations, a separate fan-based expansion to
Aeronautica Imperialis (By Stuart West [Version 1, Sept 2019])).
The main rulebook covers the rules for playing Aeronautica Imperialis, and are not reproduced here. You will
need a copy of the main rulebook to fully play Epic 40k models in Aeronautica Imperialis.
All references lifted from Warhammer 40k, Epic 40k and Aeronautica Imperialis [including logos, terms, unit
names, titles and rules] are property of Games Workshop.
Version 1.1: Addition of Weapon Profile Adjustments for Weapon Types. Updated Titan Rules.
Ground Installations is a term that covers all forms of First you need to decide how large you want your
hard ground targets, be they buildings, airfields, military ground Installation to be. The size will determine the
bases, strong points, trench lines, factories, warehouses minimum and maximum number of Build points you
and any other form of building that constitutes a viable can spend on the installation, and how many defensive
target for attack. weapons the installation can have.
The main rulebook covers buildings as ground targets Size Build Points Defenses
and gives a basic list of hits for different sizes of
buildings. This chapter expands upon those rules and,as Min Max
well as providing more examples of building targets,
allows players to design their own ground installations. Small 4 8 0
STEP THREE: CHOOSE CONSTRUCTION TYPE Example: As a lar ge installation I c an lake two
Each building should be assigned a construction type, defenses for my command base. I will include two
which can be either standard, reinforced or hardened. Hydr a platfor ms, costing me 2 Build points. So far I
have spent 11 B uild points in total.
Standard construction - This is well made but not
designed to resist attacks. Buildings of standard
construction have their standard number of hits andcost
no extra Build points
A small landing pad is large enough for one fightersized Shield generator 2 2
Bunker entrance* 5 4
A medium landing pad is large enough for two fighter
sized aircraft or one bomber.
For Vehicles the general Build Points and Hits for Ground Just like in Warhammer 40K, the size of many units
Installations is applied: can be increased above the minimum requirement.
This is referred to as increasing the Squad size, and is
Build Points Hits indicated on the EPIC 40K datasheet as Squad +X;
where X is the number of times this unit’s Squad size
Light Vehicle 1 1 can be increased. If the Squad value is -, or no Squad
stat is given, then this unit can not increase its Squad
Armoured Vehicle 2 2 size.
Heavy Armoured 3 3 Not every Vehicle will fit neatly into these categories;
as such the following general rule was applied, in that
for ever 6 Wounds in Warhammer 40K, 1 Build Point
Lord of War Vehicle 4 4
and 1 Hit point was assigned.
Example: Light Vehicles would include vehicles which tend to Note this rule wasn’t applied to Infantry, due to the
have a Toughness value of 5 or 6 in Warhammer 40K, such as higher numbers and Wounds would skew the
Sentinels, Tauros, Artillery, Centaur. numbers and not compensate for how squishy
Armoured Vehicle would include your usual vehicles which tend Infantry are compared to Vehicles.
to have around 10-12 Wounds in Warhammer 40k, such as
Chimera, Leman Russ, Rhino, Predator. Build Points Hits
Heavy Armoured Vehicle would include those slightly larger
vehicles which tend to have around 16-18 Wounds in 10x Unit of 1Wound 1 1
Warhammer 40k, such as Malcador, Landraider. [Light Infantry]
Lord of War Vehicle would include vehicles which are Lord of
5x Unit of 2Wounds 1* 1**
War type in Warhammer 40K, such as Gorgon, Macharius,
[Armoured Infantry]
Spartan, Falchion.
5x Unit of 3Wounds 2 1**
For Infantry the general Build Points and Hits for Ground [Heavy Armoured
Installations is applied: Infantry]
Note that special rules may apply to some ranges shown Twin Lascannon 2+ 0-2-1
above. For example weapons with a range of 0-12” are
considered very short, and gain the special rule ‘Short’ – Quad Lascannon 2+ 0-4-2
additional special rules are explained in a later step.
MELEE WEAPONS *The DMG stat of a Strength S8 weapon appears to
Currently there are no Melee weapon profiles in differ in Aeronautica, though my interpretation has
Aeronautica Imperialis; as such FPR of Melee weapons has been that physical/solid projectiles have DMG 3+ [for
been calculated as X = ½ the Attack value of the unit in example Shells & Missiles], while energy weapons
Warhammer 40K (rounded up). This is applied for all units have DMG 2+ [for example Melta & Las]. An exception
with 1 or 2 models; however it doesn’t carry for larger to this is that Lance and Grav weapons also appear to
units like 10+ models of Light Infantry – this is because in be DMG 3+.
Warhammer 40K not ever model in larger units would be
able to take part in any given round of Close Combat. As Note that for Plasma and similar weapons which can
such for most Infantry units, X is capped at 3; though Melee be overcharged for a 2nd profile with a higher Strength
focused Armies (for example Tyranids, Orks and Daemons) in Warhammer 40K, the lower Strength is applied
may have higher X value. here, and a new Special Rule ‘Overcharged (2+)’ is
applied – additional special rules are explained in a
Similar to Melee Weapons, the X value of a Unit of a Ranged
weapons is capped at X = 3; this is to stop Units of 10 Light
Infantry being disproportionally higher FPR compared to EXISTING WEAPON EXAMPLES
over Infantry with a similar BP value. Below are a list of some existing weapon profiles in
Aeronautica Imperialis which appear to conform with
STEP THREE: GENERATING DMG the conversion guidelines generated above.
Next we’ll generate the DMG value using the Strength value
of the Weapon in Warhammer 40K. DMG FPR
S5 5+ Autocanon 4+ 1-2-0
From the AI, Imperium have 3 examples here [Heavy
Stubber, Autocannon, and Hydra Flak]. The FPR for Heavy
Stubber appears to be ½ [rounded down] number of
shots in 40k, while FPR for Autocannon 1x number of
shots in 40k. The Hydra Flak is just an Anti-Air Quad
Autocannon and its main FPR matches that of a Quad
Autocannon [6], which its FPR applies 3 values [X-Y-Z]
decreasing in incremental amounts; and despite having a
longer range, the main FPR for the Hydra Flak occurs at a
shorter range to the Autocannon – this may be a factor of
it being ground-to-air and may be a reflection of the
effective altitude.
The Range and DMG is per previous calculations, though
the difference for FPR is unknown. For now Heavy Auto
Weapons are assumed for have a main FPR 1x number of
shots in 40k.
From the AI, Imperium only have Punisher Cannon. The
Range is 1 longer than expected for 24”, though the main
FPR is ½ number of shots in 40k [as per previous
calculations], and the DMG of 5+ is as expected for
Strength 5.
It is noted that the Avenger Bolt Cannon, which is also a
type of Rotary Ballistic Weapon, also had the main FPR 1
longer than expected for its Range in 40k.
As part of the Weapon Profiles developed for use with Epic 40k Ground Units, the following adjustments and/or Special Rules
have been applied [note these adjustments have not been applied to Units of Weapons as these trend to be Small Arms which
have their own adjusted rules]:
Adjust calculated FPR by x2. Increase calculated Range by 1 [longest range = Y value unless
Lasers / Las Weapons
already calculated as X]. Consider DMG equivalent to that calculated for 1 less Strength.
No special adjustments yet [no AI examples available].
Melta Weapons
Adjust calculated FPR by +1. Increase calculated Range by 1 [shortage range = X if it was X
Monofilament Weapons
previously, otherwise = Y]. Consider DMG equivalent to that calculated by 1 less Strength.
Adjust calculated FPR by x2.
Ordnance Weapons
Ork Firearms Add ‘Dakka(X)’ Special Rule, where X = Main FPR +50%. Shortest Range is aways X (even if
its calculated as Y). Add ‘Extra Damage (6+)’ Special Rule for any Strength 6 or greater [note
‘Extra Damage’ cannot exceed 6+].
If the Plasma Weapon can overheat in 40k then no special adjustments, but add ‘Overcharge
Plasma Weapons
(2+)’ Special Rule.
If the Plasma Weapon cannot overheat in 40k then adjust calculated FPR by x2, and improve
calculated DMG by +1 (e.g. 4+ becomes 3+).
Use normal Power Weapons.
Powered Weapons
Projectiles Missile’s Range & FPR default to 2-2-2 [note this is Missiles & Missile Arrays, not Missile
Launchers], and have ‘Extra Damage (6+)’ Special Rule.
Bomb’s Range & FPR default to 4-0-0, and have ‘Extra Damage (5+)’ Special Rule.
Big Bomb’s Range & FPR default to 6-0-0, and have ‘Extra Damage (4+)’ Special Rule.
Huge [1 off] Bomb’s Range & FPR default to 10-0-0, and have ‘Extra Damage (3+)’ Special
Use AI weapon profiles.
Rail Weapons
Use normal Power Weapons.
Shock Weapons
Adjust calculated FPR by x4. Decrease calculated DMG by -1 (e.g. 4+ becomes 5+).
Shuriken Weapons
No special adjustments yet [no AI examples available].
Sonic Weapons
Tesla Weapons Adjust calculated FPR by x3. Default Range is X-Y-Z [where Z is ½ Y]. Add ‘Extra Damage
(6+)’ Special Rule for any Strength 6 or greater.
Adjust FPR by x2. Any ‘Extra Damage (X+)’ Special Rule calculated is improved by +2 (e.g.
Vortex Weapons
‘Extra Damage (6+)’ becomes ‘Extra Damage (4+)’).
Epic 40k in Aeronuatica allows players to fight dramatic
Transport Units are specific units with a BP value no
battles in the mud-strewn wilderness of alien planet
greater than 2. Transport Units can only transport
surface. The models used to play Epic 40k in Aeronautica
Troop Units and HQ Units which don’t have the
represent various models of the 41st Millennium. These fall
‘Bulky’ special rule.
into the following categories:
In addition a Transport Unit can share a hex with the
HQ Unit unit it can transport. If this hex is targeted by an
HQ Units are leaders or infantry unit with specialist skills attack, on a successful hit roll a D6; 1-4 hits the
apted to supporting their army. Each HQ Unit is capable of Transport Unit, 5-6 hits the Infantry.
using one of the following skills per turn [if listed on
profile]: Elite Unit
Command - As long as this unit didn’t move this round; Elite Units tend to be Heavy Armoured Infantry,
once per round this unit can command an adjacent friendly Beasts, Lightly Armoured Vehicles or Single Manned
Troop Unit; till the end of this round that friendly ground Walkers. Elite Units can move and attack with any of
unit can re-roll all attacks, though the re-roll must be their weapons as usual.
Elite Command - As long as this unit didn’t move this Fast Unit
round; once per round this unit can command an adjacent
Fast Units tend to be Cavalry, or Vehicles with a Move
friendly Elite Unit; till the end of this round that friendly
characteristic greater than 1. Fast Units can move
ground unit can re-roll all attacks, though the re-roll must
and attack with any of their weapons as usual.
be accepted.
Fast Command - As long as this unit didn’t move this round;
once per round this unit can command an adjacent friendly Heavy Unit
Fast Unit; till the end of this round that friendly ground unit Heavy Units tend to be Monsters, or standard
can re-roll all attacks, though the re-roll must be accepted. armoured Vehicles. Heavy Units can move and attack
Tank Command - As long as this unit didn’t move this with any of their weapons as usual.
round; once per round this unit can command an adjacent
friendly Heavy Unit; till the end of this round that friendly Lord of War Unit
ground unit can re-roll all attacks, though the re-roll must Lord of War Units are Large Vehicles, Large
be accepted. Monsters, Knights or Titans. Lord of War Units can
Mechanic - As long as this unit didn't move this round; once move and attack with any of their weapons as usual.
per round this unit can remove 1 damage from an adjacent
friendly Heavy Unit or Lord of War Unit.
Medic - As long as this unit didn't move this round; once
per round this unit can remove 1 damage from an adjacent Fortifications are structures and other immovable
friendly Troop Unit. units; they are placed on the board during initial
Furthermore, some HQ Units have additional special deployment [usually as part of your Ground
features [if listed on profile]: Installations] and cannot be moved for any reason –
Unique - Some HQ Units are Unique. In this case your army unless they are destroyed then they are removed
may only contain a maximum of 1 of this HQ Unit. from the board as per usual.
Bulky - Some HQ Units are Bulky. This HQ Unit is not able Some Fortifications may have a Transport value; this
to embark Transport Units or Fortifications. means eligible units may enter as per normal rules
for Transport Units, with the exception that you can
Troop Unit not share the same time while not embarked.
Troop Units can only move and attack with Small Arms and
Melee weapons; unless they have the Move and Shoot
special rule.
GROUND UNIT TYPES Light / Armoured Cavalry
In addition to Ground Unit Class; ground units also fall into Any model on a mount or bike is considered cavalry. Cavalry
a Ground Unit Type. In most part this doesn’t affect any is usually always a Fast Unit. Cavalry will have between 2 and
rules, but is useful when applying the conversion rules 4 models per 25mm round [or 10x40mm] base, depending on
covered previously as part of consistency. the number of Wounds in Warhammer 40k.
All Cavalry have the Flesh is Weak(X) Special Rule.
Many HQ Units, and almost all Troop Units will be Infantry. Monster
These tend to be 1 or 2 Wound models in Warhammer 40k Any model which has the Monster Keyword in Warhammer
and should usually be 5 models per 25mm round [or 40k is considered a Monster here.
10x40mm] base. Unless they have the Bulky Special Rule, Monsters are usually a Heavy Unit. Monsters should be 1 per
Infantry can enter Fortifications, Buildings and Transport 25mm round base.
Vehicles as long as it’s within the permissible Transport
value. Vehicle
All Infantry will have Flesh is Weak(X) Special Rule. Tanks and Walkers are Vehicles. Any Vehicle not considered a
Lord of War should be 1 per 25mm round base.
Swarm Tanks tend to be Heavy Unit, unless its primary purpose is not
Smaller than Troops, Swarms tend have multiple pieces for attack (e.g. repair Vehicles), in which they will be an Elite
per model, with 5 or more models per 25mm round [or Unit. Faster, lighter Vehicles tend to be a Fast Unit and will
10x40mm] base. have the Lightly Armoured(X) Special Rule.
Swarms are usually a Troop Unit, but they cannot go in Walkers tend to be Elite Unit.
Fortifications, Buildings or Transport Vehicles.
All swarms have the Squishie Special Rule. Lord of War
Any unit considered a Lord of War in Warhammer 40k will
Light / Armoured Beast also be a Lord of War here.
Any model which is larger than standard Infantry, but not A Lord of War cannot Squad Up and will take up a hex by its
counted as a Monster in Warhammer 40k is considered a self, so can be based appropriately.
Beasts are usually always an Elite Unit.
All Beast will have the Flesh is Weak(X) Special Rule.
A Ground Unit profile is broken down into the following The number of damaging hits a ground unit can take before it
sections: is destroyed. Note this is similar to Structure for aircraft.
Ambush Fire
If this ground unit starts this turn in the rear arc of an
enemy unit within Short Range [i.e. within 4 hexes], then it
can attempt an ambush in the Tailing Fire Phase against
that enemy unit.
In the Tailing Fire Phase, this unit can attempt to fire a
ranged weapon at the ambushed enemy unit. Normal rules
for firing apply, with the exception that the D6 roll required
to hit is always a 6+.
Note Melee weapons cannot be used for Ambush Fire
unless you are in the adjacent hex to the enemy unit.
Note only Infantry, Beasts and Cavalry may attempt an
Below is a list of new weapon special rules generated as On a successful DMG, this weapon pins the targeted
part of the new weapon profiles for Epic 40k: enemy unit:
- A Pinned ground unit can not move in their next
Small Arms movement phase;
All units can move and shoot with Small Arms.
- A Pinned Aerial Unit is forced down -1 Altitude and
A Small Arms weapon can never cause more than 1 damage
is Stalled; if this forces the unit to an Altitude of 0
per round.
when the unit crashes and is destroyed.
All units can move and attack with Melee weapons. Precise
Melee weapons can only hit enemy units in an adjacent hex. This weapon gets +1 to any HIT rolls made.
Melee weapons can only hit enemy ground units.
Infantry, Beast and Cavalry Units can only use Melee Focus
weapons if they dont use any Ranged weapons (with the As long as this unit didn’t move this round; instead of
exception of Pistols) in the same round. firing all weapons, this unit may choose to fire its
A Melee weapon of DMG 5+ (with the exception of Tyranid main weapon [1st weapon listed] twice as long as the
Units) can never cause more than 1 damage per round to target is in a direct line forward on the Front Arc.
Monsters, Vehicles or Fortifications.
Some Ranged weapons have a very short range, and can If this unit moved closer to the targeted enemy unit
only hit a target up to a distance of 2 hexes instead of the this turn, this Melee weapon improves its DMG roll by
minimum 4 hexes. +1 this turn (to a maximum of 2+).
DMG Special
Such units are able to fire their weapons at aircraft with an
effective altitude of X.
Titanic(0) 4+ -
Such units are so bulky that they cannot end its movement
Titanic(1) 2+ Extra Damage (6+)
phase on a hex adjacent to another hex occupied by
another Titanic model.
Titanic(2) 2+ Extra Damage (5+)
Example: A Warhound Titan has Titanic(1) special rule; which
Titanic(3) 2+ Extra Damage (4+)
means it takes up 1 entire hex, and equivalent altitude height
of 1. While a Warlord Titan has Titanic(3) special rule; which Titanic(4) 2+ Extra Damage (3+)
means it takes up 3 entire hexes, and equivalent altitude height
of 3.
If a Titanic model collides with blocking terrain, the
blocking terrain will suffer D3 hits at a profile
When a Titanic model takes up more than 1 hex, all hexes
equivalent as shown above, while the Titanic model
should be adjacent to each other [i.e. not in a line] as shown
will suffer D6 hits at a profile equivalent as shown in
below for Titanic(3):
the table below:
DMG Special
Small Structure - -
Medium Building 6+ -
Large Building 5+ -
Terrain Height
In the event a Ground Unit ends up on an Impassible
For every 50mm of height, terrain is considered to have an
Terrain hex, the effects of Dangerous Terrain
additional altitude of height. For buildings 50mm
immediately take affect.
corresponds to approximately 5 stories. This means that
Small Structures and Medium Buildings have a height
equivalent to altitude 0, while Large Buildings can have a Dangerous Terrain
height equivalent to altitude 1. Very Large Buildings can Terrain Hexes like minefields or cracks of lava are
have a height equivalent to altitude 2. considered Dangerous Terrain for Ground Units. Only
flying units can move directly over Dangerous Terrain;
Blocking Terrain though if any Ground Unit [without the Fly Special
Any prominent terrain feature that fills an entire hex and is Rules] moves onto such a hex, or any Ground Unit ends
at least 2 stories high [approximately 20mm] then the its movement on such a hex, roll a D6; on a roll of 1
considered blocking terrain. Only flying units can move that Ground Unit suffers 1 DMG which cannot be saved
directly over Blocking Terrain as if it isn’t there; though for any reason.
Ground Units with the Fly Special Rule are limited to
maximum height of altitude 1. If a Ground Unit [without the Fly Special Rule]
happens to move over and/or onto multiple
Blocking Terrain obscures Ground Units from firing at Dangerous Terrain Hexes in the same movement
other Ground Units, if the Blocking Terrain is directly phase, then roll a D6 as per above for each hex.
between the two Ground Units.
Partially Obscuring Terrain Other Ground Units [friendly and enemy] occupy a
Small Structures are usually limited to 1 stories high and as hex and prevent other Ground Units from moving
such are only partly obscuring between Ground Units. onto or through that occupied hex; though Ground
Ground Units can share a Terrain Hex containing only Units with the Fly Special Rule can move over
Small Structures, and Ground Units move around or over occupied hexes unimpeded. Ground Units (with the
Small Structures unimpeded. exception of those with the Titanic(X) Special Rule)
are considered to have a height equivalent to altitude
Partially Obscuring Terrain does not obscure Ground Units 0.
from firing at other Ground Units.
Occupied Hexes are only considered partially
Difficult Terrain
obscuring in terms of firing, and do not obscure
When a Blocking Terrain is destroyed, it is reduced to a hex
Ground Units from firing at other Ground Units.
of uneven rubble which is considered Difficult Terrain.
Irrespective of the original Blocking Terrain, Difficult
Terrain has an altitude of 0. Ground Units can move onto or
The normal rules for Reserves can also be applied to
across Difficult Terrain, but this will reduce the Ground
ground units.
Unit’s Speed Profile by -1 (to a minimum of 1); not that any
Ground Unit with the Fly Special Rule can move over
Difficult Terrain unimpeded. NIGHT FIGHTING & BAD WEATHER
The normal rules for Night Fighting and Bad Weather
can also be applied to ground units.
Below is a list of new common weapon profiles generated using the guidelines provided.