Research Methodology: 2.1 Sampling Design: Target Population
Research Methodology: 2.1 Sampling Design: Target Population
Research Methodology: 2.1 Sampling Design: Target Population
Sampling unit
The sampling units are customers of ICICI bank and SBI bank.
Sampling method
For this research we use non-probability sampling. Zikmund (1997) stated that in nonprobability sampling, the probability of any particular member of the population being chosen is unknown. The element in the population does not have any probability attached to their being chosen as sample subjects.
Snow ball sampling will be applied in this research. Snow ball sampling is used to collect the data from the customers. Snow ball sampling refers to the procedure that involves the selection of additional respondents based on referrals of initial respondents.
Sample size
Ghauri (2002) stated that sample size depend on the desired precision from the estimate. Precision is the size of the estimating interval when the problem is one of estimating a population parameter. This research selects 60 respondents as the sample size due to limited of time by asking them that they are having an account in SBI bank and ICICI
bank due to the convenience in collecting the data. The respondents can be any gender, any income level, any occupation and any education level.
Sampling plan:
The researcher is going to collect the data from the ATMS and also by visiting the bank.
The ability of a scale or a measuring instrument to measure what it is intended to measure can be termed as the validity of the measurement. Validity can be measured through several methods like face validity, content validity, criterion related validity and construct validity. For this comparative study the researcher has taken the face validity.
Face validity:
Face validity refers to the collective agreement of the experts and researchers on the validity of the measurement scale. The researcher has gave the questionnaire to the experts in banking field.
In reliability the researcher has adopted the alpha method. The reliability for the SBI bank ATM service is .630.It shows that the question regarding to SBI ATM service is reliable. And for the internet banking service is .767. And for the mobile banking service is .896. And for the core banking system is .902. If the reliability result is .6 or above .6 the data is reliable. And for this study the data is reliable because all the service are above .6.
Data Analysis:
Appropriate statistical analysis will be adopted. The data will be tabulated and analyzed.