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CT 107

His Birthplace. — Wereyou walking along the streets
of the beautiful city of Genoa in sunny Italy about four
hundred seventy years ago, you would have noticed sev-
eral clusters of children playing games or watching the
different vessels coming to or going from that well-known
port. Among these healthy Italians you would undoubt-
edly see a bright-looking little boy with laughing eyes and
golden hair, and you would be impressed with the earnest-
ness and delight with which he watched the sailing vessels
in the harbor. In a moment of curiosity, you would say,
in Italian, " What is your name, little boy ? and he would

tell you " Cristoforo Colombo.

His Education. —
After further questions, you would
find that this little Italian boy attended school in his native
city; that he was a most diligent student, especially in
history, geography, and map-drawing; and that, in his
leisure moments, his great pleasure was to listen to the
wonderful tales which the sailors told him about their
We must not think, however, that young Columbus was
an idle, lazy boy; for every evening after school he used
to help his father in the wool-combing business, and, what
is more to his credit, he did it most willingly.

Though he was always neatly dressed, especially when he

went to Mass with his father and mother on Sundays and
Holydays of Obligation, he was by no means a namby-
pamby boy. On the contrary, he was full of spirit and
brimming over with fun. When
he played, as well as when
he worked, he entered into his games with his whole
His Life as a Sailor. —
The boy's acquaintance with
many sailors, and the numerous stories he heard, helped
to develop his natural attraction for the sea. It was no
surprise to his parents when, at the age of fourteen, he
asked their permission to become a cabin boy. Indeed, it
was one of the proudest moments of his life when the ship
on which he was to sail hoisted anchor for a voyage to some
port in the Mediterranean or to some distant country, such
as France or England.
As a sailor, Christopher was a most apt pupil. He studied
with the greatest eagerness and delight every part of the
vessel; he listened to the sailors tell about the different
stars in the heavens; he sketched the seacoast of every
country which he saw; he made an outline of every port
and harbor that he visited and he soon learned how to

manage a ship.
The Problem of the Hour. —
well-known fact that
It is a
the people of Europe carried on a very large trade with
India, till the Turks made it dangerous to go there by the
overland route. Then it was that every merchant, trader,
and sailor wished to find another way to India.
Having grown to manhood, and having become proficient
as a sailor, Columbus was naturally interested in finding
a new route to India. He made a deep study of the matter.
He considered every scheme that had been proposed. He

consulted experienced seamen. He did everything that a

human being could do to solve the problem.
At last a thought occurred to him. " Since the world is
round," he said, " if I sail to the west, I shall surely reach
India. " Unfortunately for Columbus, many people be-
lieved at the time that the earth was flat so they consid-

ered his scheme actually foolish.

His First Difficulty. — Columbus, however, was too thor-
oughly convinced of the soundness of his plan to be dis-
couraged by such an objection. Endowed with great
courage and perseverance, and wishing to extend the king-
dom of God on earth, he appealed to several countries of
Europe to supply the means to make this voyage of dis-
covery; but one after another turned a deaf ear to his
Columbus, having been refused help by the King of
Portugal and the King of Spain, decided to ask the King
of France. On his way thither, he happened to stay over
night at a Spanish monastery. The prior, Father John
Perez, after a short conversation with his visitor, became
very much interested in the new route to India mapped out
by Columbus. As a result of the priest's influence with
Queen Isabella, three small sailing vessels were fitted out for
a trial voyage.
After securing the aid of the Spanish Queen, another
difficulty arose. It was impossible on
to hire sailors to go
the expedition. Many of them, thinking that the world
was flat, thought that by sailing west in the " Sea of Dark-
ness " (the Atlantic Ocean) they would reach the " Jump-
ing-ofF Place " and meet sure death.
Columbus' First Voyage. —
Notwithstanding this great
obstacle, Columbus, by dint of energy and argument, se-

cured sufficient men to man the three sailing vessels. The

morning of departure came. Thousands and thousands of
people were on hand to wish Godspeed to the Admiral and
his men. After invoking the help and protection of their
Creator, and after listening to the encouraging cheers and
prayers of the multitude, Columbus and his crew sailed
from Palos on their memorable voyage.
We can imagine the feelings which filled the breasts of
the sailors and those who remained behind. The majority
of the Spaniards thought it was a foolhardy enterprise.
They looked upon Columbus as an idle dreamer. They
had not the slightest notion that he would succeed.
How different were the feelings of Columbus After !

nearly seventeen years of patient waiting, he felt that his

hopes of finding a new route to India were soon to be real-
ized. He had no misgivings. He was not fearful of the
journey. He believed that he was undertaking a great
work, not only for the benefit of the kingdom of Spain, but
for the greater honor and glory of God.
The Sailors Discontented. — When they had been several
weeks at sea, the sailors became discontented. They went
to Columbus and begged him to return. The Admiral,
however, prevailed on them to continue a little longer.
Some weeks later they threatened to throw him overboard
if he were not willing to turn back. Once more their leader
asked them to sail on for a few days longer. He promised
them that, if he did not sight land in the meantime, he
would return to Spain.
Fortified with the promise of Columbus, the sailors set-
tled down to work. An occasional sign that they were
approaching land gave all on board renewed courage.
Finally the long-desired country loomed up in the dis-

tance ; and oh, what joy and gladnessbrought to the


hearts of the sailors! On the next day, October 12, 1492,

(according to the Gregorian Calendar, October 21, 1492),
Columbus and his men landed on American soil on the
island of Guanahani, now called San Salvador.
What do you think was the first act performed by Colum-
bus on the newly-discovered land ? Like loyal sons of
the Church, he and his men knelt and offered thanks to
their Creator, for having inspired and aided them in that
wonderful voyage. He then had a large cross erected
on the spot where they landed to proclaim to the world
that the discoverer of America was a Catholic.
What Columbus Saw. — Having praised and thanked
the Lord, Columbus, as he gazed around, saw a vast coun-
try filled with flowering plants, beautiful shrubs, numerous
trees,and a great variety of strange birds. As he beheld
these wonders of nature, he perceived a number of half-clad
men slowly approaching.
Columbus, thinking that he had discovered India, called
these strange men Indians. He described them in his
journal as very poor, dark-skinned, and naked. All seemed
to be young and well-built, and to have coarse black hair
hanging down behind, but cut short over their foreheads.
Their bodies were painted with various colors and in all
manner of ways. They carried sticks pointed with fish-
bones, and moved their canoes with paddles that looked
like shovels.
The Spaniards treated the Indians kindly, and won their
good will by giving them presents of glass beads and other
knick-knacks. The Indians on their part brought the
Spaniards fruit and corn.
The result of the first voyage of Columbus may be thus

summarized : the discovery of San Salvador (one of the

Bahama Islands), of Cuba, and the founding of a settlement
on the coast of Haiti.
The Return Trip. —
On the fourth day of January, 1493,
Columbus, leaving a number of his sailors on American soil,
returned to Spain. For four or five weeks all went well
with his ship. A terrible storm then arose and threatened
to shatter the vessel. It lasted so long that Columbus
began to give up hope of again seeing Spain. In this state
of mind, he wrote on parchments two accounts of his won-
derful discovery, sealed them, and addressed them to the
King and the Queen of Spain. He then wrapped the parch-
ments in two large cakes of wax, put one of them in a barrel,
and cast it into the sea, with the hope that it might reach
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Shortly afterwards the
storm abated, and Columbus and his gallant sailors steered
their ship in the direction of Spain, reaching their destina-
tion about the middle of March, 1493.
Never was a conquering hero received with greater ac-
clamation. The nobility, who seven months before had con-
sidered Columbus an idle dreamer, vied with one another
in honoring him King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

showered on him unusual tokens of esteem.

The Second Voyage. —
The King and the Queen of
Spain were so pleased with the discovery of Columbus that
they appointed him "Admiral of the Ocean Seas' and
" Viceroy of the Indies." They ordered him, moreover, to
go once more to the New World, so that he might explore
the country more thoroughly.
On the voyage, Columbus found the greatest dif-

ficulty in persuading one hundred sailors to accompany

him, but on the second, thousands of Spaniards offered

their services. On September 25, 1493, an expedition of

seventeen ships hundred men set sail from
and fifteen
Cadiz, and reached the island of Dominica on the third of
November. Columbus did not remain here, but continued
his journey till he came to the island of Haiti, where he
built the city of Isabella.
A Tour of Exploration. — After a diligent search for gold
in the island of Haiti, Columbus and a part of his fleet
went on a voyage of discovery. During this expedition he
discovered the island of Jamaica, the Isle of Pines, and
several smaller islands ; he explored a part of Cuba, and
then returned to the city of Isabella. Here he contracted a
severe illness which lasted for several months.
While Columbus was indisposed, some of the Spanish
colonists returned to Spain and circulated evil reports
about him. They insinuated that he was a poor governor,
and that he had not found the gold which he had promised
the King and the Queen of Spain.
On this account, the reception given to him on his second
return to Spain was not enthusiastic. The King and the
Queen, to their honor be it said, received the Admiral with
kindness, but the Spanish people were very much disap-
pointed, because he had not brought them a shipload of gold.
The Third Voyage. —
From June n, 1496, to May 30,
1498, Columbus waited for the fitting out of the third ex-
pedition. On the latter date he again sailed from Cadiz
Three of his ships went direct to the city of Isabella, while
the other three steered more to the southwest ; and on
the of August, 1498, approached the island of Trinidad,

near the mouth of the Orinoco. Columbus thereupon

coasted Trinidad, discovered Margarita, and saw for the
first time the great continent of South America.

After an absence of nearly three years, Columbus re-

turned to the city of Isabella and found many of the people
in open rebellion. They did not want to be governed by
the " Admiral of the Ocean Seas." He managed, however,
to bring about peace, but not before news of the uprising had
been sent to Spain.
The Spanish Court sent an officer, Bobadilla, to Haiti
to quell the rebellion. When he reached the New World,
peace and quiet prevailed among In spite
the colonists.
of this fact, Bobadilla assumed the governorship of the
island,had Columbus and his brothers seized as traitors,
chained hand and foot, and put in prison.
The Spanish People Indignant. —
Some months later
Columbus was taken from prison, placed on board a ship,
and carried to Spain. When the vessel arrived at Cadiz,
the Spaniards were shocked beyond measure to find their
Great Admiral a prisoner in chains.
What has he done," they exclaimed, " to warrant such

barbarous treatment ?

No one could tell.

When Queen Isabella learned how unjustly Columbus

had been treated she was highly indignant. She went at
once to the King and told him what Bobadilla had done.
Thereupon, messengers were sent in great haste to Colum-
bus, telling him how sorry the King and the Queen were,
and ordering his release from prison.
The Fourth Voyage. —
Though Columbus had failed to
find an immense amount of gold, and though many of the
Spaniards had lost confidence in him, the King and the
Queen of Spain fitted out for him a fourth expedition.
On May 9, 1502, he left Spain for the New World. On
this voyage he passed by the islands of Haiti and Jamaica
Columbus in Chains


and reached Honduras. After sailing along the coast of

this country for some time, Columbus and his men landed
at Truxillo on August 17, 1502. From this harbor he
went to Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Panama and then ;

returned to Haiti to prepare for another expedition.

Why Columbus Returned to Spain. — When Admiral
Columbus and his men sailed into the harbor of San
Domingo, they received such a cool reception from the Gov-
ernor of Haiti that they returned at once to Spain.
After the and disappointments of the past few

years, the Great Admiral was sick at heart and a physical

wreck, —
so much so, that he was not able to visit King Fer-
dinand and Queen Isabella. Soon after, the sad news of
the death of the Spanish Queen, his best friend, was brought
to him. This was indeed a great blow to the discoverer
of the New World. All worldly ambition seemed to pass
out of his life, and his thoughts turned to Him Who had
made the world out of nothing.
" A few years ago," said an eye witness, " Columbus
was the idol and hero of the world, but now he goes to his
grave unwept and unhonored."
The annals of the city (Valladolid) where he died do not
even mention his death. For years his memory was
neglected by the people of Europe, and even by the inhabit-
ants of America but, during the past half century or

more, the world has begun to realize the wonderful achieve-

ment of that noble and daring Catholic sailor, Christopher
1. What do you know about the birthplace of Columbus ? 2. Name

some traits of character which he had. 3. How was he attracted to the

life of a sailor ? 4. During his boyhood, what was uppermost in the

minds of the people? 5. What was his plan to solve the problem?
6. Relate the difficulty which he had in finding a rich patron. 7. Why-
were the sailors afraid to accompany Columbus ? 8. Give an account
of his departure from Spain. 9. What notions had the sailors regarding
the Atlantic Ocean Why do some histories say that Columbus
? 10.

discovered the New World

on October 21, 1492 ? 11. How did Columbus

show his gratitude to God? 12. Mention the strange things he saw

in the newly-found land. 13. How did the Spaniards treat the natives ?

14. Describe the return trip to Spain. 15. What kind of reception
did the Great Admiral receive what Columbus did on the
? 16. Tell
second voyage. 17. What did he accomplish on his third voyage?
18. Give an account of the rebellion in Haiti, and show how it brought
great sadness to Columbus. 19. How did Bobadilla treat Columbus ?

20. Did the Spanish people think that he should have been put in chains ?
21. What did Columbus accomplish by his fourth voyage? 22. Why
did he return so quickly to Spain? 23. Describe the remaining days
of the Great Admiral. 24. Why was his memory neglected for hundreds
of years ? 25. What organization in this country has helped to make
people realize the wonderful achievement of Columbus ? 26. What
incidents in this story show that Columbus was a religious man ?

I. Make map of the known world at the time of Colum-
a large sketch
bus. Trace on it the course followed by the Discoverer of America
on his first voyage to the New World; and indicate the places
where he landed.
II. Spain, Portugal, and Italy had much to do with the discovery and
exploration of the New World. Study the geography of these
countries note especially the changes that have taken place in

them during the past four hundred years.

III. Explain to the class how the knowledge of astronomy and map-
drawing was useful to Columbus, and show its importance at
the present time.
IV. Read your favorite poem on Columbus, and point out
for the class
how the author imparts historical knowledge.
V. Tell why so many of the learned men of Europe were not in favor
of the plan to reach India proposed by Columbus.
VI. Discuss in class "Do we honor Columbus sufficiently ?/'*

Bahama, bd ha/md Margarita, mar'gd re'td
Bobadilla, bo'va thel'ya, Mediterranean, med'i ter a'ne dn
bo'ba dll'a Nicaragua, nik'd ra/gwd
Cadiz, ka/diz Orinoco, 6'ri no'ko
Cristoforo Colombo, kr$s tof 6 ro Palos, pa/los
ko lom'bo, kris to'f u ro Perez, pa/rath
kti lom'bo Portugal, por'tu gdl
Dominica, dom'i ne'ka San Domingo, san do mlr/go
Genoa, jen'o d San Salvador, san sal'va dor'
Gregorian, gre go'ri dn Trinidad, trin'i dad'
Guanahani, gwa'na ha/ne Truxillo or Trujillo, troo hel'yo
Haiti, ha/ti Valladolid, val ya do led',
Honduras, h5n doo'rds y&l Id do lid'

isthmus, ls'nrns Viceroy, vis'roi

Jamaica, jd ma'kd

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