His Birthplace. — Wereyou walking along the streets
of the beautiful city of Genoa in sunny Italy about four
hundred seventy years ago, you would have noticed sev-
eral clusters of children playing games or watching the
different vessels coming to or going from that well-known
port. Among these healthy Italians you would undoubt-
edly see a bright-looking little boy with laughing eyes and
golden hair, and you would be impressed with the earnest-
ness and delight with which he watched the sailing vessels
in the harbor. In a moment of curiosity, you would say,
in Italian, " What is your name, little boy ? and he would
tell you " Cristoforo Colombo.
His Education. —
After further questions, you would
find that this little Italian boy attended school in his native
city; that he was a most diligent student, especially in
history, geography, and map-drawing; and that, in his
leisure moments, his great pleasure was to listen to the
wonderful tales which the sailors told him about their
We must not think, however, that young Columbus was
an idle, lazy boy; for every evening after school he used
to help his father in the wool-combing business, and, what
is more to his credit, he did it most willingly.
manage a ship.
The Problem of the Hour. —
well-known fact that
It is a
the people of Europe carried on a very large trade with
India, till the Turks made it dangerous to go there by the
overland route. Then it was that every merchant, trader,
and sailor wished to find another way to India.
Having grown to manhood, and having become proficient
as a sailor, Columbus was naturally interested in finding
a new route to India. He made a deep study of the matter.
He considered every scheme that had been proposed. He
barbarous treatment ?
minds of the people? 5. What was his plan to solve the problem?
6. Relate the difficulty which he had in finding a rich patron. 7. Why-
were the sailors afraid to accompany Columbus ? 8. Give an account
of his departure from Spain. 9. What notions had the sailors regarding
the Atlantic Ocean Why do some histories say that Columbus
? 10.
show his gratitude to God? 12. Mention the strange things he saw
in the newly-found land. 13. How did the Spaniards treat the natives ?
14. Describe the return trip to Spain. 15. What kind of reception
did the Great Admiral receive what Columbus did on the
? 16. Tell
second voyage. 17. What did he accomplish on his third voyage?
18. Give an account of the rebellion in Haiti, and show how it brought
great sadness to Columbus. 19. How did Bobadilla treat Columbus ?
20. Did the Spanish people think that he should have been put in chains ?
21. What did Columbus accomplish by his fourth voyage? 22. Why
did he return so quickly to Spain? 23. Describe the remaining days
of the Great Admiral. 24. Why was his memory neglected for hundreds
of years ? 25. What organization in this country has helped to make
people realize the wonderful achievement of Columbus ? 26. What
incidents in this story show that Columbus was a religious man ?
I. Make map of the known world at the time of Colum-
a large sketch
bus. Trace on it the course followed by the Discoverer of America
on his first voyage to the New World; and indicate the places
where he landed.
II. Spain, Portugal, and Italy had much to do with the discovery and
exploration of the New World. Study the geography of these
countries note especially the changes that have taken place in
Bahama, bd ha/md Margarita, mar'gd re'td
Bobadilla, bo'va thel'ya, Mediterranean, med'i ter a'ne dn
bo'ba dll'a Nicaragua, nik'd ra/gwd
Cadiz, ka/diz Orinoco, 6'ri no'ko
Cristoforo Colombo, kr$s tof 6 ro Palos, pa/los
ko lom'bo, kris to'f u ro Perez, pa/rath
kti lom'bo Portugal, por'tu gdl
Dominica, dom'i ne'ka San Domingo, san do mlr/go
Genoa, jen'o d San Salvador, san sal'va dor'
Gregorian, gre go'ri dn Trinidad, trin'i dad'
Guanahani, gwa'na ha/ne Truxillo or Trujillo, troo hel'yo
Haiti, ha/ti Valladolid, val ya do led',
Honduras, h5n doo'rds y&l Id do lid'