The McGyan Biodiesel Process.
The McGyan Biodiesel Process.
The McGyan Biodiesel Process.
AS world economies continue to grow the question of sustainable energies is often being
discussed. Many new scientific and technological advance are being created and put to the test as
we look towards a brighter future. One area that shows much promise is that of Bio-diesel
production, in particular that of the McGyan Bio-diesel process. Early test and trial of the
process indicate that this process could be a game changer in the industry.
The breakthrough began in early 2008 when, a senior at Augsburg College, Brian Krohn
found a new way of producing biodiesel. With the help of various scientist and the SarTec
Corporation a new process was developed that has the potential to revolutionize the diesel fuel
industry. The process was later termed Mcgyan after the last names of the inventors of this
process. (McNeff , Gyberg & Yan).
Clayton McNeff, Ph. D., the vice president of SARTEC Corporation, says that the power
of the process is in its simplicity. The flow diagram below depicts the simplicity McNeff refers
to. The McGyan process put alcohols and a variety of waste oils through a high temperature
pressure reactor. Inside the oils react with a catalyst creating 100% renewable biodiesel fuel.
As research continues the McGyan process is proving to be a cleaner, more efficient, and
environmentally friendly, which results in a biodiesel that is cheaper to produce. It is so efficient
it can make biodiesel in less than 6 seconds. While the common process produce a byproduct of
glycerol the McGyan converts almost 100% of the free fatty acids found in the feedstocks
Many speed bumps still remain for this innovative process. As the process still has many
rigorous test to go through to prove its value against the tested acid and base catalyst
transesterfication process that have been used for years. Regulatory issues such chemical that is
used in the reactor.
The McGyan process does meet the legal description and definition of biodiesel. In
essence the process allows for a vegetable or animal fat-based diesel fuel to be produced.
Furthermore, The biodiesel produced from the McGyan process has passed all current European
and American standards. Most importantly, the use process has proven to create a biodiesel with
a very low cloud a solution that other process have not been able to provide.
If the McGyan Process can be proven to work on all levels of productions with the
diverse materials stated in the research, and patents and license can properly be commercialized,
I believe the McGyan process could very well be the modern day miracle of fuel creation.
In ten year such a technology could be the new industry standard replacing the well-
known systems of base catalyzed and acid catalyzed transesterfication. The McGyan process is
the promise of a renewable energy process. We are looking towards seeing its benefits of
providing phenomenal savings for the transportation industry.
WORK CITED PAGE (April 2008). Augsburg College Releases Biodiesel Miracle. Retrieved June 7,
2008 from