Since the earliest days of map making, the depiction of relief has been one of
the major problems of cartographers, for it involves the representation of three
dimensions upon a plane surface. This has been done by different methods and the
most widely used include: spot heights, hachures, form lines, contour lines, layer
tinting, shading, relief models, ridge and stream lining and subaqueous contour.
The elevation of important features and critical points such as road junctions,
peaks, summits, sags, and highway crossings are indicated on the map and are
known as spot heights or spot elevations. Hills and road junctions are often identified
by these numbers such as Hill 255, road Junction 129, etc. However, not all features
are marked with their elevations and other means for determining their heights must
be employed.
At various points on the map, heights are marked singly at discrete points
which have been carefully computed relative to a chosen datum. Spot heights
provide definite and precise information regarding elevation, such as that shown in
the figure below where the precise elevation of a plotted point is given. Spot
elevations may be estimated with reasonable accuracy on even surfaces with fairly
close contouring, assuming the slope is uniform between adjoining contours. Their
defect is that being distributed over the map they give little or no visual impression of
the general pattern of the relief. When used in conjunction with other methods they
provide exactness which is otherwise often lacking.
During the earlier days of map making it was common practice to represent
topography by means of hachures, but their use today is more infrequent. Hachures
(refer to the figure below) are a series of short lines drawn in the direction of the
slope. For a steep slope the lines are heavy and closely spaced. For a gentle slope
they are fine and widely spaced. Hachures only give a general impression of the
configuration of the ground, but they do not provide numerical values such as the
actual elevations of the ground surface. By their spacing and widths, these lines
produce an effect similar to shading, but are a little more effective. In effect, these
lines show the direction of water flow or drainage patterns.
In modern topographic maps hachures are not often used except when the
scale of the map is too small to permit contouring of such features as borrow or
gravel pits, highway and railroad cuts and fills, and mine dumps. They are sometimes
used when relief data are inadequate to draw contours. If properly drawn, hachures
convey a good conception of the terrain but their value is largely pictorial.
Hachuring is now done also in color, usually brown, purple or gray. This removes the
obliterating effect of black hachures in hilly or rugged terrain.
Form lines as shown in the figure are drawn when not enough vertical control
is available or when the surface is too irregular or intricate to contour. Such lines
resemble contours, but are not drawn with the same degree of accuracy. All points
on a form lines are supposed to have the same elevation, but not enough points are
actually located to conform to the standard of accuracy required for contour lines.
Form lines are usually represented as dashed lines and do not portray any
actual elevations. These lines are sketched from visual observation or from
inadequate or unreliable map sources. Collectively, they are only used to show
shapes of the terrain rather than relief.
A topographic map containing contour lines shows not only the elevations of
points on the ground, but also the shape of the various topographic features.
If it were possible to take a large knife and slice off the top of a hill with level
slices at uniform elevation intervals, the edges of the cut lines around the hill would
be contour lines. A contour is represented in nature by the shoreline of a body of still
water. If the water in that lake is lowered or raised, the edge of its new position
would represent another contour line.
Color tints when used in conjunction with contour lines give pictorial effect by
accentuating the areas of different elevation. However, the principle of layer tinting
is in a sense misleading since a single shade between the 100 and 200 meter
contours indicates a uniform level, instead of a progressive change in height.
Relief or terrain models provide the most striking and realistic expression of
topography. The model is a representation of the terrain done in three dimensions to
suitable horizontal and vertical scales. It is in fact a miniature of the terrain it
represents. They are made from wax, clay, plastic, cardboard, or other materials
and shaded to agree with the actual terrain.
Most commercially sold relief models are made by printing on vinyl plastic
sheets the color plates of standard topographic maps. The printed sheet is then
registered over a positive mold of the model. Heat and vacuum are applied so that
the sheet is formed over the surface of the mold.
Such terrain models are widely used as teaching aids in geography and
geology courses, as well as in courses in map and chart reading. They are also used
in public exhibits.
Ridge and stream lining is mainly used to emphasize the location of low and
high ground. This method is especially useful on aerial photographs. When applied
to a topographic map, the ridge and stream lines are usually placed on a sheet of
overlay paper in order not to deface the map.
When streams are lined, the main streams and their tributaries are first
selected and are drawn in blue solid lines. This is done to show the location of low
ground. Between the streams is higher ground. To emphasize this, brown dashed
lines are drawn along the main ridges. The number of minor ridges to be included
depends upon the emphasize desired. The ridge lines are joined in a systematic
branching structure.
In general, all the types used conform to the characteristics of contours, but
their symbolization has been varied to make the relief picture more readily
apparent. These contours are classified into the following types:
1. Index contours
2. Intermediate contours
3. Supplemental contours
4. Depression contours
5. Approximate contours
The index contour is broken along portions of the line and the contour
number indicated accordingly. Contour numbers specify the actual elevation along
a particular contour line. They are lettered and spread on every index contour in
such a manner that will enable the value of other lines or points to be easily
interpolated or identified, and to prevent any uncertainty regarding the elevation of
a particular contour.
The index contours are numbered on the upper side of each line, which
indicates at first sight uphill and downhill directions, placing the figures in arrow
above one another. Alternatively, the figures may be placed within breaks in each
line, but the top of each must still be on the uphill side. The contour number may
have to be portrayed several times for long contour lines winding in an intricate
pattern over the map. Also, contour numbers should be drawn sufficiently large
when the map is to be reduced.
In the figure below, the four lighter weight contours found between the index
contours are the intermediate contours. These lines are not usually labelled except
where the terrain is relatively flat and their elevations are not readily obvious. They
conform to the contour interval specified for the map.
In certain portions of the map where the intermediate contours are so closely
spaced as to nearly unite or merge into a single line, it is standard practice for
readability not to portray the lines for short distances. The technique is called
Depression contours are drawn to show low spots such as excavations around
which contours close. The symbol used is the index or intermediate contour to which
ticks are drawn perpendicular to the contour line on the downhill side. An example
of depression contours is given in the figure below.
Certain portions of the map area sometimes are so flat or level that the
contours are too far apart to show properly important breaks in the terrain. To better
depict the relief and remedy such situations, supplemental or auxiliary contours are
used. They are drawn as dashed lines (refer to the figure below) or lines of dots that
begin and end when they approach the areas where the regular contours close in
on each other. Supplemental contours are usually drawn at one-half the specified
contour interval of the map. The conformation of the flatter ground as well as the rise
and fall of the more rugged areas can be more easily assessed by using this
The constant vertical distance between two adjacent contour lines is termed
the contour interval. It must always be consistent within the limits of the map but may
be varied between map sheets to better portray the terrain. Neighboring contour
lines are drawn either close together or far apart to show changes in slope and relief
variations. Whatever the contour interval, areas which change rapidly in elevation
will have more contour lines within a given plan distance than areas which change
slowly in elevation.
The contour interval will affect the degree of detail for portraying information
related to slope and relief. A small contour interval will allow slight changes in slope
The contour interval and map scale are interrelated. In general, the smaller
the scale, the larger the contour interval.
1. Relative Costs
The time and expense of field and office work is given important
consideration. The contour interval is a matter of economy with the smallest
interval that can be afforded desired. The smaller the interval, the greater is
the amount of field work, reduction, and plotting required in the preparation
of the map. The cost of the amp will be higher as the contour interval is
The type of terrain and map scale will invariably define the contour interval
needed to produce a suitable density of contours. An interval which would
be sufficient to show the configuration of mountainous terrain would be
The contour interval should be in inverse ratio to the scale of the map. If the
map scale is reduced, the interval must be increased; otherwise lines are
crowded, confuse the map user, and may possibly obscure some important
map details. It should also be noted that when the map scale is refined, the
more refined should be the measurements of the elevations of chosen points
since a smaller interval would be used.
The location and plotting of contour lines is one of the major steps involved in
the construction of a topographic map. The ground points are employed as
reference in the proper location of the contour lines. The process of locating contour
lines proportionally on the map between plotted points is termed interpolation. There
are a variety of methods which could be used. Some of these methods include:
1. By estimation
2. Rubber band method
3. Analytical method
4. Triangle and scale method
5. Template method
In place of a rubber band, another device called “variable scales” may also
be used in a similar manner. The device has a graduated spring which when
stretched, also allows convenient marks to fall on the known elevations.
Note: Any other contour crossing the line between points A and B may be
interpolated and located by using the above formula. Also, for a specified contour
interval the horizontal spacing between interpolated contour lines on the map
should be uniform. The disadvantage of interpolating contour lines by arithmetical
computations is that it becomes laborious especially when many interpolations are
to be made.
There are graphical devices which are used for interpolating contour lines
between plotted positions. These devices allow many interpolations to be made
quickly and accurately. One such device is the contour template (see the figure
below). It consists of a series of equally spaced parallel lines that are drawn on
transparent film or paper using any specified scale. Usually, each fifth or tenth line in
the template is drawn heavier than the rest and correspondingly numbered. The
indicated graduations of the lines are labelled according to the contour interval of
the map or different values may be assigned to these spaces to suit a variety of
A series of converging lines may also be graduated and used for interpolating
contour lines between plotted elevations. Any number of converging and horizontal
lines having equal spacing may be drawn. With a little practice, the student will find
that plotting contour by means of a template proceeds quite rapidly and works out
very conveniently. One obvious disadvantage is that the template becomes
extensively perforated after so many points are plotted since there is a need to
constantly prick the template with a needle or divider when marking out the
interpolated points.
Both horizontal and vertical measurements are involved in the location and
plotting of contours. Since different instruments may be used, the field work is
executed in various ways. However, whatever method is employed, the main
objective is always to locate details with minimum time and effort. The accuracy of
the resulting map will greatly depend upon the number and deposition of the
selected points.
1. Direct Methods
These are those in which the contours to be plotted are actually traced out in
the field. The procedure involves the location and marking of a series of points
on each contour line. These points are surveyed and plotted in the field, and
the appropriate contours are drawn through them. The trace-contour
method is one such example that is used.
The direct method of contouring is executed rather slow and on this account
it is seldom adopted on large surveys. It has, however, the advantage of
superior accuracy, and is suitable for the close contouring of small areas
where considerable precision is required. In this method, the field work
basically consists of two steps: the location of points on the contours, and the
survey of these points. These operations may be conducted simultaneously
when two survey parties are employed
2. Indirect Method
These comprise those in which the points located as regards position and
elevation are not necessarily situated on the contours to be shown, but serve,
on being plotted, as a basis for the interpolation of the required contours. The
following field methods for obtaining topographic detail fall under this
classification: coordinate method, controlling-point method, cross-profile
method, and the photogrammetric method.
By the indirect method, the points to be located may be either situated along
a series of straight lines set out over the area, or are scattered spot heights at
representative points.
One of the most accurate and direct procedure of locating contours is by the
trace-contour method. Although this method is quite accurate, it tends to be slow
and costly to undertake. This procedure is thus only used when it is absolutely
necessary to meet rigid accuracy requirements. The method is used advantageously
in rolling country where the slopes are h=generally gentle.
One way of locating and plotting the contours o f a given area is to utilize a
grid or coordinate system. The general procedure is summarized as follows: (1) on a
grid system lay out the area by establishing corner and perimeter stakes; (2) at the
intersections of the grid lines determine the elevations; (3) plot the points of known
elevation to the desired scale in plan; and (4) draw the contour lines by