University of San Agustin: To Module 8!
University of San Agustin: To Module 8!
University of San Agustin: To Module 8!
Consultation Hours
Virtual Time:
1. Use these questions to guide you as you are reflecting or contemplating on those rules.
*What is one important rule which you ought to observe at home? Who imposed that rule
upon you? How do you feel about it?
* What is one important which you ought to observe at school? How do you feel about it?
*Do you think those rules, imposed at home and in school, enable you to develop
yourself or to grow maturely as a person? Support your answer.
2. Share your experience in 7-9 sentences on our discussion board. (20 pts)
This book, The Rule, was written by Augustine around 396-397. Biblical and
evangelical foundations form a permanent structure of The Rule. It guarantees The Rule’s
value throughout changing times and cultures. This book contains 35 Biblical references:
27 books from the New Testament; and 8 books from the Old Testament. According to TJ
Van Bavel, The Rule is adopted by more than 40 Religious Orders and 30 Clerical
Congregations. Augustine wrote The Rule about ten years after he had been baptized by
Bishop Ambrose in Milan. In 397, Augustine had already been through a certain period of
experience of the religious life, for his first foundation had taken place in 388 at Tagaste.
As a priest, he founded a monastery for clerics in his bishop’s house in Hippo (395-396).
It was there that Augustine wrote The Rule.
The Rule of Augustine stems from the early period of religious life. The Egyptian desert
can be considered the cradle of the movement, which later came to be referred to in general
as the “religious life”. It was probably around 370 that the monastic form of life began to
The Rule is the summary of the oral conferences which Augustine held for his monks.
The ideas are not teased out; they are simply rendered in a very concise manner. The
fundamental ideas of The Rule are built up around the ideal of the Jerusalem community
from Acts 4:31-35. Love and community here have a pride of place; a good community
life is nothing other than the practice of love. The way of interiorization is repeatedly
applied in The Rule; the external alone is not sufficient, for it symbolizes what happens
inwardly. The final characteristic is the almost total absence of emphasis on “ascetism”
that is leading on an ascetical life in a material sense by denying oneself food and drink, or
by self-chastisement. The ascent shifts more to life in community as a victory over self-
1. It gives the impression of being a summary of oral conferences which Augustine held for
his monks.
2. It covers only few pages and its principal purpose is to offer some important thoughts which
can provide inspiration.
3. Its fundamental ideas are built up around the ideal of the Jerusalem community from Acts
“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul,
and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they
owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to
the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was
not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them
and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it
was distributed to each as any had need” (NRSV, Catholic Edition).
The first community of Jerusalem is the model community of one’s heart and one
mind on the way to God: honor God in one another ... on the way to God. The members
share in one another’s life of faith. The community of goods is the first realization of
community life. Community life is not blind uniformity, but requires the recognition of
each person’s nature and disposition. Humility is considered as the positive factor of
community life, and pride is considered as the negative factor of community life. And so,
there are three fundamental principles of community life: a). Living together in love b).
Community of goods c). Humility as the positive factor, and pride as the negative factor.
Features of Community: being a WAY towards God, and with one another. Free
person is detached from earthly goods in order to follow Christ faithfully and sincerely.
“Why is it difficult for sisters and brothers to be one in Christ?” They are struggling among
themselves for the possessions of the earth. “Do not give the same amount to everyone, but
give to each person what he/she personally needs.” Affluence of the few – cancer of society
at that time: few rich, many poor cause social problems during the time of Augustine.
Silver and gold represent a call of mercy and humanity, but for a selfish person, they
represent the road to greediness. Greater possessions do not take people’s thirst but increases
a). First, the person at fault is to be warned by the person who has noticed it;
b). Then, the one in charged with responsibility for the community is to be called in;
c). Later, a number of people should be informed of the situation; d). Finally, the
transgressor’s faults are to be pointed out to him in the presence of the whole community.
6. This manner of acting holds also as the method for the correction of other faults.
Monasteriumis an open community where there is a room for people coming from
outside the circle of friends and relatives. Christ is the only Interior Teacher. Obedience is the
way of showing mercy and compassion, not of slavish fear. Authority means to be of and in
service. An office is never considered as an honor but always a burden, a responsibility. But
sometimes, there are temptations to domination. There are persons in position who are tempted
to consolidate their own power than to use their position as a service for the good of others.
In conclusion, The Rule is intended as a call to a life in joy and freedom made possible
by the abundance of God’s grace. The final sentence of The Rule reveals three-fold structures:
present, past, and future:
1. If you find that your actions match what you read in this mirror; then give thanks to the
2. But if you see that you have failed in the past, then, pray that God will forgive your
guilt (PAST).
3. And as for the future, ask God that you will not be put to the test (FUTURE).
The Rule serves as guide for those who want to follow Christ in the religious life. It
ends with a song of praise to the Lord.
Assessment Task
This famous work of Augustine, The Rule, serves as a guide for religious life. This
work of Augustine reminds us of the importance of community life, the value of love,
humility and fraternal corrections. It further convinces us to get rid of pride for it is the
negative factor of community life, and encourages us his readers to live pleasantly and
harmoniously with one another in the community. Augustine likewise encourages us to
take good care of one another and show concern to each other in the community.
Module 8: References
Hojilla, F. (2020). Manual on the Life and Works of Saint Augustine of Hippo
(unpublished). Iloilo City: USA Office for Theological Studies and Formation