Analysis For Business Decisions Textbook

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Course Writer: Kingsley U. Utam

Faculty of Management Sciences

Course Editor:

HOD of Administration: Dr.(Mrs) Yemisi I. Ogunlela

Faculty of Management Science, NOUN

Course Coordinator: Mrs. Ihuoma Ikemba- Efughi
Faculty of Management Science, NOUN


BUS 406: Analysis For Business is a three credit course for students offering B.Sc.
Business Administration in the Faculty of Management Sciences.

The course consists of sixteen (16) units, that is, four modules of four (4) units for
each module. The material has been developed to suit undergraduate students in
Business Administration at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) by
using an approach that treats Analysis for Business Decisions.

A student who successfully completes the course will surely be in a better position
to manage operations of organizations in both private and public organizations.

The course guide tells you briefly what the course is about, what course materials
you will be using and how you can work your way through these materials. It
suggests some general guidelines for the amount of time you are likely to spend on
each unit of the course in order to complete it successfully. It also gives you some
guidance on your tutor-marked assignments. Detailed information on tutor-marked
assignment is found in the separate assignment file which will be available in due


This course will introduce you to some fundamental aspects of Analysis for
Business Decisions, Elements of Decision Analysis, Types of Decision Situations,
Decision Trees, Operational Research, Approach to Decision Analysis, System
Analysis, Modelling in OR, Simulation, Cases for OR Analysis, Mathematical
Programming, Transportation Model, Assignment Model, Game Theory, Project
Management, Inventory Control, Sequencing.


The course aims, among others, are to give you an understanding of the intricacies
of Business Decision Analysis and how to apply such knowledge in making real
life decisions, and managing production and operations units in both private and
public enterprises.

The Course will help you to appreciate Rationale behind Analysis for Business
Decisions , Elements of Decision Analysis, Types of Decision Situations, Decision
Trees, Operational Research, Approach to Decision Analysis, System Analysis,
Modelling in OR, Simulation, Cases for OR Analysis, Mathematical Programming,

Transportation Model, Assignment Model, Game Theory, Project Management,
Inventory Control, Sequencing.

The aims of the course will be achieved by your ability to:

Identify and explain Elements of Decision Analysis;
Identify and use various criteria for solving problems in different decision
discuss the decision tree and solve problems involving the general decision
tree and the secretary problem;
Trace the history and evolution of operation research OR;
Explain the different approaches to decision analysis;
discuss the concept of system analysis and identify the various categories of
Describe model and analyse the different types of models;
Defined simulation and highlight the various types of simulation models;
Solve different types of problems involving Linear Programming;
Explain what transportation problem is all about and solve transportation
Discuss the elements of assignment problem solve decision problems using
various assignment methods;
Apply various techniques in solving gaming problems.
Solving inventory problem using the Critical Path Methods (CPM) and the
Programme evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT);
Identify and solve problems using the sequencing techniques.


By the end of this course, you should be able to:

Identify and explain Elements of Decision Analysis;

Identify and use various criteria for solving problems in different decision
discuss the decision tree and solve problems involving the general decision
tree and the secretary problem;
Trace the history and evolution of operation research OR;
Explain the different approaches to decision analysis;
discuss the concept of system analysis and identify the various categories of
Describe model and analyse the different types of models;
Defined simulation and highlight the various types of simulation models;
Solve different types of problems involving Linear Programming;
Explain what transportation problem is all about and solve transportation
Discuss the elements of assignment problem solve decision problems using
various assignment methods;
Apply various techniques in solving gaming problems.
Solving inventory problem using the Critical Path Methods (CPM) and the
Programme evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT);
Identify and solve problems using the sequencing techniques.


To complete this course, you are required to read all study units, attempt all the
tutor marked assignments at the end of each study unit. You would need to study
carefully, the principles and concepts guiding each of the topics in the course in
this material Analysis for Business Decisions provided by the National Open
University of Nigeria (NOUN). You will also need to undertake practical exercises
for which you need access to a personal computer running a suitable Windows for
which you have command over. Each unit contains self-assessment exercises, and
at certain points during the course, you will be expected to submit assignments. At
the end of the course is a final examination. The course should take you about a
total of 20 weeks to complete. Below are the components of the course, what you
have to do, and how you should allocate your time to each unit in order to
complete the course successfully on time.


Major components of the course are:
Course Guide
Study Units
Assignment file

The study units in this course are as follows:

Unit 1: Elements of Decision Analysis
Unit 2: Approaches to Decision Analysis
Unit 3: Types of Decision Situations
Unit 4: Decision Trees

Unit 5 : Operations Research (OR)
Unit 6: Modelling In Operations Research
Unit 7: Simulation
Unit 8: Systems Analysis

Unit 9: Mathematical Programming (Linear Programming)
Unit 10: The Transportation Model
Unit 11: Assignment Model
Unit 12: Project Management

Unit 13: Sequencing
Unit 14: Games Theory
Unit 15: Inventory Control
Unit 16: Case Analysis


In this course, you will find all the details of the work you must submit to your
tutor for marking. The marks you obtain for these assignments will count towards
the final mark you obtain for this course. Further information on assignments will
be found in the assignment file itself and later in the section on assessment in this
course guide. There are 16 tutor-marked assignments in this course; the student
should attempt all the 16.


The presentation schedule included in your course materials gives you the
important dates for this year for the completion of tutor-marked assignments
(TMAs) and attending tutorials. Remember, you are required to submit all your

assignments by the due date. You should guard against falling behind in your

There are two aspects to the assessment of the course: first are the tutor-marked
assignments; and second is a written examination. In tackling the assignments, you
are expected to apply information, knowledge and techniques gathered during the
course. The assignments must be submitted to your tutor for formal assessment in
accordance with the deadlines stated in the PresentationSchedule and the
Assignment File. The work you submit to your tutor will count for 30% of your
total course mark. At the end of the course, you will need to sit for a final written
examination of ‘three hours’ duration. This examination will also count for 70% of
your total course mark.


There are fifteen tutor-marked assignments in this course and you are advised
toattempt all. Aside from the course material provided, you are advised to read and
research widely using other references (under further reading) which will give you
a broader viewpoint and may provide a deeper understanding of the subject. Ensure
all completed assignments are submitted on schedule before set deadlines. If for
any reasons, you cannot complete your work on time, contact your tutor before the
assignment is due to discuss the possibility of an extension. Unless in exceptional
circumstances, extensions may not be granted after the due date for the submission
of assignments.


The final examination for this course will be of ‘three hours’ duration and have a
value of 70% of the total course grade. All areas of the course will be assessed and
the examination will consist of questions, which reflect the type of self-testing,
practice exercises and tutor-marked problems you have previously encountered.
All areas of the course will be assessed. Utilise the time between the conclusion of
the last study unit and sitting for the examination to revise the entire course. You
may find it useful to review your self-assessment tests, tutor-marked assignments
and comments on them before the examination.


The work you submit will count for 30% of your total course mark. At the end of
the course, you will be required to sit for a final examination, which will also count
for 70% of your total mark. The table below shows how the actual course marking
is broken down.
Table 1: Course Marking Scheme
Assignment 4 (TMAs) 4 assignments, best 3 will be used for
the Continuous Assessment
= 10 x 3 = 30%
Final Examination 70% of overall course marks
Total 100% of course marks


Unit Title of work Weeks Activity

Unit Title of work Weeks Assessment

activity (end of unit)
1 Elements of Decision Analysis 1
2 Approaches to Decision 1
3 Types of Decision Situations 1
4 Decision Trees 1
5 Operations Research (Or) 1
6 Modelling In Operations 1
7 Simulation 1
8 Systems Analysis 1
9 Mathematical programming 1
(Linear Programming)
10 The Transportation Model 1
11 Assignment Model 1
12 Project Management 1
13 Sequencing 1
14 Games Theory 1
15 Inventory Control 1
16 Case Analysis 1
Total 16


There are 15 hours of tutorials provided in support of this course. You will be
notified of the dates, times and location of these tutorials, together with the names
and phone numbers of your tutor, as soon as you are allocated a tutorial group.

Your tutor will mark and comment on your assignments, keep a close watch on
your progress and on any difficulties you might encounter as they would provide
assistance to you during the course. You must submit your tutor-marked
assignments to your tutor well before the due date (at least two working days are
required) . They will be marked by your tutor and returned to you as soon as
possible. Do not hesitate to contact your tutor by telephone, e-mail, or discussion
group if you need help. The following might be circumstances in which you would
find help necessary, when:
you do not understand any part of the study units or the assigned
readings. you have difficulty with the self-tests or exercises.
you have a question or problem with an assignment with your tutor’s
comment on an assignment or with the grading of an assignment.
You should try your possible best to attend the tutorials. This is the only chance to
have face -to-face contact with your tutor and to ask questions which are answered
instantly. You can raise any problem encountered in the course of your study. To
gain the maximum benefit from course tutorials, prepare a question list before
attending them. You will learn a lot from participations in discussions.

BUS 406: Analysis for Business Decisions intends to expose the undergraduate
students to the fundamental tools and techniques for analysing business decision
problems. Upon completing the course, you will be equipped with the necessary
knowledge required to produce a good research work. We hope you enjoy your
acquaintances with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). We wish
you every success in your academic endeavour.

BUS 406



Course Writer: KINGSLEY U. UTAM

School of Management Science,
National Open University of Nigeria,
Victoria Island, Lagos.

Course Editor:

Programme Leader: Dr. O. J. Onwe

School of Management Science,
National Open University of Nigeria,
Victoria Island, Lagos.

Course Coordinator: Dr. James Obi

School of Management Science,
National Open University of Nigeria,
Victoria Island, Lagos.


Unit 1: Elements of Decision Analysis
Unit 2: Approaches to Decision Analysis
Unit 3: Types of Decision Situations
Unit 4: Decision Trees

Unit 5 : Operations Research (OR)
Unit 6: Modelling In Operations Research
Unit 7: Simulation
Unit 8: Systems Analysis

Unit 9: Mathematical Programming (Linear Programming)
Unit 10: The Transportation Model
Unit 11: Assignment Model
Unit 12: Project Management

Unit 13: Sequencing
Unit 14: Games Theory
Unit 15: Inventory Control
Unit 16: Case Analysis




Business Decision Analysis takes its roots from Operations Research (OR).
Operation Research as we will learn later is the application of scientific method by
interdisciplinary teams to problems solving and the control of organized (Man-
Machine) systems so as to provide solution which best serve the purpose of the
organization as a whole (Ackoff and Sisieni 1991) . In other words, Operations
Research makes use of scientific methodsand tools to provide optimum or best
solutions to problems in the organization. Organisations are usually faced with the
problem of deciding what to do; how to do it, where to do it, for whom to do it etc.
But before any action can be taken, it is important to properly analyse a situation
with a view to finding out the various alternative courses of action that are
available to an organization. Operations Research helps the organisation with the
job of critically analysing a situation and finding out the various alternatives
available to choose from. OR also helps the organization to identify the best
alternative available there by enabling the enterprise to make the most rational
decision after having identified and analysed all available alternatives.

In the light of the above, it could be said that Operations Research provides the
scientific process, tools, techniques, and procedure for optimum decision in
business analysis. In this chapter, we shall concern ourselves with those critical
elements and tools that organisations utilise to make sound decisions.

By the end of this study unit, you should be able to:
Define a decision
Define a decision maker
Describe the components of Decision making
Outline the structure of a decision problem
Differentiate between States of nature and alternatives
Identify the errors that occur in decision making
Describe the phases in decision analysis
Explain different approaches to making good decisions



A decision can be defined as an action to be selected according to some pre-
specified rule or strategy, out of several available alternatives, to facilitate a future
course of action. This definition suggests that there are several alternative courses
of action available, which cannot be pursued at the same time. Therefore, it is
imperative to choose the best alternative base on some specified rule or strategy.
Decision making is the process of selecting the best out of several alternatives.


A decision maker is one who takes decision. It could be an individual or a group of
individuals. It is expected that a good decision maker should be skilled in art of
making decisions. He is also expected to apply all necessary procedure, rules and
techniques in arriving at the best alternative which will either maximize wellbeing
or profit, or minimize losses, or help to achieve any other objective or goal that has
been set.


Decision making is a very important and necessary aspect of every human
endeavour. In life, we are faced with decision problems in everything we do.
Individuals make decisions daily on what to do, what to wear, what to eat etc.
Every human being is assumed to be a rational decision maker who takes decisions
to improve his/her wellbeing. In business, management have to make decision on
daily bases on ways to improve business performance. But unlike individual
decision making, organizational or business decision making is a very complex
process considering the various factors involved. It is easy to take decision for
simple situation but when it gets complex, it is better not to rely on
intuition.Decision theory proves useful when it comes to issues of risk and
uncertainty (Adebayo et al 2010). When making decisions involving risk and
uncertainty, it is important to apply complex rules, techniques and procedures in
analysing the various factors involved in the decision situation.This is where the
question of decision analysis comes in.

Decision Analysis has been defined as a logical procedure of balancing the factors
that influence a decision. According to Howard (2004), the procedure incorporates
uncertainties, values, and preferences in a basic structure that involves the
decision. Typically, it includes technical, marketing, competitive, and
environmental factors. Considering risk and uncertainty factors in the process of
decision making and applying relevant methods to manipulate these factors enable
organizations to make sound decisions. Adebayo et al(2010) describe decision
analysis as a scientific technique that consists of a collection of principles and
methods whose principal objectives is the aid decision making by individuals,
groups of individuals, management of organization and others who have to make
one decision or the other. In decision analysis, complex decision problems are
broken down into smaller elements which may be probabilistic, differential or
value oriented.


Earlier, we stated that complex decision problem involve risk and an uncertainty
and as such, certain logic, rules, procedures should be applied when analysing such
situation. The major components that constitute risk and uncertainty in decision
making are:
Decision alternatives
States of Nature
The decision itself
Decision screening criteria
We now briefly discourse each of these components.


These are alternative courses of action available to the decision maker. The
alternatives should be feasible, and evaluating them will depend on the availability
of a well-defined objective. Alternative courses of action may also be seen as
strategies or options from which the decision maker must choose from. It is due to
the existence of several alternatives that the decision problem arises. If there were
only one course of action, then there will be no decision problem. Alternatives
present themselves as:
Choices of products to manufacture,
Transportation roots to be taken,
Choice of customer to serve,
Financing option for a new project,
How to order job into machines,etc.


A state of nature is a future occurrence for which the decision maker has no control
over. All the time a decision is made, the decision maker is not certain which states
of nature will occur in future, and he has no influence over them (Taylor III, 2007).
For instance, if a company has a contract to construct a 30km road, it may
complete the construction of the full stretch of road in six months in line with a
laid down plan. But this plan will be hinged on the possibility that it does not rain
in the next six months. However, if there is consistent heavy rain for the first three
months, it may delay the progress of work significantly and as a result, prolong the
completion date of the project. But if actually there is no occurrence of heavy
rainfall, the company is likely to complete the road as scheduled.

In this situation, the state of nature is the occurrence of heavy rainfall and no
rainfall.Therefore, the state of nature that occurred after a decision has been made
will determine the outcome of the decision. States of nature could be market
conditions, economic conditions, customer taste, state of goods, competition,
political situation, weather condition, and other future occurrences that are not
known to the decision maker and which he neither has control over nor could


The decision itself is a choice which is arrived at after considering all alternatives
available given an assumed future state of nature. In the view of Dixon-Ogbechi
(2001), “A good decision is one that is based on logic, considers all available data,
and possible alternative and employs quantitative technique” she further noted that,
occasionally, a good decision may yield a bad result, but if made properly, may
result in successful outcome in the long run.

In the section above, we mentioned that the decision itself is a choice which is
arrived at after considering all other alternatives. Consideration of alternative
courses of action is not done arbitrarily, it is done using some standardize logic or
methodology, or criterion. These criteria form the basis upon which alternatives are
compared. The strategy or alternative which is finally selected is the one associated
with the most attractive outcome. The degree of attractiveness will depend on the
objective of the decision maker and the criterion used for analysis (Ihemeje 2002).
They could be a variety of objectives of the decision maker. The most prominent
among business objectives include maximization of profit, and minimization of
cost. We shall see how all these will be put into action later.

Define a decision.
Who is a decision maker?
What do you understand by states of nature?
What is decision analysis?
List the two most prominent business objectives.


The process of analysing decision can be grouped into four phases. These four
phases from what is known as the decision analysis cycle. They are presented as
Deterministic Analysis Phase: This phase accounts for certainties rather than
uncertainties. Here, graphical and diagrammatic models like influence
diagrams and flow charts can be translated into mathematical models.
Necessary tools are used for predicting consequences of alternatives and for
evaluating decision alternatives.
Probabilistic Analysis: Probabilistic analyses cater for uncertainties in the
decision making process. We can use the decision tree as a tool for
probabilistic analysis.
Evaluation Phase: At the phase, the alternative strategies are evaluated to
enable one identify the decision outcomes that correspond to sequence of
decisions and events.
Choice Activity Phase: This is the final phase of the decision analysis cycle.
It is the judgemental stage where the decision maker decides on the best
strategy to adopt having carefully analyses all other options.


The following are possible errors to guide against when making decisions.
Inability to identify and specify key objectives: Identifying specific objectives
gives the decision maker a clear sense of direction.
Focusing on the wrong problem:This could create distraction and will lead the
decision maker to an inappropriate solution.
Not giving adequate thoughts to trade-offs which may be highly essential to
the decision making process.
Not taking uncertainty and risk into consideration.
Lack of foresight about plan especially when decision has some risk over

In life, decisions are made every moment a human being acts or refuses to act.
Decision can be made either as single individuals or as group of individuals or as
organizations. Those decisions are made in order to meet laid down goals and
objectives which in most cases are aim to bring about improvement in fortunes.
However, most organizational decisions are complex and cannot be made using
common sense. In that case, scientific methods, tools, procedures, techniques and
processes are employed to analyse the problems with a view to arriving at optimum
solution that will meet the objectives of the organization. Therefore, Business
decision analysis as a field takes care of the process of analysing complex decision
situation using scientific methods and arriving at the best possible solution.

In this unit, the elements of decision analysis were discussed. It began with
defining a decision, and who a decision maker is. Further, it considers the
components of Decision making, structure of a decision problem and finally errors
that can occur in decision making. This unit provides us with concepts that will
help us in understanding the subsequent units and modules.


Who is a Decision Maker?
Define Decision Analysis.
List and explain the components of decision.
Identify and explain the phases in the decision analysis cycle.
What are the errors that can occur in making decisions?


Ackoff, R. and Sisieni, M. (1991), Fundamentals of Operations Research, New

York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Adebayo, O.A., Ojo, O., and Obamire, J. K. (2006), Operations Research in

Decision Analysis, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.

Churchman, C.W. et al (1957), Introduction to Operations Research, New York:

John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Howard, A (2004) Speaking of Decisions: Precise Decision Language. Decision

Analysis, Vol. 1 No. 2, June).

Ihemeje, J.C. (2002) Fundamentals of Business Decision Analysis, Ibadan: Sibon

Books Limited.

Shamrma, J.K (2009) Operations Research Theory & Application




In unit 1, we discussed what the subject Decision Analysis is all about we defined
a decision, decision maker, business decision analysis and threw light on various
components involved in Business Decision Analysis. In this unit, we shall proceed
to explaining the different approaches used in analysing a decision problem. Two
key approaches present themselves – Qualitative Approach, and the Quantitative
Approach. These two broad approaches from the core of business decision
analysis. They will be broken down into several specific methods that will be
discussedthroughout in this course of study.

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
Identify the qualitative and quantitative approaches to decision analysis.
Identify the qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis.

Use the Expected monetary value (EMV) and Expected opportunity (EOL)
techniques in solving decision problems.
Solve decision problems using the different criteria available.



As identified earlier, the two main approaches to decision analysis are the
qualitative and quantitative approaches.


Qualitative approaches to decision analysis are techniques that use human
judgement and experience to turn qualitative information into quantitative
estimates (Lucey 1988) as quoted by Dixon – Ogbechi 2001). He identified the
following qualitative decision techniques
Delphi Method
Market Research
Historical Analogy

According to Akingbade (1995), qualitative models are often all that are feasible to
use in circumstances, and such models can provide a great deal of insight and
enhance the quality of decisions that can be made. Quantitative models inform the
decision maker about relationships among kinds of things.Knowledge of such
relationships can inform the decision maker about areas to concentrate upon so as
to yield desired results.
Akingbade (1995) presented the following examples of qualitative models:
Influence diagrams.
Cognitive maps.
Black box models.
Venn Diagrams.
Decision trees.
Flow charts etc. (Dixon
– Ogbechi 2001)

Let us now consider the different qualitative approaches to decision making.

Delphi Method: The Delphi method is technique that is designed to obtain expert
consensus for a particular forecast without the problem of submitting to pressure to
conform to a majority view. It is used for long term forecasting. Under this
method, a panel is made to independently answer a sequence of questionnaire
which is used to produce the next questionnaire. As a result, any information
available to a group of experts is passed on to all, so that subsequent judgements
are refined as more information and experience become available (Lucey 1988).

Market Research : These are widely used procedures involving opinion surveys;
analysis of market data, questionnaires designed to gage the reaction of the market
to a particular product, design, price, etc. It is often very accurate for a relatively
short term.

Historical Analogy: Historical Analogy is used where past data on a particular

item are not available. In such cases, data on similar subjects are analysed to
establish the life cycle and expected sales of the new product. This technique is
useful in forming a board impression in the medium to long term. (Lucey (1988) as
quoted by Dixon-Ogbechi (2001)).


This technique or approach lends itself to the careful measurement of operational
requirements and returns. This makes the task of comparing one alternative with
another very much more objective. Quantitative technique as argued by Dixon-
Ogbechi (2001), embraces all the operational techniques that lend themselves to
quantitative measurement. Harper (1975) presents the following quantitative
Mathematics: Skemp (1971) defined Mathematics as “a system of
abstraction, classification and logical reasoning. Generally, Mathematics can
be subdivided into two
Pure Mathematics
Applied Mathematics

Pure Mathematics is absolutely abstract in not concerning itself with

anything concrete but purely with structures and logical applications,
implications and consequences of such structures.

Applied Mathematics is the application of proved abstract generalization

(from pure Mathematics) to the physical world (Akingbade, 1996) Both pure
and applied Mathematics can be broken into the following subdivisions.

Probability: Probability is widely used in analysing business decisions,

Akingbade (1996) defined probability as a theory concerned with the study
of processes involving uncertainty. Lucey (1988) defined probability as “the
quantification of uncertainty”. Uncertainty may be expressed as likelihood,
chance or risk.

Mathematical Models: According to Dixon-Ogbechi (2001), A

Mathematical model is a simplified representation of a real life situation in
Mathematical terms. A Mathematical model is Mathematical idealization in
the form of a system proposition, formula or equation of a physical,
biological or social phenomenon (EncartaPremium, 2009).

Statistics: Statistics has been described as a branch of Mathematics that

deals with the collection, organization, and analysis of numerical data and
with such problems as experiment design and decision making (Microsoft
Encarta Premium, 2009).


Before a decision maker embarks on the process of decision making he/she must
set clear objectives as to what is expected to be achieved at the end of the process.
In Business decision analysis; there are two broad objectives that decision makers
can possible set to achieve.These are:
Maximization of profit, and
Minimization of Loss

Most decisions in business fall under these two broad categories of objectives. The
decision criterion to adopt will depend on the objective one is trying to achieve.

In order to achieve profit maximization, the Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

approach is most appropriate. As will be seen later, the Expected Value of the
decision alternative is the sum of highlighted pay offs for the decision alternative,
with the weight representing the probability of occurrence of the states of nature.
This approach is possible when there are probabilities attached to each state of
nature or event. The EMV approach to decision making is assumed to be used by
the optimistic decision maker who expects to maximize profit from his investment.
The technique most suitable for minimization of loss is the Expected opportunity
loss (EOL) approach. It is used in the situation where the decision maker expects to
make a loss from an investment and tries to keep the loss as minimum as possible.
This type of problem is known as minimization problem and the decision maker
here is known to be pessimistic. The problem under the EMV approach is known
as a maximization problem as the decision maker seeks to make the most profit
from the investment. These two approaches will be illustrated in details in the next


Decision theory approach generally involves four steps. Gupta and Hira (2012)
present the following four steps.

Step 1: List all the viable alternatives

The first action the decision maker must take is to list all viable alternatives that
can be considered in the decision. Let us assume that the decision maker has three
alternative courses of action available to him a, b, c.

Step 2: Identify the expected future event

The second step is for the decision maker to identify and list all future occurrences.
Often, it is possible for the decision maker to identify the future states of nature;
the difficulty is to identify which one will occur. Recall, that these future states of
nature or occurrences are not under the control of the decision maker. Let us
assume that the decision maker has identified four of these states of nature: i, ii, iii,

Step 3: Construct a payoff table

After the alternatives and the states of nature have been identified, the next task is
for the decision maker to construct a payoff table for each possible combination of
alternative courses of action and states of nature. The payoff table can also be
called contingency table.

Step 4: Select optimum decision criterion

Finally, the decision maker will choose a criterion which will result in the largest
payoff or which will maximize his wellbeing or meet his objective. An example of
pay off table is presented below.
Contingency table 1
Alternative States of nature
i ii iii iv
a ai aii aiii aiv
b bi bii biii biv
c ci cii ciii civ

Fig2.1: An example of the payoff table.
As we can see from the payoff table above, a,b,c are the alternative strategies, i, ii,
iii, iv are the states of nature. Therefore the decision maker has identified four
states of nature and three alternative strategies. Apart from the alternative strategy
column and the raw representing the states of nature, other cells in the table are
known as condition outcomes. They are the outcomes resulting from combining a
particular strategy with a state of nature. Therefore we can say that the contingency
table shows the different outcomes when the states of nature are combined with the


There are five criteria with which a decision maker can choose among alternatives
given different states of nature. Gupta and Hira (2012) are of the view that choice
of a criterion is determined by the company’s policy and attitude of the decision
maker. They are:
Maximax Criterion or Criterion of Optimism
Maximin Criterion or Criterion of Pessimism (Wald Criterion)
Minimax Regret Criterion (Savage Criterion)
Laplace Criterion or Equally likely criterion or criterion of Rationality
(Bayes’ Criterion)
Hurwicz Criterion or Criterion of Realism

Now let us see how we can solve problems using the above criteria.

Example 2.1: Consider the contingency matrix given below

Contingency table 2
Alternative Market Demand
Products High Moderate Low
(N ) (N ) (N )
Body 500 250 -75
Hair Cream 700 300 -60
Hand 400 200 -50
Fig2.2: Pay-off table.
The matrix above shows the payoffs of an investor who has the choice either
investing in the production of Body Cream, or Hair cream, or hand lotion.
Whichever of the three products he decides to produce; he will encounter three

types of market demand. It may turn out that the market demand for any of the
product is high, or moderate of low. In other words, the production of body cream,
or hair cream, or hand lotion represent the alternative courses of action or
strategies available to the investor, while the occurrence of either high demand, or
moderate demand, or low demand represent the states of nature for which the
investor has no control over. Now, how would the investor arrive at the choice of
product to manufacture? We are going to analyse the decision problem using the
five criteria earlier listed below.


The maximax criterion is an optimistic criterion. Here, the decision maker aims to
maximize profit or his outcome. It involves an optimistic view of future outcomes.
This is done by selecting the largest among maximum payoffs. However, the
disadvantage of this criterion is that it does not make use of all available
information in getting the quantitative values. This is not often the case on real life
situations. The criterion has also been criticises for being too optimistic and
assumes that the future will always be rosy.(Adebayo et al, 2006)

Contingency table 3
Alternative Market Demand Max Maxi max
Products High (N ) Low Colum (N )
(N) Moderate (N) n
(N )
Body Cream 500 250 -75 500
Hair Cream 700 300 -60 700 700
Hand Lotion 400 200 -50 400

Fig2.3: Pay-off table.

Let us now try to solve the decision problem in the matrix above using the
maximax criterion.

Step 1: Create and additional column to the right hand side of the matrix and call it
max column as shown below.

Step 2: Identify the maximum pay-off in each alternative course of action (i.e.
Either the role for Body Cream, or Hair Cream, or Hand Lotion) and place it
in the corresponding cell on the maximum column.

Step 3: Identify and select the pay-off with the highest value on the maximum
column. This value becomes your optimal value using the maximax

Step 4: Make recommendations.

As we can see from Contingency table 3 above, the maximax value is N700.

Recommendation: Using the maximax decision criterion, the decision maker

should manufacture hair cream to maximize worth N700.


Under the maximin Criterion, the decision maker is assumed to be pessimistic. The
objective here is to maximize the minimum possible outcome. It is a decision
situation where the decision maker tries to make the most of bad situations and
avoids taking risks and incurring huge losses. According to Adebayor et al (2006),
the weakness of this criterion is that the result may not always be unique.It has also
been criticized for being an unduly careful. However, it has the advantage of
helping one to be in the best possible condition in case the worst happens.
In analysing a decision situation using this criterion, we use the following steps.

Step 1: Create an additional column to the rights hand side of your pay-off matrix-
minimum column.

Step 2: Select the minimum pay-off from each alternative and place on the
corresponding call in the minimum column.

Step 3: Identify and select the maximum pay-off in the minimum column

Step 4: Make recommendation

Using data in contingency matrix 2

Minimum Maximin
Col (N) (N)
50- 50

Fig.Fig2.4: Payoff table- Minimum And Maximum Columns.

Recommendation: Using the maximin decision criterion, the decision maker
should manufacture hand lotion with a pay-off of - N50.


This decision criterion was developed by L.J. Savage. He pointed out that the
decision maker might experience regret after the decision has been made and the
states of nature i.e. events have occurred. Thus the decision maker should attempt
to minimize regret before actually selecting a particular alternative (strategy)
(Gupta and Hira, 2011). The criterion is aimed at minimizing opportunity loss.

The following steps are used to solve problems using this criterion.
Step 1: For each column, identify the highest payoff

Step 2: Subtract the value from itself every other pay-off in the column to obtain
the regret matrix.

Step 3: Create an additional column to the right of your regret matrix and call it
maximum column.

Step 4: Identify and select the maximum value from each alternative strategy

Step 5: Find the minimum value in the maximum column created.

Step 6: Make recommendations.

Example 2.2
Contingency table 4
Alternative Market Demand
Products High Moderate Low (N )
(N ) (N )
Body Cream 500 250 -75
Hair Cream 700 300 -60
Hand Lotion 400 200 -50
Fig.2.5: Payoff table.

Regret matrix 1
Alternative Market Demand Max Mini
Products High Moderate Low Colum max
(N ) ( N ) (N ) n
Body Cream 200 50 25 200
Hair Cream 0 0 10 10 10
Hand Lotion 300 100 0 300

Fig.2.6: Regret matrix.

Recommendation: Using the minimax regrets criterion, the decision maker should
manufacture hair cream to minimize loss worth N10.


This criterion is based upon what is known as the principle of insufficient reasons.
Since the probabilities associated with the occurrence of various events are
unknown, there is not enough information to conclude that these probabilities will
be different. This criterion assigns equal probabilities to all the events of each
alternative decision and selects the alternative associated with the maximum
expected payoff. Symbolically, if “n” denotes the number of events and “s”
denotes the pay-offs, then expected value for strategy, say si is
1/N[P1 + P2 + …. + Pn]

or simply put
P1 + P2 + ….. + Pn
The steps to follow are:
Step 1: Compute the average for each alternative using the above formula.
Step 2: Select the maximum outcome from the calculation in step 1 above
Step 3: Make recommendations

Example 2.3

Contingency table 5
Alternative Market Demand Max
Products High Moderate Low Average Column Col.
(N ) (N ) (N )
Body Cream 500 250 -75 500 +250 + 75 = 675
3 3 = 225
Hair Cream 700 300 -60 700 + 300 – 60 = 940 313.3
3 3 =313.3
Hand Lotion 400 200 -50 400 + 200 – 5 = 550
30 3 =183.3
Fig. 2.7: Payoff table.

Recommendation:Using the equally likely criterion, the decision should

manufacture Hair Cream worth N313.3


This criterion is also called weighted average criterion. It is a compromise between
the maximax (optimistic) and maximin (Pessimistic) decision criteria. This concept
allows the decision maker to take into account both maximum and minimum for
each alternative and assign them weights according to his degree of optimism or
pessimism. The alternative which maximises the sum of these weighted pay-offs is
then selected. (Gupta and Hira, 2012)

The Hurwicz Criterion Comsprises the following steps:

Step 1: Choose an appropriate degree of optimism ( lies between zero and one (0 <
<1)), so that (1- ) represents the degree of pessimism. is called coefficient or index
of optimism.

Step 2 : Determine the maximum as well as minimum value of each alternative

course of action.
Step 3 : Determine the criterion of realism using the following
formula CRi = (Max in Rowi) + (1 - ) (Min in Rowi)

Step 4: Select the maximum outcome in step 3 above

Step 5: Make Recommendation

Example 2.4
EXAMPLE: Using the contingency table 3 above,

Maximum Min in Row

500 -75
700 -60
400 -50

Fig. 2.8: Max. And Min. Rows.

For alternative Body Cream (b)

(Rb = (Maxim Rowb) + (1 - ) (min in Rowb)
Let us assume = 0.5
CRbc = 0.5 (500) + (1 – 0.5) (-75)
0.5 (500) + 0.5 (-75)
250 – 37.5 = 212.5

For alternative Hair Cream

CRhc = 0.5 (700) + (0.5) (-60)
350 + (- 30)
350 – 30 = 320

For alternative Hand Lotion

CRhl = 0.5 (400) + (0.5) (-50)
200 – 25 =
177 Therefore
CRhc = N320
CRhl = N175

Recommendation: Using the Hurwicz Criterion, the decision maker should

manufacture Hair Cream worthN320.

We have seen how interesting and simple it is to use the five criteria in analysing
decision problems. However, the above analysis can only be used under a situation
of uncertainty where the decision maker neither knows the future states of nature
nor have the probability of occurrence of the states of nature. This will be
discussed in greater detail in the next unit.

4.0 Conclusion
Every individual, group of individuals, as well as organizations are faced with
decision problems every day. An individual or a small group of people faced with
simple decision may apply common sense in solving their problems. However, this
is not the case with big corporate organizations which are faced with very complex
decision problems. An application of common sense in such complex situations
will not be appropriate as it will lead mostly to wrong decisions.Complex decision
problems demand the use of specialized tools and techniques for analysis of
problem and eventual arrival at the best alternative.

5.0 Summary
This unit outlines briefly some approaches to decision analysis. It identifies two
basic approaches to decision analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches.
The Qualitative approach includes: Delphi Method, Market Research and
Historical Analogy. The Quantitative technique includes the use of Mathematics,
Probability, Mathematical models and statistics to analyse decision problems.
Finally, we discuss the five criteria for solving problems under the condition of
uncertainty: maximax, maximin, laplace’s, minimax regret, and Hurwicz criterion.


̀⠀ ⠀Ā ȀȀ ̀⠀ Ā⤀Ā ⠀ Ā ⠀
ifferential between qualitative and quantitative techniques.
̀⠀ ⠀Ā ȀȀ ̀⠀ Ā⤀Ā ⠀ Ā ⠀
ist and explain four qualitative techniques of decision analysis.
̀⠀ ⠀Ā ȀȀ ̀⠀ Ā⤀Ā ⠀ Ā ⠀
hat do your understanding by a state of Nature?
̀⠀ ⠀Ā ȀȀ ̀⠀ Ā⤀Ā ⠀ Ā ⠀
ifferentials between the Expected monetary value (EMV) and the Expected
opportunity Loss (EOL) techniques.
̀⠀ ⠀Ā ȀȀ ̀⠀ Ā⤀Ā ⠀ Ā ⠀
onsider the payoff matrix below and analyse the decision problem

Contingency table 6
State of nature
Alternatives S1 S2 S3
d1 15,000 35,000 200
d2 75,000 15,000 -100
d3 20,000 45,000 -1,000

Hint: Whenever you are asked to analyse a problem completely, it means you
should use the five criteria early discussed for analyse the decision problem.

Adebayo O.A. et al (2006), Operations Research in Decision and Production


Akingbade, F. (1995), Practical Operational Research for Developing Countries: A

Process Framework approach, Lagos: Panaf Publishing Inc.

Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N (2001), Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad Nig.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Harper, W.M. (1975), Operational Research, London: Macdonald & Evans Ltd.

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP


Microsoft Encarta Premium, (2009).

Skemp, R.R. (1991), the Psychology of Learning Mathematics, Harmonds Worth:

Penguin Book.



Recall that in the previous unit we presented five decision criteria – Maximax,
Maximin, Laplace’s, Minimax Regret, and Hurwicz criterion. We also stated that
the criteria are used foranalysing decision situations under uncertainty. In this unit,
we shall delve fully into considering these situations and learn how we can use
different techniques in analysing problems in certian decision situations i.e
Certainty, Uncertainty, Risk, and Conflict situations.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
Identify the four conditions under which decisions can be made
Describe each decision situation
Identify the techniques for making decision under each decision situation
Solve problems under each of the decision situation



Dixon – Ogbechi (2001) presents the following elements of Decision Situation:
The Decision Maker: The person or group of persons making the decision.
Value System: This is the particular preference structure of the decision
3 Environmental Factors: These are also called states of nature. They can be
i. Political v Cultural factors
ii. Legal vi. Technological factors
iii. Economic factors viii Natural Disasters
Social factors

Alternative: There are various decision options available to the decision

Choice: The decision made.
Evaluation Criteria: These are the techniques used to evaluate the situation
at hand.


According to Gupta and Hira (2012), there are four types of environments under
which decisions can be made. These differ according to degree of certainty. The
degree of certainty may vary from complete certainty to complete uncertainty. The
region that lies between corresponds to decision making under risk.


In this environment, only one state of nature exits for each alternative.Under this
decision situation, the decision maker has complete and accurate information about
future outcomes. In other words, the decision maker knows with certainty the
consequence of every alternative course of action. It is easy to analyse the situation
and make good decisions. Since the decision maker has perfect knowledge about
the future outcomes, he simply chooses the alternative with the optimum payoff.
The approach to analysing such decision problem is deterministic. Decision
techniques used here include simple arithmetic for simple problem, and for
complex decision problems, methods used include cost-volume analysis when
information about them is precisely known, linear programming, transportation and
assignment models, deterministic inventory models, deterministic quelling models
and network model. We shall discuss these models later.


Here, more than one state of nature exists, but the decision maker lacks sufficient
knowledge to allow him assign probabilities to the various state of nature.
However, the decision maker knows the states of nature that may possibly occur
but does not have information which will enable him to determine which of these
states will actually occur. Techniques that can be used to analyse problem under
this condition include the Maximax criterion, Equally likely or Laplace’s criterion,

and Hurwicz criterion or Criterion of Realism. These techniques have earlier been
discussed. We shall consider a more difficult problem for further illustration.

EXAMPLE3.1- Word Problem

A farmer is considering his activity in the next farming season. He has a choice of
three crops to select from for the next planting season – Groundnuts, Maize, and
Wheat.Whatever is his choice of crop; there are four weather conditions that could
prevail: heaving rain, moderate rain, light rain, and no rain. In the event that the
farmer plants Ground nuts and there is heavy rain, he expects to earn a proceed of
N650,000 at the end of the farming season, if there is moderate rain N1,000,000,
high rain – N450,000 and if there is no rain – (- N1,000)If the farmer plants Maize,
the following will be his proceeds after the harvest considering the weather
condition: heavy rain – N1,200,000, moderate rain – N1,500,000, Light rain –
N600,000 and no rain N2000. And if the farmer decides to plant wheat, he expects
to make the following: heavy rain – N1,150,000, moderate rain – N1,300,000,
Light rain- N800,000 and No rain – N200 -000.
The farmer has contact you, an expert in OR to help him decide on what to do.

Question: Construct a payoff matrix for the above situation, analyse completely
and advise the farmer on the course of action to adopt. Assume = 0.6.
First, construct a contingency matrix from the above problem.

Contingency Matrix 1a
Alterative Weather conditions
Crops Heavy Moderate Light Rain No Rain
Rain (S1) Rain (S2) (S3) (S4)
Groundnut 750,000 1,000.000 450,000 -1,000
Maize (d2) 1,200,000 1,500,000 600,000 2000
Wheat (d3) 1,150,000 1,300,000 800,000 -200,000

Fig. 3.1a: Pay- off Table

Contingency Matrix 1b
Alterative Weather conditions
Crops S1 S2 S3 S4 Max Min
col Col
( N ’000) ( N ’000) ( N ’000) ( N ’000)

d1 750 1,000 450 -1 1,000 -1

d2 1,200 1,500 600 2 1,500 2
d3 1,150 1,300 800 -200 1,300 -200
Fig. 3.1b: Pay - off Table

Regret Matrix 1
Alterative Weather conditions
Crops S1 S2 S3 (S4) Ma Min
(N ’000) ( N ’000) ( N ’000) (N ’000) x Col
d1 col

1200 – 750 1500-1000 800-450 2-(1)

d2 450 500 350 3 200 200
1200 – 1200 1500-1500 800-600 2-2
d3 0 0 200 0 202
1200-1150 1500-1300 800-800 2-(-200)
50 200 0 202
Col max 1200 1500 800 2
Fig. 3.2: Regret Matrix1

1. Maximax Criterion

Alt. Max
d1 1,000
d2 1,500
d3 1,300

Recommendation: Using the maximax criterion, the farmer should

select alternative d2 and plant maize worth N1500,000.

2. Maximin criterion

Alt. Min.
d1 -1
d2 2
d3 -200

Recommendation: Using the maximum criterion, the farmer should select

alternative d2 and plant maize worth N2,000.

3. Minimax Regret Criterion

Choice Weather conditions

of crops S1 S2 S3 (S4) Max Min
Col Col
d1 450 500 350 3 500
d2 0 0 200 0 200 200
d3 50 200 0 202 202
Fig. 3.3: Pay- off Table

Recommendation: Using the Mini Max Regret Criterion, the decision maker
should select alternative d2 and plant maize to minimize loss worth N200,000

Laplace Criterion

d1 = 750 + 1000 + 450 – 1 = 549.75

d2 = 1200 + 1500 + 600 + 2 =825.50
d3 = 1150 + 1300 + 800 – 200= 762.50

Recommendation: Using the Equally Likely or Savage Criterion, the farmer

should select alternative d2 to plant maize worth N825,500.

Hurwicz Criterion

= 0.6, 1 - = 0.4
CRi = (max in row) + (1- ) (min in row)
CR1 = 0.6 (1000) + (0.4) (-1) = 600 + (-0.4) = 599.6
CR2 = 0.6 (1500) + (0.4) (2) = 900 + 0.8 = 900.8
CR3 = 0.6 (1300) + (0.4) (-200) = 780 + (-80) = 700

Recommendation: Using the Hurwicz criterion the farmer should select

alternative d2 and cultivate maize worth N900,800.00.


Under the risk situation, the decision maker has sufficient information to allow him
assign probabilities to the various states of nature. In other words, although the
decision maker does not know with certainty the exact state of nature that will
occur, he knows the probability of occurrence of each state of nature. Here also,
more than one state of nature exists. Most Business decisions are made under
conditions of risk. The probabilities assigned to each state of nature are obtained
from past records or simply from the subjective judgement of the decision maker.
A number of decision criteria are available to the decision maker. These include.
Expected monetary value criterion (EMV)
Expected Opportunity Loss Criterion (EOL)
Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI)
(Gupta and Hira, 2012)

We shall consider only the first two (EMV and EOL) criteria in details in this


To apply the concept of expected value as a decision making criterion, the decision
maker must first estimate the probability of occurrence of each state of nature.
Once the estimations have been made, the expected value of each decision
alternative can be computed. The expected monetary value is computed by
multiplying each outcome (of a decision) by the corresponding probability of its
occurrence and then summing the products. The expected value of a random
variable is written symbolically as E(x), is computed as follows:

(Taylor III, 2007)

A businessman has constructed the payoff matrix below. Using the EMV criterion,
analyse the situation and advise the businessman on the kind of property to invest
Contingency Matrix 2
Decision to invest State of Nature
Good Poor Economic Turbulent Economic
Economic Condition Condition
Conditions (N ) (N )
(N )
Apartment building (d1) 50,000 30,000 15,000
Office building (d2) 100,000 40,000 10,000
Warehouse (d3) 30,000 10,000 -20,000
Probabilities 0.5 0.3 0.2
Fig. 3.4: Pay- off Table. Adapted from Taylor, B.W. III (2007)
Introduction to Management Science, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

EVd1 = 50,000 (0.5) + 30,000 (0.3) + 15,000 (0.2)
25,000 + 9,000 + 3,000

EVd2 = 100,000 (0.5) + 40,000 (0.3) + 10,000 (0.2)

=N50,000 +12,000 + 2000

EVd3 = 30,000 (0.5) + 10,000 (0.3) + (-20,000(0.2)

15,000 + 3000 - 4000

Recommendation: Using the EMV criterion, the businessman should select

alternative d2 and invest in office building worth N64,000.

Under this method, the best decision is the one with the greatest expected value.
From the above EXAMPLE, the alternative with the greatest expected value is
EVd1 which has a monetary value of N37,000. This does not mean that N37,000
will result if the investor purchases apartment buildings, rather, it is assumed that
one of the payoffs values will result in N25,000 or N9,000 or N 3,000. The
expected value therefore implies that if this decision situation occurs a large

number of times, an average payoff of N37,000 would result, Alternatively, if the
payoffs were in terms of costs, the best decision would be the one with the lowest
expected value.


The expected opportunity Loss criterion is a regret criterion. It is used mostly in
minimization problems. The minimization problem involves the decision maker
either trying to minimize loss or minimize costs. It is similar the Minimax Regret
Criterion earlier discussed. The difference however, is that is has probabilities
attached to each state of nature or occurrence.

The difference in computation between the EMV and EOL methods is that, unlike
the EMV methods, a regret matrix has to be constructed from the original matrix
before the EOL can be determined.

We shall determine the best alternative EOL using contingency matrix 2 above
First, we construct a regret matrix from contingency matrix 2 above. Remember
how the Regret matrix table is constructed? Ok. Let us do that again here.

Quick Reminder
To construct a regret matrix, determine the highest value in each state of nature and
subtract every payoff in the same state of nature from it. Your will observe that
most of the payoff will become negative values and zero.

Regret Matrix 2
Decision to invest State of Nature
(N ) (N ) (N )
Apartment building (d1) (100,000 - 50,000) (40,000 - 30,000) (15,000 – 15,000)
Office building (d2) 50,000 10,000 0
(100,000 -100,000) (40,000 – 40,000) (15,000 -10,000)
Warehouse (d3) 0 0 5,000
(100,000 – 30,000) (40,000 – 40,000) (15,000+20,000)
70,000 30,000 35,00
Probabilities 0.5 0.3 0.2
Fig. 3.3: Regret Matrix 2
EOLd1 = 50,000 (0.5) + 10,000 (0.3) + 0(2)
25,000 + 3,000+0

EOLd2 = 0.(0.5) + 0(0.3) + 5,000 (0.2)
= 0 + 0 + 1,000
= N 1,000

EOLd3 = 70,000 (0.5) + 30,000 (0.3) + 35,000 (0.2)

= 35,000 + 9,000 + 7,000
= N51,000

Recommendation: Using the EOL criterion, the decision maker should select
alternative d2 and invest in office building worth N1,000.

The Optimum investment option is the one which minimizes expected opportunity
losses, the action calls for investment in office building at which point the
minimum expected loss will be N1,000.

You will notice that the decision rule under this criterion is the same with that of
the Minimax Regret criterion. This is because both methods have the same
objectives that is, the minimization of loss. They are both pessimistic in nature.
However, loss minimization is not the only form minimization problem.
Minimisation problems could also be in the form ofminimisation of cost of
production or investment. In analysinga problem involving the cost of production
you do not have to construct a regret matrix because the pay-off in the table
already represents cost.

NOTE: It should be pointed out that EMV and EOL decision criteria are
completely consistent and yield the same optimal decision alternative.


Taylor III (2007) is of the view that it is often possible to purchase additional
information regarding future events and thus make better decisions. For instance, a
farmer could hire a weather forecaster to analyse the weather conditions more
accurately to determine which weather condition will prevail during the next
farming season. However, it would not be wise for the farmer to pay more for this
information than he stands to gain in extra yield from having this information. That
is, the information has some maximum yield value that represents the limit of what
the decision maker would be willing to spend. This value of information can be
computed as an expected value – hence its name, expected value of perfect
information (EVPI).

The expected value of perfect information therefore is the maximum amount a
decision maker would pay for additional information. In the view of Adebayo et al
(2007), the value of perfect information is the amount by which the profit will be
increased with additional information. It is the difference between expected value
of optimum quantity under risk and the expected value under certainty. Using the
EOL criterion, the value of expected loss will be the value of the perfect

Expected value of perfect information can be computed as follows

EVPI = Expected value of perfect information
EVwPI = Expected value with perfect information
EMVmax = Maximum expected monetary valueor Expected value without
perfect information
(Or minimum EOL for a minimization problem)

Using the data on payoff matrix 3 above,

Decision to invest State of Nature

Good Poor Turbulent
(N ) (N ) (N )
Apartment building 50,000 30,000 15,000
Office building (d2) 100,000 40,000 10,000
Warehouse (d3) 30,000 10,000 -20,000
Probabilities 0.5 0.3 0.2
Fig. 3.3: Pay-off Tale

EVwPI = Pj x best out on each state of nature (Sj).

The expected value with perfect information can be obtained by multiplying the
best outcome in each state of nature by the corresponding probabilities and
summing the results.
We can obtain the EVwPI from the table above as follows.
EVwP1 = 100,000 x 0.5 + 40,000 x 0.3 + 15,000 x 0.2
50,000 + 12,000 + 3,000

Recall that our optimum strategy as calculated earlier was N64,000.
EVP1 = EVwP1 – EMVmax
N65000 - 64,000

The expected value of perfect information (EVPI) isN1000. This implies that the
maximum amount the investor can pay for extra information is N1000. Because it
is difficult to obtain perfect information, and most times unobtainable, the decision
maker would be willing to pay some amount less than N1000 depending on how
accurate the decision maker believes the information is. Notice that the expected
value of perfect information (N1000) equals our expected opportunity loss (EOL)
of N1000 as calculated earlier.

Taylor III (2007) provides a justification for this. According to him, this will
always be the case, and logically so, because regret reflects the difference between
the best decision under a state of nature and the decision actually made. This is the
same thing determined by the expected value of perfect information.


Decision taken under conflict is a competitive decision situation. This environment
occurs when two or more people are engaged in a competition in which the action
taken by one person is dependent on the action taken by others in the competition.
In a typical competitive situation the player in the competition evolve strategies to
outwit one another. This could by way intense advertising and other promotional
efforts, location of business, new product development, market research,
recruitment of experienced executives and so on. An appropriate techniques to use
in solving problems involving conflicts is the Game Theory (Adebayo et al 2007).

Practice Exercise
Identify and discuss the situations under which decision are made.
An investor is confronted with a decision problem as represented in the
matrix below. Analyse the problem Using the EMV and EOL criteria and
advise the decision maker on the best strategy to adopt.

State of Nature Alternatives
Expand Construct Subcontract Prob.
High (N) 50,000 70,000 30,000 0.5
Moderate (N) 25,000 30,000 15,000 03
Low (N) 25,000 -40,000 -1,000 0.15
Nil (N) -45,000 -80,000 -10,000 0.05

Hint : Note that the positions of the states of nature and the alternative strategies
have changed.

Business Organisations are confronted with different situations under which they
make decisions. There are different ways to approach a situation; the technique for
analysing a particular decision problem depends upon the prevailing situation
under which problem presents itself. It is important for decision makers to always
identify the situations they are faced with and fashion out the best technique for
analysing the situation in order to arrive at the best possible alternative course of
action to adopt.

In this unit, we have discussed the different situations under which a decision
maker is faced with decision problems. These decision situations include Certainty,
Uncertainty, Risk and Conflict situation. Decision situations could also be referred
to as decision environments. We have also identified and discussed various
techniques used in solving problems under these situations. The deterministic
approach to decision analysis which includes simple arithmetic techniques for
simple problems and cost -volume analysis, linear programming, transportation
model, assignment models quenching modes etc. for complex problems could be
used to solve problems under situation of certainty.Techniques that can be used to
solve problem under uncertainty include: Maximax criterion,Minimax criterion
Minimax Regret criterion, Equally-Likely or Laplace criterion, and Hurwicz
criterion. Decisions under Risk Situations can be analysed using the Expected
Monetary Value (EMV) or Expected Opportunity Loss (EOL) criterion. Finally,
Game theory can be used to analyse decision under conflict with is a situation that
involve competition.


Who is a decision maker?
Identify and explain the environmental factors or states of Nature that affect
a decision situation.
List and explain four situations under which decisions can be made.
Identify the techniques that can be used to analyse decision problems under
the following situations
Consider the contingency matrix below

States of Nature
Alternatives S1 (N) S2(N) S3(N)
A1 100,000 75,000 1000
A2 625,000 12,000 920
A3 11,900 750 -73
Analyse the situation completely and advise the decision maker on the optimal
strategy to adopt under each criterion.

Using the table in question (5) above, assume that strategy

S1 = Strong Economic Growth, with a probability of 0.45
S2 = Weak Economic Growth, with a probability of 0.3 S3
= Economic Recession, with a probability of 0.25

Assuming also, that the decision maker has the opportunity of purchasing extra
information which will help him take perfect decisions, A1 = Build new
manufacturing plant
A2 = Increase present plant size
A3= Employ more professionals to run present plant

What is the optimal investment strategy using the EMV technique?

Using the EOL techniques to analyse the situation and advise the investor on
the course of action to adopt.
What is the maximum amount that the investor can pay for additional


Adebayo O.A. et al (2006), Operations Research in Decision and Production


Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N (2001), Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad Nig.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &
Taylor III, Bernard W. (2007), Introduction to Management Science, 9 Edition.
New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.



So far, we have been discussing the techniques used for decision analysis. We have
demonstrated how to solve decision problems by presenting them in a tabular form.
However, if decision problems can be presented on a table, we can also represent
the problem graphically in what is known as a decision tree. Also the decision
problems discussed so far dealt with only single stage decision problem.
That is, the payoffs, alternatives, state of nature and the associated probabilities
were not subject to change. We now consider situations that involve multiple
stages. They are characterized by a sequence of decisions with each decision
influencing the next. Such problems, called sequential decision problems, are
analysed best with the help of decisions trees.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
Describe a decision tree
Describe what Decision nodes and outcome nodes are
Represent problems in a decision trees and perform the fold back and tracing
forward analysis
Calculate the outcome values using the backward pass
Identify the optimal decision strategy


A decision tree is a graphical representation of the decision process indicating
decision alternatives, states of nature, probabilities attached to the states of nature
and conditional benefits and losses (Gupta & Hira 2012). A decision tree is a
pictorial method of showing a sequence of inter-related decisions and outcomes.
All the possible choices are shown on the tree as branches and the possible
outcomes as subsidiary branches. In summary, a decision tree shows: the decision
points, the outcomes (usually dependent on probabilities and the outcomes values)
(Lucey, 2001).

The decision tree is the simplest decision making model in the face of an uncertain
future. In such a model, a plan of action must account for all contingencies
(Chance outcome) that can arise. A decision tree represents the uncertainty of
choice graphically. This makes it easy to visualize the contingency plans which are
called strategies (Denardo, 2002).

3.2 BENEFITS OF USING DECISION TREE Dixon-Ogbechi (2001) presents

the following advantages of using the decision tree
They assist in the clarification of complex decisions making situations that
involve risk.
Decision trees help in the quantification of situations.
Better basis for rational decision making are provided by decision trees.
They simplify the decision making process.


The disadvantage of the decision tree is that it becomes time consuming,
cumbersome and difficult to use/draw when decision options/states of nature
are many.


It is important to note the following components of the structure of a decision
The choice or Decision Node: Basically, decision trees begin with choice or
decision nodes. The decision nodes are depicted by square ( ). It is a point
in the decision tree were decisions would have to be made. Decision nodes are
immediately by alternative courses of action in what can be referred to as the
decision fork. The decision fork is depicted by a square with arrows or
lines emanating from the right side of the square ( ).The number of
lines emanating from the box depend on the number of alternatives

Change Node: The chance node can also be referred to as state of nature node
or event node. Each node describes a situation in which an element of
uncertainty is resolved. Each way in this uncertainty can be resolved is
represented by an arc that leads rightward from its chance node, either to
another node or to an end-point. The probability on each such arc is a
conditional probability, the condition being that one is at the chance node to
its left. These conditional probabilities sum to 1 (0ne), as they do in
probability tree (Denardo, 2002).

The state of nature or chance nodes are depicted by circles ( ), it implies that
at this point, the decision maker will have to compute the expected monetary
value (EMV) of each state of nature. Again the chance event node is
depicted this ( )


The structure and the typical components of a decision tree are shown in the
diagram below.

Action B1
X1 D
m 2

Action B2

Outcome X2
o Outcome X 3

Outcome Y1

Action A 2
n 1

c 2

Outcome Y2 D3

Actionc 3

Fig.13: Adapted from Lucey, T (2001), Quantitative Techniques, 5
London: Continuum

The above is a typical construction of a decision tree. The decision tree begins with
a decision node D1 signifying that the decision maker is first of all presented with a
decision to make. Immediately after the decision node, there are two courses of
Action A1 and A2.If the decision maker chooses A1, there are three possible
outcomes – X1 X2, X3. And if chooses A2, there will be two possible outcomes Y1
and Y2 and so on.


The decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision problem. It is multi-
state in nature.As a result, a sequence of decisions are made repeatedly over a
period of time and such decisions depend on previous decisions and may lead to a
set of probabilistic outcomes. The decision tree analysis process is a form of
probabilistic dynamic programming (Dixon-Ogbechi, 2001).

Analysing a decision tree involves two states
Backward Pass: This involves the following steps
starting from the right hand side of the decision tree, identify the nearest
terminal. If it is a chance event, calculate the EMV (Expected Monetary
Value). And it is a decision node, select the alternative that satisfies your
Repeat the same operation in each of the terminals until you get to the end of
the left hand side of the decision tree.

Forward Pass: The forward pass analysis involves the following operation.
Start from the beginning of the tree at the right hand side, at each point,
select the alternative with the largest value in the case of a minimization
problem or profit payoff, and the least payoff in the case of a minimization
problem or cost payoff.
Trace forward the optimal contingency strategy by drawing another tree only
with the desired strategy.

These steps are illustrate below

Contingency Matrix 1
States of Nature Stock Rice Stock Maize
(A1) (A2)
High demand 8,000 12,000 0.6
(S1) ( N )
Low demand 4,000 -3,000 0.4
(S2) ( N )
Fig. 4.1: Pay-off Matrix
Question: Represent the above payoff matrix on a decision tree and find the
optimum contingency strategy.

We can represent the above problem on a decision tree thus:
S1(high demand)


A0.14(stock rice)S2(low demand)

S1(high demand)
A2(stock maize) 0.6
S2(high demand)

Fig. 4.2: A Decision Tree.

Next, we compute the EMY for alternatives A1 and A2.

EMVA1 = 8,000 x 0.6 + 4,000 x 0.4 =

6400 = 4800 x 1,600
EMVA2 = 12,000 x 0.6 + (-3,000) x 0.4
7,200 – 1,200 = N6,000

EMVA1 gives the highest payoff

We can now draw our optimal contingency strategy thus:

S1 0.6

A 0.
4 4,000

Fig. 4.3: Optimal Contingency Strategy

The above decision tree problem is in its simplest form. They also could be word
problem to be represented on a decision tree diagram unlike the above problem that
has already been put in tabular form. Let us try one of such problems.

A client has contracted NOUNCIL, a real estate firm to help him sell three
properties A,B,C that he owns in Banana Island. The client has agreed to pay
NOUNCIL 5% commission on each sale. The agent has specified the following
conditions: NOUNCIL must sell property A first, and this he must do within
60days. If and when A is sold, NOUNCIL receives 5% commission on the sale,
NOUNCIL can then decide to back out on further sale or go ahead and try to sell
the remaining two property B and C within 60 days. If they do not succeed in
selling the property within 60days, the contract is terminated at this stage. The
following table summarises the prices, selling Costs (incurred by NOUNCIL
whenever a sale is made) and the probabilities of making sales

Property Prices of Selling Probability

property Cost
A 12,000 400 0.7
B 25,000 225 0.6
C 50,000 450 0.5

Fig. 4.3: Pay-off Matrix

Draw an appropriate decision tree representing the problem for NOUNCIL.

What is NOUNCIL’s best strategy under the EMV approach?

(Question Adapted from Gupta and Hira (2012))

Hint: Note that the probabilities provided in the table are probabilities of sale.
Therefore, to get the probability of no sale, we subtract the prob. Of sale from 1
Prob. of no Sales = 1 – prob. of sales

NOUNCIL gets 5% Commission if they sell the properties and satisfy the specified

The amount they will receive as commission on sale of property A,B, and C are as
Commission on A = 5/100 x 12,000 = N6000
Commission on B = 5/100 x 25,000 = N1250
Commission on C = 5/100 x 50,000 = N2500

The commission calculated above are conditional profits to NOUNCIL. To obtain

the actual profit accrued to NOUNCIL from the sale of the properties, we subtract
the selling cost given in the table above from the commission.

NOUNCIL’S Actual profit

A = N600 – N400 = N200
B = N1250 - N225 = N1025
C = N2500 – N450 = N2050

We now construct our decision tree

3 l
e .

S D 0

5 o
, e


) n
N t


B s
B l


6 N
e 0

0 o
S 5 )

B D o
s e

2 a
lk s
o t

s )
T 0

( 2
4 N ,
) O )

0 TakeC ) N

) B
A s
0 l 6
s 7 5
e 0
0 S
A e
S 0

D o e
n o

e S 5 t
s .

n 0

A o

el D
0 .
l B

4 (
t o N


e )
0 .
A (

. 0 t

A s


0 C

R 5 (

Fig. 4.4: A Decision Tree


EMV of Node 3 = N (0.5 2050 + 0.5 x0) = N1025 EMV
of Node 4 = N (0.6 x 1,025 + 0.4 x 0) =N615 EMV of
Node B = [0.6 (1025 + 1025) + 0.4 x 0] = 1230
Note: 0.6 (EMV of node 3 + profit from sales of B at node B)
EMV of Node C = [0.5 (2050 + 615) + 0.5 x 0] = N1332.50
Note: same as EMV of B above
EMV of Node 2 =N1332.50 (Higher EMV at B and C)
EMV of Node A = N[0.7 (200 + 1,332.50) + 0.3 x 0] =
N1072.75 EMV of Node 1 =N1072.75

Optimal contingency strategy

Sells B
Sells A,N 200 takes C sells C N1025

Sell A 1332.5 N 2050 615

0.7 N 1072.75 1332.5 0.5

Fig. 4.4b: Optimal Contingency Strategy

The optimal contingency strategy path is revealed above. Thus the optimum
strategy for NOUNCIL is to sell A, if they sell A, then try sell C and if they sell C,
then try sell B to get an optimum expected amount of N1072.75.

Let us try another example as adapted from Dixon – Ogbechi

(2001). EXAMPLE 4.3
The management of the school of Basic Remedial and Vocational Studies of
NOUN is contemplating investing in two diploma programmes- Diploma in
Business and Diploma in Law. DipBus.will cost N9millionwith 0.6 chance of
success. DipLaw will cost N 4.5million, but has only 0.35 chance of success.In the
event of success, management has to decide whether or not to advertise the product
heavily or lightly. Heavy advertisement will cost N3,600,000 but has 0.65
probability of full acceptance as against partial acceptance by the market while
light advertising will cost N1,200,000 and has a probability of 0.45 of full
acceptance. Full acceptance in DipBus Programme would be worth N36million
while that of DipLaw programme would be worth 27 million. Partial market
acceptance will worth N21 million and N24 million respectively.

Advise the management of the school of Remedial and Vocational Studies on the
diploma programme and level of advertising to embark on.

We begin by drawing the decision tree.

Full Accept.
C 36 23.4
N 30.75m 0. 65
Heavy Advert.
N 4.5m 0.3521 8.4
Par. Accept. N 30.75m

A Success Light Advert.Full Accept.

0.63 N 1.2m 0.45 36 25.8
N 18.45m N 27. 75m

DipBus D 0.55 21 10.8

Par. Accept.
N 9m
2 N 18.45m Failure 0, -9
N 4.5m DipLawFull Accept.
InvestE0.65 27 18.9

N 25.95m
4Heavy Advert
BSuccess N 3.6m0.35 24 15.9 N25.9m
N 9.082m Par. Accept.
Light Advert
N 18.45m N 1.2mFull Accept.
0.65 27 21.3 N 25.35m
FPar. Accept.24 18.3

0 -4.5

Do not invest

Fig. 4.5: A Decision Tree


EMV of Node C = N36,000,000 x 0.65 + 21,000,000 x N0.36
N23,400,000 + 7,350,000

EMV of Node D = N36,000,000 x 0.45 + N21,000,000 x 0.55

N16,200,000 + N11,500,000

EMV of Node E =N27,000,000 x 0.65+ N24,000,000 x 0.35

N17,550,000 + N8,400,000

EMV of Node F =N27,000 x 0.45 + 24,000,000 x 0.55

N12,150,000 + 13,200,000

EMV of Node A =N30,750,000 x 0.6 + N0 + 0.4

N18,450,000 + N0

EMV of Node B = N25,950,000 x 0.35 + N0 x 0.65

N9082500 + 0

Note: Decision made at each of the decision nodes were arrived at by

comparing the values in each chance event nodes and selecting the highest value.

Optimal Contingency Strategy

Full Accept
C 0.65 N 36m
3Heavy Advert N

N 3.6m 0.35
N 30.75m
ASuccessPartial Accept N2 1m
0.6 N 18.45m

N 18.45m


0.4 N0

Fig. 4.6: The Optimum Contingency Strategy

Recommendation: Using the EMV method, the management of school of
Remedial and vocational studies should invest in DipBus and embark on heavy
advertisement to get on optimum expected amount of N18,450,000.


The secretary problem was developed to analyse decision problems that are
complex and repetitive in nature. This type of decision tree is a modification upon
general decision tree in that it collapses the branches of the general tree and once
an option is jettisoned, it cannot be recalled.

3.7.1 Advantages of the Secretary Problem Over the General Decision Tree In
addition to the advantages of the general decision try the secretary problem has the
following added advantages
It is easy to draw and analyse.
It saves time.

3.7.2 Analysis of the Secretary Problem

The analysis of a secretary decision tree problem is similar to that of the general
decision tree. The only difference is that since the multi stage decision problem
could be cumbersome to formulate when the branches become too many, the
secretary problem collapses the different states of nature into one. This will be
demonstrated in the example below.

The management of Bureau for public Enterprises (BPE) has invited bids for the
Distribution arm of the power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) PLC. Three
categories of bids are expected – high, fair, and low.

High bid is worth N100m, a fair bid is worth N60m and a low bid is worth N30M.
The probabilities of the first prospective bidder are 0.5; 0.3; 0.2 for high; fair; and
low respectively. Those of the second prospective bidder are 0.5; 0.2; and 0.3
respectively, while those of the third bidder are 0.4; 0.2; 0.4 respectively.

Formulate the problem as:
A general decision tree
A secretary problem
Analyse the situation completely
What is the optimal contingency strategy?
(Dixon – Ogechi, 2001)
H 0.4
Solution F 60M
3rd 0.2
H0.5 0.4
2 nd F 3rd

0.3 L


High 0.5


H 0.5
1st Fair2nd F3rd
0.3 0.2


Low 0.2

2nd F3rd

0.3 L

Fig. 4.7: A general Formulation of a Secretary Problem

The bids and their corresponding probabilities, and worth are to be repeated
throughout the 3 chance event fork like has been done in the first. You can try
that in your note and see how it would look like
You can see how cumbersome the general decision tree formulation of the above
problem is. It is very time consuming to formulate because it has too many
branches. As a result, the secretary formulation was developed to help analyse
decision problems of this nature without going through the process as indicated

Now let us see the secretary formulation of the same problem.

Stop = 100m Stop = 100m

2 3 100m
H 0.52 H 0.5 3rd H 0.4
1 AB C
48.4m 1 F N 48.4m 2
N53m F N 53m
3 rd
N60m F 60m
N 64m
0.3 0.3 0.2

0.2L 2 0.3 L 3rd 0.4 L
N30m N30m 30m

Stop= 30m Stop = 30m

Fig. 4.8: Formulation of a Secretary Problem

EMVC =100 X 0.4 + 60 X 0.2 + 30 X

0.4 40 + 12 + 12
= N64m

EmVB =64 x 0.5 + 60 x 0.2 + 30 x 0.3

32 + 12 + 9

EMVB = 64 x 0.5 + 60 x 0.2 + 30 x 0.3

32 + 12 + 9

EMVA = 53 x0.5 + 53 x0.3 + 30 x 0.2

26.5 + 15.9 + 6

Optimal contingency Strategy

2 3 100m

H 0.5 2nd H 0.5 3rd H 0.4

1 A B C
st nd rd
N 48.4m 1 N 48.4m F N53m 2 N 53m F N60m 3 N 64m F 60m
0.3 0.3 0.2

0.2 L 0.3 L 0.4 L

N30m N30m 30m

Fig. 4.9: Optimal Contingency Strategy

We can see that the major difference between the secretary formulation and the
general decision tree formulation is that at decision nodes, instead of the tree of
proceed to different chance event nodes and develop different branches, the
branches are collapsed into one from the three decision nodes to form one change
event node.

Decision trees provide a graphical method of presenting decision problems. The
problems are represented in a form of a tree diagram with the probabilities and
payoffs properly labelled for easier understanding, interpretation, and analysis.
Once a decision problem can be represented in tabular form, it can also be
presented in form of a decision tree.

However, the general decision tree could become complex and cumbersome to
understand and analysed if the nature of the problem is also complex and involves
a large number of options. The secretary formulation method of the general
decision tree was developed as an improvement upon the general formulation to be
used for analysing complex and cumbersome decision problems. Generally, the

decision tree provides a simple and straight forward way of analysing decision

Now let us cast our minds back to what we have learnt so far in this unit. We learnt
that the decision tree is mostly used for analysing a multi-stage decision problem.
That is, when there is a sequence of decisions to be made with each decision
having influence on the next. A decision tree is a pictorial method of showing a
sequence of inter-related decisions and outcomes. It is a graphical representation
that outlines the different states of nature, alternatives courses of actions with their
corresponding probabilities. The branches of a decision tree are made up of the
decision nodes at which point a decision is to be made, and the chance node at
which point the EMV is to be computed.

The decision tree assist the clarification of a complex decision problem, it helps in
the quantification of a decision situation, and to simplify the decision making
process. On the other hand, the decision tree could become time consuming,
cumbersome and difficult to use or draw when the options and states of nature are
too many.

In order to tackle this problem of the decision tree becoming too cumbersome, the
secretary formulation of the decision tree was developed. The secretary
formulation of the decision tree collapses the different states of nature into one in
situation where the states of nature are repetitive in nature.

Whichever formulation of the tree diagram, be it the general or the secretary

formulation, the decision tree has two methods of analysis – the backward pass and
the forward pass.


What do you understand by the term decision tree?
Identify the two formulations of the decision tree and give the difference
between them.
Outline the advantages and disadvantage of a decision tree.
Write short notes on the following:
Decision Node
Chance Even Node
Identify and discuss the two method of analysis of a decision tree
Consider the matrix below

States of Nature
Decision to
purchase Good Poor
Economic Economic
condition Condition
Apartment N 50,000 N 30,000
Office Building 100,000 - 40,000
Warehouse 30,000 10,000
Probability 0.60 0.40

Adapted from: Taylor III (2007, P. 490)

Formulate the above decision problem as a decision tree, obtain the optimal
contingency strategy, and advice the decision maker on the strategy to adopt.

Ajaokuta steel company is confronted with the choice of selecting between

three operational options: (i) Produce commercially (ii) Build pilot plant, and (iii)
Stop operating the steel plant. The management has estimated the following
probabilities- if the pilot plant is built, it has a 0.8 chance of high yield and 0.2
chance of low yield. If the pilot plant does show a high yield, management
estimates a probability of 0.75 that the commercial plant will have a high yield. If
the pilot plant shows a low yield, there is only a 0.1 chance that the commercial
plant will show a high yield. Finally, management’s best assessment of the yield on
a commercial size plant without building a pilot plant first has a 0.6 probability of
high yield. A pilot plant will cost N3,000,000. The profits earned under high and
low yields conditions are N12,000,000 and – N1,200,000 respectively. Find the
optimum decision for the company.(Cupta & Hira 2012: 777)

Hint: The above problem is relatively simple. Start with a decision node Draw
three branches from the decision representing the three alternative decisions. From
the branch representing commercial production, draw a chance event node and put
the corresponding probabilities and profits and stop.

From the branch representing Pilot plant, draw a chance event fork with two
branches representing high and low yields with their probabilities. From each of
the chance event branches, construct another decision fork representing
commercial production on one branch and stop at the other.

Finally, construct a chance event fork in each of the commercial production
branches with the probabilities well represented, then put the profits for both high
and low yields.

Form the third branch emanating from the first decision fork, label it stop
operation. Do not continue construction because it has no yields.


Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N (2001), Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad Nig.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP




We mentioned in Unit 1, module 1, that the subject Business Decision Analysis
takes its root from the discipline Operations Research or Operational Research
(OR). This unit is devoted to giving us background knowledge of OR. It is
however, not going to be by any way exhaustive as substantial literature been
developed about quantitative approaches to decision making. The root of this
literature are centuries old, but much of it emerged only during the past half
century in tandem with the digital computer (Denardo, 2002). The above assertion
relates only to the development of the digital computer for use in solving OR
problems. The proper roots of OR can be traced to the early 1800s. But it was in
1885 when Ferderick Taylor emphasized the application scientific analysis to
methods of production, that it really began (Gupta & Hira 2012).

This unit provides only an overview of OR with emphasis on the definition of OR,
characteristics, Scope, application, objectives, and phases of OR.

At the end of this study unit, you should be able to:
Briefly trace the development of OR.
Define OR.
Outline the characteristics of OR.
Give reasons why operations research is necessary in industries.
Discuss the scope of OR.
List and explain the areas of application of
Outline the objectives of OR.



Gupta and Hira (2012) traced the development of Operations Research (OR) thus:


The roots of OR are as old as science and society. Though the roots of OR extend
to even early 1800s, it was in 1885 when Ferderick, W. Taylor emphasized the
application of scientific analysis to methods of production, that the real start took
place. Taylor conducted experiments in connection with a simple shovel. His aim
was to find that weight load of Ore moved by shovel would result in the maximum
amount of ore move with minimum fatigue. After many experiments with varying
weights, he obtained the optimum weight load, which though much lighter than
that commonly used, provided maximum movement of ore during a day. For a
“first-class man” the proper load turned out to be 20 pounds. Since the density of
Ore differs greatly, a shovel was designed for each density of Ore so as to assume
the proper weight when the shovel was correctly filled. Productivity rose
substantially after this change.

Henry L. Gantt, also of the scientific management era, developed job sequencing
and scheduling methods by mapping out each job from machine to machine, in
order to minimize delay. Now, with the Gantt procedure, it is possible to plan
machine loading months in advance and still quote delivery dates accurately.

Another notable contributor is A.K. Erlang a Danish Mathematician who published

his work on the problem of congestion of telephone traffic. During that period,
operators were unable to handle the calls the moment they were made, resulting in

delayed calls. A few years after its appearance, his work was accepted by the
British Post Office as the basis calculating circuit facilities.

Other early contributors include F.W. Harris, who published his work in the area of
inventory control in 1915, H.C. Levinson an American Astronomer who applied
scientific analysis to the problems of merchandizing.

However, the first industrial Revolution was the main contributing factor towards
the development of OR. Before this period, most of the industries were small scale,
employing only a handful of men. The advent of machine tools – the replacement
of man by machine as a source of power and improved means of transportation and
communication resulted in fast flourishing industries. If became increasingly
difficult for a single man to perform all the managerial functions (Planning, sales,
purchasing production, etc). Consequently, a division of management functions
took place. Managers of production marketing, finance, personal, research and
development etc. began to appear. For example, production department was sub-
divided into sections like maintenance, quality control, procurement, production
planning etc.

During War II, the military management in England called on a team of scientists
to study the strategic and tactical problems of air and land defence. This team was
under the leadership of Professor P. M. S. Blackett of University of Manchester
and a former Naval Officer. “Blackett’s circus”, as the group was called,
includedthree Physiologists, two Mathematical Physicists, oneAstrophysicist, one
Army officer, one Surveyor, one general physicist and two Mathematicians. The
objective of this team was to find out the most effective allocation of limited
military resources to the various military operations and to activities within each
operation. The application included effective use of newly invented radar,
allocation of British Air Force Planes to missions and the determination best
patters for searching submarines. This group of scientist formed the first OR team.

The name Operations Research (or Operational Research) was coined in 1940
because the team was carrying out research on military operations. The
encouraging results of the team’s efforts lead to the formation of more of such
teams in the British Armed services and the use of such scientific teams soon
spread to the western allies – United States, Canada, and France. Although the
science of Operations Research originated in England, the United States soon took
the lead. In the United States, OR terms helped in developing strategies for mining
operations, inventing new flight patterns, and planning of sea mines.
Immediately after the war, the success of military teams attracted the attention of
industrial mangers who were seeking solutions to their problems. Industrial
operations research in U.K and USA developed along different lines, and in UKthe
critical economic efficiency and creation of new markets. Nationalisation of new
key industries further increased the potential field for OR. Consequently OR soon
spread from military to government, industrial, social and economic planning.

In the USA, the situation was different impressed by is dramatic success in UK,
defence operations research in USA was increased. Most of the war-experienced
OR workers remained in the military services. Industrial executives did not call for
much help because they were returning to peace and many of them believed that it
was merely a new applicati0on of an old technique. Operations research has been
known by a variety of names in that country such as Operational Analysis,
Operations Evaluation, Systems Analysis, Systems Evaluation, Systems Research,
Decision Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Decision Science, and Management

In 1950, OR was introduced as a subject for academic study in American

Universities. They were generally schools of Engineering, Public Administration,
Business Management, Applied Mathematics, Economics, Computer Sciences, etc.
Since this subject has been gaining ever increasing importance for the student in
Mathematics, statistics, commerce, Economics, Management and Engineering, to
increase the impact of operations research, the Operations Research Society of
America (ORSA) was formed in 1950. In 1953 the Institute of Management
Science (IMS) was established. Other countries followed suit and in 1959,
International Federation of OR Societies was established, and in many countries,
International Journals OR began to appear.

Today, the impact of Operations Research can be felt in many areas. This is shown
by the ever increasing member of educational institutions offering it at degree
level. The fast increase in the number of management consulting firms speak of the
popularity of OR. Lately, OR activities have spread to diverse fields such as
hospitals, libraries, city planning, transportations systems, crime investigation etc.


Many definitions of OR have been suggested by writers and experts in the field of
operations Research. We shall consider a few of them.
Operations Research is the applications of scientific methods by inter
disciplinary teams to problems involving the control of organized (Man-Machine)
Systems so as to provide solutions which best serve the purpose of the organization
as a whole (Ackoff & Sasieni, 1991).

Operations Research is applied decision theory. It uses any scientific,

Mathematical or Logical means to attempt to cope with the problems that confront
the executive when he tries to achieve a thorough going rationality in dealing with
his decision problems (Miller and Starr, 1973).

Operations research is a scientific approach to problem solving for executive

management (Wagner, 1973).

Operations Research is the art of giving bad answers to problems, to which,

otherwise, worse answers are given (Saaty, 1959).

OR, in the most general sense, can be characterized as the application of

scientific methods, tools, and techniques to problems involving the operations of
systems so as to provide those in control of the operations with optimum solutions
to the problems. (Churchman, Ackoff, and Arnoff, 1957).
It could be noticed that most of the above definitions are not satisfactory. This is
because of the following reasons.
iThey have been suggested at different times in the development of operations
research and hence emphasis only one other aspect.
ii The interdisciplinary approach which is an important characteristic of operations
research is not included in most of the definitions.
iii It is not easy to define operations research precisely as it is not a science
representing any well-defined social, biological or physical phenomenon.

Ihemeje (2002) presents four vital characteristics of OR.

The OR approach is to develop a scientific model of the system under

investigation with which to compare the probable outcomes of alternative
management decision or strategies.

OR is essentially an aid to decision making. The result of an operation study

should have a direct effect on managerial action, management decision based on
the finding of an OR model are likely to be more scientific and better informed.

It is based on the scientific method. It involves the use of carefully constructed
models based on some measurable variables. It is, in essence, a quantitative and
logical approach rather than a qualitative one. The dominant techniques of OR are
mathematical and statistical.

OR model will be constructed for a particular “problem area”. This means that
the model has “boundaries” and only considers a small part of a large organization
or system. This may result in sub-optimisation of solution to a problem. An OR
project is often a team effort involving people drawn from many different
backgrounds including accountants, economists, engineers as well as OR experts

Other characteristics of OR are:

It is system (Executive) Oriented
It makes use of interdisciplinary teams
Application of scientific method
Uncovering of new problems
Improvement in quality of decision
Use of computer
Quantitative solution
Human factors (Gupta &
Hira, 2012)


Of these three phases, the research phase is the longest. The other two phases are
equally important as they provide the basis of the research phase. We now consider
each phase briefly as presented by Gupta & Hira (2012).


The judgement phases of the scientific method of OR consists of the following:

Determination of the Operation: An operation is the combination of different

actions dealing with resources (e.g men and machines) which form a structure from
which an action with regards to broader objectives is maintained. For example an
act of assembling an engine is an operation.

Determination of Objectives and Values Associated with the operation: In

the judgement phase, due care must be given to define correctly the frame of
references of operations. Efforts should be made to find the type of situation, e.g
manufacturing, engineering, tactical, strategic etc.
Determination of Effectiveness Measures: The measure of effectiveness
implies the measure of success of a model in representing a problem and providing
a solution. It is the connecting link between the objectives and the analysis
required for corrective action.

Formulation of the Problem Relative to the Objective: Operation analysis

must determine the type of problem, its origin, and causes. The following are some
types of problems:
iRemedial type with its origin in actual or threatened accidents e.g. air crashes, job
performance hazards.
ii Optimization type e.g. performing a job more efficiently.
iii Transference type consisting of applying the new advances, improvements and
inventions in one field to other fields.
iv Prediction typee.g. forecasting and problems associated with future
developments and inventions


The research phase of OR includes the following:
Observation and Data Collection: This enhances better understanding of the

Formulation of Relevant Hypothesis: Tentative explanations, when formulated

as propositions are called hypothesis. The formulation of a good hypothesis
depends upon the sound knowledge of the subject–matter. A hypothesis
must provide an answer to the problem in question.

Analysis of Available Information and Verification of Hypothesis: Quantitative

as well as qualitative methods may be used to analyse available data.

Prediction and Generalisation of Results and Consideration of Alternative

Methods: Once a model has been verified, a theory is developed from the
model to obtain a complete description of the problem. This is done by
studying the effect of changes in the parameters of the model. The theory so
developed may be used to extrapolate into the future.


The action phase consists of making recommendations for remedial action to those
who first posed the problem and who control the operations directly. These
recommendations consists of a clear statement of the assumptions made, scope and
limitations of the information presented about the situation, alternative courses of
action, effects of each alternative as well as the preferred course of action.

A primary function of OR group is to provide an administrator with better

understanding of the implications of the decisions he makes. The scientific method
supplements his ideas and experiences and helps him to attain his goals fully.


Having studied the scientific methods of operations research, we now focus on
why OR is important or necessary in industries. OR came into existence in
connection with war operations, to decide the strategy by which enemies could be
harmed to the maximum possible extent with the help of the available equipment.
War situations required reliable decision making. But the need for reliable decision
techniques is also needed by industries for the following reasons.

Complexity: Today, industrial undertakings have become large and

complex. This is because the scope of operations has increased. Many
factors interact with each other in a complex way. There is therefore a great
uncertainty about the outcome of interaction of factors like technological,
environmental, competitive etc. For instance, a factory production schedule
will take the following factors into account:

Customer demand.
Raw material requirement.
Equipment Capacity and possibility of equipment failure.
Restrictions on manufacturing processes.

It could be seen that, it is not easy to prepare a schedule which is both economical
and realistic. This needs mathematical models, which in addition to optimization,
help to analyse the complex situation. With such models, complex problems can be
split into simpler parts, each part can be analysed separately and then the results
can be synthesized to give insights into the problem.

Scattered Responsibility and Authority: In a big industry, responsibility

and authority of decision-making is scattered throughout the organization
and thus the organization, if it is not conscious, may be following
inconsistent goals. Mathematical quantification of OR overcomes this
difficulty to a great extent.

Uncertainty: There is a lot of uncertainty about economic growth. This
makes each decision costlier and time consuming. OR is essential from the
point of view of reliability.

Knowledge Explosion: Knowledge is increasing at a very fast pace.

Majority of industries are not up-to-date with the latest knowledge and are
therefore, at a disadvantage. OR teams collect the latest information for
analysis purpose which is quit useful for the industries.


We now turn our attention towards learning about the areas that OR covers. OR as
a discipline is very broad and is relevant in the following areas.

In Industry: OR is relevant in the field or industrial management where

there is a chain of problems or decisions starting from the purchase of raw
materials to the dispatch of finished goods. The management is interested in
having an overall view of the method of optimizing profits. In order to take
scientific decisions, an OR team will have to consider various alternative
methods of producing the goods and the returns in each case. OR should
point out the possible changes in overall structure like installation of a new
machine, introduction of more automation etc.

Also, OR has been successfully applied in production, blending, product

mix, inventory control, demand forecast, sales and purchases, transportation,
repair and maintenance, scheduling and sequencing, planning, product
control, etc.

In Defence: OR has wide application in defence operations. In modern

warfare, the defence operations are carried out by a number of different
agencies, namely – Air force, Army, and Navy. The activities perfumed by
each of these agencies can further be divided into sub-activities viz:
operations, intelligence, administration, training, etc. There is thus a need to
coordinate the various activities involved in order to arrive at an optimum
strategy and to achieve consistent goals.

In Management: Operations Research is a problem-solving and decision-

making science. It is a tool kit for scientific and programmable rules
providing the management a qualitative basis for decision making regarding

the operations under its control. Some of the area of management where OR
techniques have been successfully applied are as follows:

A Allocation and Distribution

Optimal allocation of limited resources such as men, machines, materials, time,
and money.
Location and size of warehouses, distribution centres retail depots etc
Distribution policy

B Production and Facility Planning

Selection, location and design of production plants, distribution centre and retail
Project scheduling and allocation of resources.
Preparation of forecast for the various inventory items and computing economic
order quantities and reorder levels.
Determination of number and size of the items to be produced.
Maintenances policy and preventive maintenance.
Scheduling and sequencing of production runs by proper allocation of

C Procurement
What, how, and when to purchase at minimum purchase cost.
Bidding and replacement policies.
Transportation planning and vendor analysis.

D Marketing
Product selection, timing, and competitive actions.
Selection of advertisement media.
Demand forecast and stock levels.
Customer preference for size, colour and packaging of various products.
Best time to launch a product.

E Finance
Capital requirement, cash-flow analysis.
Credit policy, credit risks etc.
Profit plan for the organisation.
Determination of optimum replacement policies.
Financial planning, dividend policies, investment and portfolio management,
auditing etc.
F Personnel
Selection of personnel, determination of retirement age and skills.
Recruitment policies and assignment of jobs.
Wages/salaries administration.

G Research and Development

Determination of areas for research and development.
Reliability and control of development projects.
Selection of projects and preparation of budgets.


The scope of OR in financial management covers the following areas
Cash Management: Linear programming techniques are helpful in determining
the allocation of funds to each section. Linear programming techniques have also
been applied to identify sections having excess funds; these funds may be diverted
to the sections that need them.

Inventory Control: Inventory control techniques of OR can help management

to develop better inventory policies and bring down the investment in inventories.
These techniques help to achieve optimum balance between inventory carrying
costs and shortage cost. They help to determine which items to hold, how much to
hold, when to order, and how much to order.
Simulation Technique: Simulation considers various factors that affect and
present and projected cost of borrowing money from commercial banks, and tax
rates etc. and provides an optimum combination of finance (debt, equity, retained
earnings) for the desired amount of capital. Simulation replaces subjective
estimates, judgement and hunches of the management by providing reliable

Capital Budgeting
It involves evaluation of various investment proposals (viz, market introduction of
new products and replacement of equipment with a new one). Often, decisions
have been made by considering internal rate of return or net present values. Also
the EMV method as discussed early can be used to evaluate investment

Operations Research as we know it today, as developed duringWar II, when the
military management in England called on a team of scientists to study the
strategic and tactical problems of air and land defence. Ever since that period,the
impact of Operations Research can be felt in many areas. This is shown by the ever
increasing member of educational institutions offering it at degree level. The fast
increase in the number of management consulting firms speak of the popularity of
OR. Lately, OR activities have spread to diverse fields such as hospitals, libraries,
city planning, transportations systems, crime investigation etc. In business,
Operations Research has been used as a problem-solving and decision-making
science. It is a tool kit for scientific and programmable rules providing the
management a qualitative basis for decision making regarding the operations under
its control. OR techniques have been successfully applied in areas ofAllocation and
Distribution, Production and Facility Planning, Procurement, Marketing, Finance,
Personnel and, Research and Development.


This has provided us with background information on the area of Operations

Research. As stated in the opening unit of this study material, the discipline
Business Decision Analysis or Analysis for Business Decisions takes its root from
operations research. The History and Development of operations research which is
as old as science and society. Though the roots of or extend to even early 1800s, it
was in 1885 when Ferderick, w. Taylor emphasized the application of scientific
analysis to methods of production, that the real start took place. Taylor conducted
experiments in connection with a simple shovel. However, Operations Research as
we know it today can be traced to the period during War II, when the military
management in England called on a team of scientists to study the strategic and
tactical problems of air and land defence. This team was under the leadership of
Professor P. M. S. Blackett of University of Manchester and a former Naval
Officer. Immediately after the war, the success of military teams attracted the
attention of industrial mangers who were seeking solutions to their problems.
Industrial operations research in U.K and USA developed along different lines, and
in UK the critical economic efficiency and creation of new markets. The modern
day Operations Research is defined as the applications of scientific methods by
inter disciplinary teams to problems involving the control of organized (Man-
Machine) Systems so as to provide solutions which best serve the purpose of the
organization as a whole (Ackoff & Sasieni, 1991). The Characteristics of OR
include the fact that its approach is to develop a scientific model of the system
under investigation with which to compare the probable outcomes of alternative
management decision or strategies.

Trace the history and development of operations to the founding fathers of the
field of management.
Give two definitions of operations research with identified authors.
Identify the four main characteristics of operations research.
Identify and briefly discuss the phases involved in the Scientific Method in
Operations research.
Give reason why reliable decision techniques are needed by industries.
Identify and discuss the areas where operations research is relevant.
Highlight the key areas where operations research is important in Financial


Ackoff, R. and Sisieni, M. (1991), Fundamentals of Operations Research, New

York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Churchman, C. W., Ackoff, R. L., and Arnoff, E. L.(1957), Introduction to

Operations Research, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Ihemeje, J. C. (2002), Fundamentals of Business Decision Analysis, Lagos- Sibon


Miller, D. W. and Starr, M. K. (1973), Executive Decision and Operations

Research, 2 ed., New Jersey, Englewood Cliff: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Saaty, T. L. (1959), Mathematical models of Operations Research, New York:
McGraw-Hill Boom Co.

Wagner, H. M. (1973), Principles of Operations Research, New Delhi- India:



1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition
3.2 Classification of Models
3.3 Characteristics of Good models
3.4 Advantages of Models
3.5 Limitations of Models
3.6 model Construction
3.7 Approximation (Simplification) of Models
3.8 Types of mathematical Models
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 References
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

1.0 Introduction
The construction and use of models is at the core of operations research.
Operations research is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best design
and operate man- machine systems, usually under conditions requiring the
allocation of scarce resources. Modelling is a scientific activity that aims to make a
particular part or feature of the world easier to understand, define, quantify,
visualize, or simulate.Models are typically used when it is either impossible or
impractical to create experimental conditions in which scientists can directly
measure outcomes. Direct measurement of outcomes under controlled conditions
will always be more reliable than modelled estimates of outcomes.
This unit introduces us to the subject of modelling and exposes us to
characterisation, classification, uses, and construction of scientific models.
At the end of this unit, you should be able to
Define a Model
Describe modelling
Give a classification of models
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of models
Explain the limitations of model
Describe how models are constructed

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definition
Scientific modelling is an activity the aim of which is to make a particular part or
feature of the world easier to understand, define, quantify, visualize, or simulate. It
requires selecting and identifying relevant aspects of a situation in the real world
and then using different types of models for different aims, such as conceptual
models to better understand, operational models to operationalize, mathematical
models to quantify, and graphical models to visualize the subject
( )

Adebayo et al (2010) define Modelling as a process whereby a complex life

problem situation is converted into simple representation of the problem situation.
They further described a model as a simplified representation of complex reality.
Thus, the basic objective of any model is to use simple inexpensive objects to
represent complex and uncertain situations. Models are developed in such a way
that they concentrate on exploring the key aspects or properties of the real object
and ignore the other objects considered as being insignificant. Models are useful
not only in science and technology but also in business decision making by
focusing on the key aspects of the business decisions(Adebayo et al, 2010).

A model as used in Operations Research is defined as an idealised representation

of real life situation. It represents one of the few aspects of reality. Diverse items
such as maps, multiple activity charts, an autobiography, PERT network, break-
even equations, balance sheets, etc, are all models because they each one of them
represent a few aspects of the real life situation. A map for instance represents the
physical boundaries but ignores the heights and the various places above sea levels
(Gupta and Hira, 2012). According to Reeb and Leavengood (1998), Models can
be defined as representations of real systems. They can be iconic (made to look
like the real system), abstract, or somewhere in between.

3.2 Classification of Models

The following are the various schemes by which models can be classified:
By degree of abstraction
By function
By structure
By nature of the environment
By the extent of generality
By the time horizon

Let us now briefly discuss the above classifications of mosels as presentedby
Gupta and Hira (2012)

i. By Degree of Abstraction.
Mathematical models such as Linear Programming formulation of the blending
problem, or transportation problem are among the most abstract types of models
since they require not only mathematical knowledge, but also great concentration
to the real idea of the real-life situation they represent.

Language models such as languages used in cricket or hockey match commentaries

are also abstract models.
Concrete models such as models of the earth, dam, building, or plane are the least
abstract models since they instantaneously suggest the shape or characteristics of
the modelled entity.

ii. By Function
The types of models involved here include

Descriptive models which explain the various operations in non-mathematical

language and try to define the functional relationships and interactions between
various operations. They simply describe some aspects of the system on the basis
of observation, survey, questionnaire, etc. but do not predict its behaviour.
Organisational charts, pie charts, and layout plan describe the features of their
respective systems.

Predictive models explain or predict the behaviour of the system. Exponential

smoothing forecast model, for instance, predict the future demand

Normative or prescriptive modelsdevelop decision rules or criteria for optimal

solutions. They are applicable to repetitive problems, the solution process of which
can be programmed without managerial involvement. Liner programming is also a
prescriptive or normative model as it prescribes what the managers must follow.

iii. By Structure
Iconic or physical models
In iconic or physical models, properties of real systems are represented by the
properties themselves. Iconic models look like the real objects but could be scaled
downward or upward, or could employ change in materials of real object. Thus,
iconic models resemble the system they represent but differ in size, they are

images. They thus could be full replicas or scaled models like architectural
building, model plane, model train, car, etc.

Analogue or Schematic Models

Analogue models can represent dynamic situations and are used more often than
iconic models since they are analogous to the characteristics of the system being
studied. They use a set of properties which the system under study possesses. They
are physical models but unlike iconic models, they may or may not look like the
reality of interest. They explain specific few characteristics of an idea and ignore
other details of the object. Examples of analogue models are flow diagrams , maps,
circuit diagrams, organisational chart etc.

Symbolic or mathematical models

Symbolic models employ a set of mathematical symbols (letters, numbers etc.) to
represent the decision variables of the system under study. These variables are
related together by mathematical equations/in-equations which describe the
properties of the system. A solution from the model is, then, obtained by applying
well developed mathematical techniques. The relationship between velocity,
acceleration, and distance is an example of a mathematical model. Similarly, cost-
volume-profit relationship is a mathematical model used in investment analysis.

By Nature of Environment
Deterministic models
In deterministic models, variables are completely defined and the outcomes are
certain. Certainty is the state of nature assumed in these models. They represent
completely closed systems and the parameters of the systems have a single value
that does not change with time. For any given set of input variables, the same
output variables always result. E.O.Q model is deterministic because the effect of
changes in batch size on total cost is known. Similarly, linear programming,
transportation, and assignment models are deterministic models.

Probabilistic Models
These are the products of the environment of risk and uncertainty. The input and/or
output variables take the form of probability distributions. They are semi-closed
models and represent the likelihood of occurrence of an event. Thus, they represent
to an extent the complexity of the real world and uncertainty prevailing in it. As a
example, the exponential smoothing method for forecasting demand a probabilistic

v. By Extent of Generality
General Models: Linear programming model is known as a general model
since it can be used for a number of functions e.g. product mix, production
scheduling, and marketing of an organisation.
Specific Models: Sales response curve or equation as a function of
advertising is applicable to the marketing function alone.

vi. By the Time Horizon

a. Static Models: These are one time decision models. They represent the
system at specified time and do not take into account the changes over time.
In this model, cause and effect occur almost simultaneously and the lag
between the two is zero. They are easier to formulate, manipulate and solve.
EOQ is a static model.

b. Dynamic Models: These are models for situations for which time often plays
an important role. They are used for optimisation of multi-stage decision
problems which require a series of decisions with the outcome of each
depending upon the results of the previous decisions in the series. Dynamic
programming is a dynamic model

3.3 Characteristics of Good Models

The following are characteristics of good models as presented by Gupta and Hira
The number of simplifying assumptions should be as few as possible.
The number of relevant variables should be as few as possible. This means the
model should be simple yet close to reality.
It should assimilate the system environmental changes without change in its
It should be adaptable to parametric type of treatment.
It should me easy and economical to construct.

3.4 Advantages of a Model

1 It provides a logical and systematic approach to the problem.
It indicates the scope as well as limitation of the problem.
It helps in finding avenues for new research and improvement in a system.
It makes the overall structure of the problem more comprehensible and helps in
dealing with the problem in its entirety.
It permits experimentation in analysis of a complex system without directly
interfering in the working and environment of the system

3.5 Limitations of a Model
Models are more idealised representations of reality and should not be regarded
as absolute in any case.
The reality of a model for a particular situation can be ascertained only by
conducting experiments on it.

3.6 Constructing a Model

Formulating a problem requires an analysis of the system under study. This
analysis shows the various phases of the system and the way it can be controlled.
Problem formulation is the first stage in constructing a model. The next step
involves the definition of the measure of effectiveness that is, constructing a model
in which the effectiveness of the system is expressed as a function of the variables
defining the system. The general Operations Research form is
E = f(xi, yi),
Where E = effectiveness of the system,
xi = controllable variables,
yi = uncontrollable variables but do affect E.
Deriving a solution from such a model consists of determining those values of
control variables xi, for which the measure of effectiveness is measure of
effectiveness is optimised. Optimised includes both maximisation (in case of
profit, production capacity, etc.) and minimisation (in case of losses, cost of
production, etc.).

The following steps are involved in the construction of a model

Selecting components of the system
Pertinence of components
Combining the components
Substituting symbols

3.7 Types of Mathematical Models

The following are the types of mathematical models available:

Mathematical techniques
Statistical techniques
Inventory models
Allocation models
Sequencing models
Project scheduling by PERT and CPM
Routing models
Competitive models
Queuing models
10. Simulation techniques.

4.0 Conclusion
We have seen that models and model construction are very critical in the practice
of operations research because they provide the process whereby a complex life
problem situation is converted into simple representation of the problem situation.
They further described a model as a simplified representation of complex reality.
The basic objective of any model is to use simple inexpensive objects to represent
complex and uncertain situations. Models are developed in such a way that they
concentrate on exploring the key aspects or properties of the real object and ignore
the other objects considered as being insignificant. Models are useful not only in
science and technology but also in business decision making by focusing on the
key aspects of the business decisions. As a result, no meaningful progress can be
done in the field of operations research without representing a problem in the form
of a model.

5.0 Summary
This unit introduced us to the concept of models. We have learnt about the
importance of models to operations research. The unit opened with a consideration
of various definitions of models. Among the definitions is that by Adebayo et al
(2010) who defined modelling as a process whereby a complex life problem
situation is converted into simple representation of the problem situation. A model
as used in Operations Research is defined as an idealised representation of real life
situation. It represents one of the few aspects of reality. Next, we gave the
following categorisation of models- by degree of abstraction, by structure, by
nature of the environment, by the extent of generality, by the time horizon. Further,
we considered the advantages of a model, limitations of a model, characteristics of
good model, constructing a model, and types of mathematical models.

The above topics have helped us in developing introductory knowledge of models,

how they are constructed, their uses and characteristics. In subsequent chapters, we
shall consider in details, some models and how they are applied in solving practical
problems in operations research.
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

Differentiate between model and modelling.

List the different classifications of models we have.

List and explain the classification of models by structure.
Outline five characteristics of a good model.
List the advantages of a model.
Formulate and clearly describe a simplified version of and OR model.
List the types of mathematical models you know.

7.0 References

Adebayo O.A. et al (2006), Operations Research in Decision and Production


Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Reeb,J., and Leavengood , S. (1998) “Operations Research, Performance

Excellence in the Wood Products Industry”, October EM 8718


3.1 Definition
3.2 Advantages of Simulation Technique
3.3 Application of Simulation
3.4 Limitations of Simulation Technique
3.5 Monte Carlo Simulation
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 References
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

1.0 Introduction
Simulation is primarily concerned with experimentally predicting the behaviour of
a real system for the purpose of designing the system or modifying behaviour
(Budnick et al., 1988). The main reason for a researcher to resort to simulation is
twofold. First of all, simulation is probably the most flexible tool imaginable. Take
queuing as an example. While it is very difficult to incorporate reneging, jumping
queues and other types of customer behaviour in the usual analytical models this
presents no problem for simulation. A systemmay have to run for a very long time
to reach a steady state. As a result, a modeller may be more interested in transient
states, which are easily available in a simulation.

The second reason is that simulation is very cheap. Building a model that simulates
the opening of a new restaurant will most certainly be a lot less expensive than
trying it out. Even if costs are no subject, the time frame can be compressed in a
simulation. For instance, if we were to observe the demand structure of a product, a
long time would be required, so that results would probably be available when the
product has become technologically obsolete anyway (Eiselt and Sandblom, 2012).
This unit exposes us to the subject of simulation, and its various components.

At the end of this unit, you should be able to

Define Simulation
Identify when to use simulation

Outline the advantages of simulation technique
Identify the areas of application of simulation
Describe the limitations of simulation
Explain the Monte Carlo Simulation

4.0 Main Content

3.1 Definition
According Budnick et al (1988), Simulation is primarily concerned with
experimentally predicting the behaviour of a real system for the purpose of
designing the system or modifying behaviour.In other words, simulation is a tool
that builds a model of a real operation that is to be investigated, and then feeds the
system with externally generated data. We generally distinguish between
deterministic and stochastic simulation. The difference is that the data that are fed
into the system are either deterministic or stochastic. This chapter will deal only
with stochastic simulation, which is sometimes also referred to as Monte Carlo
simulation in reference to the Monte Carlo Casinos and the (hopefully) random
outcome of their games of chance.

According to Gupta and Hira (2012), simulation is an imitation of reality. “They

further stated that simulation is the representation of reality through the use of
models or other device which will react in the same manner as reality under given
set of conditions. Simulation has also been defined the use of a system model that
has the designed characteristics of reality in order to produce the essence of actual
operation. According to Donald G. Malcom, a simulated model may be defined as
one which depicts the working of a large scale system of men, machine, materials,
and information operating over a period of time in a simulated environment of the
actual real world condition.

A good example of simulation is a children amusement or a cyclical park where

children enjoy themselves in a simulated environment like Amusement Parks,
Disney Land, Planetarium shows where boats, train rides, etc. are done to simulate
actual experience.

In simulation, operational information of the behaviour of a system which aides in

decision making is obtained unlike that which exist in analytical modelling
technique where optimal solution attempt is made to obtain descriptive information
through experimentation. Generally, a simulation model is the totality of many
simple models, and model interrelationship among system variables and
components. A model can thus, be decomposed into many simple but related
models. Models can be used for predicting the behaviour of a system under varying
conditions. It focuses mainly on detailed physical or financial operations of a
system.Model development through the use of computers for simulation has
resulted in techniques for identifying possible optimal solution for a decision
problem by evaluating various suggested alternatives and then suggesting results
(Adebayo et al, 2010).

3.2 Advantages of Simulation Technique

When the simulation technique is compared with the mathematical programming
and slandered probability analysis, offers a number of advantages over these
techniques. Some of the advantages are:
Simulation offers solution by allowing experimentation with models of a
system without interfering with the real system. Simulation is therefore a
bypass for complex mathematical analysis.
Through simulation, management can foresee the difficulties and bottlenecks
which may come up due to the introduction of new machines, equipment or
process. It therefore eliminates the need for costly trial and error method of
trying out the new concept on real methods and equipment.
Simulation is relatively free from mathematics, and thus, can be easily
understood by the operating personnel and non-technical managers. This
helps in getting the proposed plan accepted and implemented.
Simulation models are comparatively flexible and can be modified to
accommodate the changing environment of the real situation.
Simulation technique is easier to use than mathematical models and its
considered quite superior to mathematical analysis.
Computer simulation can compress the performance of a system over several
years and involving large calculation into few minutes of computer running
Simulation has the advantage of being used in training the operating and
managerial staff in the operation of complex plans.

3.3 Application of Simulation

Simulation is quite versatile and commonly applied technique for solving decision
problems. It has been applied successfully to a wide range of problems of science
and technology as given below:
In the field of basic sciences, it has been used to evaluate the area under a
curve, to estimate the value of , in matrix inversion and study of
In industrial problems including shop floor management, design of computer
systems, design of queuing systems, inventory control, communication
networks, chemical processes, nuclear reactors, and scheduling of
production processes.
In business and economic problems, including customer behaviour, price
determination, economic forecasting, portfolio selection, and capital
In social problems, including population growth, effect of environment on
health and group behaviour.
In biomedical systems, including fluid balance, distribution of electrolyte in
human body, and brain activities.
In the design of weapon systems, war strategies and tactics.
In the study of projects involving risky investments.

3.4 Limitations of Simulation Technique

Despite the many advantages of simulation, it might suffer from some deficiencies
in in large and complex problems. Some of these limitations are given as follows:
Simulation does not produce optimum results when the model deals with
uncertainties, the results of simulation only reliable approximations
subject to statistical errors.
Quantification of variables is difficult in a number of situations; it is not
possible to quantify all the variables that affect the behaviour of the
In very large and complex problems, the large number of variables and the
interrelationship between them make the problem very unwieldy and
hard to program.
Simulation is by no means, a cheap method of analysis.
Simulation has too much tendency to rely on simulation models. This results in
application of the technique to some simple problems which can more
appropriately be handled by other techniques of mathematical
3.5 Monte Carlo Simulation
The Monte Carlo method of simulation was developed by two mathematicians Jon
Von Neumann and Stainslaw Ulam, during World War II, to study how far
neurone would travel through different materials. The technique provides an
approximate but quite workable solution to the problem. With the remarkable
success of this technique on the neutron problem, it soon became popular and
found many applications in business and industry, and at present, forms a very
important tool of operation researcher’s tool kit.

The technique employs random number and is used to solve problems that involve
probability and where physical experimentation is impracticable, and formulation
of mathematical model is impossible. It is a method of simulation by sampling
technique. The following are steps involved in carrying out Monte Carlo
Select the measure of effectiveness (objective function) of the problem. It is
either to be minimised or maximised.
Identify the variables that affect the measure of effectiveness significantly. For
example, a number of service facilities in a queuing problem or demand,
lead time and safety stock in inventory problem.
Determine the cumulative probability distribution of each variable selected in
step 2. Plot these distributions with the values of the variables along the x-
axis and cumulative probability values along the y-axis.
Get a set of random numbers.
Consider each random number as a decimal value of the cumulative probability
distribution. Enter the cumulative distribution along the y-axis. Project this
point horizontally till it meets the distribution curve. Then project the point
of distribution down on the x-axis.
Record the value (or values if several variables are being simulated) generated
in step 5. Substitute the formula chosen for measure of effectiveness and
find its simulated value.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 until sample is large enough to the satisfaction of the
decision maker.
Let us consider a simple example as presented by Gupta and Hira (2012).
Customers arrive at a service facility to get required service. The interval and
service times are constant and are 1.8minutes and minutes respectively. Simulate
the system for 14minutes. Determine the average waiting time of a customer and
the idle time of the service facility.

The arrival times of customers at the service station within 14 minutes will be:

Customer : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Arrival time : 0 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6

The time at which the service station begins and ends within time period of 14
minutes is shown below. Waiting time of customers and idle time of service
facility are also calculated

Customer Service Waiting time Idle time of

Begins ends of customer service facility
1 0 4 0 0
2 4 8 4-1.8 = 2.2 0
3 8 12 8-3.6 = 4.4 0
4 12 16 12-5.4 = 6.6 0

The waiting time of the first four customers is calculated above. For the remaining,
it is calculated below.

Customer : 5 6 7 8
Waiting time (min) : 14 – 7.2 = 6.8 5.0 3.2 1.4

Therefore, average waiting time of a customer

= 0 + 2.2 + 4.4 + 6.6 + 6.8 + 5 + 3.2 + 1.4 =29.6 = 3.7 minutes

8 8

Idle time of facility = nil.

4.0 Conclusion

Simulation is a very important tool in OR. Most times, it is seen as the last resort
when all other efforts have failed, and simulation is considered as the last resort.
This is because simulating a real life system could be quite expensive and time
consuming. In simulation, operational information of the behaviour of a system
which aides in decision making is obtained unlike that which exist in analytical
modelling technique where optimal solution attempt is made to obtain descriptive
information through experimentation. Generally, a simulation model is the totality
of many simple models, and model interrelationship among system variables and
components. A model can thus, be decomposed into many simple but related
models. Models can be used for predicting the behaviour of a system under varying
conditions. However, simulation has its own weaknesses as it does not produce
optimum results when the model deals with uncertainties, the results of simulation
only reliable approximations subject to statistical errors. Quantification of
variables is difficult in a number of situations; it is not possible to quantify all the

variables that affect the behaviour of the system.In very large and complex
problems, the large number of variables and the interrelationship between them
make the problem very unwieldy and hard to program.

5.0 Summary
This unit provides for us an overview of simulation. It takes us through various
conceptualisations on the definition of simulation. Simulation has been defined as
the representation of reality through the use of models or other device which will
react in the same manner as reality under given set of conditions.A good example
of simulation is a children amusement or a cyclical park where children enjoy
themselves in a simulated environment like Amusement Parks, Disney Land,
Planetarium shows where boats, train rides, etc. are done to simulate actual
experience. It is quite versatile and commonly applied technique for solving
decision problems such as basic sciences, in industrial problems including shop
floor management, in business and economic problems etc.

However, simulation does not produce optimum results when the model deals with
uncertainties, the results of simulation only reliable approximations subject to
statistical errors.Quantification of variables is difficult in a number of situations; it
is not possible to quantify all the variables that affect the behaviour of the system.
Finally, we discussed the concept of Monte Carlo Simulation which was developed
by two mathematicians Jon Von Neumann and Stainslaw Ulam, during World War
II, to study how far neurone would travel through different materials. The
technique provides an approximate but quite workable solution to the problem.
With the remarkable success of this technique on the neutron problem, it soon
became popular and found many applications in business and industry, and at
present, forms a very important tool of operation researcher’s tool kit.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

What do you understand by the term Simulation?
Explain six (6) advantages if Simulation.
Identify and explain five (5) areas of application of Simulation.
Give five limitations of Simulation.
What is Monte Carlo Simulation?
Describe the steps involved in Monte Carlo Simulation.


Adebayo O.A. et al (2006), Operations Research in Decision and Production


Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Jawahar, S. (2006) Overview of System Analysis & Design- Lesson Note no. 1,
Ashok Educational Foundation

Eiselt, H. A and Sandblom, C. ( 2012), Operations Research: A Model Based

Approach, 2 ed.,New York: Springer Heidelberg

Budnick et al., 1988


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Definition
3.2 The Systems Theory
3.3 Elements of a System
3.4 Types of Systems
3.5 Forms of Systems
3.5.1 Conceptual System
3.5.2 Mechanical System
3.5.3 Social System
3.5.4 Deterministic System
3.5.5 Probabilistic System
3.6 The Concept of Entropy in a System
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References

1.0 Introduction

The word system has a long history which can be traced back to Plato (Philebus),
Aristotle (Politics) and Euclid (Elements). It had meant "total", "crowd" or "union"
in even more ancient times, as it derives from the verb sunìstemi, uniting, putting

"System" means "something to look at". You must have a very high visual gradient
to have systematization. In philosophy, before Descartes, there was no "system".
Plato had no "system". Aristotle had no "system"( McLuhan. 1967)
In the 19th century the first to develop the concept of a "system" in the natural
sciences was the French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot who studied
thermodynamics. In 1824 he studied the system which he called the working
substance, i.e. typically a body of water vapour, in steam engines, in regards to the
system's ability to do work when heat is applied to it. The working substance could
be put in contact with either a boiler, a cold reservoir (a stream of cold water), or a
piston (to which the working body could do work by pushing on it). In 1850, the
German physicist Rudolf Clausius generalized this picture to include the concept
of the surroundings and began to use the term "working body" when referring to
the system.
One of the pioneers of the general systems theory was the biologist Ludwig von
Bertalanffy. In 1945 he introduced models, principles, and laws that apply to
generalized systems or their subclasses, irrespective of their particular kind, the
nature of their component elements, and the relation or 'forces' between them.
Significant development to the concept of a system was done by Norbert Wiener
and Ross Ashby who pioneered the use of mathematics to study systems.
(Cybernetics, 1948 )( Chapman& Hall, 1956)

In business, System Analysis and Design refers to the process of examining

abusiness situation with the intent of improving it through better procedures and
methods. System analysis and design relates to shaping organizations, improving
performance and achieving objectives for profitability and growth. The emphasis is
on systems in action, the relationships among subsystems and their contribution to
meeting a common goal.

2.0 Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to
Define a system
Identify and describe the types of systems
Highlight the different forms of systems we have
Describe how a system is analysed
Discuss the concept of entropy

3.0 Main content

3.1 Definition

The term system is derived from the Greek word systema , which means
anorganized relationship among functioning units or components. A system exists
because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives. We come into daily
contact with the transportation system, the telephone system, the accounting
system, the production system, and, for over two decades, the computer system.

Similarly, we talk of the business system and of the organization as a system
consisting of interrelated departments (subsystems) such as production, sales,
personnel, and an informationsystem. None of these subsystems is of much use as
a single, independent unit. Whenthey are properly coordinated, however, the firm
can function effectively and profitably.

There are more than a hundred definitions of the word system, but most seem to
have a common thread that suggests that a system is an orderly grouping of
interdependent components linked together according to a plan to achieve a
specific objective. The word component may refer to physical parts (engines,
wings of aircraft, car), managerial steps (planning, organizing and controlling), or a
system in a multi-level structure. The component may be simple or complex, basic
or advanced. They may be single computer with a keyboard, memory, and printer
or a series of intelligent terminals linked to a mainframe. In either case, each
component is part of the total system and has to do its share of work for the system
to achieve the intended goal. This orientation requires an orderly grouping of the
components for the design of a successful system.

The study of systems concepts, then, has three basic implications:

A system must be designed to achieve a predetermined objective.
Interrelationships and interdependence must exist among the components.
The objectives of the organization as a whole have a higher priority than the
objectives of its subsystems. For example, computerizing personnelapplications
must conform to the organization’s policy on privacy, confidentiality and security,
as well as making selected data (e.g. payroll) available to the accounting division
on request.(Jawahar, 2006)

A system can also be defined is a collection of elements or components or units

that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the
organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in "I have my
own little system") and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in
"computer system").

According to the International Council of Systems Engineers (INCOSE), a system

can be broadly defined as an integrated set of elements that accomplish a defined
objective. People from different engineering disciplines have different perspectives
of what a "system" is. For example, software engineers often refer to an integrated
set of computer programs as a "system." Electrical engineers might refer to
complex integrated circuits or an integrated set of electrical units as a "system." As
can be seen, "system" depends on one’s perspective, and the “integrated set of
elements that accomplish a defined objective” is an appropriate definition .

3.2 The Systems Theory

The general systems theory states that a system is composed of inputs, a process,
outputs, and control. A general graphic representation of such a system is shown



Fig. 8.1: An Operational System

Adapted from Ihemeje, (2002), Fundamentals of Business Decision Analysis, Lagos- Sibon Books

The input usually consists of people, material or objectives. The process consists of
plant, equipment and personnel. While the output usually consists of finished
goods, semi-finished goods, policies, new products, ideas, etc.

The purpose of a system is to transform inputs into outputs. The system theory is
relevant in the areas of systems design, systems operation and system control. The
systems approach helps in resolving organisational problems by looking at the
organisation as a whole, integrating its numerous complex operations,
environment, technologies, human and material resources. The need to look at the
organisation in totality is premised on the fact that the objective if the different
units of the organisation when pursued in isolation conflict with one another. For
instance, the operation of a manufacturing department favours long and
uninterrupted production runs with a view to minimising unit cost of production,
including set-up costs. However, this will result in large inventories, and leading to
high inventory costs. The finance department seeks to minimise costs as well as
capital tied down in inventories. Thus, there is a desire for rapid inventory turnover
resulting in lower inventory levels. The marketing department seeks favourable
customer service and as a result, will not support any policy that encourages stock
outs or back ordering. Back ordering is a method of producing later to satisfy a
previously unfulfilled order. Consequently, marketing favours the maintenance of

high inventory levels in a wide variety of easily accessible locations which in
effect means some type of capital investment in warehouse or sales outlets. Finally,
personnel department aims at stabilizing labour, minimizing the cost of firing and
hiring as well as employee discontentment. Hence, it is desirable from the point of
view of personnel to maintain high inventory level of producing even during
periods of fall in demand.

Therefore, pursuing the interest of a section of the organization can result in

solution which will not be optional from the point of view of the total organization,
yet ‘optimal’ from the point of view of the section concerned. Such a situation is
called sub-optimization. Adoption of the systems approach will eliminate this. The
systems approach will producean optimal solution, which attempts to resolve the
conflicting objectives of the various sub-units of the organization. The adoption of
the systems approach in OR methodology therefore puts its shoulder above other
focus mainly on the solution of functional areas-based management problems only,
i.e. those that adopt the piecemeal approach.

3.3 Elements of a System

Following are considered as the elements of a system in terms of

Information systems:
Boundary and
interface Environment
INPUT: Input involves capturing and assembling elements that enter the
system to be processed. The inputs are said to be fed to the systems in order
to get the output. For example, input of a 'computer system' is input unit
consisting of various input devices like keyboard,mouse,joystick etc.

OUTPUT: The element that exists in the system due to the processing of the
inputs is known as output. A major objective of a system is to produce
output that has value to its user. The output of the system maybe in the form
of cash,information,knowledge,reports,documents etc.the system is defined
as output is required from it. It is the anticipatory recognition of output that
helps in defining the input of the system. For example, output of a 'computer

system' is output unit consisting of various output devices like screen and
printer etc.

PROCESSOR(S): The processor is the element of a system that involves the

actual transformation of input into output. It is the operational component of
a system. For example, processor of a 'computer system' is central
processing unit that further consists of arithmetic and logic unit(ALU),
control unit and memory unit etc.

CONTROL: The control element guides the system. It is the decision-

making sub-system that controls the pattern of activities governing
input,processing and output. It also keeps the system within the boundary
set. For example,control in a 'computer system' is maintained by the control
unit that controls and coordinates various units by means of passing different
signals through wires.

FEEDBACK: Control in a dynamic system is achieved by feedback.

Feedback measures output against a standard in some form of cybernetic
procedure that includes communication and control. The feedback may
generally be of three types viz.,positive,negative and informational. The
positive feedback motivates the persons in the system. The negative
indicates need of an action,while the information. The feedback is a reactive
form of control. Outputs from the process of the system are fed back to the
control mechanism. The control mechanism then adjusts the control signals
to the process on the basis of the data it receives. Feedforward is a protective
form of control. For example, in a 'computer system' when logical decisions
are taken,the logic unit concludes by comparing the calculated results and
the required results.

BOUNDARY AND INTERFACE: A system should be defined by its

boundaries-the limits that identify its components,processes and
interrelationships when it interfaces with another system. For example,in a
'computer system' there is boundary for number of bits,the memory size
etc.that is responsible for different levels of accuracy on different
machines(like 16-bit,32-bit etc.). The interface in a 'computer system'may be
CUI (Character User Interface) or GUI (Graphical User Interface).

ENVIRONMENT: The environment is the 'supersystem' within which an

organisation operates.It excludes input,processes and outputs. It is the source

of external elements that impinge on the system. For example,if the results
calculated/the output generated by the 'computer system' are to be used for
decision-making purposes in the factory,in a business concern,in an
organisation,in a school,in a college or in a government office then the
system is same but its environment is different.

3.4 Types of Systems

Systems are classified in different ways:

Physical or abstract systems.
Open or closed systems.
'Man-made' information systems.
Formal information systems.
Informal information systems.
Computer-based information systems.
Real-time system.
Physical systems are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic in operation.
An open system has many interfaces with its environment. i.e. system that interacts
freely with its environment, taking input and returning output. It permits
interaction across its boundary; it receives inputs from and delivers outputs to the
outside. A closed system does not interact with the environment; changes in the
environment and adaptability are not issues for closed system.

3.5 Forms of systems

A system can be conceptual, mechanical or social. A system can also be
deterministic or probabilistic. A system can be closed or open.

Conceptual system
A system is conceptual when it contains abstracts that are linked to communicate
ideas. An example of a conceptual system is a language system as in English
language, which contains words, and how they are linked to communicate ideas.
The elements of a conceptual system are words.

Mechanical system
A system is mechanical when it consists of many parts working together to do a
work. An example of a social system is a typewriter or a computer, which consists
of many parts working together to type words and symbols. The elements of the
mechanical system are objects.

Social system
A system is social when it comprises policies, institutions and people. An example
of a social system is a football team comprising 11 players, or an educational
system consisting of policies, schools and teachers. The elements of a social
system are subjects or people.

Deterministic system
A system is deterministic when it operates according to a predetermined set of
rules. Its future behaviour can therefore be predicted exactly if it’s present state
and operating characteristics are accurately known. Example s of deterministic
systems are computer programmes and a planet in orbit. Business systems are not
deterministic owing to the fact that they interfere with a number of in determinant
factors, such as customer and supplier behaviour, national and international
situations, and climatic and political conditions.

Probabilistic system
A system is probabilistic when the system is controlled by chance events and so its
future behaviour is a matter of probability rather than certainty. This is true of all
social systems, particularly business enterprises. Information systems are
deterministic enterprises in the sense that a pre-known type and content of
information emerges as a result of the input of a given set of data. This assumes
that the information system operates according to pre-decided and formulated rules
– which it generally would do. In a broader sense, information systems can be
regarded as probabilistic because the wide variability in the nature of their input
introduces many indeterminate and of their future behaviour i.e. output is not
absolutely certain.

Closed system
A system is closed when it does not interface with its environment i.e. it has no
input or output. This concept is more relevant to scientific systems that to social
systems. The nearest we can get to a closed social system would be a completely
self-contained community that provides all its own food, materials and power, and
does not trade, communicate or come into contact with other communities.

Open system
A system is open when it has many interfaces with its environment, and so needs
to be capable of adopting their behaviour in order to continue to exist in changing
environments. An information system falls into this category since it needs to adapt
to the changing demands for information.Similarly, a business system must be
capable of reorganizing itself to meet the conditions of its environment, as detected
from its input; it will more rapidly tend towards a state of disorganization.When
functioning properly, an open system reaches a state of dynamic equilibrium. This
is a steady state in which the system readily adapts to environmental factors by re-
organizing itself according to the internal forces of its sub-systems. With a
manufacturing company, for instance, the steady state can be thought of as the
purchasing of materials and productive means, and the manufacturing and selling
of products. An environmental factor could be an increase in the selling prices of
its products (Ihemeje, 2002)

3.6 The Concept of Entropy in a System

The term entropy is used as a measure of disorganisation. Thus, we can regard

open systems as tending to increase their entropy unless they receive negative
entropy in the form of information from their environment. In the above example,
if increased cost of cost of materials were ignored, the product will become
unprofitable and as a result, the organisation may become insolvent, that is, a state
of disorganisation.

Systems analysis is an activity, process, or study of critically examining the ways

performing frequently occurring tasks that depend on the movement processing of
information by a number of people within an organisation. System analysis may be
carried out to either install a new system or overhaul an already existing one. This
implies that a system is analysed for three main purposes- system design, system
operation, and system control (Ihemeje, 2002)

4.0 Conclusion
In our everyday life, the word system is widely used. It has become fashionable to
attach the word system to add a contemporary flair when referring to things or
processes. People speak ofexercise system, investment system, delivery system,
information system, education system, computer system etc. System may be
referred to any set of components, which function in interrelated manner for a
common cause or objective.

A system exists because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives. We come

into daily contact with thetransportation system, the telephone system, the
accounting system, the production system, and, for over two decades, the computer
system. Similarly, we talk of the business system and of the organization as a
system consisting of interrelated departments (subsystems) such as production,
sales, personnel, and an information system. None of these subsystems is of much
use as a single, independent unit. When they are properly coordinated, however,

the firm can function effectively and profitably. There are more than a hundred
definitions of the word system, but most seem to have a common thread that
suggests that a system is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked
together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective. The word component
may refer to physical parts (engines, wings of aircraft, car), managerial steps
(planning, organizing and controlling), or a system in a multi-level structure. The
component may be simple or complex, basic or advanced. They may be single
computer with a keyboard, memory, and printer or a series of intelligent terminals
linked to a mainframe. In either case, each component is part of the total system
and hasto do its share of work for the system to achieve the intended goal. This
orientation requires an orderly grouping of the components for the design of a
successful system.

5.0 Summary
This unit discusses the concept of systems analysis. The origin of system analysis
has been traced to the Greek word systema, which means anorganized relationship
among functioning units or components. A system exists because it is designed to
achieve one or more objectives. It can be defined is a collection of elements or
components or units that are organized for a common purpose.The general systems
theory states that a system is composed of inputs, a process, outputs, and
control.The input usually consists of people, material or objectives. The process
consists of plant, equipment and personnel. While the output usually consists of
finished goods, semi-finished goods, policies, new products, ideas, etc. A system
consists of the following element: input, output, processor, control, feedback,
boundary and interface, and environment. Depending on the usage, a system has
the following are types of systems: Physical or abstract systems, Open or closed
systems, Man-made information systems, Formal information systems, Informal
information systems, Computer-based information systems andReal-time system.A
system can be conceptual, mechanical or social. A system can also exist in the
following forms- it can be deterministic or probabilistic, closed or open,
mechanical, social, and conceptual.

It has been quite an exciting journey through the world of systems analysis.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

What do you understand term system?
With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe how a system works.
What understand by the concept of entropy of a system?
List and explain the elements of a system.
Differentiate between an open and a closed system.
6 Identify the elements that make up the process component of a system.

7.0 References

Ihemeje, J. C. (2002), Fundamentals of Business Decision Analysis, Lagos- Sibon


INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (2000), International Council on

Systems Engineering Handbook Working Group Version 2.0 (Approved)

Jawahar, S. (2006) Overview of System Analysis & Design- Lesson Note no. 1,
Ashok Educational Foundation




1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Requirements for Linear Programming Problems
3.2 Assumptions in Linear Programming
3.3 Application of Linear Programming
3.4 Areas of Application of Linear Programming
3.5 Formulation of Linear Programming Problems
3.6 Advantages Linear Programming Methods
3.7 Limitation of Linear programming Models
3.8 Graphical Methods of Linear Programming Solution
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References


Linear programming deals with the optimization (maximization or minimization)

of a function of variables known as objective function, subject to a set of linear
equations and/or inequalities known as constraints. The objective function may be
profit, cost, production capacity or any other measure of effectiveness, which is to
be obtained in the best possible or optimal manner. The constraints may be
imposed by different resources such as market demand, production process and
equipment, storage capacity, raw material availability, etc. By linearity is meant a
mathematical expression in which the expressions among the variables are linear
e.g., the expression a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + ... + aⁿxⁿ is linear. Higher powers of the
variables or their products do not appear in the expressions for the objective
3 32
function as well as the constraints (they donot have expressions like x 1 , x 2 / , x
1x 2, a1x1 + a2 log x2, etc.). The variables obey the properties of proportionality
(e.g., if a product requires 3 hours of machining time, 5 units of it will require 15
hours) and additivity (e.g., amount of a resource required for a certain number of
products is equal to the sum of the resource required for each).

It was in 1947 that George Dantzig and his associates found out a technique for
solving military planning problems while they were working on a project for U.S.
Air Force. This technique consisted of representing the various activities of an
organization as a linear programming (L.P.) model and arriving at the optimal
programme by minimizing a linear objective function. Afterwards, Dantzig
suggested this approach for solving business and industrial problems. He also
developed the most powerful mathematical tool known as “simplex method” to
solve linear programming problems.
At the end of this study unit, you should be able to
Explain the requirements for Linear Programming
Highlight the assumptions of Linear Programming
Identify the Areas of application of Linear Programming
Formulate a Linear Programming problem
Solve various problems using Linear Programming


All organizations, big or small, have at their disposal, men, machines, money and
materials, the supply of which may be limited. If the supply of these resources
were unlimited, the need for management tools like linear programming would not
arise at all. Supply of resources being limited, the management must find the best
allocation of its resources in order to maximize the profit or minimize the loss or
utilize the production capacity to the maximum extent. However this involves a
number of problems which can be overcome by quantitative methods, particularly
the linear programming.
Generally speaking, linear programming can be used for optimization problems if
the following conditions are satisfied:
There must be a well-defined objective function (profit, cost or quantities
produced) which is to be either maximized or minimized and which can be
expressed as a linear function of decision variables.
There must be constraints on the amount or extent of attainment of the objective
and these constraints must be capable of being expressed as linear equations or
inequalities in terms of variables.

There must be alternative courses of action. For example, a given product may
be processed by two different machines and problem may be as to how much of the
product to allocate to which machine.
Another necessary requirement is that decision variables should be interrelated
and nonnegative. The non-negativity condition shows that linear programming
deals with real life situations for which negative quantities are generally illogical.
As stated earlier, the resources must be in limited supply. For example, if a firm
starts producing greater number of a particular product, it must make smaller
number of other products as the total production capacity is limited.
A linear programming model is based on the following assumptions:
Proportionality: A basic assumption of linear programming is that
proportionality exists in the objective function and the constraints. This assumption
implies that if a product yields a profit of #10, the profit earned from the sale of 12
such products will be # (10 x 12) = #120. This may not always be true because of
quantity discounts. Further, even if the sale price is constant, the manufacturing
cost may vary with the number of units produced and so may vary the profit per
unit. Likewise, it is assumed that if one product requires processing time of 5
hours, then ten such products will require processing time of 5 x 10 = 50 hours.
This may also not be true as the processing time per unit often decreases with
increase in number of units produced. The real world situations may not be strictly
linear. However, assumed linearity represents their close approximations and
provides very useful answers.
Additivity: It means that if we use t1 hours on machine A to make product 1 and
t2 hours to make product 2, the total time required to make products 1 and 2 on
machine A is t1 + t2 hours. This, however, is true only if the change-over time from
product 1 to product 2 is negligible. Some processes may not behave in this way.
For example, when several liquids of different chemical compositions are mixed,
the resulting volume may not be equal to the sum of the volumes of the individual
Continuity: Another assumption underlying the linear programming model is
that the decision variables are continuous i.e., they are permitted to take any non-
negative values that satisfy the constraints. However, there are problems wherein
variables are restricted to have integral values only. Though such problems, strictly
speaking, are not linear programming problems, they are frequently solved by

linear programming techniques and the values are then rounded off to nearest
integers to satisfy the constraints. This approximation, however, is valid only if the
variables have large optimal values. Further, it must be ascertained whether the
solution represented by the rounded values is a feasible solution and also whether
the solution is the best integer solution.
Certainty: Another assumption underlying a linear programming model is that
the various parameters, namely, the objective function coefficients, R.H.S.
coefficients of the constraints and resource values in the constraints are certainly
and precisely known and that their values do not change with time. Thus the profit
or cost per unit of the product, labour and materials required per unit, availability
of labour and materials, market demand of the product produced, etc. are assumed
to be known with- certainty. The linear programming problem is, therefore,
assumed to be deterministic in nature.
Finite Choices: A linear programming model also assumes that a finite (limited)
number of choices (alternatives) are available to the decision-maker and that the
decision variables are interrelated and non-negative. The non-negativity condition
shows that linear programming deals with real-life situations as it is not possible to
produce/use negative quantities.
Mathematically these non-negativity conditions do not differ from other
constraints. However, since while solving the problems they are handled
differently from the other constraints, they are termed as non-negativity restrictions
and the term constraints is used to represent constraints other than non-negativity
restrictions and this terminology has been followed throughout the book.
Though, in the world we live, most of the events are non-linear, yet there are many
instances of linear events that occur in day-to-day life. Therefore, an understanding
of linear programming and its application in solving problems is utmost essential
for today’s managers.
Linear programming techniques are widely used to solve a number of business,
industrial, military, economic, marketing, distribution and advertising problems.
Three primary reasons for its wide use are:
A large number of problems from different fields can be represented or at least
approximated to linear programming problems.
Powerful and efficient techniques for solving L.P. problems are available.

3. L.P. models can handle data variation (sensitivity analysis) easily.
However, solution procedures are generally iterative and even medium size
problems require manipulation of large amount of data. But with the development
of digital computers, this disadvantage has been completely overcome as these
computers can handle even large L.P. problems in comparatively very little time at
a low cost.
Linear programming is one of the most widely applied techniques of operations
research in business, industry and numerous other fields. A few areas of its
application are given below.
Product mix problems: An industrial concern has available a certain
production capacity (men, machines, money, materials, market, etc.) on various
manufacturing processes to manufacture various products. Typically, differents
products will have different selling prices, will require different amounts of
production capacity at the several processes and will, therefore, have different unit
profits; there may also be stipulations (conditions) on maximum and/or minimum
product levels. The problem is to determine the product mix that will maximize the
total profit.
Blending problems: These problems are likely to arise when a product can be
made from a variety of available raw materials of various compositions and prices.
The manufacturing process involves blending (mixing) some of these materials in
varying quantities to make a product of the desired specifications.
For instance, different grades of gasoline are required for aviation purposes. Prices
and specifications such as octane ratings, tetra ethyl lead concentrations, maximum
vapour pressure etc. of input ingredients are given and the problem is to decide the
proportions of these ingredients to make the desired grades of gasoline so that (i)
maximum output is obtained and (ii) storage capacity restrictions are satisfied.
Many similar situations such as preparation of different kinds of whisky,
chemicals, fertilisers and alloys, etc. have been handled by this technique of linear
Production scheduling problems: They involve the determination of optimum
production schedule to meet fluctuating demand. The objective is to meet demand,
keep inventory and employment at reasonable minimum levels, while minimizing
the total cost Production and inventory.
Trim loss problems: They are applicable to paper, sheet metal and glass
manufacturing industries where items of standard sizes have to be cut to smaller
sizes as per customer requirements with the objective of minimizing the waste
Assembly-line balancing: It relates to a category of problems wherein the final
product has a number of different components assembled together. These
components are to be assembled in a specific sequence or set of sequences. Each
assembly operator is to be assigned the task / combination of tasks so that his task
time is less than or equal to the cycle time.
Make-or-buy (sub-contracting) problems: They arise in an organisation in
the face of production capacity limitations and sudden spurt in demand of its
products. The manufacturer, not being sure of the demand pattern, is usually
reluctant to add additional capacity and has to make a decision regarding the
products to be manufactured with his own resources and the products to be sub-
contracted so that the total cost is minimized.
Media selection problems: They involve the selection of advertising mix
among different advertising media such as T.V., radio, magazines and newspapers
that will maximize public exposure to company’s product. The constraints may be
on the total advertising budget, maximum expenditure in each media, maximum
number of insertions in each media and the like.
Portfolio selection problems: They are frequently encountered by banks,
financial companies, insurance companies, investment services, etc. A given
amount is to be allocated among several investment alternatives such as bonds,
saving certificates, common stock, mutual fund, real estate, etc. to maximize the
expected return or minimize the expected risk.
Profit planning problems: They involve planning profits on fiscal year basis
to maximize profit margin from investment in plant facilities, machinery, inventory
and cash on hand.
Transportation problems: They involve transportation of products from, say,
n sources situated at different locations to, say, m different destinations. Supply
position at the sources, demand at destinations, freight charges and storage costs,
etc. are known and the problem is to design the optimum transportation plan that
minimizes the total transportation cost (or distance or time).

Assignment problems: They are concerned with allocation of facilities (men or
machines) to jobs. Time required by each facility to perform each job is given and
the problem is to find the optimum allocation (one job to one facility) so that the
total time to perform the jobs is minimized.
Man-power scheduling problems: They are faced by big hospitals, restaurants
and companies operating in a number of shifts. The problem is to allocate optimum
man-power in each shift so that the overtime cost is minimized.
Diet problems: They form another important category to which linear
programming has been applied. Nutrient contents such as vitamins, proteins, fats,
carbohydrates, starch, etc. in each of a number of food stuffs is known. Also the
minimum daily requirement of each nutrient in the diet as well as the cost of each
type of food stuff is given and the problem is to determine the minimum cost diet
that satisfies the minimum daily requirement of nutrients.
Agriculture problems: These problems are concerned with the allocation of
input resources such as acreage of land, water, labour, fertilisers and capital to
various crops so as to maximize net revenue.
Flight scheduling problems: They are devoted to the determination of the
most economical patterns and timings of flights that result in the most efficient use
of aircrafts and crew.
Environment protection: They involve analysis of different alternatives for
efficient waste disposal, paper recycling and energy policies.
Facilities location: These problems are concerned with the determination of
best location of public parks, libraries and recreation areas, hospital ambulance
depots, telephone exchanges, nuclear power plants, etc.
Oil refineries have used linear programming with considerable success. Similar
trends are developing in chemical industries, iron and steel industries, aluminium
industry, food processing industry, wood products manufacture and many others.
Other areas where linear programming has been applied include quality control
inspection, determination of optimal bombing patterns, searching of submarines,
design of war weapons, vendor quotation analysis, structural design, scheduling
military tanker fleet, fabrication scheduling, steel production scheduling, balancing
of assembly lines and computations of maximum flows in networks.

In fact linear programming may be used for any general situation where a linear
objective function has to be optimised subject to constraints expressed as linear
First, the given problem must be presented in linear programming form. This
requires defining the variables of the problem, establishing inter-relationships
between them and formulating the objective function and constraints. A model,
which approximates as closely as possible to the given problem, is then to be
developed. If some constraints happen to be nonlinear, they are approximated to
appropriate linear functions to fit the linear programming format. In case it is not
possible, other techniques may be used to formulate and then solve the model.
EXAMPLE 9.1 (Production Allocation Problem)
A firm produces three products. These products are processed on three different
machines. The time required to manufacture one unit of each of the three products
and the daily capacity of the three machines are given in the table below.

Machine Time per unit (minutes) Machine capacity

Product Product Product (minutes/day)

1 2 3

M1 2 3 2 440

M2 4 - 3 470

M3 2 5 - 430

It is required to determine the daily number of units to be manufactured for each

product. The profit per unit for product 1, 2 and 3 is #4, #3 and #6 respectively. It
is assumed that all the amounts produced are consumed in the market. Formulate
the mathematical (L.P) model that will maximize the daily profit.

Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Step 1:
From the study of the situation find the key-decision to be made. It this connection,
looking for variables helps considerably. In the given situation key decision is to
decide the extent of products 1, 2 and 3, as the extents are permitted to vary.
Step 2:
Assume symbols for variable quantities noticed in step 1. Let the extents. (mounts)
of products, 1, 2 and 3 manufactured daily be x1, x 2 and x3 units respectively.
Step 3:
Express the feasible alternatives mathematically in terms of variables. Feasible
alternatives are those which are physically, economically and financially possible.
In the given situation feasible alternatives are sets of values of x1, x2 and x 3,
where x1, x2, x= ≥ 0,

since negative production has no meaning and is not feasible.

Step 4:
Mention the objective quantitatively and express it as a linear function of variables.
In the present situation, objective is to maximize the profit.
i.e., maximize Z = 4x1 + 3x2 + 6x3.

Step 5:
Put into words the influencing factors or constraints. These occur generally
because of constraints on availability (resources) or requirements (demands).
Express these constraints also as linear equations/inequalities in terms of variables.
Here, constraints are on the machine capacities and can be mathematically
expressed as
2x1 + 3x2 + 2x3 ≤ 440,
4x1 + 0x2 +3x3 ≤ 470,
2x1 + 5x2 + 0x3 ≤ 430.

EXAMPLE 9.2 (Diet Problem)
A person wants to decide the constituents of a diet which will fulfil his daily
requirements of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the minimum cost. The choice
is to be made from four different types of foods. The yields per unit of these foods
are given in table 2.2.
Food type Yield per unit Cost per unit (#)

1 3 2 6 45
2 4 2 4 40
3 8 7 7 85
4 6 5 4 65
Minimum 800 200 700

Formulate linear programming model for the problem.

Formulation of L.P Model
Let x1, x2, x 3 and x4 denote the number of units of food of type 1, 2, 3 and 4
Objective is to minimize the cost i.e.,
Minimize Z = #(45x1 + 40x2 + 85x3 + 65x4).
Constraints are on the fulfilment of the daily requirements of the various
i.e., for protein, 3x1 + 4x2 + 8x3 + 6x4 ≥ 800,
for fats, 2x1 + 2x2 + 7x3 + 5x4 ≥ 200,
and for carbohydrates, 6x1 + 4x2 + 7x3 + 4x4 ≥ 700,

EXAMPLE 9.3 (Blending Problem)
A firm produces an alloy having the following specifications:
specific gravity ≤ 0.98,
chromium ≥ 8%,
melting point ≥ 450°C.
Raw materials A, B and C having the properties shown in the table can be used to
make the alloy.
Table 9.3
Property Properties of raw material

Specific gravity 0.92 0.97 1.04
Chromium 7% 13% 16%
Melting point 440 C 490 C 480 C

Costs of the various raw materials per ton are: #90 for A, #280 for B and #40 for
C. Formulate the L.P model to find the proportions in which A, B and C be used to
obtain an alloy of desired properties while the cost of raw materials is minimum.
Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Let the percentage contents of raw materials A, B and C to be used for making the
alloy be x1, x2 and x3 respectively.
Objective is to minimize the cost
i.e., minimize Z = 90x1 + 280x2 + 40x3.

Constraints are imposed by the specifications required for the

alloy. They are
0.92x1 + 0.97x2 + 1.04x3 ≤ 0.98,
7x1 + 13x2+ 16x3 ≥ 8,

440x1 + 490x2 + 480x3 ≥ 450,
and x1 + x2 + x3 = 100,
as x1, x2 and x3 are the percentage contents of materials A, B and C in making the
Also x1, x2, x3, each ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.4 (Advertising Media Selection Problem)

An advertising company wishes to plan its advertising strategy in three different
media television, radio and magazines. The purpose of advertising is to reach as
large a number of potential customers as possible. Following data have been
obtained from market survey:
Television Radio Magazine Magazine II
Cost of an advertising # 30,000 # 20,000 # 15,000 # 10,000
No. of potential 200,000 600,000 150,000 100,000
customers reached per
No. of female customers 150,000 400,000 70,000 50,000
reached per unit

The company wants to spend not more than #450,000 on advertising. Following
are the further requirements that must be met:
at least I million exposures take place among female customers,
advertising on magazines be limited to #150,000,
at least 3 advertising units be bought on magazine I and 2 units on magazine II,
the number of advertising units on television and radio should each be between 5
and 10.

Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Let x1, x2 , x3 and x4 denote the number of advertising units to be bought on
television, radio, magazine I and magazine II respectively.
The objective is to maximize the total number of potential customers reached.
i.e., maximize Z = 10 (2x1 + 6x2 + 1.5x3 + x4).

Constraints are
on the advertising budget: 30,000x1+20,000x2+15,000x3+10,000x4 ≤

450,000 or 30x1+20x2+15x3+10x4 ≤ 450,

on number of female customers reached by
the advertising campaign: 150,000x1+400,000x2+70,000x3+50,000x4= ≥ 100,000
or 15x1+40x2+7x3+5x4 ≥ 100

on expenses on magazine
advertising: 15,000x3+10,000x4 ≤ 150,000 or 15x3+10x4 ≤ 150
on no. of units on magazines: x3 ≥ 3,
x4 ≥ 2,
on no. of units on television: : 5 ≤ x1 ≤ 10 or x1 ≥ 5, x1 ≤ 10
on no. of units on radio: 5 ≤ x2 ≤ 10 or x2 ≥ 5, x2 ≤

10 where x1, x2, x3, x4, each ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.5 (Inspection Problem)
A company has two grades of inspectors, I and II to undertake quality control
inspection. At least 1,500 pieces must be inspected in an 8-hour day. Grade I
inspector can check 20 pieces in an hour with an accuracy of 96%. Grade II
inspector checks 14 pieces an hour with an accuracy of 92%.
Wages of grade I inspector are #5 per hour while those of grade II inspector are #4
per hour. Any error made by an inspector costs #3 to the company. If there are, in
all, 10 grade I inspectors and 15 grade II inspectors in the company find the
optimal assignment of inspectors that minimizes the daily inspection cost.

Formulation of L.P Model
Let x1 and x2 denote the number of grade I and grade II inspectors that may be
assigned the job of quality control inspection.
The objective is to minimize the daily cost of inspection. Now the company has to
incur two types of costs: wages paid to the inspectors and the cost of their
inspection errors. The cost of grade I inspector/hour is
# (5 + 3 x 0.04 x 20) = #7.40.
Similarly, cost of grade II inspector/hour is
(4 + 3 x 0.08 x 14) = #7.36.
.:The objective function is
minimize Z = 8(7.40x1 + 7.36x2) = 59.20x1 + 58.88x2.

Constraints are on the number of grade I inspectors : x1 ≤

10, on the number of grade II inspectors : x2 ≤ 15,

on the number of pieces to be inspected
daily: 20 X 8x1 + 14 X 8x2 ≥ 1,500
or 160x1 + 112x2 ≥

1,500, where x1,x2 ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.6 (Product Mix Problem)

A chemical company produces two products, X and Y. Each unit of product X
requires 3 hours on operation I and 4 hours on operation IL while each unit of
product Y requires 4 hours on operation I and 5 hours on operation II. Total
available time for operations I and 11 is 20 hours and 26 hours respectively. The
production of each unit of product Y also results in two units of a by-product Z at
no extra cost.
Product X sells at profit of #I0/unit, while Y sells at profit of #20/unit. By-product
Z brings a unit profit of #6 if sold; in case it cannot be sold, the destruction cost is
# 4/unit. Forecasts indicate that not more than 5 units of Z can be sold. Formulate

the L.P. model to determine the quantities of X and Y to be produced, keeping Z in
mind, so that the profit earned is maximum.
Formulation of L.P Model
Let the number of units of products X, Y and Z produced be x1, x2, xZ,

where xZ = number of units of Z produced

number of units of Z sold + number of units of Z destroyed
x3 + x4 (say).

Objective is to maximize the profit. Objective function (profit function) for

products X and Y is linear because their profits (#10/unit and #20/unit) are
constants irrespective of the number of units produced. A graph between the total
profit and quantity produced will be a straight line. However, a similar graph for
product Z is non-linear since it has slope +6 for first part, while a slope of - 4 for
the second. However, it is piece -wise linear, since it is linear in the regions (0 to 5)
and (5 to 2Y). Thus splitting x into two parts, viz, the number of units of Z sold
(x3) and number of units of Z destroyed (x4) makes the objective function for
product Z also linear.
Thus the objective function is
maximize Z= l0x1 + 20x2 + 6x3 - 4x4.

Constraints are
on the time available on operation I: 3x1 + 4x2 ≤ 20,
on the time available on operation II: 4x1 + 5x2 ≤ 26,
on the number of units of product Z sold: x3 ≤ 5,

on the number of units of product Z produced: 2Y = Z

or 2x2 = x3 + x4 or -2x2 + x3+x4 = 0,
where x1, x2, x3, x4, each ≥ 0. EXAMPLE

9.7 (Product Mix Problem)

A firm manufactures three products A, B and C. Time to manufacture product A is
twice that for B and thrice that for C and if the entire labour is engaged in making
product A, 1,600 units of this product can be produced. These products are to be

produced in the ratio 3: 4: 5. There is demand for at least 300, 250 and 200 units of
products A, B and C and the profit earned per unit is #90, #40 and #30
Formulate the problem as a linear programming problem.

Raw material Requirement per unit of product (kg) Total availability kg


P 6 5 2 5,000
Q 4 7 3 6,000

Formulation of L.P. Model

Let x1, x2 and x3 denote the number of units of products A, B and C to

be manufactured.
Objective is to maximize the profit. i.e.,
maximize Z = 90x1 + 40x2 + 30x3. Constraints
can be formulated as follows: For raw material
P, 6x1 + 5x2 + 2x3 ≤ 5,000, and for raw

material Q, 4x + 7x2 + 3x3 ≤ 6,000.

Product B requires 1/2 and product C requires 1/3rd the time required for product
Let t hours be the time to produce A. Then t/ 2 and t/3 are the times in hours to
produce B and C and since 1,600 units of A will need time 1,600t hours, we get the
x1+t/2 x2+t/3x3 ≤ 1,600t or x1 + x2/2 + x3/3 ≤ 1,600.

Market demand
requires. x1 ≥ 300,

x2 ≥ 250,
and x3 ≥ 200.
Finally, since products A, B and C are to be produced in the ratio 3: 4: 5, x1: x2:
x3:: 3: 4: 5
or x1/3 = x2/4,
and x2/4 = x3/5.
Thus there are two additional constraints
4x1 - 3x2=0,
5x2- 4x3 = 0,
where x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.8 (Trim Loss Problem)

A paper mill produces rolls of paper used in making cash registers. Each roll of
paper is 100m in length and can be used in widths of 3, 4, 6 and 1 (km. The
company production process results in rolls that are 24 cm in width. Thus the
company must cut its 24cm roll to the desired widths. It has six basic cutting
alternatives as follows:
Cutting alternatives Width of rolls (cm) Waste (cm)
3 4 6 10
1 4 3 - - -
2 - 3 2 - -
3 1 1 1 1 1
4 - - 2 1 2
5 - 4 1 - 2
6 3 2 1 - 1

The minimum demand for the four rolls is as follows:

Roll width (cm) Demand

2 2,000
4 3,600
6 1,600
10 500
The paper mill wishes to minimize the waste resulting from trimming to size.
Formulate the L.P model.
Formulation of L.P. Model
Key decision is to determine how the paper rolls be cut to the required widths so
that trim losses (wastage) are minimum.
Let x, (j = 1, 2, ..., 6) represent the number of times each cutting alternative is to be
These alternatives result/do not result in certain trim loss.
Objective is to minimize the trim losses.
i.e., minimize Z =x3+2x4+2x5+x6.

Constraints are on the market demand for each type of roll width:
For roll width of 3cm, 4x1 + x3 + 3x6 ≥ 2,000,
for roll width of 4 cm, 3x1 + 3x2 + x3 + 4x5 + 2x6 ≥

3,600, for roll width of 6cm, 2x2 + x3 + 2x4 + x5 + x6 ≥

1,600, and for roll width of 10cm, x3 + x4 ≥ 500.

Since the variables represent the number of times each alternative is to be used,
they cannot have negative values.
:. x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, each ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.9 (Production Planning Problem)
A factory manufactures a product each unit of which consists of 5 units of part A
and 4 units of part B. The two parts A and B require different raw materials of
which 120 units and 240 units respectively are available. These parts can be
manufactured by three different methods. Raw material requirements per
production run and the number of units for each part produced are given below.
Method Input per run (units) Output per run (units)

Raw material 1 Raw material Part A Part B

1 7 5 6 4
2 4 7 5 8
3 2 9 7 3

Formulate the L.P model to determine the number of production runs for each
method so as to maximize the total number of complete units of the final product.
Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Let x1, x2, x3 represent the number of production runs for method 1, 2 and 3
The objective is to maximize the total number of units of the final product. Now,
the total number of units of part A produced by different methods is 6x 1 + 5x2 +
7x3 and for part B is 4x1 + 8x2 + 3x1. Since each unit of the final product requires
5 units of part A and 4 units of part B, it is evident that the maximum number of
units of the final product cannot exceed the smaller value of
6x1 +5x2 +7x3 and 4x1 +8x2 +3x3

5 4
Thus the objective is to maximize
Z= Minimum of 6x1 +5x2 +7x3, 4x1 +8x2 +3x3

5 4

Constraints are on the availability of raw materials. They are,
for raw material 1, 7x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 ≤ 120,
and raw material 2, 5x1 + 7x2 + 9x3 ≤ 240.
The above formulation violates the linear programming properties since the
objective function is non-linear. (Linear relationship between two or more
variables is the one in which the variables are directly and precisely proportional).
However, the above model can be easily reduced to the generally acceptable linear
programming format.
Let y = 6x1 +5x2 +7x3, 4x1 +8x2 +3x3

5 4
It follows that 6x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 ≥ y and 4x1 + 8x2 + 3x3≥ y

5 4
i.e., 6x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 - 5y ≥ 0, and 4x1 + 8x2 + 3x3 - 4y ≥
0. Thus the mathematical model for the problem is
Maximize Z = y,
subject to constraints 7x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 ≤ 120,
5x1 + 7x2 + 9x3 ≤ 240,
6x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 - 5y ≥ 0,
4x1 + 8x2 + 3x3 - 4y ≥ 0,
wherex1, x2, x3, y ≥ 0.
EXAMPLE 9.10 (Fluid Blending Problem)
An oil company produces two grades of gasoline P and Q which it sells at #30 and
#40 per litre. The company can buy four different crude oils with the following
constituents and Costs:
Crude oil Constituents Price/litre (#)
1 0.75 0.15 0.10 20.00
2 0.20 0.30 0.50 22.50
3 0.70 0.10 0.20 25.00
4 0.40 0.10 0.50 27.50

Gasoline P must have at least 55 per cent of constituent A and not more than 40 per
cent of C. Gasoline Q must not have more than 25 per cent of C. Determine how
the crudes should be used to maximize the profit.
Formulation of Mathematical Model
Key decision to be made is how much of each crude oil be used in making each of
the two grades of gasoline. Let these quantities in litres be represented by x IJ,
where i = crude oil 1, 2, 3, 4 and j = gasoline of grades P and Q respectively. Thus
x1p = amount in litres of crude oil 1 used in gasoline of grade P

x2p = amount in litres of crude oil 2 used in gasoline of grade P

x1q = amount in litres of crude oil 1 used in gasoline of grade Q

X2q = amount in litres of crude oil 2 used in gasoline of grade Q

Objective is to maximize the net profit.
i.e., maximize Z = # [30(xip + x2p + x3p, + x4p) + 40(xiq + x2q + x3q + x4q)
-20(x1p +Xia) - 22.50 (x2p +x2q) - 25 (x3p x3q) - 27.50(x4p - x4q)
or maximize Z = #[10x1p + 7.50x2p + 5x3p, + 2.50x4p + 201q + l7.50x2q + l5x3q)

Constraints are on the quantities of constituents A and C to be allowed in the two

grades of gasoline.
i.e., 0.75x1p + 0.20x2p + 0.70x3p + 0.40x4p ≥ 0.55 (x1p, + x2p + x3p + x4p),

0.10x1p + 0.50x2p + 0.20x3p + 0.50x4p ≤ 0.40 (x1 + x2p + x3p+x4p),

and 0.10x1q + 0.50x2q + 0.20x3q + 0.50x4q≤ 0.25 (x1q + x2q + x3q +

x4q), where x1p, x2p, x3p,x4p, x1q, x2q, x3q, x4q, each ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.11 (Production Planning Problem)
A company manufacturing air coolers has, at present, firm orders for the next 6
months. The company can schedule its production over the next 6 months to meet
orders on either regular or overtime basis. The order size and production costs over
the next six months are as follows:
Month : 1 2 3 4 5 6
Orders : 640 660 700 750 550 650 Cost/unit (#) for

regular production : 40 42 41 45 39 40 Cost/unit (#) for

overtime production : 52 50 53 50 45 43
With 100 air coolers in stock at present, the company wishes to have at least 150
air coolers in stock at the end of 6 months. The regular and overtime production in
each month is not to exceed 600 and 400 units respectively. The inventory carrying
cost for air coolers is #12 per unit per month. Formulate the L.R model to
minimize the total cost.
Formulation of L.P. Model
Key decision is to determine the number of units of air coolers to he produced on
regular as well as overtime basis together with the number of units of ending
inventory in each of the six months.
Let xij be the number of units produced in month j (j = 1, 2, ..., 6), on a regular or
overtime basis (i = 1, 2). Further let yj represent the number of units of ending
inventory in month j (j= 1, 2, ..., 6).
Objective is to minimize the total cost (of production and inventory carrying).
i.e., minimize Z = (40x11 + 42x12 + 41x13 + 45x14 + 39x15 + 40x16)
(52x21 + 50x22 + 53x23 + 50x24 + 45x25 + 43x26)

+12(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6)

Constraints are
for the first month, 100 + x11 + x21 - 640 = y1,
for the second month, y1 + x12 + x22 - 660 = y2,
for the third month, y2 + x13 + x23 – 700 = y3
for the fourth month, y3 + x14 + x24 – 750 = y4
for the fifth month, y4 + x15 + x25 – 550 = y5
and for the sixth month, y5 + x16 + x26 – 650 = y6
Also, the ending inventory constraint is
Y6 ≥ 150

Further, since regular and overtime production each month is not to exceed 600
and 400 units respectively,
x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, each ≤ 600,

and x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, each ≤ 400.

Also xij ≥ 0 (i=1, 2; j=1, 2,..., 6), yj ≥ 0.
EXAMPLE 9.12 (Transportation Problem)
A dairy firm has two milk plants with daily milk production of 6 million litres and
9 million litres respectively. Each day the firm must fulfil the needs of its three
distribution centres which have milk requirement of 7, 5 and 3 million litres
respectively. Cost of shipping one million litres of milk from each plant to each
distribution centre is given, in hundreds of naira below. Formulate the L.P model
to minimize the transportation cost.
Distribution Centres
1 2 3 Supply
2 3 11 6
1 9 6 9
Plants 7 5 3

Formulation of L.P Model
Key decision is to determine the quantity of milk to be transported from either
plant to each distribution centre.
Let x1, x2 be the quantity of milk (in million litres) transported from plant I to
distribution centre no. 1 and 2 respectively. The resulting table representing
transportation of milk is shown below.

Distribution Centres
1 2 3
x1 x2 6-x1-x2

7-x1 5-x2 9-(7-


7 5 3
Objective is to minimize the transportation cost.
i.e., minimize Z = 2x1 + 3x2 + 11(6 – x1 – x2) + (7 - x1) + 9(5 - x2)
6[9 - (7 - x1) - (5 - x2)] = 100 - 4x1 -
llx2. Constraints are

6 – x1 - x2 ≥ 0 or x1 + x2 ≤ 6,
7 - x1 ≥ 0 or x1 ≤ 7,
5 - x2 ≥ 0 or x2 ≤ 5,
and 9 - (7 - x1) - (5 - x2)≥0 or x1+x2 ≥ 3,
where x1,x2 ≥ 0.
EXAMPLE 9.13 (Product Mix Problem)
A plant manufactures washing machines and dryers. The major manufacturing
departments are the stamping department, motor and transmission deptt. and
assembly deptt. The first two departments produce parts for both the products
while the assembly lines are different for the two products. The monthly
deptt.capacities are
Stamping deptt. : 1,000 washers or 1,000 dryers
Motor and transmission deptt. : 1,600 washers or 7,000 dryers
Washer assembly line : 9,000 washers only
Dryer assembly line : 5,000 dryers only.
Profits per piece of washers and dryers are #270 and #300 respectively. Formulate
L.P model.
Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Let x1 and x2 represent the number of washing machines and dryers to be
manufactured each month.
The objective is to maximize the total profit each month.
i.e. maximize Z = 270x1 + 300x2.

Constraints are on the monthly capacities of the various departments.

For the stamping deptt., x 1 + x 2 ≤ 1,
1,000 1,000
For the motor and transmission deptt.,
x 1 + x 2 ≤1

1,600 7,000
for the washer assembly deptt., x1 ≤ 9,000
and for the dryer assembly deptt., x2 ≤ 5,000
where x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0.

EXAMPLE 9.14 (Product Mix Problem)

A certain farming organization operates three farms of comparable productivity.
The output of each farm is limited both by the usable acreage and by the amount of
water available for irrigation. Following are the data for the upcoming season:

Farm Usable acreage Water available in acre feet
1 400 1,500
2 600 2,000
3 300 900
The organization is considering three crops for planting which differ primarily in
their expected profit per acre and in their consumption of water. Furthermore, the
total acreage that can be devoted to each of the crops is limited by the amount of
appropriate harvesting equipment available.
Crop Minimum acreage Water consumption in Expected profit
acre feet per acre per acre
A 400 5 # 400
B 300 4 # 300
C 300 3 # 100
However, any combination of the crops may be grown at any of the farms. The
organization wishes to know how much of each crop should be planted at the
respective farms in order to maximize expected profit. Formulate this as a linear
programming problem.
Formulation of Linear Programming Model
The key decision is to determine the number of acres of each farm to be allotted to
each crop.
Let x, (i = farm 1, 2, 3; j = crop A, B, C) represent the number of acres of the ith
farm to be allotted to the jth crop.
The objective is to maximize the total profit.
i.e., maximize Z = # 400 ∑x1A + 300∑x1B + 100∑x1C.

Constraints are formulated as follows:

For availability of water in acre feet,
5x1A + 4x1B + 3x1c ≤ 1,500,

5x2A + 4x2B + 3x2C ≤ 2,000,
5x3A + 4x3B + 3x3C ≤ 900.

For availability of usable acreage in each farm,

x1A + x1B + x1C ≤ 400,
x2A + x2B + x3C ≤ 600,
x3A + x3B + x3C ≤ 300.

For availability of acreage for each crop,

x1A + x2A + x3A ≥ 400,
x1B + x2B + x3B ≥ 300,
x1C + x2C + x3C ≥ 300.

To ensure that the percentage of usable acreage is same in each farm,

x 1A + x 1B + x 1C X 100 = x 2A + x 2B + x2C X 10 0 =x 3A + x 3B + x 3C X 100
400 600 300

or 3(x1A + x1B + x1C) = 2(x2A + x2B + x2C),

and (x2A + x2B + x2C) = 2(x3A + x3B + x3C).
where x1A, x1B, xIC, x2A, x2B, x2C, x3A, x3B, x3C, each ≥ 0.

The above relations, therefore, constitute the L.P. model.

EXAMPLE 9.15 (Product Mix Problem)
Consider the following problem faced by a production planner in a soft drink plant.
He has two bottling machines A and B. A is designed for 8-ounce bottles and B for
16-ounce bottles. However; each can be used on both types of Bottles with some
lass of efficiency. The following data are available:
Machine 8-ounce bottles 16-ounce bottles
A 100/minute 40/minute
B 60/minute 75/minute

The machines can be run 8-hour per day, 5 days a week. Profit on 8-ounce bottle is
15 paise and on 16-ounce bottle is 25 paise. Weekly production of the drink cannot
exceed 300,000 ounces and the market can absorb 25,000 eight-ounce bottles and
7,000 sixteen-ounce bottles per week. The planner wishes to maximize his profit
subject, of course, to all the production and marketing constraints. Formulate this
as L.P problem.
Formulation of Linear Programming Model
Key decision is to determine the number of 8-ounce bottles and 16-ounce bottles to
be produced on either of machines A and B per week. Let xA1, xB1 be the number
of 8-ounce bottles and xA2, xB2 be the number of 16-ounce bottles to be produced
per week on machines A and B respectively.
Objective is to maximize .the weekly profit.
i.e., maximize Z = #[0.15 (xA1 +xB1) + 0.25(xA2 +xB2)].

Constraints can be formulated as follows:

Since an 8-ounce bottle takes 1/100minute and a 16-ounce bottle takes 1/40 minute
machine A and the machine can be run for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, the
time constraint on machine A can be written as
xA1+ xA2≤ 5 X 8 X 60
100 40
Similarly, time constraint on machine B can be written as
xB1+ xB2≤ 2,400.
60 75
Since the total weekly production cannot exceed 300,000
ounces, 8(xA1+XB1) + 16(xA2 + xB2) ≤ 300,000.
The constraints on market demand yield
xA1 + xB1 ≥ 25,000,
xA2 + xB2 ≥ 7,000,
where xA1, xB1, xA2, xB2, each ≥ 0.

Following are the main advantages of linear programming methods:
It helps in attaining the optimum use of productive factors. Linear programming
indicates how a manager can utilize his productive factors most effectively by a
better selection and distribution of these elements. For example, more efficient use
of manpower and machines can be obtained by the use of linear programming.
It improves the quality of decisions. The individual who makes use of linear
programming methods becomes more objective than subjective. The individual
having a clear picture of the relationships within the basic equations, inequalities or
constraints can have a better idea about the problem and its solution.
It also helps in providing better tools for adjustments to meet changing
conditions. It can go a long way in improving the knowledge and skill of future
Most business problems involve constraints like raw materials availability,
market demand, etc. which must be taken into consideration. Just because we can
produce so many units of products does not mean that they can be sold. Linear
programming can handle such situations also since it allows modification of its
mathematical solutions.
It highlights the bottlenecks in the production processes. When bottlenecks
occur, some machines cannot meet demand while others. remain idle, at least part
of the time. Highlighting of bottlenecks is one of the most significant advantages
of linear programming.
This model, though having a wide field, has the following limitations:
For large problems having many limitations and constraints, the computational
difficulties are enormous, even when assistance of large digital computers is
available. The approximations required to reduce such problems to meaningful
sizes may yield the final results far different from the exact ones.
Another limitation of linear programming is that it may yield fractional valued
answers for the decision variables, whereas it may happen that only integer values
of the variables are logical.
For instance, in finding how many lathes and milling machines to be produced,
only integer values of the decision variables, say x1 and x2 are meaningful. Except

when the variables have large values, rounding the solution values to the nearest
integers will not yield an optimal solution. Such situations justify the use of special
techniques like integer programming.
It is applicable to only static situations since it does not take into account the
effect of time. The O.R. team must define the objective function and constraints
which can change due to internal as well as external factors.
It assumes that the values of the coefficients of decision variables in the
objective function as well as in all the constraints are known with certainty. Since
in most of the business situations, the decision variable coefficients are known only
probabilistically, it cannot be applied to such situations.
In some situations it is not possible to express both the objective function and
constraints in linear form. For example, in production planning we often have non-
linear constraints on production capacities like setup and takedown times which are
often independent of the quantities produced. The misapplication of linear
programming under non-linear conditions usually results in an incorrect solution.
Linear programming deals with problems that have a single objective. Real life
problems may involve multiple and even conflicting objectives. One has to apply
goal programming under such situations.
When comparison is made between the advantages and disadvantages/limitations
of linear programming, its advantages clearly outweigh its limitations. It must be
clearly understood that linear programming techniques, like other mathematical
tools only help the manager to take better decisions; they are in no way a substitute
for the manager.
Once a problem is formulated as mathematical model, the next step is to solve the
problem to get the optimal solution. A linear programming problem with only two
variables presents a simple case, for which the solution can be derived using a
graphical or geometrical method. Though, in actual practice such small problems
are rarely encountered, the graphical method provides a pictorial representation of
the solution process and a great deal of insight into the basic concepts used in
solving large L.P. problems. This method consists of the following steps:
Represent the given problem in mathematical form i.e., formulate the
mathematical model for the given problem.

Draw the x1 and x2-axes. The non-negativity restrictions x1 ≥ 0 and x2 ≥ 0 imply
that the values of the variables x1 and x2 can lie only in the first quadrant. This
eliminates a number of infeasible alternatives that lie in 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants.
Plot each of the constraint on the graph. The constraints, whether equations or
inequalities are plotted as equations. For each constraint, assign any arbitrary value
to one variable and get the value of the other variable. Similarly, assign another
arbitrary value to the other variable and find the value of the first variable. Plot
these two points and connect them by a straight line. Thus each constraint is
plotted as line in the first quadrant.
1dentify the feasible region (or solution space) that satisfies all the constraints
simultaneously. For type constraint, the area on or above the constraint line i.e.,
away from the origin and for type constraint, the area on or below the constraint
line i.e., towards origin will be considered. The area common to all the constraints
is called feasible region and is shown shaded. Any point on or within the shaded
region represents a feasible solution to the given problem. Though a number of
infeasible points are eliminated, the feasible region still contains a large number of
feasible points
Use iso-profit (cost) function line approach. For this plot the objective function
by assuming Z = 0. This will be a line passing through the origin. As the value of Z
is increased from zero, the line starts moving to the right, parallel to itself. Draw
lines parallel to this line till the line is farthest distant from the origin (for a
maximization problem). For a minimization problem, the line be nearest to the
origin. The point of the feasible region through which this line passes will be
optimal point;It is possible that this line may coincide with one of the edges of the
feasible region. In that case, every point on that edge will give the same
maximum/minimum value of the objective function and will be the optimal point.
Alternatively use extreme point enumeration approach. For this, find the co-
ordinates each extreme point (or corner point or vertex) of the feasible region. Find
the value of the objective function at each extreme point. The point at which
objective function is maximum/minimum optimal point and its co-ordinates give
the optimal solution.

Linear programming involves with the optimization (maximization or
minimization) of a function of variables known as objective function, subject to a
set of linear equations and/or inequalities known as constraints. The objective
function may be profit, cost, production capacity or any other measure of
effectiveness, which is to be obtained in the best possible or optimal manner. The
constraints may be imposed by different resources such as market demand,
production process and equipment, storage capacity, raw material availability and
so on.


All organizations, big or small, have at their disposal, men, machines, money and
materials, the supply of which may be limited. If the supply of these resources
were unlimited, the need for management tools like linear programming would not
arise at all. Supply of resources being limited, the management must find the best
allocation of its resources in order to maximize the profit or minimize the loss or
utilize the production capacity to the maximum extent. However this involves a
number of problems which can be overcome by quantitative methods, particularly
the linear programming.Generally speaking, linear programming can be used for
optimization problems if the following conditions are satisfied- there must be a
well-defined objective function; there must be constraints on the amount or extent
of attainment of the objective and these constraints must be capable of being
expressed as linear equations or inequalities in terms of variables; there must be
alternative courses of action;decision variables should be interrelated and
nonnegative; and the resources must be in limited supply. Linear Programming has
the following assumptions- Proportionality, Additivity, Continuity, Certainty, and
Finite Choices. LP solution methods can be applied in solving industrial problems,
management related problems, and a host of other problem areas.


Briefly discuss what linear programming involves.
Identify and discuss five assumptions of linear programming.
List and explain three areas where linear programming can be applied.
Highlight four limitations of linear programming.
Give five advantages of the linear programming method.
A manufacturer has two milk plants with daily milk production of 9 million
litres and 11 million litres respectively. Each day the firm must fulfil the
needs of its three distribution centres which have milk requirement of 9, 6
and 4 million litres respectively. Cost of shipping one million litres of milk
from each plant to each distribution centre is given, in hundreds of naira
below. Formulate the L.P model to minimize the transportation cost.

Distribution Centres
1 2 3 Supply
3 4 12 9
2 10 7 11
Plants 9 6 4

Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N (2001), Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad Nig.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 3.0 Main Content
3.1 Assumptions Made in the Use of the Transportation Model
3.2 Theoretical Consideration
3.3 General Procedure for Setting Up a Transportation Model
3.4 Developing an Initial Solution
3.4.1 The North West Corner Method
3.4.2 The Least Cost Method
3.4.3 Vogel’s Approximation Method (Vam)
3.5 The Unbalanced Case
3.6 Formulating Linear Programming Model for the Transportation
3.7 Improving the Initial Feasible Solution Through Optimisation
3.8 Determination of the Optimal Transportation Cost Using the Stepping
Stone Method
3.9 The Modified Distribution Method
3.10 Degeneracy
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References

We now go on to another mathematical programming problem which is a special
case of linear programming model. Unlike the linear programming method, treated
in the last chapter of this book, which focuses on techniques of minimizing cost of
production or maximizing profit, this special linear programming model deals with
techniques of evolving the lowest cost plan for transporting product or services
from multiple origins which serve as suppliers to multiple destinations that demand
for the goods or services.
As an example, suppose cows are to be transported in a day from 5 towns in the
northern part of Nigeria to 4 towns in the south. Each of the five northern towns
has the maximum they can supply in a day, while each of the town in the southern
part also has the specified quantities they demand for. If the unit transportation cost
from a source to each of the destinations is known it is possible to compute the
quantity of cows to be transported from each of the northern towns to the southern
towns in order to minimize the total transportation cost.
The transportation technique was first started in 1941 when Hitchcock published
his study entitled “The distribution of a product from several sources to numerous
locations”. Since then other researchers have developed various techniques of
solving the transportation model. There have been many variants of the
transportation model among which is the assignment method, location —
allocation problem and distribution problem.
The transportation method has diverse application in various facets of life. It is
applicable in transporting petroleum products from refinery (sources) to various
fuel deports (locations). It is also applicable with military logistics problem of
transporting solders and resources from various camps to various war zones.
Another practical example is the transportation problem of locating hostels on the
campus in such a way as to minimize the distance that students have to walk
around the campus.
This unit deals with the various techniques that can be used in solving the
transportation model in order to minimize cost of transporting goods from a source
to a location. We shall also deal with the balanced and unbalanced transportation
problems as well as how to express transportation model in linear programming
model. The case of degeneracy is also treated briefly.

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the nature of a transportation problem.
Compute the initial feasible solution using the North West Corner method.
Find the initial feasible solution using the Least Cost Method.
Compute the initial feasible solution using the Vogel’s Approximation
Use the Stepping Stones and Modified Distribution Methods to find the
optimum solution.
Know the technique of solving the unbalanced transportation problem.
Convert a transportation model to a linear programming model.
Understand the concept of degeneracy in the transportation problem.

chtheobjective is totransport a homogeneous commodity from various origins or
factories to different destinationsormarketsatatotalminimumcost (Murthy, 2007)

In using transportation model the following major assumptions are made.

The Homogeneity of materials to be transported. The materials or items to be
transported by road, sea, air or land must be the same regardless of their specific
source or specified locations.
Equality of transportation cost per unit. The transportation cost per unit is the
same irrespective of which of the materials is to be transported.
Uniqueness of route or mode of transportation between each source and
In using the transportation model it is essential that the following information are
made available
The list of each source and its respective capacity for supplying the materials
The list of each destination and its respective demand for that period.
The unit cost of each item from each source to each destination.
Suppose we have a transportation problem involving movement of items from m
sources (or origins) to n location (destination) at minimum cost. Let c ij be the unit
cost of transporting an item from source i to location j; a 1 be the quantity of items
available at source i and bj the quantity of item demanded at location j. Also, let x ij
th th
be the quantity transported from i source to j location then total supply = ∑aij,
while total demand = ∑ bijThis problem can be put in tabular form as shown

1 2 3 …. n Supply
1 c11 c12 c13 …. n a1
2 c21 c22 c23 …. n a2
3 c31 c32 c33 …. n a3
: : : : : :
m cm1 cmn am
Demand b1 b2 b3 …. bm

The linear

Programming model can be formulated as follows:

Subject to the constraints-


Convert statement of the problem into tabular form showing the total supply and
total demand for each of the sources and destinations.
Check that total number of supply equals the total number of demand to know
whether the transportation model is of the balanced or unbalanced type.
Allocate values into the necessary cells using the appropriation techniques for the
method of allocation of quantities that you have selected. We expect the number of
allocated cells to be m+n-l where m is the number of rows and n is the number of
columns otherwise degenerating occurs.
. Compute the total cost of transportation.
Solution of transportation problem comes up in two phases namely:

The initial feasible solution
The optimum solution to the transportation problem
When developing an initial basic feasible solution there are different methods that
can be used. We shall discuss three methods used namely;
The North West Corner Method
The Least Cost Method
Vogel’s Approximation Method
It is assumed that the least cost method is an improvement on the North West
Corner method, while the Vogel’s approximation method is an improvement of the
least cost method.
This is the simplest and most straight forward format of the method of developing
an initial basic feasible solution. The initial solution resulting from this method
usually Operations Research in Decision Analysis and Production Management
results in the largest total transportation cost among the three methods to be
discussed. To explain how to use this method, we present an illustrative data of a
transportation problem in the example below:
Table 10.1 Supply and demand of cows
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70 600

Kano 175 110 95 1400

Maiduguri 205 190 130 1000
Demand 1600 1050 350

Example 10.1
Suppose the table above gives us the supply of cows from three sources in the
north and the demands by three locations in the southern part of Nigeria. The
quantities inside the cell represent the unit costs, in naira. of transporting one cow
from one source to one location. Use the North West Corner method to allocate the

cows in such a way as to minimise the cost of transportation and find the minimum
We observe that the total demand = 1600 + 1050 + 350 =3U00 and total supply =
600 + 1400 + 1000 = 3000. Since demand supply we have a balanced
transportation problem
To use the North West Corner method to allocate all the cows supplied to the cells
where they are demanded, we follow this procedure:
Starting from the North West Corner of the table allocate as many cows as
possible to cell (1, 1). In this case it is 600. This exhausts the supply from
Sokoto leaving a demand of 1000 cows for Lagos.

Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply

Sokoto 90 85 70
600 - - 600
Kano 175 110 95 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 350
Demand 1600 1050 350

Allocate 1000 cows to cell (2, 1) to meet Lagos demand leaving a supply of 400
cows in Kano. Cross out the 1000 in column 1 where the demand has been
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70
600 - - 600
Kano 175 110 95 1400
1000 - 400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 100
Demand 1600 1050 350

Allocate 400 cows to cell (2, 2) to exhaust the supply from Kano leaving a
demand of 650 in Akure. Cross out the 1400 in row 2 which has been satisfied.
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70
600 - - 600
Kano 175 110 95 400
1000 400 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 1000
- 650 350
Demand 1600 1050 350
1000 650

1.0 Allocate 650 cows to cell (3,2) to satisfy the demand in Akure

Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply

Sokoto 90 85 70
600 - - 600
Kano 175 110 95 400
1000 400 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 350
- 650 350 1000
Demand 1600 1050 350
1000 650

Allocate 350 cows to cell (3, 3) to satisfy the demand in Awka and exhaust the
supply in Maiduguri. Cross out the 350.
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70
600 - - 600
Kano 175 110 95 400
1000 400 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 350
- 650 350 1000
Demand 1600 1050 350
1000 650

This completes the allocation. We observe that out of the 9 cells only 5 cells have
been allocated. If m is the number of rows.n is the number of columns the total
number of allocated cells in this case is m + n — 1 i.e 3+ 3 — 1 = 5.
The transportation cost is found by multiplying unit cost for each cells by its unit
allocation and summing it up.
i.e. C =∑ (unit cost x cell allocation)
(600 x 90) + (l000x 175) + (110 x 400) + (190 x 650) + (130 x 350)
54000 + 175000 x 44000 + 123500 + 45500
This can be summarised in tabular form as follows
Cell Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(1, 1) 600 90 54000
(2, 1) 1000 175 17500
(2, 2) 400 110 4400
(3, 2) 650 190 123500
(3, 3) 130 350 45500


This method is also known as the minimum cost method. Allocation commences
with the cell that has the least unit cost and other subsequent method of allocation
is similar to the North West Corner method
Example 10.2
Solve example 4.1 using the Least Cost method
We observe that the total demand = 1600 + 1050 + 350 = 3000 and total supply =
600 + 1400 + 1000 3000. Since demand = supply we have a balanced
transportation problem.
We note that the least cost per unit in this problem is N70 in cell (1, 3). We do the
allocation as follows:

Step 1: Allocate 350 to cell (1, 3) to satisfy the demand at Awka and leaving a
supply of 250 cows at Sokoto. Cross out column3 that has been satisfied.
Table 10.3
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70 250
- 250 350 600
Kano 175 110 95 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130
- - 1100
Demand 1600 1050 350

Step 2:
Allocate 250 cows to cell (1, 2) that has the next smallest unit cost of N85 to
complete the supply from Sokoto leaving us with demands of 800 cows at Akure.
Cross out exhausted row one.

Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply

Sokoto 90 85 70 250
- 250 350 600
Kano 175 110 95 600
- 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 1100

Demand 1600 1050 350


Step 3: Allocate 800 cows to cell (2, 2) with the next least cost leaving 110 to
satisfy demand at Akure, leaving us with supply of 600 ram at Kano cross out
satisfied column 2.

Sources Lagos AkureAwka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70 250
- 250 350 600
Kano 175 110 95 600
600 800 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130 1100
1000 - -
Demand 1600 1050 350

Step 4: Allocate 600 cows to cell (2, 1) which has the next least cost of 175
thereby exhausting supply from Kano, leaving 1000 cows demand in Lagos. Cross
out exhausted row 2.
Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70 250
- 250 350 600
Kano 175 110 95 600
600 800 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130
- - 1100
Demand 1600 1050 350
1000 800

Step 5: Allocate the remaining 1000 cows to cell ( 3, 1) to exhaust the supply from
Maiduguri. This completes the allocation.

Sources Lagos Akure Awka Supply
Sokoto 90 85 70 250
- 250 350 600
Kano 175 110 95 600
600 800 - 1400
Maiduguri 205 190 130
1000 - 1100
Demand 1600 1050 350
1000 800

The minimum cost of transportation is given by:

(85 x 250) + (70 x 350) + (175 x 360) + (110 x 800) + (205 x 1,000) =2 1,250 +
24,500 + 105,000 + 88,000 + 205,000 = 443,750
We can represent it in a tabular form as follow
Cells Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(1, 2) 250 80 21250
(1, 3) 350 70 24500
(2, 1) 600 175 105000
(2, 2) 800 110 88000
(3, 1) 1000 205 205000
Example 10.3
In the table below, items supplied from origins A, B, C and D and those demanded
in locations 1, 2, 3 and 4 are shown. If the figures in the boxes are the unit cost of
moving an item from an origin to a destination, use the least cost method to
allocate the material in order to minimize cost of transportation.
Origin 1 2 3 4 Supply
A 29 41 25 46 1250
B 50 27 45 33 2000
C 43 54 49 40 500
D 60 38 48 31 2750
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250

We check the total demand and supply. In this case both totals are equal to 6500. It
is balanced transportation problem. We set up the allocation as follows;
Step 1
Look for the least cost. It is 25 in cell (1, 3) Allocate 1250 to cell (1, 3) and thus
exhaust the supply by A while leaving a demand of 500 in column three. Cross out
the 1250 in A and the other cells on row 1.
Step 2
Look for the least cost among the remaining empty cells. This is 27 in cell (2,2)
Allocate all the demand of 250 to that cell. Cross out the 250 in column 2 and the
2000 supply in row 2 becomes 1750. Cross out the empty cells in column 2.
Step 3
Once again identify the cell with the least cost out of the remaining empty cells.
This is 31 in cell (4, 4). Allocate all the 1250 in column 4 to this cell to satisfy the
demand by column 4. This leaves a supply of 1500 for row D. Cross out all the
other cells in column 4. Step 4.
Identify the cell having the least cost among the remaining cell. This is 43 in cell
(3, 1). Allocate all the 500 supply to this cell and cross out the 500 in satisfied row
3 as well as any empty cell in that row. Also cross out the 3250 row and replace
with 3250 — 500 = 2750.
Step 5
Identify the cell with the least cost among the empty cell. This is 45 in cell (2,3).
Since column 3 needs to exhaust 500 we allocate this to cell (2, 3). Cross out the
500 and any empty cell in that column. Row 2 needs to exhaust 1250 quantity.
Step 6
Examine the remaining empty cells for the cell with the least cost. This is cell (2,
with N50. Allocate all the 1250 into this cell. Cross out 2750 in column 1 and
write the balance of 1500.
Step 7
The last cell remaining is (4, 1) . Allocate the remaining 1500 to this cell thus
satisfying the remaining demands of row 4 and the remaining supply of column 1.

Origin 1 2 3 4 Supply
A 29 41 25 46 1250
- - 1250 -
B 50 27 45 33 7501250
1250 250 500 2000
C 43 54 49 40 500
500 - - -
D 60 38 48 31 27501500
1500 - - 1250
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250
2750 500

We then calculate the cost as follows

Cells Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(2, 1) 1250 50 62500
(3, 1) 500 43 21500
(4, 1) 1500 60 90000
(2, 2) 250 27 6750
(1, 3) 1250 25 31250
(2, 3) 500 45 22500
(4, 4) 1250 31 38750

Note that total number of cell allocations m + n -1 where m = 4 and n = number of

columns = 4
This technique of finding an initial solution of the transportation is an
improvement on both the least cost and North West corner methods. It involves
minimization of the penalty or opportunity cost. This penalty cost is the cost due to
failure to select the best alternatives. This technique can thus be regarded as the
penalty or regret method.
The steps for using the VAM method can be presented as follows.
• Check the row and column totals to ensure they are equal.

Compute the row and column parallels for the unit costs. This is done by finding
the difference between the smallest cell cost and the next smallest cell cost for each
row and column.
. Identify the row or column with the highest penalty cost.
Allocate to the cell with the least cost in the identified cell in step 3 the highest
possible allocation it can take.
Cross out all the redundant cell.
Re compute the penalty cost and proceed to allocate as done in the previous steps
until all the cells have been allocated.
Check for the m + n — 1 requirement.
Compute the total cost.
Example 10.4
Solve example 4.3 using the Vogel’s Approximation Method
The first step is to check the row and column totals and since both totals equal
6500, it is a balanced transportation problem.
Next we compute the row and column penalty costs denoted by d1! and d1
respectively and obtain the following table:
1 2 3 4 Supply d1!
A 29 41 25 46 1250 4
B 50 27 45 33 2000 6
C 43 54 49 40 500 3
D 60 38 48 31 2750 7
Demand 3250 2500 1750 1250 6500
d1 14 11 20 2

The highest penalty cost is 20; we allocate to the least unit cost in that column
the highest it can take. The least is 25 and is allocated 1250 as shown below.
The next step is to re-compute the penalty costs, d2! and d2 for the unbalanced
cells in both rows and column. The results obtained are as follows.

1 2 3 4 Supply d1! d 2!
A 29 41 25 46 1250 4 -
1250 -
B 50 27 45 33 2000 6 6
250 1750
C 43 54 49 40 500 3 3
D 60 38 48 31 2750 7 7
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250 6500
d1 14 11 20 2
d2 7 11 3 2

Since all cells in the row 1 have all been allocated d2 0 for that row.
The highest penalty cost is 11. We allocate the maximum allocation for cell
(2,1). which has the least cost of 27 which is 250. Row 2 has a balance of 1750 to
be exhausted while column 2 is satisfied.
Next we compute penalty costs d3! and d3 for the unallocated cells and obtain
the following.
1 2 3 4 Supply d1! d 2! d 3!
A 29 41 25 46 1250 4 - -
1250 -
B 50 27 45 33 2000 6 6 12
250 1750
C 43 54 49 40 500 3 3 3
D 60 38 48 31 2750 7 7 17
- 1250 1500
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250 6500
d1 14 11 20 2
d2 7 11 3 2
d3 7 - 3 2

The highest penalty cost is 17 and the unit cost is 31. We give the cell with unit
cost of 31 its maximum allocation of 1250 thereby exhausting the demand in
column 3 and leaving a balance of 1500 in row 4.
(vii) We re-compute the penalty cost d4! and d4 and then fill up all the other cells

1 2 3 4 Supply d1! d2! d3! d4!

A 29 41 25 46 1250 4 - -
- - 1250 -
B 50 27 45 33 2000 6 6 12 5
1750 250 1750
C 43 54 49 40 500 3 3 3 6
500 -
D 60 38 48 31 2750 7 7 17 12
1000 - 500 1250 1500
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250 2750
d1 14 11 20 2
d2 7 11 3 2
d3 7 - 3 2
d4 7 - 3 -

The highest penalty costs is 12, we allocate cell (4, 3) having the least unit cost of
48 maximally with 500 to exhaust row 3. All the remaining cells in column 3 are
given 0 allocations since column 3 has now been exhausted.
We then allocate the remaining empty cells as follows: cell (2, 1) is given the
balance of 1750 to exhaust the supply of row 2. Cell (3, 1) is given supply of 500
to exhaust the supply of row 3 while cell (4, 1) is allocated to the balance of 1000.
A total of 7 cells have been allocated satisfying m + n — 1 criterion. We then
compute the minimum cost of allocation in the transportation model and obtain the

Cells Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(1, 3) 25 1250 62500
(2, 1) 50 1750 21500
(2, 2) 27 250 90000
(3, 1) 43 500 6750
(4, 1) 60 1000 31250
(4, 3) 48 500 22500
(4, 4) 31 1250 38750
Total 269750

We observed that this value is an improvement on the value of N273, 250 obtained
by the Least Cost Method.
Suppose the total number of items supplied is not equal to the total number of
items demanded. When this happens then we have an unbalanced transportation
problem. To solve this type of problem we adjust the transportation table by
creating a dummy cell for source or demand column or row to balance the number.
The dummy cells created are allocated zero transportation unit cost and the
problem is solved using appropriate method as before. We have two cases, namely
the case when supply is greater than demand (SS>DD) (2) the case when the
demand is greater than the supply (DD >SS). The next two examples will show us
how the dummy is created and how the problem is solved.
Example 10.5
The table below shows us how some items are transported from five locations
A,B,C,D to four location P,Q,R,S with the unit cost of transportation in them being
shown in the box. Determine the initial feasible solution by finding minimum cost
of transportation using the North West Corner method.
P Q R S Supply
A 150 120 135 105 2000
B 90 140 130 140 8000
C 120 100 120 150 7000
D 180 140 200 162 3000
E 110 130 100 160 2500
Demand 1000 4000 8500 4500

The total from the supply is 2000 + 8000 + 7000 + 3000 + 2500 = 22500.
The total quantity demanded is 1000 + 4000 + 8500 + 4500 = 18,000. Since the
supply is more than the demand. We then create out a new dummy variable, with
column T to take care of the demand with value of 22500 - 18000 = 4500. We now
have a table with five rows and time columns.
P Q R S T Supply
A 150 120 135 105 0 2000
B 90 140 130 140 0 8000
C 120 100 120 150 0 7000
D 180 140 200 162 0 3000
E 110 130 100 160 0 2500
Demand 1000 4000 8500 4500 4500

We then carry out the allocation using the usual method to get the table below. So
the table becomes.
P Q R S T Supply
A 150 120 135 105 0 1000
1000 1000 2000
B 90 140 130 140 0 5000
3000 5000 8000
C 120 100 120 150 0 3500
3500 3500 7000
D 180 140 200 162 0 2000
1000 2000 3000
E 110 130 100 160 0 2500
Demand 1000 4000 8500 4500 4500
3000 3500 1000 2000

The allocations are shown above. The cost can be computed as follows

Cells Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(1, 1) 1000 180 180000
(1, 2) 1000 120 120000
(2, 2) 3000 140 420000
(2, 3) 5000 130 650000
(3, 3) 3500 120 420000
(3, 4) 3500 150 525000
(4, 4) 1000 162 162000
(4, 5) 2000 0 0
(5, 5) 2500 0 0
Total 2477000

Example 10.6
Find the minimum cost of this transportation problem using the North West Corner
1 2 3 Supply
A 10 8 12 150
B 16 14 17 200
C 19 20 13 300
D 0 0 0 250
Demand 300 200 400 900

Total for demand = 300 + 200 + 400 = 900 Total for supply is 150 + 200 + 300 =
Here Demand is greater than Supply. According to Lee (1983) one way of
resolving this is to create a dummy variable to make up for the 900 — 600 = 250
difference in the supply and to assign a value of 0 to this imaginary dummy
variable. We then end up with 4 x 3 table as shown below:
The cells are now allocated using the principles of North West Corner method

1 2 3 Supply
A 10 8 12 150
150 - -
B 16 14 17 200
150 50 - 150
C 19 20 13 300
- - 150 - 150
D 0 0 0 250
- - 250
Demand 300 200 400 900
150 150 150

The cost can be computed as follows

Cells Quantity Unit Cost Cost
(1, 1) 150 10 1500
(2, 1) 150 16 2400
(2, 2) 50 14 700
(3, 2) 150 20 3000
(3, 3) 150 13 1950
(4, 3) 250 0 0
Total 9550


The linear programming model can also be used for solving the transportation
problem. The method involves formulating a linear programming model for the
problem using the unit costs and the quantities of items to be transported. In case
the decision variables are the quantities to be transported, we may represent the
decision variable for cell 1 column 1 as x11, cell 2 column 2 as x22 e.t.c.
Constraints are created for both rows (supply) and column (demand). There is no
need of constraints for the total. For the balanced case we use equality for the
supply and demand constants. For the unbalanced case we use equality for the
lesser quantity between supply and demand while the greater of the two will use
the symbol “less than or equal to (≤)“. Dummy variables will be created to balance
the requirements for demand and supply.

Example 10.7
Formulate a linear programming model for the transportation problem
Ofada Ewokoro Abeokuta Supply
Ikeja 5 8 2 250
Yaba 4 3 7 100
Agege 9 6 5 450
Lagos 3 4 6 300
Demand 600 200 300

Total demand 600 + 200 + 300 = 1100 while
Total supply 250 + 100 + 450 + 300 = 1100. This is a balanced transportation
We therefore use equality signs for the supply and demand constraints.
Let X11, X12, X13 be the quantities for row 1. The other quantities for the
remaining rows are similarly defined.
The objective function consists of all the cell costs as follows
Minimize 5X11 + 8X12 + 2X13 + 4X21 + 3X22 + 7X23 + 9X31 + 6X32 + 5X33 +
3X41 + 4X42 + 6X43
The constraints are
Supply (Row) X11 + X12 + X13 = 250
X21+X22+X23 = 100
X31 +X32+X33 = 450
X41 +X42+X43 = 300
Demands (column) X11 + X11 + X11 =
600 X21+X22+X23=200
X31 + X32 + X33 = 300

After the feasible solutions have been found using the North West Corner Method,
the Least Cost Method and the Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM) we move
on to the next and final stage of finding the minimum transportation cost using
optimisation technique on the obtain feasible solution. Various methods have been
proffered for finding this optimum solution among which are the following:
The Stepping Stone Method
The Modified Distribution Method (MOD1) which is an improvement on the
stepping stone method and is more widely accepted.
The optimal solution is found due to need to improve the result obtained by the
North West Corner Method, the Least Cost Method and the Vogel’s
Approximation Method.
The stepping stone method is used to improve the empty or unallocated cells by
carefully stepping on the other allocated cells. The method was pioneered by
Charnes. A and Cooper W. W, and is based on the idea of the Japanese garden
which has at the center stepping stones carefully laid across the path which enables
one to cross the path by stepping carefully on the stones.
The criterion of m + n - 1 number of occupied cells must be satisfied to avoid
degeneracy. The stepping stone method is similar to the simplex method in the
sense that occupied cells are the basic variables of the simplex method while the
empty cells are the non -basic variables. To find the optimum solution we assess a
stepping stone path by stepping on allocated cells in order to evaluate an empty
cell. The set of allocated cells that must be stepped on in order to evaluate an
unallocated cell is known as the stepping stone path. It is identical to the positive
or negative variables on a non-basic column of the simplex tableau. The critical
thing to do is to find the stepping stone path in order to find out the net change in
transportation by re -allocation of cells. In re-allocating cells it is very important
that the total supply and total demand is kept constant.
The following steps are essential in using the stepping stone method:
• Identify the stepping stone path for all the unallocated cells.

Trace the stepping stone paths to identify if transportation of one unit will incur a
difference in total transportation cost. One may need to skip an empty cell or even
an occupied cell when tracing the path. We usually represent increase with a
positive sign and a decrease with negative sign.
Using the traced stepping stone paths analyze the unit transportation cost in each
cell. Compute the Cost Improvement Index (CII) for each empty cell.
Select the cell with the largest negative CII for allocation, bearing in mind the
need to ensure that the demand and supply are both kept constant and calculate the
cost of transportation. Recompute the CII for the new table. if all the CIls are
positive then we have reached the optimum allocation otherwise the procedure is
iterated until we get positive values for all the CIIs in the transportation table.
The following points should be noted when using the stepping stone method:
It will be observed that if iteration is necessary the transportation cost in cacti of
the subsequent table will reduce until we obtain the optimum solution.
Only sources transport goods to destinations. Re-allocation is done using
horizontal movements for rows and vertical movement columns.
Every empty cell has a unique stepping stone path.
The stepping stone path consists of allocated cells.
Example 10.8
You are given the following transportation table. Find (a) the initial basic feasible
solution using the Least Cost Method (b) the optimum solution using the Stepping
Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan 6 7 9 70000
Jos 5 8 7 10000
Kano 7 9 6 150000
Demand 130000 90000 110000

This is a case of unbalanced transportation problem since the total demand is
330,000 while the total supply is 230,000. We therefore create a dummy row of
100,000 to balance up. The result obtained by the Least Cost Method is shown in
the table below;
Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano 7 9 6
50000 100000 150000
Dummy 0 0 0
90000 10000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

Minimum cost is given as follows

Cell Quantity Unit cost Cost
(1,1) 70000 6 420000
(2,1) 10000 5 50000
(3,1) 50000 7 350000
(3,3) 100000 6 600000
(4,2) 90000 0 0
(4,3) 10000 0 0

We now find the optimum solution using the result obtained by the Least Cost
Method. We first identify the empty cells in the table of initial feasible solution.
The cells are Cell (1,2), Cell (1, 3), Cell (2,2), Cell (2,3) and Cell (4,1)
Next we evaluate empty cells to obtain the stepping stone path as well as the Cost
Improvement indices (CII) as follows:
Cell (1,2): The Stepping Stone Path for this cell

is + (1,2) - (4,2) + (4,3) - (1,1)+(3,l) - (3,3)

Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan (-) 6 (+) 7 9
70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano (+) 7 9 (-) 6
120000 30000 150000
Dummy 0 (‐) 0 (+) 0
20000 80000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

The CII for cell (1,2) is +7 – 0 + 0 – 6 + 7 = +2

Cell (1,3) The Stepping Stone Path for this cell is +(1,3) — (1,1) + (3,1) — (3.3).
The allocation matrix for this cell is shown below:
Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan (-) 6 7 (+)9
70000 70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano (+) 7 9 (-)6
120000 30000 150000

Dummy 0 0 0
90000 10000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

CII is given as +9 – 6 + 7 – 6 = +4
Cell (2,2) the stepping stone path for the cell is
+(2,2) – (4,2) + (4,3) – (3,3) + (3,1) – (2,1) the obtained matrix is as follows

Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos (-5)5 (+)8 7
Kano (+) 7 9 (-)6
60000 90000 150000

120000 30000 150000

Dummy 0 (‐) 0 (+) 0
8000 20000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

The cell CII for cell (2, 2) is given as +8 – 0 + 0 – 6 + 7 – 5 = +4

Cell (2, 3) the stepping stone path is + (2, 3) – (3, 3) + (3,1) – (2,1)
The allocation matrix for the cell is as follows

Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply

Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos (-)5 8 (+)7
10000 10000
Kano (+) 7 9 (-) 6
60000 90000 150000
Dummy 0 (-)0 0
20000 10000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

The CII for cell (2, 3) is given by +7 - 6 + 7 – 5 = +3

Cell (3, 2) the stepping stone Path is +(3,2) – (4,2) +
(4,3) – (3,3).
The matrix of the allocation is shown below

Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano (+) 7 (+)9 (-) 6
50000 10000 90000 150000
Dummy 0 (-)0 0
80000 20000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

The CII for cell (3, 2) is given by +9–0 + 0 – 6 =

+3 Cell (4, 1) the stepping stone Path is +(4,1) –
(3,1) + (3,3) – (4,3).

The allocation matrix is given below

Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply

Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano (-) 7 (+)9 (-) 6
40000 110000 150000
Dummy (+)0 0 (-)0
10000 90000 100000
Demand 130000 90000 110000 330000

The CII for cell (4,1) is given as +0-7+6-0=-1

Since cell (4,1) has negative CII the optimum solution has not been reached. We
need to compute the CII for the un allocated cells in the table for cell (4,1) shown
The empty cells are Cell (1,2); Cell (1,3); Cell (2,2); Cell (2,3); Cell (3,2) and
Cell (4,3)
For Cell (1,2) The Stepping Stone Path is +(1,2) - (4,1) + (4,2) - (1,1).
The CIl =+7 – 0 + 0 – 6 =+1

For Cell(1,3)The Stepping Stone Path is +(1,3)-(1,1)+(3,1) - (3,3)

The CII =+9 – 6 + 7 - 6 =+4

For Cell (2,2) The Stepping Stone Path is + (2,2) - (4,2) + (4,1) - ( 2,1)

The CIl =+8 – 0 + 0 - 7= +3

For Cell (2,3) The Stepping Stone Path is +(2,3) - (3,3) + (3,1) - (2,1)
The CIl = +7 – 6 +7 – 5 = +3
For Cell (3,2) The Stepping Stone Path is +(3,2) — (4,2) + (4,1) — (3,1)
For Cell (4,3) The Stepping Stone Path is + (4,3)— (3,3) + (3,1) — (4,1)
The CIl =+0—6+7-0=1
Since the CIIs are all positive an optimal solution has been found in the last table
Abuja Bauchi Calabar Supply
Ibadan 6 7 9
70000 70000
Jos 5 8 7
10000 10000
Kano 7 9 6
40000 110000 150000
Dummy 0 0 0
10000 90000 100000
Demand 10000 90000 110000 330000

Ibadan to Abuja 70,000 @ N6 = 70,000 x 6= 420,000

From Jos to Abuja 1,000 @ N5 = 10,000 x 5 = 50,000
From Kano to Abuja 40,000 @ N7 = 40,000 x 7 = 280,000
From Kano to Calabar 110,000 @ N6 = 110,000 x 6= 660,000 Dummy to Abuja
10,000 @ NO = 10,000 x 0=0
Dummy to Bauchi 90,000 @ NO = 90,000 x 0=0

We observe that the minimum cost of 1, 420, 000 obtained by the Least Cost
Method has been reduced by the stepping stone method to give s the optimum
transportation cost of 1,410, 000.
This method is usually applied to the initial feasible solution obtained by the North
West Corner method and the Least Cost method since the initial feasible solution
obtained by the Vogel’s Approximation Method, is deemed to be more accurate
than these two. To use this method we take the following steps:
Step 1: Using the obtained feasible solution, compute the row dispatch unit cost r1
and the column reception unit cost cij at location j for every cell with allocation
Cij = ri+cj
Conventionally, ri = 0
Note that ri is the shadow cost of dispatching a unit item from source to cell k ij
while cj is the shadow cost of receiving a unit of the item from location j to cell k ij
and cij is the cost of transporting a unit of the item from source i to location j in the
corresponding cell kij.
If we have a 3 x 3 cell we obtain r1, r2, r3, c1,c2, and c3

respectively. Step 2
Compute the unit shadow costs for each of the empty unallocated cells using the
various obtained ci and ri
Step 3
Obtain the differences in unit costs for the unallocated cells using
C ij =cij- (ri+cj)
If these differences are all positive for the empty cells the minimum optimum
has been obtained. If we have one or more records of any negative difference then
it implies that an improved solution can still be obtained and so we proceed to step

We select the cell with the highest negative value of C ij. If more than one of them
have the same negative Cij (i.e. the unit shadow cost is greater than the actual
cost), that is a tie occurs we select any one of them arbitrarily for transfer of units.
Step 5
Transfer to the empty cells the minimum value possible from an allocated cell,
taking care that the values of the demand and supply are unaffected by the transfer
and that no other empty cell is given allocation.
Step 6
Develop a new solution and test if it is the optimum solution
Step 7
If it is not, repeat the procedures by starting from step 1 until the optimum
solution is obtained.
Example 10.9
In the transportation table given below:
Find the initial feasible solution using (i) the least cost method (ii) the Vogel’s
approximation method.
Use the modified Distribution method to find the optimum solution using the initial
feasible solution obtained by the Least Cost Method.
1 2 3 Supply
X 9 11 15 400
Y 15 7 17 500
Z 11 5 7 600
Demand 500 450 550

We use the least cost method to obtain this table
1 2 3 Supply
X 9 11 15
400 - - 400
Y 15 7 17
100 - 400 500
Z 11 5 7
- 450 150 600
Demand 500 450 550

The Least Cost value is (400 x 9) + (100 x 15) + (450 x 5) + (400 x 17) + (550 x 7)

3600+1500+2250+6800+1050= 15200
Minimum cost by least cost = 15200
ii. Using the Vogel approximation method,
X Y Z Supply d1 d2 d3
A 9 11 15
400 - - 400 2 6 6*
B 15 7 17
50 450 - 500 8* 2 2
C 11 5 7
50 - 550 600 2 4 -
Demand 150 100 130
d11 2 2 8
d21 2 - 8*
d31 6 - 2

The cost by the Vogel Approximation method is (400 x 9) + (50 x 15) + (50 x 11)
+ (550 x7)
=3600+750÷550+ 3150+3850=11900
Using the Modified Distribution Method on the Least Cost Risk
We now use the Modified Distribution method on the initial solution obtained by
the Least Cost Method We follow the steps allowed as shown below
Step 1
Reproduce the obtained feasible solution by least cost method
1 2 3 Supply
X 9 11 15
400 - - 400
Y 15 7 17
100 - 400 500
Z 11 5 7
- 450 150 600
Demand 500 450 550

Minimum cost by least cost = 15200
We then compute the unit shown costs for each of the allocated cells as follows
By convention r1 =0
In cell (1,1) r1+c1=9 ….. c1=9

In cell (2,1) r2+c1=15 :.r2 = 15 – 9 =6

In cell (2,3) r2+c3= 17 :.c3 = 17 – 6 =11
In cell (3,3) r3+c3 =7 :.r3 = 7 – 11 =-4
In cell (3,2) r3 + c2 = 5 :.c2 = 5 - (-4) = 9
We summarise as follows
r1 = 0 c1=9
r2 = 6 c2=9
r 3 = -4 c3=11
Steps 2 and 3
We compute the difference in unit cost for the unoccupied cells as follows
For cell (1,2) c12 = 11 - (r1 + c2) = 11 - 9 = 2
For cell (1,3) c13 = 15 - (r1+c3) = 15 - 11= 4
For cell (2,2) c22 = 7 - (r2+c) = 7 – 15 = -8*
For cell (3,1) c31 = 11 - (r3+c1) = 11 – 5 = 6

Step 5
The negative value in asterisk implies we have to do some transfer to cell (2,2)
while ensuring that the supply and demand quantities are kept constant and no
other empty cell expect (2,2) is given allocation. We must also ensure that the m +
n — 1 criterion is maintained to avoid degeneracy. We obtain the table below.

1 2 3 Supply
X 9 11 15
400 - - 400
Y 15 7 17
100 - 400 500
Z 11 5 7
- 450 150 600
Demand 500 450 550

Cost =(400x9)+(100x15)+(400x7)+(50x5)+(550x7)
= 3600 + 1500 + 2800 + 250 + 3850 = 12000
Which is less than 15200. However, we need to check if this is an optimum
value Step 6
i i
This is done by computing the c ij and c ij or the new table. If none of the cij is
then it Is the optimum value.
As before we get
For allocated cells
r1=0, 1+c1=9 :.c1=9
r2+c1=15 :.r2=15 – 9 = 6
r2+c2=7 :,c2=7-6 =1
r3+c2=5 :.r3=5-1=4
r3+c3=7 :.c3=7-4=3
We summarise and get the following
r1=0 c1=9
r2=6 c2=1
r3=4 c3=3
For unallocated cells we have the following

For cell (1,2) we have c12 = 11 - (r1 + c2) = 11 - 1 = l0 for cell (1,3) we have c13 =
15 - r1÷c3)=15 - 13=2
For cell (1,3) we have c 13 = 15 - (r1 + c3) = 15 - 13 = 2
For cell (2,3) we have c 23 = 17 - (r2 + c3) = 17 - (6+3) = 17 - 9 = 8
For cell (3,1) we have c 31 = 11 - (r3 + c1)= 11(4 + 9) = 11 - 13 = -2*
Since (3,1)has negative c 31 value of -2 we do some transfer to (3,1) in the usual
member together.
1 2 3 Supply
X 9 11 15 400
400 - -
Y 15 7 17 500
50 450
Z 11 5 7 600
50 550
Demand 500 450 550

Cost= (400x9)+(50x15)+(50x11)+(450x7)+(550x7)
=3600+70+550+3150+3850= 11,900
We check if this is the optimum solution by computing the differences in the unit
costs an unit shadow costs cij in the usual way.
For allocated cells
r1=0, 1+c1 = 9 .: c1 = 9
r2 + c1 = 15 .: r2 = 15 – 9 = 6
r2 + c2 = 7 .: c2 = 7 – 6 = 1
r3+c1= l1 .: r3 = 11 – 9 = 2
r3+c3 = 7 .: c3 = 7 – r3 = 7 – 2 = 5
We summarise and get
r1= 0 c1=9
r2=6 c2=1

r3=2 c3=5

For unallocated cells

(1,2) we have c12 = 11 - (0+1) = 10
for(1,3)we have c13 =15 - (0+5)=10
for (2,3) we have c23=17 - (6+5)=6
for cell (3,2) we have c32 = 5 - (2 + 1) = 2

Since all these values are positive then the last table is the optimum assignment.
The optimum assignment is thus
1 2 3 Supply
X 400 - -
Y 50 450 -
Z 50 - 550
Demand 500 450 550

The optimum cost is N11,900

We observe that the value obtained is the same as that of Vogel’s Approximation
method so Vogel is the best of all the methods.
This condition arises when the number of allocated cell does not satisfy the m + n
— 1 criterion Degeneracy prevents us from utilizing the optimisation technique to
get the minimization cost of the transportation model.
Exanp1e 10.10
Find the initial feasible solution of the transportation problem below using the
Vogel s Approximation Method. Comment on your result.

1 2 3 Supply
X 8 7 6 40
Y 16 10 9 120
Z 19 18 12 90
Demand 130 15 25

1 2 3 Supply d1 d2 d3
X 8 7 6
40 - - 400 1 - -
Y 16 10 9 25
- 95 25 120 1 1 1
Z 19 18 12
90 - - 90 6 6 7
Demand 130 15 25
d1 8* 3 3
d2 3 8* 3
d3 3 - 3

Correct: Only 4 cells are allocated. So degeneracy occurs.

The feasible solution can be obtained as follows
40 x 8 = 320
95 x 10 = 950
90 x 19 = 1710
25 x 9 = 225
Let us compute the shadow costs
By convention r1 = 0
r1+c1 = 8 .: r1 = 8
r2+c2 = l0
r2+c3 = 9
r3+c1=19 :r3=19 – 8 =11

Due to degeneracy we cannot get enough information to enable us calculate r+, c+

and c3. This implies that we cannot determine the needed row and column values
for the unallocated cells.
The way out is to create a dummy allocated cell which is assigned a value of 0.
Others advocate adding a small value to an empty cell and then proceeding with
using MODI to obtain the optimum solution in the usual way.

The transportation technique was first started in 1941 when Hitchcock published
his study entitled “The distribution of a product from several sources to numerous
locations”. Since then other researchers have developed various techniques of
solving the transportation model. There have been many variants of the
transportation model among which is the assignment method, location —
allocation problem and distribution problem. The transportation method has
diverse application in various facets of life. It is applicable in transporting
petroleum products from refinery (sources) to various fuel deports (locations) . It is
also applicable with military logistics problem of transporting solders and
resources from various camps to various war zones. Another practical example is
the transportation problem of locating hostels on the campus in such a way as to
minimize the distance that students have to walk around the campus.


chtheobjective is totransport a homogeneous commodity from various origins or
factories to different destinationsormarketsatatotalminimumcost. In this unit, we
discussed the following issues- assumptions of the transportation model which
include the Homogeneity of materials to be transported, equalityof transportation
cost per unit, uniqueness of route or mode of transportation between each source
and destination. It also discussed extensively, various methods of solving the
transportation problem viz:the north west corner method, the least cost method,
Vogel’s approximation method (vam), the unbalanced case, formulating linear
programming model for the transportation problem, and determination of the
optimal transportation cost using the stepping stone method.


Give four assumptions of the transportation model.

Present a theoretical consideration of the transportation model
What are the general procedures for setting up a transportation model?
List three methods used in developing a transportation solution.
In the table below, items supplied from origins A, B, C and D and those
demanded in locations 1, 2, 3 and 4 are shown. If the figures in the boxes
are the unit cost of moving an item from an origin to a destination, use the
least cost method to allocate the material in order to minimize cost of


Origin 1 2 3 4 Supply
A 29 41 25 46 1250
B 50 27 45 33 2000
C 43 54 49 40 500
D 60 38 48 31 2750
Demand 3250 250 1750 1250

Murthy, Rama P. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age
International Publishers.

Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N (2001), Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad Nig.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP


3.1 The Problem


Basically assignment model is a minimization model. If we want to maximize the

objective function, then there are two methods. One is to subtract all the elements
of the matrix from the highest element in the matrix or to multiply the entire matrix
by –1 and continue with the procedure. For solving the assignment problem we use
Assignment technique or Hungarian method or Flood's technique. All are one and
the same. Above, it is mentioned that one origin is to be assigned to one
destination. This feature implies the existence of two specific characteristics in
linear programming problems, which when present, give rise to an assignment
problem. The first one being the pay ofmatrix for a given problem is a square
matrix and the second is the optimum solution (or any
solution with given constraints) for the problem is such that there can be one and
only one assignment in a given row or column of the given payoff matrix. The
transportation model is a special case oflinear programming model (Resource
allocation model) and assignment problem is a special case oftransportation model,
therefore it is also a special case of linear programming model. Hence it musthave
all the properties of linear programming model. That is it must have: ( i) an
objective function, (ii)it must have structural constraints, (iii) It must have non-
negativity constraint and (iv) The relationshipbetween variables and constraints
must have linear relationship. In our future discussion, we will seethat the
assignment problem has all the above properties. (Murthy, 2007)


After reading this unit, you should be able to
Identify types of assignment problems,
Draw a comparison between an assignment and a transportation problem.
Use the different solution techniques to solve assignment problems.

3.1 The Problem

There are various types in assignment problem. They are:
(i) Assigning the jobs to machines when the problem has square matrix to
minimize the time required to complete the jobs. Here the number of rows i.e. jobs
are equals to the number of machines i.e. columns. The procedure of solving will
be discussed in detail in this section.

(ii) The second type is maximization type of assignment problem. Here we have to
assign certain jobs to certain facilities to maximize the returns or maximise the

(iii) Assignment problem having non-square matrix. Here by adding a dummy row
or dummy columns as the case may be, we can convert a non-square matrix into a
square matrix and proceed further to solve the problem. This is done in problem

(iv) Assignment problem with restrictions. Here restrictions such as a job cannot be
done on a certain machine or a job cannot be allocated to a certain facility may be
specified. In such cases, we should neglect such cell or give a high penalty to that
cell to avoid that cell to enter into the programme.

(v) Traveling sales man problem (cyclic type). Here a salesman must tour certain
cities starting from his hometown and come back to his hometown after visiting all
cities. This type of problem can be solved by Assignment technique and is solved
in problem 5.14. Let us take that there are 4 jobs, W, X, Y and Z which are to be
assigned to four machines, A, B, C and D. Here all the jobs have got capacities to
machine all the jobs. Say for example that the job W is to drill a half and inch hole
in a Wooden plank, Job X is to drill one inch hole in an Aluminium plate and Job Y
is to drill half an inch hole in a Steel plate and job Z is to drill half an inch hole in a
Brass plate.

The machine A is a Pillar type of drilling machine, the machine B is Bench type of
drilling machine, Machine C is radial drilling machine and machine D is an

automatic drilling machine. This gives an understanding that all machines can do
all the jobs or all jobs can be done on any machine. The cost or time of doing the
job on a particular machine will differ from that of another machine, because of
overhead expenses and machining and tooling charges. The objective is to
minimize the time or cost of manufacturing all the jobs by allocating one job to one
machine. Because of this character, i.e. one to one allocation, the assignment
matrix is always a square matrix. If it is not a square matrix, then the problem is
unbalanced. Balance the problem, by opening a dummy row or dummy column
with its cost or time coefficients as zero. Once the matrix is square, we can use
assignment algorithm or Flood's technique or Hungarian method to solve the
Mathematical Model:

Jobs Machine Time (hours) Availability

W C11 C12 C13 C14 1
X C21 C22 C23 C24 1
Y C31 C32 C33 C34 1
Z C41 C42 C43 C44 1

Mathematical Model:

Subject to: Xij = (Xij)2i and j = 1 to n

For i and j = 1 to n
(Each machine to one job only) (Each job to one machine only)
Xij = 0 for all values of j and i. Non-negativity constraint.



Now let us see what are the similarities and differences between Transportation
problem and Assignment Problem.
Both are special types of linear programming problems.
Both have objective function, structural constraints, and non-negativity
constraints. And the relationship between variables and constraints are linear.
The coefficients of variables in the solution will be either 1 or zero in both cases.
Both are basically minimization problems. For converting them into
maximization problem same procedure is used.

Transportation Problem Assignment Problem.
1. The problem may have rectangular 1.The matrix of the problem must be a
matrix or square matrix. square matrix.
2.The rows and columns may have any 2.The rows and columns must have
number of allocations depending on one to one allocation. Because of this
the rim conditions. property, the matrix must be a square
3.The basic feasible solution is matrix.
obtained by northwest corner method 3.The basic feasible solution is
or matrix minimum method or VAM obtained by Hungarian method or
4.The optimality test is given by Flood's technique or by Assignment
stepping stone method or by MODI algorithm.
method. 4.Optimality test is given by drawing
5.The basic feasible solution must minimum number of horizontal and
have m + n – 1 allocations. vertical lines to cover all the zeros in
6.The rim requirement may have any the matrix.
numbers (positive numbers). 5.Every column and row must have at
7.In transportation problem, the least one zero. And one machine is
problem deals with one commodity assigned to one job and vice versa.
being moved from various origins to 6. The rim requirements are always 1
various destinations each for every row and one each for
every column.
7.Here row represents jobs or
machines and columns represents
machines or jobs.
Fig11.1: Difference between transportation and Assignment models.
Source: Murthy, Rama P. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age International

Let us consider a simple example and try to understand the approach to solution
and then discuss
complicated problems.

1. Solution by visual method

In this method, first allocation is made to the cell having lowest element. (In case
of maximization method, first allocation is made to the cell having highest
element). If there is more than one cell having smallest element, tie exists and
allocation may be made to any one of them first and then second one is selected. In
such cases, there is a possibility of getting alternate solution to the problem. This
method is suitable for a matrix of size 3 × 4 or 4 × 4. More than that, we may face
difficulty in allocating.

Problem 5.1.
There are 3 jobs A, B, and C and three machines X, Y, and Z . All the jobs can be
processed on all machines. The time required for processing job on a machine is
given below in the form of matrix. Make allocation to minimize the total
processing time.
Machines (time in hours)
Jobs X Y Z
A 11 16 21
B 20 13 17
C 13 15 12

Allocation: A to X, B to Y and C to Z and the total time = 11 + 13 +12 = 36 houN (Since 11 is

least, Allocate A to X, 12 is the next least, Allocate C to Z)

2. Solving the assignment problem by enumeration

Let us take the same problem and workout the solution.

Machines (time in hours)

Jobs X Y Z
A 11 16 21
B 20 13 17
C 13 15 12

S/N Assignment Total Cost in N

1 AX BY CZ 11 + 13 + 12 = 36
2 AX BZ CY 11 + 17 + 15 = 43
3 AY BX CZ 16 + 20 + 12 = 48
4 AY BZ CX 16 + 17 + 13 = 46

5 AZ BY CX 21 + 13 + 13 = 47
6 AZ BX 21 + 20 + 15
CY = 56

Like this we have to write all allocations and calculate the cost and select the
lowest one. If more
than one assignment has same lowest cost then the problem has alternate solutions.

3. Solution by Transportation method

Let us take the same example and get the solution and see the difference between
transportation problem and assignment problem. The rim requirements are 1 each
because of one to one allocation

Machines (Time in hours)

Jobs X Y Z Available
A 11 16 21 1
B 20 13 17 1
C 13 15 12 1
Req. 1 1 1 3
By using northwest corner method the assignments are:

Machines (Time in hours)

Jobs X Y Z Available
A 1 E 1
B 1 ∈ 1
C 1 1
Req. 1 3

As the basic feasible solution must have m + n – 1 allocation, we have to add 2

epsilons. Next we have to apply optimality test by MODI to get the optimal

Basically assignment model is a minimization model. If we want to maximize the
objective function, then there are two methods. One is to subtract all the elements
of the matrix from the highest element in the matrix or to multiply the entire matrix
by –1 and continue with the procedure. For solving the assignment problem we use
Assignment technique or Hungarian method or Flood's technique. All are one and
the same. Above, it is mentioned that one origin is to be assigned to one

destination. This feature implies the existence of two specific characteristics in
linear programming problems, which when present, give rise to an assignment
problem. The first one being the pay ofmatrix for a given problem is a square
matrix and the second is the optimum solution (or any
solution with given constraints) for the problem is such that there can be one and
only one assignment in a given row or column of the given payoff matrix.

There various types of assignment problems these include:assigning the jobs to
machines when the problem has square matrix to minimize the time required to
complete the jobs, the second type is maximization type of assignment problem.
Here we have to assign certain jobs to certain facilities to maximize the returns or
maximise the effectiveness, Assignment problem having non-square matrix,
Assignment problem with restrictions, Traveling sales man problem, etc. there
exist some similarities between assignment problems and transportation problems.
Some of the similarities include the fact that both are special types of linear
programming problems, both have objective function, structural constraints, and
non-negativity constraints. And the relationship between variables and constraints
are linear, the coefficients of variables in the solution will be either 1 or zero in
both cases and both are basically minimization problems. For converting them into
maximization problem same procedure is used. On the other hand, the major
difference between them is that while the transportation problem may have
rectangular matrix or square matrix, the matrix of the assignment problem must be
a square matrix.
List and explain five types of assignment problems.
Give three similarities between an assignment problem and a transportation
Highlight the differences between an assignment problem and a
transportation problem.


Murthy, Rama P. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age
International Publishers.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP



3.1 What is Project Management?
3.2 International Standards and Guidelines
3.3 Project Management Processes
3.4 Project vs. Product Life Cycles
3.5 What is the Value of Project Management?
3.6 How Project Management Relates to Other Disciplines
3.7 The Project Management Profession
3.8 Project Planning
3.9 Programme Evaluation and Review Technique and Critical
Path Method (PERT and CPM)

This unit is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts and definitions
associated withproject management. You will learn about the triple constraints of
scope, time and cost; the nine functional knowledge areas associated with project
management and the four major phases of a project. You will also learn about the
skills and tools used to integrate all of the knowledge areas throughout a project’s
lifecycle. You will also learn how to use the CPM and PERT techniques in solving
project related problems.

At the end of this unit, you should be able to
Define project management
Identify the “body of knowledge areas” in project management.
List and explain the processes involved in project management.
Describe the project vs product cycle.
Define the value of project management.
Discuss the concept of project planning.
Solve problems using PERT and CPM techniques.


3.1 What is Project Management?
Project Management has been called an accidental profession. In many
organisations in the past, project managers typically stumbled or fell into project
management responsibilities. The world has since changed and project
management is now recognised globally as a formal discipline, with international
standards and guidelines and a growing knowledge base of best
practices. Project management is the application of skills and knowledge and the
use of tools and techniques applied to activities in a project to complete the project
as defined in the scope. Project management is not only the use of a scheduling
tool such as Microsoft Project, Scheduler Plus, etc. Many organisations still do not
understand that the ability to use a scheduling tool is not enough to successfully
manage a project. The use of a tool is only one part of the equation. Project
management requires a high level of skill in both the people and technical side of
the discipline for successful projects to result. If we consider that the tasks in a
project are completed by people, this then sheds an entirely different light to the
concept of project management and should make it clear that for successful project
management the right combination of skills can impact on success and project
outcomes. The world is changing very rapidly with added complexities, increased
expectations and constant change. Project Management is an effective process for
organisations to address business needs to get products and services to market
more quickly and preferably before the competition!

3.2 International Standards and Guidelines

Project Management is a formal discipline with international standards and
guidelines developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). A significant
body of knowledge has been accumulated specifically over the past 5 years relating
to effective project management practices, tools, techniques and processes across
industries. PMI is recognised as the international body providing guidance and
direction for the discipline. PMI has developed the “Project Management Body of
Knowledge” or “PMBOK” the essential knowledge areas and processes required to
effectively manage projects. There are nine “body” of knowledge areas within the
standards and guidelines.

Integration Management – Processes to ensure that the elements of the project

are effectively coordinated. Integration management involves making decisions
throughout the project in terms of objectives and alternative approaches to meet or
exceed stakeholder expectations.

Scope Management - processes to ensure that all the work required to complete
the project is defined. Defining what is or is not in scope.

Time Management – all processes required to ensure that the project completes
on time (defined schedule).

Cost Management – all processes required to ensure the project is completed

within the budget approved for the project.

Quality Management – processes to ensure that the project delivers the need for
which it was undertaken. Includes all quality processes such as quality policy,
objectives, and responsibility and implements these through quality planning,
quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement.

Risk Management – all processes involved in identifying, assessing/analysing,

responding and controlling project risk.

Human Resource Management – all processes required to make the most

effective use of people resources in a project, including sponsor, stakeholders,
partners, team etc.

Communications Management – all processes to ensure timely and appropriate

distribution of project information, includes providing links between key people in
the project, generating, collecting, disseminating, storing and archival of project

Procurement Management – processes to acquire goods and services for the

project outside of the organisation.

3.3 Project Management Processes

Project Management processes define, organise and complete the work defined for
the project. There are five project management process areas that apply to most
projects and are defined in the PMBOK:
Initiating Processes – authorising the project or phase.
Planning Processes – defining the project objectives and selecting the
most appropriate approach for the project to attain the objectives.
Executing Processes – managing the resources required to carry out the project
as defined in the plan.
Controlling Processes – ensuring that project objectives are met as defined by

monitoring, measuring progress against plan, identifying variance from plan
and taking corrective action.
Closing Processes – formalising acceptance of a phase and or the project and
closing all associated activities. Project management is integrative and to
effectively manage a project, a project manager uses all of the body of knowledge
areas and all of the processes throughout the life cycle of a project.
The following diagram is a sample of a standard four phase project life cycle.




Fig. 12.1:Tthe product cycle

3.4 Project vs. Product Life Cycles

Those of you involved in information technology fields have likely heard of the
systems development life cycle (SDLC) – a framework for describing the phases
involved in developing and maintaining IT systems. This is an example of a
product life cycle. The project life cycle applies to all projects (regardless of
product produced) whereas a product life cycle varies depending on the nature of
the product. Many products (such as large IT systems) are actually developed
through a series of several different projects. Large projects are seldom given full
funding and approval from the beginning. Usually a
project has to successfully pass through each of the project phases before
continuing to the next. The practice of ‘progressive resource commitment’ also
means you only get the money for the next phase after the prior phase has been
completed and there is an opportunity for management review to evaluate progress,
probability of success and continued alignment with organisational strategy. These
management points are often called phase exits, killpoints or stage gates.

3.5 What is the Value of Project Management?

Project Management increases the probability of project success. Project
Management is change facilitation, and used effectively with appropriate
processes, tools, techniques and skills will:
Support the Business
Get the product or service to market effectively, efficiently and to quality
Provide common approach to project management
Improve service

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques

to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations
from a project.

3.6 How Project Management Relates to Other Disciplines

Project management overlaps with general management knowledge and practice,
as well aswith the project's application areas, knowledge, and practice. Project
managers focus onintegrating all the pieces required for project completion.
General managers or operational managers tend to focus on a particular discipline
or functional area. In this respect, projectmanagement tends to be a cross-
functional role, often involving people from various business
areas and divisions. While project management requires some fundamental
understanding of the knowledge area of the project itself, the project manager does
not have to be an expert in that field. You don’t need to be a certified carpenter,
plumber, and electrician in to manage the construction of your house, but you do
need to have a least a fundamental understanding of each trade or

3.7 The Project Management Profession
The Project Management Institute (PMI) provides certification as a project
management professional (PMP). The requirements include verification of from
4500 to 7500 hours of project management experience (depending on education
level), adherence to a Code of Ethics, and obtaining a score of 70% or higher on a
200- question multiple choice certification exam. For further information see the
PMI Internet website at

3.8 Project Planning

We are going to take a quick look at the elements of project planning, starting with
the project life cycle and then examine the importance of detailed planning to the
overall success of the project. Without a clear definition of the project, it's
impossible to discern what should be delivered as a result. If requirements are not
clear, your project will be impossible to control, and it will become unmanageable.
We will review the fundamentals of planning and then move on
to the importance of developing a comprehensive work breakdown structure.
Today’s organisations are running at a fast pace. More so than ever, organisations
are faced with increasing global competition and as such, want products and
services delivered yesterday! Organisations are struggling with multiple projects,
tight deadlines and fewer skilled resources available to manage these projects.
Project managers are struggling with the concepts of best practices and the reality
of life in a corporation.

Often, insufficient time is provided for planning the project appropriately and as a
result projects consistently fail to produce the expected results, have cost or time
overruns, or just plain fail. In such cases, the project manager can usually look
back on his or her experiences and see what went wrong, vowing never to make
the same mistake again. Sometimes, however, the cycle continues. Whether you
manage a small, medium or large size project, effective planning of the project is
the single most critical step to success. Too many project managers either neglect
or spend too little time and effort planning. The tendency is to rush to
implementation before a clear picture is developed. The project definition must be
clear and understood by the stakeholders and the team. Often the directive from the
project sponsor is “Just do it” or “We need this in place by next week”, “we don’t
have the luxury to spend time planning, we need to do the project”, not allowing
the time up front to conduct proper planning activities. Failure to plan, however,
usually results in failure to survive. Without a clearly defined scope, the project has
no sustainable basis for success.

Building a detailed project plan forces the team and the stakeholders to realistically
assess the proposed project. What will the outcome be when the project is
finished? What will you have? – product, service? What will the product/service
look like? What are the must have, nice to have features of the product/service?
What is the current situation? What is the desired outcome? What are the obstacles
keeping you from closing the gap? Who are the primary and secondary
stakeholders? What is the problem/change? What are the assumptions/constraints
and objectives of the project? The planning stage of the project includes setting
broad-based goals and designing strategies and action plans to reach these goals.
E2 Project Management, Block Two Page 3 of 22 Project planning is a dynamic,
"cyclical" process that continues throughout the project life cycle.

Planning must take place to deal with problems, change or risks as they occur in
the project. Planning begins with the identified and agreed to requirements in
mind. It is critical to the success of the project to understand your destination when
you start. You will know where you are going and you will have developed plans
to arrive at the goal and complete the project successfully. Project managers must
learn how to develop a project strategy and plan regarding how to implement that
plan. Your organisation, team and stakeholders depend on it.Project planning is a
cycle that is repeated on an on -going basis. For the duration of the project, it is
never a finished process. Why? Because resources change or move, factors in the
organisation may change causing project objectives to change, unknown risks can
occur, or technology may change, requiring project managers to continually
monitor and manage this process throughout the life of the project.
The following diagram illustrates the “Project Life Cycle” and the cyclical nature
of planning activities.





Fig. 12.2: The project cycle



Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
(CPM) are two techniquesthat are widely used in planning and scheduling the large
projects. A project is a combination of variousactivities. For example, Construction
of a house can be considered as a project. Similarly, conductinga public meeting
may also be considered as a project. In the above examples, construction of a
houseincludes various activities such as searching for a suitable site, arranging the
finance, purchase ofmaterials, digging the foundation, construction of
superstructure etc. Conducting a meeting includes,
printing of invitation cards, distribution of cards, arrangement of platform, chairs
for audience etc. Inplanning and scheduling the activities of large sized projects,

the two network techniques — PERT andCPM — are used conveniently to
estimate and evaluate the project completion time and control theresources to see
that the project is completed within the stipulated time and at minimum possible
cost.Many managers, who use the PERT and CPM techniques, have claimed that
these techniques drasticallyreduce the project completion time. But it is wrong to
think that network analysis is a solution to all badmanagement problems. In the
present chapter, let us discuss how PERT and CPM are used to schedulethe
projects. Initially, projects were represented by milestone chart and bar chart.
But they had little use in controlling the project activities. Bar chart simply
represents each activity by bars of length equal tothe time taken on a common time
scale as shown in figure 15. l. This chart does not show interrelationshipbetween
activities. It is very difficult to show the progress of work in these charts. An
improvement inbar charts is milestone chart. In milestone chart, key events of
activities are identified and eachactivity is connected to its preceding and
succeeding activities to show the logical relationship betweenactivities. Here each
key event is represented by a node (a circle) and arrows instead of bars
representactivities, as shown in figure the figures below. The extension of
milestone chart is PERT and CPM networkmethods.

1 2 3

4 5

6 7

Fig. 12.3a: Bar Chart Fig. 4.3b: Milestone Chart.

In PERT and CPM the milestones are represented as events. Event or node is either
starting of anactivity or ending of an activity. Activity is represented by means of
an arrow, which is resourceconsuming. Activity consumes resources like time,
money and materials. Event will not consume anyresource, but it simply represents
either starting or ending of an activity. Event can also be representedby rectangles
or triangles. When all activities and events in a project are connected logically

andsequentially, they form a network , which is the basic document in network-
based management. Thebasic steps for writing a network are:
(a) List out all the activities involved in a project. Say, for example, in building
construction, theactivities are:
(i) Site selection,
(ii) Arrangement of Finance,
(iii) Preparation of building plan,
(iv) Approval of plan by municipal authorities,
(v) Purchase of materials, (vi) Digging of
(vii) Filling up of foundation,
(viii) Building superstructure,
(ix) Fixing up of doorframes and window frames,
(x) Roofing,
(xi) Plastering,
(xii) Flooring,
(xiii) Electricity and water fittings,
(xiv) Finishing.

(b) Once the activities are listed, they are arranged in sequential manner and in
logical order. For example, foundation digging should come before foundation
filling and so on. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique and Critical Path
Method (PERT and CPM)
(c) After arranging the activities in a logical sequence, their time is estimated and
written against each activity. For example: Foundation digging: 10 days, or 1½
(d) Some of the activities do not have any logical relationship, in such cases; we
can start those activities simultaneously. For example, foundation digging and
purchase of materials do not have any logical relationship. Hence both of them can
be started simultaneously. Suppose foundation digging takes 10 days and purchase
of materials takes 7 days, both of them can be finished in 10 days. And the
successive activity, say foundation filling, which has logical relationship with both
of the above, can be started after 10 days. Otherwise, foundation digging and
purchase of materials are done one after the other; filling of foundation should be
started after 17 days.
(e) Activities are added to the network, depending upon the logical relationship to
complete the project network.

Some of the points to be remembered while drawing the network are
There must be only one beginning and one end for the network, as shown in
figures bellow.

1 6 2 1 2
7 B

1 3

4 I I
4 6
3 6 3

5 6 J
5 6

Fig. 12. 4:Writing the network.

Event number should be written inside the circle or node (or

triangle/square/rectangle etc). Activity name should be capital alphabetical
letters and would be written above the arrow. The time required for the
activity should be written below the arrow as in the figure below.
i j
Fig .12.5:Numbering and naming the activities.

While writing network, see that activities should not cross each other. And
arcs or loops as in figures above should not join Activities.


2 4


Fig .12.6: Crossing of activities not allowed

(d) While writing network, looping should be avoided. This is to say that the
network arrows should move in one direction, i.e. starting from the beginning
should move towards the end, as in figure 15.6.

1 4

Fig .12.7: Looping is not allowed.

(e) When two activities start at the same event and end at the same event, they should
be shown by means of a dummy activity as in figure 15.7. Dummy activity is an
activity, which simply shows the logical relationship and does not consume any
resource. It should be represented by a dotted line as shown. In the figure, activities C
and D start at the event 3 and end at event4. C and D are shown in full lines, whereas
the dummy activity is shown in dotted line.

3 4
3 4
5 Dummy


Fig . 12.8: Use of Dummy activity.

(f) When the event is written at the tail end of an arrow, it is known as tail event. If
event iswritten on the head side of the arrow it is known as head event. A tail event
may have any number of arrows (activities) emerging from it. This is to say that an
event may be a tail event to any number of activities. Similarly, a head event may
be a head event for anynumber of activities. This is to say that many activities may
conclude at one event. This isshown in figure 15.8.

Head Event Tail Event

Fig .12.9: Tail event and Head event

The academic differences between PERT network and CPM network are:

(i ) PERT is event oriented and CPM is activity oriented. This is to say that while
discussing about PERT network, we say that Activity 1- 2, Activity 2 -3 and so on.
Or event 2 occurs after event 1 and event 5 occurs after event 3 and so on. While

discussing CPM network, we say that Activity A follows activity B and activity C
follows activity B and so on. Referring to the network shown in figure 9, we can
discuss as under. PERT way: Event 1 is the predecessor to event 2 or event 2 is the
successor to event 1. Events 3 and 4 are successors to event 2 or event 2 is the
predecessor to events 3 and 4. CPM way: Activity 1-2 is the predecessor to
Activities 2-3 and 2-4 or Activities 2-3 and 2-4 are the successors to activity 1-2.

(ii) PERT activities are probabilistic in nature. The time required to complete the
PERT activity cannot be specified correctly. Because of uncertainties in carrying
out the activity, the time cannot be specified correctly. Say, for example, if you ask
a contractor how much time it takes to construct the house, he may answer you that
it may take 5 to 6 months. This is because of his expectation of uncertainty in
carrying out each one of the activities in the construction of the house. Another
example is if somebody asks you how much time you require to reach railway
station from your house, you may say that it may take 1 to 1½ hoursThis is because
you may think that you may not get
a transport facility in time. Or on the way to station, you may come across certain
work, which may cause delay in your journey from house to station. Hence PERT
network is used when the activity times are probabilistic.

B 3

1 2

Fig. 12.10.Logical relationship in PERT and CPM


Fig. 12.11:Three Time Estimates.

There are three time estimates in PERT, they are:

(a) OPTIMISTIC TIME: Optimistic time is represented by t0. Here the estimator
thinks that everything goes on well and he will not come across any sort of
uncertainties and estimates lowest time as far as possible. He is optimistic in his
(b) PESSIMISTIC TIME: This is represented by tP. Here estimator thinks that
everything goes wrong and expects all sorts of uncertainties and estimates highest
possible time. He is pessimistic in his thinking.
(c) LIKELY TIME: This is represented by tL. This time is in between optimistic
and pessimistic times. Here the estimator expects he may come across some sort of

uncertainties and many a time the things will go right. So while estimating the time
for a PERT activity, the estimator will give the three time estimates. When these
three estimates are plotted on a graph, the probability distribution that we get is
closely associated with Beta Distribution curve. For a Beta distribution curve as
shown in figure 6.10, the characteristics are:

Standard deviation = (tP – tO)/6 = , tP– tOis known as range.

Variance = {(tP– tO)/6}2 =
Expected Time or Average Time = tE= (tO + 4tL+ tP) / 6
These equations are very important in the calculation of PERT times. Hence the
student has to remember these formulae. Now let us see how to deal with the
PERT problems.

Numbering of events: Once the network is drawn the events are to be

numbered. In PERT network, as the activities are given in terms of events, we may
not experience difficulty. Best in case of CPM network, as the activities are
specified by their name, is we have to number the events. For numbering of events,
we use D.R. Fulkerson’s rule.

As per this rule: An initial event is an event, which has only outgoing arrows from
it and no arrow enters it. Number that event as 1. Delete all arrows coming from
event 1. This will create at least one more initial event. Number these initial events
as 2, 3 etc. Delete all the outgoing arrows from the numbered element and which
will create some more initial events. Number these events as discussed above.
Continue this until you reach the last event, which has only incoming arrows and
no outgoing arrows. While numbering, one should not use negative numbers and
the initial event should not be assigned ‘zero’. When the project is considerably
large, at the time of execution of the project, the project manager may come to
know that some of the activities have been forgotten and they are to be shown in
the current network. In such cases, if we use skip numbering, it will be helpful.
Skip numbering means, skipping of some numbers and these numbers may be
made use to represent the events forgotten. We can skip off numbers like 5, 10, 15
etc. or 10, 20 and 30 or 2, 12, 22 etc.
Another way of numbering the network is to start with 10 and the second event is
20 and so on. This is a better way of numbering the events. Let now see how to
write network and find the project completion time by solving some typical

Example 12.1.
A project consists of 9 activities and the three time estimates are given below. Find
the project completion time (TE).

Write the network for the given project and find the project completion
time? Activities

Activities Days

I j T0 TL TP
10 20 5 12 17
10 30 8 10 13
10 40 9 11 12
20 30 5 8 9
20 50 9 11 13
40 60 14 18 22
30 70 21 25 30
60 70 8 13 17
60 80 14 17 21
70 80 6 9 12

In PERT network, it is easy to write network diagram, because the successor and
predecessorevent relationships can easily be identified. While calculating the
project completion time, we have tocalculate te i.e. expected completion time for
each activity from the given three-time estimates. In case we calculate project
completion time by using to or tlor tpseparately, we will have three completion
times. Hence it is advisable to calculate teexpected completion time for each
activity and then the project completion time. Now let us work out expected
project completion time.

Predecessor Successor Time in days TE = Range S.D ( ) Variance
event event (tO + 4tL + tP)/6 tP – tO (tP – tO) /6 2

10 20 5 12 17 9.66 (10) 12 2 4
10 30 8 10 13 10.17 (10) 5 0.83 0.69
10 40 9 11 12 10.83 (11) 3 0.5 0.25
20 30 5 8 9 7.67 ( 8 ) 4 0.66 0.44
20 50 9 11 13 11.00 (11) 4 0.66 0.44
40 60 14 18 22 18.00 (18) 8 1.33 1.78
30 70 21 25 30 25.18 (25) 9 1.5 2.25
60 70 8 13 17 12.83 (13) 9 1.5 2.25
50 80 14 17 21 17.17 (17) 7 1.16 1.36
70 80 6 9 12 9.00 ( 9 ) 6 1.0 1.0

For the purpose of convenience the tEgot by calculation may be rounded off to
nearest wholenumber (the same should be clearly mentioned in the table). The
round off time is shown in brackets.In this book, in the problems, the decimal, will
be rounded off to nearest whole number. To write the network program, start from
the beginning i.e. we have 10 – 20, 10 – 30 and 10 – 40. Therefore from the node
10, three arrows emerge. They are 10 – 20, 10 – 30 and 10 – 40. Next from the
node 20, two arrows emerge and they are 20 – 30 and 20 – 50. Likewise the
network is constructed. The following convention is used in writing network in this

20 60 T

11 38 7 80
DAYS 10 8 51 9 TL

20 70
10 30
10 25

TL = 0 21 18

11 11 33
11 12 33

Fig: 12.12. Network for Problem

Let us start the event 10 at 0th time i.e. expected time TE = 0. Here TE represents
the occurrence time of the event, whereas tEis the duration taken by the activities.
TE belongs to event, and tEbelongs to activity.
TE =0
T 20 = T 10 + t 10– 20
E E E 0 + 10 = 10 days
T 30 = T 10 + t 10 – 30
0 + 10 = 10 days
T E30 = T E20 + t E20– 30 10 + 8 = 18 days

The event 30 will occur only after completion of activities 20–30 and 10–30. There
are two routes to event 30. In the forward pass i.e. when we start calculation from
1st event and proceed through last event, we have to workout the times for all
routes and select the highest one and the reverse is the case of the backward pass
i.e. we start from the last event and work back to the first event to find out the
occurrence time.
40 10 10 – 40
TE = TE + tE = 0 + 11 = 11 days
50 20 20 – 50
TE = TE + tE = 10 + 11 = 21 days
60 40 40 – 60
TE = TE + tE = 11 + 18 = 29 days
70 30 30 – 70
TE = TE + tE = 18 + 25 = 43 days
70 60 60 – 70
TE = TE + tE = 29 + 13 = 42 days
80 70 70 – 80
TE = TE + tE = 43 + 9 = 52 days
80 50 50 – 80
TE = TE + tE = 21 + 17 = 38 days
TE = 52 days. Hence the project completion time is 52 days. The path that gives
us 52 days isknown asCritical path. Hence 10–20–30–70–80 is the critical path.
Critical path is represented by a hatched line ( ) .Allother parts i.e. 10–40–
60–70–80, 10–20–50–80 and 10–30–70–80 are known as non-critical paths.All
activities on critical path are critical activities.

Project management is the application of skills and knowledge and the use of tools
and techniques applied to activities in a project to complete the project as defined
in the scope. Project management is not only the use of a scheduling tool such as
Microsoft Project and Scheduler Plus. Project management overlaps with general
management knowledge and practice, as well as with the project's application
areas, knowledge, and practice. Project managers focus on integrating all the
pieces required for project completion. General managers or operational managers
tend to focus on a particular discipline or functional area.
Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
(CPM) are two techniques that are widely used in planning and scheduling the
large projects. PERT is event oriented and CPM is activity oriented. PERT
activities are probabilistic in nature in the sense that the time required to complete
the PERT activity cannot be specified correctly. Because of uncertainties in
carrying out the activity, the time cannot be specified correctly

This unit treats the concept of project management. We defined Project
management as the application of skills and knowledge and the use of tools and
techniques applied to activities in a project to complete the project as defined in the
scope. Project Management is a formal discipline with international standards and
guidelines developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Project
Management processes define, organise and complete the work defined for the
project. There are five project management process areas that apply to most
projects. They are: Initiating Processes, Planning Processes, Executing Processes,
Controlling Processes, and Closing Processes. Programme Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) are two techniques that are
widely used in planning and scheduling the large projects. A project is a
combination of various activities. The basic steps for writing a network are: Listing
out all the activities involved in a project, once the activities are listed, they are
arranged in sequential manner and in logical order, after arranging the activities in
a logical sequence, their time is estimated and written against each activity, in a
situation where some of the activities do not have any logical relationship can start
those activities simultaneously, add activities to the network, and when two
activities start at the same event and end at the same event, they should be shown
by means of a dummy activity. The academic differences between PERT network
and CPM network include the fact that PERT is event oriented and CPM is activity
oriented, and that PERT activities are probabilistic in nature.


Define project management.
Discuss the interrelationship between project management and other
Identify and explain the five project management process areas that apply to
most projects.
Identify and discuss two techniques that are widely used in planning and
scheduling the large projects.
5. Differentiate between PERT and CPM.

Murthy, Rama P. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age
International Publishers.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP






Sequencing problems involves the determination of an optimal order or sequence

of performing a series jobs by number of facilities (that are arranged in specific
order) so as to optimize the total time or cost. Sequencing problems can be
classified into two groups:

The first group involves n different jobs to be performed, and these jobs require
processing on some or all of m different types of machines. The order in which
these machines are to be used for processing each job (for example, each job is to
be processed first on machine A, then B, and thereafter on C i.e., in the order ABC)
is given. Also, the expected actual processing time of each job on each machine is
known. We can also determine the effectiveness for any given sequence of jobs on
each of the machines and we wish to select from the (n!) theoretically feasible
alternatives, the one which is both technologically feasible and optimises the
effectiveness measure.
The second group of problems deal with the shops having a number of machines
and a list of tasks to be performed. Each time a task is completed by a machine, the
next task to be started on it has to be decided. Thus, the list of tasks will change as
fresh orders are received.

Unfortunately, types of problems are intrinsically difficult. While solutions are

possible for some simple cases of the first type, only some empirical rules have
been developed for the second type till now (Gupta and Hira, 2012).

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain what scheduling involves and the nature of scheduling.
Understand the use of Gantt charts and assignment method for loading jobs in
work centres.
Discuss what sequencing involves and the use of priority rules.
Solve simple problems on scheduling and sequencing.


Scheduling refers to establishing the timing of the use of equipment, facilities and
human activities in an organization, that is, it deals with the timing of operations.
Scheduling occurs in every organization, regardless of the nature of its operation.
For example, manufacturing organizations, hospitals, colleges, airlines e.t.c.
schedule their activities to achieve greater efficiency. Effective Scheduling helps
companies to use assets more efficiently, which leads to cost savings and increase
in productivity. The flexibility in operation provides faster delivery and therefore,
better customer service. In general, the objectives of scheduling are to achieve
trade-offs among conflicting goals, which include efficient utilization of staff,
equipment and facilities and minimization of customer waiting tune, inventories
and process times (Adebayo et al, 2006).

Job sequencing refers to the order in which jobs should be processed at each
workstation. Sequencing decisions determine both the order in which jobs are
processed at various work centres and the order in which jobs are processed at
individual workstations within the work centres. For example, suppose that 20
computers are to be repaired. In what order should they be repaired? Should it be
done on the basis of urgency or first come first served? Job sequencing methods
provide such detailed information. Typically, a number of jobs will be waiting for

processing. Priority rules are the methods used for dispatching jobs to work centres
(Adebayo et al, 2006)

A general sequencing problem may be defined as follows:

Let there be ‘n’ jobs (J1, J2, J3 ………Jn) which are to be processed on ‘m’
machines (A, B, C,………), where the order of processing on machines i.e. for
example, ABC means first on machine A, second on machine B and third on
machine C or CBA means first on machine C, second on machine Band third on
machine A etc. and the processing time of jobs on machines (actual or expected) is
known to us, then our job is to find the optimal sequence of processing jobs that
minimizes the total processing time or cost. Hence our job is to find that sequence
out of (n!)msequences, which minimizes the total elapsed time ( i.e.. time taken to
process all the jobs). The usual notations used in this problem are:
Ai = Time taken by i th job on machine A where i = I, 2,3…n. Similarly we can
interpret for machine B and C i.e. Bi and Ci etc.
T = Total elapsed time which includes the idle time of machines if any and set up
time and transfer


Principal assumptions made for convenience in solving the sequencing problems

are as follows:
The processing times Aiand Bietc. are exactly known to us and they are
independent of order of processing the job on the machine. That is whether
job is done first on the machine,last on the machine, the time taken to
process the job will not vary it remains constant.
The time taken by the job from one machine to other after processing on the
previous machine is negligible. (Or we assume that the processing time
given also includes the transfertime and setup time).
Only one operation can be carried out on a machine at a particular time.
Each job once started on the machine, we should not stop the processing in the
middle. It isto be processed completely before loading the next job.
The job starts on the machine as soon as the job and the machine both become
idle (vacant). This is written as job is next to the machine and the
machine is next to the job. (This isexactly the meaning of transfer time is

No machine may process more than one job simultaneously. (This means to say
that the job once started on a machine, it should be done until completion of
the processing on thatmachine).
The cost of keeping the semi-finished job in inventory when next machine on
which the job is to be processed is busy is assumed to be same for all jobs or
it is assumed that it is toosmall and is negligible. That is in process inventory
cost is negligible.
While processing, no job is given priority i.e. the order of completion of jobs
has no significance. The processing times are independent of sequence of

There is only one machine of each type.

3.3 Nature of Scheduling

Scheduling technique depends on the volume of system output, the nature of
operations and the overall complexity of jobs. Flow shop systems require
approaches substantially different from those required by job shops. The
complexity of operations varies under these two situations.

Flow Shop
Flow shop is a high-volume system, which is characterized by a continuous flow of
jobs to produce standardized products. Also, flow shop uses standardized
equipment (i.e. special purposed machines) and activities that provide mass
production. The goal is to obtain a smooth rate of flow of goods or customer
through the system in order to get high utilization of labour and equipment.
Examples are refineries, production of detergents etc.

Job Shop
This is a low volume system, which periodically shift from one job to another. The
production is according to customer’s specifications and orders or jobs usually in
small lots. General-purpose machines characterize Job shop. For example, in
designer shop, a customer can place order for different designeN
Job -shop processing gives rise to two basic issues for schedulers: how to distribute
the workload among work centre and what job processing sequence to use.

3.4 Loading Jobs in Work Centres

Loading refers to the assignment of jobs to work centres. The operation managers
are confronted with the decision of assigning jobs to work centres to minimize
costs, idle time or completion time.

The two main methods that can be used to assign jobs to work centres or to
allocate resources are:
Gantt chart
Assignment method of linear programming
4.1 Gantt Charts
Gantt charts are bar charts that show the relationship of activities over some time
periods. Gantt charts are named after Henry Gantt, the pioneer who used charts for
industrial scheduling in the early 1900s. A typical Gantt chart presents time scale
horizontally, and resources to be scheduled are listed vertically, The use and idle
times of resources are reflected in the chart.
The two most commonly used Gantt charts are the schedule chart and the load

3.4.2 Assignment Method

Assignment Model (AM) is concerned specifically with the problem of job
allocation in a multiple facility production configuration. That is, it is useful in
situations that call for assigning tasks or jobs to resources. Typical examples
include assigning jobs to machines or workers, territories to sales people e.t.c. One
important characteristic of assignment problems is that only one job (or worker) is
assigned to one machine (or project). The idea is to obtain an optimum matching of
tasks and resources. A chapter in this book has treated the assignment method.


Priority rules provide means for selecting the order in which jobs should be done
(processed). In using these rules, it is assumed that job set up cost and time are
independent of processing sequence. The main objective of priority rules is to
minimize completion time, number of jobs in the system, and job lateness, while
maximizing facility utilization. The most popular priority rules are:
First Come, First Serve (FCFS): Job is worked or processed in the order of
arrivals at the work centre.
Shortest Processing Time (SPT): Here, jobs are processed based on the length
of processing time. The job with the least processing time is done first.
Earliest Due Date (EDD): This rule sequences jobs according to their due dates,
that is, the job with the earliest due date is processed first.
Longest Processing Time (LPT): The job with the longest processing time is
started first.
Critical Ratio: Jobs are processed according to smallest ratio of time remaining
until due date to processing time remaining.

The effectiveness of the priority rules is frequently measured in the light of one or
more performance measures namely; average number of jobs, job flow time, job
lateness, make span, facility utilisation etc.

3.6 Applicability
The sequencing problem is very much common in Job workshops and Batch
production shops. There will be number of jobs which are to be processed on a
series of machine in a specified order depending on the physical changes required
on the job. We can find the same situation in computer centre where
number of problems waiting for a solution. We can also see the same situation
when number of critical patients waiting for treatment in a clinic and in Xerox
centres, where number of jobs is in queue, which are to be processed on the Xerox
machines. Like this we may find number of situations in real world.

3.7 Types of Sequencing Problems

There are various types of sequencing problems arise in real world. All sequencing
problems cannot be solved. Though mathematicians and Operations Research
scholars are working hard on the problem satisfactory method of solving problem
is available for few cases only. The problems, which can be solved, are:

‘n’ jobs are to be processed on two machines say machine A and machine B in
the order AB. This means that the job is to be processed first on machine A
and then on machine B.
‘n’ jobs are to be processed on three machines A,B and C in the order ABC i.e.
first on machine A, second on machine B and third on machine C.
‘n’ jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order.
d) Two jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order.

(Murthy, 2007)

Single Machine Scheduling Models

The models in this section deal with the simplest of scheduling problems: there is
only a single machine on which tasks are to be processed. Before investigating
thesolutions that result from the use of the three criteria presented in the

‘N’ Jobs and Two Machines

If the problem given has two machines and two or three jobs, then it can be solved
by using the Ganttchart. But if the numbers of jobs are more, then this method
becomes less practical. (For understanding about the Gantt chart, the students are
advised to refer to a book on Production and Operations Management (chapter on
Scheduling). Gantt chart consists of X -axis on which the time is noted and Y-axis
on which jobs or machines are shown. For each machine a horizontal bar is drawn.
On these bars the processing of jobs in given
sequence is marked. Let us take a small example and see how Gantt chart can be
used to solve the same.

There are two jobs job 1 and job 2. They are to be processed on two machines,
machine A and Machine B in the order AB. Job 1 takes 2 hours on machine A and 3
hours on machine B. Job 2 takes 3 hours on machine A and 4 hours on machine B.
Find the optimal sequence which minimizes the total elapsed time by using Gantt

Jobs. Machines (Time in hours)
1 2 3
2 3 4

(a) Total elapsed time for sequence 1,2i.e. first job 1 is processed on machine A
and then onsecond machine and so on.

Draw X - axis and Y - axis, represent the time on X - axis and two machines by two
bars on Yaxis . Then mark the times on the bars to show processing of each job on
that machine.

Sequence 1, 2
T = Elapse Time = 9 hours (Optimal)

J1 J2

J1 J2


0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time in hours
Sequence 1, 2
T = Elapse Time = 9 hours (Optimal sequence)


J1 J2

J1 J2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time in hours

Fig. 13.1: Gantt chart.

Source: Murthy, R. P. (2007), Operations Research, 2 ed., New Delhi:
New Age International (P) LimitedPublisheN

Both the sequences shows the elapsed time = 9 houN

The drawback of this method is for all the sequences, we have to write the Gantt
chart and find the total elapsed times and then identify the optimal solution. This is
laborious and time consuming. If we have more jobs and more machines, then it is
tedious work to draw the chart for all sequences.
Hence we have to go for analytical methods to find the optimal solution without
drawing charts.

1 Analytical Method
A method has been developed by Johnson and Bellman for simple problems to
determine a sequence of jobs, which minimizes the total elapsed time. The method:

‘n’ jobs are to be processed on two machines A and B in the order AB ( i.e.
each job is to be processed first on A and then on B) and passing is not
allowed. That is whichever job is processed first on machine A is to be first
processed on machine B also, whichever job is processed second on machine
A is to be processed second on machine B also and so on. That means each
job will first go to machine A get processed and then go to machine B andget
processed. This rule is known as no passing rule.

Johnson and Bellman method concentrates on minimizing the idle time of

machines. Johnson and Bellman have proved that optimal sequence of ‘n’ jobs
which are to be processed on two machines A and B in the order AB necessarily
involves the same ordering of jobs on each machine. This result also holds for
three machines but does not necessarily hold for more than three machines.
Thus total elapsed time is minimum when the sequence of jobs is same for both
the machines.

Let the number of jobs be 1,2,3,…………n

The processing time of jobs on machine A beA1, A2, A3 …………. An
The processing time of jobs on machine B beB1, B2, B3 …………..Bn

Jobs Machine Time in Hours

Machine A Machine B Order of Processing is AB
1 A1 B1
2 A2 B2
3 A3 B3





Johnson and Bellman algorithm for optimal sequence states that identify the
smallest element in the given matrix. If the smallest element falls under column
i.e undermachine I then do that job first. As the job after processing on
machine 1 goes to machine2, it reduces the idle time or waiting time of machine
If the smallest element falls undercolumn 2 i.e under machine 2 then do that

job last. This reduces the idle time of machine1. i.e. if r the job is having
smallest element in first column, then do the r job first. If s the jobhas the
smallest element, which falls under second column, then do the s the job last.
Hence the basis for Johnson and Bellman method is to keep the idle time of
machines as low as possible. Continue the above process until all the jobs are

1 2 3……….. n-1 n
r s

If there are ‘n’ jobs, first write ‘n’ number of rectangles as shown. Whenever
the smallest elements falls in column 1 then enter the job number in first
rectangle. If it falls in second column, then write the job number in the last
rectangle. Once the job number is entered, the second rectangle will become
first rectangle and last but one rectangle will be the last rectangle.

Now calculate the total elapsed time as discussed. Write the table as shown. Let
us assume that the first job starts at Zero th time. Then add the processing time
of job (first in the optimal sequence) and write in out column under machine 1.
This is the time when the first job in the optimal sequence leaves machine 1 and
enters the machine 2. Now add processing time of job on machine 2. This is the
time by which the processing of the job on two machines over. Next consider
the job, which is in second place in optimal sequence. This job enters the
machine 1 as soon the machine becomes vacant, i.e first job leaves to second
machine. Hence enter the time in-out column for first job under machine 1 as
the starting time of job two on machine 1. Continue until all the jobs are over.
Be careful to see that whether the machines are vacant before loading. Total
elapsed time may be worked out by drawing Gantt chart for the optimal
Points to remember:

(a) If there is tie i.e we have smallest element of same value in both columns, then:
(i) Minimum of all the processing times is Ar which is equal to Bs i.e. Min (Ai, Bi)
= Ar =
Bs then do the r th job first and s th job last.
(ii) If Min (Ai, Bi) = Ar and also Ar = Ak(say) . Here tie occurs between the two jobs
having same minimum element in the same column i.e. first column we can do
either rth job or k th job first. There will be two solutions. When the ties occur due
to element in the same column, then the problem will have alternate solution. If
more number of jobs have the same minimum element in the same column, then the
will have many alternative solutions. If we start writing all the solutions, it is a
tedious 216
job. Hence it is enough that the students can mention that the problem has
alternate solutions. The same is true with Bi s also. If more number of jobs have
same minimum
element in second column the problem will have alternate solutions
Example 1.2
There are five jobs, which are to be processed on two machines A and B in the
order AB. The processing times in hours for the jobs are given below. Find the
optimal sequence and total elapsed time. (Students has to remember in sequencing
problems if optimal sequence is asked, it is the dutyofthe student to find the total
elapsed time also).

Jobs: 1 2 3 4 5

Machine A 2 6 4 8 10
(Time in hN)
Machine B
(Time in Hrs) 3 1 5 9 7

The smallest element is 1 it falls under machine B hence do this job last i.e in 5 the
position. Cancel job 2 from the matrix. The next smallest element is 2, it falls
under machine A hence do this job first, i.e in the first position. Cancel the job two
from matrix. Then the next smallest element is 3 and it falls under machine B.
Hence do this job in fourth position. Cancel the job one from the matrix. Proceed
like this until all jobs are over the smallest element is 1 it falls under machine B
hence do this job last i.e in 5 th position. Cancel job 2 from the matrix. The next
smallest element is 2, it falls under machine A hence do this job first, i.e in the first
position. Cancel the job two from matrix. Then the next smallest element is 3 and it
falls under machine B. Hence do this job in fourth position. Cancel the job one
from the matrix. Proceedlike this until all jobs are over.

1 3 4 5 2

Total elapsed time:



1 0 2 2 5 2 As the
3 2 6 6 11 1 Machine B
Work at 5
Th hour
will be
Idle for 1
-do- 3 hr.
-do- 1 hr.
1 hr as job
4 6 14 14 23 3 finished
5 14 24 24 24 1 early 1 hr
2 24 30 31 32 1 2 idle

Total elapsed time = 32 hours (This includes idle time of job and idle time of
The procedure: Let Job 1 is loaded on machine Afirst at zero th time. It takes two
hours to process on the machine. Job 1 leaves the machine A at two hours and
enters the machine 2 at 2 -nd hour. Up to the time i.e first two hours, the machine B
is idle. Then the job 1 is processed on machine B for 3 hours and it will be
unloaded. As soon as the machine A becomes idle, i.e. at 2nd hour then
next job 3 is loaded on machine A. It takes 4 hours and the job leaves the machine
at 6 the hour and enters the machine B and is processed for 6 hours and the job is
completed by 11 th hour. (Remember if the job is completed early and the Machine
B is still busy, then the job has to wait and the time is entered in job idle column. In
case the machine B completes the previous job earlier, and the machine A is still
processing the next job, the machine has to wait for the job. This will be shown as
machine idle time for machine B.). Job 4 enters the machine A at 6 th hour and
processed for 8 hours and leaves the machine at 14 th hour. As the machine B has
finished the job 3 by 11 the hour, the machine has to wait for the next job (job 4)
up to 14 th hour. Hence 3 hours is the idle time for the machine B. In this manner
we have to calculate the total elapsed time until all the jobs are over.

Example 13.3
There are seven jobs, each of which has to be processed on machine A and then on
Machine B(order of machining is AB). Processing time is given in houN Find the
optimal sequence in which thejobs are to be processed so as to minimize the total
time elapsed.
JOB: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

MACHINE: A (TIME IN HOURS). 3 12 15 6 10 11 9

MACHINE: B (TIME IN HOURS). 8 10 10 6 12 1 3

By Johnson and Bellman method the optimal sequence is:

1 4 5 3 2 7 6

Optimal Machine:A Machine:B Machine idle time Job idle time Remarks.
In out In out A B
1 0 3 3 11 3 -
4 3 9 11 17 2 Job finished early
5 9 19 19 31 2 Machine A take more
3 19 34 34 44 3 Machine A takes more
2 34 46 46 56 2 - do-
7 46 55 56 59 1 Job finished early.
6 55 66 66 67 1 7 Machine A takes more
time. Last is finished
on machine A at 66 th
Total Elapsed Time = 67 houN

Example 13.4
Assuming eight jobs are waiting to be processed. The processing time and due
dates for the jobs are given below: Determine the sequence processing according to
(a) FCFS (b) SPT (c) EDD and (d) LPT in the light of the following criteria:
Average flow time,
Average number of jobs in the system,
Average job lateness,
Utilization of the workers


A 4 9
B 10 18
C 6 6
D 12 19
E 7 17
F 14 20
G 9 24
H 18 28

To determine the sequence processing according to FCFS
The FCFS sequence is simply A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H- as shown below
Job Processing Time Flow time Job due date Job lateness (0
of negative)
A 4 4 9 0
B 10 14 18 0
C 6 20 6 14
D 12 32 19 13
E 7 39 17 22
F 14 53 20 33
G 9 62 24 38
H 18 80 28 52
80 304 172

The first come, first served rule results is the following measures of effectiveness:
1. Average flow time = Sum of total flow time
Number of jobs
304days =
38jobs 8

Average number of jobs in the system = Sum of total flow time

Total processing time

= 304days = 3.8jobs

Average job lateness = Total late days = 172 x 21.5 = 22days

Number of days 8

Utilization = Total processing time = 80 = 0.2631579

Sum of total flow time 304
0.2631579 x 100% = 26.31579 = 26.32%

To determine the sequence processing according to SPT

SPT processes jobs based on their processing times with the highest priority given
to the job with shortest time as shown below:
Job Processing Time Flow Job due date Job lateness
time (0 of
A 4 4 9 0
B 6 10 6 4
C 7 17 17 0
D 9 26 24 2
E 10 36 18 18
F 12 48 19 29
G 14 62 20 42
H 18 80 28 52
80 283 147

The measure of effectiveness are:

1. Average flow time = Sum of total flow time = 283
Number of jobs 8

35.375days = 35.38 days

Average number of jobs in the system = Sum of total flow time

Total processing time

283days = 3.54jobs

3. Average job lateness = Total late days = 147

Number of days 8


Utilization = Total processing time= 80

Sum of total flow time 283

0.2826855 x 100%

= 28.27%

To determine the sequence processing according to EDD Using
EDD, you are processing based on their due dates as shown below:

Job Processing Flow time Job due date Job lateness (0 of

Time negative)
A 6 6 6 0
B 4 10 9 1
C 7 17 17 0
D 9 27 18 9
E 10 39 19 20
F 12 53 20 33
G 14 62 24 38
H 18 80 28 52
80 294 153

The measure of effectiveness are:

1. Average flow time = 294 = 36.75days

Average number of jobs in the system =294 80

3.675 = 3.68days

3. Average job lateness = 153 = 19.125


= 19.13days

4. Utilization = 80= 0.272108843


0.282108843 x 100
= 27.21%

To Determine the Sequence Processing According to LPT LPT
selects the longer, bigger jobs first as presented below:
Job Processing Time Flow time Job due date Job lateness (0 of
A 18 18 28 0
B 14 32 20 12
C 12 44 19 25
D 10 54 18 36
E 9 63 24 39
F 7 70 17 53
G 6 76 6 70
H 4 80 9 71
80 437 306

The measure of effectiveness are:

1. Average flow time = 437 = 54.625days

Average number of jobs in the system =437 = 5.4625 80


3. Average job lateness = 306 = 38.25days


Utilization = 80= 0.183066361

0.183066361 x 100%


The summary of the rules are shown in the table below:
Average Average Average job Utilization%
flow time number of lateness job
(days) jobs in the
FCFS 38 3.8 21.5 26.32
SPT 35.38 3.54 18.38 28.27
EDD 36.75 3.68 19.13 27.21
LPT 54.63 5.46 38.25 18.31

As it can be seen from the table, SPT rule is the best of the four measures and is
also the most superior in utilization of the system. On the other hand, LPT is
the least effective measure of the three,
Johnson’s rule is used to sequence two or more jobs in two different machines or
work centres in the same order. Managers use Johnson rule method to minimize
total timer for sequencing jobs through two facilities. In the process, machine total
idle time is minimised. The rule does not use job priorities.
Johnson’s rule involves the following procedures
List the jobs and their respective time requirement on a machine.
Choose the job with the shortest time. if the shortest time falls with the first
machine, schedule that job first; if the time is at the second machine, schedule the
job last. Select arbitrary any job if tie activity time occur.
Eliminate the scheduled job and its time
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to the remaining jobs, working toward the centre of the
sequence until all the jobs are properly scheduled.

Example 13.5
Eight jobs have the following information
Job Work Centre 1 Work Centre 2
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
A 9 6
B 7 10
C 12 8
D 14 14
E 11 16
F 5 5
G 15 13
H 16 4

Determine the sequence that will minimize the total completion time for these jobs.
Solution: (a) Steps Iteration 1

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6t7h 7th 8th

The remaining job and their time are

Job Work Centre 1 Work Centre 2
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
A 9 6
B 7 10
C 12 8
D 14 14
E 11 16
G 15 13

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6t7h 7th 8th

Liberation 3:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6t7h 7th 8th

The remaining jobs and their times are

Job Work Centre 1 Work Centre 2

Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
D 14 14
G 15 13
There is a tie (at 14 hours) for the shortest remaining time. We can place job D in
the first work centre or second work centre. Suppose it is placed in work centre 1.
Liberation 4
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6t7h 7th 8th

The sequential times are:

Work 5 7 11 14 15 12 9 16
centre 1
Work 5 10 16 14 13 8 6 4

Determination of throughput time and idle time at the work centres

Thus the eight jobs will be completed in 93 hours The work centre 2 will be wait
for (5) hours for its first job, and also wait for two (2), one (1) and nine (9) hours
after finishing jobs F,B and A respectively.

We can also solve this problem using the tabulation method shown below

Job 1 Centre 11 111 IV V VI VII

sequence 1 Centre Centre Centre 2 Centre Centre Idle
Duration 1 in 1 out Duration 2 2 Out Time
F 5 0 5 5 5 10 5
B 7 5 12 10 12 22 2
E 11 12 23 16 23 39 1
D 14 23 37 14 39 53 0
G 15 37 52 13 53 66 0
C 12 52 64 8 66 74 0
A 9 64 73 6 74 80 0
H 16 73 89 4 89 93 9

Columns I and IV are the durations for the jobs as given in the question
In column 11 the starting point for F is 0; 5 + 0 5 for job B; 7 + 5 = 12 for
job 11 ± 12=23 for job D etc,
In column UT we obtain the cumulative time for I i.e first value is 5, next
is+ 7 = 12 etc we can also obtain it by adding columns I and II
In column V, we realize that the job at centre 2 cannot start until the job
centre 1 ends. Thus the first value is 5 representing the duration of job F The
next value is the maximum of the sum of IV and V in centre 2 and the out
time for the next job in centre I i.e max (5+5,12) 12. The value of 2 obtained
next is max 10+12, 23) while the value of 39 obtained is max (16+23, 37)
other values are similarly obtained using the same technique.
Column VI is the sum of IV and V i.e 5 + 5 = 10, 10 + 12 = 22 etc.
In column VII the first value is the duration of job F in centre I This
represents the period that centre 2 has to wait before starting its first job. The
next value of 2 is obtained by subtracting the time out for F from the time in
for B i.e 12 - 10 = 2. This represents the time centre 2 will wait before
starting job 13. Similarly 23 -22 = I is the time centre 2 will wait before
starting job F. All other values are obtained in a similar manner.

Total idle time = 5 + 2 + 1 ±9 = 17

Total time for completion of all the job is 93

Example 13.6
You arc given the operation times in Hours for 6 jobs in two machines as follow:
Job Machine 1 Machines 2
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
P 20 20
Q 16 12
R 33 36
S 8 28
T 25 33
U 48 60

Determine the sequence that will minimize idle times on the two
The time machine I will complete its jobs
The total completion time for all the jobs
The total idle time

Using the steps outlined earlier for optimum sequencing of jobs, we obtained
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6t7h

We then use tabular method to solve the remaining questions

Job sequence 1 II III IV Machine V VI VII
Machine 1 Machine 1 Machine I 2 Duration Machine 2 Machines 2 Idle
Duration in Out In Out Time
S 8 0 8 28 8 36 8
T 25 8 33 33 36 69 0
R 33 33 66 36 69 105 0
U 48 66 114 60 114 174 9
P 20 114 134 20 174 194 0
Q 16 134 150 12 194 206 0

Machine 1 will complete his job in150 hours

Total completion time is 206 hours
Total idle time is 17 hours

Note that machine 2 will wait 8 hours for its first job and also wait 9 hours after
completing job R.

In general, idle time can occur either at the beginning of job or at the end of
sequence of jobs. In manufacturing organizations, idle times can be used to do
other jobs like maintenance, dismantling or setting up of other equipment.

Sequencing problems involves the determination of an optimal order or sequence
of performing a series jobs by number of facilities (that are arranged in specific
order) so as to optimize the total time or cost. Sequencing problems can be
classified into two groups. The first group involves n different jobs to be
performed, and these jobs require processing on some or all of m different types of
machines. The order in which these machines are to be used for processing each
job (for example, each job is to be processed first on machine A, then B, and
thereafter on C i.e., in the order ABC) is given. Also, the expected actual
processing time of each job on each machine is known. We can also determine the
effectiveness for any given sequence of jobs on each of the machines and we wish
to select from the (n!) theoretically feasible alternatives, the one which is both
technologically feasible and optimises the effectiveness measure.

Scheduling, which occurs in every organisation, refers to establishing the timing of
the use of equipment, facilities and human activities in an organization and so it
deals with the timing of operations. Scheduling technique depends on the volume
of system output, the nature of operations and the overall complexity of jobs. The
complexity of operation varies under two situations, namely, Flow Shop system
and Job Shop system. Flow Shop is a high volume system while Job Shop is a low
volume system. Lading refers to assignment of jobs to work centres. The two main
methods that can be used to assign jobs to work centres are used of Gant chart and
Assignment Method. Job sequencing refers to the order in which jobs should be
processed at each work station. Priority rules enables us to select the order in
which job should be done. The main objective of priority rules is to minimize
completion time, number of jobs in the system, and job lateness, while maximizing
facility utilization. In FCFS, which means First Come First Served, job is
processed in the order of arrivals at work centres. In Short Processing Time (SPT)
jobs are processed based on the length of the processing time with the job with the
least processing time being done first. In Earliest Due Date (EDD) the job with the
earliest due data is processed first. In Longest Processing Time (LPT) the job with
longest processing time are started first. Johnson’s rule is used to sequence two
more jobs in two different work centres in the same order.


1. Explain the following concepts (a) Scheduling (b) Flow shop (c)
Job shop(d) Sequencing
Describe two main methods used to assign jobs to work centres
3. Define the following (a) Average flow time (b) Average number of jobs in
the system (c) Utilization
State the priority rules for sequencing
State the procedures for using Johnson’s rules in sequencing N jobs in two
Information concerning six jobs that are to be process at a work centre is given

Job Processing time Due date (days)

A 11 17
B 7 13
C 4 12
D 3 14
E 5 2
F 14 11

Determine the sequence processing according to

Average flow time
Average number of jobs in the system
Average job lateness
Utilization of the work centre

The following seven jobs are waiting to be processed at a machine centre

Job Due date Processing time
A 13 8
B 20 14
C 10 10
D 23 16
E 21 11
F 24 18
G 28 13

In what sequence would the job be ranked according to the following decision
rules (1) EDD, (2) SPT, (3) LPT, (4) FCFS)

8 Given the following processing time about six jobs in two machine follows
Job Machine 1 Machine 2
A 13 8
B 10 7
C 8 10
D 6 11
E 5 9
F 7 6

Determine the sequence that will minimize the total completion time for these jobs

Adebayo, O.A., Ojo, O., and Obamire, J. K. (2006), Operations Research in
Decision Analysis, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.

Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP

Murthy, R. P. (2007), Operations Research, 2 ed., New Delhi: New
Age International (P) Limited Publishers



The theory of games (or game theory or competitive strategies) is a mathematical
theory that deals with the general features of competitive situations. This theory is
helpful when two or more individuals or organisations with conflicting objectives
try to make decisions. In such a situation, a decision made by on person affects the
decision made by one or more of the remaining decision makers, and the final
outcome depend depends upon the decision of all the parties. (Gupta and Hira,

According to Adebayor et al (2006), Game theory is a branch of mathematical

analysis used for decision making in conflict situations. it is very useful for
selecting an optimal strategy or sequence of decision in the face of an intelligent
opponent who has his own strategy. Since more than one person is usually
involved in playing of games, games theory can be described as the theory of
multiplayer decision problem.The Competitive strategy is a system for describing
games and using mathematical techniques to convert practical problems into games
that need to be solved. Game theory can be described as a distinct and
interdisciplinary approach to the study of human behaviour and such disciplines
include mathematics, economics, psychology and other social and behavioural
sciences. If properly understood it is a good law for studying decision- making in
conflict situations and it also provides mathematical techniques for selecting
optimum strategy and most rational solution by a player in the face of an opponent
who already has his own strategy.

Adebayor et al (2006), attributed the development of game theory to John von

Neumann, the great mathematician, in the last decade of 1940, whose first
important theory, written in partnership with the great economist Oskar
Morganstein is titled “the theory of games and economic behaviour”. Oskar
Morganstein brought ideas from neo-classical economics into games theory. The
key word between neo-economics and game theory is rationality, with emphasis
being placed on the absolute rationality of men in making economic choice. It
specifically advocates that human beings are rational in economic choices with
each person aiming at maximising each or her rewards (profit, income or other
subjective benefits) in the circumstances he faces. John von Neumann studied how
players in Poker games maximize their rewards and found that they did it by
bluffing and by being unpredictable. He was able to discover anew, unique I and
unequivocal answer to the question of how players can maximise their payoffs in
the game without any market forces, properties right, prices or other economic
indicators in the picture. His discovery led to a very major extension to the concept
of absolute rationality in neoclassical economics. However the discovery only
applied to zero sum games. Other games theorists have since expanded the scope
of the research on games theory.

The theory of games is based on the minimax principle put forward by J. Von
Neumann which implies that each competitor will act as to minimise his maximum
loss (or maximise his minimum gain) or achieve best of the worst. So far, only
simple competitive problems have been analysed by this mathematical theory. The
theory does not describe how a game should be played; it describes only the
procedure and principles by which players should be selected (Gupta and Hira,

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Define the concept of a game

State the assumptions of games theory
Describe the two-person zero-sum games
Explain the concept of saddle point solution in a
game Find pure and mixed strategies in games
Use the simplex method to find the optimal strategies and value of a game



cessofdecision- making is a common feature of everyday life. What does this
process of decision making involve? What is a decision? How can we analyze
and systematize the solving of certain types of decision problems? Answers of all
such question are the subject matter of decision theory.Decision-making
stamongthem. Two important stages in decision-making is: (i) making the
decision and (ii) Implementation of the decision.

Analytical approach to decision making classifies decisions according to the

amount and nature of the available information, which is to be fed as input data
for a particular decision problems. Since
making,availableinformationisclassifiedaccording to the degree of certainty or
uncertainty expected in a particular future situation. With this criterion in
whenfuture can be predicted with certainty. In this case the decision maker
assumes that there is only one possible future in conjunction with a particular
course of action. The second one is that decision making under conditions of risk.
In this case, the future can bring more than one state of affairs in conjunction
with a specific course of action. The third one is decision making under
uncertainty.In this case a particular course of action may face different
possible futures, but the probability of such

rinagame theory model is an active and rational opponent in DMUC and DMUR
models the opponent is the
imizationorminimization ofsomemeasureofeffectivenesssuchasprofitorcost.


pleasure-giving games, which have the character of a competition and are played
according to well- structured rules and regulations and end in avictoryof one or
the other team or group or a player. But we refer to the word gamein thisunit the
competition between two business organizations, which
onmade to define a game):
There is finite number of competitors calledPlayers. This is to say that
the game is played
m. To explain this we can consider two business houses A and B.
Suppose the player A has three strategies, as strategy I is to offer a car for
the customer who is selected through advertising campaign. Strategy
may be a house at Ooty for the winning customer, and strategy III may
a cash prize of N10,00,000for the winning customer. This means to say
that the
yhavetwo strategies, for example strategy I is A pleasure trip to America
for 10 days and strategy II may be offer to spend with a cricket star for
two days. In this game A has three courses of action and B has two
courses of actions. The game can be represented by mans of a matrix


3. Aplayisplayedwheneachplayerchoosesoneofhiscoursesofactions.
dhis own course of action. But in real world, a player makes the choices after
the opponent has announcedhiscourseofaction.

Every play i.e. combination of courses of action is associated with an

outcome, known aspay off- (generally money or some other quantitative
measure for the satisfaction) which determinesa set
sen.Forexample consider the following matrix:

I 2 4 –3
II –1 2 2

In the given matrix, we have two players. Among these the player who is
named on the left side matrix is known as winner,i.e. here A is the winner
and the matrix given is the matrix of the winner. The player named above
is known as the loser. The loser’s matrix is the negative version of the
given matrix. In the above matrix, which is the matrix of A, a winner, we
can describe as follows. If A selects first strategy, and Bselects the second
strategy, the outcome is +4 i.e.Awill get4 units of
SupposeAselects secondstrategyandBselectsfirststrategyA’soutcomeis–1,
Each player is interested inmaximizing his gains or minimizing his
losses. The winner, i.e. the player on the left side of the matrix always
tries to maximize his gains and is known
nownas Minimaxplayer-i.e.whotriestominimizehismaximumlosses.
Each player makes individual decisions without direct communication
between the players.
ngopponent's strategy. But in real world situations, the player
playstrategy after knowing the opponent's
Game theory models can be classified in a number of ways, depending
onsuch factors as the: (i) Numberofplayers,
Number of players: If number of players is two it is known as Two- person game.
If the number of players is is‘n’ (wheren 3) it is known asn- person game. In real
world two person games are morepopular. If the number of players is ‘n’, it has
to be reduced to two person game by two constant
persongames arenotyetfullydeveloped.

Algebraic Sum of Gains and Losses:A game in which the gains of one player
are the losses of
nasZero sumgame(ZSG). In a zero sum game the algebraic sum of the gains of all
players after play is bound tobezero.i.e.Ifgiasthepayoftoaplayerinan-
persongame,thenthegamewillbeazerosumgame ifsumofallgiisequaltozero.

pay– off matrixor gain matrix as discussed in3 above.A pay- off matrix isa table,
which shows
onzero-sum game.A game where two persons are playing the game and the sum
of gains and losses is equal tozero,thegameisknownasTwo-PersonZero-
SumGame(TPZSG). Agoodexampleoftwo- person game is the game of chess. A
good example of n- person game is the situation when several
hemarket (Murthy, 2007)


(2010) provide the following important definitions in game theory.
Player: A player is an active participant in a game. The games can have two
persons(Two-person game) or more than two persons (Multi person or n-
person game)
Moves: A move could be a decision by player or the result of a chance
Game: A game is a sequence of moves that are defined by a set of rules that
governs the players’ moves. The sequence of moves may be simultaneous.
Decision maker: A decision-maker is a person or group of people in a
committee who makes the final choice among the alternatives. A decision-
maker is then a player in the game.
Objective: An objective is what a decision-maker aims at accomplishing by
means of his decision. The decision-maker may end up with more than one
Behaviour: This could be any sequence of states in a system. The
behaviours of a system are overt while state trajectories are covert.
Decision: The forceful imposition of a constraint on a set of initially
possible alternatives.
Conflict: A condition in which two or more parties claim possession of
something they cannot all have simultaneously. It could also be described as
a state in which two or more decision-makers who have different objectives,
act in the same system or share the same resources. Examples are value
conflicts, territorial conflict, conflicts of interests etc.

Strategy: it is the predetermined rule by which a player decides his course
of action from a list of courses of action during the game. To decide a
particular strategy, the player needs to know the other’s strategy.
Perfect information. A game is said to have perfect information if at every
move in the game all players know the move that have already been made.
This includes any random outcomes.
Payoffs. This is the numerical return received by a player at the end of a
game and this return is associated with each combination of action taken by
the player. We talk of “expected payoff’ if its move has a random outcome.
Zero-sum Game. A game is said to be zero sum if the sum of player’s payoff is
zero. The zero value is obtained by treating losses as negatives and adding
up the wins and the losses in the game. Common examples are baseball and
poker games.


The following are assumptions made in games theory.
Each player (Decision-maker) has available to him two or more clearly
specifiedchoices or sequence of choices (plays).
A game usually leads to a well-defined end-state that terminates the game.
The end state could be a win, a loss or a draw.
Simultaneous decisions by players are assumed in all games.
A specified payoff for each player is associated with an end state (eg sum
ofpayoffs for zero sum-games is zero in every end-state).
Repetition is assumed. A series of repetitive decisions or plays results in a
Each decision-maker (player) has perfect knowledge of the game and of his
opposition i.e. he knows the rules of the game in details and also the payoffs
of all other players. The cost of collecting or knowing this information is not
considered in game theory.
All decision-makers are rational and will therefore always select among
alternatives, the alternative that gives him the greater payoff.

The last two assumptions are obviously not always practicable in real life situation.
These assumptions have revealed that game theory is a general theory of rational
behaviour involving two or more decision makers who have a limit number of
courses of action of plays, each leading to a well-defined outcome or ending with
games and losses that can be expressed as payoffs associated with each courses of
action and for each decision maker. The players have perfect knowledge of the

opponent’s moves and are rational in taking decision that optimises their individual

The various conflicts can be represented by a mathx of payoffs. Game theory also
proposes several solutions to the game. Two of the proposed solutions are:
Minimax or pure Strategy: In a minimax strategy each player selects a
strategy that minimises the maximum loss his opponent can impose upon him.
Mixed Strategy: A mixed strategy which involves probability choices.

Lot of experiments have been performed on games with results showing conditions
for (i) Cooperation (ii) Defection and (iii) Persistence of conflict,


Games can be described in terms of the number of players and the type of sum
obtained for each set of strategies employed. To this end we have the following
types of games:
Two-person zero-sum games. Here two players are involved and the sum of
Pay-offs for every set of strategies by the two players is zero
Two-person non zero-sum games. Here two players are involved and there is
one strategy set for which the sum of the payoffs is not equal to zero.
Non- Constant sum games. The values of payoffs for this game vary.
Multi-person non- Constant-Sum games. Many players are involved in the
game and the payoffs for the players vary.
Cooperative Games. In this game there is cooperation between some of the
players and there are rules guiding the cooperation within the players
Politics can be modelled as a cooperative game with some players forming
alliance with prospective successful political parties while others defect from
parties that they feel can fail in an election.
Combinatorial games which makes use of combinatorial
analysis Stochastic Games which is probabilistic in nature
Two-person Zero-sum Stochastic Games
Stochastic multi-generation game

Some other games are given interesting names to emphasise the issues being
Operations Research in Decision Analysis and Production Management - 359 -
Examples are:
Matching Penny Game

Prisoners Dilemma
Angel Problem
Tragedy of the
Commons Majority Rule
(Adebayo et al, 2006)
This game involves two players in which losses are treated as negatives and wins
as positives and the sum of the wins and losses for each set of strategies in the
game is zero. Whatever player one wins player two loses and vice versa. Each
player seeks to select a strategy that will maximise his payoffs although he does
not know what his intelligence opponent will do. A two- person zero-sum game
with one move for each player is called a rectangular game.

Formally, a two- person zero-sum game can be represented as a triple (A, B, y)

where A [al, a2.. . .amj and B [b 1, b2 bn] and are payoff functions, eij such that y
[ai bj = eij. This game can be represented as an m x n matrix of payoffs from
player 2 to player 1 as follows:

[ [a1, b1] [aj, b2] …….. [ai, bn]

(am, b1] y [am b2] …….. [am, bn]

The two-person zero-sum games can also be represented as follows:

Suppose the choices or alternatives that are available for player 1 can be
represented as l,2,3...m. While the options for player two can be represented as
1,2,3.,.n. If player 1 selects alternative i and player 2 selects alternative j then the
payoff can be written as a. The table of payoffs is as follows:

Alternatives for player 1

1 2 3 … n
1 a11 a12 a13 ... a1n
Alternative for player 2 2 a21 a22 a23 ... a2n
3 a31 a32 a33 ... a3n

m am1 am2 am3 … amn

A saddle point solution is obtained if the maximum of the minimum of rows equals
the minimum of the maximum of columns i.e maximin = minimax i.e max(min a9)
= min(max a9)

Example 2.1
Investigate if a saddle point solution exists in this matrix
2 1 -4
-3 6 2
2 1 1 -4
-3 6 2 -3
Max 2 6 3
maxi (minij) = max (-4, -3) = -3
minj (maxj aij) = min (2,6,3) = 2
maxi (minj aij) = minj (maxi aij)
So a saddle point solution does not exist.

Example 14.2
We shall consider a game called the “matching penny” game which is usually
played by children. In this game two players agree that one will be even and the
other odd. Each one then shows a penny. The pennies are shown simultaneously
and each child shows a head or tail. If both show the same side “even” wins the
penny from odd and if they show different sides odd wins from even. Draw the
matrix of payoffs
The pay-off table is as follows:
Odd (Player 2)

Head Tail
Head (1,-1) (-1, 1)
Even Tail (-1, 1) (1,-1)
(Player 1)
The sum in each cell is zero, hence it is a zero sum game. Now A (H, T), B (H, T)
and y (H,H)= y(T,T) 1 while y (H,T)=(T,H)=-1, In matrix form, if row is for even
and column is for odd we have the matrix of payoffs given to player I by players 2



Every two-person zero-sum game has a solution given by the value of the game
together with the optimal strategies employed by each of the two players in the
game. The strategies employed in a two person zero sum game could be
Pure Strategies
Dominating Strategies
Mixed Strategies

In pure strategy, the maximin criterionenables one to obtain a saddle point
solution. The maximin criterion states that for a two person zero sum game it is
rational for each player to choose the strategy that maximises the minimum pay-off
to be received by each of them. The pair of strategies and the payoffs such that
each of the players maximises the minimum payoffs is the solution to the game.

So with his strategy player 1 (row player) can guarantee that the payoff is at least
v, the lower value of the game where
= supai infbj (ai,bj)
= maxi (minj aij)

While player 2 (column player) can guarantee that player l’s payoff is no more
than v, the upper value of the game

v = infbj supai (ai, bj)

= minj (maxi aij)

For the maximin criterion which states that a saddle point solution exists in pure
strategies we have
v = Supai infbj (a1 , b, ) = v = infbj supai (ai, bj)
maxi(minj aij) = minj(maxi aij)

1 1 -1 1 1 -1
-1 1 -1 -1 1 -1
2 2 1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 2 1 1 -1

We find the row maximum and column minimum and then find the point where
V = V as follows:
Minimum of rows

1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
2 2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 2 1 1 -1 -1

maximum 2 2 2 1 1 -1
of columns
= MAX (-1, -1, -1, -1) = -1. V = MIN (2, 2, 2, 1, 1, -1_ = -
1 V = V So value is -1 and optimal strategy is (r4, c6)

Example 14.3
Find the solutions of this matrix game

- 200 -100 - 40
400 0 300
300 -20 400

We check if max (min aij) min (max aij) in order to know whether it has a saddle
i j i
solution. We first find the minimum of rows and miximum of columns as follows.

200 -100 - 40 - 200
400 0 300 0
300-20 400 -20

Max 400 0 400

So maxi (minjaij) = max (-200, 0, -20) = 0

min(max aij) = mm (400, 0, 400). So a saddle point solution exists at (row2,

i.e (r2 c2) The value of the game is 0.

Example 14.4
A modified version of a problem on game theory by Williams (1966) in Adedayo
(2006) is hereby presented.
A man planning for the coming winter during summer time, has a home heating
tank which has capacity for 200 gallons. Over the years, he observed that the
heating oil consumption depends on the severity of the winter as follows Mild
winter: 100 gallons
Average winter: 150 gallons
Severe winter: 200 gallons

The price of oil also seems to fluctuate with severity of the winters as follows:
Mild winter: $1 per gallon
Average winter: $1.50 per gallon
Severe winter: $2 per gallon

He has to decide whether to stockpile 100 gallons, 150 gallons or 200 gallons at
the present price of $ 1. If he stockpiles more than he needs, the unused will be
wasted since he will be moving next summer. What is the best decision to take?

You must recognise who the two players are. They are Nature and Man. Nature’s
strategies are three, based on severity: namely mild severity, average seventy and
severe winter. Man’s strategies are also those based on sizes of stockpile i.e. 100
gallons, 150 gallons, 200 gallons. The matrix of pay offs are obtained, using the
value given and we get
Mild winter Average winter Severe winter
100 gal. -100 - 175 - 300
Max 150 gal. - 150 - 150 - 250
200 gal - 200 - 200 - 200

The payoffs are negative since man is playing the row.

Note that for the 100 gallons stockpile in average winter, since 150 gallons are
consumed. 50 extra gallons are needed at 1.50 per gallon 75. So total is 175. No
extra is needed for 150 gallons and 200 gallons

For severe winter, 200 gallons are needed. So for 100 gallons stockpile, one
needs I00 extra gallons at $2 per gallon = 200. So total = 300. Same argument goes
for 150 stockpi1es: no extra is needed for 200 gallons stockpile.

[-100 -175 -300] -300

[-150 -150 -250] -250
[1-200 -200 -200] -200

Maximum of columns -100 -150 -200

= max [-300, -250 -200] -200

v=min [-100, -150 -200] = -200
So the saddle point is at [a3, b3J

This implies that stockpiling 200 gallons is the optimal strategy.


In a pay-off matrix row dominance of i oven occurs if ai>aj, while column
dominance of I over occurs if b1 b1. If dominance occurs, column j is not
considered and we reduce the matrix by dominance until we are left with 1 x I
matrix whose saddle point, solution can be easily found. We consider the matrix

1 344

Observation shows that every element in column 1 is less than or equal to that of
column 4 and we may remove column 4 the dominating column. Similarly b 3
dominates b2 and we remove the dominating column b3. The game is reduced to

3 4

In row dominance, we eliminate the dominated rows a, (where a.> a,) while in
column dominance we eliminate the dominating column b j (wherei≤b j) since
player 2 desired to concede the least payoff to the row player and thus minimise his

This procedure is iterated using row dominance. Since a1 dominates a2 and also
dominates a3 we remove the dominated rows a2 and a3. This is due to the fact that
player 1, the row player, wishes to maximise his payoffs. We then have a 1 x 1
reduced game [3 4] which has a saddle point solution. Generally if a dominated
strategy is reduced for a game, the solution of the reduced game is the solution of
the original game.


Suppose the matrix of a game is given by

2 -1 3
-1 3 -2

Inspection shows that i column dominance cannot be used to obtain a saddle point
solution. If no saddle point solution exists we randomise the strategies. Random
choice of strategies is the main idea behind a mixed strategy. Generally a mixed
strategy for player is defined as a pro6a6iffty distribution on the set of pure
strategies. The minimax theorem put forward by von Neumann enables one to find
the optimal strategies and value of a game that has no saddle point solution and he
was able to show that every two-person zero-sum game has a solution in mixed if
not in pure strategy.


Linear optimisation in linear programming enables one to calculate the value and
optimal actions especially when the elements of A are more than 2. We now
demonstrate how to solve the matching pennies matrix with a simple method
applicable when A has two elements and B is finite. Here the value is given as
maximin ( [a1,b1] + (1- ) (a2 b2), ,(a1,b2) + (1- ) (a2, b2) )

The matric is odd

1 11

1 -1

1- -1 1

We note here that the maximin criterion cannot hold since max (mm of row) max
(-1, -1)-1 while min (max of columns) = min (1,1) 1 and no saddle point solution

Let “even” choose randomised action ( , 1 - ) i.e = a (a1 ) and (1- ) = (a2). Using
formula above, we have max mm ( - 1 + , - + 1 - )
+ -l (1 - ) = - + 1 (1 — ) using principle of equalising expectations.
This gives 2 -1, 1 -2
4 =2. And = /2
Similarly if optimal randomised action by player 2= 1,
then we get 1 + (1- 1)-1, ,+1 - 1)

1(1) + -1(1- 1) = 1 (-1) + (1 - 1). Simplify both sides of the equation to get 2 1-
1 1 1 1
= 1 - 2 1 1= /2 and so randomised action by player 1 is ( /2, /2) and also ( /2,
/2) by player 1
The value can be obtained by substituting = /2 into 2 - 1 or I - 2 or by substituting
1 = / 2 into 2 1 - I or 1 -2 1. If we do this we get a value of zero. So the solution is
as follows:
1 1 1 1
Optimal strategies of ( /2, /2) for player 1 and ( /2, /2) for player 2 and the value
of the game is 0.

It is Obvious that there is no optimal mixed strategy that is independent of the

Example 14.5
Two competing telecommunication companies MTN and Airtel both have
objective of maintaining large share in the telecommunication industry. They wish
to take a decision concerning investment in a new promotional campaign.
Airtelwishes to consider the following options:
r1: advertise on the Internet
r2: advertise in all mass media

MTN wishes to consider these alternatives

c1: advertise in newspapers only
c2:run a big promo

If Airtel advertise on the Internet and MTN advertises in newspapers, MTN will
increase its market share by 3% at the expense of V-Mobile. If MTN runs a big
promo and Airtel advertises on the Internet, Airtel will lose 2% of the market
share. If Airtel advertises in mass media only and MTh advertises in newspapers,
Airtel will lose 4%. However, if Airtel advertises in mass media only and MTN
runs a big promo, Airtel will gain 5% of the market share.
Arrange this information on a payoff table
What is the best policy that each of the two companies should take?

a) The matrix of payoff is as follows

c1 c2
Airtelr1 3 -2
-4 5

We first cheek if a saddle point solution exists. We use the minimax criterion to do
this. Now for the rows,
Minimax (3,5) = 3 while for the columns
Maximin = Max (-4, -2) = -2.

Since minimax is not equal to maximin, no saddle point solution exists. We then
randomise and use the mixed strategy.
Let ( , 1 - ) be the mixed strategies adopted by Airtel while (8, 1-8 ) be the
strategies adopted by MTN
Then for Airtel. (3)+-4(1 - )-2 +5(1 - )
3 - 4+4 =-2 +5 - 5
7 - 4 -7 +5.
Solving we obtain
9 5
= /14 and 1 - /14
The randomised strategies by V-Mobile will be ( /4)
For MTN, 3 -2(1- )=-4 1i+5(1- 1)
3 +2 1 - 2=-4 +5-5 1
1 1
5 1 -2= -9 1+5. Solving, we obtain 1= /2and 1- 1= /2

The value of the game can be found by substituting 9/14 into 78-4 or – 79+5; or V2
into 5 - 2 or -9 +5. When we do this we obtain the value /2. So Airtel should
9 5
advertise on the Internet /14 of the time and advertise on the mass media /14 of
the time. On the other hand, MTN should advertise in the newspapers only 50% (
1 1
/2) of the time and run a big promo /2 of the time. The expected gain of Airtel is
/2 of the market share.


In mixed strategies, a pair of optimal strategies a* and b* is in equilibrium if for
any other a and b, E(a,b*) <E(a*,b*) <E(a*, b)
A pair of strategies (a*, b*) in atwo person zero sum game is in equilibrium if and
only if {(a*, b*), E(a*, b*)} is a solution to the game. Nash Theory states that any two
person game (whether zero-sum or non- zero -sum) with a finite number of pure
strategies has at least one equilibrium pair. No player can do better by changing
strategies, given that the other players continue to follow the equilibrium strategy.


GAME Suppose we have a matrix game of

52 4
34 5
maxi(minjaij)= max(2,3)=3 while = min(max) 4.

The two players now have to look for ways of assuring themselves of the largest
possible shares of the difference

maxi(minj aij) - mini(maxj aij) ≥ 0

They will therefore need to select strategies randomly to confuse each other. When
a player chooses any two or more strategies at random according to specific
probabilities this device is known as a mixed strategy.
There are various method employed in solving 2x2, 2xn, mx2 and m x n game
matrix and hence finding optimal strategies as we shall discuss in this and the next
few sections. Suppose the matrix of game is m x n. If player one is allowed to
select strategy I. with probability pi and player two strategy II with probability q.
then we can say player 1 uses strategy

While player 2 selects strategy

The expected payoffs for player 1 by player two can be explained in
m n

E * pi (pi)q
i1 j1

In this game the row player has strategy q = (q1, q2.. .q). The max-mm reasoning is
used to find the optimal strategies to be employed by both playeNWe demonstrate
with a practical example:

Example 14.6
Let the matrix game be
52 4
34 5
Inspection shows that this does not have a saddle point solution. The optimal
strategy p” for the row player is the one that will give him the maximum pay-off.
Since p = (p p2). Let the expected value of the row be represented by E 1player. If
player 2 plays column 1 is =
5p+3(l .p) 2p+3p
If player 2 plays column 2 we have
E2(p) = 2P+ 4 (l-P) = -2P+4
and if player 2 plays colunm 3 we have
E3(p) 4(p)+5(1-p) =p+5.So, E1(p) = 2p +3; E2(p) = 2p+4 and E3(p) = p+5
are the payoffs for player 1 against the three part strategies of player 2, we give
arbitrary values for p to check which of these strategies by player2 will yield the
largest payoff for

player 1.
3 3 1
Let p /4 ……. E1=-2x /4+3=4 /2
1 3 1
E2(p) = 2x¼+42 /2 E2(p) =- /4+5=4 /4.
So the two largest are E1(p), E3(p) and we equate them to
get 2p = 3 = p+5
so 3p= 2, p= /3
2 1
Ej(p) = (2 x /3) + 3 4 /3
2 2 2 1
E = -2(p) -2 x 2 /3 + 4 = 2 /3 and E3(p) = /3 + 5 = 74 /3
2 1
So( /3, /3) is optimal for player 1. To get the optimal strategy for player 2, we
observe that it is advisable for player 2 to play column 2 in other to ensure that the
payoff to row player is minimal. So the game is reduced to


Let (q, l-q) be the strategy for player 2 in a required game.

So 5q + 4 (1-q) 3q +5(l-q)
3q=l q=1/3
1 2
So it is optimal for player 2 to play mixed strategy with probability q( /3,O, /3).If
1 1
we substitute q = /3 into q+4 or 5-2q, we obtain 4 /3 as before. This is the value of
the game.


The procedure here is to convert to 2 x m game by finding the transpose of the
matrix of the payoffs and then multiplying 2 x m matrix by =1. The new game
matrix is then solved using the procedure for 2 x m matrix described earlier

Example 14.7
Find the optimal strategies for the matrix game

-1 1
X= 1 -2
-2 2

-1 1 -2
X =
1 -2 2

Next multiply each element by - ,to obtain the matrix game

-1 2 -
1 2 -2

We then solve this using the method described earlier to obtain randomised
3 2 3 2
optimal strategies ( /5, /5) for player I and ( /5, /5,0) for player 2 with values of
the games being V5. Graphical methods can also be employed to solve 2xn and
mx2 games. Here the expected payoffs are plotted as the functions and the
intersection of the lines gives the value of p(or q).



In this type of games the method usually used is the simplex method of linear
programming. It involves converting the two persons zero-sum game into a
Standard Maximum Problem (SMP). If any negative number exists in the payoff
matrix we eliminate by adding a suitable constant to every entry to ensure that all
the entries are positive. From the prime the dual of the matrix of payoffs is formed,
and both are solved using the Simplex method. The optimal strategy for both row
and column players are obtained by dividing each of the optimal value obtained by
their sum. We now give details on how this method can be used, to solve the next

Example 14.8
Find the randomised optimal strategies for the matrix of payoffs

1 0 0
-1 1 -1
0 -1 1

Solution- This matrix does not have a saddle point and it cannot be solved by
using the concept of dominating strategies. As a 3x3 matrix of payoff, we can use
the simplex linear programming method to solve it. Since there are negative
entries, we convert it to a matrix of positive entries by adding constant c 2, we then
3 2 2
P2 = 1 3 1
2 1 3


The theory of games (or game theory or competitive strategies) is a mathematical

theory that deals with the general features of competitive situations. This theory is
helpful when two or more individuals or organisations with conflicting objectives
try to make decisions. In such a situation, a decision made by on person affects the
decision made by one or more of the remaining decision makers, and the final
outcome depend depends upon the decision of all the parties. The theory of games
is based on the minimax principle put forward by J. Von Neumann which implies
that each competitor will act as to minimise his maximum loss (or maximise his
minimum gain) or achieve best of the worst. So far, only simple competitive
problems have been analysed by this mathematical theory. The theory does not
describe how a game should be played; it describes only the procedure and
principles by which players should be selected


Making decision is an integral and continuous aspect of human life. For child or
adult, man or woman, government official or business executive, worker or
supervisor, participation in the process of decision- making is a common feature of
everyday life. A competitive situation is called a game if it has the following
characteristics- there is finite number of competitors called Players. A list of finite
or infinite number of possible courses of action is available to each player; a list of
finite or infinite number of possible courses of action is available to each player; a
play is played when each player chooses one of his courses of actions; all players
act rationally and intelligently. Each player is interested in maximizing his gains or
minimizing his losses; each player makes individual decisions without direct
communication between the players; it is assumed that each player knows
complete relevant information. A game in which the gains of one player are the
losses of other player or the algebraic sum of gains of both players is equal to zero,
the game is known as Zero sum game (ZSG). Next we defined some important
elements in game theory like- player, moves, game, decision maker, objective,
behaviour, decision, conflict, strategy, perfect information, payoffs, zero-sum, and
game. Finally, we solved problems involving Two-Person Zero-Sum Game, Pure
Strategies, Dominating Strategies, Mixed Strategies, Optimal Strategies in 2 X 2
Matrix Game, Equilibrium Pairs, Optimal Strategies in 2 X N Matrix Game,
Optimal Strategies For M X 2 Zero - Sum Games.


What do you understand by a game?

Write short notes on the following
Decision maker
Perfect information
Zero-sum Game

3.0 Find the optimal strategies for the matrix game

-2 2
X= 3 -2
-2 3


Adebayo, O.A., Ojo, O., and Obamire, J. K. (2006), Operations Research in

Decision Analysis, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
Murthy, R. P. (2007), Operations Research, 2 ed., New Delhi: New
Age International (P) Limited Publishers

3.10 THE CLASSICAL EOQ MODEL (Demand Rate Uniform,
Replenishment Rate Infinite)

One of the basic functions of management is to employ capital efficiently so as to
yield the maximumreturns. This can be done in either of two ways or by both, i.e.
By maximizing the margin of profit; or (b) By maximizing the production with
a given amount of capital, i.e. to increase the productivity of
capital. This means that the management should try to make its capital work hard
as possible. However, this is all too often neglected and much time and ingenuity
are devoted to make only labour work harder. In the process, the capital turnover
and hence the productivity of capital is often totally neglected.
Several new techniques have been developed and employed by modern
management to remedy this deficiency. Among these,Materials Managementhas
become one of the most effective. In Materials Management, Inventory
Controlplay vital role in increasing the productivity of capital.

Inventory management or Inventory Control is one of the techniques of Materials

Management which helps the management to improve the productivity of capital
by reducing the material costs, preventing the large amounts of capital being
locked up for long periods, and improving the capital - turnover ratio. The
techniques of inventory control were evolved and developed during and after the
Second World War and have helped the more industrially developed countries to
make spectacular progress in improving their productivity.

The importance of materials management/inventory control arises from the fact

that materials account for 60 to 65 percent of the sales value of a product, that is to
say, from every naira of the sales revenue, 65 kobo are spent on materials. Hence,
small change in material costs can result in large sums of money saved or lost.
Inventory control should, therefore, be considered as a function of prime
importance for our industrial economy.

Inventory control provides tools and techniques, most of which are very simple to
reduce/control the materials cost substantially. A large portion of revenue (65
percent) is exposed to the techniques, correspondingly large savings result when
they are applied than when attempts are made to saver on other items of
expenditure like wages and salaries which are about 16 percent or overheads which
may be 20 percent. By careful financial analysis, it is shown that a 5 percent
reduction in material costs will result in increased profits equivalent to a 36 percent
increase in sales (Murthy, 2007).

At the this study unit, you should be able to

Define inventory control

Explain the basic concepts in inventory control
Identify the issues that necessitate maintaining inventory
Identifycauses of poor inventory control systems
Discuss the various classifications of inventories
Highlight the costs associated with inventory
Identify objective of inventorycost control
Discuss the problems associated with inventory control
9 Solve problems associated with the classical EOQ model.



The word inventory means a physical stock of material or goods or commodities or
other economicresources that are stored or reserved or kept in stock or in hand for
smooth and efficient running of future affairs of an organization at the minimum
cost of funds or capital blocked in the form of materials or goods (Inventories).
The function of directing the movement of goods through the entire manufacturing
cycle from the requisitioning of raw materials to the inventory of finished goods in
an orderly manner to meet the objectives of maximum customer service with
minimum investment and efficient (low cost) plant operation is termed as inventory
control. (Murthy, 2007)

Gupta and Hira (2012) defined an inventory as consisting of usable but idle
resources such as men, machines, materials, or money. When the resources
involved are material, the inventory is called stock. An inventory problem is said to
exist if either the resources are subject to control or if there is at least one such cost
that decrease as inventory increases. The objective is to minimise total (actual or
expected) cost. However, in situations where inventory affects demand, the
objective may also be to minimise profit.


For many organizations, inventories represent a major capital cost, in some cases
the dominant cost, so that the management of this capital becomes of the utmost
importance. When considering the inventories, we need to distinguish different
classes of items that are kept in stock. In practice, it turns out that about 10% of the
items that are kept in stock usually account for something in the order of 60% of
the value of all inventories. Such items are therefore of prime concern to the
company, and the stock of these items will need close attention. These most
important items are usually referred to as “A items” in the ABC classification
system developed by the General Electric Company in the 1950s. The items next in
line are the B items, which are of intermediate importance. They typically

represent 30% of the items, corresponding to about 30% of the total inventory
value. Clearly, B items do require some attention, but obviously less than A items.
Finally, the bottom 60% of the items are the C items. They usually represent
maybe 10% of the monetary value of the total inventory. The control of C items in
inventory planning is less crucial than that of the A and B items. The models in this
chapter are mostly aimed at A items.
Due to the economic importance of the management of inventories, a considerable
body of knowledge has developed as a specialty of operations research. Wemay
mention just-in-time (JIT) systems that attempt to keep inventory levels in
aproduction system at an absolute minimum, and put to work in Toyota’s so-called
kanban system. There are also material requirements planning (MRP) aimed at
using the estimated demand for a final product in order to determine the need for
materials and components that are part of a final product. Multi-echelon and
supply-chainmanagement systems also consider similar aspects of production-
inventory control systems. Such topics are beyond the scope of this text, in which
we can only cover some basic inventory models (Eiselt and Sandblom, 2012).


Though inventory of materials is an idle resource (since materials lie idle and are
not to be used immediately), almost every organisation. Without it, no business
activity can be performed, whether it is service organisation like a hospital or a
bank or it a manufacturing or trading organisation. Gupta and Hira (2012) present
the following reasons for maintain inventories in organisations.

It helps in the smooth and efficient of an enterprise.

It helps in providing service to the customer at short notice.
In the absence of inventory, the enterprise may have to pay high prices due to
piecemeal purchasing.
It reduces product cost since there is an added advantage of batching and long,
uninterrupted production runs.
It acts as a buffer stock when raw materials are received late and shop rejection
is too many.
Process and movement inventories (also called pipeline stock) are quite
necessary in big enterprises where significant amount of time is required to
tranship items from one location to another.
Bulk purchases will entail fewer orders and, therefore, less clerical cost.
An organisation may have to deal with several customers and vendors who may
not be necessarily near it. Inventories therefore have to be built to meet the
demand at least during the transit period.

It helps in maintaining economy by absorbing some of the fluctuations when
the demand for an item fluctuates or is seasonal.


Overbuying without regard to the forecast or proper estimate of demand to take
advantages of favourable market.
Overproduction or production of goods much before the customer requires them
Overstocking may also result from the desire to provide better service to the
Cancellation of orders and minimum quantity stipulations by by the suppliers
may also give rise to large inventories.
(Gupta and Hira, 2012)


Inventories may be classified as those which play direct role during manufacture or
which can be identified on the product and the second one are those which are
required for manufacturing but not as a part of production or cannot be identified
on the product. The first type is labeled as direct inventoriesand the second are
labeled as indirect inventories. Further classification of direct and indirect
inventories is as follows:

Direct inventories
(i) Raw material inventories or Production Inventories: The inventory of raw
materials is the materials used in the manufacture of product and can be identified
on the product. In inventory control manager can concentrate on the (a) Bulk
purchase of materials to save the investment,
(b) To meet the changes in production rate,
(c) To plan for buffer stock or safety stock to serve against the delay in delivery of
inventory against orders placed and also against seasonal fluctuations. Direct
inventories include the following:
Production Inventories- items such as raw materials, components and
subassemblies used to produce the final products.
Work-in-progress Inventory- items in semi-finished form or products at
different stages of production.
Finished Goods Inventory
Miscellaneous Inventory- all otheritems such as scrap, obsolete and
unsaleable products, stationary and other items used in office, factory and
sales department, etc.

(ii ) Work-in -process inventories or in process inventories: These inventories are
of semi-finished type, which are accumulated between operations or facilities.As
far as possible, holding of materials between operations to be minimized if not
avoided. This is because; as we process the materials the economic value (added
labour cost) and use value are added to the raw material, which is drawn from
stores. Hence if we hold these semi-finished material for a
long time the inventory carrying cost goes on increasing, which is not advisable in
inventory control. These inventories serve the following purposes: (a) Provide
economical lot production,
(b) Cater to the variety of products,
(c) Replacement of wastages,
(d) To maintain uniform production even if sales varies.

(iii) Finished goods inventories: After finishing the production process and
packing, the finished products are stocked in stock room. These are known as
finished goods inventory. These are maintained to: (a) To ensure the adequate
supply to the customers,
(b) To allow stabilization of the production level
and (c) To help sales promotion programme.

(iv) MRO Inventory or Spare parts inventories: Maintenance, Repair, and

Operation items such as spare parts and consumable stores that do not go into final
products but are consumed during the production process. Any product sold to the
customer, will be subjected to wear and tear due to usage and the customer has to
replace the worn-out part. Hence the manufacturers always calculate the life of the
various components of his product and try to supply the spare components to the
market to help after sales service. The use of such spare parts inventory is: (a) To
provide after sales service to the customer,
(b) To utilize the product fully and economically by the customer.
356 Operations Research

(iv) Scrap or waste inventory or Miscellaneous Inventory: While processing the

materials, we may come across certain wastages and certain bad components
(scrap), which are of no use. These may be used by some other industries as raw
material. These are to be collected and kept in a place away from main stores and
are disposed periodically by auctioning.

Indirect Inventories
Inventories or materials like oils, grease, lubricants, cotton waste and such other
materials are required during the production process. But we cannot identify them
on the product. These are known as indirect inventories. In our discussion of
inventories, in this chapter, we only discuss about the direct inventories.
Inventories may also be classified depending on their nature of use. They are:

(i) Fluctuation Inventories: These inventories are carried out to safeguard the
fluctuation in demand, non-delivery of material in time due to extended lead-time.
These are sometimes called as Safety stock or reserves. In real world inventory
situations, the material may not be received in time as expected due to trouble in
transport system or some times, the demand for a certain material may increase
unexpectedly. To safeguard such situations, safety stocks are maintained. The level
of this stock will fluctuate depending on the demand and lead-time etc.

(ii) Anticipation inventory: When there is an indication that the demand for
company’s product is going to be increased in the coming season, a large stock of
material is stored in anticipation. Some times in anticipation of raising prices, the
material is stocked. Such inventories, whichare stocked in anticipation of raising
demand or raising rises, are known as anticipationinventories.

(iii) Lot size inventory or Cycle inventories:This situation happens in batch

production system. In this system products are produced in economic batch
quantities. It sometime happens that the materials are procured in quantities larger
than the economic quantities to meet the fluctuation in demand. In such cases the
excess materials are stocked, which are known as lot size or cycle inventories.

(iv) Transportation Inventories: When an item is ordered and purchased they are
to be received from the supplier, who is at a far of distance. The materials are
shipped or loaded to a transport vehicle and it will be in the vehicle until it is
delivered to the receiver. Similarly, when a finished product is sent to the customer
by a transport vehicle it cannot be used by the purchaser until he receives it. Such
inventories, which are in transit, are known as Transportation inventories.

(v) Decoupling inventories: These inventories are stocked in the manufacturing

plant as a precaution, in case the semi- finished from one machine does not come
to the next machine, this stock is used to continue a production. Such items are
known as decoupling inventories.


While maintaining the inventories, we will come across certain costs associated
with inventory, which are known as economic parameters. Most important of them
are discussed below:
A. Inventory Carrying Charges, or Inventory Carrying Cost or Holding
Cost or StorageCost (C1) or (i%)
This cost arises due to holding of stock of material in stock. This cost includes the
cost ofmaintaining the inventory and is proportional to the quantity of material
held in stock and the time forwhich the material is maintained in stock. The
components of inventory carrying cost are:
Rent for the building in which the stock is maintained if it is a rented building.
In case it is own building, depreciation cost of the building is taken into
consideration. Sometimes for own buildings, the nominal rent is
calculated depending on the local rate of rent and is taken into
It includes the cost of equipment if any and cost of racks and any special
facilities used in the stores.

Interest on the money locked in the form of inventory or on the money invested
in purchasing the inventory.

The cost of stationery used for maintaining the inventory.

The wages of personnel working in the stores.

Cost of depreciation, insurance.

Cost of deterioration due to evaporation, spoilage of material etc.

Cost of obsolescence due to change in requirement of material or changed in

process or change in design and item stored as a result of becomes old
stock and become sales.

Cost of theft and pilferage i.e. indenting for the material in excess of
This is generally represented by C1naira per unit quantity per unit of time for
production model. That is manufacturing of items model. For purchase models it is
represented by i% of average inventory cost. If we take practical situation into
consideration, many a time we see that the inventory carrying cost (some of the
components of the cost) cannot be taken proportional to the quantity of stock on
hand. For example, take rent of the stores building. As and when the stock is
consumed, it is very difficult to calculate proportion of rent in proportion to the
stock in the stores as the rent will not vary day to day due to change in inventory
level. Another logic is that the money invested in inventory may be invested in
other business or may be deposited in the bank to earn interest. As the money is in
the form of inventory, we cannot earn interest but losing the expected interest on
the money. This cost of money invested, is generally compared to the interest rate
i% and is taken as the inventory carrying
cost. Hence the value of ‘i ’ will be a fraction of a and will be 0 <i < 1. In many
instances, the bank rate of interest is somewhere between 16 to 20 % and other
components like salary, insurance, depreciation etc. may work out to 3 to 5 %.
Hence, the total of all components will be around 22 to 25 % and this is taken as
the cost of inventory carrying cost and is expressed as i % of average inventory
B. Shortage cost or Stock - out - cost- (C2)
Sometimes it so happens that the material may not be available when needed or
when the demand arises. In such cases the production has to be stopped until the
procurement of the material, which may lead to miss the delivery dates or delayed
production. When the organization could not meet the delivery promises, it has to
pay penalty to the customer. If the situation of stock out will occur very often, then
the customer may not come to the organization to place orders that is the
organization is losing the customers In other words, the organization is losing the
goodwill of the customers The cost of good will cannot be estimated. In some
cases it will be very heavy to such extent that the organization has to forego its
business. Here to avoid the stock out situation, if the organization stocks more
material, inventory carrying cost increases and to take care of inventory cost, if the
organization purchases just sufficient or less quantity, then the stock out position
may arise. Hence the inventory manager must have sound knowledge of various
factors that are related to inventory carrying cost andstock out cost and estimate the
quantity of material to be purchased or else he must have effective strategies to
face grave situations. The cost is generally represented as so many naira and is
represented by C2.

C. Set up cost or Ordering cost or Replenishment Cost (C3)

For purchase models, the cost is termed as ordering cost or procurement cost and
for manufacturing cost it is termed as set up cost and is represented by C3.

(i) Set up cost: The term set up cost is used for production or manufacturing
models. Whenever a job is to be produced, the machine is to set to produce the job.
That is the tool is to be set and the material is to be fixed in the jobholder. This
consumes some time. During this time the machine will be idle and the labour is
working. The cost of idle machine and cost of labour charges are to be added to the
cost of production. If we produce only one job in one set up, the entire set up cost
is to be charged to one job only. In case we produce ‘n’ number of jobs in one set
up, the set up cost is shared by ‘n’ jobs. In case of certain machines like N.C
machines, or Jig boarding machine, the set up time may be 15 to 20 hours The idle
cost of the machine and labour charges may work out to few thousands of naira.
Once the machine set up is over, the entire production can be completed in few
hours if we produce more number of products in one set up the set up cost is
allocated to all the jobs equally. This
reduces the production cost of the product. For example let us assume that the set
up cost is N 1000/ -. If we produce 10 jobs in one set up, each job is charged with
N 100/- towards the set up cost. In case, if we produce 100 jobs, the set up cost per
job will be N10/-. If we produce, 1000 jobs in one set up, the set up cost per job
will be Re. 1/- only. This can be shown by means of a graph as shown in figure

(ii) Ordering Cost or Replenishment Cost:The term Ordering cost or

Replenishment cost is used in purchase models. Whenever any material is to be
procured by an organization, it has to place an order with the supplier. The cost of
stationary used for placing the order, the cost of salary of officials involved in
preparing the order and the postal expenses and after placing the order enquiry
charges all put together, is known as ordering cost. In Small Scale Units, this may
be around N 25/- to N 30/- per order. In Larger Scale Industries, it will bearound N
150 to N 200 /- per order. In Government organizations, it may work out to N
500/- and above per order. If the organization purchases more items per order, all
the items share the ordering cost. Hence the materials manager must decide how
much to purchase per order so as to keep the ordering cost per item at minimum.
One point we have to remember here, to reduce the ordering cost per item, if we
purchase more items, the inventory carrying cost increases. To keep inventory
carrying cost under control, if we purchase less quantity, the ordering cost increase.
Hence one must be careful enough to decide how much to purchase? The nature of
ordering cost can also be shown by a graph as shown in figure 8.1. If the ordering
cost is C3 per order (can be equally applied to set up cost) and the quantity ordered
produced is ‘q’ then the ordering cost or set up cost per unit will be C3/q is
inversely proportional to the quantity ordered, i.e. decreased with the increase
in ‘q’ as shown in the graph below.



Ordering cost

Order quantity C3/q

Fig. 15.1: Ordering Cost

Source : Murthy, P. R. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers

(iii ) Procurement Cost :These costs are very much similar to the ordering cost /
set up cost. This cost includes cost of inspection of materials, cost of returning the
low quality materials, transportation cost from the source of material to the
purchaser‘s site. This is proportional to the quantity of materials involved. This
cost is generally represented by ‘b’ and is expressed as so many naira per unit of
material. For convenience, it always taken as a part of ordering cost and many a
time it is included in the ordering cost / set up cost.

Purchase price or direct production cost

This is the actual purchase price of the material or the direct production cost of the
product. It is represented by ‘p’. i.e. the cost of material is N ‘ p’ per unit. This may
be constant or variable. Say for example the cost of an item is N 10/- item if we
purchase 1 to 10 units. In case we purchase more than 10 units, 10 percent discount
is allowed. i.e. the cost of item will be N9/- per unit. The purchase manager can
take advantage of discount allowed by purchasing more. But this will increase the
inventory carrying charges. As we are purchasing more per order, ordering cost is
reduced and because of discount, material cost is reduced. Materials manager has
to take into consideration these cost – quantity relationship and decide how much
to purchase to keep the inventory cost at low level.


The purpose of maintaining the inventory or controlling the cost of inventory is to
use the available capital optimally (efficiently) so that inventory cost per item of
material will be as small as possible. For this the materials manager has to strike a
balance between the interrelated inventory costs. In the process of balancing the
interrelated costs i.e. Inventory carrying cost, ordering cost or set up cost, stock out
cost and the actual material cost. Hence we can say that the objective of controlling
theinventories is to enable the materials manager to place and order at right time
with the rightsource at right price to purchase right quantity.The benefits derived
from efficient inventory control are:

It ensures adequate supply of goods to the customer or adequate of quantity of

raw materials to the manufacturing department so that the situation of
stock out may be reduced or avoided.

By proper inventory cost control, the available capital may be used efficiently
or optimally, by avoiding the unnecessary expenditure on inventory.

In production models, while estimating the cost of the product the material cost
is to be added. The manager has to decide whether he has to take the
actual purchase price of the material or the current market price of the
material. The current market price may be less than or greater than the
purchase price of the material which has been purchased some period
back. Proper inventory control reduces such risks.

It ensures smooth and efficient running of an organization and provides safety

against late delivery times to the customer due to uncontrollable factors

A careful materials manager may take advantage of price discounts and make
bulk purchase at the same time he can keep the inventory cost at

It enables a manager to select a proper transportation mode to reduce the cost of


Avoids the chances of duplicate ordering.

It avoids losses due to deterioration and obsolescence etc.

Causes of surplus stock may be controlled or totally avoided.

Proper inventory control will ensure the availability of the required material in
required quantity at required time with the minimum inventory cost.

Though many managers consider inventory as an enemy as it locks up the available

capital, but by proper inventory control they can enjoy the benefits of inventory
control and then they can realize that the inventory is a real friend of a manager in
utilizing the available capital efficiently.


There are many factors, which have influence on the inventory, which draws the
attention of an inventory manager, they are:

(i) Demand
The demand for raw material or components for production or demand of goods to
satisfy the needs of the customer, can be assessed from the past
consumption/supply pattern of material or goods. We find that the demand may be
deterministic in nature i.e., we can specify that the demand for the item is so many
units for example say ‘ q’ units per unit of time. Also the demand may be static, i.e.
it means constant for each time period (uniform over equal period of times).
Further, the demand may follow several patterns and so why it is uncontrolled
variable, such as it may be uniformly distributed over period or instantaneous at
the beginning of the period or it may be large in the beginning and less in the end
etc. These patterns directly affect the total carrying cost of inventory.

(ii) Production of goods or Supply of goods to the inventory

The supply of inventory to the stock may deterministic or probabilistic (stochastic)
in nature and many a times it is uncontrollable, because, the rate of production
depends on the production, which is once again depends on so many factors which
are uncontrollable / controllable factors Similarly supply of inventory depends on
the type of supplier, mode of supply, mode of transformation etc. The properties of
supply mode have its effect in the level of inventory maintained and inventory

(iii) Lead time or Delivery Lags or Procurement time

Lead-time is the time between placing the order and receipt of material to the
stock. In production models, it is the time between the decisions made to take up
the order and starting of production. This time in purchase models depends on
many uncontrollable factors like transport mode, transport route, agitations etc. It
may vary from few days to few months depending on the nature of delay. The
materials manager has to refer to the past records and approximately estimate the
lead period and estimate the quantity of safety stock to be maintained. In
production models, it may depend on the labour absenteeism, arrival of material to
the stores, power supply, etc.

(iv) Type of goods

The inventory items may be discrete or continuous. Sometimes the discrete items
are to be considered as continuous items for the sake of convenience.

(v) Time horizon

The time period for which the optimal policy is to be formulated or the inventory
cost is to be optimized is generally termed as the Inventory planning period of
Time horizon. This time is represented on X - axis while drawing graphs. This time
may be finite or infinite.

(vi) Safety stock or Buffer stock

Whatever care taken by the materials manager, one cannot avoid the stock out
situation due to many factors. To avoid the stock out position the manager
sometimes maintains some extra stock, which is generally known as Buffer Stock,
or Safety Stock. The level of this stock depends on the demand pattern and the
lead-time. This should be judiciously calculated because, if we stock more the
inventory carrying cost increases and there is chance of pilferage or theft. If we
maintain less stock, we may have to face stock out position. The buffer stock or
safety stock is generally the consumption at the maximum rate during the time
interval equal to the difference between the maximum lead timesand the normal
(average) lead time or say the maximum, demand during lead time minus the
average demand during lead time. Depending on the characteristics above
discussed terms, different types of inventory models may be formulated. These
models may be deterministic models or probabilistic model depending on the
demand pattern.
In any inventory model, we try to seek answers for the following questions:

(a) When should the inventory be purchased for replenishment? For example,
the inventory should be replenished after a period ‘t’ or when the level of the
inventory is qo.

(b ) How much quantity must be purchased or ordered or produced at the

time of replenishment so as to minimize the inventory costs? For example, the
inventory mustbe purchased with the supplier who is supplying at a cost of Np/-per
unit.In addition to the above depending on the data available, we can also decide
from which sourcewe have to purchase and what price we have to purchase? But in
general time and quantity are the twovariables, we can control separately or in


The inventory control problem consists of the determination of three basic factors:
When to order (produce or purchase)?
How much to order?
How much safety stock to be kept?

When to order: This is related to lead time (also called delivery lag) of an item.
Lead time may interval between the placement of an order for an item and its
receipt in stock. It may be replenishment order on an outside or within the firm.
There should be enough stock for each item so that customers’ orders can be
reasonably met from this stock until replenishment. This stock level known as
reorder level, has to be determined for each item. It is determined by balancing the
cost of maintaining these stocks and the disservice to the customer if his orders are
not met.

How much to order: Each order has an associated ordering cost or cost of
acquisition. To keep this cost low, the number of orders has to be as reduced as
possible. To achieve limited number of orders, the order size has to be increased.
But large order size would imply high inventory cost. Thus, the problem of how
much to order is solved by compromising between the acquisition cost and the
inventory carrying cost.

How much should the safety stock be.This is important to avoidoverstocking

while ensuring that no stock out takes place.

The inventory control policy of an organisation depends upon the demand

characteristics. The demand for an item may be dependent or independent. For
instance, the demand for the different models of television sets manufactured by a
company does not depend upon the demand for any other item, while the demand
for its components will depend upon the demand for the television sets.

3.10 THE CLASSICAL EOQ MODEL (Demand Rate Uniform,
Replenishment Rate Infinite)

According Gupta and Hira 2012, the EOQ model is one of the simplest inventory
models we have. A store keeper has an order to supply goods to customers at a
uniform rate R per unit. Hence, the demand is fixed and known. Not shortages are
allowed, consequently, the cost of shortage C2is infinity. The store keeper places an
order with a manufacturer every t time units, where t is fixed; and the ordering cost
per order is C3. Replenishment time is negligible, that is, replenishment rate is
infinite so that the replacement is instantaneous (lead time is zero). The holding
cost is assumed to be proportional to the amount of inventory as well as the time
inventory is held. Hence the time of holding inventory I for time T is C 1IT, where
C1 , C2 and C3 are assumed to be constants. The store keeper’s problem is therefore
to the following
How frequently should he place the order?
How many units should he order in each order placed?
This model is represented schematically below.
If orders are placed at intervals t, a quantity q = Rtmust be ordered in
each order. Since the stock in small time dt is Rtdt the stock in time
period t will be

t t t

Cost of holding inventory during time t = 1 C1Rt .
Order cost to place an order = C3.
Total cost during time t = 1 C1Rt +
C3. 2
Average total cost per unit, C(t) = 1 C1Rt + C3……………. (1)
C will be minimum if dC(t) = 0 and d2C(t) is positive.
dt dt 2
Differentiatingequation (1) w.r.t ‘t’

d C(t) = 1 C1R – C 3 = 0, which gives t = 2C3 .
dt 2 t C1R
Differentiating w.r.t.‘t’
d C(t) = 2C3 which is positive for value of t given by the above equation.
2 3,
dt t
Thus C(t) is minimum for optimal time interval,

to = 2C3
C1R …………………………. (2)

Optimum quantity q0to be ordered during each order,

q0 = Rt0= 2C3 R …………………… (3)
This is known as the optimal lot size (or economic order quantity) formula by r. H.
Wilson. It is also called Wilson’s or square root formula or Harris lot size formula.

Any other order quantity will result in a higher cost.

The resulting minimum average cost per unit time,

C0(q) = 1 C1R. 2C 3+ C3 C 1 R
2 C1R 2C3

=1 C1C3R +1 C1C3R = 2C 1C3R …… (4)
√2 √2
Also, the total minimum cost per unit time, including the cost of the item

= √2C1C3R + CR, …………………………………….. (5)

Where C is cost/unit of the item

Equation (1) can be written in an alternative form by replacing t by q/R as

The average inventory is and it is time dependent.

It may be realised that some of the assumptions made are not satisfied in actual
practice. For instance, in real life, customer demand is usually not known
exactly and replenishment time is usually not negligible.
Corollary 1. In the above model, if the order cost is C3 + bq instead of being
fixed, where b is the cost of order per unit of item, we can prove that there no
change in the optimum order quantity due to changed order cost.

Proof. The average cost per unit of time, .

From equation (5),

is positive

That is,

which is necessarily positive for above value of q.

which is the same as equation (3)

Hence, there is no change in the optimum order quantity as a result of the change
in the cost of order.

Corollary 2.In the model in figure …… discussed above, the lead time has been
assumed to be zero. However, most real life problems have positive lead time L
from the order for the item was placed until it is actually delivered. The ordering
policy of the above model therefore, must satisfy the reorder point.

If L is the lead time in days, and R is the inventory consumption rate in units per
day, the total inventory requirements during the lead time = LR. Thus we should
place an order q as soon as the stock level becomes LR. This is called reorder point
p = LR.

In practice, this is equivalent to continuously observing the level of inventory until

the reorder point is obtained. That is why economic lot size model is also called
continuous review model.

If the buffer stock B is to maintained, reorder level will be

P = B + LR ……………………………………….. (6)
Furthermore, if D days are required for reviewing the system,

……………….. (7)

Assumptions in the EOQ Formula

The following assumptions have been made while deriving the EOQ formula:
Demand is known and uniform (constant)
Shortages are not permitted; as soon as the stock level becomes zero, it is
instantaneously replenished.
Replenishment stock is instantaneous or replenishment rate is infinite.
Lead time is zero. The moment the order is placed, the quantity ordered is
automatically received.
Inventory carrying cost and ordering cost per order remain constant over time.
The former has a linear relationship with the quantity ordered and the latter
with the number of order.
Cost of the item remains constant over time. There are no price- breaks or
quantity discounts.
The item is purchased and replenished in lots or batches.
The inventory system relates to a single item.

Limitations of the EOQ Model
The EOQ formula has a number of limitations. It has been highly controversial
since a number of objections have been raised regarding its validity. Some of
these objections are:
In practice, the demand neither known with certainty nor it is uniform. If the
fluctuations are mild, the formula can be applicable but for large
fluctuations, it loses its validity. Dynamic EOQ models, instead, may have to
be applied.
The ordering cost is difficult to measure. Also it may not be linearly related to
the number of orders as assumed in the derivation of the model. The
inventory carrying rate is still more difficult to measure and even to define
It is difficult to predict the demand. Present demand may be quite different from
the past history. Hardly any prediction is possible for a new product to be
introduced in the market.
The EOQ model assumes instantaneous replenishment of the entire quantity
ordered. The practice, the total quantity may be supplied in parts. EOQ
model is not applicable in such a situation.
Lead time may not be zero unless the supplier is next-door and has sufficient
stock of the item, which is rarely so.
Price variations, quantity discounts and shortages may further invalidate the
use of the EOQ formula.
However, the flatness of the total cost curve around the minimum is an answer to
the many objections. Even if we deviate from EOQ within reasonable limits, there
is no substantial change in cost. For example, if because of inaccuracies and errors,
we have selected an order quantity 20%more (or less) than q0the increase in total
cost will be less than 20%.

A stock keeper has to supply 12000 units of a product per year to his customer.
The demand is fixed and known and the shortage cost is assumed to be infinite.
The inventory holding cost is N 0.20k per unit per month, and the ordering cost per
order is N350. Determine
The optimum lot size q0
Optimum scheduling period t0
Minimum total variable yearly cost.

Supply rate R=

C1 = N 0.20K per unit per month, C3 = N350 per order.
i. q0 =


A particular item has a demand of 9000 unit/year. The cost of a single procurement
is N100 and the holding cost per unit is N 2.40k per year. The replacement is
instantaneous and no shortages are allowed. Determine
The economic lot size,
The number of orders per year,
The time between orders
The total cost per if the cost of one unit is N1

R = 9000 units/year
C3 = N100/procurement, C1 = N2.40/unit/year





= 9000 + 2080 = N11080/year

A stockist has to supply 400 units of a product every Monday to his customeN He
gets the product at N 50 per unit from the manufacturer. The cost of ordering and

transportation from the manufacturer is N75 per order. The cost of carrying the
inventory is 7.5% per year of the cost of the product. Find

The economic lot size

The total optimal cost (including the capital cost)
The total weekly profit if the item is sold for N 55 per unit

R = 400 units/week
C3 = N75per order
C1 = 7.5% per year of the cost of the product




Inventory management or Inventory Control is one of the techniques of Materials

Management which helps the management to improve the productivity of capital
by reducing the material costs, preventing the large amounts of capital being
locked up for long periods, and improving the capital - turnover ratio. The
techniques of inventory control were evolved and developed during and after the
Second World War and have helped the more industrially developed countries to
make spectacular progress in improving their productivity. Inventory control

provides tools and techniques, most of which are very simple to reduce/control the
materials cost substantially. A large portion of revenue (65 percent) is exposed to
the techniques, correspondingly large savings result when they are applied than
when attempts are made to saver on other items of expenditure like wages and
salaries which are about 16 percent or overheads which may be 20 percent. By
careful financial analysis, it is shown that a 5 percent reduction in material costs
will result in increased profits equivalent to a 36 percent increase in sales.


It has been an interesting journey through the subject of inventory control systems.
This unit has provided us with vital information about the inventory control model.
An inventory control model has been defined an inventory as consisting of usable
but idle resources such as men, machines, materials, or money. When the resources
involved are material, the inventory is called stock. Though inventory of materials
is an idle resource (since materials lie idle and are not to be used immediately),
almost every organisation. It helps in the smooth and efficient of an enterprise. It
helps in providing service to the customer at short notice. In the absence of
inventory, the enterprise may have to pay high prices due to piecemeal purchasing.
It reduces product cost since there is an added advantage of batching and long,
uninterrupted production runs. It acts as a buffer stock when raw materials are
received late and shop rejection is too many.

Overbuying without regard to the forecast or proper estimate of demand to take

advantages of favourable market can may result in poor inventory control system.
Inventories can be classified into direct and indirect. Direct inventories includeraw
material inventories or production inventories, work-in -process inventories or in
process inventories, finished goods inventories, MRO inventory or spare parts
inventories. While indirect inventory type include, fluctuation inventories,
anticipation inventory, lot size inventory or cycle inventories, transportation
inventories, and decoupling inventories.The purpose of maintaining the inventory
or controlling the cost of inventory is to use the available capital optimally
(efficiently) so that inventory cost per item of material will be as small as possible.
The inventory control problem arises from, when to order, how much to order, how
much should the safety stock be.
Finally, we discussed the EOQ model whichis one of the simplest inventory
models we have. A store keeper has an order to supply goods to customers at a
uniform rate R per unit. Hence, the demand is fixed and known.


What do you understand by the term inventory control?

Identify and discuss the different classifications of inventories.
Give six limitations of the EOQ model.
Outline the assumptions of the EOQ formula
List and explain three inventory control problems.
Clearly write out the EOQ formula and explain all its components.


Eiselt, H.A. and Sandblom, C. L. (2012) Operations Research: A Model Based

Approach, 2 ed., NewYork:SpringerHeidelberg

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &
Murthy, Rama P. (2007) Operations Research 2 ed. New Delhi: New Age
International Publishers.




This introduces us to case analysis. A case study is a description of an actual

administrative situation involving a decision to be made or a problem to be solved.
It can be a real situation that actually happened just as described, or portions have
been disguised for reasons of privacy. It is a learning toolin which students and
Instructors participate in direct discussion of case studies, as opposed to the lecture
method, where the Instructor speaks and students listen and take notes. In the case
method, students teach themselves, with the Instructor being an active guide, rather
than just a talking head delivering content.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
Discuss what case analysis involves
Analyse a case as a learning tool
Highlight the stages in preparing a case.
Analyse case data.
Outline key decision criteria in a case.


A case study is a description of an actual administrative situation involving a
decision to be made or a problem to be solved. It can be a real situation that
actually happened just as described, or portions have been disguised for reasons of
privacy. Most case studies are written in such a way that the reader takes the place
of the manager whose responsibility is to make decisions to help solve the
problem. In almost all case studies, a decision must be made, although that
decision might be to leave the situation as it is and do nothing.


The case method of analysis is a learning tool in which students and Instructors
participate in direct discussion of case studies, as opposed to the lecture method,
where the Instructor speaks and students listen and take notes. In the case method,
students teach themselves, with the Instructor being an active guide, rather than
just a talking head delivering content. The focus is on students learning through
their joint, co-operative effort.

Assigned cases are first prepared by students, and this preparation forms the basis
for class discussion under the direction of the Instructor. Students learn, often
unconsciously, how to evaluate a problem, how to make decisions, and how to
orally argue a point of view. Using this method, they also learn how to think in
terms of the problems faced by an administrator. In courses that use the case
method extensively, a significant part of the student's evaluation may rest with
classroom participation in case discussions, with another substantial portion resting
on written case analyses. For these reasons, using the case method tends to be very
intensive for both students and Instructor.

Case studies are used extensively throughout most business programs at the
university level, and The F.C. Manning School of Business Administration is no
exception. As you will be using case studies in many of the courses over the next
four years, it is important that you get off to a good start by learning the proper
way to approach and complete them.


While there is no one definitive "Case Method" or approach, there are common
steps that most approaches recommend be followed in tackling a case study. It is
inevitable that different Instructors will tell you to do things differently; this is part
of life and will also be part of working for others. This variety is beneficial since it
will show you different ways of approaching decision making. What follows is
intended to be a rather general approach, portions of which have been taken from
an excellent book entitled, Learning with Cases, by Erskine, Leenders, &
Mauffette-Leenders, published by the Richard Ivey School of Business, The
University of Western Ontario, 1997.

Beforehand (usually a week before), you will get:

the case study,
(often) some guiding questions that will need to be answered, and
(sometimes) some reading assignments that have some relevance to the case
Your work in completing the case can be divided up into three components:
what you do to prepare before the class discussion,
what takes place in the class discussion of the case, and
anything required after the class discussion has taken place.
For maximum effectiveness, it is essential that you do all three components. Here
are the subcomponents, in order. We will discuss them in more detail shortly.
Before the class discussion:
Read the reading assignments (if any)
Use the Short Cycle Process to familiarize yourself with the case.
Use the Long Cycle Process to analyze the case
Usually there will be group meetings to discuss your ideas.
Write up the case (if required)
In the class discussion:
Someone will start the discussion, usually at the prompting of the Instructor.
Listen carefully and take notes. Pay close attention to assumptions. Insist that
they are clearly stated.
Take part in the discussion. Your contribution is important, and is likely a part
of your evaluation for the course.
After the class discussion:
Review ASAP after the class. Note what the key concept was and how the case
fits into the course.
Top of page


It helps to have a system when sitting down to prepare a case study as the amount
of information and issues to be resolved can initially seem quite overwhelming.
The following is a good way to start.

Step 1: The Short Cycle Process

Quickly read the case. If it is a long case, at this stage you may want to read
only the first few and last paragraphs. You should then be able to
Answer the following questions:
Who is the decision maker in this case, and what is their position and
What appears to be the issue (of concern, problem, challenge, or opportunity)
and its significance for the organization?
Why has the issue arisen and why is the decision maker involved now?
When does the decision maker have to decide, resolve, act or dispose of the
issue? What is the urgency to the situation?
Take a look at the Exhibits to see what numbers have been provided.
Review the case subtitles to see what areas are covered in more depth.
Review the case questions if they have been provided. This may give you some
clues are what the main issues are to be resolved.
You should now be familiar with what the case study is about, and are ready to
begin the process of analysing it. You are not done yet! Many students mistakenly
believe that this is all the preparation needed for a class discussion of a case study.
If this was the extent of your preparation, your ability to contribute to the
discussion would likely be limited to the first one quarter of the class time allotted.
You need to go further to prepare the case, using the next step. One of the primary
reasons for doing the short cycle process is to give you an indication of how much
work will need to be done to prepare the case study properly.

Step 2: The Long Cycle Process

At this point, the task consists of two parts:
A detailed reading of the case, and then
Analysing the case.
When you are doing the detailed reading of the case study, look for the following
Opening paragraph: introduces the situation.
Background information: industry, organization, products, history, competition,
financial information, and anything else of significance.
Specific (functional) area of interest: marketing, finance, operations, human
resources, or integrated.
The specific problem or decision(s) to be made.
Alternatives open to the decision maker, which may or may not be stated in the
Conclusion: sets up the task, any constraints or limitations, and the urgency of
the situation.
Most, but not all case studies will follow this format. The purpose here is to
thoroughly understand the situation and the decisions that will need to be made.
Take your time, make notes, and keep focussed on your objectives.
Analysing the case should take the following steps:
Defining the issue(s)
Analysing the case data
Generating alternatives
Selecting decision criteria
Analysing and evaluating alternatives
Selecting the preferred alternative
Developing an action/implementation plan

Defining the issue(s)/Problem Statement

The problem statement should be a clear, concise statement of exactly what needs
to be addressed. This is not easy to write! The work that you did in the short cycle
process answered the basic questions. Now it is time to decide what the main
issues to be addressed are going to be in much more detail. Asking yourself the
following questions may help:
What appears to be the problem(s) here?
How do I know that this is a problem? Note that by asking this question, you
will be helping to differentiate the symptoms of the problem from the problem
itself. Example: while declining sales or unhappy employees are a problem to most
companies, they are in fact, symptoms of underlying problems which need to
What are the immediate issues that need to be addressed? This helps to
differentiate between issues that can be resolved within the context of the case, and
those that are bigger issues that needed to addressed at a another time (preferably
by someone else!).
Differentiate between importance and urgency for the issues identified. Some
issues may appear to be urgent, but upon closer examination are relatively
unimportant, while others may be far more important (relative to solving our
problem) than urgent. You want to deal with important issues in order of urgency
to keep focussed on your objective. Important issues are those that have a
significant effect on:
strategic direction of the company,
source of competitive advantage,
morale of the company's employees, and/or
customer satisfaction.
The problem statement may be framed as a question, e.g. what should Joe do? or
How can Mr Smith improve market share? Usually the problem statement has to be
re-written several times during the analysis of a case, as you peel back the layers of
symptoms or causation.


In analysing the case data, you are trying to answer the following:
Why or how did these issues arise? You are trying to determine cause and effect
for the problems identified. You cannot solve a problem that you cannot determine
the cause of! It may be helpful to think of the organization in question as consisting
of the following components:
resources, such as materials, equipment, or supplies, and
people who transform these resources using
processes, which creates something of greater value.
Now, where are the problems being caused within this framework, and why?
Who is affected most by this issues? You are trying to identify who are the
relevant stakeholders to the situation, and who will be affected by the decisions to
be made.
What are the constraints and opportunities implicit to this situation? It is very
rare that resources are not a constraint, and allocations must be made on the
assumption that not enough will be available to please everyone.
What do the numbers tell you? You need to take a look at the numbers given in
the case study and make a judgement as to their relevance to the problem
identified. Not all numbers will be immediately useful or relevant, but you need to
be careful not to overlook anything. When deciding to analyse numbers, keep in
mind why you are doing it, and what you intend to do with the result. Use common
sense and comparisons to industry standards when making judgements as to the
meaning of your answers to avoid jumping to conclusions.


This section deals with different ways in which the problem can be resolved.
Typically, there are many (the joke is at least three), and being creative at this stage
helps. Things to remember at this stage are:
Be realistic! While you might be able to find a dozen alternatives, keep in mind
that they should be realistic and fit within the constraints of the situation.
The alternatives should be mutually exclusive, that is, they cannot happen at the
same time.
Not making a decision pending further investigation is not an acceptable
decision for any case study that you will analyse. A manager can always delay
making a decision to gather more information, which is not managing at all! The
whole point to this exercise is to learn how to make good decisions, and having
imperfect information is normal for most business decisions, not the exception.
Doing nothing as in not changing your strategy can be a viable alternative,
provided it is being recommended for the correct reasons, as will be discussed
Avoid the meat sandwich method of providing only two other clearly
undesirable alternatives to make one reasonable alternative look better by
comparison. This will be painfully obvious to the reader, and just shows laziness
on your part in not being able to come up with more than one decent alternative.
Keep in mind that any alternative chosen will need to be implemented at some
point, and if serious obstacles exist to successfully doing this, then you are the one
who will look bad for suggesting it.
Once the alternatives have been identified, a method of evaluating them and
selecting the most appropriate one needs to be used to arrive at a decision.


A very important concept to understand, they answer the question of how you are
going to decide which alternative is the best one to choose. Other than choosing
randomly, we will always employ some criteria in making any decision. Think
about the last time that you make a purchase decision for an article of clothing.
Why did you choose the article that you did? The criteria that you may have used
could have been:
approval of friend/family
Note that any one of these criteria could appropriately finish the sentence, the
brand/style that I choose to purchase must.... These criteria are also how you will
define or determine that a successful purchase decision has been made. For a
business situation, the key decision criteria are those things that are important to
the organization making the decision, and they will be used to evaluate the
suitability of each alternative recommended.

Key decision criteria should be:
Brief, preferably in point form, such as
improve (or at least maintain) profitability,
increase sales, market share, or return on investment,
maintain customer satisfaction, corporate image,
be consistent with the corporate mission or strategy,
within our present (or future) resources and capabilities,
within acceptable risk parameters,
ease or speed of implementation,
employee morale, safety, or turnover,
retain flexibility, and/or
minimize environmental impact.

Measurable, at least to the point of comparison, such as alternative A will

improve profitability more that alternative B.
Be related to your problem statement, and alternatives. If you find that you
are talking about something else, that is a sign of a missing alternative or key
decision criteria, or a poorly formed problem statement.

Students tend to find the concept of key decision criteria very confusing, so you
will probably find that you re-write them several times as you analyse the case.
They are similar to constraints or limitations, but are used to evaluate alternatives.


If you have done the above properly, this should be straightforward. You measure
the alternatives against each key decision criteria. Often you can set up a simple
table with key decision criteria as columns and alternatives as rows, and write this
section based on the table. Each alternative must be compared to each criteria and
its suitability ranked in some way, such as met/not met, or in relation to the other
alternatives, such as better than, or highest. This will be important to selecting an
alternative. Another method that can be used is to list the advantages and
disadvantages (pros/cons) of each alternative, and then discussing the short and
long term implications of choosing each. Note that this implies that you have
already predicted the most likely outcome of each of the alternatives. Some
students find it helpful to consider three different levels of outcome, such as best,
worst, and most likely, as another way of evaluating alternatives.

You must have one! Business people are decision-makers; this is your opportunity
to practice making decisions. Give a justification for your decision (use the
KDC's). Check to make sure that it is one (and only one) of your Alternatives and
that it does resolve what you defined as the Problem.

The case method of analysis is a learning tool in which students and Instructors
participate in direct discussion of case studies, as opposed to the lecture method,
where the Instructor speaks and students listen and take notes. In the case method,
students teach themselves, with the Instructor being an active guide, rather than
just a talking head delivering content. The focus is on students learning through
their joint, co-operative effort.

This study unit has exposed us to the subject of case analysis in OR. We opened
the unit with a description of what case analysis is all about. We defined a case asa
description of an actual administrative or operational situation involving a decision
to be made or a problem to be solved. It can be a real situation that actually
happened just as described, or portions have been disguised for reasons of privacy.
Most case studies are written in such a way that the reader takes the place of the
manager whose responsibility is to make decisions to help solve the problem.The
stages involved in case analysis include the following the short cycle process, and
the long cycle process. Next, we considered the key decision criteria when doing a
case analysis. These have to be brief, measurable, and be related to your problem
statement. Finally we considered how to analyse alternatives.


What do you understand by case analysis?
2 Discuss the key decision criteria used in analysing a case.
Identify and briefly discuss the stages involved in case analysis.
Present a brief analogy on how to do a case study.


Denardo, Eric V. (2002), The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based

Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.

Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S., (2012), Operations Research, New – Delhi: S. Chand &

Lucey, T. (1988), Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London: DP


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