This standard focuses on engaging and supporting all students in learning. The educator progresses from learning about students through limited school data to using comprehensive data from formal and informal sources to make ongoing adjustments to instruction that meet individual student needs. Evidence of growth includes using single lessons or short sequences initially and moving to actively engaging students in learning through instructional adjustments tailored to their needs using a variety of strategies and technologies. Later stages include students taking ownership of their learning by choosing from a wide range of methods responsive to their needs.
This standard focuses on engaging and supporting all students in learning. The educator progresses from learning about students through limited school data to using comprehensive data from formal and informal sources to make ongoing adjustments to instruction that meet individual student needs. Evidence of growth includes using single lessons or short sequences initially and moving to actively engaging students in learning through instructional adjustments tailored to their needs using a variety of strategies and technologies. Later stages include students taking ownership of their learning by choosing from a wide range of methods responsive to their needs.
This standard focuses on engaging and supporting all students in learning. The educator progresses from learning about students through limited school data to using comprehensive data from formal and informal sources to make ongoing adjustments to instruction that meet individual student needs. Evidence of growth includes using single lessons or short sequences initially and moving to actively engaging students in learning through instructional adjustments tailored to their needs using a variety of strategies and technologies. Later stages include students taking ownership of their learning by choosing from a wide range of methods responsive to their needs.
This standard focuses on engaging and supporting all students in learning. The educator progresses from learning about students through limited school data to using comprehensive data from formal and informal sources to make ongoing adjustments to instruction that meet individual student needs. Evidence of growth includes using single lessons or short sequences initially and moving to actively engaging students in learning through instructional adjustments tailored to their needs using a variety of strategies and technologies. Later stages include students taking ownership of their learning by choosing from a wide range of methods responsive to their needs.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Learns about Gathers additional data to learn Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive students through about individual students. formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to data provided by the sources to learn about adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments school and/or students and guide and meet individual and accommodations in assessments. selection of instructional identified learning needs. instruction. strategies to meet diverse 4/20/22 10/19/22 Using knowledge of Students engage in single learning needs. 3/20/23 students to engage lessons or sequence of lessons 9/20/21 Students actively utilize a them in learning that include some adjustments variety of instructional Students take ownership of Some students may based on assessments. Students engage in strategies and their learning by choosing engage in learning 9/20/21 learning through the use of technologies in learning from a wide range of methods using instructional adjustments in instruction that ensure equitable to further their learning that strategies focused on to meet their needs. access to the curriculum. are responsive to their the class as a whole. 4/20/22 10/19/22 learning needs. 3/20/23 If I see students are not During the beginning of I use ESGI assessments to This year students are lower understanding I will reteach or the year individual formal make adjustments to in alphabet knowledge and we review the lesson. We will do assessment, I noticed that instruction and meet are doing more practice. We more guided practice and I many students do not individual learning needs. do a letter a day instead of a slowly let students show they know all the letter and I also look at students' letter a week this way understand the material with their corresponding writing work and students are going through different assessments. If sounds. Every day we now worksheets complete each letter four or five times. students show that are getting sing the better alphabet during class. Students' 10/19/22 it faster than I thought then I song that helps students shared answers are also can give them an assessment recall and remember the taken into consideration. prior to my original plan. For letter and the 4/20/22 I have a wide range of example, during a religion corresponding sound. We academic knowledge. Some lesson about sharing and how also go over flashcards Students learn in different students know all the letters, Evidence to use our words when we every day to help students. ways. We have hands-on sounds, and numbers to 30. want something students were This year students really learning where students While others still only know struggling with this concept like books, they are tell me what words start 20%. We do small groups based on the informal starting to read sight word with the letter of the day daily for ELA and math to assessment during books daily to help them as well as draw a picture work with students at their independent center time. On understand that you read of that letter, use starfall levels. Some groups are the spot, I had the class get in a left to right, top to bottom. where students can touch blended, learning to read and circle and we passed a car to a Students also used clay in the letter and hear the take AR tests, starting with friend who would ask the math to help them grasp letter and sound, and have addition. Others are practice person with the car if they the concept of students listen to letter letter, sounds, and number could please have it and the thin/thick/long/ short. songs from youtube. recognition. person with the car rolled the 9/20/21 10/19/22 3/20/23 toy car to them. 9/20/21 Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning During instruction Students have can go to students ask questions and different centers that they students get to share their would like to work on the knowledge and centers work on different fine write/draw what they motor skills, letters, numbers, know . Centers are and other material we are grouped based on learning in class. This gives students' individual needs. them the freedom to learn Students each have through play. I pick centers students writing that I see that students need workbooks with letters to work on as a whole. and numbers they need 3/20/23 help writing. For example, 4/20/22
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and prior knowledge, about students’ prior family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses culture, backgrounds, knowledge, cultural understanding of and their communities to extensive information life experiences, and backgrounds, life students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’ interests represented experiences, and interest to knowledge, cultural 10/19-22 cultural backgrounds, among students. support student learning. backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life 9/20/21 experiences, and interests experiences, and Connecting learning to connect to student interests. to students’ prior learning. 3/20/23 knowledge, Students participate in 4/20/22 backgrounds, life Some students connect single lessons or sequences Students can articulate experiences, and learning activities to of lessons related to their Students make Students are actively the relevance and impact interests their own lives. interests and experiences. connections between engaged in curriculum, of lessons on their lives 9/20/21 curriculum, and their which relates their prior and society. prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences, 3/20/23 backgrounds, life and interests within and experiences, and across learning activities. interests. 10/19/22 4/20/22 Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning Every morning students put I talk to students and When students do I have a student who their name tag to answer a families. When something not believe in is being adopted. I question. The question is a comes up we have yes or no question and is conferences. Every family celebrating a work closely with her about the student. This has a FACTS account that holiday(Halloween) I parents to give her helps me better know them has students' background try to do activities the guidance she on a personal level. We also information. In October at that do not upset the needs. I give her have time where students least one parent must family. For example, positive feedback and share with me anything meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their in years past for Dojo point whenever they would like. To see their background I look at FACTS. child and meet all the October's memory she does anything Before the school year families. book I have students positive and helpful. starts I always send out a make a tree with 3/20/23 survey to help me get to When I plan a lesson plan their name and create know my students. When I I ensure to incorporate students' interest and a monster using a am planning I think of student interest. For prior knowledge. pipe cleaner, googly During religion and example, well going over 4/20/22 eyes, and feathers. social studies classes what words start with the This year we only did we learn about letter P a female student the tree and not the kindness and being a says purple. So while we monster. child of God. The way were discussing the Evidence number of the week I used 10/19/22 we treat others is the color purple. how we treat God. 9/20/21 I also use class dojo This direct impact because it allows students' life because families to get they can see how real-time feedback their actions affect and families can others. For example, translate to other students colored a languages. heart really messy When I plan lessons I and crumbled up engaged and am their paper. This included in the represented unkind learning and have words students then different ways to put a bandaid on the share their learning. heart. Just like a 10/19/22 bandaid help hurt skin saying I’m sorry helps heal our hearts but words still hurt Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning just like a scraped knee still hurts with a bandaid. 3/20/22
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant, lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life lessons to support specific to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout understanding. family and community. instruction to engage subject matter 9/20/21 students in relating to instruction. Connecting subject subject matter. 4/20/22 10/19/22 matter to 3/20/23 meaningful, real-life Some students relate Students make use of Students utilize real-life contexts subject matter to real-life. real-life connections connections regularly to Students actively engage Students routinely provided in single lessons develop und erstandings in making and using integrate subject matter or sequence of lessons to of subject matter. real-life connections to into their own thinking support understanding of 9/20/21 subject matter to extend and make relevant subject matter. their understanding. applications of subject 4/20/22 10/19/22 matter during learning activities. 3/20/23 Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning During religion class, During lessons students During our life cycle of students learn about answer with what they the butterfly students baptism. We discuss their recall from recess. During watched caterpillars grow baptism as well as their the week we talked about and metamorphize into families. Students bring Earth Day. Students butterflies. Once they home a sheet to discuss discussed what they were full grown Students When with their could do to help take care butterflies we let them go. parents about their of the earth. Students Students were very baptism and then discuss gave great answers that interested in butterflies with the class. We are they could relate to. When when they see them learning about Johny talking about kindness during recess. Students Appleseed (Jonny students relate to how really enjoyed this Chapman) students learn they feel and say how experience. about the life cycle of an they can be friends. 4/20/22 10/19/22 Evidence apple. I bring in an apple, 4/20/22 10/19/22 3/20/23 students get to see the inside of the apple and When I am teaching see the seeds. They get to students will raise their taste a red, yellow, and hands and interrupt me to green apple to see what tell a story about their their favorite one is. own personal life. Just 9/20/21 one example is when we were talking about Lent and their Lenten promise and even at four what they could do to become closer to Jesus. 3/20/23
Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet Using a variety of lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning instructional lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs. strategies, resources, diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs. 4/20/22 10/19/22 and technologies to 9/20/21 learning needs. 3/20/23 meet students’ diverse learning Some students participate Students participate in Students actively engage needs in instructional strategies, Students participate in instruction using in instruction and make Students take using resources and single lessons or strategies, resources, and use of a variety of responsibilities for using technologies provided. sequence of lessons technologies matched to targeted strategies, a wide range of strategies, related to their interests their learning needs. resources, and resources, and Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning and experiences. technologies to meet their technologies that 9/20/21 individual students needs. successfully advance their 4/20/22 10/19/22 learning. 3/20/23 When learning the letters Every day during I use many different of the alphabet and their instruction time students strategies to help the sounds. I have students answer questions with sing the better alphabet sentences, writing, and students learn. We song. This song helps the drawing pictures. use visual class learn all the sounds Students that are reading presentations with that the letters can make. take test when they are on the projector, read We use QR code cards to ready. They read the aloud, I have students help correctly form the books three times on letters and what sound their own. There are only share answers, and the letter makes. For three in the class that draw and write their example, when learning read and take AR test answers. For about the letters O and P because they are ready students to show in small groups students and the rest of the class is understanding I also used the iPad with my still working on letters/ help to take the picture of letter sounds/ and have them use the QR code and letter blending words. playdough, math about the letters and 4/20/22 10/19/22 tiles, math tiles to what are some words demonstrate start with that sound. patterns, do hands on Evidence 9/20/21 experiments. When learning about the Students also use letters, sounds, and what freckle to enhance words begging with that math skills. letter, students state what 4/20/22 10/19/22 sounds start with that sound. For example, when 3/20/23 learning about the letter and sound D students To add to the above stated dinosaur, dog, student use ABCYA, Diana (classmates name), AR testing, and dance, dad, deer, and donut. These words Starfall to help them indicate what things the learn in a fun hands students are interstate in. on way 9/20/21 3/20/23 Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning Students use abcya and Starfall to choose letters or numbers they want to practice learning and working with. In groups of three students took turns pressing the bottoms to help them all learn. Students play abcya letters, sounds, and number BINGO to help them recognize them. 3/20/23
Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex critically. content. reflecting on multiple problems. Promoting critical 9/20/21 perspectives. 3/20/23 thinking though 4/20/22 10/19/22 inquiry, problem Some students respond to Students respond to Students pose and answer solving, and questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks Students respond to Students pose problems a wide-range of complex reflection and comprehension. designed to promote questions and problems and construct questions questions and problems, comprehension and posed by the teacher and of their own to support reflect, and communicate critical thinking in single begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. understandings based on lessons or a sequence of problems of their own 4/20/22 10/19/22 in depth analysis of lessons. related to the content. content learning. 9/20/21 3/20/23 Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning Every day we start with In math students are Each week we have a We read stories and prayer and calendar. With learning about comparing book unit and students have to calendar time students alike and different items. I are asked-yesterday showed the class a poster students have guided draw a picture and was…, today is…, of a doll with buttons questions to help describe the setting tomorrow will be… . with different colors, the them use their of the book, students are asked to use same amount of holes, critical thinking characters, or their the days of the week song different color shoes with skills. Students ask favorite part and to help them to use their zippers, two pockets one critical thinking skills to with a big heart and one questions and inquire explain their figure out the day. with a small heart. I asked more information drawings. Students Another example, after the class if the buttons are from the books. In drew a picture and reading a story students alike or different? They math students come are asked to comprehend replied the buttons are sounded out how to up with data for the book students are different I asked how do spell the words graphing. asked who are the you know they said one 4/20/22 10/19/22 themselves. characters, what is the button is yellow and the problem, and the solution other one is red. Then I in the book. Using a pose a problem if I had a My class asks a lot of packet chart students yellow button but my questions when they work together to recall friend need a button that the story in order. matched what color do not understand a Evidence 9/20/21 button would I need to concept. They are give them? The class great at asking for responded yellow. I clarification when praised them for a job needed. Their well done. We did this for In math, we were the remainder of the questions pose more discussing more than, objects on the poster of complex thinking equal to, or less than. the doll. Students then than I even expect to For an assignment, reflected on how they can teach sometimes. For students have to pick make each item the same example when or if the item was the a number 1-5 and tell same how they can make discussing Good what was more than, it different. Friday I was planning equal to, or less than 9/20/21 on just going over the their chosen number. main points at a TK 3/20/23 level but their questions and knowledge brought up more that we needed and they wanted to discuss. Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning 4/20/22 10/19/22
Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify instruction and Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to following curriculum learning activities to support adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning guidelines. student understanding. instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide observation of student individual student needs for assistance to students in engagement and assistance, support, or mastering the concepts Some students Students receive assistance regular checks for challenge. flexibly and effectively. Monitoring student receive individual individually or in small groups understanding. 9/20/21 4/20/22 10/19/22 learning and assistance during during instruction. 3/20/23 adjusting instruction instruction. 9/20/21 Students successfully Students are able to articulate while teaching. participate and stay their level of understanding and Students monitor their engaged in learning use teacher guidance to meet progress in learning and activities. their needs during instruction. provide information to 4/20/22 teacher that informs adjustments in instruction. 10/19/22 3/20/23 In the first two weeks of school, I Students are in the During the lesson if I assess every student. Then I put beginning stages of learning see that students are students into groups based on how to form the letters their learning levels. After recess correctly to help with getting not engaged or are during center time, students go started students first learned nor understanding. I into those differentiated groups which hand they write with reteach in a different with toy time learning to interact and learn they write top to way. For example I with classmates. At this time I put bottom. They practiced was teaching about out small groups and teach them drawing a line from top to the same subject but at their level. bottom and traced lines in the book and For example, in the last three their handwriting book. The students were not weeks we have been learning the next day students were to paying attention so I sight word I, a, and see. In the determine what is the top, ask them to go sit at Evidence small groups, I pull the groups and middle, and bottom. Then their desk instead of go over the sight words based on they made a line in between their level. Group 1 is reviewing two dark lines. The first the carpet and we flashcards and stating sentences, assignments students were did an interactive Group 2 is reading sentences and understanding and doing a worksheet which identifying sight words to make great job. As I was walking helped them stay sentences and putting them in around teaching and more focused. If order, Group 3 is read the sight watching students work on word book “I see me” and cutting making the lines in between students find a sight words and putting them in the other lines l noticed that lesson too easy I order to make a sentence. students were making a lot have them use more 9/20/21 of wavy lines instead of a Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning straight line even after my complex demonstration on the board. manipulatives. Some students were doing great and understanding, 4/20/22 10/19/22 other students I have to reteach and show then they During my formal did it correctly, and other observation in early students I had to reteach March my plan was again and show them more slowing and highlight where about more than, the line should be so they equal to, and less can highlight it. than. Students 9/20/21 where going to look at a boat with bears During instruction time when students are asked and decide if it was comprehension questions more than, equal to, students answer in complete or less than. sentences or when they have Students were a question they are able to confused so on the articulate what they are asking. For example, when spot I changed it to reading the book Home for just talking and Bears-students were able to greatly addressing compare and contrast equal to. different animal homes. 3/20/23 4/20/22
ESGI let’s teachers
know how students are doing and what needs to be retaught. When students answer I am listen and taking notes and mental notes on if they are understanding what is being taught 10/19/22 3/20/22