SNI-03-6652-2002 Protection Against Lightning Strikes

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SNI 03-6652-2002

Indonesian National Standard

Procedures for building protection planning and

equipment against lightning strikes

ICS 91.120.40 National Standardization Body

SNI 03-6652-2002

List of contents

List of contents................................................ .................................................. ...............................i

Foreword ............. .................................................. .................................................. ...........................ii
Introduction................................ .................................................. ........................................... iii 1
Scope ................................................ .................................................. .................. 1
2 Reference ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ............................................................... .................................................. ............ 1

4 External Lightning Protection System (SPP) ............................................... ........................................... 4

5 Internal lightning protection system................................................. ............................................ 17

6 SPIP design, maintenance and inspection ............................................... ........................... 28
Appendix A ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 37
Appendix B ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 42

SNI 03-6652-2002


This standard was prepared in order to meet efficiency and improve development results in the
field of settlement technology.

As the main normative reference, this standard refers to IEC 6-1024-1: Protection of
structures against lightning - Part 1, with a writing format adapted to the guidelines of the
National Standardization Agency (BSN) No. 8 year 2000.

This standard is a revision of the procedures for installing lightning rods for buildings (SNI
03-3990-1995) and installing lightning rods (SNI 03-3991-1995), and which can be used as a
reference for planners and implementers in installation or engineering experts in designing
lightning protection system for both the building itself and the equipment in it.

If in using this standard, you still encounter difficulties or improve the content of this
standard, you expect readers or users to provide written input to the Secretariat of
Standardization of the Research and Development Agency Kimpraswil Jalan Pattimura No.
20 Jakarta. With the formulation of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) on the planning
procedures for the protection of buildings and equipment against lightning strikes, it is
hoped that this will provide maximum benefits for the wider community.

SNI 03-6652-2002


It should be noted that lightning protection systems cannot prevent lightning strikes.

A lightning protection system (LSP) designed and installed according to this standard cannot
guarantee absolute protection for buildings, people or objects, but the application of this
standard will significantly reduce the risk of damage caused by lightning to the buildings it

The type and location of the SPID must be carefully considered at the design stage of a new
building, as it allows maximum benefit to be taken from the use of conductive structural
components. So the design and construction of integrated installations is made easier, all
aesthetic aspects can be improved, and the effectiveness of the lightning protection system can
be increased with minimum cost and effort.

Utilization of the steel structure on the foundation properly for an effective earthing
terminal is not possible after the construction work is completed. Therefore, soil properties
and resistance should be considered at the earliest possible stage in the project. This
information forms the basis for the design of earthing terminals which may affect
foundation design work.

To avoid unnecessary work, regular consultation between lightning protection system

designers, architects and contractors is essential.

This standard provides information on SPP preparation for buildings.

SNI 03-6652-2002

Procedures for planning protection of buildings and equipment

against lightning strikes

1 Scope

This standard can be applied to the design and installation of SPP for buildings up to 60 m in height.
The following cases are outside the scope of this standard:
a. rail system;
b. transmission, distribution and electricity generation systems outside buildings;

c. telecommunication system outside the building; and

d. installation of vehicles, ships, aircraft, and offshore.

The purpose of this standard is to provide information for the design, installation, inspection
and maintenance of protection systems against direct or indirect lightning strike hazards in
buildings and their people, installations and loads within them.

2 References

- IEC 6-1024 -1, Protection of structures against lightning - Part 1: General principles.
- 1 EC 6-1024-1 -1, Protection of structures against lightning -~ Part 1: General principles
- Sub part 1 : Guide for selection of protection level..
- IEC 6-1312 - 1, Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse - Part 1 General

3 Terms and definitions

lightning flash to earth
the discharge of electric charge between the cloud and the earth consists of one or more strokes

lightning strike
a single lightning discharge resulting from a lightning strike to the ground

strike point
the point with a lightning strike touching the ground, building or SPP

NOTESA strike can have more than one strike point

Lightning Protection Zone (ZIPP)
a zone or part of a building which requires protection against the effects of lightning. based
on this standard

NOTE 1 ZPP OA:The zone with the object being hit by a direct lightning strike, so that the entire lightning
current is passed by a strong electromagnetic field.

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NOTE 2 ZPP OB:Zones with objects are not exposed to a direct lightning strike, but are affected by a
strong electromagnetic field.

NOTE 3 ZPP 1: Zones with objects not exposed to direct lightning strikes, and lightning currents
on all conductive parts in this zone it is lower than that of the Ob zone. In this zone the strength of the
electromagnetic field can be suppressed depending on the shielding system.

Lightning Protection System (SPIP)
complete system used for space protection against lightning effects, consisting of both internal
and external lightning protection systems

external lightning protection system
the system consists of an air terminal, a down conductor system and an earthing terminal,
forming ZPP OB within ZPP OA. (this term was formerly known as lightning rod)

internal lightning protection system
any additions other than those provided to the external lightning protection system which will reduce
the electromagnetic influence of lightning currents in the protected space

Equipotential Bond (IE)
internal SPP section intended to be a lightning strike point

air terminals
the external SPP section intended to be a lightning strike point

conductor down
that part of the external SPP intended to transmit lightning current from the air terminal to
the earth terminal

earth terminal
that part of the external SPP intended to carry and spread the lightning current to the

earthing electrode
the part of the earth terminal which provides direct electrical contact and propagates the lightning
current to ground

circular earthing electrode
earthing electrodes that form a closed loop around buildings below or at ground level

foundation earth electrode
earthing electrode implanted in the concrete foundation of a building

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equivalent ground resistance
the ratio of the peak values of the earth terminal voltage and the earth terminal current
(which do not always coincide), is used conventionally to indicate the efficiency of the earth

earth terminal voltage
potential difference between the earth terminal and ground

SPP natural components
a building component that performs a lightning protection function but is not specifically
installed for that purpose

metal installation
metal extensions in the space to be protected that may form the path of lightning currents, such as
pipes, staircases, elevator rails, ventilation, heating, and air-conditioning ducts, and concrete
reinforcing steel

bond (bonding)
Two metal parts are bonded together to eliminate the potential difference

bond rod, tension equalizing bond(PEB = Potential Equalization Bonding) rods for
attaching external metal components, power lines and other telecommunication cables to
serve as reference points for voltage equalization gunps

bonding conductor
conductors for potential equalization

conductor network(bonding network)
a network of conductors attached to the conductive parts of the system

local tie rods(local bonding bar)
tie rods at the boundary of two lightning protection zones

common grounding system(common earthing network)
all metal installations of associated buildings, including external lightning protection
systems, connected to the earthing system terminals

ground reference point(earthing reference points)
the only connection point between the common earthing system and the connective tissue system

mesh grounding

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earthing system using multiple paths to the ground

Surge Protection Equipment, APS(surge protection devices)
this device to limit the current and overvoltage flowing through the line, including gaps,
varistors, diodes, filters, etc.

a way to reduce the strength of electromagnetic waves by attaching metal between the
voltage source and the equipment being protected

concrete reinforcing steel
steel in buildings that are assumed to be electrically continuous

dangerous sparks
unwanted electrical discharges due to lightning currents in the ZPP

safe distance
minimum distance between any two conductive parts in a protected space so that no hazard
of arcing occurs

test point
joints designed and positioned to assist in the electrical testing and measurement of SPP

External SPP isolated from the protected space
The LPS having the air terminal and the down conductor system are located so that the path of the
lightning current has no contact with the space being protected

The external SPP is not isolated from the protected space
the air terminals and the down conductor system are located so that the path of the lightning current
has contact with the space being protected

buildings that function normally for commercial, industrial, agricultural, office, or residential

protection level
SPP classification based on its efficiency

4 External Lightning Protection System (SPP).

4.1 Air terminals

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4.1.1 General

The probability of a lightning strike passing through the protected space is significantly reduced by
the presence of properly designed air terminals.
The air terminal may consist of a combination of the following elements:
• rods;
• hanging wire;
• net conductor.

4.1.2 Placement

The air terminal arrangement is sufficient if the requirements of Table I are met. In air terminal
design, the following methods may be used independently or in combination
• corner protection;
• roll ball;
• net width.

Table I Placement of air terminals based on protection level

Level h(m) 20 30 45 60 Net width

protection R(m) α(0) α(0) α(0) α(0) (m)
I 20 25 * * * 5
II 30 35 25 * * 10
III 45 45 35 25 * 10
IV 60 55 45 35 25 20
* in this case only rolling ball applies
h = height of air terminal from ground level R =
radius of rolling ball
α = shelter angle

h = air terminal height

from the ground
R = rolling ball radius
α = protected corner

Figure 1 Air terminal placement

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4.1.3 Construction

For isolated SPIP, the distance between the air terminal and the metal installation in the protected
space must be farther than the safe distance according to point 5.2, provided that damage will not
occur due to the influence of lightning strikes.

4.1.4 Natural components

The following parts of a building structure may be considered as natural terminal components of an
air terminal:
a) Sheet metal covering the protected room provided that:
1) electrical continuity between various parts is made to last;
2) thick not less than the pricetgiven in Table 2 if necessary to avoid leakage or heating
3) not less than 0.5 mm thick if leakage is not a problem;
4) not a protective part of the insulating material;
5) the building on it is negligible against lightning strikes.
b) Reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures that can be assumed to be electrically continuous
and satisfies the following conditions:
1) estimated 50% vertical and horizontal trunk interconnection;
2) vertical bars are welded or overlapped a minimum of 20 times their diameter and securely

3) electrical continuity between the concrete reinforcement of an individual precast concrete unit and
other adjacent precast concrete units.

c) Metal components of roof construction (bonds, concrete reinforcing steel, etc.) if the
components above can be immune to lightning strikes.
d) Metal building parts such as gutters, omamen, rails, and so on,
e) Metal pipes and tanks with a thickness of less than 2.5 mm, provided that no hazard
arises due to possible leaks.
f) Metal pipes and tanks in general, if the thickness is not less than t in Table 2 and the
temperature rise of the inner surface at the point of strike does not constitute a

Table 2 Minimum thickness of metal sheet or pipe at air terminals

Protection level Material Thickness t(mm)

Fe 4
1 to IV Cu 5
AI 7

4.2 Conductor down

4.2.1 General

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To reduce the possibility of a spark hazard, the down conductors are arranged in such a way
from the air terminal to the ground:
a) there are several parallel channels;
b) the length of the current channel is kept to a minimum.

The down conductors shall be arranged in direct contact with the terminal conductors as far as

4.2.2 Isolated SPIP placement

If the air terminals are separate poles, one down conductor is required for each column. In the case of
columns made of metal or reinforced concrete there is no need for additional down conductors.

If the air terminal consists of horizontal conductors, at least one down conductor is required
at each end of the conductor.
If the aerial terminals form a network of conductors, at least one down conductor is
required in each supporting structure.

4.2.3 SPIP deployment is not isolated

The down conductors are distributed throughout the protected building with an average
distance between them not exceeding the values shown in Table 3. At least two down
conductors are necessary in all cases.

The down conductor shall be connected to the horizontal ring conductor near the ground
level and at 20 m vertical intervals.

Table 3 Average distance of down conductors

Protection level Average distance(m)

I 10
II 15
III 20
IV 25

4.2.4 Construction

For isolated SPPs, the distance between the down conductor system and the metal installation of the
space being protected must be greater than the safe distance according to clause 5.2. SPP down
conductors that are not isolated from the protected space can be installed as follows:

a) if the wall is made of non-combustible material the down conductor may be located on
the surface or in the wall.,
b) if the wall is made of combustible material, a down conductor may be placed on the
surface of the wall, provided that the temperature rise caused by the passage of
lightning current is not hazardous to the wall material;
c) if the wall is made of flammable material and the temperature rise of the down conductor is
dangerous, the down conductor must be positioned so that the distance between the
down conductor and the space being protected is always greater than 100 mm. Metal
fasteners are fine. come into contact with the wall.

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The down conductor shall be installed straight and vertical) in such a way as to provide the shortest
path and direct ground. Loop formation should be avoided. If this is not possible, the distance s, the
gap between two points on the conductor and the length of 1 conductor between those points shall
be measured, which shall be in accordance with 5.2 (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Loops on the down conductor

4.2.5 Natural components

The following building parts may be considered as natural down conductors: a)
Metal installations provided that:
1) electrical continuity between parts is made durable according to the requirements of sub-
clause 4.4.2;
2) the dimensions are at least the same as those shown for standard down
b) Metal frame structure,
c) Concrete reinforcement.

NOTESPrestressed concrete reinforcement cannot be used as a natural component.

d) Metal building façade provided that:
1) the dimensions comply with the requirements for down conductors and the thickness is
not less than 0.5 mm;
2) electrical continuity in the vertical direction according to the requirements of subclause 4.4.2
and an overlap between the two elements of at least 100 MM2.

Horizontal circular conductors are not required when steel structural framing or concrete
reinforcement is used as down conductors.

4.2.6 Test points

In the earthing terminal connection, test points must be provided on each descending conductor, except in
the case of a natural descending conductor, test points must be provided at least on each column outside
the corner of the building.

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The test point must be open during measurement.

4.3 Earthing terminals

4.3.1 General

To propagate the lightning current toward the ground without causing dangerous overvoltages, the
shape and dimensions of the air terminals are more important than the specific resistance value of
the earth electrode. However, in general, low soil resistance is recommended.

From the point of view of lightning protection, a single-integrated building earthing terminal
structure is preferred and suitable for all uses (lightning protection, low-voltage power
systems, telecommunication systems).

Earthing terminals that must be separated for any reason must be connected to an
integrated earthing system with an equipotential bond (IE) in accordance with 5.1.

4.3.2 Earthing electrode

The following types of earthing effect electrodes must be used: one or more ring electrodes,
vertical electrodes, radial electrodes, or foundation earthing electrodes.

Metal plate or matting is an option, but should be avoided if possible because of the
possibility of corrosion, especially at joints.
A number of properly distributed conductors is preferable to a single length of earthing
conductor. The minimum length of the earth electrode is given in Figure 3.

Vertical grounding electrodes that are planted in depth (deep driven rods) will be effective if the
resistivity of the soil is deeper and lower.

Figure 3 The minimum length of the earth terminal conductor 11

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Figure 4 Proximity requirements for SPIP installation

4.3.3 Earthing arrangements under general conditions

For each earthing terminal, two types of grounding electrode arrangements apply: Type A arrangement

The Ilipe of this arrangement comprises a radial or vertical earthing electrode. Each down
conductor shall be connected to at least one separate, earthing electrode consisting of either a
radial or a vertical electrode.

The minimum number of earthing electrodes must be two, except for level IV internal protection
and if external protection is not required, one may be used (see sub-article 4.3.4).

The minimum length of each electrode is

l1 horizontal electrode or
0.5l1 vertical electrode;
l1 the minimum length of the electrode shown in Figure 2.

For this type of grounding electrode, care must be taken if the area around the grounding
point is considered hazardous to humans or animals.

At low ground resistance, the minimum length shown in Figure 2 can be waived provided
that a ground resistance of less than 10 is achieved. Type B arrangement

For ring earthing electrodes (or foundation earthing electrodes), the average radius shall be
not less than 11°;

r /l1

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If the required value is 11 greater than the value r, an additional radial or vertical effect
wheel must be added with the individual lengths 11 (horizontal) and 1, (vertical) given by:

lr= l1-r


lv=0.5* (l1-r)

4.3.4 Earthing arrangements under specified conditions

If equipotential bonding according to Clause 5.1 is required but an external SPP is not
required, one electrode can be used as the earth terminal.

The earthing terminal for low voltage electrical installations can be used for this purpose
provided that the minimum length of the earthing electrode is met.

4.3.5 Installation of earthing electrodes

- the external ring earthing electrode must be buried to a depth of at least 500 mm and not
greater than 1 m to the wall,
- the ground electrode must be placed outside the WP at a depth of at least 300 mm and
distributed as evenly as possible,'

- earthing electrodes embedded in the foundation or floor of a building must be installed so

as to permit inspection during construction,

- the depth of embedding of the type of earthing electrode must be chosen in such a way as
to minimize the effects of corrosion, drying and freezing of the soil. For areas of solid
rock, only type B earthing arrangements are recommended.

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Figure 5 The principle of dividing areas to be protected in the ZPP

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Earthing Terminal

Figure 6 Example of division of buildings into several ZIPPs

with a suitable tie

4.3.6 Natural earthing electrode

Reinforcing steel concrete or underground metal buildings which have the characteristics
according to the requirements of Clause 4.5, can be used as earthing electrodes.
If concrete reinforcement is used as the earthing electrode, special care must be taken at
the joints to prevent cracking of the concrete.

NOTESPrestressed concrete should not be used as a natural earthing electrode.

4.4 Clamps and joints

4.4.1 Clamps

The air terminals and descending conductors must be securely mounted so that electrodynamic mechanical
stress does not cause the conductors to break or dislodge.

4.4.2 Connections

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The number of joints along the conductor should be kept as small as possible. Connections
shall be made secure by welding, clamping, or bolting nuts.

4.5 Materials and dimensions

4.5.1 Materials
The materials used must be capable of withstanding the effective and electromagnetic effects of lightning
currents and instantaneous voltages without being damaged.

Type and size should be selected taking into account the possibility of corrosion. SPIP components
can be made from the materials in Table 4. Other metals can be used if they have equivalent
mechanical, electrical and chemical properties.

Table 4 SPIP materials and conditions of use

usage Corrosion
Material On In In Resistance increase characteristic,

air land concrete to electrolyte

open with

Tough gyre gyre To Chloride Compounds

Copper As As Lots raw material-
coating coating material organic matter
high concentration
hot-steel Tough gyre Solid solid OK, on copper
galvanized land
Steel Tough gyre Solid To Water with chloride
stand Lots dissolved
rust material
Aluminum Tough gyre Basic agent
Lead solid Solid Sulfate Acid soil Copper
as as construction
coating coating tall

Table 5 Minimum material dimensions for SPIP (see clause 5.1.2)

Level Material air terminals Conductor down Earthing Terminal

protection (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)

Cu 35 16 50
1 to IV All 70 25 -
Fe 50 50 80

4.5.2 Dimensions

Minimum dimensions are given in Table 5.

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4.5.3 Protection against corrosion

If there is a risk of corrosion, the material should be selected and dimensioned according to Tables 4 and

Figure 7 Example for mesh grounding

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Figure 8 Shielding and selection of cable lines

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Figure 9 Example of an action to reduce the internal magnetic field

building by connecting all concrete reinforcement and metal framing

5 Internal lightning protection system

5.1 Equipotential bond (IE)

5.1.1 General

Potential equalization is a very important way to reduce fire and explosion hazards and
death hazards in protected spaces.

Potential equalization is achieved by bonding conductors or Surge Protection Equipment (APS) to SPIDs,
metal frame structures of buildings, metal installations and power lines and telecommunications within
ZPPs. If the SPID is installed, the metal outside of the protected space may be affected, therefore an lE for
the outside metal also needs to be provided.

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If an external SIPP is not installed but protection against the effects of lightning on power and
telecommunication lines is required, an IE must be installed.

5.1.2. Equipotential bonding for metal installations

The EB should be installed in the following locations:

a) In basements or below ground level, tie conductors shall be connected to tie rods so fixed
as to allow easy access for inspection. The tie rod must be connected to the earth
terminal. For large buildings, more than one tie rod must be installed and connected,

b) above the ground at vertical intervals not exceeding 20 m for buildings higher than 20
m, the tie rods must be connected to the horizontal ring conductors that tie down the
down conductor (Nhat. Item 4.2.3),
c) if the conditions for proximity are not met (see point 5.2) in terms of:
1) connected reinforced concrete buildings;
2) steel frame buildings;
3) buildings with equivalent shielding properties.

lE is normally not required in cases 2) and 3) above for metal installations in buildings. For
isolated SPPs, the lE must be installed at ground level.

If an insulating layer is inserted at the connection of a gas pipe or water pipe, an APS designed for the operating
conditions must be installed between the two ends of the pipe.

EB can be achieved with the help of:

a) bonding conductors, if electrical continuity is ensured by natural bonding.

If all of the lightning current or its substantial part flows through the bonding connections the
minimum dimensions for cross-sections of the main bonding conductors are given in Table 6. In
other cases, the cross-sections are given in Table 7,

b) APS, if direct bonding conductors are not allowed (such as on power or data lines).

The APS must be installed so that it can be inspected.

Table 6 Minimum sizes of main tie conductors (current portion > = 25 %)

Protection level Material Cross-section

Cu 16
1 to IV AI 25
Fe 50

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Table 7 Minimum size of additional tie conductors (current portion > = 25%)

Protection level material Cross-section

Cu 6
1 to IV AI 10
Fe 16

5.1.3 Equipotential bonding for external conductive bodies

For external conductive parts, E shall be installed as close as practicable to the point of entry to the
building. It is expected that most of the lightning current will flow through the bond connections.

Information :

• Clamp

Enforced conductor

Figure 10 Fastening of conductive parts or electrical system to the rod


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Figure 11 Tying in the case of multiple entry points at the base level of
external metal components using ring electrodes

Figure 12 Binding in the case of multiple entry points at the base level of
external metal components using inner ring conductors

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If the external conductive and electrical and communication cables enter a building at
different locations, and therefore several tie rods are required, then the tie rods must be
connected as short as possible to the earthing electrode ring, also must be connected to
concrete reinforcement (Cat Figure 11). . If a ring earth electrode is not present, the tie rod
shall be connected to a single earth effect electrode and connected to the inner ring
conductor (or partial ring, Ifflat Figure 12).

For upstairs entry points, tie rods shall be connected horizontally to ring conductors on the
outside or inside of the wall, and tied to down conductors and concrete reinforcement, if
any (see Figure 13).
It is recommended that all metal components and external power and communication
cables enter a building at the same place (see Figure 14 for an example). This is especially
important for less shielded buildings. Tie rods at points of entry into buildings should be
connected as closely as possible to the earth electrode, as well as concrete reinforcement, if

Ring conductors shall be connected to reinforcement or other shielding components, such as metal
framing, approximately every 5 m.

Tie rods for buildings occupied by information systems where the effects of lightning must
be minimized, it is preferable to use metal plates with multiple tie paths to the
reinforcement or other parts of the shield.

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Figure 13 Tying in the case of multiple entry points at the top level of
external metal components

Figure 14 Applies to multiple single entry point cases of components

external metal

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5.1.4 Equipotential bonding for metal installations, electrical and telecommunications installations, and
external conductive parts under specified conditions

If an external SPID is not required, metal installations, electrical and telecommunications agencies
and external conductive parts shall be connected at ground level to an earth terminal in accordance
with the requirements of subclause 4.3.4.

5.1.5 Equipotential ties for telecommunications and telecommunications installations in general

lE for electrical and telecommunications installations must be installed pursuant to sub-article 5.1.2 lE must
be installed as close as possible to the point of entry to the building.

If the shielded cable is in metal conduit, it is normally sufficient to simply coil the shield,
provided that this shield has sufficiently low electrical resistance so that the potential
difference created will not harm the cable and connected equipment.
All mains conductors shall be tied directly or indirectly. The live conductor must be bonded
to the SPP via the APS. In TN Systems, the earthing conductor (PE or PEN) must be bonded
directly to the LPS.

5.1.6 Capability of Bonded Conductors and APS

For clamps and APS used for fastening on the boundary of ZPP OA and ZPP 1, the parameter
values in Table 11 must be used, taking into account the current distribution in the use of
several cable lines.

For kiem and APS used for bonding at ZPP0B and ZPP 1 boundaries, current parameter
values are calculated respectively.

For external metal components, as well as electrical and communication cables that enter the
building at ground level, the portion of the tie-point lightning current must be devalued and
must be estimated as follows:

In a separate calculation it is not possible that 50% of the total lightning current i enters the
SPP earthing system from the building, and the remaining 50% i, is channeled through the
channels that enter the building (metal components, electricity and communication
agencies, etc. ). The value of the current flowing in each equipment,ii, is given by the
Is/ n
where n is the number of channels (see Figure 15). To evaluate the current i, in a single
conductor in an unshielded cable, the current in the cable ii is divided by m, the number of
its conductors, i.e.
iv= ii/m

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Figure 15 Lightning current distribution among the connected lines

wake for the pensai cable, current will flow along the shield

In housing, the telephone line can be neglected for the calculation of n, because it is
assumed that it does not affect the current carried by other lines. However, the telephone
line must be tied, and for a tie design 5% of the lightning current i must be assumed as a

Surge Protection Equipment (APS) must have resistance to lightning currents and must meet
additional requirements in the form of maximum residual voltage due to surge, as well as the
ability to cut off the follow-up current from the system.

Maximum tensionumaxat the point of entry to the building must be coordinated with the
resistance of the system involved.

To achieve a fairly low price ofumaxthe tissue should be connected to the tie rods as short as
possible (see Figure 16, with UAand UL, which do not always appear together, should be kept

The general principle for bonding at the boundary between ZPP OA, OB and 1 can also be
applied for further zone boundaries.

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uA = APS residual voltage

uL = induction voltage
umax = the surge voltage between the phase wire and the bond rod

Figure 16 Solar voltage between bonded rod phase conductors

5.1.6 Binding to information systems

The common grounding system of the building includes also the earthing of the external
SPP, in order to achieve low inductance and a mesh earthing system. There are two ways to
fasten information system metal components, such as cabinets, rack housing, to the
common ground of the building, as shown in Figure 17.

One of the basic configurations of connective tissue should be used (Figure 18)
- S type star configuration (one point);
– type M mesh configuration If type S bonding is used, all metal components of the system
shall be adequately isolated from the common earthing system except at the tie point.

In general, type S connective tissue should be integrated into the earthing system together
with a single point, the ground reference point (Figure 17). In this case too, all the lines and
cables between the devices must be run in parallel, with all the links including a star
configuration in order to avoid loop induction. Through a single tie-down point no low-
frequency lightning currents can enter the information system, and in addition, low-
frequency interference sources in the information system will not generate earth currents.
The single tie point is also ideal for connecting APS in order to limit overvoltage conduction.

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Figure 18 Combination of methods, binding to information systemsi

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If type M connective tissue is used, the metal components of the system shall not be isolated from the
common earthing system components. The M-type connective tissue must be integrated in common
grounding at a number of points to produce the M-typem

Generally, type M network is used for wide area connections and open systems, where the
networks and cables run between equipment, and when the lines and cables enter the
system at some point.

Here, a low impedance network for high frequencies can be achieved. Furthermore, the
numerous short circuit loops of the connective tissue will reduce the magnetic field, thereby
reducing the influence of the magnetic field ash around the information system.

In a complex system, the advantages of both types (type M and S) can be combined as
shown in Figure 18.

Type S local connective tissue can be combined with a mesh configuration like combination
1 in Figure 18.

Furthermore, M-type local connective tissue can be connected to the common earthing of the
ERP (combination 2 Figure 18). Here, all local network components and equipment must be
sufficiently isolated from the common earthing components, and all equipment and cables that
enter the system in the ERP.

Normally, the connection of the tie to common earthing is marked at the boundaries of the
ZPP, although it is not required.

5.2 Safe distance

To avoid sparks where equipotential bonding is not possible, the separation distance, s, between the SPP
installation and its metal façade must be greater than the safety distance (d) as between the external
conductive and conduit above the safe distance, d:

d = kikcl/km (m)

The formula applies if the distance between the conductors drops by about 20 m

Table 8. K coefficient value1SPP proximity requirements

Protection level K1
I 0.1
II 0.075
III and IV 0.05

Table 9. The value of the coefficient K,, conditions for the closeness of the SPP

Material K,
Air 1
Congested 0.5

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6 SPIP design, maintenance and inspection

6.1 Design

SPP efficiency decreases from the protection level W, with efficiency following table 10.

6.1.1 Selection of the level of protection of the Lightning Protection System (SPP)

Selection of protection level is intended to reduce the risk of damage to the building and its
contents due to lightning strikes.
The risk of damage to each building can be estimated by:

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a) calculate the annual frequency of direct lightning strikes to buildings (Nd);

b) the probability that lightning can cause damage;
c) the average number of losses arising from lightning strikes on buildings.

NOTES:Indirect strike must be taken into account in the risk calculation. Before there are further
provisions, a risk analysis can be carried out by referring to the IEC 61662 standard

The damage depends on the following parameters: a) the

use and contents of the protected building;
b) construction and building materials;
c) equipment.

Thus the selection of an adequate level of protection for the provided SPP can be based on
the frequency received by Ndfrom direct lightning strikes to protected buildings and at an
annual reception frequency Ncfrom a lightning strike.

6.1.2 Lightning strike frequency (Nc) received by the building

N valuecit is the responsibility of the national committee when human, social and cultural losses
are covered.

N valueccan be determined by the building owner or by the designer of the SPP if the loss
relates only to privately owned land.

N valueccan be estimated through a damage risk analysis that is calculated through an

approach factor such as:
- type of construction;

- the presence of gaseous and flammable materials;

- the means provided to reduce the effects of the effects of lightning;
- the number of people associated with the damage.,
- types and interests related to public services;
- the value of goods that have damage;
- other factors (see table 1),

6.1.3 Expected frequency of direct Nd strikes to buildings

The average annual frequency Nd of direct strikes on buildings can be taken from:

Nd= Ng. Ac. 10-10per year with:

Nd : is the annual density of lightning strikes to ground, in strokes per km

square per year. If Ng data is not available, the figure can be estimated from the
Ng= 0.04 . Q1.25
d per km2per year

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Td : is the number of thunder days per year obtained from the isokeraunic map or the annual
thunder day table (see Appendix B).

A, : is the equivalent catchment area of the building (M2).

The equivalent catchment area of a building is defined as the area above the ground
surface that has a direct annual strike frequency to the building in question.

For isolated buildings the equivalent catchment area, Ac is the area of the building plus the
surrounding area at a distance of 3 times the height of the edge of the building concerned (see
Figure 19 for plain areas and Figures 19A and 19B for hilly areas).
In the case of buildings adjacent to the overlapping catchments, area
the equivalent of A. minus the extent

d+ (hs - h)
d : is the horizontal distance between the building and the object (see Figure 21), and is

hs : the height of the adjoining building

Only buildings that are permanent and sufficiently resistant to lightning will be considered. In
each case the minimum value of the equivalent catchment area is assumed to be proportional to
the top view of the structure itself.

6.1.3 Lightning Protection System Selection Procedure

The procedure for selecting the level of protection is presented in Figure 23. The critical value of
efficiency E is important for SPP, as a function of the frequency of strikes the function Nd has on the
building, and the frequency of strikes received by NCshown in Figure 22.

6.2 Maintenance and Inspection

6.2.1 Scope of inspection

The purpose of the inspection is to ensure that: a) the SPP

is in accordance with the design;

b) All SPP components are in good condition and able to perform their functions, and there is no
c) Any additions. service or construction associated with the space protected by bonding or
extension to the SPP.

6.2.2 Level of inspection

Inspection shall be made pursuant to sub clause 6.2.1 as follows:

- inspections during the construction of buildings, to check implanted electrodes;
- inspection after SPP installation is made based on sub-paragraphs a) and b);

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- Periodic repeated inspections are made based on sub-paragraphs a), b) and c) at

determined intervals according to the condition of the room being protected and still
- additional inspections are made under sub-paragraphs) a), b) and c) after adjustments or repairs, or
if it becomes known that the building was struck by lightning.

6.2.3 Maintenance

Regular inspections are among the fundamental conditions for the reliable maintenance of SPP.
All observed glitches must be corrected without delay.

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Appendix A

Annual average thunder day tabulation data for all of Indonesia

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Appendix B


structures : building
protection : protection,protect
resistevity : prisoner

surge : Sun
precast concrete : concreteprecast

designers : planner
bonding : bond
potential Equlization of : tie the voltage equalizer

bonding network : network icat

Equipatential bonding : equipotential bond

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