Tally Notes: Accounting
Tally Notes: Accounting
Tally Notes: Accounting
Tally Notes
The main purpose of accounting is to ascertain profit or loss during a specified period,
to show financial condition of the business on a particular date and to have the control
over the firm‟s property. In other words an account is a systematic record of all
transaction relating to a person, an asset, a liability, an expense or an income. Account
is also called A/C. such accounting records are required to be maintained to measure
the income of the business, communicate the information. So that it may be used by
manager, owners and other parties.
Tally Notes
2. Real account: These are the accounts of asset entering the business is given
debit and assert leaving the business is given credit. In other word real account
is that A/C of property or possession E.g. Goods A/c, furniture A/C, etc. For
example, when goods are sold for cash, cash account will be giving debit as
cash comes in and Goods account will be credited as goods go out. So, the rule
(Account recording transaction which do not affect particular person but effect
business in general are known as IMPERSONAL A/C‟S. it may be either Real
Or Nominal A/C RULE.)
Tally Notes
Creditor: A person to whom money is owing or payable is called a creditor.
For example purchased goods from Sam Company in credit basis. The Sam
Company is known as Creditors.
Capital: This is the owner‟s financial interest or holding in business and is
represented by the value of net assets.
Goods: This including all articles, commodities or merchandise in which the
business deals. Thus, cloth would be goods for a dealer in cloth; furniture
would be goods for a dealer in furniture and so on.
Assets: Any physical thing or right owned that has money value is an asset. In
other words, an asset is that expenditure which results in acquiring of some
property or benefit of a lasting nature.
Drawings: Any amount or goods withdrawn by the owner of a business for
personal use is called drawing.
Voucher: Any written document in support of a business transaction is called a
Journal is derived from the French word “JOUR” which means a day. Journal
therefore means a daily record of business transaction. Journal is a book of original
entry because transaction is first written in the journal from which it is posted to the
ledger at any convenient time.
We know, journal records all business transaction separately and date wise. The
transaction pertaining to a particular person, assets, expense, or income is recorded at
different place in the journal as they occur on different dates. Hence, journal fails to
bring the similar transaction together at one place. Thus, to have a consolidated view
of the similar transaction different accounts are prepare in the ledger. A ledger
account may be defined as a summary statement of all the transaction relating to a
person, assert, expense or income which have taken place during a given period of
time and shows their net effect.
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Tally Notes
Trial balance:
The end of the financial year or at any other time, the balance of the all ledger
accounts are extracted and are written up in a statement known as trial balance and
finally totaled up to see if the total of debit balances is equal to the total of credit
balances. A Trial Balance may thus be defined as a statement of debit and credit total
or balance extracted from the various A/C in the ledger with a view to test the
arithmetical accuracy of the book.
Balance sheet:
A balance sheet is a statement prepared with a view to measure the financial position
of a business on a certain fixes date. The financial position of a concern is indicating
by its assets on a given date and its liabilities on that date. Excess of asserts over
liabilities represents the capital and is indicative of the financial soundness of the
company. A balance sheet is also described as a statement showing the source and
application of the capital. It is a statement and not an account and prepared from real
and personal A/C. the left hand side of the balance sheet may be viewed as a
description of sources from which it currently operated and the right hand side as a
description of the firm in which that capital is invested on a specified date.
The balance sheet is a statement, which projects the financial position of a business on
a given date. This is one of the backbones of TALLY. At the gateway of Tally, press
B to being up the balance sheet.
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Tally Notes
Profit and loss A/c:
To display the profit and loss A/c. at gateway of tally press P or select the option
profit and loss A/c. on selection of this option profit and loss A/c is display in the
horizontal format as at last voucher entered. It displays expenses on the left side and
income on the right side.
Assets are property and possession of a business. Stock, Land and Buildings, Cash,
Bills Receivable, are some examples of assets. The classification of assets depends on
their nature the various types of assets are…..
A liability is an amount which a business is legally bound to pay. It is a claim by an
outside on the assets of a business. Liabilities may be classified into following
Fixed liabilities
Long term liabilities
Current liabilities
Tally is financial accounting software that helps you to computerize your manual
accounting system. In other words the tally is accounting software. It is software of
keeping all kind of business transaction. It used POST TRANSATION system. It
means, that the information that is being fed into TALLY as voucher, has been
already executed. E.G. in POST TRANSACTION SYSTEM the payment is first made
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Tally Notes
based on your exiting methods (i.e.) against a cash bill, against a voucher, etc.) & that
information is fed into the program. In other word POST TANSACTION means after
the completion of the transaction. In tally there are two main accounts namely
account only and account with inventory. Account only deals with account like sale
and purchased of goods where as account with inventory includes sale and purchase
of goods and also the quantity of stock item, which help us in maintain complete
information of particular transaction.
Advantages of Tally
1. Tally has saved all paper works, it means the cost of all paper work = Zero = It
means before tally, we had to all work on papers and sometime paper work cost
was more than the benefit of information in small business type organization .
But after tally using, most benefit is gotten by small scale business
2. In one tally software, you can keep records of unlimited companies. In manual
accounting, it is not possible that a single accountant can keep the record of 20
companies. But, in my contacts, there are many professional accountants of
Mumbai and Delhi who are tracking all records of more than 20 companies in
tally. Billions Rupees transactions of more than 20 companies and just one tally
software. Take idea what is the efficiency and what are the benefits of tally
3. After coming tally, it has made simple system of recording and calculation of
all tax responsibility. Different tax responsibilities like VAT, FBT, Service tax,
Excise Mod VAT, Custom duty, TDS, Advance tax, etc. can
easily calculate and record in tally. Now, companies are demanding tally
professional in first eligibility because they are keeping all records in tally and
without knowledge of tally , A MBA is also fail to enter in Company as
Account Manager
4. Tally provides some exceptional reports which are not possible to make in
manual accounting. In these
exceptional reports, you can
find negative stock, negative
ledger, overdue receivables,
overdue payables,
Memorandum vouchers. These
reports are very useful, if you
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Tally Notes
know its benefit. These reports are also used to find out frauds and check by
spot internal auditors. Many accountants did not know that tally can be easy use
to track accounting of foreign business. Because in tally‟s configuration makes
suitable tally for providing the information export shipping details, nos. of
containers and kinds of packages use in export option. These in formations are
very useful for exporters. For activate these options, you have to click
configuration, then click invoices, delivery notes and orders. Here you can yes
different exporter‟s options.
5. There are few accountants who know that when we make the voucher entries of
payroll, at that time we also
create cost allocation by only
writing yes in voucher entry
configuration in the front of
(Allow cost center allocation in
payroll vouchers.)
6. One of the best advantages of tally that in tally we can see any report by
filtering rang option. If you
know to use excel, you can
better understand what is
filtering and what is rang.
But, here I am telling you
that it is just option. Suppose
if you see cash flow
statement greater than Rs.
100000 on all items then you
can check cash inflow and
cash outflow more than Rs.
100000 each items.
Tally Notes
8. With the help of tally, accountants can generate all type of VAT through e-
return files.
9. Tally can be operated in 13 languages, if you are businessman and prefer to use
tally in your local language, tally is providing support to record your
transactions in your own language .You can also print and view reports another
languages also.
1. I have used tally for many years and I feel that it is not as easy as excel or ms
word of Microsoft Company. Because, excel and ms word can learn by
himself. But even senior accountants, if they do not know how to operate, they
can also mistake in maintaining of accounts in tally.
Tally Notes
3. Tally making and maintain system of budgeting is no so advance. There is no
provision of capital budgeting in tally 9 with different methods of capital
4. Tally does not provide one button of default setting of this software. I explain
this demerit as suppose a new customer purchased tally for maintaining
accounts on it and he has changed some setting of features and configuration
after this , if his accountant found something wrong in tally , there is no one
button to correct it because without deleting ledger and voucher , you can
return to default setting of feature menu .
When you open tally it may display gateway of tally screen or company info screen.
But you are required company info screen to create company at the beginning. You
can move to company info screen from other screen by pressing ALT + F3 key.
Open Tally
Go to Company Info Screen (by pressing Alt + F3 Key if other screen appear)
Choose Create
Fill the given Form
Company Name
Currency Symbol
Maintain (Accounts only or Accounts with inventory)
Financial Year beginning date.
Book Beginning date
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Tally Notes
Tally Vault Password
Security control Password
And other details.
Press Enter to accept data or to save data when tally gives option save data
Select company:
This command is use to select company which is already created.. It is required when
you are maintaining more than one company's account in the same computer.
Shut Company :
Go to Company info
Choose Shut Company and Press Enter
Choose the company you want to Shut then Press Enter.
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Tally Notes
Alter Company:
Gateway of tally:
The gateway of Tally Screen control center of tally. Gateway of tally is that menu
which actually deals with the accounting of transactions, creating ledger, generating
statement like balance sheet and profit and loss account, displaying ledgers, vouchers
etc. after selecting the required company „gateway of tally‟ menu is displayed on the
info Tally calculator
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Tally Notes
Create Ledger
Go to account info from Gateway of
Choose Ledger
Choose Create from Single Ledger.
Accept Data
Alter Ledger:
When you need to change or correct the ledger you have created we use Alter.
Go to Account Info.
Go to Ledger
Select Alter from Single Ledger
Choose the Ledger you want to modify
Change the required information of the Ledger
Accept Data.
Display Ledger :
Using Display Ledger you can view the list of ledgers you have
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Tally Notes
Single ledger:
Step1: To create single ledger, select create under single ledger and press enter.
Step2: In ledger creation dialogue box, type Hasan‟s capital in the Name field
and press enter key twice to skip the field Alias and go to the next field.
Step3: In the field under, type the alphabet „C‟ and select capital account from
the list of groups displayed on the right side of the screen.
Step4: Fill other information as par the condition and if you want.
Multiple ledgers:
Ledger Group
Purchase Purchase account
Purchase return Purchase account
Fright charges Direct expenses
Carriage inwards Direct expenses
Octroi Direct expenses
wages Direct expenses
Sales Sales account
Salary Indirect expenses
Postage and telegrams Indirect expenses
Telephone charges Indirect expenses
Rent paid Indirect expenses
Rates and taxes Indirect expenses
Insurance Indirect expenses
Audit fees Indirect expenses
Interest on loans paid Indirect expenses
Printing and stationery Indirect expenses
General expenses Indirect expenses
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Tally Notes
Discount allowed Indirect expenses
Carriage outwards or sales Indirect expenses
Traveling expenses Indirect expenses
Advertisement Indirect expenses
Bad debts Indirect expenses
Interest on investment received Indirect income
Interest on deposit received Indirect income
Interest on loans received Indirect income
Commission received Indirect income
Discount received Indirect income
Rent received Indirect income
Dividend received Indirect income
Loan from others Loan Liabilities
Bank loan Loan Liabilities
Bank overdraft Bank OD
Bills payable Current Liabilities
Sundry creditors Sundry creditors
Income received in advance Current Liabilities
Other liabilities Current Liabilities
Capital Capital account
Drawings Capital account
Cash in hand Cash in hand
Cash at bank Bank account
Fixed deposit at bank Deposit
Investments Investments
Bills receivable Current asset
Sundry debtors Sundry debtors
Furniture Fixed asset
Motor vehicles Fixed asset
Plant and machinery Fixed asset
Land and building Fixed asset
Patents Fixed asset
Goodwill Fixed asset
Tally Notes
Tally provides us 34 automatic groups for ledger creation. But tally provides
only 2 ledger account in tally software and its names are cash are profit and
loss account.
We generally neither create extra groups nor change them which is provided by
tally software but we must create different ledger according to the need of
recording of different vouchers in tally
If we have changed group from one category to another, all ledger will
automatically change by this. So be serious for making any change in group.
Inventory Info.
How to create Stock Group?
Tally Notes
How to create Unit of Measure?
Stock items are purchased or sold on the basis of quantity. The quantity is measured
by units. Hence it is necessary to create units of measure. You can have simple units
such as number meters, kilograms and pieces or compound units like box of 10 pieces
(1 box=10 pieces).
The item, for which you maintain quantitative details of materials IN & Out in your
tally system for materials accounting, is known as a stock item.
Inventory Info.
Tally Notes
o Choose Primary on Under option
o Accept data to save Stock Group.
Practice :
Tally Notes
Voucher Entry
1. Types of accounts
Dr Cr
Personal Account The Receiver The Giver
Real Account What comes in What goes out
Nominal Account All expenses and losses All income or gains.
Tally Notes
After pressing all entries if you want to check all passed entries for correction or
deletion of voucher you may perform these in voucher alteration mode, in following 2
Types of voucher
Receipt (f6)
This voucher is made when we receipt cash from any person, company or
parties. Cash received on sales of fixed assets and scrap items are also entered
through this voucher.
Cash received on sales of Business goods/trading items are not entered through
this voucher. They are entered via sales voucher.
This voucher is entered by pressing f6 key.
Cash/ Bank a/c Capital account
Fixed assets
Sundry debtors(creditors)
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Tally Notes
Loans received
Interest/commission received
Payment (F5)
This voucher is made when we pay cash or cheque to any person, company or
parties. Fixed assets purchased on cash also entered through this voucher but
purchase of Business goods are not entered through this voucher. They are
entered via purchase voucher.
Dr. Cr.
All Creditors Cash/ Bank
Fixed assets.
Payment of
payable etc.
Contra (F4)
This voucher is made when we deposit cash into bank or withdraw cash from
bank or transfer cash from one bank to another bank.
Practice :
Tally Notes
7. Withdraw Rs. 2, 00,000 / - from Dena Bank.
8. Salary Rs 20,000 /- and House rend Rs. 7,000 / - paid.
9. Interest received from bank Rs. 1,500 / -
10.Interest Paid to Bank Rs. 2,500 /-
11. Commission Received Rs. 3,000 / -
12. Cash Deposited Rs. 3,00,000 / - into SBI Bank.
13. Rs. 2,00,000 / - Transferred into SBI Bank from Dena Bank..
14. Rs. 1,00,000 /- Paid Mr. Ranjan kumar from the Cheque of SBI Bank.
15.Cheque of Rs. 50,000 /-received from Mr. Manoj Karna.
Purchase (F9)
Purchase voucher is made when we purchase business goods or trading items
on cash or credit.
Purchase of fixed assets and official goods are not entered through this
When you entered this voucher you also need to mention Stock Item name,
Qty. of Stock item and Rate of the item.
Purchase a/c Cash/Bank
Sundry creditors or suppliers.
Purchased goods from Hasan on credit basis RS.8000/-
Purchased A/C ........................... Dr
To Hasan A/C
Cash/Bank Sales a/c
Sundry Debtors or Customers (mention Name of Item, Qty and Rate.)
Goods sale to Ahmed on credit Rs. 5000/-
Ahmed A/C ........................... Dr
To sale A/C
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Tally Notes
Journal (F7)
This voucher is made to adjust two accounts. I. E. Depreciation calculation,
Fixed assets sale or purchase on credit etc.
Depreciation on furniture
Depreciation A/C ................... Dr
To furniture A/C
Outstanding salary
Outstanding salary A/C… ............... Dr
To salary A/C
Tally Notes
6. Purchase of 2 computer @ 30,000 /- for office use from Narayani
Computers on credit.
7. Received cash Rs. 1,25,000 /- from Mr. Ratna Das
8. Purchase 3 tables @ 5,000 / - each for office use From AFF Furniture on
9. Paid cash to Aryan store rs. 1,00,000 /-
10. Paid to Narayani computer Rs. 60,000 / - and AFF Furniture rs 15,000 / -
This voucher is made when we return purchased goods or trading items to the
suppliers or creditors.
Cash/Bank. Purchase Return A/c
Creditors/Suppliers (made under Purchase a/c)
Apply Returned stock item name, qty
and rate
Credit Note(Ctrl+F8):
This voucher is made when our customer returns sold goods /trading items to us.
Sales Return A/c Cash/ Bank
Under sales a/c Customers /Debtors a/c
Apply Returned stock item name, qty
and rate
Tally Notes
Mulitiple Godown:
Godown means a store for keeping the goods safe and secure. It may be warehouse,
rack, shelf or bin etc. It also includes principal's stock on consignment basis.
1. Press F11 from (From Gateway of tally or from Inventory Info Screen or from
Any screen)
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Tally Notes
2. Choose Inventory features.
3. Set Yes on “Maintain Multiple Godowns”--- „yes‟
4. Press Enter until you accept data.
1. Go to Inventory info
2. Choose Godown
3. Choose Create and press Enter.
1. Type Godown Name
2. Choose “primary” on Under option(Choose other godown if you are
creating sub-godowns on under option)
3. Accept data.
Stock Journal
This vouchers is use to transfer Stock Items from one Godown to another Godown.
This voucher is entered by ALT + F7 on Inventory Voucher.
Source Destination
Name of Item Godown Name of Item Godown
Qty Rate Amount Qty Rate Amount
Choose the Item name which you Choose the Item name which you
want to transfer want to Store.
Choose Godown from where you Choose Godown where you want to
want to transfer Store
Choose Quantity of Stock Item to Choose Quantity of Stock Item to
be transferred be Stored
Give Rate of the stock Item Give Rate of the stock Item
Press Enter until Cursor moves
Destination column. Press Enter until Accept Data.
Physical Stock.
This voucher is used to closing the stock on the last of month or last of year, it known
as stock adjustment. On the physical counting, you find that the book stock and stock
found on physical verification may not match; a discrepancy may between the actual
stock and the computer stock figure. When the time is comes to close the stock at that
time count the physical stock and enter in physical stock voucher respectively.
Memo Voucher:
This voucher is entered to remember any transaction. Any voucher entered through
Memo Voucher doesn‟t effect in other accounts like P/L a/c, B/L A/c or other books.
Purchase order:
We make this voucher when we send order to suppliers to send us some goods/stock
It‟s an inventory voucher.
Go to Inventory Voucher
Press ALT + F4 key
Choose Party‟s A/c Name: Cash or supplier a/c
Set Order Number:
Choose Purchase Ledger: Purchase a/c
Choose Stock Item name
Set Due Date
Set Qty and Rate.
Press Enter until you accept Data.
Sales Order
We make this voucher when we receive an order from our customer to send goods or
stock items.
It‟s also Inventory Voucher
Go to Inventory Voucher
Press ALT + F5 Key
Choose Party‟s A/c Name: Cash or Customer a/c
Set Order Number:
Choose Sales Ledger: Sales a/c
Choose Stock Item name
Set Due Date
Set Qty and Rate.
Advantage of VAT:
Go to Gateway of Tally> Accounts Info. > F11: Features > F3: Statutory & Taxation
Purchase of Taxable Goods
Item Description Quantity(in Nos) Rate Amount VAT
TDS Features
1. Simple and user-friendly
2. Quick and easy to set up and use
3. Create single Expenses Ledger for Multiple Nature of Payment
4. Create single TDS Duty Ledger for Multiple Nature of Payment
5. Book & Deduct TDS in the same voucher
6. Single TDS deduction for multiple vouchers
7. Single TDS deduction for Multiple Nature of Payments
Tally Notes
8. TDS deduction on partial applicable value
9. Retrospective Surcharge Deduction
10. Party wise configuration for Lower / Zero rate
11. Party wise configuration to Ignore IT / Surcharge exemption Limit
12. Deduction of TDS on advance payments
13. TDS deduction on Non-Resident payments
14. Reversal of TDS
1. On 1st April, 2009 Universal InfoTech received a Bill (vide No. 001) from
Phoenix Agencies for Rs. 50000 towards the Advertisement services rendered.
2. On April 8, 2009, payment of Rs. 49000 is made towards bill no. Bill-001 to
Phoenix Agencies for the purchase of Advertisement services, vide cheque no.
3. On May 6, 2009, Universal InfoTech, paid TDS of Rs. 1000 towards
Advertisement Expenses, vide cheque no. 056330 for the month of April, 2009.
Tally Notes
Shortcut keys:
Cash in hand RS. 50000
ICICI bank Rs. 4000
HDFC bank Rs. 6000
Sam company Creditors
Avon company Creditors
Moon industry Creditors
Rolex industry Debtors
Max touch industry Debtors
DTDC company Debtors
Furniture Rs. 10000
Journal voucher:
Purchased voucher:
Sale voucher:
Payment voucher
Date Party name amount Cash discount
10.4.2011 Raj 100000 5%
20.5.2011 Salman 140000 8%
15.7.2011 Rehan 96000 9%
25.9.2011 Hasan 75000 5%
30.10.2011 salman 32000 4%
Journal voucher:
Assignmen t 3:
Purchased voucher:
Sale voucher:
Payment voucher:
Receipt voucher
Journal voucher
Assignmen t 4:
Date Particulars
5-4-2010 5 Spykar shirt sold to sing industry of Rs. 1500/- each.(ref.S100)
7-4-2010 Purchased 5 Reebok T-shirt from Bashir industry worth Rs. 1400/- each.
1-5-2010 4 Apple shirt sold to Rafi & company of Rs. 800/- each.(ref.S101)
1-6-2010 Purchased 10 Lee Cooper Shirt From Disoza & company worth Rs.
1600/- each(ref.P6456)
1-7-2010 Purchased 2 cottons T-shirt from Sayyed pvt ltd. Worth Rs. 1300/- each.
1-8-2010 2 Reebok T-shirt sold to Naaz pvt Ltd. Worth Rs. 1000/- each. (ref.S102)
1-9-2010 Purchased 3 Addidas T-Shirt from Bashir industry worth Rs. 1500/-
1-10-2010 2 Lee cooper sold to Rafi & company worth Rs. 1600/-.(ref.S103)
1-11-2010 Purchased 1 Spykar Shirt from Bashir industry worth Rs. 1200/-
1-12-2010 Purchased 4 Apple Shirt from Disoza & company worth Rs.700/- (ref
1-1-2011 Sold 5 Lee cooper Shirt to Rafi & company Worth Rs.1800/- (ref S2359)
9-12-2010 2 Apple shirt return to Disoza & company worth Rs. 700/- (ref 2001)
15-1-2011 1 Lee cooper shirt return from Rafi & company of Rs. 1800/-(ref 2359)
Assignmen t 5:
(1-4-2011 to 31-3-2012)
Other information
1 On 10th April, one 486 CPU returned to Hyundai against bill no HS4.(Andheri
2 On 26th December, one 15” Mono Monitor found defective and returned to Boot
mark against bill no. BK15(kurla Godown)
3 On 25th march 486 CPU received from Baron Info Tech as defective against bill NO.
PS6 and kept in Andheri Godown
4 On 4th June cash deposit in bank Rs.36000/-
5 On 16th October cash deposit in bank RS.10000/-
6 On 29th April cash withdrawn from bank Rs.30000
7 On 30th May cash withdrawn from bank Rs.45000/-
8 On 29th June cash withdrawn from bank Rs.47000/-
9 On 13th October cash withdrawn from bank Rs.15000/-
10 Provide depreciation on Fixed assets @20%
Assignmen t 7 : (VAT)
Company name: Cen t e r one shopping cen t e r . (1.4.2011 to 31.3.2012)
Purchased Entry
Sale Entry
Other Information:
Date Particular
6.4.2011 Cash Deposited Into The Bank Of SBI Bank Rs.15000/-.
3.6.2011 Cheque Paid To Against Bill No.P789, P698, P3577, P235, P028, P963,
P693, And P608 In Full Settlement.
9.7.2011 Full Cash Received From Ali, Ismail, Ibrahim, Anwar, and Salim.
25.7.2011 Cheque Received From Jamil & Ahmed With 1% Discount Against Bill
No.S134, S132.
3.8.2011 Commission Received Rs.5000/-.
13.8.2011 Cheque Paid To Mr. Jilani With 2% Discount Against Bill No. P865,
20.9.2011 Cash Withdraw From SBI Rs.5000/-.
15.9.2011 Cash Paid To Junaid With 3% Discount Against Bill No. P758.
25.9.2011 Cheque Received From Against Bill No. S125, S126, S127, S128, S129,
S130, S131 In Full Settlement.
1.10.2011 Salary Paid Rs.15000/-.
31.3.2012 Depreciation Charge 5% On Furniture And Land & Building.