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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
128 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
An Overview of MANETs: Applications, Characteristics, Challenges and Recent Issues
-Allows the proximal electronic devices with decentralized routing is the key for the proper operation of
Personal Area
specific purposes, such as cameras, storage the network. Figure (1) depicts the usual appearance of an
devices, televisions, mobile phones, or laptops, to self-configured or infrastructure-less MANETs ,where
dynamically share information through an
(PANs) Figure (2) show the infrastructure based MANETs [6].
autonomous home networks.
-System of wireless medical sensors can be located
Body Area in or around a human body operating as a health
Networks monitoring system.
(BANs) -BANs formed by medical sensors used in
telemedicine systems
- Used to interconnect a set of low-cost and low-
power sensor devices deployed in the environment
or, alternatively, carried by animals.
Wireless Sensor
-These devices usually are embedded, for instance,
in buildings, bridges, streets, on animals, or
mountains and they are used to environmental or
industrial monitoring and, more generally, to
monitor events and phenomena
-New scenario of the modern wireless
communication where all the devices communicate
Smart Cities
via a common platform and thus can easily be
controlled remotely Fig (1): Infrastructure-less Network (Mobile Ad-Hoc
-Enable mobile conferencing for business users Networks (MANETs)
who need to collaborate outside their office where
no network infrastructure is available
-The users need to share documents, upload and
download files, and exchange ideas
-Objects of everyday life will be equipped with
micro-controllers, transceivers for digital
communication, and suitable protocol stacks that
will make them able to communicate with one
Internet of
another and with the users becoming an integral
Things (IoT)
part of the Internet easy access and interaction with
a wide variety of devices such as, for instance,
home appliances, surveillance cameras, monitoring
sensors, actuators, displays, vehicles, and so on
- Universities and campus settings
- Virtual class rooms
- Ad hoc communications during meetings or
- Multi-user games
- Wireless P2P networking
Fig (2): Infrastructure Network (Cell phone Network)
Entertain-ment - Outdoor internet access As consequence we can mention most of the characteristics
- Robotic pets
- Theme parks
of MANETs as follows:
- Internet based mobile ad hoc networks
- Are ad hoc networks that link mobile nodes and
1. Infrastructure-less Nature:
fixed Internet gateway nodes. For example, MANET is formed based on the collaboration between
multiple sub independent peer-to-peer nodes to communicate with other
- Flying, mobile ad hoc network, mobile base
stations is to mount them on flying vehicles like nodes for a particular purpose[7]. No prior base station or
helicopters, hot air balloons or drones organization is defined and all devices have the same role in
- In this approach, a subset of the base stations can the network. In addition, there are no pre-set roles such as
FANET be equipped with the necessary infrastructure to
communicate with the ground base or satellite
routers or gateways as the nodes participating in the network
while the other base stations can simply transfer are provided, each device can work as a node and router at
their data through this subset to the underlying the same time. That is, it is autonomous in behavior and
network. nodal connectivity is intermittent.
The study and development of infrastructure-less wireless MANET nodes are free to move around; thus they could be
networks have been very popular in recent years. MANETs in and out of the network, constantly changing their links
may be constructed by any kind of wireless device equipped and topology. In addition, the links between nodes could be
with radio transmitter and receiver, such as nodes maintain bi-directional or unidirectional. This feature however causes
compatible radio interfaces (IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, IEEE high user density and large level of user mobility.
802.15 Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee, IEEE 802.16 3. Bandwidth Constraints and Variable Link Capacity:
WiMAX, etc.). Since these nodes are wireless devices and Wireless links that connect the MANET nodes have much
may be using battery power, they are completely smaller bandwidth than those with wires[7]. Due to the
autonomous. Therefore, they might move anywhere while effects of multiple accesses, multipath fading, noise,
still communicating each other. Both node mobility and congestion, fluctuation and signal interference,
heterogeneity are common characteristics of MANETs. In
this kind of network, every node must be able to forward
and route packets that belong to other transmissions. This
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
129 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-6 Issue-4, April 2017
the capacity of a wireless link can be degraded over time used for short range communications. Therefore, the nodes
and the effective throughput may be less than the radio’s that wish to communicate directly need to be in close
maximum transmission capacity. proximity to each other. To overcome this limitation, multi-
hop routing techniques are used through intermediate nodes
4. Multi-Hop Communications:
that act as routers to connect distant nodes. Since MANETs
Due to signal propagation characteristics of wireless can be deployed rapidly without the support of a fixed
transceivers, MANETs require the support of multi hop infrastructure, they can be used in situations where
communications[8]; that is, when a source node and temporary network connectivity is needed.
destination node for a message is out of the radio range, the
MANETs is capable of multi-hop routing for mobile nodes 11. Distributed Operation:
that cannot reach the destination node. A message from There's no background network for the central control of the
source node to destination node goes through multiple nodes network operations, the control of the network is distributed
because of limited transmission radius. Every node acts as a on the list of nodes. The nodes involved in a MANET
router and forwards packets from other nodes to facilitate should cooperate with one another and communicate among
multi-hop routing[9]. themselves and each node acts as an exchange as needed, to
implement specific functions such as routing and
5. Constrained Resources (Light-Weight Terminals)
Most of the MANET devices are small hand-held devices
ranging from laptops, smart phones and personal digital 12. Heterogeneity in Node and Link Capabilities:
assistants (PDA) to cell phones. These devices have limited Every node in the network may have one or more different
power (battery operated) processing capabilities and storage radio interfaces which have varying transmitting and
capacities. receiving capabilities, which operates on different frequency
bands. This variation in the node radio capabilities leads to
6. Fluctuating Link Capacity
asymmetric links. Each node may also have different
The nature of high bit-error rates of wireless connection processing capabilities because of heterogeneity in
might be more profound in a MANET. One end-to-end path software/hardware configuration. For such heterogeneous
can be shared by several sessions. The channel over which network, the design of protocols and algorithms is
the terminals communicate is subjected to noise, fading, and complicated, requiring dynamic adaptation to the changing
interference, and has less bandwidth than a wired network. conditions[10].
In some scenarios, the path between any pair of users can
traverse multiple wireless links and the link themselves can IV. MANET CHALLENGES AND CURRENT
be heterogeneous. ISSUES
7. Limited Device Security
Regardless of the attractive applications and different
MANET devices are usually small and portable and are not characteristics of MANET, we can introduce several
restricted by location. As a result, these devices can be challenges and issues that must be studied carefully before a
easily lost, damaged or stolen. wide commercial deployment can be expected. MANET
8. Limited Physical Security environment has to overcome these issues and challenges.
Wireless links made MANET more susceptible to physical These challenges represent the open issues and unresolved
problems. MANETs have been popular field of study during
layer attackers, such as eavesdropping, jamming, spoofing
and Denial of Service attack (DoS). However, the the last few years. Almost every aspect of the network has
been explored in one way or another at different level of
decentralized nature of MANET makes them better
protected against single failure points. But in other side problem. The most important challenges and recent research
mobile wireless networks are more prone to threats than trends of the MANET are mentioned bellow [5, 12-15]:
infra-structured networks. As in MANETs, all the 1. Limited Bandwidth
networking functions like routing, packet forwarding are Wireless link continue to have significantly lower capacity
performed by the nodes itself, because of this reason than infrastructure networks. In addition, the realized
securing a mobile wireless network is very challenging. The throughput of wireless communication after accounting for
increased possibility of eavesdropping, spoofing and the effect of multiple access, fading, noise, and interference
minimization of denial of-service type attacks should be conditions, etc., is often much less than a radio’s maximum
carefully into consideration[10]. The distributed nature of transmission rate.
operation of security, routing and host configuration cause
to the absent of centralized firewall here. 2. Routing:
Routing is a significant point of view with researchers since
9. Limited Device Security
routing protocols is essential issue in this field, because
MANET devices are usually small and portable and are not changes in network topology occur frequently. An efficient
restricted by location. As a result, these devices can be and intelligent routing protocol is required to cope with
easily lost, damaged or stolen. highly dynamic and fluid network conditions.
10. Short Range Connectivity
MANET depends on radio frequency (RF) or infrared (IR)
technology for connectivity, both of which are generally
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
130 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
An Overview of MANETs: Applications, Characteristics, Challenges and Recent Issues
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
131 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-6 Issue-4, April 2017
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
132 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
An Overview of MANETs: Applications, Characteristics, Challenges and Recent Issues
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Author’s Biographies
Diaa Eldein Mustafa Ahmed: PhD student in Computer Science Program
at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Sudan
University for Science and Technology, Sudan
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
133 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
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