Keel Fatigue Public Version V3 20200603 Notes v4

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Keel Fatigue
Technical Background

Hasso Hoffmeister
08 April 2020



In structural analysis we often use to assess structures for two different characteristics:
for Strength and for Stability. Stability is a phenomenon where thin structures or lattice-
like structures are critical to buckling. And Strength assessment are carried out typically
using two different approaches:

Point 1) The static strength assessment. This is the strength assessment when a
structure is subject to only
- Static load only or few load cycles only; for a keel fin this would be the case
for a grounding event

Point 2) What is called “fatigue strength” is a somewhat separate topic and is relevant
- High number of cycles occur
- And : High and low stresses occur under these cycles
- And often particularly when structures are welded metal structures
- For a keel fin this is the case when in dynamic motion, i.e. sailing in waves

Yield/Ultimate strength in Quasi static applications

Static strength allowable as a fraction of yield

strength strength
© Farr Yacht Design Static strength allowable as a fraction of
yield strength strength
Fatigue strength


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In this presentation I am NOT addressing the STATIC Design loads and their pertinent
safety philosophy, such as extreme heeling cases or grounding. Those latter loads are
always coped with a simplistic static material strength assessment, with the common
reserve factors on yield or ultimate strength of materials.

We are looking at the diagram to the right hand side which is showing a typical
stress/strain behaviour of ductile steels. Most often, the structural safety refers to the
strength properties using a certain ratio on strength (yellow lines). So, the safe limit
always depends on the strength of the material.
I already point out here, that THIS IS GENERALLY NOT THE CASE IN FATIGUE.
SO, more or less independent of the material strength, the fatigue strength (red circle)
underlies other physical principles and is very often presenting the dominant design
criteria. But it is not prone to the already mentioned extreme loads, but the every day
loads; this makes it so difficult to assess.

Higher strength alloys will obviously be chosen for slim and slender fins, and this as a
consequence from the above diagram you will probably agree that assessing fatigue
strength is even more important, because the fatigue strength places a stronger
limitation on the design.
I hope that I will be able to explain, why this is so, in the following slides:

Metal Fatigue
 Fatigue is the weakening of
a material caused by cyclic
loading that results in
progressive and localized
structural damage and the
growth of cracks.

 It occurs at much lower

stress levels than the
ultimate material strength.


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In materials science, fatigue is the weakening of a material caused by cyclic loading that
results in progressive and localized structural damage and the growth of cracks.
Fatigue is usually associated with tensile stresses (also bending, which involves tension
on one side).
Once more: It is important to note that the nominal stress values that cause such
damage can be much lower than the static strength of the material, typically
quoted as the ultimate strength, or the yield strength.

 In metal alloys, the fatigue process starts with dislocation movements at the microscopic level, which
eventually form persistent slip bands that become the basic origin of short cracks.

© Suresh 1991

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In metal alloys, the fatigue process starts with dislocation movements at the
microscopic level, which eventually forms so-called “persistent slip bands” that
become the nucleus of short cracks.

Here are some associated facts on fatigue:

Point 1) Damage is obviously irreversible. Materials do not recover when rested.

Point 2) Fatigue life is influenced by a variety of factors, such as surface finish,

metallurgical microstructure, presence of oxidizing chemicals, residual stresses,
temperature, scuffing contact , etc.

Point 3) Most metals exhibit a theoretical fatigue stress limit below which
continued loading does not lead to fatigue failure.

Detrimental effects
Microscopic (at the crystalline grain scale like on the previous slide) but also macroscopic discontinuities as well as production
defects and component design features which cause stress concentrations, are common locations at which the fatigue process,
the crack, begins.
You may anticipate even from these macroscopic photos, that not only air inclusions in a weld seam, or kinks from grinding can
be critical, but also surface roughness.


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Some of these photos are from a failed racing yacht keel. The keel was lost in 2013.
So where does fatigue process actually start?

Microscopic (at the crystalline grain scale like on the previous slide) but also
macroscopic discontinuities as well as production defects and component design
features which cause stress concentrations, are common locations at which the fatigue
process, the crack, begins.
You may anticipate even from these macroscopic photos, that not only air inclusions in a
weld seam, or kinks from grinding can be critical, but also surface roughness.

Detrimental effects II

 This is also valid for

other design and
(holes, keyways,
sharp changes of load ©
direction etc.) and
particularly welds,
which further include


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Further macroscopic inhibitors of fatigue are geometrical changes causing stress

concentrations, such as key-ways, holes or WELDS.
The small photo in the top right hand corner illustrates the difficulties when two parts
are joined using welding, when not done properly. It shows a cut through a weld joint
and in an exemplary way addresses the different potential difficulties. (The top right
image is an illustration, and not from a keel).

Growth of fatigue cracks
Upon repeated cyclic loading, the crack will continue to grow until it reaches a critical size, which
occurs when the stress intensity factor of the crack exceeds the ultimate strength of the material,
producing rapid propagation and typically complete fracture of the structure.
This is indeed what typically occurs on keels before they fail; cracks should be there before.

Confidential © © Fraunhofer IWM

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Upon repeated cyclic loading, the crack will continue to grow until it reaches a critical
size, which occurs when the stress intensity factor of the crack exceeds the ultimate
strength of the material, producing rapid propagation and typically complete fracture of
the structure.
This is indeed what typically occurs on keels before they fail; cracks should be there

Summary of driving factors

 Magnitude of stress range (amplitude) 

 Number of (cumulated, irregular) load cycles 

 Stress discontinuities (stress concentration) 

– Macroscopic imperfections (holes, edges, welds, surface finish)
– Microscopic imperfections (metallurgical, voids)
 Residual stresses (from welding or production process)
 Presence of oxidizing chemicals
 Scuffing

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Let me summarize the main driving factors that promote fatigue:

The stress range actually represents the variable dynamic loading of a keel fin. These
cycles can be caused by a boat excited by waves, but can also be generated by change of
course, flapping sails and all other sorts of dynamic events.

The main drivers are the first three bullet points, on which I would like to focus now. So,
how is the response of the metal and its typical joining technologies on the cyclic

The greater the applied stress range, the shorter the life.
 A SN or Wöhler curve describes the resistance of metal (in this case a welded joint) to fatigue
 It describes the relationship of maximum stress range and tolerable number of cycles

Stress Range


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In high-cycle fatigue situations, the materials fatigue performance is commonly

characterized by a so-called S-N curve, also known as a Wöhler curve .

This curve, directly provides the relation between the stress range (definition on the left
hand side) and the number of bearable cycles, on a double logarithmic scale. The term
“bearable” includes a statistical assurance on probability of structural survival of exactly
97,7%. We call this fatigue life.
As you can see, the fatigue life is not so much depending on the absolute level of stress,
but the stress cycle amplitude as shown on the vertical axis of the above diagram;
combined with the number of cycles, on the horizontal axis.
This whole relation is an empirically derived methodology and includes a statistical
confidence level.

Let us pick two examples in order to understand what the diagram is showing:
Blue: At a high stress range (on the left axis), the fatigue life is short (shown on the
horizontal axis).
Green: At a low stress range, the fatigue life is longer.

On this curve we can extract the behaviour of a weld design at different individual stress
range ratios (e.g. the green and the blue). This is how we later predict fatigue life, as a
spectrum of different stress ranges , each tied to an individual life time. The stress range
spectrum with all these associated fractional life times cumulates to one final result:
This is called the total damage ratio and needs to stay below the number of 1. I can
show you in a separate file how we derive to this spectrum for a typical racing yacht;

here again, there are assumptions. But back to the figure:

This relation between stress range and bearable cycles is the most important in fatigue
science, but there are a great number of further contributors, some of which I already
mentioned. In the following I would like to concentrate on talking about fatigue mainly
with considering welded connections, as those seem to cause the most head-ache in our

For example, as you can see, there are more than only one curve describing the relation
of stress range vs. fatigue life. These different curves are giving rise to different detail
design. Higher number = better design= longer fatigue life. I will come back to this later.
Now, follow me to the next step which addresses the qualities in detail:

“FAT” Classes


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Here we have a catalogue in which the different weld connections are presented and
each one is dedicated to one of the beforementioned categories, quantified with blue

During welding, a large amount of stress concentration is introduced:

- By the assembly configuration (in-line, T-shaped, etc.) shaded orange
- By the type of weld

You can also see that those categories are subdivided by loading direction, shaded in

Shaded red, let us look at some exemplary extremes:

- A7 representing a transverse loaded partial penetration weld, incorporating a big
stress concentration
- A1 the same but fully penetrated weld where the material is continuous, but with
some metallurgical obstacles
- B1 is the same but loaded along the weld
- E1 is representing base material

The FAT Classes designations or numbering is actually quantifying the fatigue life
stress range for 1Mio load cycles

“FAT” Classes

© APM Keels


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Here again, some simplified cases so that you can remember the FAT class numbers
ranging from 36 to 160
As you can perhaps imagine now, the post surface treatment is also important for the
quality of a weld; … long as it is not the root (the back of the weld) that creates the
critical issue, as seen before

Why am I trying to focus so much on these FAT Classes? Well, it is because I would like to
lead you back to the S-N fatigue life curve to study what these classes actually mean: So,
let us look at some little examples:

The higher the weld category, the higher the bearable stress range (for a given
life time).
 A SN or Wöhler describes the resistance of metal (in this case a welded joint) to fatigue
 It describes the relationship of maximum stress range and tolerable number of cycles


Stress range
x 3.5


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I repeat:

The S-N curve directly provides the relation between the stress range and the number
of bearable cycles, within a defined statistical confidence level.

Study #1:
Let us look at one particular same fatigue life (vertical line). For different quality designs
(FAT 36 and FAT 125), the allowable stress range is 125MPa for the higher quality weld
and only 36MPa for the lower quality weld.
This has drastic implications for the design.

The higher the weld category, the higher the life time (for a given stress range).
 A SN or Wöhler describes the resistance of metal (in this case a welded joint) to fatigue
 It describes the relationship of maximum stress range and tolerable number of cycles

Lifetime x 35!!


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Study #2:

If one chooses a fixed stress range, e.g. 100MPa, the life time increases by the ratio of
35!! between these same (extreme) qualities.

The higher the weld category, the higher the life time (for a given stress range)
 A SN or Wöhler describes the resistance of metal (in this case a welded joint) to fatigue
 It describes the relationship of maximum stress range and tolerable number of cycles

FAT 45

FAT 56
Lifetime x 2


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Study #3:

Choosing again a bearable stress range of 100, but comparing FAT 45 with FAT 56, there
is already a fatigue life difference ratio of 2.

Life time doubles with 25% lower stress range
 A SN or Wöhler describes the resistance of metal (in this case a welded joint) to fatigue
 It describes the relationship of maximum stress range and tolerable number of cycles

Stress range x 1.25

Lifetime x 2


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Study #4

For the same quality weld (FAT 90), a predicted life time ratio of 2.0 is achieved already
with a stress range ratio of 1.25.

After these studies I think we are hopefully understanding what the influences of weld
design on fatigue life are and what the extension of fatigue life means when we are
talking about an extension factor of 2.


 25% lower stress range extends life by a factor of 2

 25% better FAT class (quality) extends life by a factor of 2


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ISAF/WS OSR Plan Review;
Observations since 2010

– Ca. 60% of keels certified are hollow welded structures

– Ca. 5% are canting keels
– New fatigue methodologies in ISO 12215-9 produced an awareness, but it is a slow growing
process to “educate” designers.
– The awareness of importance of a proper weld design even today is often poor
– The awareness of high strength steel properties and behaviour today is poor.
– Designers often rely on “manufacturer´s” standards
– Manufacturers are often lacking awareness of structural importance
– Manufacturers make short cuts on design (e.g. “Hooligan”)
– Modifications on keels can be problematic
– Fitters are often lacking awareness
– High profiled Designs are often doing fine
Confidential Photo © Carlo Borlenghi /Rolex

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 Hooligan V 2009

Image ©:

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As designed and as built…


 Canting Keel


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This is a photo of a structure still in action.


 Oyster 825 with deficient continuity in structural FRP bottom structures

© Artur Grokovsky/Yacht Russia


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 The surface of the failed

piece had shown signs of
stirations typical only for
fatigue progressing failure,
accompanied with an
ultimate break surface. You
can even find the place
where the crack started
rather easily.
 In this case, the crack origin
was from a non-structural,
cosmetic weld , which
progressed into the
previously sound and
structural planc.


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And this is the history that one can identify from simply analysing the fracture surface:

The surface of the failed piece had shown signs of stirations typical only for fatigue
progressing failure, accompanied with an ultimate break surface. You can even find the
place where the crack started rather easily.
In this case, the crack origin was from a non-structural, cosmetic weld , which
progressed into the previously sound and structural plank.


 Detail of fatigue in
keel plank


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Scantling Standard Discussion
ISO 12215-9 for <24m

DNVGL Ship Rules:


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Scantling Standard Discussion

 ISO 12215-9 Fatigue Design Criteria

 Life time behaves linear to these value


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 Fatigue Design is essential for metal keels

– Provisions are existing for proper design
 Particularly, Designers need to have awareness and capabilities
 Production can be “common” marine standard, if instructions given on design drawings are


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Possible Solutions

 Increase required fatigue life by decreasing Total Damage Ratio “MSF” value in ISO 12215-9

The problem seems to also be that sometimes the designers don´t know the “language” of the
builders; proposed solution:
 Involve ISO 12215-6 Annex C “Good Practice Welding Procedure”, to be detailed
 Involve a proper common “language”: ISO 2553


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List of


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