The Conservation of
Archaeological Sites in the
Mediterranean Region
Cover: Francesco Bartolozzi, View of the Town of Spalatrofrom the South West. Etching, ca. 1 760. From
Robert Adam, Ruins of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (London, 1 764), pI. 4. Resource
Collections, Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, Los Angeles.
The Getty Conservation Institute, an operating program of the]. Paul Getty Trust, works internation
ally to further the appreciation and preservation of the world's cultural heritage for the enrichment and
use of present and future generations.
Archaeological Sites
Marta de la Torre and Margaret Mac Lean 5 The Archaeological Heritage in the
Mediterranean Region
161 Authors
N MAY 1 995 the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the]. Paul
For a conference lasting only five full days, the list of people who made it
possible is long. First, the organizers would like to acknowledge the
pivotal role played by the conference participants. From the beginning,
they embraced the initiative with enthusiasm and participated in the dis
cussions with open minds and warm collegiality. With good humor and
patience, they endured a grueling schedule of presentations, visits, and
meetings, as well as many hours aboard the ship and in buses. The confer
ence enjoyed calm seas throughout the five days-the final blessing con
tributing to the event's success.
During the long months of preparation, the conference organizers
relied on the sage advice of an informal advisory group that included
Anton Bammer, William D. E. Coulson, Christos Doumas, Hermann
Kienast, Helmut Kyrieleis, Marc Laenen, and Vassilis Lambrinoudakis. The
preparatory meetings took us to Santorini, Rome, and Athens, where we
were hosted respectively by the Idryma Theras P. M. Nomikos Foundation,
the Memmo Foundation, and the Archaeology Department of the
University of Athens.
The site presentations would not have been possible without the
generous collaboration of the authorities and archaeologists at each site.
The authors of the site presentations have included their acknowledg
ments in their articles.
In Tunis we received the support and warm hospitality of the
Ministry of Culture of Tunisia; of Abdelaziz Daoulatli, director of the
Institut National du Patrimoine; and of Abdel Majid Ennabli, who wel
comed us to the Carthage Museum for the opening of the conference.
The arrangements for receiving the participants in Tunis were greatly
facilitated by our indefatigable friend Aicha Ben Abed.
The speakers set the stage for discussion and raised provocative
points. Aicha Ben Abed, Zahi Hawass, Hermann Kienast, Margaret
Mac Lean, and Giora Solar presented the values of archaeological sites in
a panel on the first day. Aboard ship, Christos Doumas, Hartwig Schmidt,
Renee Sivan, and Sharon Sullivan addressed the management and presen
tation of sites. The introductions to Piazza Armerina, Knossos, and
Ephesus were prepared and presented respectively by Nicholas Stanley
Price, John K. Papadopoulos, and Martha Demas. The discussions were led
and recorded by Aicha Ben Abed, Brigitte Bourgeois, Christos Doumas,
effects on the authenticity and values of sites. Sivan, a member of the new
professional group of presentation specialists, discusses the use of inter
pretation techniques borrowed from such fields as education and enter
tainment. Some of these techniques have been introduced only recently
into the archaeological world and are the subj ect of much debate as to
the appropriateness of their use in cultural sites. This new exploration
of site interpretation and presentation constitutes an emerging area of
heritage work, and, like any nascent discipline, its parameters and guiding
principles are still being explored.
The topic of site interpretation and presentation was included in
the conference and in this volume because, regardless of the methods
used, the ways in which a site is presented and interpreted can affect the
integrity of its values and, thus, its conservation as well.
s WE BUILD what will one day become the remains of our society,
the features in which those values might be embodied, and the people who
cherish the sites.
Value can be understood more clearly if some of the possible
meanings of the word in this context are enumerated. Value can be
equated with usefulness if the place can be used for productive purposes,
such as the education of citizens; or with significance, if the place signifies
or symbolizes something larger and more important than merely the ruins
of its architecture . The current benefit can be understood as the positive
effects on the community, culture, national image, and so forth, that derive
from the existence of the place. The potential can be understood as the
possibility of further scientific information or other benefits that the place
is perceived to be able to yield. Both benefit and potential constitute value.
A cultural heritage site can have many different values: aesthetic,
historical, social, scientific, religious, economic, educational, and so on.
If a place is seen by a stakeholder as having SCientific value, it might
be useful or significant now or in the future for the archaeological com
munity. This judgment might be made because the site holds important
evidence for some newly understood feature of ancient culture and has not
yet been excavated and thus not yet damaged. As was noted above, certain
threats can ultimately destroy these values. One way in which scientific
value could be compromised, for example, would be if a new visitors cen
ter were built on top of a site before archaeologists were able to under
stand the place through excavation and protection of its unique evidence.
Conversely, the educational value of the same place would be compromised
if archaeologists were allowed to excavate so much of the site that nothing
would remain of its features for interpretation to the public.
Its aesthetic value could be endangered if, for example, new con
structions were to obstruct the ancient view of a mountain in the dis
tance-part of the meaning and beauty of the site.
Archaeological sites are valuable to segments of society for vari
ous reasons, and aspects of the sites are variably significant. If one group's
interests are allowed to take precedence over the interests of others, values
important to many will be sacrificed. Ideally, a well-balanced approach to
managing a site protects the separate values and educates stakeholders
about the values important to others.
Articulation and recognition of a particular set of values for a site
is only the first step necessary to ensure their protection. Any threats to
those values must be understood, and a plan must be devised to anticipate
and mitigate them.
In some cases, aspects of a site must be developed in order to
reveal their full Significance. For example, a visitor might find educational
value in the story told by the place-but only if the story is made legible .
A tour organizer may find the place valuable because o f its location-but
only if there are adequate roads to reach it and sufficient amenities to
accommodate several busloads of visitors per day. In purely economic
terms, the size of the site, old trees around the perimeter that allow
respite from the sun, and the view all encourage an extended stay and
enhance opportunities for sales of food and souvenirs and even for
overnight accommodations. These opportunities translate into value for
the tourism industry.
In many instances, the difference in reasons that a site is valued by
certain groups generates conflict. For example, an important archaeologi
cal site might stand near what has become a popular bathing resort, and
developers want to build a hotel there, taking advantage of the site's
attraction for visitors. However, the presence of the hotel might damage
the view, introduce many more people into a fragile area, lead to the need
for new subterranean pipes and other services, and require changes in the
route into the site. Complete destruction of the site and its significance
can take place if all these changes are made without an understanding of
their impact on the site, and in the absence of sufficient resources for site
management and protection. In situations that embody such conflicts, a
process that can guide management decisions is potentially highly useful.
(An example of such a process is found in Sullivan, herein.)
Because learning can occur on many levels, the educational value of sites
Educational Value of Sites
is appreciated by many groups; thus, educational value is the common
ground among most of the constituencies. A site can provide lessons in
history, cultural expression, art, architecture, societal development, and
conflict, and such lessons can benefit the specialist archaeologists, the
tourism officials, the general public, and even the developers. In previous
eras, excavations were undertaken in a search for treasures to fill museums
in distant lands. Now, however, the purpose of most archaeological inquiry
is to develop reasonable and well-supported answers to significant hypothe
ses. Archaeology as a disCipline intends to read the full range of evidence
from a site (objects, context, architecture, and so on) and then to use the
discoveries to further knowledge that can or must be used to interpret the
site for the public. Unfortunately, even these new approaches to archaeol
ogy do not necessarily result in a site that is understandable to the public.
Since society supports and funds academic archaeology, it would be logical
to require that scholars include in the excavation planning process other
specialists who can consider the future presentation of the site to visitors.
Throughout most of the world, the interpretation and presenta
tion of archaeological sites to the public are woefully underdeveloped both
in theory and in practice. Sites without information for visitors are not eas
ily understood by nonspecialists-and without some explanation even spe
cialists can be challenged to understand, for example, an overgrown trench
or protruding wall foundations. Moreover, archaeologists are not yet help
ful in site presentation, since their training rarely encourages them to speak
to the general public. Nevertheless, good interpretation enables visitors to
understand archaeology and can convert them from puzzled tourists into
advocates for archaeological research and conservation.
Interpretation and presentation must be viewed and accepted as
obligations to the visitor-not only as means of attracting more tourists.
10 d e l a To rre and M a c Lean
Both natural and cultural sites have become important economic resources
Archaeological Heritage as
in many parts of the world, and their economic potential is almost always
an Economic Resource realized through tourism. While the degradation of both natural and cul
tural resources in the presence of large numbers of visitors is inevitable
when the situation is unmanaged, there is a stronger awareness of the dan
gers that affect the natural habitat than of those that imperil archaeologi
cal sites. The conservation of the values of such natural sites as beaches,
forests, and landscapes is known to be closely tied to their long-term eco
nomic value. There are many examples on the Mediterranean coast of
dirty, overcrowded, overbuilt beach resorts that now attract fewer tourists
or attract a less desirable class of tourism that brings fewer economic
benefits. The erosion of the integrity of these natural sites has eroded
their commercial value as well.
Sharon Sullivan
Identifying and involving key interest groups Documenting the history of the site
. All the people and institutions having an interest · Survey
in the site or having influence over its management · Inventory
I--r-- · Historical and archaeological record
Who are the key players and how will they be involved? · GraphiC archive
.. +-
Significance assessment Management assessment
. Establish values · Document and assess physical condition
. Develop formal statement of significance · Establish contraints and opportunities
What values does this site haver What are the constraints and opportunities that will
influence management of the siter
Defining management policy
. Statement of purpose, based on assessments
Why is the site going to be managed?
Choosing management strategies
. Specific practices
. Operational procedures
How will the management objectives be put into practicer
T ....• ... ...
Maintenance Conservation Other
strategies strategies strategies
result, the princess falls asleep for one hundred years, and the kingdom
falls into ruin.
The moral we can learn from this story is that any plans for the
future of a cultural site will not work unless all the key players are
involved in the conceptualization of the plan and feel that they partici
pate in the ownership of the proposed outcomes. The key players are
those for whom the site has value, those who have important informa
tion about it, and those who can influence its management. These con
stituents will vary from place to place and from country to country. In
most instances the managers of sites-be they archaeologists, architects,
or civil servants-regard themselves as the only key players. But a thor
ough analysis of interest groups can identify people from city govern
ments, tourist authorities, local communities, and tour organizations, as
well as foreign and local scholars and other experts such as conservators,
who may have a crucial role to play in the development of effective
management for a site.
The first task of the planning process is to identify representa
tives of all the key interest groups, bring them together, and hear their
concerns. This is an essential step, as well as an ongoing element, that
will broaden understanding of the value of the place, as well as of
opportunities and constraints. This step can also win new friends and
supporters (some in unlikely places) for the conservation of the site.
When the key players are involved, or at least satisfied, with the plan's
objectives, the likelihood of its successful implementation will increase.
At the core of this group of key players is the person or group
responsible for the overall, long-term management of the site . l This per
son or group also pulls together all of these elements and writes the
plan. It is the job of this individual or group to guide the planning
proceSS-identifying the key players, gathering them at crucial times,
and establishing the statement of significance and the management
strategies. It will subsequently be the responsibility of the site manager
to implement the plan.
The steps that follow the assessment of significance are those that deter
Management Assessment
mine the physical condition of the site and provide an understanding of
the management environment. These two elements establish the condi-
A P L A N N I N G M O D E L F O R T H E M A NA G E M E N T O F A R C H A E O L O G I C A L S I T E S 21
tions under which management will operate, and identify the opportuni
ties and constraints that exist. The factors that create the working environ
ment must be considered at this stage of the planning process. These
factors are the legal and policy framework governing the site; the alloca
tion of management responsibilities; the financial and other resources
available; the physical condition of the site; technical possibilities; the
needs and expectations of the community; current and projected patterns
of visitor use; and threats to the fabric, ambience, and values.
Planners usually find that useful information results from such an
assessment of the physical condition. A careful examination and recording
of the condition of a site can afford insight into the causes of deterioration
and damage . When this examination reveals the physical conditions to be
dangerous, the usual reaction is to leap to solutions (too often drastic and
involving high technology) rather than to continue to diagnose and plan.
However, previous steps of the planning process would have resulted in a
gathering of historic photos of the site showing the physical condition
over time. The planning group can use these documents to compare past
conditions to current ones. Sometimes, surprisingly, areas believed to be
decaying rapidly are found to have changed little, if at all, over the years.
In other areas, conditions that are thought to have existed for long periods
of time are found to be accelerating or changing drastically. In either case,
the planners will obtain a better understanding of the processes of deterio
ration affecting the sites and be able to identify the elements that require
priority attention in the plan. The information gathered at this time and
the records of condition will also be used in later planning stages to estab
lish and implement monitoring procedures that must be part of the plan.
Many technically brilliant and meticulously researched plans for
physical conservation or ongoing management are never implemented.
One common reason for this is that they are often inappropriate for the
management environment in which they are supposed to operate.
Expensive equipment that cannot be maintained or complex monitoring
procedures that require unavailable knowledge or a high level of resources
are worse than useless. Such strategies can do permanent harm if they are
recommended in place of more reasonable procedures that would be
appropriate and sustainable at a given site.
It is, therefore, very important to consider the general manage
ment environment: staffing, budget, visitor numbers (present and pro
jected), legal status, technical conditions, neighboring land use, regional
and local land use, and so forth. The only plan that will be effective is a
plan appropriate to the management environment and one that-j ust as
important-has been devised, or at least enthusiastically accepted, by local
At this stage of the planning, it can be highly advisable to hold
a workshop or meeting at which representatives of all the key interest
groups can come together. They need first to ensure that the statement
of all the values of the site is comprehensive; second, they need to have
the opportunity to express their views on the crucial management issues.
These meetings are often lively and frank, with participants taking what is
22 S u l livan
often their first opportunity to air their views and grievances; typically,
they then move on to propose positive suggestions for future manage
ment. This colloquy invariably results in the discovery of important man
agement issues and problems that had prior to this point been poorly
understood or even ignored.
A useful way of understanding the management environment at
the site-a way that is often advocated by management specialists-is to
undertake a quick analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, and conse
quently of the opportunities and threats, of the management environ
ment.3 By looking in some detail at budgets and staffing, visitor numbers
and physical problems, local political support and government policy, the
planning group can gain a realistic understanding of the management
situation and determine what elements would be reasonable and useful
to inscribe in the management plan.
This analysis should help clarify what actions are possible
immediately, what might be planned for the future, and what will succeed
because of the support of key players. Many plans written by consultants
or international experts are sound and provide solutions that are excellent,
technically feasible, and logical. However, they are rarely implemented
because they are so often culturally or technically inappropriate for the
environment under consideration or because they are not understood or
supported by the local managers and politicians.
Although this article does not deal with them in detail, there are
other management strategies that may be relevant at particular sites and
therefore must be designed as well. These include
Much of site management is simple common sense. The real value of the
C onclusions
planning process presented here is that it can be used to pull together,
strengthen, and add to local planning principles and practices. The outline
of steps must be used and adapted by local planners who have the required
background, information, and expertise.
Management planning need not be a long, involved process
expected to solve all the major problems of a site at once. The level of
planning should fit the capability of the site managers to work through the
issues with key stakeholders and to implement realistic solutions. Planning
should move in small, discernible steps from the known situation to an
improved one.
Although planning and management can be a big undertaking and
involve an intensive use of resources, it need not be so. The collaborative
method described in this article-by which the basic values, issues, and
26 S u l livan
solutions are drawn from the key players-can be both inexpensive and
effective, if given careful attention and planning.
Management planning must be carried out by local groups rather
than by external experts, although such experts may facilitate the process.
It is the local planner who has the expertise and ability to involve key
interest groups.
Because management policy must involve all key interest groups
to be effective, it follows that there may be some compromise and some
apparently imperfect or incomplete solutions with this method. It also fol
lows that without this involvement, the most technically and ideologically
perfect plan may not be implemented. It is the responsibility of the plan
coordinator (ideally, the local manager) to work through all the issues with
the key interest groups in order to produce a plan that substantially
improves the situation on the site. Management is often unglamorous and
unfashionable. It seldom gets people academic recognition or promotions,
because if it is done well, the outcomes seem so obviously right that it
appears that anyone could have done the job. Yet making difficult things
seem easy is the nature of true management genius.
While the management process described above applies to a single
site, it can also be used in a broader context-regional or national-to plan
the overall management of a group of important places. In fact, in the
absence of such regional understanding and planning, it is often difficult to
plan effectively for a particular site. For the managers, however, the crucial
step is to begin where the resources and goodwill can be directed to pro
tect a site. Even individual and simple plans can be powerful exemplars
for a district, or for an entire region.
2. Involvement of the local population can also change their outlook, educate them about
aspects of significance, and make them more sympathetic to conservation.
3. This is often called a SWOT analysis-that is, an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportuni
ties, and threats.
Management Considerations at a
Mediterranean Site: Akrotiri, Thera
Christos Doumas
From 1 967 until his death in 1 974, Marinatos directed a maj or excavation
Recording and
at Akrotiri to verify his theory (Marinatos 1 967-73) . During this period,
Documentation excavations were carried out at a frenetic pace, at the expense of docu
mentation and conservation of the site and the finds. The photographic
documentation, for which Marinatos was personally responsible, could be
characterized as adequate. However, the complete lack of plans and draw
ings of the excavated sectors, as well as the lack of detailed daybooks,
diminishes the value of the photographic archive, since it is extremely
difficult to relate it to the rest of the excavation data.
Since 1 975 a conscious effort has been made to ensure the fullest
possible documentation, which appears annually in the Proceedings of the
Archaeological Society in Athens (Praktika tes en Athenais Archaiologikes
Etaireias). All the information from the field is recorded on a cartographic
grid with precise geographical coordinates. In parallel, all stages of the
excavation process are described and drawn in detail. Recently an
AutoCAD software system was introduced to assist in the timely and
28 Doumas
S cientific value
The site has scientific value since it can provide information on geological,
climatological, environmental, and other phenomena. Nearly four thou
sand years ago, the inhabitants of Akrotiri faced many problems found in
modern societies, which they resolved by means of seismic-protection
measures, drainage plans, and architectural and engineering solutions. The
study of the volume and nature of ejecta from the volcano, as well as of
the manner of their deposition, has enabled scholars today to determine
the mechanism and the magnitude of the eruption (Doumas 1 978; Hardy
1 990). The diversity of materials recovered from the excavation has con
tributed Significantly to the improvement of methods and techniques of
dating and the determination of provenance. The site has also contributed
to the study of problems confronted by today's high-technological society.
For example, the metal objects buried in the volcanic strata offer the possi
bility of studying the migration of trace elements in order to provide data
useful to the quest for the safe burial of nuclear waste.
Historical value
Figure 4
Fresco fragment. Women are often depicted
wearing delicate, diaphanous garments in
Aegean wall paintings. The recent discovery
of a wild-silkworm cocoon in a jar at Akrotiri
suggests that silk might have been produced
in Akrotiri in the sixteenth century s. c. E. and
that diaphanous materials could have been
made of silk and not of linen, as has
been assumed.
30 D o u mas
n.d.). These are a few of a long list of examples that give historical value
to the site of Akrotiri.
Aesthetic value
Figure 5 , a bove
Marble figurine. Marble figurines were
fashioned in the Cyclades during the third
millennium B.C.E. Their meaning for their
creators may remain a mystery to us forever.
Nevertheless, they represent the earliest artis
tic manifestation of the Aegean Bronze Age;
their aesthetic quality is highly esteemed by
modern art historians, as demonstrated by
their distribution in collections and museums
around the world. The fact that Akrotiri has
so far produced almost all the characteristic
types created during the entire millennium
indicates the major role of Thera in the
Figure 6 , a b ove Figure 7, above
development of the early Cycladic civilization.
Marble vase. Early Cycladic sculpture was Figurative pot. Incised figures appeared as
not restricted to figurines. Marble vases are decoration in the Cyclades as early as the
another artistic manifestation of the third third millennium B.C.E. These painted decora
millennium-B.c.E. Cycladic islanders. Artists tions characterize the pottery of the middle
were often inspired by the natural world and the early phases of the late Bronze Age
around them, as this jar suggests: its body (middle and late Cycladic)-i.e., the first half
imitates the form of a sea urchin. of the second millennium B.G.E. Migrating
birds, heralds of the new season, and dol
phins, constant companions of sailors, were
among the favorite subjects. This is one of the
special middle Cycladic class of vases called
"swallow jugs," quite common at Akrotiri.
Figure 8, l eft
Figurative pot. Designed for the transport of
perfumed oil and wine, this stirrup jar is an
early invention of the late Cycladic period.
While many had geometric or linear decora
tion, they were often covered with animal or
floral motifs.
M A N AG E M E N T C O N S I D E RAT I O N S AT A M E D I T E R R A N E A N S I T E : A K R O T I R I , T H E R A 31
Figure 9
The Saffron Gatherers. This large wall painting
shows one of the economic activities of the
prehistoric Therans that was practiced by
women. The scene depicted reveals a facet
of Aegean daily life that would otherwise be
unknown: education. The young girl on the
right is trying to imitate the moves of her
instructress / initiator on the left, who demon
strates them for her. One can clearly see the
young novice's anxiety as she labors under
the severe gaze of her supervisor-Is she
doing it properly?
Social value
The values of the site mentioned above combine to create a further one
for modern society, a value that can be characterized as social. Through
the site and the wide range of finds, a part of the remote history of the
Aegean can be better understood, giving the site great educational
value for the public. Education allows what one author has called the
"mastering of the cultural values of the past by each person rather than
by only some individuals. By mastering these values and the creative time
of past epochs that they represent, reutilizing it most efficiently and
developing it further, man makes his contribution to the priceless
treasure of eternity" (Baller 1 984:8).
Economic value
The burial of the entire city in ancient times under thick deposits of
C ondition of the Site
pumice and volcanic ash has preserved many buildings up to the second
and sometimes even the third story (Fig. 10). However, the walls built with
stones, clay occasionally mixed with broken straw, and timber have lost
their original cohesiveness due to the disintegration of all organic matter
32 Doumas
Figure 10
The condition of the site and its significance present a number of con
Management Environment
straints as well as opportunities that affect its management.
Figure 1 1
Negatives of two door frames that were
impressed in the volcanic materials. Wooden
structures (such as door and window frames
and antiseismic timber frameworks) that are
bearing elements need to be replaced before
excavation can proceed, in order to protect
the solid, heavy walls above.
M A NA G E M E N T C O N S I D E RAT I O N S AT A M E D I T E R R A N E A N S I T E : A K R O T I R I , T H E R A 33
Figure 1 2
Concrete replacement o f a pier-and-door par
tition (polythyron). The excavators have cre
ated a support for the wall above the frame, as
well as preserved the distorted form of the
structure resulting from earthquake or gen
eral damage to the building.
Figure 1 3
Protective cover over the site. The extensive
roof over the whole excavated part of the site,
though it protects the ruins, has drawbacks.
Among them are high maintenance, the cre
ation of less than optimal conditions for visi
tors and staff, and intrusion on the landscape.
34 Doumas
area (due to the acidity of the volcanic ash and to salt from the nearby sea)
is a maj or concern. The canalization of the quantities of rainwater col
lected from the extensive roof is another related problem.
Following the great eruption of the volcano in ancient times, tor
rents of rainwater destroyed many of the buildings and created a ravine
that divided the site in two. The management of the site must take into
consideration the dynamics of this ravine .
The fragile condition of individual elements-such as walls,
doors, windows, and staircases-presents a challenge for their mainte
nance. The creation of facilities needed for the conservation and storage
of the wide variety and large quantities of finds inevitably disturbs the
immediate environment of the site.
The thousands of visitors who come to the site daily during the
summer months have a great impact and are a source of management con
cern (Fig. 1 4). Infrastructure work, such as the opening of roads, the cre
ation of parking lots for the ever-increasing number of vehicles, and the
construction of facilities for the growing number of visitors cause serious
disturbances, not only to the immediate environment of the site but also
to the entire island.
The crowding and circulation of visitors among the fragile ruins
are potential dangers to both visitors and materials. The presentation of
the site is constrained by the necessity to limit visitor access to the ruins
and to the movable finds and by the limited space available on site for
graphic and other kinds of information.
These constraints challenge the decision makers to find solutions
that will address the problems, conserve the Significance of the site, and
create better methods and techniques of conservation and presentation
as well as enable the training of specialists, the education of the public,
and the creation of j obs.
Figure 1 4
Tourist-season visitor traffic. Thousands of
visitors walk daily through the ruins under
the metal roof in the heavy tourist season
(April through November). Temporary walk
ways created to prevent damage to the monu
ments hamper both circulation of visitors and
the guiding of large groups.
M A NA G E M E N T C O N S I D E RAT I O N S AT A M E D I T E RR A N E A N S I T E : A K R O T I R I , T H E R A 35
The importance of the site of Akrotiri, not only for the specialist but also
Management Policy
for the general public, has made it a major tourist attraction. Various inter
national scientific congresses and wide publicity in the mass media have
made it almost a pilgrimage destination in the Aegean. However, as with
many archaeological locations, the social value of the site seems to be per
ceived by many only in economic terms. The media, for example, have
mainly been concerned with promoting Akrotiri as a tourist asset. The
number of true educational programs made by the various television net
works has been pitifully small.
Moreover, with the exception of some special organized groups,
the great mass of tourists visit the site because the tour operators have
included it in their schedules. This uncontrolled and unprogrammed
exploitation of Akrotiri's economic value creates serious problems for the
site (many related to the safety of visitors) as well as problems of conser
vation and protection of the monuments. The large number of visitors
also creates problems of movement and deployment of the personnel cur
rently involved in the ongoing archaeological investigation. The impossi
bility of providing sufficient information on site and of creating facilities
nearby to do so prevents most visitors from being adequately informed
about the cultural significance of the place they are visiting. It is clear,
therefore, that these conflicts will not be resolved unless the process of
managing the site is well planned and coordinated.
Nevertheless, the experience acquired over the last three decades
has led to certain successful measures. The protection and maintenance of
the site have been ensured by the designation of an extensive area as one of
archaeological importance and by its partition into three zones, determined
by proximity to the archaeological site itself. Zone I surrounds the expro
priated archaeological excavation area and constitutes the first buffer for
the archaeological site. Only traditional agricultural activity is permitted
within this zone. Zone II encompasses an area where it is possible that
there are antiquities, and the only buildings permitted are small structures
for agricultural needs. In reality, a number of what are actually houses have
been built near the beach under the guise of being farmers' sheds. The land
included in the outermost zone, Zone III, has no restrictions on its use.
Other measures implemented over time have addressed specific
problems. These have included the extensive expropriation of land around
the excavation proper; the temporary diversion of the streambed a few
meters west by the construction of a subterranean conduit at a higher
level; the roofing of the excavated area; and the creation of various walk
ways for the circulation of visitors. Other conservation challenges have
been met by the development of special excavation techniques and the
creation of on-site storage facilities and laboratories for immediate conser
vation of finds. 1
In order to accommodate circulation and to present the site to
visitors, explanatory texts and graphics have been placed along the walk
ways; however, in order to prevent congestion, no more than three guided
groups are allowed on site at any given time. At the end of each digging
season, the excavators working on the site also organize seminars for the
36 D o u mas
island's professional guides, so that they are aware of the new finds and of
the progress of the research, and can better inform visitors, as well as
assist in the conservation of the site.
Special programs for the education of the island's inhabitants have
been organized by the excavation staff in collaboration with the Idryma
Theras P. M. Nomikos Foundation. Seminars for the schoolteachers on the
island have been received with great enthusiasm, and organized visits of
school groups to the site, guided by archaeologists, have proved to be
appreciated by schoolchildren of all levels.
Figure 1 5
Pilot application o f new roofing plan: internal
view of the pilot roof. A pilot application of
the new protective covering has demonstrated
not only that conditions will improve for peo
ple working or walking under the new roof,
but also that its appearance both inside and
outside will be aesthetically superior, unifying
the broken aspect of the natural landscape.
Figure 1 6
Pilot application of new roofing plan: external
view of the pilot roof (see Fig. 1 5).
38 D o umas
Figure 1 7
Pilot application of new roofing plan. The
unobtrusive design blends into the surround
ing environment (see Figs. 1 5 . 16).
with another that will be adapted to the natural environment and that will
use ecologically sensitive forms of energy and materials-sun, water,
wind, and earth. The new roof will protect monuments and visitors from
the sun and carbon dioxide, while providing localized air-conditioned areas
for visitors and excavators. The construction of the new roof has been
included among the projects of the Greek Ministry of Culture to be
financed by European Union programs.
The project to replace the roof has prompted the study of a series
of measures that can be taken to minimize the conflict among the site's
various values. Under the new roof, a network of main and secondary
walkways will facilitate the circulation of a large number of visitors. These
new circulation modes and patterns will reduce the dangers to both visi
tors and ruins. Located a few meters above the ruins and alternating with
overpasses, the walkways will offer better perspectives over the site, and
visitors will be able see the interiors of buildings and view the layout of
the ancient settlement.
Thematic exhibitions of finds from the site will be arranged at
intervals along the perimeter walkway, so that the visit to the site becomes
more than a brief episode during a tourist's summer vacation. It is hoped
that these presentations will provide a substantial introduction to the
world of the Aegean Bronze Age.2
The roofed area will be converted into a "living" museum, which,
with modern communication technology, will be used to educate the visi
tor in an entertaining way. Ongoing evaluation is planned through ques
tionnaires for visitors, guides, tour operators, travel agents, members of
the local community, and scholars. The information thus gathered will
help in the continued improvement of visiting conditions.
If the above goals are realized, the archaeological site at Akrotiri
will become a place of education and recreation. However, the achieve
ment of these two objectives requires the governmental bodies responsible
for education and tourism to participate in the cost of operation and main-
M A NA G E M E N T C O N S I D E RAT I O N S AT A M E D I T E R R A N E A N S I T E : A KR O T I RI , T H E R A 39
tenance o f the site. With secure financial support, the excavation, scientific
research, and conservation can proceed at a steady pace. The development
of individual research projects to process the finds should provide answers
to the still-open questions of historical scholarship and conservation. At
the same time, the site could develop into a school for young scholars and
a training ground for excavation and conservation techniques. And finally,
opportunities for new jobs will emerge from the various activities that will
arise from the effective management of the site.
1. Three such laboratories now exist at Akrotiri-one for mending and conserving pottery, one
Notes for metallic objects and other materials, and one for wall paintings.
2. Some of the themes suggested for these exhibitions are the island's geological history; its envi·
ronment (climate, fauna, flora); the everyday occupations and activities of the inhabitants of
prehistoric Thera; the inhabitants' diet and dress, technical and protoscientific achievements,
ideology and beliefs; and their relations with the rest of the world (see also Doumas 1993).
Baller, E.
References 1984 Communism and Cultural Heritage. Moscow: Progress Publishers.
Doumas, Christos
1983 Thera: Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean. London: Thames and Hudson.
1 987 H :::: £0"'1\ 3 Kat Ot KuavoKE<jlaAOt (HT1V tEXVTl tTl� El1\pa� (E Xeste 3 kai oi
kyanokephaloi sten techne tes Theras; Xeste 3 and the blue-headed people in the art
of Thera). In E1 Amr
ivf/, rO/1ot; 1:1/11/rLKOt; rw 1:QV Ka8f/rf/nj N1Ko).ao IT)'c1rwva
(Eilapine, tomos timetikos gia ton Kathegete Nikolao Platona; Eilapine, volume in
honor of Professor Nicholas Platon), 1 5 1-59. Heraklion: Demos Herakleiou.
1990 The elements at Akrotiri. In Thera and the Aegean World Ill: Proceedings of the Third
International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3-9 September 1 989, ed. D. Hardy, vo!' 1 , 24-30.
London: Thera Foundation.
1992b The Wall-Paintings of Thera. Trans. Alex Doumas. Athens: Thera Foundation.
1993 Archaeological sites as alternative exhibitions: The case of Akrotiri, Thera. European
Review 1 (3):279-84.
Marinatos, Nanno
1984 Art and Religion in Thera. Athens: D. and J. Mathioulakis.
40 Doumas
Marinatos, Spyridon
Sotirakopoulou, P.
1996 Late Neolithic pottery from Akrotiri on Thera: Its relations and the consequent
implications. In Die Agiiische Friihzeit, ed. E. Alram Stern, 58 1-607. Vienna:
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Hartwig Schmidt
Figure 1 elements were, of course, created to the original scale, they were rendered
Giovanni Battista Piranesi, View of the Arch of as simplified shapes and produced in a material different from the original.
Titus, ca. 1 770. Etching, 47 X 71 em. Resource
Despite the patination of the new parts since the reconstruction, it is
Collections, Getty Research Institute for the
History of Art and the Humanities, Los still possible to distinguish between original and supplemental elements
Angeles. This image of the ruined Arch of (Fig. 2a, b). Of course, it is much easier for a visitor to comprehend a
Titus gives an idea of how difficult it must complete structure than a building in a ruined state. Archaeologists,
have been to imagine, from the state of the
however, are only interested in the original parts.
ancient ruins, their former, intact appearance.
On the left is the entrance to the Farnese
The condition of the Roman Forum today illustrates another
Gardens, in the background the ruins of the problem inherent in all reconstruction: Archaeological ruins once corre
Roman Forum. The remains of the triumphal sponded to and harmonized with their original surroundings. When
arch had already been freed from their
reconstructed, however, these complete new structures are often difficult
medieval superstructure and buttressed by
masonry on the left.
to integrate into the existing setting. This problem is very evident in the
case of the Stoa of Attalos on the Athenian Agora, rebuilt by the American
School of Classical Studies in Athens between 1 953 and 1 956. The large
size of the newly erected, complete hall presents a jarring contrast to the
low ruins of the ancient structures that surround it (Fig. 3).
The Stoa of Attalos, a present of Attalos II (r. 1 59-1 3 8 B.C.E.), king
of Pergamon, to the city of Athens, was erected in the second century
B.C.E. Only small fragments of the building have survived the ravages of
time (Fig. 4). The skillful reconstruction carried out by the American
School used building materials available in ancient times. Since the new
building had to accommodate storerooms, a museum, and workrooms for
R E C O N S T RU C T I O N O F A N C I E N T B U I L D I N G S 43
Figure 2a, b archaeologists, modern installations of water, gas, and electricity were
Arch of Titus, Rome. From a distance (a) the
provided. For safety, the restorers used concrete in the ceilings rather than
arch looks today as if it has survived intact
reproducing the original wooden-beam construction. The rooms of
through time. A closer view (b) reveals, how
ever, considerable damage in the central parts, ancient shops on the building's ground level were adapted to house a
which can be clearly differentiated from the museum. Given the general condition of the building as well as the mod
newer, reconstructed parts in the outer areas. ern installations, visitors should understand that the structure is not, in
The new elements were constructed in
fact, authentically ancient. Even so, tour guides report that it is often
simplified shapes, as seen in the Corinthian
capitals and in the unfluted column in the difficult to rid tourists of their romantic notion that Socrates once rallied
right corner. The new elements were also ren his students around him on the very steps on which the modern visitors
dered in different materials-for example, are standing (Fig. 5).
travertine has been substituted for the original
Historic buildings are invaluable sources for historic research. Not
marble. While it is still possible today to dis
tinguish between the original parts and the
only do they embody data but they are also authentic, tangible remains of
reconstructions, to the uncritical observer the the past that have survived through history. This history is manifested in
arch appears intact. the signs of aging and the injuries left by use, alteration, and destruction
evidence that documents the passage of time. Some of the damage can be
repaired, and lost parts can be replaced. The result, however, is not a more
complete ancient building but, instead, a modern creation.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, archaeologists began
to formulate rules to ensure the authenticity of ruins and prevent their
falsification. Nicolaos Balanos ( 1 860-1 942), who led the re-erection of the
AcropoliS in Athens from 1 895 to 1 940, described his working method,
which he called anastylosis, as the reassembly of existing but dismembered
parts (Balanos 1 938). He contrasted his method with reconstruction-the
re-creation, with new materials, of parts that no longer exist. His concept
44 Schmidt
Figure 3
The reconstructed Stoa of Attalos in the
Athenian Agora. The Stoa of Attalos, origi
nally built around 1 50 B.C.E. , was recon
structed between 1953 and 1956. The building
appears enormous in relation to the surround
ing small dwellings and sparse remains of
other ancient buildings. The structure has
modern water, gas, and electrical installations
so it can serve its current function as office,
storage, and museum space for the American
School of Classical Studies in Athens.
Figure 4
Ancient foundations of the Stoa of Attalos
prior to reconstruction. In 1952, when the site
was excavated, the foundations of the ancient
structure were preserved over the whole
length of the building, and the walls stood at
their full height in two places.
Figure 5
Front of the reconstructed Stoa of Attalos.
The stairs of the crepidoma are used as a rest
ing place by modern visitors. Although the
imposing building is obviously a modern
reconstruction, tour guides report that
tourists commonly hold the anachronistic
notion that the stoa is authentically ancient.
Figure 6
Nineteenth-century view of the Parthenon,
Athens, showing extensive damage to the
colonnade. This 1 890 photograph taken from
the northwest records the broad gap created
when columns collapsed from an explosion
in 1687.
Figure 7
The Parthenon after the repairs of 1922-30.
This photograph shows the Parthenon as it
appeared following the anasrylosis carried out
by Nicolaos Balanos. Columns were re
erected and the architraves and frieze
replaced. Missing parts were produced in
masonry and plastered with a cement mortar.
It remained in this condition until recent
years, when new conservation work was
46 Schmidt
Figure 8 Figure 9
The Library of Celsus in Ephesus during the The Library of Celsus seen at the end of the
excavations in 1905. Architects put together Street of the Curetes. The magnificent marble
the remaining architectural elements to get an facade was restored between 1 970 and 1978 by
idea of the appearance of the original Roman Friedmund Hueber and V M. Strocka, who
building. Some of these elements are today in incorporated original stones found on the
museums in Vienna and Istanbul; they are site, copies of architectural members that had
either missing in the modern reconstruction been removed into museum collections, and
or replaced by copies. new pieces needed for structural stabiliry. The
seventeen-meter-high facade dominates the
surrounding ruins and attracts the attention
of tourists.
R E C O N S T RU C T I O N O F A N C I E N T B U I L D I N G S 47
Figure 1 2
The Library of Celsus viewed from the
side. The reconstruction focused mainly on
the facade; the rest of the structure remains
in ruins.
48 Schmidt
Figure 1 4
Reconstruction of a Bronze Age settlement at
Unteruhldingen, Lake Constance, Germany.
Information gathered from excavations in
Buchau at the Federsee, fifty kilometers away,
Figure 1 3 was used by Hans Reinerth in 1931 to create
Lejre Historical-Archaeological Research this full-scale model, which, it is now known,
Center, near Roskilde, Denmark. This aerial is not historically accurate.
view shows the site where three prehistoric
villages have been re-created based on infor
mation about materials and their uses that has
been gathered from various excavations.
hypotheses that guided the reconstruction have since proved incorrect, the
settlement is still a major tourist attraction. It appears that visitors can be
interested in fanciful and attractive exhibitions, even when they know that
such exhibitions are neither authentic nor SCientifically accurate.
How people have lived in the past is a matter of great interest to
the public. Some methods of presenting archaeological sites can convey
ancient ways of life more comprehensively than architectural reconstruc
tion. Such an example is an installation at a shopping center that was built
from 1 976 to 1 9 8 1 in York, England, above the excavation of a Viking
settlement dating from the tenth century (Fig. 15). At the basement level,
visitors can view a re-creation of life in the time of the Vikings, composed
of the settlement's remains supplemented with furnishings and fittings.
The substantial flow of visitors through the Jorvik Viking Centre-900,OOO
a year-bears witness to the fascination that this sort of presentation can
engender. Visitors take a thirteen-minute ride through the exhibition in
small cars, learning how the former inhabitants and their surroundings
looked "on a day late in October in the year 948 in the Viking-time [of]
old Yorvik," as the brochure declares (Jorvik Viking Centre 1 992). The
individual figures, which are immobile wooden carvings, inhabit surround
ings that have been re-created in the greatest possible detail-even includ
ing noises and odors. In addition to the historical exhibit, a reconstructed
excavation site re-creates for visitors the archaeological work that took
place here. This component is intended to convey to visitors the fact that
all the reconstructions are fictitious, and that they reflect interpretations
based on very vague information. However, it is unclear if this clarification
is effective.
R E C O N S T RU C T I O N O F A N C I E N T B U I L D I N G S 49
Figure 1 5
Jorvik Viking Centre, York, England. A shop
ping center was built in 1 9 76-81 above the
excavation of a tenth-century Viking settle
ment. Two of the rows of buildings were
reconstructed to correspond to archaeologists'
conjecture about how they were originally
built. The "Vikings" are wooden models.
Figure 1 6
Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
The museum complex attempts to re-create
the Pilgrims' first settlement at Plymouth
Rock, where they landed in 1620. Individual
houses and their furnishings have been re
created five kilometers from the original
landing site. Employees-called "inter
preters" -dress in historical costumes and
perform everyday chores while explaining
their work to visitors.
50 Sch m i d t
possible to visitors. The absence of authentic obj ects led to the develop
ment of this form of presentation, which has as its main focus the telling
of a story rather than the exhibition of historical materials.
Jorvik Viking Centre and Plimoth Plantation are fictional worlds
created for visitors. These parks with historical themes meet a certain
demand in a society with leisure time and income available for visual
entertainment. In the modern world, heritage professionals should accept
that nontraditional methods of historical education are valid. The ideals of
authenticity and originality are not an issue in such places-entertainment
is. The values of experimental archaeology, however, are not transferable
to authentic archaeological sites.
Reconstruction, then, falls in the realm of tourist attractions, and
as such should not be part of archaeological sites. Activities on authentic
sites should be restricted to measures that preserve historic buildings and
monuments: conservation, restoration, and anastylosis. Only these prac
tices can ensure the unaltered preservation of the historical remains,
thereby safeguarding their integrity as authentic records of history. In
addition to yielding important scientific data, archaeological sites bear
witness to the transitory nature of all human creations. The handling of
ruins, therefore, should respect their nature . Their presentation should be
responsible and modest and incorporate signs of aging. Archaeological
practices should try to achieve a long-lasting conservation. They should
not aim for sensational presentations as a means of attracting visitors.
1. "Gestehen wir es jedoch, es ist ein saures und trauriges Geschaft, das alte Rom aus dem
Note neuen herauszuklauben, aber man muLl es denn doch tun und zuletzt eine unschatzbare
Befriedigung hoffen. Man trifft Spuren einer Herrlichkeit und einer Zerstorung, die beide uber
un sere Begriffe gehen" (Goethe 1 976: 1 1 7).
Balanos, Nicolaos
References 1938 Les monuments de l'Acropole: Relevement et conservation. Paris: C. Massin.
Hansen, Hans-Ole
1982 Lejre Research Center. Lejre, Denmark: Lejre Historical·Archaeological Research Center.
Plimoth Plantation
1994 A Pictorial Guide. Plymouth, Mass.: Plimoth Plantation.
Reinerth, Hans
1 980 Pfahlbauten am Bodensee. 1 2th ed. Oberlingen: August Fexel.
Renee Sivan
become involved with, and to communicate with, the ruins and to gain a
sense of their meaning.
In his Travels in Hyperreality, Umberto Eco has pOinted out that,
while fakes lack historical authenticity, they can possess "visual reality,"
and that many people, regardless of "historical reality," believe that what
they can see is real. Some presentations, particularly those relying on
reconstruction, falsify archaeological reality. A reconstructed ruin does not
bring back the original structure; rather, it is a new, different-but very
"real"-modern creation. Without doubt, the more complete an architec
tural structure, the more power and comprehensibility it has for the
viewer. But visitor impact and understanding are not the only considera
tions in the presentation of a site, and these goals cannot be allowed to
override completely other factors. Heritage professionals have the addi
tional obligation to protect the scientific value of the archaeological
record. The presentation of a site, therefore, should make it attractive,
visually stimulating, and thought provoking while maintaining historical
accuracy and respecting the integrity of the ruins.
Every site is unique, both in its present and past realities. The appropriate
Principles of Site
interpretation depends on the physical evidence that has survived. A suc
Presentation cessful presentation that is accurate, sensitive, and attractive takes into
consideration the size of the site, its physical importance, and its aesthetic
value. A professional, after evaluating these elements, must make decisions
about the message that should be conveyed, the story that should be told,
and the methods that will best allow this to be achieved.
The optimal method of making a site hospitable and attractive is
to begin by considering it in its entirety. Its presentation can be enhanced
through the extensive use of the physical remains and the landscape that
surrounds them to communicate the site's human history. After all, sites
are the remains of societies that were real and alive; they are not simply
strata and ruined monuments-and in any case, most visitors are more
interested in human stories than in architectural history. The ruins are
reflections of political struggles, cultural fashions, technological skills,
artistic expressions, religious beliefs, and other aspects of human behavior.
The challenge of interpretation is to bring all this forth; to focus exclu
sively on architectural elements would be to shortchange visitors by telling
them an incomplete story.
It is important to recognize that there is no such thing as an obj ec
tive presentation: All presentations are based on interpretive choices, and
these choices combine to tell a story. It is up to the presentation profes
sional, in consultation with other specialists, to select which particular
story will be told.
Indeed, most sites have more than one story to tell. In most cases,
the remains of a site favor the telling of one particular story, although
some important historical events have left no physical traces. In certain
instances, it might be possible to tell parallel stories, but care must be
taken not to confuse or overwhelm the visitor. Most visitors arrive at a site
T H E P R E S E N TAT I O N O F A R C H A E O L O G I C A L S I T E S 53
with limited knowledge of its history, and they spend a relatively short
period of time there.
The amount of information that the presentation conveys will
often depend on the size of the site and the relationship between the
physical remains and the history being told. A large site generally has
spaces that provide for an intermezzo in the tour, places where the visitor
can reflect and absorb the information provided. One such site is Beth
Shearim, an important Jewish necropolis from the third or fourth
century C.E. The large cemetery is composed of dozens of catacombs
containing carved or engraved Jewish symbols and Hebrew, Aramaic, and
Greek inscriptions, as well as hundreds of sarcophagi with pagan depic
tions. In order to maintain the quiet atmosphere of a cemetery, no inter
pretation is located inside the catacombs. Instead, in other places on the
site, subjects (such as the meaning of Jewish symbols) and themes (such
as pluralism and tolerance as reflected in a place where Jewish and pagan
motifs are found side by side) are developed for visitors. The interpretive
plaza is the first of a series of breaks provided for visitors; the presentation
contains metallic photographic presentations, models, and aluminum
panels as visitor guides (Fig. 1 ) .
Presentations should keep intervention o n the site t o a minimum,
keeping the remains as the principal "actors" rather than using them
simply as stage design. Some presentation techniques currently in fashion
can overwhelm the archaeological remains. One such technique, called
"reversible reconstruction," is intended to create an illusion of volume or
to hint at the original dimension of a structure with modern materials
such as textiles or metal. These creations can produce a stronger visual
impact than the original vestiges, and the visitor, who cannot help but
focus on the new structures, often overlooks the real site.
In contrast to this method, appropriate presentations allow the
remains to hold the focus of attention. Sometimes the re-erection of one
column in situ will suffice to communicate the scale of a temple. In other
instances, a properly positioned statue (or even a replica) can help visitors
imagine the entire environment.
Figure 1
Interpretive plaza at Beth Shearim, Israel, an
important Jewish necropolis from the third or
fourth century C.E. The interpretive plaza is
the first of a series of intermezzos provided
for visitors. There are metallic photographic
presentations, models, and aluminum panels
to inform visitors.
54 S i van
Figure 2
Ruins at Beth Shean, Israel. The interpretive
model and signage, which are placed adjacent
to the ruins, do not intrude upon the visitors'
view of the ruins themselves. When such
presentations are located in such a way that
they are in direct dialogue with a site, they
can be very effective .
T H E P R E S E N TAT I O N O F A R C H A E O L O G I C A L S I T E S 55
Figure 3 , right
Environmental sculptures, Avdat, Israel.
Avdat was founded by the Nabateans in the
fourth century B.C.E. as a way station on the
Spice Route from Arabia to the Mediterranean
port of Gaza. During the Byzantine period,
Avdat flourished; the city was fortified, and
churches were erected on the acropolis. The
inhabitants' main income was derived from
agriculture, primarily wine production. The
sculptural installation depicts a caravan
arriving at the city.
n:m l
Figure 4a, b
Wine press at Avdat. The environmental presenta
tion, made of treated metal, at the left in the
overview (a), and the interpretive panels (b), made
of artificial stone, require no maintenance.
a b
Figure 5 a ,
Church of Saint Theodore, Avdat. The inter
pretive model of the original structure of the
church is located in situ so that the visitor can
find references between it and the remains of
the original structure (a). The model (b) is
made of bronze, to discourage theft and van
dalism and to minimize maintenance.
T H E P R E S E N TAT I O N O F A R C H A E O L O G I C A L S I T E S 57
Figure 6
Wine cellar cave, Avdat. Cement replicas
simulating pottery are used in places where
ancient jars were found during excavation.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Environmental presentation at Avdat, depict
ing a goatherd and his charges.
After all, humans like to learn about their own kind rather than commune
with mute stones.
Interpretive presentations designed primarily to illuminate the
activities of the ancient inhabitants can be seen at Tel Dan, a biblical
archaeological site located in Upper Galilee (Figs. 9-1 1 ) . Other possibilities
are presented when sites are sheltered; in such instances, obj ects or repli
cas can be used particularly effectively. However, while it is true that more
techniques can be used on these sites than in open-air ones, such presenta
tions must still be carefully planned and deSigned. Displaying obj ects in
the precise location in which they were discovered can illustrate the
process of excavation, but the practice is not an effective way to interpret
the past. Objects or replicas can instead be used to hint at the original
function or character of the spaces (Figs. 6, 12). However, the presentation
of finds in display cases tends to transform a site into an exhibition hall
Figure 9
Figure 1 0
Stainless steel reconstruction of the altar,
Tel Dan.
T H E P R E S E N TAT I O N O F A R C H A E O L O G I C A L S I T E S 59
Figure 1 2
Restored room in the Herodian Quarter of
the Old City, Jerusalem. This Old City site
encompasses a residential quarter from the
Herodian period, which extended from the
first century S.C.E. to the first century C.E. In
addition to the original mosaic floor, the
restored room contains some reconstructed
furniture and objects that were found in situ.
Nicholas Stanley-Price
T larly known for its outstanding mosaic floors. Few general surveys
of Roman art and architecture published in the past thirty years
fail to mention the villa. All guidebooks to Sicily and much of the
promotional material for the island's tourism direct the visitor toward
this attraction.
The site is at the locality known as Casale in central southern
Sicily, some four kilometers southwest of the historic town of Piazza
Armerina. At an elevation of 550 meters above sea level, the Villa del
Casale lies at the foot of low hills that are immediately to its north and
east. To the north, the valley of the Nociara River provides some flatland
where it emerges from the hills, but only to the south and southwest does
the landscape open out into extensive vistas of good arable land.
Most of the remains visible today at the Casale site belong to a
late Roman villa constructed probably during the period of 300-330 C.E.
(Ampolo et al. 1 97 1 ; Kahler 1 973). The villa had been preceded by an
earlier villa (known as the Villa Rustica) of the first and second
centuries C.E. Remains have recently been found that indicate an inter
mediate phase between these two historical episodes, dated to a period
between the second and fourth centuries (De Miro 1 988).
Philological evidence appears to link the Roman town site of
Philosophiana, mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary as a way station on the
Catania-Agrigento road, and the Roman remains found at the locality still
known as Sofiana, located six kilometers south of the villa (Adamesteanu
1 988). The Villa del Casale has been linked in turn to the existence of this
way station on the principal Roman road in the area.
It is not known how long the Roman villa of the fourth century
remained in use. Ceramics of the Byzantine, Arab, and Norman periods
have been found on the site, together with, in places, associated building
remains. Since the main excavations (by G. V Gentili) have never been
fully published and since the excavator devoted most of his attention to
the Roman mosaics, it has been necessary to reconstruct the nature of
post-Roman occupation on the site from the few reports available and
66 S tanley - Price
The site of Piazza Armerina has been and continues to be the subject of
Significance of the Villa at
numerous scholarly studies because of the many unanswered questions
Piazza Armerina about its original owner and precise function. Moreover, with the massive
increase in tourism since the Second World War, the site of Piazza
Armerina has become widely known to a lay audience. Because of its con
tinuing fascination for scholars and the steadily increasing flow of visitors
that it receives, Piazza Armerina presents a number of issues of general
relevance for the conservation and management of ancient sites.
The villa has a number of values that together constitute its wider
significance. These values can be broadly classified into the categories of
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 67
0 46 �
Original entrance
"New excavations"
: ::
. :=::::::
': ' :::: :: .
" • . ;J
- ,:
. :.':.':.. .. .
....... .II'
:::: ::: ::: ..
: .
.. " - '" ./
.:. -!,,/
' - " '::
::::: :::.::
::: :.
3. Dressing room in baths 21. Entrance hall to baths 46. Oval peristyle
4. Baths frigidarium 22-26. Service rooms 57. Three-apsed hall
1 1a. Original entrance 27-30. Residential apartments 58. Basilica
l Ib. Entrance courtyard 33-34. Service rooms 59b. Latrine
13a. Entrance vestibule 36. Great corridor 35. Triclinium
14. Latrine 37-39. Apartment of domina
19. Main peristyle 40-45. Apartment of dominus
Figure 1
Plan of the villa at Piazza Armerina (after Carandini, Ricci, and De Vos 1982). Site elements are
designated numerically; the functions of selected elements are listed in the key above.
68 S tanley-Price
( 1 ) historical, (2) aesthetic, (3) scientific, and (4) social and symbolic. The
site has also, of course, an economic value and an educational value;
these, it might be argued, are derived values, since they depend on those
already listed.
Historical value
While the historical value of the Piazza Armerina villa lies partly in its
floor mosaics, its primary importance is its contribution to the understand
ing of late Roman society in SiCily and the Roman Empire. The mosaics
constitute one of the largest and most complete series of mosaic floors
extant in a late Roman villa (Figs. 2, 3 ) . The subjects depicted provide
extensive information about contemporary activities such as hunting and
the capture and transport of large animals to the entertainment venues of
Rome. In the themes depicted and in the conventions used, they provide
important parallels with mosaics found in North Africa. The discoveries at
Piazza Armerina are a prime reference point for the student of Roman
floor mosaics.
When the villa was first excavated extensively, its size and wealth
were quite unexpected for the late Roman period in Sicily. Its value as a
unique discovery survived until the excavation, in the 1970s, of two other
Roman villas in Sicily. The villas at Patti on the north coast and at Tellaro,
south of Syracuse, have proved to be of similar dimensions to that of Piazza
Figu r e 2, below
Armerina and to have equally fine mosaic floors (Voza 1976-77, 1980-8 1 ) .
Detail from the Labors of Hercules mosaic in
The uniqueness o f Piazza Armerina led t o arguments i n earlier
the three-apsed hall (see color plate I d).
scholarship for an imperial ownership of the villa (e.g. , Settis 1 975), and
Figure 3, below right if this were the case, its historical value would be exceptional. Following
Detail from the Great Hunt mosaic in the great the other villa discoveries in Sicily, however, the ownership of Piazza
corridor. The figure at the lower left has been
Armerina is now more often attributed to a Roman of senatorial rank
interpreted as the emperor or the owner of
the villa, flanked by two attendants (see color (e.g. , Carandini, Ricci, and De Vos 1 982). Nevertheless, the existence of a
plate I C). villa as sumptuous as Piazza Armerina in late Roman SiCily-whatever its
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z Z A A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 69
Aesthetic value
The villa of Piazza Armerina has strong aesthetic value that derives from
its location and from the beauty of the mosaic floors. The immediate envi
ronment of the villa is unexpectedly verdant, even in summer, for this area
of inland Sicily (Fig. 4). The hills that rise above the site from the north
east to the northwest form part of the southern extremity of the Heraean
range, which in antiquity was covered in oak forests, as was noted by the
classical author Diodorus Siculus (4.84 . 1 ) . Today the hills are covered with
pine, and cypress, oak, eucalyptus, alder, and hazel species are common
around the site. The setting, with its wooded hills, shaded valleys, and
rich, arable lands to the south, led Cesare Brandi to write of its ''Arcadian
beauty," reminiscent more of Tuscany than of Sicily (Brandi 1 956).
The villa is best known for its beautiful mosaic floors (Figs. 2, 3).
Found in relatively good condition, many floors have been lifted and reset,
and lacunae have been integrated with ancient tesserae. As a result, for
the most part, the floors present complete images for the visitor to
appreciate and enjoy.
The protective enclosures erected over the ruins of the villa were
designed not only to protect the mosaic floors but also to enhance their
aesthetic appeal within an enclosed space. The enclosures, because they
Figure 4
Setting of the villa and its protective enclo
sures, seen from the southwest. The location
of the villa at the foot of wooded hills is an
important aesthetic value of the site.
70 S t anley-Price
Scientific value
The villa continues to be the obj ect of numerous scholarly studies as to its
original ownership, its historical development, its architecture, and its
mosaic floor decoration. Several monographs (Kahler 1 973; Carandini,
Ricci, and De Vos 1 982), many articles, and a number of symposia (e.g.,
Garraffo 1 988) have been dedicated to its study.
These studies reflect both the historic and the scientific value of
the villa. The challenges for preservation presented by the excavated villa
have given rise to additional scientific investigations. Studies on methods
of flood control and on the interior microclimate of the enclosures have
been carried out at the villa (Bartolotte and Caputo 1 9 9 1 ) . The villa also
provides an instructive example of the evolution of techniques used in the
preservation of floor mosaics since the 1 940s, from traditional restoration
practices to modern approaches involving documentation, materials analy
sis, and reversible treatments.
The social and symbolic value of the villa at Piazza Armerina lies princi
pally in the beauty of the mosaics as a source of pride to local inhabitants
and to Sicilians in general. The town of Piazza Armerina announces itself
as the "Citta dei Mosaici," and the local tourism office promotes the villa's
mosaics as one of the area's principal attractions. There is, of course, an
economic value to the site, in the form of tourism revenue to the local
community. This factor should not be overemphasized, however, since most
of the tourism is transient, and many visitors include the site as part of a
day's excursion without spending time (and therefore money) in the town
of Piazza Armerina. Even so, the local sale of souvenirs with motifs from
the mosaics is a well-developed business. At the regional level, as a tourist
attraction, Piazza Armerina joins other sites in Sicily such as Agrigento,
Selinunte, and Segesta in the promotional literature and other media.
Another important social value lies in the depiction of Roman life
and leisure in the mosaic floors of the villa. Nonspecialist visitors can
immediately identify with many of the scenes represented-the "bikini
girls" mosaic being only the most obvious example. Whatever the relation
ship between today's reality and that of the Roman past, the visitor's ten
dency to associate the two suggests an empathy with the past that is the
first step toward an enhanced appreciation of the cultural heritage .
Since values are ascribed to places rather than being inherent in
them, a list of values of the Roman villa at Piazza Armerina would have
been different if drawn up forty years ago by those concerned with the
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 71
and the mosaics were cleaned with pumice. However, several of the lifted
mosaics were not replaced in situ for lack of funds. Severe problems
involving loss of cohesion of the tesserae had been caused by visitors and
guides throwing hydrochloric acid on the mosaics to remove encrustation
and make them more legible (Bernabo Brea 1947). Conservation work on
the mosaics continued from 1 942 to 1949, although it was interrupted in
1 943 with the landing of the Allies in Sicily. The Allied Military Command,
through its Subcommission on Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives, made
the continuation of the work possible in 1944.
The extensive excavations by Gentili started in 1950, when he
uncovered most of the south wing of the villa, taking advantage of
Cultrera's having lowered the level of the archaeological deposit. The
renewed work at the site was this time at the initiative of the Comune of
Piazza Armerina, with public funding from the regional government of
Figu r e 5 , below Sicily. Gentili then moved north to expose the remaining part of the villa
Entrance vestibule and peristyle of the villa
as seen today (Figs. 5, 6). While the first plan of the completely exposed
before the construction of the enclosures. The
villa was published by Gentili in 1956, it is dated 1 953-which gives an idea
wooden planks served as walkways to protect
the mosaics. of how fast Gentili cleared the archaeological deposit covering the north
section of the villa (Gentili 1956).
Figure 6, below right Since Gentili's excavations, two attempts have been made to
South wing of the central peristyle after the
recover stratigraphie information to further the understanding of the
re-erection of columns and before the con
struction of the protective enclosures. The occupation sequence on the Casale site. In 1970 Carandini opened several
peristyle garden has since been replanted. test trenches in the main peristyle, baths, and basilica and managed to date
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 73
securely the construction of the late Roman villa to 300-320 C.E. All previ
ous structures had been leveled to prepare the site for the new palatial villa
built on four different levels. The bath complex was built on the same
alignment as a previous bath building belonging to the first-century Villa
Rustica or to a second-century phase of it (Ampolo et al. 1 9 7 1 ) .
The second series o f renewed excavations was carried out
between 1 983 and 1988 by the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Agrigento,
directed by Ernesto De Miro and Graziella Fiorentini. They provided firm
evidence for the phases of occupation before and after the construction of
the late imperial villa (De Miro 1988).
The renewed excavations by Carandini in 1970 were undertaken
within the villa's core area, where the protective enclosures designed by
architect Franco Minissi were already in place. Minissi's protective enclo
sures, still present today, consist of a lightweight metal skeleton sheathed
with translucent panels of plastic (Fig. 7). J Minissi aimed "to form anew
Figure 7
Aerial view of the villa from the southwest, (not reconstruct) the room-areas corresponding to the different mosaics"
showing the extent of the protective enclo using only material that was obviously new. His intent was to protect the
sures. The large roof in the center back mosaics from the weather while retaining maximum light and enabling visi
ground (covering the basilica), deliberately
tors to see all the mosaics without walking upon them (Minissi 1961 : 1 3 1) .
omitted in Minissi's design, was not built until
1 977. The line of an aqueduct cuts the slope Since the erection o f the protective enclosures i n the late 1950s,
of the hill above the villa buildings. conservation interventions have addressed maintenance and materials
74 S tanley-Price
1 935-45 G. Cultrera completes clearance of three-apsed hall, oval peristyle (no. 46),
and part of corridor (no. 36c). P. Gazzola erects protective roof over three
apsed hall. Mosaics lifted and restored (Cultrera 1 936, 1940; Bernabo
Brea 1 947).
1 950-54 G. V Gentili clears rest of villa that is visible today. Long report on first
two campaigns (Gentili 1950, 1 952a, 1 952b); otherwise most of work
unpublished. Further mosaic consolidation; columns re-erected and restored.
1 972 E. De Miro and F. Minissi propose site museum in town of Piazza Armerina
(not realized) (De Miro and Minissi 1 972). Soprintendente G. Voza
undertakes conservation measures: upslope water diversion channel;
substitution of deteriorated material on Minissi's protective roof
(Soprintendenza 1 994).
1993-95 Soprintendenza conserves opus sectile floor of basilica and mosaics in three
apsed hall and other rooms of villa.
T H E R O M A N V I L L A AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 75
replacement for the enclosures, deterioration of the mosaic floors and wall
paintings, and damage caused by flooding (see chronological outline, p. 74).
The most urgent intervention followed the extensive flooding of
the villa site on 13 October 199 1 , when exceptionally heavy rains through
out southern Italy caused widespread damage. The whole villa was inun
dated with water and mud to a depth of up to half a meter. The regional
conservation center in Palermo undertook emergency cleaning of the
mosaics and submitted a report with wide-ranging recommendations for
improving site drainage, for documenting all previous interventions, for
consolidating the mosaics, and for removing the protective enclosures
because of the adverse micro climates they created (Scognamiglio 1 992a,
1992b). Some of these recommendations concerning the mosaics and wall
paintings have since been implemented.
Figure 9
Protective enclosure of the vestibule seen
from the northwest. Wall panels of sheet
glass, which have replaced the original corru
gated plastic sheathing material, have encour
aged heat buildup.
Figure 1 0
Protective enclosure over the three-apsed
hall. The original corrugated plastic sheathing
material has been replaced with sheet glass.
The false ceiling can be clearly seen (cf. Fig. 12).
Figure 1 1 , a b ove
Glass louvers for ventilation of the protective
enclosures. The louvers are one of a series of
measures for reducing heat buildup inside the
protective enclosures. These measures have
had only partial success.
Figure 1 2 , right
False ceiling made of plastic panels,
designed to help reduce heat buildup. These
ceilings also suggest the original internal
volumes of the rooms of the villa, as seen
here in the octagonal frigidarium in the baths
(Fig. 1, no. 4). climate, Minissi proposed to air-condition the structure; no funds were
available, however, to implement this proposal. Despite a number of design
features to reduce heat transmission (Figs. 1 1 , 12), the heat buildup inside
the two enclosures (the main peristyle area and the separate three-apsed
hall enclosure) can at times be intense. The resulting high temperatures can
be intolerable to visitors, who have been known to faint.
As for the archaeological remains, the absolute high values and,
especially, the daily and seasonal fluctuations of temperature and relative
humidity are likely to contribute to deterioration (Scognamiglio 1992b).
Even so, it can be argued that the villa's mosaics are in much better
condition today, after forty years of enclosure, than if they had been left
exposed to the elements.
From the point of view of aesthetic presentation, Minissi's
design aimed to convey an impression to visitors of the interior
volumes of rooms containing mosaics and to allow visitors to see the
mosaics without walking on them. The use of a translucent enclosure
material led to the problem of shadows falling across the mosaics, despite
measures taken by Minissi to avoid this effect (Fig. 1 3 ) . Moreover, the
translucent material allows plenty of natural light to illuminate the
mosaics-arguably much more than they would have originally received.
The strong natural illumination of the mosaics and the system of walk
ways enabling the spectator to gaze downward at them appear to be so
successful that few visitors look upward at the recreated volumes of the
enclosure building (Fig. 14).
T H E R O M A N V I L L A AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 79
The system of raised walkways, which rest upon the consolidated wall
tops of the villa's rooms, enables visitors to see all the mosaics without
walking upon them (Fig. 14). The protective enclosure suggests to some
extent the original interior volumes of the rooms containing mosaics,
though it is uncertain whether many visitors appreciate this point (Fig. 1 5).
80 S tanley - Price
Figure 1 5
Supports o f the protective enclosures
designed to suggest the interior volumes of
the original building (see also Fig. 14). Here,
at the northwest angle of the main peristyle,
the support also represents the form of a col
umn capital. Minissi's aim was "to form anew
(not reconstruct) the room-areas correspond
ing to the different mosaics" (Minissi
196 1 : 1 3 1 ).
Both of these goals influenced Minissi's original design. With the benefit
of hindsight and with today's changing perspectives, the solution adopted
in the 1 950s raises a number of issues concerning visitor access and
The modern visitor can view all the preserved floors that have
been uncovered-more, in fact, than a Roman visitor to the villa would
probably have seen. However, the aesthetic presentation of the
outstanding floor mosaics is achieved at the expense of an accurate
historical interpretation of how a Roman villa functioned. The fixed
visitor route follows the wall tops of a series of rooms; however, by
so dOing, it cannot simulate original patterns of movement in the
ancient villa.
In recent years, visitors, instead of arriving through the
monumental entrance of the villa (Fig. 1, no. l l a), have arrived from the
north on a route that takes them past the furnaces of the bath complex
and a latrine (no. 1 4)-hardly the approach that a distinguished Roman
visitor would have taken. The peristyle, around which Roman inhabitants
and visitors would have walked, can be viewed only from afar by the
visitor; so too the important basilica.
To understand the villa, visitors must depend on information
from a guidebook or from the tour guides who escort groups. (The official
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 81
Figure 1 6
Crowds of midmorning visitors at the villa
in May 1995. The fixed itinerary created by
the walkways built in the 1950s is no longer
adequate to serve the number of visitors
as many as two thousand per day at peak
The author owes a particular debt to Dr. Gianni Ponti, who researched
the history of interventions at the villa, facilitated local liaison in Italy, and
accompanied the author on research visits to Piazza Armerina for the
preparation of this study. The author is also indebted to Dr. Gianfillipo
Villari, soprintendente of the Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali
di Enna, for much help and for allowing access to unpublished reports in
the soprintendenza's archives; and to other members of the staff who
helped provide information about the villa: Dr. Enza Cilia Platamone, the
architect Rosa Oliva, Dr. Anna Bombaci, the architect Claudio Meraglia,
and the surveyor Liborio Bellone. In Rome, the architect Franco Minissi
was very helpful in discussing his work at the villa, as was Professor
Andrea C arandini. The author is grateful to all those mentioned for
helping make this study possible.
Adamesteanu, D.
References 1988 Sofiana: Scavi, 1 954 e 1 9 6 1 . In La villa romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina: Atei della IV
Riunione Scientifica della Smola di Perfezionamento in Archeologia Classica dell'Universitd di
Catania, ed. Salvatore Garraffo, 74-83. Cronache di Archeologia, vol. 23. Catania:
Istituto di Archeologia, Universita di Catania.
Bernab6 Brea, L.
1947 Piazza Armerina: Restauri dei mosaici romani del Casale. Notizie degli Scavi di
Antichitd, 252-53.
Brandi, C.
1956 Archeologia siciliana. Bollettino dell'Istituto Centrale del Restauro 27-28:93-100.
Cultrera, G.
1936 Scavi, scoperte e restauri di monumenti antichi in Sicilia nel quinquennio 1 93 1- 1 935.
Atei della Societd ltaliana per il Progresso delle Scienze 2(3): 6 1 2 .
1940 Sicilia, Piazza Armerina: Notiziario di scavi, scoperte, studi relativi all'[mpero Romano.
Bollettino Comunale di Roma 68: 1 29-30.
T H E R O M A N V I L LA AT P I A Z ZA A R M E R I N A , S I C I LY 83
De Miro, E.
1988 La Villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina: Nuove ricerche. In La villa romana del Casale di
Piazza Armerina: Ani della IV Riunione Scientifica della Scuola di Perfezionamento in
Archeologia Classica dell'Universita di Catania, ed. Salvatore Garraffo, 58-72. Cronache di
Archeologia, vol. 23. Catania: Istituto di Archeologia, Universita di Catania.
Gentili, G. V.
1950 Piazza Armerina: Grandiosa villa romana in contrada Casale. Notizie degli Scavi di
Antichita, 291-335.
1952a La villa romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina. In Atti del I Congresso Nazionale di
Archeologia Cristiana, Siracusa, 1 9-24 settembre 1 950, 1 7 1-82. Rome: "L'Erma" di
1 952b I mosaici della villa romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina. Bollettino d'Arte 37:33-46.
1 956 La villa imperiale di Piazza Armerina. In Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale di Storia
dell'Architettura, 24-30 settembre 1 950, 247-50. Palermo: II Comitato.
1 966 The Imperial Villa of Piazza Armerina. Guidebooks to the Museums, Galleries, and
Monuments of Italy, no. 87. 3d English edition. Rome: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato,
Libreria dello Stato.
Kiihler, H.
1973 Die Villa des Maxentius bei Piazza Armerina. Monumenta Artis Romanae, vol. 12. Berlin:
Leanti, A.
1761 L o stato presente della Sicilia. Palermo: Francesco Valenza Impressore della S s . Crociata.
MacDonald, W. L.
1986 The Piazza Armerina villa. Appendix to The Architecture of the Roman Empire. Vol. 2,
An Urban Appraisal, 274-83. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Minissi, F.
1961 Protection of the mosaic pavements of the Roman villa at Piazza Armerina. Museum
1 4 : 1 3 1-32.
Orsi, P.
1934 Romanita e avanzi romani in Sicilia: Piazza Armerina. Roma 1 2:255.
Pappalardo, L.
1881 Le recenti scoperte in contrada Casale presso Piazza Armerina. N.p.
Scognamiglio, M.
1992a Emergency intervention on flooded mosaics at Piazza Armerina. International
Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 9: 1 7-18.
1992b Piazza Armerina: Villa romana del Casale. Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il
Restauro, Palermo.
84 S tanley - Price
Settis, S .
1975 Per l'interpretazione di Piazza Armerina. Melanges de l'Ecole Franraise de Rome
Voza, G.
1 976-77 La villa romana del Tellaro. Kokalos 22-23:572-73.
Wilson, R. J. A.
1983 Piazza Armerina. London: Granada Publishing.
Plates J a-d
Roman villa of Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy.
The general view of the baths (a) shows the
enclosures erected to protect the site's mosaic
floors, which are among the most complete in
a late Roman villa. The Great Hunt mosaic
(b, c) is protected by roofing and is viewed
both from ground level and from an elevated
walkway. The Labors of Hercules mosaic,
shown in detail (d), is another of the villa's
most important artworks.
Plates 2a-d
The palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece, exca
vated and reconstructed by Arthur Evans
beginning in 1900. The North Lustral Basin
(a) and its restored internal columns (b) show
how modern strucrures now dominate the
site. The original Griffin Fresco, very little of
which was actually preserved, was "restored"
in 1 9 1 3 , and three copies (c) were later added
around the Throne Room. These frescoes,
like the copy of the Cupbearer Fresco (d) in
the South Ptopylaeum, as well as the rest of
the palace, are largely modern creations.
Plates 3 a-e
Ephesus, Turkey. The Greco-Roman ciry of
Ephesus (a), seen from Mount Coressus; in
center foreground is the upper ancient ciry;
the modern town of Sel�uk is seen in the
distance. Ephesus retains its integriry as an
ancient landscape and as an example of
Hellenistic and Roman architecture and urban
planning. The restored Library of Celsus (b)
is the site's most prominent structure; other
remains (c) evoke the romantic pastoral
qualiry of ruins overgrown by nature. The
enigmatic tumble of architectural pieces in
Domitian Square (d) both confuses and
intrigues visitors, while the monumental
theater (e), recently restored, today occasion
ally serves as an entertainment venue, pend
ing a final decision on its conservation and
future use.
John K. Papadopoulos
Omalo Plain
- Rethymno
W h i t e M 0 u n t a n s ·
· Eleutherna
+ Pahnes 2,453
Lissos .
S a m a T i a C •
G 0 r g e R Monastiraki
Psiloriti 2,456 +
Ayia Triada
• • Phaistos
Kami1 an. •
Odigitria •
Figure 1 such a scale and extent, particularly to the level of the upper stories.5
Map of Crete showing locations of
The work on its restoration was commenced immediately after the epoch
major sites.
making discoveries of its excavator. Indeed, the excavation, interpretation,
and restoration of the palace are inseparable from the work and vision of
Evans-so much so that his restoration has itself assumed historical
The site of Knossos, and more particularly the Bronze Age palace, has
Significance of Knossos
great Significance, as well as current relevance, as seen from various per
spectives. The importance of the site derives primarily, of course, from the
many spectacular finds made there, but beyond that, Knossos has a large
role in the local, national, and popular image, as well as a strong economic
impact on the region.
Historical value
Cape Sidero
Tylissos Heraklion
• •
Knossos Dreros . Olous
Mt Juktas 811
00 Archanes Kar hi · Siteia Ayia Photia
P Ayios Nikolaos • • •
• • Bay of Mochlos
· . Chamaizi
L a s i t h i
Vathypetro Lato Mirab ello Pseira
+ 2 , 1 48 Vrokastro
• •
Ornon 1 ,237
M o lt n t a n s Gournia
Gortyn + Thripri 1 ,476
• Syme . Vasilliki
• Makryyialos
.Platanos Myrtos •
· I!!
Chondros Kalonero Bay
Scientific value
The historical Significance of the site gives Knossos great scientific value as
the type site of Minoan culture and one of the cornerstones for the tradi
tional chronology of the Aegean and parts of the eastern Mediterranean
in the Bronze Age, The palace and its surrounds have been the obj ect of
96 Pap a d op o u l o s
' Roman amphitheater
� ,,
'. ,." < , }�� CJi �
\ Roman basilIca
-- "
-�,,- �-- % \\-:. - ' ,
, -L /
... 0
Q 0 '0,
00 0
0- 0
\ .,
Figu re 2
Part of the gre ater area 0f the archaeological
site of Kn ossos, showing some 0f the more
' ent remains
promm , outSl'de the palace,
KN O S S O S 97
Site of 1
Northwest \
West Court
Chancel Screen
Conjectural walls
A-C West Magazines 18. Throne Room 38. Court of the Stone Spout
I-XVlIl West Magazines 19. Inner Sanctuary 39. Magazines of the Giant Pithoi
l . Kouloures 20. Stepped Porch 40. East Bastion
2, 2 ' . Altars 21. Tripartite Shrine 41. Corridor o f the Draughtboard
3 . West Porch 22. Lobby of the Stone Seat 42. Northeast Hall
4-1 1. Corridor of the Procession 23. Temple Repositories 43. Northeast Magazines
5 . Southwest Porch 24. Pillar Crypts 44. Room of the Stone Drainhead
6. Stepped Portico 25. Grand Staircase 45. Magazine of the Medallion Pithoi
7. South Terrace 26. Hall of the Double Axes (King's Hall) 46. Corridor of the Bays
8, 8 ' . South Propylaeum 27. Queen's Hall 47. Early Keep
9. South Corridor 28. Queen's Dressing Room 48. North Entrance Passage
10. South Porch 29. Court of the Distaffs 49. North Pillar Hall
1 1 . Priest King Relief 30. Service Staircase 50. North Gate
12. Site of the Greek temple 31. Southeast Bathroom 51. North Lustral Basin and Initiatory Area
13. Bathtub with Linear B Tablets 32. Shrine of the Double Axes 52. Northwest Portico
14. Long Corridor of the West 33. Southeast Lustral Basin 53. Theatral Area
Magazines 34. Lobby of the Wooden Posts 54. Royal Road
1 5 . Deposit of Hieroglyphic Tablets 35. East Portico 55. Northwest Entrance?
16. Corridor of the Stone Basin 36. Lapidary's Workshop
1 7. Anteroom of the Throne Room 37. Schoolroom
Figure 3
Plan of the palace of Knossos (after A. Evans).
98 Papa d op o u lo s
Aesthetic value
Social value
The site of Knossos today means many things to many people, particularly
in Greece. The social value of the site is reflected in the fact that Knossos
is an undeniable source of national, especially Cretan, pride. Because they
are so recognizable, images of restored parts of the palace and especially
of individual finds-frescoes, bronzes, pottery, and other media-have
been used as emblems in a variety of modern products, ranging from
souvenirs and the famed natural produce of Crete to logos of major
shipping companies.
Knossos is the second-most-visited site in Greece and one of the
most-visited archaeological sites in the world (Tables 1-7 present a sum
mary of visitor traffic in Knossos and other main sites in Greece). It there
fore represents an important economic resource, both on a national level,
through intake at the gate, and on a local level. The effects of mass
tourism trickle down to all aspects of the local economy, such as tourist
agencies, hotels, taxi drivers, restaurants, and stores.
The palace site at Knossos has had a long and varied history of excava
History of Excavation and
tion and interventions, including restoration and conservation, which
Interventions can be divided into six main phases, as discussed below.
The earliest excavations at the site were by Minos Kalokairinos, who exca
vated for three months, beginning in December 1 878 (Haussoullier 1 880;
Aposkitou 1 979; Brown 1986; Hood 1 987). His soundings exposed part of
the central portion of the west wing of the palace, and his finds drew
much attention at the time (Haussoullier 1 880; Stillman 1 880-8 1 ; Fabricius
100 Pap a d op o u l o s
Table 1 The most-visited sites in Greece, 1 990-93. The Acropolis at Athens and Knossos
Sources: Data are largely derived from records kept by the Greek Ministry of Culture. particularly the Ephoreia of
Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at Heraklion; they are supplemented by material presented in Dr. Clairy Palyvou's
studies on Knossos.
Table 2 Number of visitors to five major sites in Greece, 1 990-93. These figures document a
ri;e in the number of visitors to Lindos, on the island of Rhodes, and thus the growing popu
larity of sites on Greek islands as opposed to those on the mainland. The significant drop in
the number of visitors in 1991 reflects the impact of the Gulf War on tourism in the region,
although by and large, the tourist industries of Crete and of Greece in general do not appear
to have been as adversely affected as those of other eastern Mediterranean countries.
Sources: See nQ[e to Table 1 . Data are approximate; they are mainly based on ticket sales and therefore represent the min-
imum of visitors. Not included are visitor statistics for Sunday or public holidays, when entrance to Greek museums and
archaeological sites is free of charge. On certain Sundays (especially those connected with public holidays) there are
thousands of visitors to Knossos and other sites. These figures do not include school groups, students, and scholars.
Table 3 The most-frequented sites during winter months, 1 994. Ta ble 4 The number of visitors to the
The pattern showing the growing popularity of island sites (see Athenian AcropoliS, as well as to the
Table 2 ) is reversed during the winter months, when boat sched three most-visited prehistoric sites in
ules are limited. Undos, heavily visited during the summer, does Gree�e, 1 99 1 .
not appear, and Knossos drops to fifth place. Sites on the main
land, easily accessed by bus, maintain a steady stream of visitors Site Visitors
during the winter.
Acropolis, Athens 812,519
Mycenae 274,262
Acropolis, Athens 1 02,620
Phaistos 107,330
2 Delphi 25,700
4 Mycenae 22,530
5 Knossos 1 9,777
Sources: See note t o Table 2. (Figures prior t o March 1987 are not available.)
Apart from a nine-year gap bridging the First World War, and several
shorter periods of hiatus, Evans excavated the site from 1 900 to 1 93 0 .
From the point o f view o f restoration and conservation, his activities may
102 Pap a d op o u los
be divided into two broad phases separated by the war. The first phase saw
the full-scale excavation of the site. The main part of the palace was
uncovered during the first six seasons, from 1 900 to 1905 (Fig. 4), and the
results were promptly presented in detailed annual preliminary reports
(Evans 1 899-1900, 1 900-1 90 1 , 1901-2 , 1 902-3 , 1 903-4, 1 904-5) .
By modern standards the excavations left a lot to be desired, par
ticularly the pace with which the work was conducted and the fact that a
great deal of archaeological material, especially pottery, was discarded.
Nevertheless-because Evans from the beginning worked closely with a
capable team of specialists-the excavations were remarkably ahead of
their time.9 A large observation tower, which also served for photography,
was soon built by the excavators at the southeast edge of the Central
Court (Brown 1 983 : 1 8, fig. 3; Evans 1 900-1 90 1 :96-97, pI. 2). This allowed
for a level of photography rarely seen in contemporary archaeology. The
meticulous photographic record kept by the excavators, now housed in the
Evans Archive at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, included an aerial view
of the palace that was published in 1 93 5 (Evans 1935 :pt. 1, xxvi-xxvii).
Although this first phase of Evans's work at the site was largely
devoted to excavation, the conservation of various parts of the palace
became a pressing problem from the very beginning. This was particularly
the case for two of the most prominent sectors of the palace, the so-called
Throne Room (Figs. 5-12) and the Residential, or Domestic, Quarter
surrounding the Grand Staircase (Figs. 1 3-20) . 1 0 By 1 92 7 Evans stated,
"Knossos, as was remarked by a German colleague, has passed through
three 'periods' of conservation-marked respectively by the use of
wooden supports, of iron girders, and of ferro-concrete" (Evans 1 927:262).
The first phase of Evans's intervention is that of wooden supports and
iron girders.
One of the earliest and most spectacular discoveries of the first
season, the Throne Room presented problems of conservation from the
start (Figs. 5 , 6). When a gypsum floor, benches, and fresco fragments
Figure 5
Throne Room during excavation, 1900. This
photograph, touched up with white ink, was
published as the main illustration of the
appeal brochure issued by the Cretan
Exploration Fund in 1 900 (see Brown 1 983:36,
pI. 14). Note the poor state of preservation at
the time of excavation.
KN O S S O S 103
Figure 6
Throne Room viewed from the east in 1900,
after the first year of excavation. The discov
ery in situ of parts of the gypsum floor and
wall frescoes made it evident that some form
of immediate protection from the elements
was necessary. Evans stands in front of the
tent in the background.
were discovered, it was clear that some sort of protective cover for the
Throne Room was urgently needed. The first roofing solution was com
pleted in 1 90 1 . It consisted of a flat roof supported by brick pillars along
the sides. Columns-constructed of wooden slats, covered with plaster,
and painted-were fitted into positions formerly occupied by Minoan
columns, where they supported a timber framework. The structure was
further protected by wrought iron railings and iron gates (Fig. 7). In 1 904
the flat roof was replaced by a more permanent structure with a pitched
roof supported by metal girders (Fig. 8). The loft of the building was fitted
with shelving and used as "a kind of reference museum" (Brown 1 983:42);
it saw service for quite a number of years before being replaced in 1 930
by a massive structure of reinforced concrete, which attempted to convey
an idea of the original (Figs. 9, 12). Although providing a solution for the
Throne Room, the various structures of this phase protected only a small
Figure 7
First protective roof over the Throne Room,
viewed from the southeast, 1 90 1 . The flat roof
was supported by brick pillars along the sides
and by interior columns that were made of
wooden slats, covered with plaster, and
painted. The interior columns, which sup
ported a timber framework, were fitted into
positions occupied by the original Minoan
columns. For protection, the enclosure was
fitted with wrought iron railings and iron
gates. The protective structure covered only
the Throne Room; most of the extensive exca
vation was exposed to the elements.
104 Pap a d o p o u los
Figure 8
Second roof over the Throne Room, viewed
from the southeast, 1904. The earlier flat roof
(Fig. 7) was replaced by a more permanent
structure with a pitched roof supported by
metal girders. The loft was fitted with shelv
ing and served as a reference museum.
Figure 9
Throne Room viewed from the southeast,
1930. The functional second shelter for the
Throne Room (Fig. 8) was replaced by a mas
sive structure of reinforced concrete based on
Evans's idea of the original Minoan building.
This included the construction of the entirely
modern upper story, used as a "picture
gallery" for copies of frescoes from various
parts of the palace. The newly restored
Stepped Portico, Throne Room complex, and
West Portico of the North Entrance Passage
can be seen.
Figure 1 0
Throne Room, Anteroom, and Stepped
Portico after excavation, 1 900. The fragility of
the original fabric of the monument can be
seen in the prerestoration state of the Throne
Room and its immediate surrounds.
Figure 1 1
Interior of the Throne Room as restored in
1930. Three copies of the Griffin Fresco were
added to the original, fragmentary griffin dis
covered in situ in 1 900. The restoration is dra
matic in the degree to which it transformed
the excavated remains of the area (Figs. 5, 6)
(see color plate 2c).
Figure 1 2
Throne Room complex and the Stepped
Portico, viewed from the east after restora
tion, 1 930. There is a substantial difference
between the excavated remains (Fig. 10)
and the result of the restoration. The new
concrete structure was laid directly onto the
original fabric.
portion of the excavated area, and substantial areas on the west side of
the palace, including the West Magazines, were left exposed (Brown
1 983 :pls. 32, 33a-c).
Other conservation and consolidation work conducted during the
early years included the construction of a large retaining wall, built on the
east side of the Central Court by 1 902 (Fig. 4). In 1 903 the Theatral Area
was consolidated and restored with a retaining wall on the north side
(Fig. 2 1 ), and in 1 904 a stone shelter was erected over the Magazines of
the Giant Pithoi (Hood and Taylor 1981 :4).
The excavation of the Grand Staircase and the Domestic Quarter,
with evidence of upper floors preserved in places, presented formidable
problems (Hood and Taylor 198 1 :2-5; Brown 1983:77-84). Photographs of
the area taken in the course of excavations show the poorly preserved and
friable nature of many of the exposed remains (Figs. 1 3 , 1 4). Stairs and
floors that had partially caved in, along with collapsed windows and door
ways originally supported in antiquity by wooden beams, necessitated
immediate attention and support. The first solution was to prop up fallen
architectural members with wooden supports (Fig. 14), and by the end of
1 902, much had been done on the consolidation of this area of the palace
Figure 1 3
Area o f the Grand Staircase during excava
tion, 1 90 1 . The poorly preserved and friable
nature of many of the exposed remains of the
Domestic Quarter can be seen. This unique
and important part of the site required imme
diate attention. Evans found significant evi
dence of upper floors: stairs and floors that
had partially caved in, as well as collapsed
windows and doorways supported in antiquity
by wooden beams.
106 Pap a d op o u lo s
Figure 1 4, a b ove (Figs. 1 5 , 1 6) . Further maj or work o f restoration was undertaken i n this
Domestic Quarter viewed from the east, 1 9 0 1 .
area in 1 905, as well as in 1 908 and 1 9 1 0 (Fig. 1 7) . Part of this work con
From left to right are the Hall o f the Double
Axes, part of the stairs leading to the upper
sisted of replacing or repositioning landing blocks and other fallen archi
East-West Corridor, and the Lobby of the tectural elements, while part required the replacing of earlier wooden
Wooden Posts. The first solution to the prob supports with iron girders (Fig. 1 7) . A number of stone columns (plastered
lem of collapsed floors, stairs, windows, and
over, painted, and fitted into original sockets) had replaced the earlier
doors was the use of wooden supports to
prop up fallen architectural members. This
wooden supports. 11 Moreover, a good deal of rebuilding in stone had been
area was restored in 1928 (see Fig. 1 8). undertaken, with the additional support of iron girders set in cement in
Figure 1 5 Figure 1 6
Area of the Grand Staircase, 1 902-5. This bird's-eye view from the west, Area of the Grand Staircase, the Hall of the Double Axes, and the
taken from the observation tower, shows the wooden supports that have Queen's Megaron, 1 902. Wooden supports were used for stabilization
been put into place in the East-West Corridor, as well as the lower and consolidation.
flights of stairs. In this early stage of the work, attention was given to
stabilization and consolidation, largely achieved with wooden supports.
Figure 1 7 the place of the original architraves and beams. Despite these develop
Grand Staircase during restoration, 1 9 1 0 . The
ments, however, the reinforced concrete roofing over parts of the area
wooden supports initially used to stabilize the
structures (see Figs. 1 5 , 16) were replaced a
especially the larger halls-was not realized until after 1 922.
few years later by iron girders. Arthur Evans, It was also during this phase that Evans planted trees all around
dressed in white, is seen at the upper center the site, in order to set off the palace from the surrounding landscape. The
right; next to him stand Duncan Mackenzie
trees began to appear in photographs of the site taken after 1 904.
(wearing a pith helmet), Evans's assistant and
In a number of publications, Evans stressed the need to address
supervising field archaeologist, and the archi
tect Christian Doll (wearing the wide the problems of conservation at the site (Evans 1927, 1 93 5 : 1- 1 8 ) . An
brimmed hat). exceptionally wet winter in 1 904 led to the collapse of part of the Grand
Figure 1 8
Lobby of the Wooden Posts after restoration,
viewed from the east, 1928. The period
berween 1 922 and 1930 saw the most radical
reconstruction work. During this time the site
was transformed from poorly preserved ruins
(Fig. 14) into a multistoried concrete vision
of the past.
108 Pap a d o p o u los
This was the period of the most radical reconstruction, during which the
site was transformed from poorly preserved ruins into a multistoried con
crete vision of the past. In comparison to the first phase, the resumption
of activities in 1 922, after the First World War, saw a series of smaller
soundings, whereas the restoration of the palace continued with increased
momentum (Hood and Taylor 1 9 8 1 : 3-4). 0 Evans aimed to provide the
visitor with an impression of how parts of the palace might have looked in
their heyday, sometime in the early part of the late Minoan period. He set
forth his reasons for the restoration, which he referred to as reconstitution,
in a paper read before the Society of Antiquaries of London (Evans 1 927).
His reconstruction aroused much controversy at the time, and it has con
tinued to do so ever since. 14
While the use of wood and iron characterized the reconstruction
work of the first phase, during this second phase, ferroconcrete was used
extensively, with serious consequences. In his 1 927 paper Evans stated,
"The new facilities afforded by the use of reinforced concrete made it pos
sible not only to renew in a more substantial form the supports of upper
elements in the west section of the palace, but to profit by a better under
standing of the meaning of existing remains" (Evans 1 927:264). In 1 922
and 1 923, portions of the upper floor over the West Wing and the staircase
associated with the Stepped Portico were restored (Brown 1 983 :pls. 25,
27a). Further reconstruction was undertaken in 1 925 at various points of
the palace at the south and southwest sides of the Central Court (Hood
and Taylor 1 9 8 1 :5).
The west side of the South Propylaeum was restored in 1 926,
where a replica of the Cupbearer Fresco was installed. Most of the work
of restoration on the Grand Staircase and the Domestic Quarter was
undertaken in 1 928. The Loggia of the Grand Staircase was restored and
roofed over, and a replica of the Shield Fresco was executed (Brown
1 983 :pl. 56c); a replica of the Dolphin Fresco was set up in the Queen's
Megaron. In the same year the whole Hall of the Double Axes, including
the porticoes, was roofed over with reinforced concrete, and the upper
floor was relaid at its original height (Brown 1 983 : 83) (Figs. 19, 20). In 1 929
the Southwest Columnar Chamber was erected above the Southwest Pillar
Crypt, several of the West Magazines were roofed over, and the North
Lustral Basin was restored (Fig. 22) (Hood and Taylor 1 9 8 1 :5)Y
KN O S S O S 1 09
Figure 1 9
Restored upper story of the Domestic
Quarter, 1928. This bird's-eye view from the
west, taken from the observation tower,
shows that the restorations extended to the
second stories of some structures. This photo
graph can be compared to Figure 16, which
shows the area after partial restoration but
before the 1 928 erection of the second story.
The roof over the lower story was built of
reinforced concrete.
Figure 20
South colonnade of the restored Hall of the
Double Axes, viewed from the south after the
work of 1 928. The entirely modern columns
are based on images from Minoan frescoes.
During the work of the 1920s, some parts of
the palace were restored on the basis of frag
mentary, and often little-understood, Minoan
Figure 2 1
Theatral Area after consolidation and restora
tion, viewed from the northwest, 1930. One
of the areas worked on during the first phase
of intervention, the Theatral Area was consol
idated and partially reconstructed. The north
supporting wall was rebuilt; missing slabs of
the northeast section of the southern flight of
steps were restored; and a number of sunken
slabs were partially raised. The restored parts
are indicated in an early published plan (Evans
1902-3: 103, fig. 68).
1 10 Pap a d op o u los
Figure 22
North Lustral Basin viewed from the north
west, as restored in 1929. Parts of the palace
were restored according to the architectural
fashion of the day. Consequently, they are
considered by some to be the best -preserved
and finest examples of Art Deco and Art
Nouveau architecture in Greece.
Figure 23 Figure 2 4
Portion of the North Entrance Passage as first Portico o f the North Entrance Passage,
exposed after excavation, viewed from the viewed from the north-northeast, 1 930. As
north-northeast, 1 90 1 . The later reconstruc part of the reconstruction of the excavated
tion of these excavated remains was to rely remains (Fig. 23), a copy of the Charging Bull
heavily on conjecture (Fig. 24). Fresco was installed in the portico.
_ , ��
- "'
"7' �
" �.
.:;. .::p.-
--;;;- � ..::
� �
- .-
-. "';,Jt
' -.... ..... "
Figure 2 5 Figure 2 6
West Court and west facade o f the palace, West Court and west facade o f the palace,
viewed from the south-southwest after 1904 viewed from the southwest after 1 930. The
and before 1930. The original foundation of reconstructed wall of the palace was built
the wall of the west facade of the palace is in concrete directly on the original fabric
seen sometime before the completion of (Fig. 25). The weight of the new materials on
restoration in 1930 (Fig. 26). Perhaps more so the deteriorated archaeological remains has
than for any other archaeological monument exacerbated their process of decay.
in the Mediterranean, the restoration of the
palace (as distinct from the preserved remains
of the original building seen here) has devel
oped its own historical identity.
Aftermath of the Second World War
Recent excavations
a n d future plans
The extensive use of reinforced concrete earlier in this century, the process
of natural weathering, and the incidence of mass tourism have combined
to create a difficult conservation challenge-not only for the fabric of the
original monument but also for that of Evans's restoration. In certain
parts of the reconstructed palace, the concrete poured almost seventy
years ago has decayed, exposing many of the reinforcing iron girders,
which have themselves begun to decay, thereby threatening the entire
structure (Fig. 27). In other parts of the palace, reinforced concrete was
used in places where it proved to be structurally unsoundY Moreover,
because he often poured concrete directly onto original remains, Evans's
interventions are largely irreversible. This practice has necessitated recent
repair, consolidation, and additional support, not only to the original fab
ric but also to Evans's restorations.
A second source of problems is the arrival of mass tourism on
the site. The onslaught, especially during the summer months, of large
groups of visitors, many of which arrive at the same time because of their
tour schedules, has placed great pressure on both the original fabric of
the monument and on the structural integrity of the restoration.
Expanses of original paving, for example, have been much eroded, both
by natural weathering and by foot traffic; in many formerly paved areas,
all that survives is the concrete setting poured by Evans around original
flagstones (Fig. 28).
Many other parts of Evans's restoration have also been adversely
affected by direct human contact (Fig. 29). Sections of the palace have been
closed to public access for some time for repair, and a visitor management
plan is needed. Almost fifteen years ago the Greek government declared its
intent to proceed with such a plan, and in 1993, the study subsequently
commissioned was carried out by Dr. Clairy Palyvou. Although funding for
Figure 2 7
Detail o f exposed and decaying iron supports
in the roof of the Domestic Quarter, 1 994.
The extensive use of reinforced concrete ear
lier in this century, the natural process of
weathering, and mass tourism have combined
to create a difficult conservation challenge,
not only for the fabric of the original monu
ment but also for that of Arthur Evans's
1 14 Pap a d op o u los
Figure 2 8
East-West Corridor o f the Domestic Quarter,
viewed from the west, 1994. While the origi
nal paving slabs have been largely eroded by
natural weathering as well as foot traffic, the
concrete poured in 1928 is often much better
preserved. Damage and wear, the effects of
which are seen here, have prompted the
recent conservation of both the original fabric
of the palace and that of Evans's restoration;
moreover, these concerns necessitated a visi
tor management plan.
Figure 2 9
Visitors i n the Central Court, viewed from
the northwest, 1994. Largely the product of
a single man's vision and interpretation, the
palace is one of the best-known and most
visited archaeological sites in Greece and the
Mediterranean (see Tables 1-7). Because of
similar tour schedules, large groups of
visitors arrive during the summer months at
the same time; their onset has placed great
pressure both on the original fabric of the
monument and on the structural integrity of
the restoration.
its implementation was approved by vote in 1 995, the plan has not yet gone
into effect.zz Future plans for the palace have also been strongly influenced
by a growing literature on various technical advances-such as an improved
understanding of the physical properties of the original fabric, as well as
seismic hazard assessments (see, among other recent studies, Papageorgakis
and Mposkos 1 988; Makropoulos, Drakopoulos, and Tselentis 1988;
Brachert 1 99 1 ; Moraiti and Christaras 1 992).
An archaeological site like Knossos has many values, some of which have
Issues Addressed
already been mentioned. When decisions are made about a site, attempts
to uphold all the values can create immediate conflicts; problems can also
arise later when certain values are given preeminence over others. In the
case of Knossos, many of the key issues that require attention stem from
the reconstruction and restoration carried out by Sir Arthur Evans. The
restoration, one of the largest and earliest of its kind, has placed the his
torical and scientific values in conflict with some of the social and eco
nomic values. The need to balance the historical values of a site and its
surroundings with the demands of mass tourism is an issue common to
many archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. At the same time, the
example of Knossos emphasizes certain issues more clearly than others.
Among these, the following may be singled out for discussion.
The scale and extent of Evans's reconstruction and restoration have posed
a number of problems for the subsequent study of the original remains. In
certain parts of the monument, it is difficult to distinguish original archi
tectural elements from restored ones, and in other parts it is often difficult
to establish whether original elements incorporated in the reconstruction
are in their original positions or have instead been moved from elsewhere .
Indeed, the impact of these problems on future research on the original
remains was a concern expressed as early as 1 927 by the preSident of the
Society of Antiquaries of London.23
The question of the accuracy of the restoration in light of current
research and knowledge has received much attention. Because of the
meticulous photographic records kept by the excavators, and especially
of the detailed notebooks of daily activities maintained by Duncan
Mackenzie, Evans's assistant and supervising field archaeologist, it is
possible to reconstruct, to a certain extent, some of the elements of
Evans's restoration. It is clear, for example, that some details of the restora
tion are wrong-the position of certain frescoes, even the number of floors
in parts of the monument.24 Moreover, some parts of the palace were
1 16 Pap a d op o u l os
This study would not have been possible without the support and coopera
tion of the Greek Ministry of Culture and, particularly, of the director of
antiquities, Dr. Yiannis Tsedakis, and his staff. Among others, Dr. Jordan
Dimakopoulos discussed various aspects of the project during its early
stages and provided much useful advice. From the very outset, the gener
ous and unstinting support of the Heraklion Ephoreia assured its success.
Special thanks are due to the ephor for prehistoric and classical antiquities
at Heraklion, Dr. Alexandra Karetsou. She gave freely of her time and
energy and placed at the author's disposal all the various records and other
information pertaining to Knossos and its surrounds (especially the infor
mation provided in Tables 5-7), as well as providing access to all parts of
the archaeological site. Thanks are also due to the members of her staff,
particularly Dr. Georgios Rethemiotakis. Various members of the British
School of Archaeology at Athens have contributed greatly to the project.
In this respect, thanks are due to the successive directors of the school,
Dr. Elizabeth French and the late Dr. Martin Price, and especially to
Dr. Colin Macdonald, the Knossos curator. Together Dr. Macdonald and
Dr. Rethemiotakis were instrumental in facilitating the conference site
visit. The extensive archives of Sir Arthur Evans, including the excavation
daybooks and the original photographs, now held in the Ashmolean
Museum, Oxford, were placed at the author's disposal by the keeper of
antiquities, Dr. P. R. S. Moorey; thanks are owed to him, as well as to
Dr. Andrew Sherratt and Dr. Michael Vickers, senior assistant keepers.
From the very outset of this project, the author has benefited greatly
from numerous discussions with Dr. Clairy Palyvou, to whom he is most
grateful. He has drawn heavily on both her encyclopedic knowledge of
Minoan architecture and, particularly, her detailed knowledge of Knossos.
Finally, the author wishes to thank his colleagues Dr. Martha Demas and
Dr. Nicholas Stanley-Price for the pleasure of their company, as well as for
initiating a novice into the mysteries of site management.
1. Thus the title of Evans's four·volume account of his excavations at Knossos (Evans 192 1 ,
Notes 1 928. 1930. 1935). The building o n the Kephala Hill was interpreted a s a palace soon after the
original excavations by Minos Kalokairinos; thus Heinrich Schliemann. Wilhelm Dorpfeld.
and Ernst Fabricius thought that the remains uncovered by Kalokairinos belonged to a
Mycenaean palace (Evans 1899-1900:4; cf. Haussoullier 1 880; Fabricius 1 886). The American
W J. Stillman believed the remains to be the legendary labyrinth (Stillman 1 880-8 1 ) . For the
contemporary excavations in the town and cemeteries. see Hogarth ( 1 899-1900).
2. The site is located at 3 5 ° 1 8 ' north. 2 5 ° 1 0 ' east. See further Myers. Myers. and Cadogan
( 1 992 : 1 34-36). including a brief summary of the geomorphology of the area. The physical
environment of the Knossos area is also overviewed by Roberts in Hood and Smyth ( 1 9 8 1 :5);
see also Hood and Taylor ( 1 9 8 1 : 1).
118 Pap a d o p o u l o s
3. The area stretches from the road bridge over the streambed north o f Ayios Ioannis i n the
north to Spilia in the south, and from the summit of Ailias (Ayios Elias) on the east to
Fortetsa in the west (Hood and Smyth 1 98 1 ) .
4. These are clearly marked o n the map (Hood and Smyth 1 9 8 1 ) and include the modern vil
lage of Knossos (formerly Bougada Metochi) west of the palace; Makryteichos on the west
bank of the Kairatos, northeast of the palace; Fortetsa, Ambelokipi (Teke) and Ayios Ioannis
to the west and north; and Kallithea (Babali) to the northeast.
5. As early as 1 92 7 Arthur Evans could claim, 'i\lthough in the work of conservation and recon
stitution of the upper stories new lines have been recently struck out at Pompeii, at Ostia,
and elsewhere, it may be fairly said that they have followed the example already set on the
site of Knossos, where the work has now proceeded with successively improving methods
for twenty-six years" (Evans 1 927:258).
6. Much of this is related by the Athenian historian Thucydides ( 1 .4), writing in the fifth cen
tury B.C.E.
8. Evans was particularly interested in an early form of Aegean writing, predating alphabetic
Greek; see Evans ( 1 894:270-372; 1899-1900). He writes, "The curious signs on the gypsum
blocks seemed to have a bearing on the special object of my investigations, the existence,
namely, in Crete of a prehistoric system of writing" (Evans 1 899-1900:4). Evans's expecta
tions were rewarded with the discovery of Linear B tablets from the first season of excava
tions. See also Evans ( 1 908, 1 909).
9. Among the specialists was Duncan Mackenzie (Fig. 1 7) , Evans's assistant and the supervising
field archaeologist responsible for much of the excavation documentation; he was recently
described as one of the first scientific workers in the Aegean (Brown 1983: 19; Momigliano
1 995). As architects, Evans also employed Theodore Fyfe ( 1 900-1904) and later Christian
Doll ( 1 905-10) (Fig. 1 7). It was Fyfe who drew the first general plan of the site (published in
Evans 1899-1 900:pls. 1 2 , 13); he later went on to become the director of the Cambridge
School of Architecture (1 922-36) and was the first to publish a paper fully devoted to the
conservation and restoration of the palace (Fyfe 1 926). C. C. T. Doll, then architectural stu
dent of the British School at Athens, was responsible for the massive task of restoring the
Grand Staircase of the Domestic Quarter (see Evans 1 904-5:23-26; 1927). Evans was also
able to afford the services of the Swiss artist Emile Gillieron-who first visited the site as
early as 1 900-and later of his son Edouard, who were both responsible for restoring the
frescoes. The elder Gillieron served as professor of drawing to the royal Greek court; he also
ran a business in Athens making copies of ancient works of art. Even the first foreman of
the excavation, Gregorios Antoniou, brought from Cyprus, was an experienced excavator,
having spent his youth robbing tombs in Cyprus; in later years he assisted D. G. Hogarth on
excavations in Cyprus and Crete (Brown 1983: 1 5) .
10. See Hood and Taylor (1981 :5). The names used b y Evans for the various parts o f the palace
are often hypothetical, even fanciful; although they can sometimes be bewildering, they have
been in constant use by scholars throughout this century and thus have entered into com
mon archaeological usage (Hood and Taylor 1 98 1 :7). For this reason, they are considered to
be proper names, rather than descriptive references to the site.
11. The wooden columns were modeled after those depicted in various fresco fragments discov
ered in 1 904. Many of the iron girders, imported to Crete at great expense, had fallen into
the harbor during their unloading at Heraklion (Brown 1 983:81).
1 2. See Shaw ( 1 97 1 ) . The fragility of the remains is vividly described by the Italian anthropolo
gist Angelo Mosso. In 1 907 he wrote, with reference to the Minoan palace of Phaistos, exca
vated by the Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente:
The alabaster, from its exposure to the weather, has lost the ivory polish and
transparency, and has now the grey shade of melted silver. The water which has
flowed over it has dried up the azure and roseate veins which had had the effect of
KN O S S O S 1 19
13. Although Mackenzie still served as Evans's assistant, much of the work of reconstruction
was supervised at this time by the architect-draftsman Piet de Jong. Appointed in 1922,
de Jong went on to serve as Knossos curator ( 1947-52) and was involved with the site until
his death in 1967 (Brown 1983:30).
14. For contemporary criticisms of Evans's work, see the published discussion in Evans
( 1 927:266-67); see also Picard ( 1 932:3-18, 49-60, 105-16) and Graham (1962, especially p. 26).
For a more recent view, see Bintliff (1984). It is interesting to contrast the view of the youth
ful Hazel ffennell (her spelling), who visited the site in 1922 (prior to the extensive use of
reinforced concrete) and was greatly unimpressed by the ruins; her thoughts on the site are
quoted in Brown ( 1 983: 58).
1 5. It was also during this phase, on the evening of 26 June 1926, that a severe earthquake struck
the area, at a time when Evans and his team were at Knossos. The site itself, including the
restorations completed up to that time, was not adversely affected. The same was not true,
however, for the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, which housed the more important
finds from Knossos and numerous other sites in Crete. The most telling photographs of the
damage caused to the museum and to individual objects within it were published in the
newspaper the Sphere ( 1 926 : 1 37).
1 6. It should be noted that since 1955, all roofing has been constructed of lightweight translu
cent material supported on thin steel poles.
1 7. Evans built the Villa Ariadne for himself near the site in 1 906-7 (its construction was super
vised by Christian Doll, and it incorporated many of the same architectural details used in
the reconstruction of the palace) (Brown 1983:30; Powell 1973). In 1931 Evans returned to
Crete and, with John Pendlebury and Piet de Jong, excavated the Temple Tomb. His final
visit to the site was in 1935, when he was honored with a ceremony and the unveiling of the
bronze bust dedicated to him; the bust still stands in the West Court. He died six years later,
at the age of ninety, at his home on Boars Hill at Oxford.
1 8. A useful account of these transactions was published in an article written by Professor Sir
John Myres ( 1 9 5 1 :7). Among other things, Myres states, "The visitors' fees imposed by the
Greek Government went to the Department of Antiquities, not to the school." Myres
appears to imply that the British School may have been able to maintain the site if it had had
access to the income from visitors' fees.
1 9. See, among many other studies, the following monographs: Popham ( 1964, 1970); Palmer
and Boardman (who present opposing views) ( 1 963); Palmer ( 1 969); Raison ( 1 969, 1988);
Hallager ( 1 977); Niemeier ( 1985); and Driessen ( 1990). Numerous articles on the subject are
listed in Myers, Myers, and Cadogan ( 1 992 : 1 4 1-42).
120 Pap a d o p o u l o s
20. For a recent bibliography see Myers, Myers, and Cadogan ( 1 992 : 1 42-43). For a complete sur
vey of the Knossos area in the Bronze Age, see Hood and Smyth ( 1 98 1 :6-15); see also vari
ous papers in Evely, Hughes-Brock, and Momigliano ( 1 994). For the excavation of the
"Unexplored Mansion," see Popham et al. ( 1 984).
21. For example, reinforced concrete was used in the restorations to represent woodwork, as well
as other materials (Fyfe 1926:479). The fact that concrete was used to reproduce or replace
wood, even in those parts where the original woodwork served a structural function that
concrete could not duplicate, has resulted in problems unforeseen by Evans and his collabora
tors. These problems stem from the fact that concrete does not behave like wood or like
other materials used in the original construction. The recent repairs to the South House at
Knossos under the supervision of the Heraklion Ephoreia of Antiquities are a case in point;
those repairs have largely focused on consolidating and supporting Evans's restorations.
22. The plan prepared by Dr. Palyvou, which in part entailed designing a route (or routes) for
visitors to the site of the palace of Knossos, essentially aimed to provide special passageways,
ramps, and wooden stairs in order to minimize the direct contact of visitors both with the
original fabric of the monument and with Evans's restoration. The plan catered to tourist
groups as well as to single visitors, and it offered several alternative routes, of varying dura
tion, around the site. It also aimed to provide more information for the visitor on the site.
An announcement of the plan, estimated to cost 120 million drachmas, was published in the
Greek press on 24 November 1994 (see, for example, Kathimerini 1 994). According to the
press reports, the minister of culture and the general secretary of the Ministry of Culture
had approved the spending of 100 million drachmas on the project. As recently as 31 May
1 996, however, there was little progress, and a number of archaeologists and other workers
responsible for the site issued a statement urging the commencement of maintenance work
on the monument (see AegeaNet 1 996).
23. In the discussion following Evans's paper, the president of the sociery noted that "caution
was necessary, as repairs might be taken in the future for original work" (Evans 1927:267).
24. The position of the Dolphin Fresco, for example, restored above the door of the Queen's
Megaron, has been questioned by Robert Koehl, who has argued that it was more likely a
floor fresco from the story above (Koehl 1986). Elsewhere, the various phases of the recon
struction of the Stepped Portico, south of the Throne Room, that led up from the Central
Court to the upper floor, or Piano Nobile, were carefully recorded in a series of photographs
dating from 1 904 through 1 930 (Brown 1 983: pls. 25-27; see also Figs. 7-12 herein). In addi
tion to the steps leading to the upper floor, a further flight gave access either to a second
floor or to the roof. With regard to this flight, Brown states, "Mackenzie thought, probably
wrongly, that two slabs forming a 'seat' in the Room of the Chariot Tablets were steps from
here" (Brown 1 983:42).
25. The use of reinforced concrete (beton arme) is praised and discussed in detail in Evans ( 1 927);
compare Fyfe ( 1 926:479).
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Martha Demas
D sufficient ascendancy over her sister cities in the region that her
citizens could proclaim her "the first and greatest city of Asia
Minor." Ephesus achieved this status by virtue of being the capital of the
Roman province of Asia, the largest emporium of the region, and a show
case of magnificent public buildings and temples, including the famed
Temple of Artemis. Nearly two millennia later, Ephesus can once again
claim primacy-now, however, as the "first and greatest" tourist attraction
in the region. The twentieth-century pursuits of archaeology and tourism
have revitalized the fortunes of this ancient city in a way that could not
have been anticipated even a few decades ago. How long Ephesus will
sustain its new preeminence as a tourist mecca and still retain its integrity
as an archaeological site of great historical significance will depend on
decisions made in the present about how best to manage this rich
inheritance from the past.
The ruins of Ephesus lie at the heart of the Aegean coast of Turkey,
Location and Context
whose shoreline is visible from the island of Samos. Once linked to the
sea by its large inland harbor, Ephesus is now seven kilometers from the
coast and fifteen kilometers from the modern harbor town of Ku�adasl.
The largest modern city of the region, izmir, is seventy-five kilometers to
the north. The modern-day visitor to Ephesus arrives by sea to Ku�adasl
(often via Samos) or overland from izmir.
The designation Ephesus is generally understood to refer to the
main urban core of the Roman city, whose remains are visible today
nestled between Panayirdag (Mount Pion) and Biilbiildag (Mount
Coressus). This area, which was the center of activity in the region for
centuries during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, has now become the
focus of visitors and archaeologists. However, to define Ephesus in such
limited geographical terms is to ignore a long and rich history encompass
ing two millennia of almost continuous inhabitation. The term Ephesus,
as used in this article, refers to the larger cultural-historical area that
includes not only the Roman city but the Artemisium (comprising the
128 Demas
Aya Soluk
Ancient .of
I. Saint John's Basilica
2. Isa Bey Mosque
3. Artemisium
4. Ephesus Museum
5. Stadium
6. Church of Mary
7. Theater
8. Lower (Commercial) Agora
9. Temple of Sera pis
1 0. Ce1sus Library
1 1 . Gate ofMazaus and Mithridates
12. Temple of Hadrian
13. Terrace Houses
14. Fountain ofTrajan
15. Street of the Curetes
16. Memmius Monument
17. Monument ofSextilius Pollio
18. Upper (State) Agora
19. City walls
20. Church of the Seven Sleepers
Figure 1
Plan of Ephesus-Sel�uk.
130 Demas
Figure 2
General view of Ephesus. Ephesus retains
much of its integrity as an ancient landscape
and a model of Hellenistic and Roman archi
tecture and urban planning. From the
Hellenistic city walls on Biilbiildag (Mount
Coressus), the plan of the City-with its
streets, agora, theater, public buildings, and
private houses-is readily apprehended (see
color plate 3a).
Social value
Figure 3
Figure 4
Stadium at Ephesus. The ancient stadium has
long been the venue for a popular local event,
the Camel Wrestling Festival, which has
enhanced the value of Ephesus for the local
Symbolic value
Religious value
Not only does Ephesus retain much of the integrity of its ancient topogra
phy, it also preserves much of the romantic, pastoral quality of ruins in
Figure 6
Church of Mary, Ephesus. Although only
partially restored, the church remains a
ruin among ruins, with its historical value
left intact.
Figure 8, a bove
House of Mary, outside Ephesus. While the
monument-fully reconstructed as a chapel in
the 1 950s-has extraordinary religious value
as a center for the veneration of the Virgin
Mary, it has little historical value. The regular
use of the place for masses is consistent with
its religious significance.
Figure 7, a bove nature-the aesthetic value that attracts so many visitors to archaeological
Commemorative mass in the Church of Mary.
sites. By virtue of their status as protected areas, archaeological sites often
In recognition of the church's religious value,
a mass is held annually in the partially
become de facto, unplanned ecological preserves, protecting the natural
restored ruins. value of a place-sometimes to the detriment of the cultural values-by
serving as a refuge for flora and fauna. The Artemisium, whose low-lying
ruins are flooded each winter, provides a seasonal habitat for waterfowl
and other aquatic wildlife. The single re-erected column of the temple
provides a new residential outpost for the storks of the area (Fig. 5), who
had long used the Byzantine aqueduct in Sel«;:uk for nesting, as remarked
upon by John Turtle Wood in 1 870: "The first stork appeared on one of
the piers of the aqueduct at Ayasalouk. It was soon followed by others, till
every pier was occupied by a pair. Sometimes a quarrel took place, and
there was a fight for the possession of a pier, for the sake perhaps of the
old nest, which they leisurely built up again with sticks and twigs brought
from the surrounding fields" (Wood 1 877: 1 60).
Economic value
Figure 9
Visitor statistics for Ephesus. Visitor levels 1.8
1 960 1 965 1 9 70 1 975 1 980 1 985 1 990 1 995
The railway line from Smyrna (izmir) to Aya Soluk (Selc;uk), com
pleted in 1 863, opened the region to the outside and made possible the
first real archaeological investigation of Ephesus, which was undertaken
by J. T. Wood from 1 863 to 1 874 (Wood 1 877). The search for the
Artemisium, which drew Wood to Ephesus, constitutes the historical and
archaeological focus for this period (Figs. 1 0 , 1 1 ) . Although Wood found
the remains of the temple in 1 869, the elucidation of the history of the
Artemisium, which spans over a thousand years, has continued almost
unabated to the present. These continuous efforts attest not only to the
difficulties inherent in excavating this low-lying site, which is covered with
water much of the year, but also to the fascination the place holds for
scholars and public alike.3
The next period in Ephesus's modern history began in 1 895, at the begin
ning of Austrian involvement, which continues to the present under the
auspices of the Austrian Archaeological Institute. Although investigation
Figure 1 0
Searching for the Artemisium. The search
for the fabled Temple of Artemis attracted
early travelers to Ephesus, but it was not until
the arrival of John Turtle Wood in 1 863 that
the location of the temple beneath centuries
of accumulated silt was revealed. Unearthing
the historical record of Ephesus was to
remain the principal activity at the site for
nearly a century.
Figure 1 1
Reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis.
Wood's 1 877 reconstruction on paper of the
Temple of Artemis is one of many that have
been done-both before and after the discov
ery of the physical remains. One advantage of
reconstruction on paper is that it can be easily
updated as new information and alternative
interpretations emerge.
136 Demas
In 1 923 a new era in modern Turkish history was ushered in with the
proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Behind this changed political sta
tus was a new national consciousness that had altered in one important
respect the way archaeologists pursued their profession. This was the pro
hibition in 1 907 against the transport from Turkey of any excavated finds,
a stricture that put an end to the removal of significant architectural and
sculptural pieces from the site of Ephesus, which hitherto had been
exempted. Among the more significant pieces removed to various muse
ums in Vienna were statues from the Library of Celsus and the Parthian
reliefs reused in the fifth-century fountain at the base of the steps of the
library (Fig. 1 2); architectural members from the so-called Rundbau on
Panayirdag and from the Octagon on the Street of the Curetes; and
altarpieces from the Artemisium.
Excavation of Roman public buildings continued on a limited
scale, but from 1 936 to 1 95 3 , there was an interruption in work, principally
as a result of World War II. Despite the limited activity, this period marks
the beginning of a shift toward a more publicly oriented posture. As late
as 1 936, a traveler to the site could write of Ephesus that it "stands dignified
and alone in its death . . . with no sign of life but a goatherd leaning on a
broken sarcophagus or a lonely peasant outlined against a mournful
Figure 1 2 sunset. Few people ever visit it. Ephesus has a weird, haunted look."4
Library o f Celsus during excavation, 1903. Romantic hyperbole aside, Ephesus at this time was far from being a
The Parthian frieze (seen in the middle
destination spot for other than the intrepid traveler. Toward the end of
ground) formed part of the fifth-century
reuse of the building; it was removed to this period, however, two events occurred to create a public persona for
Vienna, where it is currently housed in the Ephesus. In 1 9 5 1 the site of Ephesus was officially opened to visitors-a
Neue Hofburg. sign that tourism had begun to play a role in decisions that would be made
about the site. The proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of
Mary in 1 950 inaugurated a new chapter in the history of the House of
Mary. In 1 95 1 , in anticipation of increased visitation, Turkish authorities
constructed a road to the ruined building, and private organizations initi
ated its reconstruction as a chapel.
Figure 1 3
Temple o f Hadrian. The restoration o f the
Temple of Hadrian, undertaken in the 1 950s,
attempted to reinstate the historic and artistic
integrity of the monument by presenting a
comprehensible and harmonious whole. Not
all elements were incorporated into the
reconstruction, since some (such as the frieze
on the pronaos) were considered too fragile
or too valuable. In some instances, they were
replaced by copies made of white cement.
Figure 1 4
Monument of Memmius, Ephesus. The 1963
restoration of the Memmius Monument
attempted to convey the fragmentary nature
of monuments and their history of abandon
ment, collapse, and destruction. Unlike the
treatment of the Temple of Hadrian (Fig. 1 3),
which invites the viewer to imagine the
monument in its original form, this approach
emphasizes the destruction wrought by the
cenruries. The reconstruction deliberately
uses concrete because of the contrast berween
its roughly texrured finish and the smooth
marble surface of the extant original remains.
Since many of the original members are
missing, the placement of extant pieces only
alludes to the original composition of the
the monument by without effect, the Memmius Monument tells the story
of those intervening years. A deliberately provocative intervention, the
reconstruction of the Memmius Monument used concrete, the rough
textured finish of which boldly asserts itself against the smooth marble
of the extant original remains. Since many of the original members were
missing, the placement of extant pieces only alludes to the original
composition of the monument. A similar approach was taken with the
restorations of the Monument of Sextilius Pollio (1 966) and the Fountain
of Domitian ( 1 9 70-7 1 ) .
The approach taken with the Fountain o f Trajan (1962-63) was
an attempt to make a fragmentary monument legible without reconstruct
ing it (Fig. 1 5 a, b). Since most of the vertical elements were missing, the
restorers placed the horizontal elements on truncated supports. The result
is a presentation of the extant elements of the monument without consid
eration of its architectural integrity or legibility.
More numerous than these three distinctive projects was the
type of "restoration" work whose impetus was primarily to impose some
Figure 1 5a , b
Fountain of Trajan. This restoration approach degree of order on the chaos that was revealed upon excavation of a
attempts to make a fragmentary monument collapsed city of stone (Fig. 16).
legible without reconstructing it. Since most
It is perhaps no coincidence that during this first period of
of the vertical elements were missing, the
restoration, tourism became a significant factor, with visitation climbing
horizontal elements were placed on truncated
supports. This arrangement defies under slowly and steadily, from 276,000 in 1 960 to 5 1 4,000 in 1 969. In response
standing by most visitors, who are neither to this increase, the Ephesus Museum in Sel<;:uk was opened in 1 964 for
versed in the nuances of restoration philoso the display of objects, sculpture, and architectural elements from the
phy nor skillful in relating what they see in
excavations. With the 1 967 visit of Pope Paul VI to the House of Mary,
three dimensions (a) to the two-dimensional
reconstruction drawing (b, after H. Pellionis) the status of this place as a pilgrimage site was enhanced, and visitation
found in guidebooks and on interpretive signs. increased further.
1 40 Demas
Figure 1 6
Excavations in the upper city, 1 950s. A major
impetus for much of the "restoration" activity
at a site such as Ephesus derives from the
need to impose some degree of order on the
chaos that is revealed upon the excavation of
a collapsed city of stone.
Period 5: 1 97 1 -present
In this period, research interest began to move away from civic life and
public buildings to an exploration of everyday life and private houses, on
the one hand, and to an investigation of the site's early history, on the
other. More restoration projects, some of very large scale, took place
during this period. These included the Library of Celsus ( 1 970-78); the
Terrace of Domitian ( 1 976-77); the Gate of Mazaus and Mithridates
(1 978-89); the East Stoa of the Marble Street (1 983-84; 1 988); the public
latrines (in the Baths of Scholastikia) (1 989); and the Gate of Hadrian
( 1 989-). Other restorations, begun in earlier years, continued: the the
ater (1 988, 1 992); the Church of Mary ( 1 985); and Saint John's Basilica
( 1 974-93). Another proj ect begun during this period was the construction
of a shelter over the Terrace Houses ( 1 979-85).
The Library of Celsus is the best known of the many restorations
at Ephesus; along with the statue of Artemis, it has become one of the
principal symbols of the site (Fig. 1 7). Even though it was originally exca
vated in 1903, the decision to restore the library was not taken until 1 970.
The restorers used The Venice Charter as their philosophical guide and
referred to their intervention as an anastylosis (see Schmidt, herein, for a
discussion of the Library of Celsus). 6 From the outset the intention was to
restore only the highly ornamented facade, leaving the interior walls as
excavated. The restoration was predicated on the assumption that today's
visitors do not want to see romantic ruins-as exemplified, for instance, in
the Temple of Serapis-but prefer to see the monument as it looked in
ancient times. The restoration was further rationalized on the basis of its
research value for scholars. In 1 978 the project was extended to include the
adjacent Gate of Mazaus and Mithridates, with the intention of creating
an architectural ensemble around the central court of the Celsus Library.
The other maj or intervention project during this period was the
construction of a permanent shelter to protect the Terrace Houses
Figure 1 7
Library of Celsus, 1993. The restoration of
the monument in the 1 970s was undertaken
on the assumption that today's visitors would
prefer to see it as it looked in ancient times
rather than as a romantic ruin. Since the com
pletion of the restoration, the library has
become one of the principal symbols of
Ephesus and the primary attraction for visitors.
Figure 1 8
Terrace Houses at Ephesus, with temporary
sheltering. Shortly after excavation, the
houses were covered with temporary roofing
designed to protect the remains from the
weather without obscuring the complex.
Figure 1 9
Terrace Houses after final sheltering. In 1979
the construction of a permanent shelter,
intended to cover all of the excavated houses,
was started. Because of controversies that
arose about its scale and visual intrusiveness,
the new shelter was completed over only rwo
of the upper terrace apartments. The perma
nent shelter over the two terrace houses,
flanked by a pair of modern, high-powered
cranes, rypifies the trend toward massive and
costly interventions at archaeological sites
that are primarily aimed at interpreting
monuments to visitors.
National Park Service, which resulted in the Ephesus Master Plan (U.S.
National Park Planning Project 1 970), and again in 1 979, under a coopera
tive program initiated by the Ministry of Culture. Implementation of these
plans-which call for the creation of infrastructure for tourism (new park
ing areas, shuttle systems, and access routes), a new administrative struc
ture, and a proposed reopening of the late-Roman-period harbor channel
to allow access from the sea-has been impeded by lack of resources and
the plans' unrealistic goals. Paradoxically, the one proj ect that has been
implemented was not envisaged in the plans and was not even acceptable
to the authorities responsible for the site-but it was favored by other
local interests. This was the construction of an airstrip within a buffer
zone near the ancient ruins and adjacent to the harbor channel.
The issues that emerge most forcefully from a review of the modern
Issues Raised by the Site
history of Ephesus are those that result from the variety of approaches
that have been employed in restoration and interpretation of monuments,
from the use of ancient monuments in a modern context, and from the
challenges posed by mass tourism.
Figure 2 0
Temple o f Serapis. Unreconstructed, the
Temple of Serapis is nature's own example of
a scarred and maimed monument that dis
plays its history of abandonment and collapse.
The remains of the temple exemplify the
"romantic" ruin, whose value is principally
aesthetic rather than didactic.
Figure 2 1
Artemisium during the summer months.
Despite its historical significance and popular
appeal as one of antiquity's fabled Seven
Wonders of the World, the Temple of
Artemis is largely an invisible monument.
During the winter, when it is submerged in
water (Fig. 5), its single re-erected column is
often the only sign of its existence.
E PH E S US 145
The use of ancient monuments at Ephesus for public events and cere
monies has had considerable social and religious value for the local popu
lation and foreign visitors, and it also has potential economic value for
local and national authorities (Figs. 3, 4) . Modern use, however, is often
very different from the original use of the monument and may even
endanger it, contribute to its deterioration, or require the addition of new
materials to ensure its current stability or modern function. There may
also be an inherent conflict between the social and economic values
derived from the use of the monuments and their historical value.
How should we define "appropriate use" of an ancient monu
ment? What are the criteria and limits that should be applied? Are they
universal? How do we balance conflicting values in making decisions about
the use of a monument? The monuments at Ephesus have recently been
closed to visitors and use because of concerns about stability, safety, and
potential damage. Such concerns, as well as the undercurrent of contro
versy that has surrounded the monuments' use from the outset, highlight
the necessity of addressing these issues in a comprehensive manner prior
to making decisions about use.
The use of ancient monuments for religious purposes illustrates
the difficulties of reconciling different values. Religious associations with a
monument frequently have their origins in ambiguous traditions. The
associations that adhere to Saint John's Basilica (the tomb of the saint), the
Church of Mary (venue for the Council of Ephesus in 43 1 C.E. ) , and the
House of Mary (the final residence of the Virgin Mary) all have tenuous
links to historical events, but there is little evidence to substantiate these
associations. One might even claim that the more tenuous the connection,
the more tenacious the belief. In these cases, the religiOUS value of the
monuments-as a focus of contemporary religiOUS belief-may conflict
with the historical record and, therefore, with the interpretation and use of
the monument in the present. These factors set the scene for a battle
between historian and religious devotee for the heart and soul of the
monument. And in the face of strongly held religious beliefs, the historical
veracity of the association loses its meaning.
One of the presumptions that prevails among champions of par
ticular values is that one value must win out over the other. In cases of
conflict, however, reconciliation of values lies not in favoring one over the
other but in finding a balance that can accommodate present differences
and future changes in the values attributed to a monument. The Church of
Mary is an example of such a reconciliation of historical and religious val
ues (Figs. 6, 7).
Tourism is undeniably one of the major driving forces behind the develop
ment of archaeological sites such as Ephesus. To a large extent, excava
tion, restoration, and use of monuments are all being spurred on by the
perceived needs of tourists. Allowing tourism to set the agenda for much
1 46 Demas
Figure 2 2
Theater a t Ephesus. Restored a s a historic
monument, the theater was never sufficiently
stabilized for modern use, although it served
as the venue for two major festivals (see
Fig. 3). In recent years, the instability of the
structure has created concern about the safety
of visitors and the conservation of the monu
ment. The theater is now often closed to visi
tors, pending a decision on how it should be
conserved and used (see color plate 3e).
The confluence of these forces led to the extensive use of the ancient mon
uments for social and cultural events. Thus was born a new trend, as "gen
teel" visitation was transformed into mass tourism, and academic
restoration gave way to megaprojects designed in part to feed the tourist
machine. In this new world, archaeologists have become only one of many
constituencies vying to define the significance of Ephesus.
It is difficult to gauge the next trend; it seems certain, however,
that Ephesus cannot survive on its present course for another twenty years
without a mechanism to contend with the rapid change and increasing
complexity that characterize this new world. Conservation and manage
ment strategies afford such a mechanism, and they may well be the
emerging trend of the future. However, they will require vision and deter
mination to withstand powerful contending pressures-in order to keep
the significance of Ephesus intact and allow it to flourish well into the
next millennium.
Figure 23
The ubiquitous visitor. Is he contemplating
the vicissitudes of Ephesian history, nursing
a headache caused by sunstroke, or striIGng
a pose for posterity? Is he aware that his
action-repeated by thousands of others
will damage his seat? The lack of understand
ing about the expectations of visitors to
archaeological sites is a serious impediment
to the development of effective policies.
1 48 Demas
1. An accessible, brief overview of the history of Ephesus, early Christianiry, the Artemisium,
Notes and recent discoveries can be found in Monde de la Bible ( 1 990:2-48).
2. For a history of the discovery of Ephesus and the Austrian excavations at the site, see Miltner
( 1 958a:307-14, 1958b), Alzinger ( 1 962), Oberleitner and Lessing ( 1 978 : 1 69-93), and Wiplinger
and Wlach ( 1 996). Wohlers·Scharf ( 1 994) presents all the official documents and international
agreements relating to the excavations of Ephesus.
3. Bammer (1984) provides a historical perspective on the search for the Artemisium; see also
Bammer in Monde de la Bible ( 1 990:8-15) for a recent overview.
5. For descriptions and critiques of many of the restoration projects, see Miltner ( 1 958a, 1 958b,
1959:1-10), Bammer ( 1 988 : 1 66ff.), Monde de la Bible ( 1 990:33), and Schmidt ( 1 993).
6. For a technical description, philosophical discussion, and critique of the Library of Celsus pro·
ject, see Hueber ( 1985 :398ff., 1989: 1 1 1-19), Hueber and Strocka ( 1 975), Fehr ( 1 9 8 1 : 1 07-25),
and Bammer ( 1 9 8 1 , 1 98 8 : 1 66ff.).
Alzinger, Wilhelm
References 1962 Die Stadt des siebenten Weltwunders: Die Wiederentdeckung von Ephesos. Vienna:
Bammer, Anton
1981 Architektur und Klassizismus. Hephaistos 3 :95-106.
1 984 Das Heiligtum der Artemis von Ephesos. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck- und
1988 Ephesos: Stadt an Flu} und Meer. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt.
Bean, George E.
1 966 Aegean Turkey: An Archaeological Guide. London: Ernest Benn.
Falkener, Edward
1862 Ephesus and the Temple of Diana. London: Day and Son.
Fehr, Burkhard
1 98 1 Archaologen, Techniker, Industrielle: Betrachtungen zur Wiederaufstellung der
Bibliothek des Celsus in Ephesos. Hephaistos 3 : 1 07-25.
Fellows, Charles
1 839 AJournal Written during an Excursion in Asia Minor. London: John Murray.
Hueber, Friedmund
1985 Antike Baudenkmaler als Aufgabengebiet des Architekten. In Lebendige
Altertumswissenschaft. Festgabe for Hermann Vetters. Vienna: Adolf Holzhausens Nfg.
Miltner, Franz
1958a Ephesos, die Stadt der Artemis und des Johannes: bsterreichs Ausgrabungsstatte in
Anatolien. Atlantis 30:307-14.
1958b Ephesos, die Stadt der Artemis und des Johannes. Vienna: Franz Deuticke Verlag.
Monde de la Bible
1 990 Ephese, la cite d'Artemis. Le Monde de la Bible. Archeologie et histoire (May/June):2-48.
Schmidt, Hartwig
1988 Schutzbauten: Denkmalpjlege an archaologischen Statten. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag.
Wiplinger, Gilbert
1990 Restaurierungsprojekte in Ephesos. In Echo. Festschrift forJ. B. Trentini. Innsbruck:
Universitat Innsbruck.
Wohlers-Scharf, Traude
1994 Die Geschichte der Grabung Ephesos. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
Martha Demas
Conference Participants
Marta de la Torre has been the director of the Training Ptogram at the Getty Conservation
Institute since 1985. From 1 9 8 1 to 1985 she was coordinator of Special Projects of the
International Council of Museums in Paris. She studied art history at George Washington
University and management at the American University.
Margaret Mac Lean has been director o f the Documentation Program a t the Getty Conservation
Institute since 1993. Prior to this appointment, she was senior coordinator of the Training
Program of the GCI, and earlier, she was executive director of the Center for Field Research at
Earthwatch. She studied anthropology, archaeology, and architecture at the University of
California, Berkeley.
Sharon Sullivan is the executive director of the Australian Heritage Commission. She was previ
ously with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. Having studied history and
prehistory, she has taught cultural heritage management in the United States, Australia, and
China, and has developed natural heritage conservation policies in Australia.
Christos Doumas has been professor of archaeology at the University of Athens since 1980 and
was with the Department of Antiquities for twenty-five years. He studied history and archaeology
in Athens and London. He is a member of Academia Europaea, Society of Antiquaries (London),
the German Archaeological Institute, ICOMOS, and the Archaeological Society at Athens. He is
currently director of the excavations at Akrotiri.
Hartwig Schmidt has been professor of conservation of historic buildings at the Faculty of
Architecture of the Technical University in Aachen, Germany, since 1993 . From 1979 to 1983 he
carried out a research assignment at the German Institute of Archaeology in Berlin, studying the
conservation of archaeological sites. In 1 984 and 1985, he was head of the research group at the
Institute of Conservation in Berlin. From 1 985 to 1993 , he was head of the Research and
Documentation Center at the University of Karlsruhe, working on the special research program
Conservation of Historically Important Buildings. He is a member of ICOMOS and of several
professional groups in conservation.
Renee Sivan is a heritage presentation specialist, museum planner, and developer of historical
sites. She is in charge of presentation and interpretation of major archaeological sites developed
by the Israel National Parks Authority and the Israel Government Tourist Corporation. In addi
tion, she lectures on heritage presentation at Haifa University, Haifa, as well as at academic insti
tutions in Europe. For fifteen years, she served as chief curator of the Tower of David Museum of
the History of Jerusalem. She obtained her master's degree in archaeology at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, where she taught archaeology for seventeen years.
studied ancient history and prehistory at Oxford University, completing a doctoral dissertation on
1 62
the early settlement of Cyprus. After ten years of archaeological fieldwork and administration in
the Middle East, he was on the staff of the International Centre for the Study of the Restoration
and Preservation of Cultural Properry (ICCROM) in Rome, from 1 982 to 1986. He was depury
director of the Training Program at the Getry Conservation Institute from 1 987 to 1 995.
John K. Papadopoulos is associate curator of antiquities at the J. Paul Getry Museum. Before his
appointment in 1 994, he was depury director of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
and assistant professor of archaeology at the Universiry of Sydney. He is also depury director of
the excavations at Torone in northern Greece.
Martha Demas joined the Getry Conservation Institute in 1990 as a fellow in the Training
Program. In 1992 she joined Special Projects, where she is currently serving as project manager.
She studied Aegean archaeology at the University of Cincinnati and historic preservation at
Cornell Universiry.
Illustration Credits
Grateful acknowledgment is extended to the following institutions and individuals for permission
to reproduce the illustrations in this volume.
Color Plates
Plates l a, Ib, Za-Zd, 3b, 3d, 3e: G. Aldana / GCI. Plate I e: Erich Lessing/ Art Resoutce, N.Y.
Plate I d: Scala/ Art Resource, N.Y. Plates 3a, 3c: Photographs by M. Demas.
Part One
Figure I : Courtesy of the Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities,
Resource Collections, Los Angeles, Calif. Figures Za, zb, 3, 5 , 9-IZ, 14: Photographs by
H. Schmidt. Figure 4: Courtesy of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Agora
Excavation. Figures 6, 7: Courtesy of Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Athens. Figure 8:
Courtesy of bsterreichisches Archaologisches Institut, Vienna. Figure 1 3 : Courtesy of Lejre
Research Center, Lejre, Denmark. Figure 1 5 : Courtesy of York Archaeological Trust for
Excavation and Research Limited, York, England. Figure 1 6 : Courtesy of Plimoth Plantation,
Plymouth, Mass.; photographer: Gary Andrashko.
Figures I-Z, 9-I Z : Photos courtesy of R. Sivan. Figures 3-8: Photos by Gabi Laron; used with
Figure I : Beth Shearim, Israel; a project of the Israel National Parks Authority, 1 996;
interpretation and conceptual design: Renee Sivan; design: Dorit Harel, Harel Designers; models:
Adam Braun, Tip Top Studio. Figure Z: Beth Shean, Israel; a project of the Beth Shean Tourist
Development Authority, the Israel Government Tourist Corporation, the Israel Antiquities
Authority, and the National Parks Authority, 1 996; interpretation and conceptual design: Renee
Sivan; design: Dorit Harel, Harel Designers; model maker: Pessah Ruder. Figures 3-8: Avdat,
Israel; a project of the Israel National Parks Authority, 1993; interpretation and conceptual design:
Renee Sivan; set and graphic design: Dorit Harel, Harel Designers; artists: David Gershtein, Yael
Calderon; model maker: Pessah Ruder. Figure 9: Tel Dan, Israel; a project of the Israel
Government Tourist Corporation and the Israel Antiquities Authority, 1994; interpretation and
conceptual design: Renee Sivan; set and graphic design: Ronit Lambrozo. Figure 10: Tel Dan,
Israel; a project of the Israel Government Tourist Corporation and the Israel Antiquities
Authority; conceptual design and conservation architecture by Giora Solar. Figure I I : Tel Dan,
Israel; a project of the Israel Government Tourist Corporation and the Israel Antiquities
Authority; interpretation and conceptual design: Renee Sivan; designer: Ronit Lambrozo.
Figure I Z : Jerusalem, Old City; a project of the Jewish Quarter Reconstruction and Development
Company, 1983; interpretation and presentation consultant: Renee Sivan; design: Dorit Harel,
Harel Designers; architect: Yoel Bar-Dor.
1 64
Part Two
Figure 1 : After Carandini, Ricci, and De Vos 1982:fig. 2; courtesy of S. F. Flaccovio Editore,
Palermo. Figure 2: Scala/ Art Resource, N.Y. Figure 3: Erich Lessing/ Art Resource, N.Y. Figures
5, 6: Courtesy of Fototeca Unione, American Academy in Rome. Figure 7: Courtesy of Foto
Aeree, Turin, Italy. Figure 8: Duncan Edwards / National Geographic Image Collection. Figures 9,
ll, 1 2 : G. Aldana/ GCI. Figure 10: N. Stanley-Price / GCI. Figure 1 3 : Courtesy of Unesco, © 1 9 6 1 .
Figures 14-1 6: Photographs b y N. Stanley-Price.
Papadopoulos, "Knossos"
Figure 1 : After Myers, Myers, and Cadogan 1992:2-3; courtesy of j. W. Myers. Figure 2: After
Hood and Smyth 1 9 8 1 , courtesy of the British School at Athens. Figure 3: After A. j. Evans,
courtesy of the British School at Athens. Figures 4-26: Courtesy of the Ashmolean Museum,
University of Oxford. Figures 27-29: Photographs by j. Papadopoulos.
Demas, "Ephesus"