SGP Anti Corruption Policy
SGP Anti Corruption Policy
SGP Anti Corruption Policy
CBRE Group, Inc. and its worldwide subsidiaries (collectively, “CBRE”) have adopted the
following Policy with respect to all of their global commercial transactions. Oversight of
this Policy and CBRE’s internal controls regarding bribery, including the authority to
report matters directly to independent monitoring bodies such as Global Assurance &
Advisory, the Board of Directors and its committees and/or external law enforcement, is
the duty of the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer and the Chief Accounting Officer,
who shall have an adequate level of autonomy from management and shall be given
sufficient resources and authority to carry out this responsibility.
This Policy applies to CBRE and all CBRE Personnel and should be read in conjunction
with the Standards of Business Conduct (“SOBC”). Responsibility for compliance with
this Policy and the related internal controls, ethics and compliance programs or measures
is the duty of individuals at every level of CBRE. CBRE will endeavor in good faith to use
its influence to the extent reasonable under the circumstances to require entities not
controlled by CBRE but which operate on behalf of CBRE and/or under the CBRE brand
(e.g., Representatives) to adopt and implement policies and internal controls of their own
that minimize the risk of violation of the anti-corruption laws relating to CBRE’s business.
1“Anything of value” includes, but is not limited to, cash, cash equivalents, services, gifts, travel
expenses, entertainment, offers of employment or internships, meals, vouchers, event
sponsorships, pledges or donations.
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party, or (f) “rewarding” a recipient after the fact for affecting or influencing any
act or inaction, or decision or non-decision of a third party.
C. CBRE Personnel. All CBRE officers, directors, employees and any individual or
entity acting for or on behalf of CBRE, operating in any part of the world. CBRE
Personnel shall include temporary or seconded personnel, whether or not
employees, who are also employees of third party agencies.
G. Kickback. A particular form of Bribe which takes place when a person entrusted
by an employer or Government Entity has responsibility for the granting of a
benefit (e.g., awarding a contract) and does so in a way that secures for his or
herself a return (kickback) of some of the value or benefit of that transaction
without the authorization of his or her employer or Government Entity.
J. Representative. Any person or entity acting on CBRE’s behalf for the purpose of
developing or securing new business opportunities, retaining existing business
opportunities or assisting CBRE or a client to obtain a license or approval from a
Government Entity. Representatives may include finders, introducers, certain
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A. Compliance with Laws. Neither CBRE nor any CBRE Personnel may, directly
or indirectly, break or seek to evade the laws or regulations of any country in or
through which it does or seeks to do business. That an illegal act is “customary
business practice” or “local practice” in any geography is not sufficient
justification for violation of this provision and therefore any employee in violation
of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including
B. Anti-Corruption Provisions.
1. Bribes and Kickbacks -- Neither CBRE nor any CBRE Personnel may,
directly or indirectly, authorize, offer, provide, solicit or receive a Bribe or
Kickback for its own account or as an Intermediary or agent of a CBRE client
and all offers of, or solicitations or demands for, Bribes and/or Kickbacks
must be expressly rejected. This provision prohibits Bribes and Kickbacks to
Government Entities, commercial entities and individuals. CBRE will take
reasonable steps to prevent Representatives acting on its behalf from
violating this provision.
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6. Travel, Meals, Entertainment, Client Events and Gifts -- This Policy does
not prohibit reasonable expenditures for travel, meals, entertainment, client
events and gifts and similar or related expenses of a Government Entity with
a bona fide and documented business purpose. Each country operation,
region and business unit shall adopt a written policy, approved by the
Regional Compliance Officer, governing expenditures for travel, meals, gifts
and entertainment. Such expenditures made to or on behalf of a
Government Entity are prohibited unless they are (1) approved by an
Authorized Approver in compliance with the applicable written policy, (2)
legal in the country in which incurred, and (3) properly recorded in the books
and records of CBRE. In addition, for any CBRE function for which any travel
or lodging is paid by CBRE, the attendance of any Government Entities must
be approved by an Authorized Approver in advance. With respect to
business travel with any client or third party, CBRE will not provide any
advances, reimbursements, or per diem or “walking around money.”
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D. M&A, Affiliates and Other Corporate Transactions -- Prior to entering into any
mergers, acquisitions, equity investments, affiliate agreements, joint ventures or
similar transactions, CBRE must complete due diligence on the counterparty
designed to reasonably determine the level and nature of anti-corruption risk
posed by the transaction. The form and manner of the due diligence will be
determined by the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer based on the proposed
nature, structure, scope, size and location of the transaction.
G. Hiring – To mitigate the risk that authority will be vested in a person not
trustworthy to act responsibly, CBRE should conduct reference and/or
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L. Disciplinary Action – Any employee who violates the law, this Policy or any
related policy or procedure will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to
and including termination. In addition, CBRE may choose or be required to
report violations to law enforcement or other regulatory agencies, and CBRE
Personnel should be aware that individuals are held personally accountable
under the anticorruption laws. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action,
CBRE will take into consideration the circumstances under which an improper
payment was made (e.g., whether there was a good faith belief that the CBRE
Personnel’s personal safety was threatened or under the threat of physical
violence or incarceration, whereby such payment made under a genuine threat is
promptly reported to CBRE) consistent with the provisions of this Policy.
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N. Further Guidance – If any CBRE Personnel has any questions or needs urgent
advice about this Policy, they should contact our Chief Ethics and Compliance
Officer, the applicable Regional Compliance Officer, any lawyer in the Legal
Department or designated compliance liaisons in certain country operations or
business lines. In addition, the CBRE Ethics Helpline is available at any time to
offer advice or answers to questions regarding this Policy, including on an
anonymous basis.
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Red Flags
Over the years, enforcement agencies of governments have identified a number of “red
flags” that may be indicative of an increased risk or a potential violation of anti-corruption
laws (note, this list is not intended to be exhaustive):
• Certain countries are in the news for the prevalence of payoffs, Bribes, or Kickbacks.
• The Representative lacks the facilities and staff to perform the required services.
• Odd requests that reasonably arouse suspicion are made by a Representative, for
example, a request to backdate invoices.
• A Representative requests a commission that is substantially above the going rate for
similar work in a particular country. Permissible commissions vary from country to
country and from case to case.
• A Representative suggests over-invoicing or requests a check for more than the actual
amount of expenses.
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• Payment in a third country may be legitimate but can suggest a plan to divide the
commission outside of government scrutiny.
• If a Representative requests an unusually large credit line for a customer, you should
be suspicious, especially if the customer is new.
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